Amazing! Thank you so much! 
The Joy of Satan Astrology Portal:
The address: will host both projects from now on.
BlackOnyx8 said:There are no words that can describe how thankful I am for this. Everyone did such an amazing job on this project. The website works great and looks really beautiful as well. The Natal and Transit page are great even for beginners. Which is really appreciated. Thank you everyone for the earlier release of the calendar, I have many plans for next year and this way I can prepare earlier.
Lydia said:Thank you for acknowledging the immense amount of work that went into this. My brain went numb from going over all the different time zones for the editing of it :lol: This calendar is the best version yet though.
And great job to the SS who did the map for the calendar downloads, this should make it much easier for people to correctly download the calendar they need.
So nice that we have our own natal chart generator too.
Hail Satan!
Hail Azazel!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:BlackOnyx8 said:There are no words that can describe how thankful I am for this. Everyone did such an amazing job on this project. The website works great and looks really beautiful as well. The Natal and Transit page are great even for beginners. Which is really appreciated. Thank you everyone for the earlier release of the calendar, I have many plans for next year and this way I can prepare earlier.
All the astrology things were done by Hidden Warrior with astrological instructions I set, plus what HPS Maxine has written in the Joy of Satan website section of Azazel's Astrology. He designed, did the calculations, it was an immense amount of work in his behalf.
Therefore it should all be clear.
In the future we might include fixed stars and some other calculations. We are glad this is working and any bugs that might be found [most have been reported and fixed], we will check out in the future to even out.
Any bugs or issues reported here, we will look into and correct as time permits. The website is however totally functional and can be used in full.
Everyone must also share their positive thoughts and thanks since all people working on this deserve to see the amazing community response.
HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan