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In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

GG Allin said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
GG Allin said:
[color=#7FF0000]Never ever give me any moderator or to think of HP title /right xD.[/color] See my latest reply to Aquarius should be 2min before this one.

And I would totally abuse this power and instant bann aquarius, give him a new acc named like I was a dump bully and did turn away people from satan. something similar. :lol:

Don't worry. Such a thing would never happen.
It's horrible even for a joke!

Regarding to Aquarius...
I also didn't like Aquarius in the past, as he was rude towards me and he was often rude with such members too whom he just dislikes for some reason. There are similar individuals here who often attack immediately anyone whom they find weird or whom they just misunderstood...
But those guys are just immature or more immature...whatever.

What is the most important that I have never seen any serious bullshit from Aquarius, especially such insane bullshit which you are trying to spread here, that "it does not matter if one's jewish..." and "jews can do the final RTR too..." and similar fucking crazy shit. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, either you are deluded and has some serious mindfuck or you are also an infiltrator...
But what you wrote about jews and the RTR is just not right and has no sense. Just a similar idiot would agree with you. (Oops, just came into my mind there was a guy who understood you...lol)
So stop bashing Aquarius or any other decent members. Even if one is (or was) a jerk, if that person is a dedicated satanist and working well, he/she has my respect.

I was also rude towards him for example, (or towards others in the past which I am also sorry) when I overreacted his comment. I was overemotional.

Anyways this topic was not created for whining and bashing other satanists, I think...

We had a jew as HP all these jears (correct me if I´m rong) infiltration seems not to be a big problem for us/ the gods.

The question is do you like it, if some ss commit suicide over a stupid grey atack (I´m a jew)?

Do you want to save as much Aryans ( satans children) and fast as possibel, even if this means some jews /half jews, do the work of the lazy Aryan-satanists?

"Many Rabbis in the past have considerably helped Satan, and so did many people of the enemy. Maybe they want a better deal, maybe they want to infiltrate, maybe they are uncertain in their position.

We know all of the situation and it would not be possible to say more. I have already said way more than necessary. We could just kick out and let it be, but I decided to say as much as possible without compromising any more information. " HP HC


( Personaly know one ss, did ask how does it go with meditations? Answer I had health problems and was lazy so I didn´t do much the last 2 months. I was like wtf you know what is at stake right? And your health problems are probably the result of you not doing your meditations. Answer : jes but , I´m sorry I will do better from now on.
I never skipped a day for the F-RTR [ or atleast catch up the next day]. I could waste my time plenty, but there is nothing more worth then the victory )

Winning the war
> loosing it.

Every step we take should be evaluated on whether it leads us to victory or defeat.

Also any advice we receive through the forum should be checked again for meaningfulness and potential dangers, no matter who gives it. (well i trust the remaining clergy but still better save then sorry)

It's clear what you want...you want to use HP Cobra's statements to support your insane bullshit idea.
It's totally unnecessary. Just because there were some rabbis in the past who tried to beg for mercy and even tried to work for Satan, it does not mean that they will be accepted in any way. Also it does not mean that their so called work was really helpful for humanity...
I hope now HP Cobra will clear this/explain his statements better about it.

Now you look like a jew, a jew who maybe didn't know about his jewishness before. Maybe you found a hidden jewish grandma or some other shit. And now you are trying to project your filthy issue onto others and desperately want to prove that you're right and want to confirm it. You went so far that you even said that some jews are "protected" by the Gods and that some jews are working more or working instead of "lazy Aryan satanists"...
How dare you?! Even a "lazy Aryan satanist" is million times better than a "working" jew. Satan's children are the protected, even the lazy ones are being protected in a level.
What you want to push here is simply not normal. You need a serious self-check if you are really a satanist, but I rather say you are an infiltrator (you act like one) who has a mission to spread these harmful misinformations here.
This is what drives away people from here.
Not the unpleasant behaviour of a satanist comrade.
So STOP this!
Anyways you won't reach or achieve anything by this shit.

So yes you are "rong" in many ways.
xudomode said:
So its funny how the admin keeps approving post when ppl keep yapping there crap about but my post still won't get approved, if I was trolling ill literally make 6 sock accounts if not 20 max just because of how annoying and hypocritical you swine can be, as a matter a fact I might just do it, and harass you specifically since you keep talking your filthy mouth. Test me, go ahead.

Ooo big scary man. You will not beat me intellectually. A sober mind vs a junkie, this will not end well for you, but it is obvious that you are just trolling now.
GG Allin said:
I think
A mixed jew is still a jew, but depending how much mixed the person is the less painfull is the F-RTR to them. I f someone is realy less mixed it is kind of cleaning one self from a poison. That will arise everyday again on it self. Like a DNA Curse. The F-RTR is the antidote /cleaning.

This is my theory I´m a jew (dna), but I cleansed my self with the rtrs etc as much as I could advance with satanic meditations, I wasn´t connected to the enemy in anyway besides 1 jear I had to visit a christian church. But I did it only so it was done. My former "friends" until the day I did a RTR in the van when we were on the way to a festival, had all jewish last names. They didn´t like what I was doing xD. But I thought fuck it I don´t want to not do them, just because I get drunk one week. So I thought let´s do them beforehand in the van. The comment on jewtube which got me to read the main site was it is all free xD.
I hated the jews with any fiber of my being (still do for the religious ones) it went so far as that I would examine anybody I meet ( buying stuff , talking etc) with my eyes to see if they have jewish traits. At some point my aura (mind) would immediatly attack anyone within reach (I did ask satan to seal this, after I had no problems with it anymore).

I don't know if u're trolling us with being a jew, but it is an interesting question, that has many forms:

- for instance I hate gypsies, yet I have met ok ones, even got helped by some of them. And they are of the tribe. Also met aryans who were scum. Now, who would one appreciate, the nice and helpful gypsy or the scum aryan. Sure, in an ideal world that would not be the case.

- what if someone who hates gypsies/jews/other racial groups ends up falling in love, marry and even have kids with someone from the enemy so to speak. What then, do you give all up or continue to love them?

- you hate politicians because they are corrupt, lazy and stupid. But then you realize that if those politicians were actual hard working and smarter, your life would have been hell because the evil they would do it would be many times multiplied. So you come to appreciate the stupid and lazy politicians your country has :lol:

- you hate the church, but ironically it is the same church and the stupid xians that do oppose the many attempts to lgbt-ize your country and your children

- you hate the gypsies in your country that are the mafia around here and do nothing but steal and play shitty music and intimidate people. At the same time you realize it could be far far worse and have gangs and drugs all over the place like in many western countries. It is not ideal, but again the mafia you have here is like child's play in comparison to other places

- you have rampant corruption in your country, but in the same time you can visit a doctor anytime you want and get a prescription or get surgery at a low cost in comparison to other countries where you get to die on the hospital's steps. Yes, the media screams about the bad state of the hospitals and that's true, but again it could be a lot worse.

- you have a corrupt party which does bad deals for the country, but at the same time knows how the economy works and keeps the things running. You are sick of this and vote a new unstained party which comes to power, but its members are so arrogant and lack the basic notions of how to run a country, that it is one of the worst periods ever. They are also 10 ten times more greedier. Then you choose back the old corrupt individuals and things are just bad again.

- you are a man with high moral standards and believe in sex after marriage. You wait for the perfect spouse and marry later in life. Your career is also important for the pair and you decide to not have kids. Your genes do not get passed on. Many people less than perfect marry and have children. When you come back to reincarnate you have to choose from their offsprings as parents.

- you have a soccer player with a background of family of professional players themselves and he gets to play an important final. He is also a perfect example of a professional athlete, he does not drink nor smokes. The opposing team has another player who comes from a shitty family and is a heavy drinker and casual smoker. In the final the first player gets emotional and misses a penalty. The other one scores at the last action of the game and his team wins the final. History record the second player as being a brilliant player. What's the truth?

- your mother loves you very much and wishes you the best. Your father is a heavy drinker and cares about you from time to time. Your mother pushes you heavily towards xianity so you spend the first half of your life praying to jewsus. Your dad laughs and mocks her belief and says you must be free to choose your belief whatever that may be. Because of that in part, you end up being a SS.

- you like comedy and your favourite comedy show is Seinfeld. Later you find out they are all jews. You still like the show. How should you feel about this?
- one of your favourite actors is Jonah Hill. You find out later he is a jew. In his movies he even has lines like this fucking jew and so on. You still like him. Should you hate yourself for that?

- you are straight, but sometimes you watch shemale porn. Does that make you gay? If it does, what does make your children and what would they think of you if they found out? Or your wife for that matter?

These are all extreme examples. But they can and do happen. The moral here I guess is that not everything is white and black. This does not mean you should say ah a paradox and love all gypsies and corrupt politicians for instance.

But it is war. War is won by those who are the most powerful and resilient and combat-ready. Not by their moral standards, nor their skin color nor their race nor their religious beliefs.

As for you, GG Allen liking a literally shitty jew, but at the same time doing countless RTR, I guess it makes you a tough turd :lol:
If you are into Warhammer you may want to check out Honsu the half-breed.

What I think is that in the end we will all will be chosen based on our fighting skills, regardless of how shiny and mighty we think of ourselves. An SS who does not deliver is still a shitty one, myself included.

There is the old joke about the light of heaven coming from the fires of hell. In the same manner, the path to immortality and godhead comes from the sacrifices we made, the blood we spilled, the hatred we nurtured, the rituals we did and the enemies we symbolically or literally slain. It also comes in the form of delay and setbacks in the games we played, the time we lost, the drugs we did, the worthless TV shows we followed, the gossip we indulged in, the people we bashed on the forums :lol:

In the end we do not know the whole story nor see the whole picture. We do not even know if this reality is for real or not some super computer generated world. We can only grind through each day with the willpower each of us possess.

The adept must work with shadows and light alike. The test lies in both the adept's strengths as his weaknesses in equal measure. The path one does not take is just as important as the path one does.

So many ways to go
Before we're sanctified
Few will be chosen ones
Until we fade and die
Kings will be kings
Pawns will be pawns
Aeons of tears
Wildand severe
Blessed be the young
Strong enough to bear
What before long will come
Will be, might never disappear
The fact some jews set in fires other jews hoping Satan would accept them, does not mean Satan will accept any or ever.

Satan will never accept jews, but they cannot live with that fact.

This is even in the Bible, all jews tried their earnest to join Paganism, only to destroy it. This ends with them dead or annihilated. The enemy destroys their own who are into this and Satan does not accept them nor the Gods do.

All those that kissed ass to Satan, did this for a sole reason, to cut themselves a better, most of the time avoid elongated punishments and get straight to the point of them being finished.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
GG Allin said:
This is my theory I´m a jew (dna), but I cleansed my self with the rtrs etc as much as I could advance with satanic meditations, I wasn´t connected to the enemy in anyway besides 1 jear I had to visit a christian church. But I did it only so it was done. My former "friends" until the day I did a RTR in the van when we were on the way to a festival, had all jewish last names. They didn´t like what I was doing xD. But I thought fuck it I don´t want to not do them, just because I get drunk one week. So I thought let´s do them beforehand in the van. The comment on jewtube which got me to read the main site was it is all free xD.
I hated the jews with any fiber of my being (still do for the religious ones) it went so far as that I would examine anybody I meet ( buying stuff , talking etc) with my eyes to see if they have jewish traits. At some point my aura (mind) would immediatly attack anyone within reach (I did ask satan to seal this, after I had no problems with it anymore).

When I asked my GD to send me the perfect lover I endet up meeting a jewish girl. I couldn´t understand why, I did meet a jewish girl, I even suspected her as some kind of undercover agent. I was always explaining her why the jews are shit and she would reply by some universal statement not everybody is bad etc. We even looked the NSDAP Movie Jew Süss together xD. At some point I started hating her even tho she was the nicest person I did ever meet in my life (She was jealously, possessive, needed much attention and always wanted to control everything but aside from that was a good person who didn´t care about money at all). At some point I thought maybe I´m a jew two but I coudn´t belive it because I did all these RTRs and even had a positive feeling.

Maybe it´s because the Aryan part in me wants to destroy the jewish parts, I don´t know. This would explain my former selfdestructive behaviour when I was drunk etc. If this theory above is true then all half blood jews could benefit from doing the F-RTR. The Reptiles want to enslave them too just because they didn´t impragnent thear cousin over 500 jears in a row.
So you're a self-hating jew. What a stereotype, so common it is almost boring.

So you admit that Aquarius and me were both right all the times we said you seem like a jewish soul. If that is what you are bitching about about Aquarius, that he was against you and saying you are disgusting, then you admit here that everything Aquarius said was the truth.
But you make sure to try to blame Aquarius and turn people against him, and say you would ban him if you were in charge, because Aquarius has come out and directly called you a jew several times before. And he was correct, we should have all listened to Aquarius more often.

Another Rat coming to tell all of us that it is a Rat. Thanks for making it easier, but I remember me and sone other people who all said it before about you. I always thought you felt disgusting, and I've told you this before, but I was most of the time polite enough to not say anything. But thank you for finally admitting that we were right about you.

Final RTR is working in some funny ways now. The Rats keep doing either of 2 things. Either they admit what they are, and try to convince themself that Satan accepts them "I'm Anton Rat-face Levy now, goy!"
Or they just act so purely insane and unstable that they must either be a Rat or a meth smoker [or both].
This probably part of some jewish plan to infiltrate here. They are trying but it's not happening. Another thing is that there are many now who says that their message has not been approved...probably a way to make members hate the moderators (of course some could be true as even HP said lately there are too many messages and some could end up not being aproved by mistake). They are trying their best to infiltrate but they are being exposed for what they are.
DAMN. You guys bitching about Aquarius and CG you are the one who started all this is doing nothing but feeding into a cycle of negativity and on top of that like I said, it should come as no surprise that Aquarius is the topic of all the problems. That definitely seems troll-like behavior to me. All it is doing is feeding his "ego" especially when he has people siding with him which I don't care if that is the case or not. I choose to side with no one and I don't really care but if you guys want to stir this topic a different direction, then stop arguing about ANYONE, then ignore the person. Eventually they will leave or change their behavior.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
GG Allin said:
This is my theory I´m a jew (dna), but I cleansed my self with the rtrs etc as much as I could advance with satanic meditations, I wasn´t connected to the enemy in anyway besides 1 jear I had to visit a christian church. But I did it only so it was done. My former "friends" until the day I did a RTR in the van when we were on the way to a festival, had all jewish last names. They didn´t like what I was doing xD. But I thought fuck it I don´t want to not do them, just because I get drunk one week. So I thought let´s do them beforehand in the van. The comment on jewtube which got me to read the main site was it is all free xD.
I hated the jews with any fiber of my being (still do for the religious ones) it went so far as that I would examine anybody I meet ( buying stuff , talking etc) with my eyes to see if they have jewish traits. At some point my aura (mind) would immediatly attack anyone within reach (I did ask satan to seal this, after I had no problems with it anymore).

When I asked my GD to send me the perfect lover I endet up meeting a jewish girl. I couldn´t understand why, I did meet a jewish girl, I even suspected her as some kind of undercover agent. I was always explaining her why the jews are shit and she would reply by some universal statement not everybody is bad etc. We even looked the NSDAP Movie Jew Süss together xD. At some point I started hating her even tho she was the nicest person I did ever meet in my life (She was jealously, possessive, needed much attention and always wanted to control everything but aside from that was a good person who didn´t care about money at all). At some point I thought maybe I´m a jew two but I coudn´t belive it because I did all these RTRs and even had a positive feeling.

Maybe it´s because the Aryan part in me wants to destroy the jewish parts, I don´t know. This would explain my former selfdestructive behaviour when I was drunk etc. If this theory above is true then all half blood jews could benefit from doing the F-RTR. The Reptiles want to enslave them too just because they didn´t impragnent thear cousin over 500 jears in a row.
So you're a self-hating jew. What a stereotype, so common it is almost boring.

So you admit that Aquarius and me were both right all the times we said you seem like a jewish soul. If that is what you are bitching about about Aquarius, that he was against you and saying you are disgusting, then you admit here that everything Aquarius said was the truth.
But you make sure to try to blame Aquarius and turn people against him, and say you would ban him if you were in charge, because Aquarius has come out and directly called you a jew several times before. And he was correct, we should have all listened to Aquarius more often.

Another Rat coming to tell all of us that it is a Rat. Thanks for making it easier, but I remember me and sone other people who all said it before about you. I always thought you felt disgusting, and I've told you this before, but I was most of the time polite enough to not say anything. But thank you for finally admitting that we were right about you.

Final RTR is working in some funny ways now. The Rats keep doing either of 2 things. Either they admit what they are, and try to convince themself that Satan accepts them "I'm Anton Rat-face Levy now, goy!"
Or they just act so purely insane and unstable that they must either be a Rat or a meth smoker [or both].
So I'm confused now ... how do you know you have a small percentage of a Jew? As I know, a Jew does not have GD and will not receive help from Satan and the gods you said that you are attacked by enemies and that you are a Jew this is mysterious .. if you are serious since you do the RTR and the satanic meditations that did you make them have serious effects? I hope you're not a troll.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
GG Allin said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Don't worry. Such a thing would never happen.
It's horrible even for a joke!

Regarding to Aquarius...
I also didn't like Aquarius in the past, as he was rude towards me and he was often rude with such members too whom he just dislikes for some reason. There are similar individuals here who often attack immediately anyone whom they find weird or whom they just misunderstood...
But those guys are just immature or more immature...whatever.

What is the most important that I have never seen any serious bullshit from Aquarius, especially such insane bullshit which you are trying to spread here, that "it does not matter if one's jewish..." and "jews can do the final RTR too..." and similar fucking crazy shit. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, either you are deluded and has some serious mindfuck or you are also an infiltrator...
But what you wrote about jews and the RTR is just not right and has no sense. Just a similar idiot would agree with you. (Oops, just came into my mind there was a guy who understood you...lol)
So stop bashing Aquarius or any other decent members. Even if one is (or was) a jerk, if that person is a dedicated satanist and working well, he/she has my respect.

I was also rude towards him for example, (or towards others in the past which I am also sorry) when I overreacted his comment. I was overemotional.

Anyways this topic was not created for whining and bashing other satanists, I think...

We had a jew as HP all these jears (correct me if I´m rong) infiltration seems not to be a big problem for us/ the gods.

The question is do you like it, if some ss commit suicide over a stupid grey atack (I´m a jew)?

Do you want to save as much Aryans ( satans children) and fast as possibel, even if this means some jews /half jews, do the work of the lazy Aryan-satanists?

"Many Rabbis in the past have considerably helped Satan, and so did many people of the enemy. Maybe they want a better deal, maybe they want to infiltrate, maybe they are uncertain in their position.

We know all of the situation and it would not be possible to say more. I have already said way more than necessary. We could just kick out and let it be, but I decided to say as much as possible without compromising any more information. " HP HC


( Personaly know one ss, did ask how does it go with meditations? Answer I had health problems and was lazy so I didn´t do much the last 2 months. I was like wtf you know what is at stake right? And your health problems are probably the result of you not doing your meditations. Answer : jes but , I´m sorry I will do better from now on.
I never skipped a day for the F-RTR [ or atleast catch up the next day]. I could waste my time plenty, but there is nothing more worth then the victory )

Winning the war
> loosing it.

Every step we take should be evaluated on whether it leads us to victory or defeat.

Also any advice we receive through the forum should be checked again for meaningfulness and potential dangers, no matter who gives it. (well i trust the remaining clergy but still better save then sorry)

It's clear what you want...you want to use HP Cobra's statements to support your insane bullshit idea.
It's totally unnecessary. Just because there were some rabbis in the past who tried to beg for mercy and even tried to work for Satan, it does not mean that they will be accepted in any way. Also it does not mean that their so called work was really helpful for humanity...
I hope now HP Cobra will clear this/explain his statements better about it.

Now you look like a jew, a jew who maybe didn't know about his jewishness before. Maybe you found a hidden jewish grandma or some other shit. And now you are trying to project your filthy issue onto others and desperately want to prove that you're right and want to confirm it. You went so far that you even said that some jews are "protected" by the Gods and that some jews are working more or working instead of "lazy Aryan satanists"...
How dare you?! Even a "lazy Aryan satanist" is million times better than a "working" jew. Satan's children are the protected, even the lazy ones are being protected in a level.
What you want to push here is simply not normal. You need a serious self-check if you are really a satanist, but I rather say you are an infiltrator (you act like one) who has a mission to spread these harmful misinformations here.
This is what drives away people from here.
Not the unpleasant behaviour of a satanist comrade.
So STOP this!
Anyways you won't reach or achieve anything by this shit.

So yes you are "rong" in many ways.
So I'm confused now ... how do you know you have a small percentage of a Jew? As I know, a Jew does not have GD and will not receive help from Satan and the gods you said that you are attacked by enemies and that you are a Jew this is mysterious .. if you are serious since you do the RTR and the satanic meditations that did you make them have serious effects?
I hope you're not a troll.
GG Allin said:
We had a jew as HP all these jears (correct me if I´m rong) infiltration seems not to be a big problem for us/ the gods.

No, it is a big problem, and the punishments correlated with it are vast and merciless.

The rest of the BS claimed here was getting no answer simply because it's all a big confession. There is no "Cleansed myself by doing RTR's".

If you are actually a verified jew, you are wasting your time. Satan will never accept any jew.

Yes, in wars, when one is on the losing end [Jews understand this when they get too high in the Kabbalah and other knowledge] they understand defeat is inevitable, and that sooner or later, havoc will be wrecked upon them, be it in the length of a longer or shorter time. So some decide to attempt to join the "Dark Side" in hopes of mercy.

This doesn't mean they join it means...They try, and obviously to no actual results.
luis said:
This probably part of some jewish plan to infiltrate here. They are trying but it's not happening. Another thing is that there are many now who says that their message has not been approved...probably a way to make members hate the moderators (of course some could be true as even HP said lately there are too many messages and some could end up not being aproved by mistake). They are trying their best to infiltrate but they are being exposed for what they are.

i think this is what is left from the Super wet rat Team , they are failing and falling , jews can't the handle the defeat of Low Priest ((Mageson)) . it is over schlomo go back to your tribe
GG Allin said:

Holy crap, you've been on this forum for how long and you really think that any jew can perform the RTR? Well i got news for you buddy, I don't care if you singlehandedly dismantle the Israeli government you will never be accepted by us, Satan, or the Gods.

I'm surprised Cobra never deleted your account by now, in fact, you've only helped me prove my theory that jews cannot help but be loudmouthed as fuck about the fact that they're jewish.

I don't care how many RTRs you do. I don't care if you or your immediate family have never practiced judaism in their lives or that you know of. You're still not welcome here and you never will be. It's a complete waste of time trying to appeal and just like many other users who turned out to be jews themselves, all you've ever done is attempt to discredit and insult people's intelligence.

You need to leave this forum immediately.
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
DAMN. Aquarius is the topic of all the problems.
Maam, I'm not sure of how telling the truth makes me the topic of all problems, it's you perhaps who doesn't recognize truth so you wanna bash me.
You say you don't wanna take sides, but you sided with the jew as soon as the jew attacked me for being truthful. Sucks to be you.
Well guys, I will be away from the forums for a while to mourn the lost of my sister on 9/10/2020. Good luck with everything, I am sure I will be back.

Hail Satan!!
FancyMancy said:

This post is uncharacteristically short and comfortable to read. You have my thanks.

My personal stance on the subject is if Satan calls, I answer regardless of any personal insecurities or fears.

I also have to compliment you on engineering the ultimate strategy to winning any argument with anyone at all. No one can really argue with what you say if they have a stroke and fucking die trying to read your gigantic posts in the first place.
GG Allin said:
I see him as the kind of person who plays call of duty all day and between the fights he wirtes a short sentence to "help" someone. The opposite of Aquarius is GITM. He even had the nerve to call GITM out for writing so much.

So apparently you're a jew from what I'm reading in this thread.

Never tie my name for even a second to your garbage. I work mercilessly every single day through hardships and back to destroy your kind and this will never change ever. I would never accept a jew no matter what amongst our people and thank fuck Satan and our gods never would either.

I don't want your disgusting 'defense' of me even subtly, if you are a jew then you best get the fuck out of this forum as soon as possible. Absolutely fucking disgusting and repulsive, if I had it my way in knowing you're a jew you'd be out of here in less than an iota of a second, no amount of 'kindness' from a jew towards me or in favour of me amounts to even a single speck of shit in the sewage, you are a direct affront and insult and your mere presence on this forum in this revelation now pisses me off to no end.

Leave and never come back; I am just absolutely aching to spiritually destroy you, if you had even a clue just how much precisely that it's practically painful to hold my shit together just to collectively type this post in a controlled manner, I don't think you'd be having any further association with me and the fact that you've even spoken my name on here and even at or about me absolutely disgusts me in extreme offense.
Dahaarkan said:
FancyMancy said:

This post is uncharacteristically short and comfortable to read. You have my thanks.

My personal stance on the subject is if Satan calls, I answer regardless of any personal insecurities or fears.

I also have to compliment you on engineering the ultimate strategy to winning any argument with anyone at all. No one can really argue with what you say if they have a stroke and fucking die trying to read your gigantic posts in the first place.
While I don't know what post you are referring to, I don't aaaallllways make long replies - but nice way to try and commit to a subtle attack there, veiled thinly with a slight dash of humour.
FancyMancy said:
While I don't know what post you are referring to, I don't aaaallllways make long replies - but nice way to try and commit to a subtle attack there, veiled thinly with a slight dash of humour.

What an attack that was bruv
Lydia said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Mageson is gone? Good riddance. His slothz tales make me sick. His most recent one was so icky that I had wondered if he was a jew.

I won't miss Jake Carlson either. Something always seemed off about his posts, so I barely skimmed them, but I never gave it much thought at the time.

If we need a new clergy member, I'd love to see the name High Priestess Lydia around here!

Thanks, but that won't ever happen. Being clergy simply is not my path. Think of it as like any other job, some are suited for it while most are not, and it does not necessarily have to do with spiritual advancement (to a degree) as there are advanced people who are not clergy, and lesser-advanced who are/were.

Lydia, are you still receiving orders for Astrology?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
GG Allin said:
This is my theory I´m a jew (dna), but I cleansed my self with the rtrs etc as much as I could advance with satanic meditations, I wasn´t connected to the enemy in anyway besides 1 jear I had to visit a christian church. But I did it only so it was done. My former "friends" until the day I did a RTR in the van when we were on the way to a festival, had all jewish last names. They didn´t like what I was doing xD. But I thought fuck it I don´t want to not do them, just because I get drunk one week. So I thought let´s do them beforehand in the van. The comment on jewtube which got me to read the main site was it is all free xD.
I hated the jews with any fiber of my being (still do for the religious ones) it went so far as that I would examine anybody I meet ( buying stuff , talking etc) with my eyes to see if they have jewish traits. At some point my aura (mind) would immediatly attack anyone within reach (I did ask satan to seal this, after I had no problems with it anymore).

When I asked my GD to send me the perfect lover I endet up meeting a jewish girl. I couldn´t understand why, I did meet a jewish girl, I even suspected her as some kind of undercover agent. I was always explaining her why the jews are shit and she would reply by some universal statement not everybody is bad etc. We even looked the NSDAP Movie Jew Süss together xD. At some point I started hating her even tho she was the nicest person I did ever meet in my life (She was jealously, possessive, needed much attention and always wanted to control everything but aside from that was a good person who didn´t care about money at all). At some point I thought maybe I´m a jew two but I coudn´t belive it because I did all these RTRs and even had a positive feeling.

Maybe it´s because the Aryan part in me wants to destroy the jewish parts, I don´t know. This would explain my former selfdestructive behaviour when I was drunk etc. If this theory above is true then all half blood jews could benefit from doing the F-RTR. The Reptiles want to enslave them too just because they didn´t impragnent thear cousin over 500 jears in a row.
So you're a self-hating jew. What a stereotype, so common it is almost boring.

So you admit that Aquarius and me were both right all the times we said you seem like a jewish soul. If that is what you are bitching about about Aquarius, that he was against you and saying you are disgusting, then you admit here that everything Aquarius said was the truth.
But you make sure to try to blame Aquarius and turn people against him, and say you would ban him if you were in charge, because Aquarius has come out and directly called you a jew several times before. And he was correct, we should have all listened to Aquarius more often.

Another Rat coming to tell all of us that it is a Rat. Thanks for making it easier, but I remember me and sone other people who all said it before about you. I always thought you felt disgusting, and I've told you this before, but I was most of the time polite enough to not say anything. But thank you for finally admitting that we were right about you.

Final RTR is working in some funny ways now. The Rats keep doing either of 2 things. Either they admit what they are, and try to convince themself that Satan accepts them "I'm Anton Rat-face Levy now, goy!"
Or they just act so purely insane and unstable that they must either be a Rat or a meth smoker [or both].

I knew this guy was Jew or something was seriously wrong with him just the energy from it one of the two. I mean also who looks up to someone like that GG Allen guy one look on wiki is all you need to know not someone to look up too.
xudomode said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
xudomode said:
So its funny how the admin keeps approving post when ppl keep yapping there crap about but my post still won't get approved, if I was trolling ill literally make 6 sock accounts if not 20 max just because of how annoying and hypocritical you swine can be, as a matter a fact I might just do it, and harass you specifically since you keep talking your filthy mouth. Test me, go ahead.

Ooo big scary man. You will not beat me intellectually. A sober mind vs a junkie, this will not end well for you, but it is obvious that you are just trolling now.
Might as well since this bs forum is like jew tube
So you get butt hurt because a white guy is too proud of his race, stalk him and try to turn people against him and complain when you're called out for this immaturity, and finally insult Satan's forums when it's clear no one is interested in your BS. Very mature of you.
I kinda ignored this thread a bit decided not to post basically and I was surprised because of all the information Mageson provided especially considering what, he's been around, since HP.Cobras time basically 2005-2006-2007 time frame give or take.

I know Jake Carlson got the boot for being lazy even though I still received from Yahoo until the last message on my email from: [email protected](I believe that was Jake's email).

But the question becomes without having to shift through all the 8 pages. What EXACTLY was Mageson? Infiltrator? Kosher agent? Kosher supervised agent?

Why go through all the trouble of creating a fake persona to troll a website for the past 15 years. Takes some commitment to spend 15ish years in one place. That's some serious trolling at that level. But then again with the internet being a weapon of sorts it really doesn't reel me back in surprise.

So what is the verdict on this?
That makes me think of a trained Jesuit (for the level of literacy and trying to post a dangerous Jesuit breathing technique to troll people here), or at best a self-deluded part Jew who thought "it is legit if I pay lip service for Satan enough", until the F-RTR kicked the door on its face and couldn't stand hiding its nature any longer. His latest posts here were telling people the race awakening ritual is the best or something (maybe in hopes we do the Final RTR less?).

That's why it seems naive when people here talk of "infiltrating other organizations". That level of commitment to preach for something you don't actually believe at heart and try to manipulate younger people is on a Jesuit level of psychopathy I don't think any legit Gentile member here has. Imagine the inverse scenario of you faking 95% of the time how you love "Aryan Jesus" to push some 5% Satanism (and it would not even work the way it does for the enemy). Gives me the chills just to think about it.

For people who didn't get the context, this reply sums up mostly:

Gear88 said:
I kinda ignored this thread a bit decided not to post basically and I was surprised because of all the information Mageson provided especially considering what, he's been around, since HP.Cobras time basically 2005-2006-2007 time frame give or take.

I know Jake Carlson got the boot for being lazy even though I still received from Yahoo until the last message on my email from: [email protected](I believe that was Jake's email).

But the question becomes without having to shift through all the 8 pages. What EXACTLY was Mageson? Infiltrator? Kosher agent? Kosher supervised agent?

Why go through all the trouble of creating a fake persona to troll a website for the past 15 years. Takes some commitment to spend 15ish years in one place. That's some serious trolling at that level. But then again with the internet being a weapon of sorts it really doesn't reel me back in surprise.

So what is the verdict on this?
xudomode said:
Blackdragon666 said:
xudomode said:
Might as well since this bs forum is like jew tube
So you get butt hurt because a white guy is too proud of his race, stalk him and try to turn people against him and complain when you're called out for this immaturity, and finally insult Satan's forums when it's clear no one is interested in your BS. Very mature of you.
this aint Satans forums It's hoodedcobra made for Satanism, It's not owned by Satan, because if it was all of us Satanist wouldn't be at each others throat like 5 of you ppl are already doing. Most of you know southern and treat him as somebody you know in real life. Like I said to other nosey ppl on here me and this fool southern are grown men, or at least I am because I don't say things like " oh your a drunkey im better tan u hurr durrr al hail my white racey" pretty much how southern genitilia talks to most ppl on here on the downlow. With disrespect, nah I get why you give this clown a pass a long with most ppl, lol because he posted more than me he probably earned a E-forum badge for being an ass kisser and now when he continuesly disrespects ppl especially new Satanist he keeps getting a pass even by hoodcovert himself, I guess hooded likes when a fellow white Satanist takes everything he himself says about the white race and gets twisted and corrupted by this southern school girl. So yea buddy this is Hoodeds forums not Satans, yea its a somewhat good place to get real hard truth but the community makes as I proved multiple times thiss forum seem foolish asf. There's not EVEN A BLOCK BUTTON It's like Hooded covert op wants ppl to get pissed like wtf this guy smoking? :|
Are you done now? Did you say what you had to say?

Honestly, I have seen Southern White Gentile make a few dumb comments. But most of what I see is you just going after him all the time for no reason. It's like you follow him around just to yell at him any time he makes a comment anywhere. That is why so many of us have the reaction to defend him, because he just innocently makes some comment that doesn't have anything bad in it, and you come out screaming at him like a crazy person. If you want us to respect you more, then act like a respectable good person, and we will. I don't have anything against you. But I really don't understand this deep obsession you have with him. If you don't like him, ignore him. Most of the time you come out screaming at him, is when he didn't even say anything bad. He makes the most innocent comment, and you follow him around.

I like all good people. I dont have to agree with them to respect them. All anybody has to do is have good morals and be a good person, and I will respect them. And it's the same for almost everybody here. If you acted in a more calm and rational way, we would all like you more. We would respect you more.
xudomode said:
Blackdragon666 said:
xudomode said:
Might as well since this bs forum is like jew tube
.,... :|

You consistently and for like 2 months now chase Southern around and you verbally assault him for no reason. He has for a very long time done nothing to you. Mods have every right to ban you at this point as you are violating the rule of not flaming by being psychotic.

This has nothing to do with anyone, it only has to do with you being compulsive and psychotic in assaulting another Satanist all the time. You think that you are the victim but for one or two months you are being the perpetrator.

You are disrespecting the forums and turning them into your personal joke. People don't want to hear all the rants and I don't want to read endless attacks all day neither. You violate endlessly the rule of the forum to not flame. Was I as you describe, I would have kicked you sometime ago.

This is your last chance. It is due to this tolerance you weren't banned like about two weeks ago. It appears you will only keep using this to just continue your obsessive attacks to Southern.

Or you can add him to your foes list and never see his posts. That could also work.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You consistently and for like 2 months now chase Southern around and you verbally assault him for no reason. He has for a very long time done nothing to you. Mods have every right to ban you at this point as you are violating the rule of not flaming by being psychotic.

This has nothing to do with anyone, it only has to do with you being compulsive and psychotic in assaulting another Satanist all the time. You think that you are the victim but for one or two months you are being the perpetrator.

You are disrespecting the forums and turning them into your personal joke. People don't want to hear all the rants and I don't want to read endless attacks all day neither. You violate endlessly the rule of the forum to not flame. Was I as you describe, I would have kicked you sometime ago.

This is your last chance. It is due to this tolerance you weren't banned like about two weeks ago. It appears you will only keep using this to just continue your obsessive attacks to Southern.

Or you can add him to your foes list and never see his posts. That could also work.

He quite literally has the same mindset as a member of Black Lives Matter. Victim mentality but insults everyone else "ooo hurr durr kill whitey, SouthernWhiteGentile offended me now I wanna shoot crackas n shit, n fuck the mods for being patient with me uhhhhh"

Like holy fuck, I've seen bad arguments on this forum but at this point it should be considered stalking.
xudomode said:
Blackdragon666 said:
xudomode said:
Might as well since this bs forum is like jew tube
So you get butt hurt because a white guy is too proud of his race, stalk him and try to turn people against him and complain when you're called out for this immaturity, and finally insult Satan's forums when it's clear no one is interested in your BS. Very mature of you.
this aint Satans forums It's hoodedcobra made for Satanism, It's not owned by Satan, because if it was all of us Satanist wouldn't be at each others throat like 5 of you ppl are already doing. Most of you know southern and treat him as somebody you know in real life. Like I said to other nosey ppl on here me and this fool southern are grown men, or at least I am because I don't say things like " oh your a drunkey im better tan u hurr durrr al hail my white racey" pretty much how southern genitilia talks to most ppl on here on the downlow. With disrespect, nah I get why you give this clown a pass a long with most ppl, lol because he posted more than me he probably earned a E-forum badge for being an ass kisser and now when he continuesly disrespects ppl especially new Satanist he keeps getting a pass even by hoodcovert himself, I guess hooded likes when a fellow white Satanist takes everything he himself says about the white race and gets twisted and corrupted by this southern school girl. So yea buddy this is Hoodeds forums not Satans, yea its a somewhat good place to get real hard truth but the community makes as I proved multiple times thiss forum seem foolish asf. There's not EVEN A BLOCK BUTTON It's like Hooded covert op wants ppl to get pissed like wtf this guy smoking? :|
Mods have to be strict or our forums will become a circus. I don't see anything wrong with SWG, apart from the non-white slander which he dropped. I think you should calm down and stop holding unnecessary grudges. What has he ever done to you?
ShadowTheRaven said:
He quite literally has the same mindset as a member of Black Lives Matter. Victim mentality but insults everyone else "ooo hurr durr kill whitey, SouthernWhiteGentile offended me now I wanna shoot crackas n shit, n fuck the mods for being patient with me uhhhhh"

Like holy fuck, I've seen bad arguments on this forum but at this point it should be considered stalking.
Still barking for me I see. You say the High priest and others treat me differently than you because I’m an ass kisser, when it’s actually the OPPOSITE.

I earned my stripes by occasionally going against the status-quo on the forum and being a subject of controversy many times.

That’s the difference. I get respect from people here and you don’t, because why should they? You haven’t contributed anything meaningful, or brought forth a new take, or had an interesting idea. You just drink too much Hennessy and then decide to come on the forum and write this drivel. If you weren’t drunk I see no reason why your posts so many spelling/grammatical errors.

Listen to BLACKdragon, because if you couldn’t tell by the name he is black so there is no racial injustice coming from him, it’s not an evil white man kneeling on your neck telling you these things. He is one of the most level-headed people here. So cut it out!
Dahaarkan said:
FancyMancy said:
While I don't know what post you are referring to, I don't aaaallllways make long replies - but nice way to try and commit to a subtle attack there, veiled thinly with a slight dash of humour.

What an attack that was bruv
Yeah, subtlety is lovely. I'd like to come and see you on open-mic night, but "comedy" is a dead art form. Have yourself a lovely day.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Uhh, you see children, drugs are based, you shouldn't do druuugs, mmkay? If you do em, you're bad...cause drugs are based mmkay? Who took a dookie in the urinal, mmkay? Who squeezed out a chocolate hot dog in the urinal? Cause that's gross mmkay?
xudomode said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Still barking for me I see. You say the High priest and others treat me differently than you because I’m an ass kisser, when it’s actually the OPPOSITE.

I earned my stripes by occasionally going against the status-quo on the forum and being a subject of controversy many times.

That’s the difference. I get respect from people here and you don’t, because why should they? You haven’t contributed anything meaningful, or brought forth a new take, or had an interesting idea. You just drink too much Hennessy and then decide to come on the forum and write this drivel. If you weren’t drunk I see no reason why your posts so many spelling/grammatical errors.

Listen to BLACKdragon, because if you couldn’t tell by the name he is black so there is no racial injustice coming from him, it’s not an evil white man kneeling on your neck telling you these things. He is one of the most level-headed people here. So cut it out!

Oh wow you must be some real hard baller CUH. Making empty foolish threats online to a community that wants nothing but the advancement of ALL races. You lash out because your whole identity the jew gave you is completely undermined by our ideals. Then you try to warp Satan's vision into your own delusions to make it fit your stupid reality. Keep up your retardedness and you'll end up another dead statistic because you refuse to accept wisdom and knowledge from people better than you.
xudomode said:
deleted threats

*** Threats is a 1st Degree Misdemeanor or 5th Degree Felony depending on what state you live in. Have fun in jail!

Cobra, can you please ban him?
xudomode said:
you can stfu bitch because ill find your adress and murder your shit two bitch, faggot ass pussy satanism is about free of thought ill slaughter your shit then cmon pussy white boi cracker bitch ill fuking shank you with a hand made ankh hoe ass queer fuk ur white sleezy race you guys are submissive cowards, go submit bitch most of ur trash cracker jack race be the first 1 running like bitches think your hard white cum stain because you got black magic lmao, a WHITE filth needs BLACK to destroy the irony ain't it little bitch you disrespected me first you white Shitanist think you hard kill yourself too then southern filth that's why ppl hate you whites in the south all that magic wont work with a bullet in you head fuk you die kys die, get slaughtered go throw yourself out the bridge fuk these black ppl here two fuking cunt
The least you can do is learn something as simple as the difference between to, too, and two. Jackass.
xudomode said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Still barking for me I see. You say the High priest and others treat me differently than you because I’m an ass kisser, when it’s actually the OPPOSITE.

I earned my stripes by occasionally going against the status-quo on the forum and being a subject of controversy many times.

That’s the difference. I get respect from people here and you don’t, because why should they? You haven’t contributed anything meaningful, or brought forth a new take, or had an interesting idea. You just drink too much Hennessy and then decide to come on the forum and write this drivel. If you weren’t drunk I see no reason why your posts so many spelling/grammatical errors.

Listen to BLACKdragon, because if you couldn’t tell by the name he is black so there is no racial injustice coming from him, it’s not an evil white man kneeling on your neck telling you these things. He is one of the most level-headed people here. So cut it out!
Go back to the gas station where you belong. Methhead
xudomode said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
xudomode said:

Are you done now? Did you say what you had to say?

Honestly, I have seen Southern White Gentile make a few dumb comments. But most of what I see is you just going after him all the time for no reason. It's like you follow him around just to yell at him any time he makes a comment anywhere. That is why so many of us have the reaction to defend him, because he just innocently makes some comment that doesn't have anything bad in it, and you come out screaming at him like a crazy person. If you want us to respect you more, then act like a respectable good person, and we will. I don't have anything against you. But I really don't understand this deep obsession you have with him. If you don't like him, ignore him. Most of the time you come out screaming at him, is when he didn't even say anything bad. He makes the most innocent comment, and you follow him around.

I like all good people. I dont have to agree with them to respect them. All anybody has to do is have good morals and be a good person, and I will respect them. And it's the same for almost everybody here. If you acted in a more calm and rational way, we would all like you more. We would respect you more.
Hehe. 'Xudomode' activated, literally.

I would like to believe you're trolling because there is absolutely no way on earth a human being can be that stupid. :lol:

On the slight chance you are not trolling, if you had taken meditations seriously maybe you would have actually had experiences with the Gods and known that they are very real as basically all serious members have. But you insult beings who your very existence you owe.

No one will miss you. Bye.
xudomode said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Still barking for me I see. You say the High priest and others treat me differently than you because I’m an ass kisser, when it’s actually the OPPOSITE.

I earned my stripes by occasionally going against the status-quo on the forum and being a subject of controversy many times.

That’s the difference. I get respect from people here and you don’t, because why should they? You haven’t contributed anything meaningful, or brought forth a new take, or had an interesting idea. You just drink too much Hennessy and then decide to come on the forum and write this drivel. If you weren’t drunk I see no reason why your posts so many spelling/grammatical errors.

Listen to BLACKdragon, because if you couldn’t tell by the name he is black so there is no racial injustice coming from him, it’s not an evil white man kneeling on your neck telling you these things. He is one of the most level-headed people here. So cut it out!
you can stfu bitch because ill find your adress and murder your shit two bitch, faggot ass pussy satanism is about free of thought ill slaughter your shit then cmon pussy white boi cracker bitch ill fuking shank you with a hand made ankh hoe ass queer fuk ur white sleezy race you guys are submissive cowards, go submit bitch most of ur trash cracker jack race be the first 1 running like bitches think your hard white cum stain because you got black magic lmao, a WHITE filth needs BLACK to destroy the irony ain't it little bitch you disrespected me first you white Shitanist think you hard kill yourself too then southern filth that's why ppl hate you whites in the south all that magic wont work with a bullet in you head fuk you die kys die, get slaughtered go throw yourself out the bridge fuk these black ppl here two fuking cunt
Couldn't resist taking of the human skin and exposing our scales, could we? :lol:

You can't touch Satan's people, lol. It's like how our clergy has probably hundreds of failed assassination attempts.

You finally let your hatred for Gentiles and especially Whites be known. It's a signature kike move. Now be gone, kike. See you when pogroms begin. :p
Henu the Great said:
Lol my post where I said only good jew is a - peep - jew got deleted but this deranged maniac gets to spew this shit.
That's because this degenerate doesn't rappresent this forum, while us more respectable SS have the responsability of not saying things that are illegal.
On the old forums I wrote exactly the same thing you just wrote and it got dissaproved. :p
xudomode said:
Didn't I say he told me to kill myself because i was mixed, or did your bitch ass forget
Not only are you not able to spell any words, but you sure can't read them either. Because that is not what happened. I remember reading that comment. He never told you to kill yourself, all he said was he would kill himself if he was born like that. So unless both of you are the same person, you're being retarded and you did all this for no reason becaus3 you act like he said something that he never said.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
