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Making Mistakes And The Gods, Reaching Our Human Perfection

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are a few people who think that if you are to be a Spiritual Satanist you have to enforce yourself to be somehow perfect or be at a perfect standard.

The above is irrational. Perfection is a potential reality, and potential things come into existence bit by bit. Bit by bit means they are built, they don't suddenly just happen. The Gods don't expect us to be perfect instantly or anything of the sort. They know exactly what to expect from us. Their only requirement is that we advance and that we don't remain stagnant.

Of course the pace and how we advance changes with time, no different than how in the first months of physical training your trainer demands little, but after one gets stronger, you need to keep increasing your exposure, quality of training etc.

As a perfect trainer knows what to expect from their trainee, so do the Gods have a good estimate on what we can do or cannot do at a given time. Nobody will be judged or harshly treated if they don't stand up to a standard that has no basis in factual reality.

A few people internalize this the wrong way, and go to extremes. Instead of new people focusing on becoming better, they instead extrapolate their wishes for their growth too far into the future, and blame themselves for not being what they objectively can't yet be. The above can create a lot of sadness.

To understand how one should progress, one has to do this in a manner that is balanced and achievable. The greater aim of where one wants to reach in anything one does, should remain there to motivate a person to walk to it. What the Gods expect from people and what makes them happy, is for people to do something to advance every single day.

I have personally been the harshest judge and critic of my own self here, and it took me a very long time to understand and apply the above. Setting big expectations of one's self is the key to success, but if you press yourself more than you can lift, you will burn yourself and collapse under failures.

Human history has been filled with many mistakes. Most of these mistakes humanity does and people do, is because of lack of understanding, lack of knowledge, and many other factors. The environment is also set socially to push people towards making mistakes, more than it's created to help people do the best thing for themselves. That's nature at this point, and we learn by doing mistakes and/or failure.

The only people that should be gravely afraid of mistakes are the people that don't really want to make anything right. In this category of people, every next mistake is digging their hole more. For the person that corrects their mistakes, every mistake is a learning process towards doing things correctly.

Lastly, there are some people who think the Gods would be judgemental of our own mistakes. The case where this would be the case is when these involve them and somehow these affect badly the whole of the world or many people, but also when what is "Theirs" is somehow affected.

In other words, they don't really punish people, since the mistakes in themselves are costly, yet if one ruins themselves by not advancing, that is highly displeasing to the Gods.

There are also many deluded humans who can't see their mistakes, admit them, and a small category of humans who believe they are always right. These people are most of the time a lost case. I've met many over the years that are insistent they are always right, and never ever wrong. Such levels are delusional.

In my early years as a Satanist, especially the first years, I thought I was the hottest potatoes on earth. This feeling is delusional and arises from an influx of power on meditators, plus other personality traits. It's quickly overcome and it's cured by increasing power and then contrasting yourself with what you were before.

In a material manner this is the person that goes 6 months at the gym and spends 1 hour everyday on the mirror saying that they have the best physique there is. That's not the case. But this is understood after going to the gym for like 5 or 10 years. By the time you are 10 years in, you don't even think of these matters whatsoever, because you just "are" what you were going after.

Equally delusional is also a specific category of people who think that they are never doing enough, always doing bad, or that they are never doing things to an imaginary set level. The imagination of the perfect level is there for us to go after it and do our earnest to reach it. But this takes work and yes, many mistakes along the way.

You will not get to your goals without failures and mistakes. People who say they have never failed are lying to you. But what you can expect after a while, is that because you become better, you will fail less. You will also know how to deal with failures and make something good come out of them.

The balance between sticking to the right and moving away from your mistakes, is somewhere between self understanding and self tolerance, and one's desire to advance and improve themselves. As with all matters, a balance is needed here.

What I want to mention here, is for some people to relax. Some people sometimes write so many things like they think that it's demanded of them to become George Washington in the next 3 months out of nowhere. This is not the case.

The Gods do not have unrealistic or extreme demands. But they will show you how to reach your potential and sometimes this may be out of your comfort zone. Still, it won't be crazy or unrealistic and they expect us to walk the path with the legs that we have, not borrowed or non existing ones.

Generally I have also found the issues many people experience with beating themselves over not reaching perfection are psychological. These can come from parents that constantly shun the child and imbalances in the reception of love from the child or it's environment.

Our system in this society punishes people severely for mistakes, but good input is not rewarded just as good. It's easier to get homeless if you do mistakes in your job, than it is to go up highly for maintaining let's say a proper performance all the time.

I will mention the details on another post, but much of this has to do with what Thoth has described in Hermes Trismegistus. Our planet is in a way, too attunated with the lower aspects of destruction and negativity for now [the enemy is also responsible, but this was also the case in the previous aeon of Pisces]. This makes things more tentative towards the negative. Not entirely negative, and we shouldn't blame the planet, but this volition means that we need to put some effort in there to succeed.

At the same time, because of the very "stable" nature of our current universe on earth, if one gets strongly established in achieving something, the same rules will apply in reverse, and you will experience long and steady returns. In some ways, longer than necessary. An example here is how the Christian Church has outlived it's usefulness, is rotten, and is basically mostly collapsed, but because it founded itself physically into a material stable structure, it will take a while for it's full removal.

Similar laws reflect in the above things in people. How this reflects on a human being for example, is that after 10 years of going to the gym and if you reach the perfect physique, it will be so much harder for you to fall into obesity or something like this. Your body will tolerate the worst, and all this previous work will shield you from failure. Even if you reach the lowest bottom, the universe being this way, you will be able to return back to shape faster than a person who has just began.

Remember, you are here to advance and to improve, not to lash yourself for not doing this. Lashing, feeling like you need to burn in hell or anything like this does not exist. The Gods don't punish people extra here in a sadistic notion unless there is offense to them, but people experience natural retribution the more ignorant they become.

But still that is the worst that can happen, for some soul to be overtaken by ignorance and all the negativity that is in this world also very plentiful.

It's your own conscience that feels bad when you don't advance in this path. This is also what is refereed to as the "Higher Self". You know in this level you should for example have a balance in physical and material and therefore put some meditation in your day.

The higher self you can put to sleep and abuse him into silence if you are decided to destroy your life, but you cannot do this forever. Eventually it will keep trying to come out and to save you. Denying this input only leads to the worst things. This is not a phonecall that you can indefinitely ignore.

The reason why people ignore this is merely pure stupidity, as what people truly need and truly want, can be reached by opening up to this phonecall. Denial in this case is because solely the human being is very lost. The Gods have equipped us with the understanding necessary to advance and to be happy humans, and all the rest.

But a mix of falsehood of the lower levels of ignorance, the enemy, and the world's naturally tentative direction towards entropy, is causing humans to do major mistakes. About 80% of this is not the enemy, it's ourselves. If you control this 80% which is yourself, the other two factors will be eventually be overcome in the longterm, too.

The only punishment that incurs here is the punishment one will receive because of allowing the negative forces of the universe to undertake them. That is a lot of suffering in itself, and can be in a sense it's own "inferno" or "lake of fire".

Human beings don't understand this until they advance, but we are punishing ourselves when we insist on remaining on a lower level. This punishment in the eyes of the Gods is seen as severe, and that's why the Gods show kindness and show us the way to advance. We humans think that this is very normal because we have been subjected to this universal negativity, but that is not really that much normal. And the Gods have also given the keys to reverse this and weed this out bit by bit until we receive true freedom.

In closing mistakes are normal, expect them, and work to correct them. The Gods are here to help us and guide us, not to punish us as a priority. The Gods punish in cases where crimes and mistakes are damning them in some way, as in committing really bad things against them.

This is no different than a parent, the child has to cross extreme boundaries for the parent to consider giving them some sort of ultimate punishment. The enemy religions are the reverse, every little thing people do wrong, they are smitten and infested with guilt and terror like they did destroy the whole earth.

Then the enemy has this other extreme: "All your mistakes are accepted". This is the second recipe to damnation. If one accepts all their mistakes, as if they do none or that it doesn't matter, destruction is guaranteed.

These two above states, ruin a human being completely.

By punishing people only and never showing them the correct way, and always keeping people on fear, people don't evolve, and the self repeating loop never closes, bringing people into an existence that truly resembles burning in the "lake of fire". Its these enemy programs that lead to eternal suffering and pain, since they remove the human potential to advancement, spiritual evolution, and self overcoming.

If you are in Spiritual Satanism you are in a place where yes, you can commit mistakes. Yes, it's not the end of the world. Yes, you can advance, and yes, your life isn't over if you do small and silly mistakes. But above all a yes exists here too: Yes, you are also meant by definition to correct and to evolve out of these, that's the whole idea here.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Excellent sermon. Thank you for this. I used to be very self critical but nowadays I am more understanding of myself. I still have some way to go.
This is really something I needed to hear and was helpful. Thank you

Hail Satan
Hail Eligos
Blackdragon666 said:
Excellent sermon. Thank you for this. I used to be very self critical but nowadays I am more understanding of myself. I still have some way to go.

Yes, being too self critical can make you beat yourself down, which also creates the problems (depression, being miserable, etc).

You have to be self critical in healthy dose. Too much self criticism can be a bad thing.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This sermon hit home 100 percent in all ways. I am extremely self critical and expect alot out of me. I am one of those who always think what i do or what i am is never enough.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

A solid very serious example for this I can make is where I struggle in my material life.

I suffer from chronic fatigue, IBS and a very hard to treat heart condition, that isn't deadly currently, but causes much suffering for me and is hard to treat. These conditions have put me in a difficult position in life holding me back in schooling, affecting my employment, and my ability to ascend into any career.

The Gods have talked with me extensively, many times about this situation, telling me in time it will pass, and that I will eventually end up not having to worry about finances. I have also been told that I am in a position where they want to let me know exactly when I should begin healing this completely, as I've tried so many things in the past.
Tcm herbal formulas, spiritual healing, everything really.

I guess I just don't see at times how this could be the case, but they have went so far as to show me extensive visions, signs, and other things.

I beat myself up hard, and push myself hard with this, because it makes me deeply disturbed and frustrated, and makes me feel like less of a man. As I have just built a satanic family, baptized my son under the Gods, and am in a position where I am deeply concerned for the future.

My partner is financially secure, however this makes me feel even more depressed in regards to this, as I feel my weakened state is unfair to them.

I have suffered extensively for years, and still have been consistent in what the gods require from me, and as a result they have always stood by my side.

I figured my struggles would be a very good example of not pushing yourself too hard.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are a few people who think that if you are to be a Spiritual Satanist you have to enforce yourself to be somehow perfect or be at a perfect standard.

The above is irrational. Perfection is a potential reality, and potential things come into existence bit by bit. Bit by bit means they are built, they don't suddenly just happen. The Gods don't expect us to be perfect instantly or anything of the sort. They know exactly what to expect from us. Their only requirement is that we advance and that we don't remain stagnant.

Of course the pace and how we advance changes with time, no different than how in the first months of physical training your trainer demands little, but after one gets stronger, you need to keep increasing your exposure, quality of training etc.

As a perfect trainer knows what to expect from their trainee, so do the Gods have a good estimate on what we can do or cannot do at a given time. Nobody will be judged or harshly treated if they don't stand up to a standard that has no basis in factual reality.

A few people internalize this the wrong way, and go to extremes. Instead of new people focusing on becoming better, they instead extrapolate their wishes for their growth too far into the future, and blame themselves for not being what they objectively can't yet be. The above can create a lot of sadness.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

For those born with natural siddhis and who can easily feel the movement of energy, putting yourself on an impossibly high alter and having delusional thoughts about being a superman is easily fallen into. Especially when you begin seriously, these points are used against you by enemy entities, as attacks to lower your moral and self esteem when set backs occur. As dross and other bindings surface to come out, as all advanced SS should understand, those negative afflictions strike hard on the way out and get pried upon by jewish thoughtforms and agents.
Humbling yourself, if you are one of those with innate gifts, and realizing that your just as special as everybody else on this path is very helpful when attacks involving bad progress or being a failure for not reaching your full potential, rapidly, arise. Setting your mindset to the roots of all SS and knowing your gifts came from life times of past life effort, then realizing if you've been able to put in such hard work once upon a time means you can 100% do the same again, in this life, helps immeasurably during low points. (Ive read some where in JoS some people are born with gifts because of genetics, what cobra says about trying to be perfect should be taken very seriously by these types aswell)

Also i want to thank you SlyScorpion, all the advice and responses you've given to me in the past have helped me tremendously. especially the Fehu rune working to remove the influences of the enemies of our father satan. I havent been doing it long at all but it has helped immensely since ive began it.
now I don't feel so bad about some of the dumb stuff I still do and think. thank you. (the amount of bad and dumb stuff has decreased over time, it's still there though)
I really like this sermon. I know there's a lot of people who would benefit from hearing this, and it's spot on. One thing I can think to add from my own experience where things are different, not as a counter but maybe for nuance or something, is when you are in a situation where it is sink or swim. I've been in that kind of situation, and I'm glad that not everyone has to go through that. It's such a different kind of experience where you have that do-or-die pressure to pull something off, and one little mistake could spell your end. That pressure to perform flawlessly to save yourself and those who depend on you is not something I would want for anyone, and not everyone can handle it. Going through that experience was possibly the most stressful time of my life, and every single day felt like everything could go wrong if I messed up in even the slightest way.

My advice to everyone regardless of if they get in situations like this or not, is ALWAYS have safety nets in your life. Riding without safety nets is terrifying, and in that type of scenario mistakes aren't forgiven. An analogy would be how wild animals live - Nature does not typically forgive their mistakes. Humans are blessed to have society because it means there is more room to breathe and chances to learn from mistakes. Wild animals don't get chances to learn from mistakes. So I always feel pretty grateful for society which was given to us by the Gods, and I get very upset about the enemy corrupting and destabilizing this amazing lifeline we have. We're supposed to have control over our lives rather than trusting our fates to the wind.
I always thought this more dealt with Virgo the opposite sign than Pisces.

Pisces would be the self or world soul the 7th would be the other side or spiritual probably in how this worked out or interacting with others. This may be why the enemy constantly uses the number 6 as it relates to virgo.

Self criticism and self hatred, desire to be perfect at any costs. Desire to aspire to be pure I know not bad that would be a wonderful thing but when no one knows what purity is they add xtian nonsense into it. Serving humanity and being a servant being humble. Ok not always bad but most the time this leads to a desire of being a slave or always trying to serve people. Cleanliness again not bad on a material level and of course helpful but with the spiritual it leads to this thing where people feel they have to cleanse their soul of sin and other xtian nonsense and feeling dirty and ashamed of themselves for being human.

This might have caused problems with or without the enemy. Yes it's a style of thinking that is usually not helpful and can tie into Saturn easily. But the enemy is at fault for this being as bad as it is. Without them we might still have evolved or at least some people.
Great sermon. Growing up I've always been really hard on myself, even with the little mistakes. Always apologizing, "sorry", "sorry", "sorry". Father Satan and Lord Soroth have taught me to stop asking for forgiveness when making errors.

In fact, Lord Soroth sounded extremely displeased with me when I asked him for forgiveness when I let him down. He said not to ask, but rather, do better next time. I told him on the 5th of September that I will follow the RTR schedule without cessation, and in so doing, earn his affection back. He responded saying "I hear you, now show me". I have not missed a day nor ritual.

Something is really wrong with my eyes these days I read makeing milkshakes and the Gods,reaching our human perfect... :lol:

Thank you this was a very helpful sermon for me Hp
Sometimes I have felt punished before by friends leaving my life, even family. But I noticed over time, those exact ppl were the cause of much misery for me. One time in life, I lost everything, and everyone. I wondered if satan was upset because I wasn't meditating. In reality, he saw through my slack, knew I just needed information but was still 100% dedicated and loyal. I never asked for help, instead I admitted my flaws and wanted to do better, sense that moment of honesty, I have had a full life. I still struggle spiritually and don't have contact. But in my moments of true need, when I thought I was unworthy, he came through and I have not once been without. Forgive me for my shortcomings, and trust me in my word. Thank you father satan for every way you have intervened
Since I was a child I remember being very severe with me when I did not meet my goals, when I started meditating years ago I was too angry for not advancing as fast as in the "40 days meditation plan", I had to do things three times to notice a halfway decent progress, today this sermon has reached me emotionally, I just do not want to disappoint our gods, and advance independently my pace ....

I still have a racial complex since I think that any other race can advance more and be much better than me :,), but well I'm already accepting myself more and loving my race...

Thanks and good sermon.
Heh, I told my friends from a long time ago in high school that we are not perfect but humanity is always evolving and that is toward perfection. No needed to work extremely hard, just make sure you do something at least per day and enjoy the journey toward perfection. I am sure everyone visualizes a perfect being as a happy person but how can you be happy as a perfect being if you never enjoy it during the evolvement process, it will just be a perfect being full of regret, which is imperfect, as such not finished evolving yet. So just enjoy the process and keep advancing by days and you will find yourself perfect before you even know it and a happy one at that.
Very good sermon! Does come at a time when I've come to realize how hard I have been on myself. People grow from mistakes, but don't always realize that it's a growing moment.

I've caught myself focusing too much on what I've failed to do that I didn't notice how much I've accomplished. Well spoken sermon that really helped put what I was thinking in perspective. Thank you for this, I enjoy coming on here and seeing a sermon that relates to what I've been thinking about in recent days.

For a day like today, it's good to think about what goals and accomplishments one wants to see themselves achieve. I am taking one step closer to further advancement, no small part thanks to the JoS clergy.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Joy of Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A few people internalize this the wrong way, and go to extremes. Instead of new people focusing on becoming better, they instead extrapolate their wishes for their growth too far into the future, and blame themselves for not being what they objectively can't yet be. The above can create a lot of sadness.

To understand how one should progress, one has to do this in a manner that is balanced and achievable. The greater aim of where one wants to reach in anything one does, should remain there to motivate a person to walk to it. What the Gods expect from people and what makes them happy, is for people to do something to advance every single day.

I have personally been the harshest judge and critic of my own self here, and it took me a very long time to understand and apply the above. Setting big expectations of one's self is the key to success, but if you press yourself more than you can lift, you will burn yourself and collapse under failures.

I've been having problems regarding enemy attachments lately and how they can easily drain me. I'm already doing what I can to meditate, being here in the physical, as well as helping the community not only for the new members here, but also to remind myself the basics. What is right, wrong, and reasonable.

I sometimes go back here when I'm down in the dumps. Members have already offered me advice last month, and I followed through them.

But a part of me, as well as the enemy entities who are closely watching me obsessively, wants to do more for myself. There's so many things I want to balance. Meditate, do my hobbies, hang out in the physical, finally taking care of my neglected pets... even finally getting to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner normally without getting told at how I wake up so late at noon, forcing myself to move just so I can eat, sometimes it's too much because of how badly I'm shaking from the hunger.

Staying emotionless and detached whenever the enemies speak through me with no problem because I pushed myself to do meditations I wasn't ready for, that way I don't have to call to Father Satan and my guardian demons all the time, slowly took a toll on me.

Instead of focusing on my hobbies, or even take a walk outside once I finally have the time to relax, I study the JoS or go to these forums to increase my morale. Forgetting the most important thing is to ignore Father Satan's enemies, which is:

Other effective methods of psychic self-defense include grounding oneself. Get physical, indulge yourself physically, watch something funny and lighthearted on the TV, and just turn your mind away from magick and the occult for a while. It is also a good thing to meet with friends- anything to focus on the physical world and forget the astral.

Even if the above happened, I still somehow got invited with my two best friends to go to a swimming pool. Just the three of us. I had fun. And even slept soundly. There's even the time that I got to draw two straight hours without hearing an enemy entity nearby, probably my mind ignoring them as I'm too fixated on my drawing. It just goes to show how badly I need to relax.

I'm finished venting on this post after I did Returning Curses, and I just noticed Father Satan observing me as I cry my eyes out.

I don't think it would be easy to connect with the Gods again, personally. At least until I heal psychologically. I'm readying myself for other things. My aunt signed me up for another "vaccine," even though I "did" another one in the past. While I was checking for detachment dates, I saw a Full Waning Moon in Virgo somewhere this month? Next month? I have to busy myself with things I can achieve first.

Instead of Detaching for the aura, soul, and the seven main chakras, I'll go for my aura and sacral or heart first. Because if I do any more, I wouldn't be able to handle it. I can, but only for one day, and skipping my daily meditations, which is something I have to keep in mind in order to avoid jumping the gun. I'm acting like a wall made of fire, trying to burn and destroy the enemies until I burn myself out.

I'm writing this for myself, that way, when I look back here and wonder why I met the same obstacle, I'll read this, understand myself a hundred times again, and go back and start over.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great post, thank you.

You are never going to be perfect everyone even the Gods have their specializations.

Im hard on myself but im not so hard on myself that i damage myself, I think.

I forgive my self for my mistakes I make, but I still feel ashamed in the moment because I can do better. And should have done better. Especially in regards to things which are disrespectful or damaging to myself(drugs etc)
Just because humanity is presently unadvanced and unaware of spirituality, that does not mean that injustices and crimes done by spiritual means are not wrong.

When we are more advanced, the authorities will take care of maintaining order and doing justice in the astral plane as well. People must not engage in injustice because they may suffer serious consequences. I will always and forever support order and justice.
I apologize for taking a step away from the forums. I had to deal with some lingering issues and build stronger foundations.
I certainly do wish I could just have infinite resources and all the man power in the world to eliminate the enemy.
But this is unrealistic, imaginary, and although a "perfect solution", should not be allowed to affect us negatively.
Daily advancement is the key to success, and success should be considered just as valuable as "perfection".
Obviously, this sermon was for me and anyone else out there going through a similar situation.

Satan and his demons told me that they're not angry with me. That I made mistakes and that the best thing to do is to learn from them.

I know what I am. I know who I am.

Satan is still removing entities out of me.

Some of these entities entered me when I was still a child.

I woke up from the most ridiculous dream this entity possessing me was telling me. It was shoving the nazarene down my throat, making Satan seem ridiculously evil, and that I'm possessed by him and I'm his sex slave, his whore.
I woke up and I told it off and it wants to overpower me. Satan is here and he's taking care it, but...fuck, this bitch is annoying.

A lot of people say that the enemy doesn't possess people and that they don't attack you. THAT'S A LIE! Father Satan told me that there's a lot of people out there who are possessed and don't know it.

You got to remember, the enemy HATES us!

Satan revealed to me that my so called fibromyalgia is actually due to me being possessed. He says that "fibromyalgia" is a fake disease.
Woden said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

You've got room for us?

We all want to be your children.....???!

I see all members as family and I hope this is reflected in all posts. I am glad what I give keeps you spiritually and mentally sustained. Thanks for your kind comment.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Woden said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

You've got room for us?

We all want to be your children.....???!

I see all members as family and I hope this is reflected in all posts. I am glad what I give keeps you spiritually and mentally sustained. Thanks for your kind comment.

Yes it really is. Ty HP :)
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This sermon hit home 100 percent in all ways. I am extremely self critical and expect alot out of me. I am one of those who always think what i do or what i am is never enough.

I usually have a sense of pride to push myself at extremes. I can’t see myself failing and if I do, I criticize myself heavily saying I’m being weak by giving up when I have so much at stake.
Master said:
Just because humanity is presently unadvanced and unaware of spirituality, that does not mean that injustices and crimes done by spiritual means are not wrong.

When we are more advanced, the authorities will take care of maintaining order and doing justice in the astral plane as well. People must not engage in injustice because they may suffer serious consequences. I will always and forever support order and justice.

This is exactly some of the stuff I have been saying. I be careful to actually think deeply about stuff before doing it. I do think what some people do now they may deal with consequences later for if it seriously is bad it won't be forgotten about especially if it's done knowingly and willingly.

I am not fully sure what you mean by crimes though.

The one exception you may not have to think about carefully I think is really hard core enemy people that you know won't be able to be saved and Jews I think you can do black Magick regardless of situation here but fact is I think most the time it's not even worth it then to focus black Magick on them unless you seriously are effected personally by them. Its better to focus on the enemy at large with rtrs etc.
slyscorpion said:
Master said:
Just because humanity is presently unadvanced and unaware of spirituality, that does not mean that injustices and crimes done by spiritual means are not wrong.

When we are more advanced, the authorities will take care of maintaining order and doing justice in the astral plane as well. People must not engage in injustice because they may suffer serious consequences. I will always and forever support order and justice.

This is exactly some of the stuff I have been saying. I be careful to actually think deeply about stuff before doing it. I do think what some people do now they may deal with consequences later for if it seriously is bad it won't be forgotten about especially if it's done knowingly and willingly.

I am not fully sure what you mean by crimes though.

The one exception you may not have to think about carefully I think is really hard core enemy people that you know won't be able to be saved and Jews I think you can do black Magick regardless of situation here but fact is I think most the time it's not even worth it then to focus black Magick on them unless you seriously are effected personally by them. Its better to focus on the enemy at large with rtrs etc.

By spiritually done crimes I mean like the jewish curses against Humanity that we are reversing.

You can't just go and kill whoever you like with a gun or a spell.
For me, I’ve felt strong sense of self worth. Too high, for many years. Also thinking I was so awesome. Now it’s kind of in a backlash. Now I find myself feeling extreme low worth. Like I can’t do anything right. My roommate said to me the other day, “Eric, give yourself a break dude. I used to like that you were very modest. Now, it’s too much. You’re not as awful as you act like you are. It’s okay.” My reaction was “No, you’re wrong. Everything I do is filled with mistakes. Nothing is ever done correctly.”

I realize now how much attitude and mindset plays to achieving your goals. My favorite sport is strongman. There’s this guy called Luke Stoltman from Scotland. He’s been in the sport for many years. Never been a major contender for Gold Medals. Always just a decent strongman. He said he worked with a sports psychologist to get his mind right. Then he went to thinking of himself as the best. The number 1 guy. Now in the last months he’s been winning first place on numerous major competitions. He was asked how does he do it. He said it was just a mindset change. “I had to truly believe I was the best and then work hard and it all came together.” The key to that was not just mindset but also the hard work too. You can’t think you’re good and then just go eat a sandwich. You have to work. But what happens is you’ll notice the work changes when your mindset changes. It’s not the same work anymore. And that’s what makes the difference.
Ramier108666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This sermon hit home 100 percent in all ways. I am extremely self critical and expect alot out of me. I am one of those who always think what i do or what i am is never enough.

I usually have a sense of pride to push myself at extremes. I can’t see myself failing and if I do, I criticize myself heavily saying I’m being weak by giving up when I have so much at stake.

Same. I think it's a saturn thing too along with other things in the chart that can make one intense. I actually have several placements that give me a do or die mentality with a fanatic drive for causes.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I see all members as family and I hope this is reflected in all posts. I am glad what I give keeps you spiritually and mentally sustained. Thanks for your kind comment.
Nice statue bro. Is it a statue of you?

Looks like Zeus
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I see all members as family and I hope this is reflected in all posts. I am glad what I give keeps you spiritually and mentally sustained. Thanks for your kind comment.
Nice statue bro. Is it a statue of you?

It's Zeus from an artist named Antonio that I found online. I want to give adoration to Baal. In my opinion, Zeus is a most beautiful representation. It dawned to me that for years I had no picture at all in the forums profile, so I was like "should do it".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I see all members as family and I hope this is reflected in all posts. I am glad what I give keeps you spiritually and mentally sustained. Thanks for your kind comment.
Nice statue bro. Is it a statue of you?

It's Zeus from an artist named Antonio that I found online. I want to give adoration to Baal. In my opinion, Zeus is a most beautiful representation. It dawned to me that for years I had no picture at all in the forums profile, so I was like "should do it".
Enlil is great. I often have a very protective and caring feeling from him.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I see all members as family and I hope this is reflected in all posts. I am glad what I give keeps you spiritually and mentally sustained. Thanks for your kind comment.
Nice statue bro. Is it a statue of you?

It's Zeus from an artist named Antonio that I found online. I want to give adoration to Baal. In my opinion, Zeus is a most beautiful representation. It dawned to me that for years I had no picture at all in the forums profile, so I was like "should do it".

I know lol i was like oh my goodness HP actually has a profile pic! A very nice selected one at that :cool:
666sirius666 said:
Obviously, this sermon was for me and anyone else out there going through a similar situation.

Satan and his demons told me that they're not angry with me. That I made mistakes and that the best thing to do is to learn from them.

I know what I am. I know who I am.

Satan is still removing entities out of me.

Some of these entities entered me when I was still a child.

I woke up from the most ridiculous dream this entity possessing me was telling me. It was shoving the nazarene down my throat, making Satan seem ridiculously evil, and that I'm possessed by him and I'm his sex slave, his whore.
I woke up and I told it off and it wants to overpower me. Satan is here and he's taking care it, but...fuck, this bitch is annoying.

A lot of people say that the enemy doesn't possess people and that they don't attack you. THAT'S A LIE! Father Satan told me that there's a lot of people out there who are possessed and don't know it.

You got to remember, the enemy HATES us!

Satan revealed to me that my so called fibromyalgia is actually due to me being possessed. He says that "fibromyalgia" is a fake disease.
I hate to break your bubble but you are not possesed because even maxime confirms that there are spells, that has happened to me too but while daydreaming or me unknowingly tranced clearly the Nazarene is a thoughtform so thats a faggot ass enemy throwing spells down your throat not actually doing it but if you apply the knowledge the pricks attacking you are breathing in those curses through you its good though to know Satan is helping you but you need to meditate and put some work because Satan telling you fibromyalgia is whats making you "possesed" then i can safely say that is most definitely not Satan it is the enemy trying to confuse you, trust in Satan but watch out for these dumb decievers Again please meditate and dont trust anything that doesn't connect with Joy of Satan websites the same thing happened to me before I saw some disgusting energy going through my mouth and like you Satan has helped me clean that and remove but now that you know you have too meditate for yourself and read all the info in jos that mentions spells, also something cant really control you unless you let it continue to trust in Satan but you need to catch up on some knowledge because these coward ass entities got you confused just hearing other ppl like you that are new getting played by those cunts piss me off and gives me motivation to do more curses on the enemy. Sorry for all the anger but they get me annoyed too :twisted: if you need more help the let me know.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I see all members as family and I hope this is reflected in all posts. I am glad what I give keeps you spiritually and mentally sustained. Thanks for your kind comment.
Nice statue bro. Is it a statue of you?

SuperCool Avatar. I actually thought about it last week that you don't an Avatar. Your Avatar is the coolest. Dope HP.

It's Zeus from an artist named Antonio that I found online. I want to give adoration to Baal. In my opinion, Zeus is a most beautiful representation. It dawned to me that for years I had no picture at all in the forums profile, so I was like "should do it".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
