This is a thread for Finnish Translations of JoS Material.
Henu the Great said:I have begun work on Kabbalah Exposed, and my previous work from last year - 108 pages of Exposing Christianity pdf is done so far. Anyone who wishes to help would be greatly appreciated since polishing the pages after online translating is slow-ish process, at least for me. Especially for the pdf since it needs to be precise with the pictures, and all.
My email is [email protected] and I will only respond to those who have quoted me with their own email on this thread.
Thank you.
Got your email. Will respond in a minute. Thank you for joining the effort.sinatra said:[email protected]
Im ready to help. I could do like 1 page a day, with my RTRs, at the very least. I thought that if i would also dedicate a day from a week fully to the translation. In my free time of course. Getting more active, besides just doing RTRs and some meditations. About damn fucking time... :roll:
Im Artanis and this is my new account. I dont remember my password, so i just did another one instead.![]()
And NOW, i will put my password in a safe damn place, where i can safely look it up if i forget it anytime :lol: :lol:
Hello Artanis. You could request a password change or put same Artanis1 or something on the new account so people will know who you are.sinatra said:Im ready to help. I could do like 1 page a day, with my RTRs, at the very least. I thought that if i would also dedicate a day from a week fully to the translation. In my free time of course. Getting more active, besides just doing RTRs and some meditations. About damn fucking time... :roll:
Henu the Great said:I have begun work on Kabbalah Exposed, and my previous work from last year - 108 pages of Exposing Christianity pdf is done so far. Anyone who wishes to help would be greatly appreciated since polishing the pages after online translating is slow-ish process, at least for me. Especially for the pdf since it needs to be precise with the pictures, and all.
My email is [email protected] and I will only respond to those who have quoted me with their own email on this thread.
Thank you.
The Alchemist7 said:Hello Artanis. You could request a password change or put same Artanis1 or something on the new account so people will know who you are.sinatra said:Im ready to help. I could do like 1 page a day, with my RTRs, at the very least. I thought that if i would also dedicate a day from a week fully to the translation. In my free time of course. Getting more active, besides just doing RTRs and some meditations. About damn fucking time... :roll:
More the merrier!kajo said:Happy to translate whatever is needed. I did the SS calendar's Finnish translation. If you think the quality isn't too shoddy, I'm in![]()
[email protected]
Not sure where else to post this, so I'll post here.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:This is a thread for Finnish Translations of JoS Material.
Henu the Great said:Not sure where else to post this, so I'll post here.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:This is a thread for Finnish Translations of JoS Material.
The following link gives error 404 (my favourite one, lol):
Wayback machine has not archived the url. Can you help out with this?
Hello, I have downloaded it, thanks a lot to everybody involved. I looked at most articles and everything looks just alright.Henu the Great said:Here is the The Real Holocaust aka Todellinen Holokausti on mega:
If you have any questions about this, then ask here or by mail. Thank you, and Hail Satanas!
No problem. We do our best to get as much material translated as possible.The Alchemist7 said:Hello, I have downloaded it, thanks a lot to everybody involved. I looked at most articles and everything looks just alright.
Indeed it seems incomplete. I don't know if I done the right thing but when I translated into Romanian and French I removed that incomplete sentence as I had no idea what could have been after that.Henu the Great said:At the very end of the article:
As to who is Satan really, and irrespective of the admittance of the jewish agenda of fighting against this entity:
Okay, I will do the same thing. I will keep the files so if there ever is any update on that it can be corrected and updated on the site.The Alchemist7 said:Indeed it seems incomplete. I don't know if I done the right thing but when I translated into Romanian and French I removed that incomplete sentence as I had no idea what could have been after that.Henu the Great said:At the very end of the article:
As to who is Satan really, and irrespective of the admittance of the jewish agenda of fighting against this entity:
ThanksHenu the Great said:Here are the rtrs and rituals in a zip file:
Credit goes to kajo.
This seems to be the article if you are still looking for itHenu the Great said:Not sure where else to post this, so I'll post here.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:This is a thread for Finnish Translations of JoS Material.
The following link gives error 404 (my favourite one, lol):
Wayback machine has not archived the url. Can you help out with this?
If you are talking about the translation of the JoS, then that would happen after current translations are done, or when JoS update has been done. To me, it makes most sense.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:So, as I see, it's time for us to construct JoS Fin now? Because we can definitely go ahead with this.
Henu the Great said:If you are talking about the translation of the JoS, then that would happen after current translations are done, or when JoS update has been done. To me, it makes most sense.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:So, as I see, it's time for us to construct JoS Fin now? Because we can definitely go ahead with this.
Or are you talking about a forum section? I was just thinking about this the other day, but I'm really not sure about the demand of it. Altough I've even had a dream about forum languages added to the extreme. But yeah, I'm all for it if that can be done.
Henu the Great said:Thank you.
sinatra said:HAH! The Enemy fearing the Blue-White Truthbringers it seems!![]()
Hello. I found Exposing Christianity in Finnish on the JoS Librarykajo said:Happy
I already did last year. Thats why I begun working on it. I have 108 pages out of twohundred something done.The Alchemist7 said:Henu the Great said:Thank you.
sinatra said:HAH! The Enemy fearing the Blue-White Truthbringers it seems!![]()
Hello. I found Exposing Christianity in Finnish on the JoS Librarykajo said:Happy
Can somebody please have a quuck look and say if is complete and if the translation is in a good quality? Thanks
It was automatically translated with an online software, wasn't it? I found the same file in multiple languages in the JoS LibraryHenu the Great said:I already did last year. Thats why I begun working on it. I have 108 pages out of twohundred something done.
Excactly. And many years ago which shows in the lack of quality.The Alchemist7 said:It was automatically translated with an online software, wasn't it? I found the same file in multiple languages in the JoS LibraryHenu the Great said:I already did last year. Thats why I begun working on it. I have 108 pages out of twohundred something done.
Thanks. If you mean the 3 in 1 RTR zip file, yes I have received it.Henu the Great said:Kabbalah exposed / Kabbala Paljastuu
It's finished, downloadable from here:
Did you receive my previous email regarding the one file?
I just noticed something terrible. The links that I sent you containing the previous files, I deleted them. So I was just browsing your multilingual JoS link, and noticed that you put the links there. So they don't work. I thought you were compiling sites with the files, not simply putting the links up.The Alchemist7 said:Thanks. If you mean the 3 in 1 RTR zip file, yes I have received it.Henu the Great said:Kabbalah exposed / Kabbala Paljastuu
It's finished, downloadable from here:
Did you receive my previous email regarding the one file?
Henu the Great said:I just noticed something terrible. The links that I sent you containing the previous files, I deleted them. So I was just browsing your multilingual JoS link, and noticed that you put the links there. So they don't work. I thought you were compiling sites with the files, not simply putting the links up.
Here are the new links:
Rtr & ritual :
The real holocaust :
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Henu the Great said:Finnish
sinatra said:Finnish
kajo said:Finnish
Rabbit ilmoittavat avoimesti omissa teksteissään, että Lilith on hindujen jumalatar Kali;
Lilith toteaa juutalaiselle Elialle:
"Lilith totesi: Nämä ovat nimiäni, Lilith….. Kali...". [1]
Juutalaiset viittaavat juutalaisissa teksteissä Samaeliin ja Lilithiin pariskuntana. Rabbit kuitenkin osoittavat myös, kuka Samael, hepreankielinen nimitys Saatanalle, todella on. Hepreankielinen Shin-kirjain kirjoitetaan kahdella tavalla. Se on Shin ja Sin.
Kirjassa "The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism" sanotaan Samaelin nimestä:
"Samaelin nimen ensimmäinen kirjain on Sin eikä Shin...".
Sin on muinaisen sumerilaisen kuunjumalan nimi, ja alkuperäiskielessä sanskritissa Shiva-nimen juurisana on Sin.[2] Sana hindu tulee Sindu-joen nimestä.
Juutalaiset toteavat avoimesti omissa teksteissään, että yksi Lilithin kätketyistä nimistä on Kali. Hindujen luomisen ja sielun puhdistamisen jumalatar. Ja että Lilithin aviomies Samael on Shiva. Kali on Shivan jumalatarvaimo.
Lähi-idän Yezidien Jumala on Saatana. Yezidhi-Jumalan piilotettu nimi on Shiva. Yezidhi-uskonto löytyy edelleen Etelä-Intiasta, kuten Yezidhi-vanhimmat toteavat ja heidän muinaiset muistiinpanonsa kertovat, että he tulivat muinaisesta Intiasta. Etelä-Intiassa A Shivam on Ya Siddhan uskonnon muinainen nimi, josta Yezidhi on peräisin.
[1]Tree Of Souls The Mythology Of Judaism, Schwartz
[2] The Myths and Gods of India, Danielou
[3]The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism, Dennis
Joy of Satan -foorumeiden kannanotot
Yea I encountered that with Exposing Christianity as well when I was compiling an archive in Greek. From my point of view this is rather misleading, the name of the article written in the content list on the left should be exactly the same as the title of the article. I don't understand yet why there are two different titles for the same article, even if they are extremely similar.Henu the Great said:The links on the left should be named as the files were named. The title of the article may differ from it a bit.
I was thinking it should be looking as much as the original is looking, so that's why I named the files as the text was left on the list.The Alchemist7 said:Yea I encountered that with Exposing Christianity as well when I was compiling an archive in Greek. From my point of view this is rather misleading, the name of the article written in the content list on the left should be exactly the same as the title of the article. I don't understand yet why there are two different titles for the same article, even if they are extremely similar.Henu the Great said:The links on the left should be named as the files were named. The title of the article may differ from it a bit.
About the corrections I thought you done them all already. I will update what you gave me so far and then correct them as the time goes. Also what do you think about the titles of the categories, „Kumppanuussivustot” for `Partner Websites` and „Sisältö” for `Content`?
Then in the last article I put „Lataa” for `Download` and „Lue verkossa” for `Read online` for that big pdf.
Also I put „Monikielinen” for `Multilingual` and „Suomalainen” for `Finnish`
What do you think about all these? Are they all correct?
I can definitely update it with the titles they have on the English websites in the Content list. But personally I can only copy paste them on DeepL and put them on the website, which is not really accurate. If you wish you can write the titles here in Finnish like numberedHenu the Great said:I was thinking it should be looking as much as the original is looking, so that's why I named the files as the text was left on the list.
Thanks. Since Finnish is on Deepl I can also help by bulk-translating sections of the website. If Kabbalah Exposed wasn't translated very bad by Deepl then maybe I can help as well if you need and you or kajo can then correct all errors. What do you think?Henu the Great said:Hello Alchemist.
I just finished Exposing Christianity.
Here is the link for the pdf:
I will now continue translating JoS with kajo. The third translator is missing, no contact from him for over two months, so it's two of us on this project now.
Thanks for offering help. For now, I will continue translating manually. It is really refresing to do it that way.The Alchemist7 said:Thanks. Since Finnish is on Deepl I can also help by bulk-translating sections of the website. If Kabbalah Exposed wasn't translated very bad by Deepl then maybe I can help as well if you need and you or kajo can then correct all errors. What do you think?Henu the Great said:Hello Alchemist.
I just finished Exposing Christianity.
Here is the link for the pdf:
I will now continue translating JoS with kajo. The third translator is missing, no contact from him for over two months, so it's two of us on this project now.
Alright when I finish I will post it here or send it by email.Henu the Great said:If you can, bulk translating the white death of islam and sending me the files like with kabbalah exposed would be very helpful.
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan