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[UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

I do not understand all the details that need to be provided. Will there be instructions?
Master said:
I do not understand all the details that need to be provided. Will there be instructions?
Date: [Day] [Month] [Year]
Time: [Hour, 12h time format] [Minute] [Second]
Location: [City/Town]

Boom, done.

Alternatively, when you have already generated a chart you can save a key. Save this key and provide this key instead of entering other data for faster usage.
Henu the Great said:
Master said:
I do not understand all the details that need to be provided. Will there be instructions?
Date: [Day] [Month] [Year]
Time: [Hour, 12h time format] [Minute] [Second]
Location: [City/Town]

Boom, done.

Alternatively, when you have already generated a chart you can save a key. Save this key and provide this key instead of entering other data for faster usage.

What is the rectangle between time and location that you can choose up to 59?
Nightmare_von said:
Are you Pharaoh?

Master said:
This is wonderful, thank you for your work and efforts. May the Gods bless you.

What are you talking about? If you mean an account with that username, then no, you have me confused with someone else.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Family,

I am very excited to announce a new project that has come to fruition. These are two of the biggest yearly projects combined.

One, you already know about, it's our beloved Calendar. This year it was decided the release was going to be earlier than late December. People have toiled tirelessly for this, for your sake and the sake of this community to make this earlier. On top of this, it will have now it's exclusive place in the Joy of Satan Astrology official website, which is our other mega project that is now manifest.

Important is to also state that this was because Azazel wanted this release earlier this year, so everyone can plan ahead of 2022 which is going to be an important year. This year will be pivotal for many, and long term planning is required. This is to avoid last minute decisions for those who have serious longterm goals. We followed on this dictate.

His care for our people won't be forgotten, especially in times of tribulations such as these that have been in the recent years. Azazel has been giving care and protection for the JoS and it's members. We want to return this to Him with accelerating and helping everyone's advancement.

Azazel has received proper Glory, and we thank Him and glorify the Great God for always being on the side of the JoS and helping us tirelessly.

These works are therefore dedicated to Him, both this calendar and the other website of JoS Astrology. These projects have been combined into one mega project, Joy of Satan Astrology, dedicated to Lord Azazel for eternity.

The Joy of Satan Astrology is the new groundbreaking website that enters in the arsenal of our websites. It's an Astrology Chart / Astrology Transits Generator website that requires you to save nothing at all to generate your natal chart. It has other functionalities that people will have to explore on their own, and will receive updates in the future too.

We ask that people who are into astrology test this, although we have beta tested this already.

I cannot thank enough our members that have contributed in this, and helping not only the whole of the JoS community, but also helping us devote these works to Azazel. I have worked alongside them in constantly directing these works, but the spotlight should go on them. Everyone must thank them. Send them some positive thoughts and positive energy, because they have worked for you this year.

Nothing would be possible for anyone without our beloved and united SS family.

They worked so hard for you all.

For the Calendar of all these years - We, the Joy of Satan and Community SS, we thank you: ThomaSS, Lydia, Nisha Willow, Forores. We thank you for your continued support.

For the Joy of Satan Astrology Website and the Astrology functions - We, the Joy of Satan and Community of SS, we thank you: Hidden Warrior [For all the work], Satanic-Eagle [For the beautiful Logo]

The Names of our SS are now inscribed on this wonderful project, under the wonderful sight of the Gods.

That should stand as testament to what we can achieve together. Without their creations, this would not be possible. We create together. Over all these months, the meticulous work has borne this new project to life.


The Joy of Satan Astrology Portal:

The address: https://www.jos-astro.com will host both projects from now on.


Can someone mail me with my key i unfortunately forgot to save it im angry I didnt think it looks amazing.
Stormblood said:
Cool. I just found out you can turn off some things and even put a dark mode. May I suggest to introduce a black mode instead or in addition to the dark mode? Black is more pleasing to the eye for me than grey is. The black mode could be black background with red highlights such as the JoS.

Also, the language-changing function is cool too. The only thing that bothers me is the USA flag for the English language. It's the English language, not the American language. So it should have the English flag (white with red cross), not even the British or '(j)UK' one. This is something that always bothers in most websites: American unjustified supremacy when they even speak the variation of a borrowed language :lol: and also have the nerve to call themselves 'Americans' as if they represent the entire of the North American and South American continents, when they are not even one third of it :lol:

Either way, I love the sidebar settings menu that can be toggled on and off. Great thinking!

Well Stormblood I have to agree :lol: :lol: :lol:

I said this to HP mage but he never took me on get a Union Flag on this badboy :D

I dont mind serious though but i have noticed on main pages.
Master said:
Henu the Great said:
Master said:
I do not understand all the details that need to be provided. Will there be instructions?
Date: [Day] [Month] [Year]
Time: [Hour, 12h time format] [Minute] [Second]
Location: [City/Town]

Boom, done.

Alternatively, when you have already generated a chart you can save a key. Save this key and provide this key instead of entering other data for faster usage.
What is the rectangle between time and location that you can choose up to 59?

If the rectangle is not in line with the time, then this is something that the browser does as these should be lined up.
Henu the Great said:
Master said:
Henu the Great said:
Date: [Day] [Month] [Year]
Time: [Hour, 12h time format] [Minute] [Second]
Location: [City/Town]

Boom, done.

Alternatively, when you have already generated a chart you can save a key. Save this key and provide this key instead of entering other data for faster usage.
What is the rectangle between time and location that you can choose up to 59?

If the rectangle is not in line with the time, then this is something that the browser does as these should be lined up.

And the time, birth or local?
Lydia said:
Thank you for acknowledging the immense amount of work that went into this. My brain went numb from going over all the different time zones for the editing of it :lol: This calendar is the best version yet though.

And great job to the SS who did the map for the calendar downloads, this should make it much easier for people to correctly download the calendar they need.

So nice that we have our own natal chart generator too.

Hail Satan!
Hail Azazel!

Lydia you got my one perfect (long time ago) now I have lost my key what can i do i know im a pest can i send my email if its not too much a headache

Thank you
newbie40 said:
I made a huge mistake I entered my personal information, I think the dob and time is enough.

I wouldnt worry mate as long as only the JOS has it you be fine the keys seem great secure anyway, that great may I add i cant get back in :lol: :lol:

Got a brilliant reading pushed the one second button instead of the year as im going to try master it.

You will be safe if its only us no Doxxing or snitching has happened as im aware.
What do u know about pseudoscience?
I am excited to see this new astrology site with its awesome graphic at the top. Very nice work. I can appreciate the amount of time and effort required to generate such an interactive site.

Also, I am excited to experience the natal portion of the site. When I attempt to enter my city of birth (a major city in Ohio) it is not available in the options category that pops up. I also cannot add the state itself and bypass. I'm trying on a cell so maybe that's why.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Cant work it guys posts not going through.

Will try again later i didnt know i had to keep the initial code.
Master said:
Henu the Great said:
Master said:
What is the rectangle between time and location that you can choose up to 59?

If the rectangle is not in line with the time, then this is something that the browser does as these should be lined up.

And the time, birth or local?
All the inputs depend what you are making a chart of.

If it's your natal chart then your birth date and time.
Henu the Great said:
Master said:
Henu the Great said:

If the rectangle is not in line with the time, then this is something that the browser does as these should be lined up.

And the time, birth or local?
All the inputs depend what you are making a chart of.

If it's your natal chart then your birth date and time.

All right, I get it. Thanks for the explanations.
Thank you brothers!
A most useful tool to help us navigate these dark waters we found ourselves in today
Thank you to all my brothers and sisters for your extremely hard work and dedication...
Glory to Lord Azazel forever..

Now I have to learn to understand my chart.. :lol:

Hail Satan
I've found a mistake in the website, Jupiter in Aries gives the information about Jupiter in Pisces. I was like:"Wtf? i've never read such a thing about Jupiter in Aries"
Okay so, I checked some more, and apparently the info is correct, but when I do another natal chart and click the planets, it gives me the information of the natal chart that I was checking before.

For example: I do 2 natal charts, one has mercury in pisces and displays correctly the information about Mercury in Pisces when I click the planet symbol, then I click new chart and input a new natal chart, if mercury is in taurus it's gonna give me the info about Mercury in Pisces.

NOTE: I've tried it a third time and it did not give me the same mistake, so it could either be a one time thing or a bug that can happen infrequently, I've wrote it just in case.
To who ever translated the SS Calendar to German, special thank you once more!
Aquarius said:
I've found a mistake in the website, Jupiter in Aries gives the information about Jupiter in Pisces. I was like:"Wtf? i've never read such a thing about Jupiter in Aries"

I wrote down the bugs that were pointed in this thread. I will fix them as fast as I can.

I usually don't log in here, but I check the forum everyday, so don't worry if I don't replay. I see your messages.

Hidden Warrior said:
Aquarius said:
I've found a mistake in the website, Jupiter in Aries gives the information about Jupiter in Pisces. I was like:"Wtf? i've never read such a thing about Jupiter in Aries"

I wrote down the bugs that were pointed in this thread. I will fix them as fast as I can.

I usually don't log in here, but I check the forum everyday, so don't worry if I don't replay. I see your messages.

Thank you Brother:)
This is wonderful!
Thank you ThomaSS, Lydia, Nisha Willow and Forores.
The astrology site is soo useful. Thank you Hidden Warrior!! And Satanic-Eagle for the logo.
The Browsers the site supports are for sure Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
I don't know If I will look into other browsers for the moment, because it is very time consuming to make a
site like this available to all browsers, especially shitty browsers like IE / Edge. Maybe in the future, but not for now.
For TOR Browser, the communication with the server gives some errors, because of the special way TOR network works.
I have to look deep into this.

I published the following fixes:
- Birth information form: mobile problem where the time fields overlapped each other.

- Wrong display of sign/house information in some case. This problem showed up when you started from a sign/house and then changed the time with the plus/minus buttons. The description remained of the previous sign/house. Now it should always show the correct information.

If you still see the problems, be sure to clean your browser cache.

When will the JOS Astrology website be functional? The natal city input doesn't register cities and states correctly. Thanks
Joy of Satan Astrology Portal Update!

Fixed Stars service has been added.

You will find the new service under the list "Available Charts", below the Transits button.
I won't spoiler anything, so jump on the website and play with it.

If you find anything strange or that doesn't work, feel free to reply below; I will check them as soon as possible.

Hidden Warrior said:
Joy of Satan Astrology Portal Update!

Fixed Stars service has been added.

You will find the new service under the list "Available Charts", below the Transits button.
I won't spoiler anything, so jump on the website and play with it.

If you find anything strange or that doesn't work, feel free to reply below; I will check them as soon as possible.


Nothing short of an excellent work as per usual, the JoS-Astro is steady on the path to become the best Astrology site online and ever.

Thank you!!

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hidden Warrior said:
Joy of Satan Astrology Portal Update!

Fixed Stars service has been added.

You will find the new service under the list "Available Charts", below the Transits button.
I won't spoiler anything, so jump on the website and play with it.

If you find anything strange or that doesn't work, feel free to reply below; I will check them as soon as possible.

Awesome, thank you very much. Great work

Hail Satan!
Hidden Warrior said:
Joy of Satan Astrology Portal Update!

Fixed Stars service has been added.

You will find the new service under the list "Available Charts", below the Transits button.
I won't spoiler anything, so jump on the website and play with it.

If you find anything strange or that doesn't work, feel free to reply below; I will check them as soon as possible.


Big update. Thank you for your great work. :)

I wanted to ask you if it would be possible to contact you privately.

I saw that in my natal chart there is a little error or "bug" that I wanted to report to you.

Basically, Venus and Pluto are in a certain house but when I click on them it comes out the description of the wrong house. I don't know if that's only happened to me.
It's not a big deal as I can easily see which houses they are in. But it might be confusing for someone new.
Privately I could show you specifically if you're interested.

Or maybe I'd better contact HP Cobra about that?
I am so excited to use our own astrology web site but everytime I try, I get this message: we got a problem here. What should I do to fix it?
Lydia said:
Thank you for acknowledging the immense amount of work that went into this. My brain went numb from going over all the different time zones for the editing of it :lol: This calendar is the best version yet though.

And great job to the SS who did the map for the calendar downloads, this should make it much easier for people to correctly download the calendar they need.

So nice that we have our own natal chart generator too.

Hail Satan!
Hail Azazel!

Hey Lydia i have a question if you have the time. The fixed star section in the new site is great but i was curious. I think its cool to know all the aspects all of our planets make to the fixed stars but are we still to understand the conjunctions and opposites are the ones that actually count? thank you :3
Hidden Warrior said:
Joy of Satan Astrology Portal Update!

Fixed Stars service has been added.

You will find the new service under the list "Available Charts", below the Transits button.
I won't spoiler anything, so jump on the website and play with it.

If you find anything strange or that doesn't work, feel free to reply below; I will check them as soon as possible.


Great work!

When will "Lilith" be removed? It could be replaced with something that actually has an astrological value, such as the South Node, Vertex and the Anti-Vertex, planetary midpoints...
Shadowcat said:
Lydia said:
Thank you for acknowledging the immense amount of work that went into this. My brain went numb from going over all the different time zones for the editing of it :lol: This calendar is the best version yet though.

And great job to the SS who did the map for the calendar downloads, this should make it much easier for people to correctly download the calendar they need.

So nice that we have our own natal chart generator too.

Hail Satan!
Hail Azazel!

Hey Lydia i have a question if you have the time. The fixed star section in the new site is great but i was curious. I think its cool to know all the aspects all of our planets make to the fixed stars but are we still to understand the conjunctions and opposites are the ones that actually count? thank you :3

Speaking of that, it also seems the orb has been increased to 3 degrees for some reason, when Lady Maxine wrote 1-2 degrees maximum on the website.

Are the planets at the very end or at the very start of the house? The house description is wrong immediately or when you change the date through the plus or minus buttons on the top?

Also, given the house, the house description that appears is the next/previous one, or another one that is not adiacent?

I usually don't talk privately with anyone. If you find a problem, talk about it here in a general way, that is by not givin you personal info.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
