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Samhain: Two New God Rituals - Bastet and Seshat

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to everyone and I wish everyone the most spooky and beautiful Halloween for 2024. As many are longing for a schedule, the Rituals below for the wonderful Goddesses Seshat and Bastet are perfect for us to do, in order to bless them and in return receive their blessings, love and support.

We are continuing steadfast on the full restoration of the Gods and the culture, whilst blessing ourselves and moving forward into their glorious purpose and light for the Joy of Satanas and ourselves. The Gods know our community is the most serious and most focused in their veneration and their most trusted fellowship. As they observe us doing what we are supposed to be doing, we are gaining their love and favor like nobody else ever could in this world.

Tasked with holy and supernal tasks, they are always behind us, in support and with their eternal love.

With a lot of happiness I announce the Rituals for these two wonderful Goddesses. This post will be updated with two wonderful articles for each Goddess by JG Karnonnos (Which will be checked thoroughly to contain more information and expanded - same as the other Gods and Goddesses). Of course, more Gods are upcoming.

Basted and Seshat are two very important, most prominent and noble Ancient Egyptian Goddesses (and universal Goddesses). Bastet is very well known; Seshat is equivalent to the Ancient Fates and they both have enormous aspects which will be understood through the Rituals.

Two more Rituals will come before or during the conclusion of this Schedule.

The duration of these Rituals is until November 5th.

May the Great Goddesses bless us all and may our collective works for all of them be recognized, forevermore.

For information about the Gods:

Seshat is the Patroness of all knowledge and a very respected Goddess of supernal power. In Ancient Egypt, many of Her functions related to the dedication of buildings. As a Patroness of divine geometry and mathematics, this was in no way a minor role. Every aspect of Egypt's religious system was dependent on the visions laid forth by Her.

She advised Astrologers, astronomers, architects and others on the optimal conditions to build lasting structures and eternal monuments, emblems of civilization as a whole. Her instructions led people to find the most energetic areas for further growth of any project, including temples and settlements necessary for the expansion of Egyptian civilization. Egypt's uniquely enduring and everlasting imprint as a visible civilization of tens of thousands of years can be attributed to the precepts of Her Orders.

The Complete Temples of Egypt, Richard H. Wilkinson

Seshat’s name in Hieroglyphs means 'female scholar' or 'female scribe'. Within this is not just a code to Her sex as a Goddess, but also a reference to the types of occult processes in Seshat's concerns, which are negative and magnetic in terms of polarity, of the female characteristic.

Her functions were not merely in the endowment of structures or settlements. Seshat was always engaged in writing the Book of Life and Death delineating the lifespan of beings. Similarly, Seshat was known to dwell by the Tree of Life itself alongside Her husband and Her inscriptions on the fallen leaves below the Tree were said to indicate a being’s finite lifespan, evocative of one of the lines of the Iliad:


In contrast, having one’s name etched on the trunk of the Tree by Thoth or Seshat indicated potential immortality and engagement in the process of Magnum Opus.

Seshat, like Thoth, occupied a distinct position as a psychopomp or guide to the dead. Allusions exist to Her importance in this being to guide people to say the correct words in death and to continue to incarnate to higher realms of existence by using their intelligence, courage and wiles.

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The Greeks knew Seshat by the concept of the Fates or Moirai, named as Klotho (Spineress), Lakesis (Apportioness of Lots) and Atropos (She Who Cannot Be Turned). Atropos in the image above holds a scroll analogous to the tablet or scroll of Seshat. Via their spindle, the Moirai would spin a thread demonstrating the lifespan of any being visually. This concept of Fate indicates Seshat’s primacy in ordering the forces of destiny and Karma. Nemesis, who is equivocated with Ma’at, was the sister of the Moirai and dealt with enforcing natural laws surrounding the beginning and end of beings.

In this kind of imagery, Klotho carries a spindle, Lakesis carries a staff pointing to the horoscope on a globe representing the set ‘lot’ of a being and Atropos carried a tablet and a stylus used to inscribe the names of Life and Death. They were said to rule over the substance of moira which the Gods were not involved with as They held the free will of beings to be sacred: only Zeus Moiragetes as the Head of Gods could control moira. Yet Their decrees were still conditional, as one could avert the Fates and Their moira, provided they possessed the ultimate wisdom. One code here is that the use of proper intelligence as represented by Thoth (Hermes) and Seshat can alter the mandated pathway and limitations of a being altogether. The Fates play a major role in the ascension of the soul and Magnum Opus in ‘allowing’ the seemingly impossible to be made possible.

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In Greek mythology, Seshat was also represented by the Titaness named Mnemosyne. Here Her roles were consigned to being a divine figure presiding over the functions of memory and being a patroness of the arts, bearing the Nine Muses ruling over the creative arts by Zeus. She was involved in transcribing the deeds of rulers and invoked whenever poems, stories or plays were about to begin.

Her role in the Greek pantheon may seem indirect, yet in speech Mnemosyne was the most invoked Goddess in conversation of the entire pantheon. Greek culture strongly relied on oral retelling and sophisticated methods of mental acquisition through dialogue. It was hoped via the intercession of Mnemosyne that the parties involved would remember all important elements and draw on their talents of all lives past and present.


Seshat is associated most with the seven-pointed horns emerging from Her headdress. Seven as a number is important to Her symbolism, being a union of the spiritual and physical and the birth of the mind. For this reason, she one of Her names was 'Seven-Horned'.

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These seven horns represent the empowerment of the seven Chakras and the balance in taming the whims of the seven stars (planets) associated with those Chakras in attaining ultimate wisdom. In dwelling next to the Tree of Life, Thoth and Seshat both wrote the names of immortals on the trunk of the sacred Tree, an analogy for the ascension and eternal life.

In this sense, with the ever-present symbolism of using Her stylus and pen, Seshat represents what is 'inscribed' and 'recorded' in one's Karma and the House of Life, analogous to Her representation as Moirai or the Fates.

Most of all, She represents that the proper use of wisdom from the seeds of knowledge can overcome all aspects of personal Karma in relation to these hitherto unknown forces and lead one to immorality if wielded correctly. Visually, the horns of Seshat are analogous to the the rays of light from a light source, the sturdiness of a tree, the life-cycle of a flower and other visual symbols related to being enlightened, growing and patient.

Seshat serves as a symbol of enlightenment. She is a master scientist and mathematician. The imagery of Her starry headdress serves as a symbol for the progression of civilization through technological achievement as well as the soul and indicates Her link to Isis (Astarte). Her collaboration with Thoth shows that the male and female union when guided properly can produce genius, an allegory for the hermaphroditic nature of Mercury as a planet. Some male-female teams throughout history have led to significant advancements, such as Pierre and Marie Curie.

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One symbol of Seshat that is known visually is the procedure of the 'stretching cord' used at temples where She would be accompanied by Horus or Thoth to establish certain angles and perspectives for corners of the temple in relation to the stars and the horizon for any prospective building project. The ending procession parallels the clockwise ending motion of the Standard Ritual: it would begin at the east (the horizon point, the gate of entrance for the temple) and end at the north (the point of darkness).

Seshat was commonly associated with Bastet and Ma'at, alongside Horus, Hathor, Isis and Nephthys. In tandem with Bastet, Seshat’s divine role consisted in laying the foundation for Bastet to use her own forces of power, protection and longevity for any fixed entity. Both Goddesses ruled over aspects of time: Seshat was considered the ‘Mistress of Keeping’ with her powers called forth during important dates such as the thirty-third year of the ruling Pharaoh’s reign. Both Bastet and Seshat were associated with the Powers of Thoth.

Her role in respect of Ma'at concerned recounting deeds of the individual when weighing the 'feather in the balance'. She often is represented wearing clothing made of leopard skin which was also worn by priests of Egypt and represented the stars, also representing her immense powers in maintaining the cosmic order.


As Seshat did not have sprawling temple structures related to Her, many modern historians consider Her role to be minor or downgraded in lieu of Her husband, Thoth. This is a misconception about the occult nature of the roles of Thoth and Seshat. Even in Egyptian works, Seshat is referenced as being the Equal in Power and Justice to Thoth.

Conversely to Thoth, Seshat represents the type of knowledge that is passively gained from inscription in the memory. She also represents the point in mental processes at which this can be brought out via recall and refined into something durable and coherent, similarly to the foundation or cornerstone of a building. Another aspect of the mind that She represents is the point where knowledge is not directly pursued and simply accumulates with necessary rest, day by day, a required function for any kind of acquisition of knowledge.

This resting quality is part of why She is related to books and documents, being a Patroness of libraries, archives and other kinds of institutions concerned with what has been written down and symbolically becomes memory in reserve beyond the view of perception. One of her names is She Who is Foremost of the Library. All realms of literature are also under Her command.

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She was also the Patroness of history in itself. In terms of altered states, Seshat rules over certain types of psychic powers such as remote viewing that humans are able to unlock at certain levels of development. Psychic abilities such as remote viewing make the past, present and even many futures accessible and inscribable. These qualities are largely represented in Mnemosyne who was also equated with being the arbiter of history and the literary arts.

Seshat is known as a friendly Deity to humanity who will often assist whenever Thoth (Hermes) cannot do so. Both Thoth and Seshat are exceptionally hard-working and high-level Deities. Her eternal and enduring bond with Thoth is highly known.

May the intercessions of Divine Seshat give us all the words that help our lives endure forever, the memories that will assist us in solving any puzzle the universe brings forth and the fortitude to have our names written on the Tree of Life. May Seshat bless your minds and souls to climb higher and achieve full potential!


The Complete Temples of Egypt, Richard H. Wilkinson

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Awesome🎃🔥✨️ Thank you!
Thank you for your hard work, High Priest.

May we be blessed with the love of our two beautiful Goddesses during this ritual schedule and heal humanity's bonds with our Gods!

Hail Satanas!
Hail Bastet!
Hail Seshat!
Very well said, Brother. Happy Samhain!
I swear, it's like I see these coming sometimes, and I love that. I'm absolutely excited to begin.
Have a lovely Hallowmas, everyone, and may the Godesses bless you all as we venerate and bless them!
Thank You, Brother. I've been waiting to learn more about Bastet, and I knew very little of both Goddesses.
Questions about the rituals and pronounciation:

1. What's the Sistrum?
2. What's Sesheshet?
3. How's 'Sesheshet pronounced? (like, with or without the 'sh' sound as in 'wash'.. or are 's' and 'h' separated, so like.. "Ses-hass-hat"? I wouldn't want to offend the Gods with wrong pronounciation..)
4. Same question on Lady Seshat's name.. is it "Ses-hut" (with an open 'a', not the English 'a' as in 'hat')?

Can't think of more questions right now.. but I'm looking forward to more information from the coming articles.

Already will be doing Anubis' ritual along with Father Satan's ritual and the donor ritual but I'm more than happy to add these for more blessing towards our Gods.

Happy Samhain, everyone.
Greetings to everyone and I wish everyone the most spooky and beautiful Halloween for 2024. As many are longing for a schedule, the Rituals below for the wonderful Goddesses Seshat and Bastet are perfect for us to do, in order to bless them and in return receive their blessings, love and support.

We are continuing steadfast on the full restoration of the Gods and the culture, whilst blessing ourselves and moving forward into their glorious purpose and light for the Joy of Satanas and ourselves. The Gods know our community is the most serious and most focused in their veneration and their most trusted fellowship. As they observe us doing what we are supposed to be doing, we are gaining their love and favor like nobody else ever could in this world.

Tasked with holy and supernal tasks, they are always behind us, in support and with their eternal love.

With a lot of happiness I announce the Rituals for these two wonderful Goddesses. This post will be updated with two wonderful articles for each Goddess by JG Karnonnos (Which will be checked thoroughly to contain more information and expanded - same as the other Gods and Goddesses). Of course, more Gods are upcoming.

Basted and Seshat are two very important, most prominent and noble Ancient Egyptian Goddesses (and universal Goddesses). Bastet is very well known; Nepthys is equivalent to the Ancient Fates and they both have enormous aspects which will be understood through the Rituals.

Two more Rituals will come before or during the conclusion of this Schedule.

The duration of these Rituals is until November 5th.

May the Great Goddesses bless us all and may our collective works for all of them be recognized, forevermore.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for these rituals
Excited to do them I enjoy Fall
Season and I got a great interest
In Bast and the gods
Everyone have a great Helloween
Seshat is the Patroness of all knowledge and a very respected Goddess of supernal power. In Ancient Egypt, many of Her functions related to the dedication of buildings. As a Patroness of divine geometry and mathematics, this was in no way a minor role. Every aspect of Egypt's religious system was dependent on the visions laid forth by Her.

She advised Astrologers, astronomers, architects and others on the optimal conditions to build lasting structures and eternal monuments, emblems of civilization as a whole. Her instructions led people to find the most energetic areas for further growth of any project, including temples and settlements necessary for the expansion of Egyptian civilization. Egypt's uniquely enduring and everlasting imprint as a visible civilization of tens of thousands of years can be attributed to the precepts of Her Orders.

The rite involved the careful orientation of the temple by astronomical observation and measurement. Apparently, this was usually accomplished by sighting the stars of a northern circumpolar constellation through a notched wooden instrument called a merkhet and thus acquiring a true north-south orientation which was commonly used for the temple's short axis. According to the texts, the king [Pharaoh] was assisted in this ritual by Seshat (or Sefkhet-Abwy), the scribal goddess of writing and measurement.
The Complete Temples of Egypt, Richard H. Wilkinson

Seshat’s name in Hieroglyphs means 'female scholar' or 'female scribe'. Within this is not just a code to Her sex as a Goddess, but also a reference to the types of occult processes in Seshat's concerns, which are negative and magnetic in terms of polarity, of the female characteristic.

Her functions were not merely in the endowment of structures or settlements. Seshat was always engaged in writing the Book of Life and Death delineating the lifespan of beings. Similarly, Seshat was known to dwell by the Tree of Life itself alongside Her husband and Her inscriptions on the fallen leaves below the Tree were said to indicate a being’s finite lifespan, evocative of one of the lines of the Iliad:

Very like leaves upon this earth are the generations of men -- old leaves, cast on the ground by wind, young leaves the greening forest bears when spring comes in.

In contrast, having one’s name etched on the trunk of the Tree by Thoth or Seshat indicated potential immortality and engagement in the process of Magnum Opus.

Seshat, like Thoth, occupied a distinct position as a psychopomp or guide to the dead. Allusions exist to Her importance in this being to guide people to say the correct words in death and to continue to incarnate to higher realms of existence by using their intelligence, courage and wiles.


The Greeks knew Seshat by the concept of the Fates or Moirai, named as Klotho (Spineress), Lakesis (Apportioness of Lots) and Atropos (She Who Cannot Be Turned). Atropos in the image above holds a scroll analogous to the tablet or scroll of Seshat. Via their spindle, the Moirai would spin a thread demonstrating the lifespan of any being visually. This concept of Fate indicates Seshat’s primacy in ordering the forces of destiny and Karma. Nemesis, who is equivocated with Ma’at, was the sister of the Moirai and dealt with enforcing natural laws surrounding the beginning and end of beings.

In this kind of imagery, Klotho carries a spindle and distaff, Lakesis carries a staff or spindle pointing to the horoscope to a globe representing the set ‘lot’ of a being and Atropos carried a tablet and a stylus used to inscribe the names of Life and Death. They were said to rule over the substance of moira which the Gods were not involved with as They held the free will of beings to be sacred: only Zeus Moiragetes as the Head of Gods could control moira. Yet Their decrees were still conditional, as one could avert the Fates and Their moira, provided they possessed the ultimate wisdom. One code here is that the use of proper intelligence as represented by Thoth (Hermes) and Seshat can alter the mandated pathway and limitations of a being altogether. The Fates play a major role in the ascension of the soul and Magnum Opus in ‘allowing’ the seemingly impossible to be made possible.


In Greek mythology, Seshat was also represented by the Titaness named Mnemosyne. Here Her roles were consigned to being a divine figure presiding over the functions of memory and being a patroness of the arts, bearing the Nine Muses ruling over the creative arts by Zeus. She was involved in transcribing the deeds of rulers and invoked whenever poems, stories or plays were about to begin.

Her role in the Greek pantheon may seem indirect, yet in speech Mnemosyne was the most invoked Goddess in conversation of the entire pantheon. Greek culture strongly relied on oral retelling and sophisticated methods of mental acquisition through dialogue. It was hoped via the intercession of Mnemosyne that the parties involved would remember all important elements and draw on their talents of all lives past and present.


Seshat is associated most with the seven-pointed horns emerging from Her headdress. Seven as a number is important to Her symbolism, being a union of the spiritual and physical and the birth of the mind. For this reason, one of Her names was 'Seven-Horned'.


These seven horns represent the empowerment of the seven Chakras and the balance in taming the whims of the seven stars (planets) associated with those Chakras in attaining ultimate wisdom. In dwelling next to the Tree of Life, Thoth and Seshat both wrote the names of immortals on the trunk of the sacred Tree, an analogy for the ascension and eternal life.

In this sense, with the ever-present symbolism of using Her stylus and pen, Seshat represents what is 'inscribed' and 'recorded' in one's Karma and the House of Life, analogous to Her representation as Moirai or the Fates.

Most of all, She represents that the proper use of wisdom from the seeds of knowledge can overcome all aspects of personal Karma in relation to these hitherto unknown forces and lead one to immorality if wielded correctly. Visually, the horns of Seshat are analogous to the the rays of light from a light source, the sturdiness of a tree, the life-cycle of a flower and other visual symbols related to being enlightened, growing and patient.

Seshat serves as a symbol of enlightenment. She is a master scientist and mathematician. The imagery of Her starry headdress serves as a symbol for the progression of civilization through technological achievement as well as the soul and indicates Her link to Isis (Astarte). Her collaboration with Thoth shows that the male and female union when guided properly can produce genius, an allegory for the hermaphroditic nature of Mercury as a planet. Some male-female teams throughout history have led to significant advancements, such as Pierre and Marie Curie.


One symbol of Seshat that is known visually is the procedure of the 'stretching cord' used at temples where She would be accompanied by Horus or Thoth to establish certain angles and perspectives for corners of the temple in relation to the stars and the horizon for any prospective building project. The ending procession parallels the clockwise ending motion of the Standard Ritual: it would begin at the east (the horizon point, the gate of entrance for the temple) and end at the north (the point of darkness).

Seshat was commonly associated with Bastet and Ma'at, alongside Horus, Hathor, Isis and Nephthys. In tandem with Bastet, Seshat’s divine role consisted in laying the foundation for Bastet to use her own forces of power, protection and longevity for any fixed entity. Both Goddesses ruled over aspects of time: Seshat was considered the ‘Mistress of Keeping’ with her powers called forth during important dates such as the thirty-third year of the ruling Pharaoh’s reign. Both Bastet and Seshat were associated with the Powers of Thoth.

Her role in respect of Ma'at concerned recounting deeds of the individual when weighing the 'feather in the balance'. She often is represented wearing clothing made of leopard skin which was also worn by priests of Egypt and represented the stars, also representing her immense powers in maintaining the cosmic order.


As Seshat did not have sprawling temple structures related to Her, many modern historians consider Her role to be minor or downgraded in lieu of Her husband, Thoth. This is a misconception about the occult nature of the roles of Thoth and Seshat. Even in Egyptian works, Seshat is referenced as being the Equal in Power and Justice to Thoth.

Conversely to Thoth, Seshat represents the type of knowledge that is passively gained from inscription in the memory. She also represents the point in mental processes at which this can be brought out via recall and refined into something durable and coherent, similarly to the foundation or cornerstone of a building. Another aspect of the mind that She represents is the point where knowledge is not directly pursued and simply accumulates with necessary rest, day by day, a required function for any kind of acquisition of knowledge.

This resting quality is part of why She is related to books and documents, being a Patroness of libraries, archives and other kinds of institutions concerned with what has been written down and symbolically becomes memory in reserve beyond the view of perception. One of her names is She Who is Foremost of the Library. All realms of literature are also under Her command.


She was also the Patroness of history in itself. In terms of altered states, Seshat rules over certain types of psychic powers such as remote viewing that humans are able to unlock at certain levels of development. Psychic abilities such as remote viewing make the past, present and even many futures accessible and inscribable. These qualities are largely represented in Mnemosyne who was also equated with being the arbiter of history and the literary arts.

Seshat is known as a friendly Deity to humanity who will often assist whenever Thoth (Hermes) cannot do so. Both Thoth and Seshat are exceptionally hard-working and high-level Deities. Her eternal and enduring bond with Thoth is highly known.

May the intercessions of Divine Seshat give us all the words that help our lives endure forever, the memories that will assist us in solving any puzzle the universe brings forth and the fortitude to have our names written on the Tree of Life. May Seshat bless your minds and souls to climb higher and achieve full potential!


The Complete Temples of Egypt, Richard H. Wilkinson
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Bastet is an incredibly beloved Egyptian Goddess who rules over power in all forms. In Egypt, Bastet was an incredibly important deity, not just in day-to-day domestic life and as a patron Deity of safety in the home but in all matters related to cosmic order, societal order, warfare, statehood and occult knowledge. Her functions were so varied that even now Bastet is one of the most recognizable symbols of Egyptian civilization to exist.

bastet hieroglyph.jpg

The name Bastet means 'She who is anointed and (in return) She anoints', hence the Hieroglyph of Her name is always represented with an ointment jar. There is also a code inside Her name with the double t (tet), represented by the two semicircle Hieroglyphs, meaning 'She who anoints via the Power of Thoth'.

Her cult center was located in Bubastis in Lower Egypt, thirty miles from modern Cairo. Bastet’s annual festival was among the most popular in Egypt with nearly a million people attending it at any given point it was held. The temple was associated with fertility rites and celebrations of life. It was known as one of the most beautiful temples in Egypt:

Temples there are more spacious and costlier than that of Bubastis, but none so pleasant to behold. It is after the following fashion. Except at the entrance, it is surrounded by water: for two canals branch off from the river, and run as far as the entrance to the temple: yet neither canal mingles with the other, but one runs on this side, and the other on that. Each canal is a hundred feet wide, and its banks are lined with trees. The propylaea are sixty feet in height, and are adorned with sculptures (probably intaglios in relief) nine feet high, and of excellent workmanship. The Temple being in the middle of the city is looked down upon from all sides as you walk around; and this comes from the city having been raised, whereas the temple itself has not been moved, but remains in its original place. Quite round the temple there goes a wall, adorned with sculptures. Within the inclosure is a grove of fair tall trees, planted around a large building in which is the effigy (of Bast). The form of that temple is square, each side being a stadium in length. In a line with the entrance is a road built of stone about three stadia long, leading eastwards through the public market. The road is about 400 feet (120 m) broad, and is flanked by exceeding tall trees. It leads to the temple of Hermes.

Book 2, Histories, Herodotus

In a domestic guise, She ruled over the protection of the home and the cultivation of new life, as well as vigilance against the night and darkness. As a powerful Goddess, women frequently called on Her powers during pregnancy and in difficult situations for Her protection and guidance. Bastet, like Isis and Hathor, was equated very strongly with motherhood and nourishment of the young, which is why She is commonly represented in statuary with kittens.


In occult terms, Bastet rules over many aspects of distinction. While they are independent animals, cats possess a rigid social order, which they fiercely enforce at all times. Cats also cannot be commanded to love any being and generally 'claim' whomever they choose. This symbolism aligns with the anointing ointment Bastet has at Her disposal. Her powers of discernment are absolute: She is an aristocratic Goddess in the true sense of the word.


Bastet's warlike form as a lioness refers to her fierceness as an adversary and her superlative levels of power. In addition to protecting the home, She also maintained the nation, the greater racial home. In this form of the Goddess, the symbolism emphasizes the proactive work of the collective of lionesses to uphold the pride that is the basis for any true choice and liberty. In this guise, she was also equated with Sekhmet in defense of the realm and in the proper use of power.

While dogs guard against external threats, with this symbolism being tied to both Cerberus and Anubis, cats eliminate all sources of disease and decay within the home and farmstead.

The Egyptian lady's job, likewise, was to ensure the household is orderly and to be vigilant in overseeing her children for signs of distress, danger or disease. This was one of the reasons Bastet was invoked by women so strongly throughout the centuries.

Vermin especially posed a danger to children, and these animals were used to guard against the dissipation of new life. Yet just as a cat exterminates vermin and a mother cares for her children, Bastet's role in a divine sense is to ensure that the spiritual initiates who have passed through the gate are monitored and kept free of disease, internal chaos, and ignorance. As grain grows to feed the multitude when freed from pests, so does the soul of the Spiritual Satanist serve the many when it is cultivated with proper care. The enforcement of Her decrees in relation to cosmic order is absolute.

Her destruction of the snake of chaos and entropy, Apep, symbolized the Egyptian state's acuity to overcome chaos and disorder, hence She was invoked by Pharoahs for protection. Re (Azazel) was also represented as destroying Apep in the form of a male cat, while Bastet likewise maintained order by allowing the dawn to come each day. In turn, Bastet rules over the maintenance of time and is the dispositor of time as an emissary of Isis (Astarte).

Related to both Re and Thoth, Bastet's functions often concerned health and medicine. The cleanliness routines of cats and fastidious care they take to remove their own pollutants parallels the upkeep of spiritual cleansing required of advancement and the necessity of removing debris from the soul for the serpent to ascend and emerge.

The climbing ability of cats also relates to Her as cats will not hesitate to climb upwards. They also exercise balance and judgement in jumping and can slip through gaps by manipulating their bodies like water. There exists an adversarial and anxious nature to these animals suggestive of taking care not to be too sure in one's convictions and to be able to move on if necessary. As the daughter of Re, Bastet was also associated with the purifying, perpetually rising and lowering powers of the independent Sun for these reasons, among others.


Beyond the more obvious reason that this relates to the ability to confront unforeseen threats, the exceptional ability of cats to see well in the dark serves as an allegory for being able to see inside one's soul in order to wring out unknown possibilities. The acolyte must unlock and unify with the unconscious (female) side of the soul; they must wield the ability to traverse different dimensions as a cat slips in and out of the night. Bastet represents many facets of this process of change and aspects of spiritual secrecy that She revealed only to Her chosen acolytes; therefore due to this and the association of Bastet with time, She was equated with certain aspects of Artemis (Astarte) by the Greeks.

Cats were considered exceptionally holy in Ancient Egypt, tied to the health of the farming civilization adjacent to the Nile's waters. They are known as exceptional familiars and can aid magicians in various forms. Deliberate violence against a cat was punishable by death. Expensive embalming procedures for cats were often pursued which is another indication of the popularity of Bastet. In Beni Hasan, a single cemetary with hundreds of thousands of cat remains was found.


Bastet is also represented in a major aspect of Durga, a Goddess of the Vedic-Indian pantheon whose name translates as “invincible”. In this guise, She is a ruler of all powers of the universe and a guardian of righteous order (Dharma). Durga is commonly represented as using a lion or tiger as Her mount while fiercely battling the forces of corruption. The specific Eyes of Bastet are also represented in Indian iconography. Completion of painting the eyes begins Durga Puja, a major religious festival:


As with Bastet, Durga rules over the unknowable aspects of ascension and bestows the powers of the universe on whomever She chooses. Her powers were so vast that she was equated in Vedic hieratic texts with the power of Shakti in itself. She also is tasked with the maintenance of time as an alternate form of Kali (Lilith) and a steward of Lakshmi. Durga is also involved in the functions of wars that Bastet and Sekhmet rule over in the numerous facets of Egyptian statehood. She represents the war 'within oneself' in the struggle for and against life.

In Norse religion, although cats were uncommon in this part of Europe at the time, the chariot of Freyja (Astarte) is pulled by two domestic cats, showing the breadth of Bastet's power. As Viking civilization expanded, newlyweds and pregnant women were often gifted with a cat as a gift of Freyja.



Bastet is the wielder of the sistrum, which is also associated strongly with Isis (Astarte) and Hathor. The three strings of the sistrum represent the three channels of the soul and the necessary prerequisite for power to be wielded carefully in pursuing immortality. The sound it makes also represents a sound similar to the rush that coincides with rumbling, surging, and exceptionally bright power that hits one's consciousness when advancement occurs. This sound also parallels the purring and hissing sound of cats.

The sistrum, similar to how modern bells have distinct patterns, would be played in a manner of processions by women familiar to Egyptians. Some of these sound patterns, lost to the sands of time, would be evoked in the imagery itself of Bastet holding the instrument.


In statues, Bastet is often represented holding a leonine aegis to Her Middle Chakra, while Her other arm holds a sistrum upwards. This shows the balance between aggression and approval inherent to any true protection. It also serves as a reminder to consort with the right things and to not let corrupted people enter into one's heart, lest you surrender your power and endanger the vulnerable in the process.

Like Khnum, she is represented with an Ankh, which represents Her fierce guardianship of life.

Alabaster, a type of mineral and rock, is associated with Bastet. The original name was synonymous with the vessels of Bastet herself. Jars made from alabaster were typically used to represent Her symbolism.

Bastet is heavily associated with Seshat. Bastet would bless an erected temple, while Seshat indicated the divine geometry for it to exist. If Bastet constituted the active safety of an established home, Seshat created the measurements for its foundation and overall existence. Likewise, Seshat would delineate the boundaries for any being to exist and Bastet would control the inner processes of power for it to exist. The two Goddesses were often held in tandem with each other. An example of this relationship in day-to-day reality is how a cat is often used to hunt mice in libraries who would otherwise ruin books by gnawing on them.


The references to Bastet in the Bible are vague, similar to that of many female Deities that the Jews did not deign to mention.

One snide and backhanded reference to Bastet's powers actually occurs in Matthew 26:6-13 when the Nazarene is about to be sent to die:

While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table.

When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. “Why this waste?” they asked. “This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.”

Aware of this, Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me. When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. Truly I tell you, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.

Matthew 26:6-13

This transmutation of Bastet’s power into a nameless female Hebrew 'blessing' the Nazarene with an alabaster jar was designed to show the Nazarene is 'anointed' and selected to be the head of existence (i.e. power) prior to execution and that he had achieved the prerequisites for immortality. The anointment process is associated with Re (Azazel).

Bastet was known as Haagenti (which is actually one of Her names) and listed as a male Goetic Demon in the form of a bull with wings, holding an alchemical shield. In this symbolism, Haagenti was said to reveal all of the secrets of alchemy and to enable change in the initiate.

Cats themselves were reviled as unclean creatures following the advent of Christianity. They were seen as symbols of independence that stood in opposition to the dependency cult of the Nazarene. Black cats in particular, linked to Bastet, were seen as 'familiars' of witches.

Pope Gregory's decree named Vox in Rama (1233) formally declared cats to be symbols of Satan, with black cats considered the worst due to a story of a ‘statue’ of a black cat coming to life. Heightened powers were given to Inquisitors. Antipathy towards cats increased sharply, and extreme violence against defenseless animals was encouraged across Europe. Only a number of years later, by the late 1340s, did the Black Plague sweep Europe. Unsurprisingly, the disease spread more readily and freely due to these criminal measures. In some areas, seventy percent of the population perished.

Knowing the power of cats while reviling Bastet as a Goddess, the Jews often kept them around, thereby averting the onslaught of plague in Europe and the Middle East. The Jews also knew to guard against famines by deploying cats to protect their grain stores.

Although Islam's heritage in the Middle East and the incomplete nature of Islam meant cats were held in far higher regard, cruelty has not been absent.

Bastet’s powers of protection are infinite. Her guidance of Spiritual Satanists is absolute. We congregate to praise this exceptional and ancient Goddess of Antiquity at the Joy of Satanas, in total fondness for Her relentless acts in granting us new life! May power guide us to a more complete existence!
Happy Halloween to our entire satanic family, and may the Gods guide us to magnificent achievement and glory.

Thank you for everything you do for us High Priest Hooded Cobra, and to High Priestess Lydia, all of our guardians and to everyone who contributes big or small.

We are growing stronger by the day, and we will only climb higher as time moves forward.

Just as I finished drawing some kitties I come on the forums and see this. Wonderful sign, hehe!! 😊

Thank you!!
Already will be doing Anubis' ritual along with Father Satan's ritual and the donor ritual but I'm more than happy to add these for more blessing towards our Gods.

Happy Samhain, everyone.
Your hard work pays off in the end. It may be a little difficult now, but the pain is temporary. yet your rewards will be permanent as long you keep getting closer with the Gods. Your rewards will multiply in great amounts. The limits you can go are beyond endless when truly walking closer to the gods.. Keep it up, I am with you on the extra work.

I've been working on the Andras and Set rituals because of promises I've made myself. I've seen a world needing people to help play their role and i promised myself years ago i wouldnt bail on this world nor the people/innocent. I would find a way to play a part even if it was one small thing at a time. I am greatful for this opportunity. The fact our Gods even created us. The opportunity to life and given the tool to make what you want of it. to become the master architect ourselves. Our beautiful Gods and Goddesses will always guide us as long as we are consistent.
Happy Samhain!!! HAIL SATAN!!!
Bastest's Ritual was very powerful and direct. Off to do Seshat's Ritual next.
The Reda hit deep for me. Felt like I was an electric tidal wave expanding outward into the ocean while visualizing being surrounded and one with the sigil with light coming in expanding out in every direction. Beautiful exprience. Im happy they were posted. Was something new and a unique exprience. Off to do more work! Happy Samhain Apollo above.
Both rituals were beautiful, Lady Seshat's ritual was very focused around my head with very precise energy directed at specific points in my head as well as pleasant uplifting surrounding energy.
Queen Bastet's ritual was very penetrating for lack of a better term her energy went throughout my entire body, it felt like it did so several times, in fact at the start her energy went straight through one part of my head, her energy was extremely noticeable but also very gentle and uplifting and not all overly intense or harsh, strong but absolutely controlled.

Feels like soon we will have our whole Pantheon.

Hail Seshat!
Hail Bastet!
Hail Satanas!
Thank you for these two beautiful rituals. Thanks to the Priests and Guardians for making it possible.

I have completed the ritual of the Goddess Bastet and feel her wonderful energy.

Bastet, or Bubastis, was highly honored and revered in ancient times. She is a Goddess of austere beauty and is extremely kind. One of her places of worship was the Bubasteion at Saqqara in Egypt, from which I took my nickname. She was adored and loved by many and even today, I can see hints of this in some people.

Happy Samhain to my Satanic family!

Greetings to everyone and I wish everyone the most spooky and beautiful Halloween for 2024. As many are longing for a schedule, the Rituals below for the wonderful Goddesses Seshat and Bastet are perfect for us to do, in order to bless them and in return receive their blessings, love and support.

We are continuing steadfast on the full restoration of the Gods and the culture, whilst blessing ourselves and moving forward into their glorious purpose and light for the Joy of Satanas and ourselves. The Gods know our community is the most serious and most focused in their veneration and their most trusted fellowship. As they observe us doing what we are supposed to be doing, we are gaining their love and favor like nobody else ever could in this world.

Tasked with holy and supernal tasks, they are always behind us, in support and with their eternal love.

With a lot of happiness I announce the Rituals for these two wonderful Goddesses. This post will be updated with two wonderful articles for each Goddess by JG Karnonnos (Which will be checked thoroughly to contain more information and expanded - same as the other Gods and Goddesses). Of course, more Gods are upcoming.

Basted and Seshat are two very important, most prominent and noble Ancient Egyptian Goddesses (and universal Goddesses). Bastet is very well known; Nepthys is equivalent to the Ancient Fates and they both have enormous aspects which will be understood through the Rituals.

Two more Rituals will come before or during the conclusion of this Schedule.

The duration of these Rituals is until November 5th.

May the Great Goddesses bless us all and may our collective works for all of them be recognized, forevermore.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for posting such great rituals!

May the Gods bless us all in our endeavors for the Joy of Satanas.

I have one question though,... and that is.. is Seshat Godess ritual related as the true meaning of what the abusers of the Gods blasphemed as "Leonard".

According to the sources, "Leonard" is a Demon who has 7 horns on its head.

I am just asking as my mind seems to boggle with very useful and interesting information.

Thank you once again, for posting such great rituals.

May SS battalion win
It was with great emotion that I performed the ritual of the almighty Bastet. I love her enormously and, as I've already said, she came to my aid. I'll never forget it.
Tears flow as I perform Your ritual Beloved Goddess.

I can't wait to do the Goddess Seshet ritual.

Happy Samhain my family.

Hail Bastet !
Hail Seshet !
Hail Father Satan !
If everyone can write some feedback for these Rituals, I would be very glad. I say this because I might update the Ritual of Seshat to make the Ritual even more effective. After we all did the Ritual some more information has surfaced (rare, but it can happen). Thanks everyone.
Those two Rituals are the most interesting and facinating i have done so far.

Lord Bastet's ritual was purely empowering and transformative my whole being i had a sensasion thai i turnend from weak prey into cat-like predator equipped with astral claws and teeth and mentally ready to hunt and kill that dares to stand in my way.

Lord Seshat's was also empowering however in different manner, in more structural and organised manner, what i mean by that it empowerd all my chakras not only my 7 main and it's extensions but also in my hand, feet, face, psychic hearing and sight point, body, not only that but i could definitly feel that some sort of pathways or connections were being created or awakend that connects all of my chakras main and minor in whole being, something similar to electronic circuit in any electronic devises, that allows my bioelectricity to circulate in my entire body.
Those two Rituals are the most interesting and facinating i have done so far.

Lord Bastet's ritual was purely empowering and transformative my whole being i had a sensasion thai i turnend from weak prey into cat-like predator equipped with astral claws and teeth and mentally ready to hunt and kill that dares to stand in my way.

Lord Seshat's was also empowering however in different manner, in more structural and organised manner, what i mean by that it empowerd all my chakras not only my 7 main and it's extensions but also in my hand, feet, face, psychic hearing and sight point, body, not only that but i could definitly feel that some sort of pathways or connections were being created or awakend that connects all of my chakras main and minor in whole being, something similar to electronic circuit in any electronic devises, that allows my bioelectricity to circulate in my entire body.
Apologies for mistakes, i wanted to share my experiences as fast as possible
The Egyptian lady's job, likewise, was to ensure the household is orderly and to be vigilant in overseeing her children for signs of distress, danger or disease. This was one of the reasons Bastet was invoked by women so strongly throughout the centuries.

Vermin especially posed a danger to children, and these animals were used to guard against the dissipation of new life. Yet just as a cat exterminates vermin and a mother cares for her children, Bastet's role in a divine sense is to ensure that the spiritual initiates who have passed through the gate are monitored and kept free of disease, internal chaos, and ignorance. As grain grows to feed the multitude when freed from pests, so does the soul of the Spiritual Satanist serve the many when it is cultivated with proper care. The enforcement of Her decrees in relation to cosmic order is absolute.

First off, incredible posts as ever, JG. I have very little of my own to add, you've been so thorough. As you specify, the genocide of cats in Europe was a direct contributor to the Black Plague, and only occurred as a result of how Christians viewed cats as companions to witchcraft. Even today, the black cat superstition continues, as they're still often regarded as a symbol of bad luck in certain cultures.

Cats were considered exceptionally holy in Ancient Egypt, tied to the health of the farming civilization adjacent to the Nile's waters. They are known as exceptional familiars and can aid magicians in various forms. Deliberate violence against a cat was punishable by death. Expensive embalming procedures for cats were often pursued which is another indication of the popularity of Bastet. In Beni Hasan, a single cemetary with hundreds of thousands of cat remains was found.

Recently, I visited an Ancient Egypt exhibition in my city's museum. One thing that struck me is just how many mummified cats were on display. They really were beloved. I've heard the claim that, when a family's beloved cat would die, some families would shave their eyebrows in an act of mourning. It's always bothered me how certain callous idiots of today will tell you not to care about your domestic pets. They'll look down on you and say "it was just an animal." Nonsense. This was never the way of the ancients. As an amusing fact, I believe cats were called "miu" or "mau" in Egyptian, which, knowing what noise cats make, is obvious why. I also recall seeing one mummified cat in particular, whose name, in English, loosely translated to "she who bites and scratches" which I found pretty endearing.

The references to Bastet in the Bible are vague, similar to that of many female Deities that the Jews did not deign to mention.

There's also another reference in Ezekiel 30:17, I believe, which is a direct curse on where Bastet's local cult was situated.

"The young men of Heliopolis and Bubastis will fall by the sword, and the cities themselves will go into captivity."

Generally, it seems the Jews had a particular hatred for any God with a festival dedicated to the joys of life, which was a common aspect of tributes to Bastet. There's a lot of endless seething in hatred any time Jews mention gentiles partying, or drinking or generally just enjoying themselves and the splendor of life. Fast forward and along comes Rabbi Christ, and life in the Roman Empire becomes as bleak and humourless as a funeral.

Interestingly, very little of Bastet's symbolism remains in the Goetic Haagenti, save for the wings of the Griffin, with Griffins not only being eagles but also possessing the hindquarters of a feline.

Seshat serves as a symbol of enlightenment. She is a master scientist and mathematician. The imagery of Her starry headdress serves as a symbol for the progression of civilization through technological achievement as well as the soul and indicates Her link to Isis (Astarte). Her collaboration with Thoth shows that the male and female union when guided properly can produce genius, an allegory for the hermaphroditic nature of Mercury as a planet. Some male-female teams throughout history have led to significant advancements, such as Pierre and Marie Curie.

If I'm correct, this is also linked to her cheetah pattern garbs, as the spots on a cheetah were considered to reflect the stars in the sky, and thus the procession of time and the fate of mortals, hence why funerary priests also wore similar wear.

One symbol of Seshat that is known visually is the procedure of the 'stretching cord' used at temples where She would be accompanied by Horus or Thoth to establish certain angles and perspectives for corners of the temple in relation to the stars and the horizon for any prospective building project. The ending procession parallels the clockwise ending motion of the Standard Ritual: it would begin at the east (the horizon point, the gate of entrance for the temple) and end at the north (the point of darkness).

From what I've read, this also grants her a certain occultic link to Khnum as well. As Khnum would oversee the flooding of the Nile, where then Seshat would oversee the stretching of the cord and the reinstatement of the boundary lines that determine where farming took place on the fertile, recently flooded banks where crop yields would be optimal.

Again, you were so thorough here. I learned a lot, particular in regards to her link to the Titan Mnemosyne.

Thank you to HP Cobra as well, for supplying these rituals as always.

Hail Bastet! Hail Seshat!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
