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[UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

Hidden Warrior said:
I am very glad that the website is appreciated.

My gratitude goes to Lord Azazel, who in a dream told me clearly that he needed this. Before the dream I wasn't sure to start it, but know I can see that this was needed. It can be a very good starting point to have a site that is OUR, of Joy Of Satan Community, and we can modify it as we want, free from jewish bullshits.

I thank Lord Azazel and all the Demons that have helped me to gather all the knowledge need to build the site.

I thank HP Hooded Cobra that gave me the support needed to the development of the site and all the members that contributed to the Astrology Calendar, that is a wonderful tool to plan our spiritual works.
I thank also Soaring Eagle that designed our beautiful logo. It is perfect for the site.

As HP Cobra said, we will fix the minor bugs as fast as we can.
The positions of the planets should be all correct, because I use the same computations used by "Astro dienst".
For the location part, I have put in my database all the cities with more than 15.000 residents. If you can't find your location, try to use the nearest bigger city. This should not affect the position of the planets. Anyway, I plan to expand it more by adding cities with lesser residents.
The browser supported are for sure Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, that are the most used. Unfortunately, browser compatibility is a pain in the neck in the web development world.

We will make Joy Of Satan something HUGE.
Let's fully manifest the Ten Year Plan!


There you are now i can quote you and thank you personally. Thank you the site is great :D !
Hidden Warrior said:
I am very glad that the website is appreciated.

My gratitude goes to Lord Azazel, who in a dream told me clearly that he needed this. Before the dream I wasn't sure to start it, but know I can see that this was needed. It can be a very good starting point to have a site that is OUR, of Joy Of Satan Community, and we can modify it as we want, free from jewish bullshits.

I thank Lord Azazel and all the Demons that have helped me to gather all the knowledge need to build the site.

I thank HP Hooded Cobra that gave me the support needed to the development of the site and all the members that contributed to the Astrology Calendar, that is a wonderful tool to plan our spiritual works.
I thank also Soaring Eagle that designed our beautiful logo. It is perfect for the site.

As HP Cobra said, we will fix the minor bugs as fast as we can.
The positions of the planets should be all correct, because I use the same computations used by "Astro dienst".
For the location part, I have put in my database all the cities with more than 15.000 residents. If you can't find your location, try to use the nearest bigger city. This should not affect the position of the planets. Anyway, I plan to expand it more by adding cities with lesser residents.
The browser supported are for sure Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, that are the most used. Unfortunately, browser compatibility is a pain in the neck in the web development world.

We will make Joy Of Satan something HUGE.
Let's fully manifest the Ten Year Plan!


Thanks Brother, this temple will keep increasing in splendour and size indefinitely.

oops sorry i forgot to say thanks for the whole project :D. I was looking at it so long I went straight to asking questions, didnt want to sound ungrateful. It's funny though, literally the morning of that day, or the night prior I was looking at the post made about this a long time ago wondering what became of it, and now it's here! But, why is black moon and lot of fortune there, I thought they weren't used?
Site looks good. :D

Although it may make more sense to replace Sun/Mercury/Venus/Mars transits with progressions instead? Those planets move too fast to matter for transits.
Azoun said:
I was unable to find my birth location when using the natal chart. That is the standard for me with most charts. Maybe the option to use coords could bypass that.

You will have to enter the city where you live and then click on go or search if I am not mistaken and automatically will find your Country Location.
I made a huge mistake I entered my personal information, I think the dob and time is enough.
Thanks so much HP. Hoodedcobra666, ThomaSS, Lydia, Nisha Willow and Forores for a wonderful work you've done.. you're a blessing to us all, may Father Satan continue blessing you-all. I've been waiting for this calendar to come out and finally now it's out wow! I'm so excited because I know how helpful these calenders are to us SS warriors.
newbie40 said:
Azoun said:
I was unable to find my birth location when using the natal chart. That is the standard for me with most charts. Maybe the option to use coords could bypass that.

You will have to enter the city where you live and then click on go or search if I am not mistaken and automatically will find your Country Location.

The location was just too low of a population to be listed but in the meantime I am using a location somewhat close that is.
i'm trying to download the new 2022 calendar with tor browser and its not showing any download when i find my area on the map, and it when i go to list view it says "No calendars for the selected year ".

is this an issue with tor browser or are the calendars temporarily down?

is there anyway i could get a direct download link?
eternal666light said:
i'm trying to download the new 2022 calendar with tor browser and its not showing any download when i find my area on the map, and it when i go to list view it says "No calendars for the selected year ".

is this an issue with tor browser or are the calendars temporarily down?

is there anyway i could get a direct download link?


Go here, and press on the "List" button. Then, press the link you need from the list. The calendar should download.

Be aware that Tor browser can be tricky. To make sure the site works, use the "Safe" section on the security, since if you go for things like "Safest", it might break down sites.

This appears to be an issue of Tor or something system specific to you. Thanks for reporting the bug, but I think this has to be Tor probably.
Serbon said:
In the calendar, on 20th april it says "Antichrist's incarnation.
Is this just a remebrance day, or something bigger?
Asking because we didnt have this in the last calendar

Hitler's birthday. It's a new addition, we try to update each calendar to add more information.

newbie40 said:
Hello comrades,

I was reading the astro page and I realized that I know nothing about astrology I am iliterate on that but I can tell is very useful for magik working I downloaded the calendar for 2022 and 2021. It is a shame that there is no map for my country so O downloaded the nearest country (Panama)

I noticed that the calendar 2021 in Panamá is not available.
They go by timezones and languages. There is no need for a different one for every country, just use the one in your timezone :)

balo666 said:
Thank you so much for all your effort! really, really!

i will work really hard on this warfare to give back all what gods have done for us and what our others SS deserve

That's the best thank you we can receive :) Extra warfare, and of course using the tools provided to advance yourself :)

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lydia said:
Thank you for acknowledging the immense amount of work that went into this. My brain went numb from going over all the different time zones for the editing of it :lol: This calendar is the best version yet though.

And great job to the SS who did the map for the calendar downloads, this should make it much easier for people to correctly download the calendar they need.

So nice that we have our own natal chart generator too.

Hail Satan!
Hail Azazel!

Thank you and ThomaSS since on a personal level I know how much mind boggling work he had to do and how this sacrificed so much of his personal time, alongside yourself.


Oh yes, I've mentioned that to ThomaSS in personal email, he did far more work and far more hours than I did so if it was a lot for me then I can't imagine how difficult it was for him.

And again, a huge thank you to Hidden Warrior for the work building the astrology website :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
eternal666light said:
i'm trying to download the new 2022 calendar with tor browser and its not showing any download when i find my area on the map, and it when i go to list view it says "No calendars for the selected year ".

is this an issue with tor browser or are the calendars temporarily down?

is there anyway i could get a direct download link?


Go here, and press on the "List" button. Then, press the link you need from the list. The calendar should download.

Be aware that Tor browser can be tricky. To make sure the site works, use the "Safe" section on the security, since if you go for things like "Safest", it might break down sites.

This appears to be an issue of Tor or something system specific to you. Thanks for reporting the bug, but I think this has to be Tor probably.
yeah i guess i had my tor browser on the "safer" setting so the website didn't load properly, i changed it to standard and it works now. thanks for pointing that out, also thank you everyone who worked on this.
Thanks to everyone involved. I tested the website and it works wonderfully. I really like the indications of aspect strength and how everything important is included in the clean design chart page.
newbie40 said:
Hello comrades,

I was reading the astro page and I realized that I know nothing about astrology I am iliterate on that but I can tell is very useful for magik working I downloaded the calendar for 2022 and 2021. It is a shame that there is no map for my country so O downloaded the nearest country (Panama)

I noticed that the calendar 2021 in Panamá is not available.
They go by timezones and languages. There is no need for a different one for every country, just use the one in your timezone :)

Lidya is there a way I can get a calendar for my country? Is it okay to use panama's calendar?
When the JOS sites get updated the Joy of Satan Astrology Website, can replace the linked sites (https://www.astro.com/ , https://indigoray.net/symbols.html) here:

Azazel's Astrology for Satanists

+ link to forum astro update.
Hidden Warrior said:
I am very glad that the website is appreciated.

My gratitude goes to Lord Azazel, who in a dream told me clearly that he needed this. Before the dream I wasn't sure to start it, but know I can see that this was needed. It can be a very good starting point to have a site that is OUR, of Joy Of Satan Community, and we can modify it as we want, free from jewish bullshits.

I thank Lord Azazel and all the Demons that have helped me to gather all the knowledge need to build the site.

I thank HP Hooded Cobra that gave me the support needed to the development of the site and all the members that contributed to the Astrology Calendar, that is a wonderful tool to plan our spiritual works.
I thank also Soaring Eagle that designed our beautiful logo. It is perfect for the site.

As HP Cobra said, we will fix the minor bugs as fast as we can.
The positions of the planets should be all correct, because I use the same computations used by "Astro dienst".
For the location part, I have put in my database all the cities with more than 15.000 residents. If you can't find your location, try to use the nearest bigger city. This should not affect the position of the planets. Anyway, I plan to expand it more by adding cities with lesser residents.
The browser supported are for sure Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, that are the most used. Unfortunately, browser compatibility is a pain in the neck in the web development world.

We will make Joy Of Satan something HUGE.
Let's fully manifest the Ten Year Plan!


Thank you! You're amazing!
Aquarius said:
Unfortunately I can't get the natal chart working, it says:"we got a problem here" everytime I try to make one.
I'm on safari on Iphone.

Same as me, do you have any idea why?
I have a question. If a 90 day working is begun on a day in which the moon enters into the signs of Gemini or Virgo (and assuming the void of course moon is avoided), to what extent will a Mercury retrograde impact the overall working, if it occurs within the 90 days? For example, I’m wanting to start a 90 day health working this Friday, 11/26, as the moon will enter into the sign of Virgo. But it looks like Mercury will be in retrograde in January of 2022. Could I still begin the health working this Friday or would it be advised against?
Thank you Brothers and Sisters who made this amazing site possible.
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Azazel!
newbie40 said:
Lidya is there a way I can get a calendar for my country? Is it okay to use panama's calendar?

You can download the calender for your timezone. The time will be the same in all the countries in the same timezone. If you are in Panama, Mexico (Cancun) , Colombia or Canada (Coral Harbour), you can download the UTC - 5 calendar.

If you are not sure about your timezone, do a simple internet search with the name of your country followed by the word 'timezone'. (example: if you want to find Panama's timezone, you will have to search 'Panama timezone').

When you find out your timezone, then you can download the calendar for that specific timezone even if your country is not mentioned there.
Legendary Creature said:
I have a question. If a 90 day working is begun on a day in which the moon enters into the signs of Gemini or Virgo (and assuming the void of course moon is avoided), to what extent will a Mercury retrograde impact the overall working, if it occurs within the 90 days? For example, I’m wanting to start a 90 day health working this Friday, 11/26, as the moon will enter into the sign of Virgo. But it looks like Mercury will be in retrograde in January of 2022. Could I still begin the health working this Friday or would it be advised against?
The start date is what matters.
This is a phenomenal work. Many thanks and much love ♥️ to everyone involved in this. I’m going to move all of my charts here and have the keys generated and saved for them at some point soon. This is actually majorly convenient as it means I do not have to use multiple accounts for astro.com or from multiple websites.

I like the function which brings up the info of the planet by click. The side bar which makes it easy to isolate planets and envision specific aspects in the chart. Also the top bar that allows you to move the charts time by second, minute, hour etc. very quickly, which appears to be designed so for chart rectification. It’s pretty intuitive and its just crazy how much already has been included, especially some kinda intricate things, ahead of stuff like what Shadowcat suggested about the degrees. I think that specifically would help massively a lot of our people who are looking at their chart at a beginner level, but I don’t mind how it is currently.

It feels like it’s designed similarly to the RTR site, as though there’s some element of discerning the astrology that could be going on outside the screen lol. I like. The only bugs I’ve experienced up to now are with sometimes the keys not being recognised, and the sign/house placement pages sometimes showing the description for the previous or following sign/house but in one case, it kind of made sense as one planet was within 2/3 degrees of the cusp proceeding from it in a chart. That’s all I have noticed in the short while I’ve been on it.

The calendar seems to be evolving every year now too, it looks more cooler and fuller into what it’s supposed to be. Thank you Lydia, Nisha Willow, ThomaSS and Forores for growing this, and I suggest every insight and good timing that people get from your work returns blessings to you all 40-fold. Same goes especially for Hidden Warrior and to Satanic Eagle for enacting the will of the Glorious Azazel. You are all Great individuals who have reared and unleashed a shining example of the Joy of Satan’s highest proclivities. Honour, wealth and glory to you all.

Hail Azazel!
Hail The Joy of Satan!
Hail The Best of The JOS!!!!
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
newbie40 said:
Lidya is there a way I can get a calendar for my country? Is it okay to use panama's calendar?

You can download the calender for your timezone. The time will be the same in all the countries in the same timezone. If you are in Panama, Mexico (Cancun) , Colombia or Canada (Coral Harbour), you can download the UTC - 5 calendar.

If you are not sure about your timezone, do a simple internet search with the name of your country followed by the word 'timezone'. (example: if you want to find Panama's timezone, you will have to search 'Panama timezone').

When you find out your timezone, then you can download the calendar for that specific timezone even if your country is not mentioned there.

Beautiful! thank you for your answer.
Legendary Creature said:
I have a question. If a 90 day working is begun on a day in which the moon enters into the signs of Gemini or Virgo (and assuming the void of course moon is avoided), to what extent will a Mercury retrograde impact the overall working, if it occurs within the 90 days? For example, I’m wanting to start a 90 day health working this Friday, 11/26, as the moon will enter into the sign of Virgo. But it looks like Mercury will be in retrograde in January of 2022. Could I still begin the health working this Friday or would it be advised against?

I have a question too. Why would you start a working when the Moon is in the most unstable sign (Gemini)? Are you advanced enough to make sure the energy does not change part-way through and does not bring short-term results rather than permanent ones?

The answer to your question has been given by someone else. So, yeah, do Virgo and do not worry.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Family,

I am very excited to announce a new project that has come to fruition. These are two of the biggest yearly projects combined.

One, you already know about, it's our beloved Calendar. This year it was decided the release was going to be earlier than late December. People have toiled tirelessly for this, for your sake and the sake of this community to make this earlier. On top of this, it will have now it's exclusive place in the Joy of Satan Astrology official website, which is our other mega project that is now manifest.

Important is to also state that this was because Azazel wanted this release earlier this year, so everyone can plan ahead of 2022 which is going to be an important year. This year will be pivotal for many, and long term planning is required. This is to avoid last minute decisions for those who have serious longterm goals. We followed on this dictate.

His care for our people won't be forgotten, especially in times of tribulations such as these that have been in the recent years. Azazel has been giving care and protection for the JoS and it's members. We want to return this to Him with accelerating and helping everyone's advancement.

Azazel has received proper Glory, and we thank Him and glorify the Great God for always being on the side of the JoS and helping us tirelessly.

These works are therefore dedicated to Him, both this calendar and the other website of JoS Astrology. These projects have been combined into one mega project, Joy of Satan Astrology, dedicated to Lord Azazel for eternity.

The Joy of Satan Astrology is the new groundbreaking website that enters in the arsenal of our websites. It's an Astrology Chart / Astrology Transits Generator website that requires you to save nothing at all to generate your natal chart. It has other functionalities that people will have to explore on their own, and will receive updates in the future too.

We ask that people who are into astrology test this, although we have beta tested this already.

I cannot thank enough our members that have contributed in this, and helping not only the whole of the JoS community, but also helping us devote these works to Azazel. I have worked alongside them in constantly directing these works, but the spotlight should go on them. Everyone must thank them. Send them some positive thoughts and positive energy, because they have worked for you this year.

Nothing would be possible for anyone without our beloved and united SS family.

They worked so hard for you all.

For the Calendar of all these years - We, the Joy of Satan and Community SS, we thank you: ThomaSS, Lydia, Nisha Willow, Forores. We thank you for your continued support.

For the Joy of Satan Astrology Website and the Astrology functions - We, the Joy of Satan and Community of SS, we thank you: Hidden Warrior [For all the work], Satanic-Eagle [For the beautiful Logo]

The Names of our SS are now inscribed on this wonderful project, under the wonderful sight of the Gods.

That should stand as testament to what we can achieve together. Without their creations, this would not be possible. We create together. Over all these months, the meticulous work has borne this new project to life.


The Joy of Satan Astrology Portal:

The address: https://www.jos-astro.com will host both projects from now on.


Thanks to you HP Cobra666, ThomaSS, Lydia, Nisha Willow, Forores, Hidden Warrior, Satanic-Eagle, and of course Lord Azazel!

Hail Satan!
i wish the natal chart image was static so i could save it in my phone
also,hoodedcobra,i wanted to ask you:why do you think green energy doesn't work?are fossil and nuclear energy the best options we currently have?what about free energy and tesla-like inventions?what better options might we have in the future?
Stormblood said:
Legendary Creature said:
I have a question. If a 90 day working is begun on a day in which the moon enters into the signs of Gemini or Virgo (and assuming the void of course moon is avoided), to what extent will a Mercury retrograde impact the overall working, if it occurs within the 90 days? For example, I’m wanting to start a 90 day health working this Friday, 11/26, as the moon will enter into the sign of Virgo. But it looks like Mercury will be in retrograde in January of 2022. Could I still begin the health working this Friday or would it be advised against?

I have a question too. Why would you start a working when the Moon is in the most unstable sign (Gemini)? Are you advanced enough to make sure the energy does not change part-way through and does not bring short-term results rather than permanent ones?

The answer to your question has been given by someone else. So, yeah, do Virgo and do not worry.

Would you recommend Virgo over Gemini for the intelligence working listed here? I’ve modified the affirmation slightly for my own purposes but the it’s still more or less the same:


Upon further review, I’ve decided to wait until the moon is in the sign of Leo to start a health working.
Thank you Brother for the outstanding work. This is amazing and makes life much easier, having all the JoS Astrology contained in there, among other mentioned features. I don't really understand the transits yet but by the way this is made it makes it much easier for learning. I really appreciate this.
Looking forward to new upgrades. Can't really help in saying what else you can add, since I'm only in the very beginning of the astrology learning. But I'm positive this will be the greatest website ever. In my opinion already is. Other websites that show aspects or whatever can't really be compared because they are not as accurate as the Azazel‘s Astrology and as such, they are inferior to this Great Work. Hopefully more astrologers and programmers will join in the future and help maintaining and upgrading. Would also like to show some appreciation for the privacy policy in not having a database because we all know these things can get hacked. So great job on that as well...

The website is also great for getting Astrologers into the JoS and will be more so in the future as it gets more known over the internet. I will be sharing this in astrology groups on social media platforms.

The only bug I have detected is that there is a planet in my first house and in the description it shows in the second house. But that's probably already reported.

Thank you Sister, and everyone else involved that I can't quote here such as ThomaSS Nisha Willow and Forores.
The calendar is absolutely fantastic. Everything is covered there. Outstanding work as always.

I will be sending some positive runic energy through the Gods as suggested on another thread, to help wherever it may be needed, to everyone involved in the JoS Astro and Calendar. I will be using the method shown by High Priest Hooded Cobra on the PDF with his writings. You guys deserve many many blessings. Thank you so much.

Hail Satan!
Hail Azazel!
Hail the Joy of Satan!
Legendary Creature said:
Stormblood said:
Legendary Creature said:
I have a question. If a 90 day working is begun on a day in which the moon enters into the signs of Gemini or Virgo (and assuming the void of course moon is avoided), to what extent will a Mercury retrograde impact the overall working, if it occurs within the 90 days? For example, I’m wanting to start a 90 day health working this Friday, 11/26, as the moon will enter into the sign of Virgo. But it looks like Mercury will be in retrograde in January of 2022. Could I still begin the health working this Friday or would it be advised against?

I have a question too. Why would you start a working when the Moon is in the most unstable sign (Gemini)? Are you advanced enough to make sure the energy does not change part-way through and does not bring short-term results rather than permanent ones?

The answer to your question has been given by someone else. So, yeah, do Virgo and do not worry.

Would you recommend Virgo over Gemini for the intelligence working listed here? I’ve modified the affirmation slightly for my own purposes but the it’s still more or less the same:


Upon further review, I’ve decided to wait until the moon is in the sign of Leo to start a health working.

No, I would recommend Aquarius for an intelligence working, as Uranus magick is strengthened with the Moon in Aquarius and Uranus rules the highest genius, being the higher octave of Mercury. It is also a fixed sign, which means your working will be more stable. Your intelligence will be 'affixed'.
Endless thanks HoodedCobra, all the brothers/sisters and the great God Azazel for this unique work.

Father Satan bless all the brothers and sisters who contributed to this work.

Hail Satan
Hail Azazel
Fancy Slothz said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Important is to also state that this was because Azazel wanted this release earlier this year
What year do the gods want translations to be released?

If possible before December's end. Those in desperate need can at least have the basic calendar.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fancy Slothz said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Important is to also state that this was because Azazel wanted this release earlier this year
What year do the gods want translations to be released?

If possible before December's end. Those in desperate need can at least have the basic calendar.
I can help with Portuguese translation if needed.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you HP, and all my brothers and sisters for the wonderful work you did.

Nothing will stop the will of Father. Hail Satan forever and ever!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

If you click on the planet mercury and read its description, underneath Co-ruler it says 'Virgin'.
I am sure it was meant to be 'Virgo'.

Also I wanted to say, thank you for making the website, its very nice :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
