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  1. J


    https://youtu.be/laiDiflUizE . What do we make of this.? And RTR win ?
  2. J

    Balenciaga: Celebrating Child Violence and Pedophilia [WARNING: DISGUSTING FOOTAGE]

    I like it. You're right, feces attracts flies, might be a bad idea here. This is all to be done after one does the RTRs,,only if one wants to, and has spare time... maybe it will kill off some 'important' person helping to weaking the 'whole' jewish system.. Thanks for this.
  3. J

    Animals in circles

    https://youtu.be/uilSRv8vJvk why is this suddenly happening? Its all over the internet
  4. J

    Balenciaga: Celebrating Child Violence and Pedophilia [WARNING: DISGUSTING FOOTAGE]

    . Also, spell and pronounce their names, and/or the names of their organization, and/or their job title BACKWARD. RNR. = Reverse Name Ritual ( I just made that up. ).. I heard that spelling an enemies name backward can work against them. the RTR is saying it backward/reverse. . Psionic...
  5. J

    Balenciaga: Celebrating Child Violence and Pedophilia [WARNING: DISGUSTING FOOTAGE]

    I just want to point out that the child with the bruised eyes,, reminds me of Jesus Christ hanging on the cross to pay for sin,, as the Jew God ''Father God''' is too much of a coward to hang Himself. The perfect Scapegoat by the Jewish witches. If the child was abused , I pray to Satan the...
  6. J

    Balenciaga: Celebrating Child Violence and Pedophilia [WARNING: DISGUSTING FOOTAGE]

    ""How far does the Rabbi ( t ) hole go""? Add a T to Rabbi and you get Rabbit. Coincidence ? I say it would be nice to curse these crooks to their own Lake of Fire. And the Void/Abyss.
  7. J

    Balenciaga: Celebrating Child Violence and Pedophilia [WARNING: DISGUSTING FOOTAGE]

    ""How far does the Rabbi ( t ) hole go""? Add a T to Rabbi and you get Rabbit. Coincidence ? I say it would be nice to curse these crooks to their own Lake of Fire. And the Void/Abyss.
  8. J

    Balenciaga: Celebrating Child Violence and Pedophilia [WARNING: DISGUSTING FOOTAGE]

    After doing the RTR,, those with skill can throw some curses at the perpetrators in this organization. ( secret, of course ).
  9. J

    [PICTURES] In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism

    Even as a teenager, I knew coincidences were not coincidences in many cases. My parents could not figure it out. Most people just shake their heads and wonder. For those of us that know better,, thank the Gods .
  10. J

    FTX Collapse: Jews Infiltrated Cryptocurrency To Destroy It

    https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/11/18/the-sign-of-power-is-protected-speech-blacks-dont-have-it-whites-dont-have-it-but-jews-do/ . Is this relevant. I curse these jews to their lake of fire. And the Void, Abyss
  11. J

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    https://youtu.be/SgD3JDkIhZE . 4 : 40 . 17 : 45 .. Joy of Satan is in the top 10. This is what I want to see.. JoS is actually known world wide. These people might be skeptics,, but , people are seeing the website. And,,, those that are meant for this will find it.
  12. J

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    I am wondering if anyone has all of the black sun 666 audio, 26 parts... also will there be a detailed instruction on the Magnum Opus? All 13 (or more) steps explained in detail?
  13. J

    divination tool

  14. J

    Enemy Hypocrisy & Magick

    The jci followers that willingly do this coercion to the rest of us.,, I curse them to their lake of fire.
  15. J

    The World Is Getting Better, Not Worse - We are Winning & Staying Positive

    https://youtu.be/OQncteMVh7U . Is this video useful.?
  16. J

    FTX Collapse: Jews Infiltrated Cryptocurrency To Destroy It

    So, when doing the paintable Final RTR, do we blot out the words we pronounce,, in addition to the hebrew letters ?
  17. J

    Minority And Truth - Spiritual Satanism As A Majority Religion?

    I have been posting the Power Meditations, Satanic Witchcraft, and exposingchristianity website on Twitter on some religious pages. I target the skeptical commenters. Those with doubts about christianity and the preacher's bull shit. I suddenly have 18 Followers, all out of nowhere. Is this...
  18. J

    divination tool

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If%C3%A1 . Is this related to the Pagan gods ? Is is useful. ?
  19. J

    "Sorry for Ruining Economies and Lives Over a Fake Pandemic; Let's Forgive Each Other and Move On"

    Forgive us,,,, so we will not be harmed by you in revenge,,, and,,, so we can continue to abuse you, and get away with it. /////// ... I curse these Jews and their guilty babies and followers , JCI, to their lake of fire.. Burn them.!
  20. J

    election day eclipse

    https://youtu.be/NIUZwyp9YlE . Is this significant to what the Jews are doing to the world ?
  21. J

    Something interesting I've been taught in the past about Jewish deception

    Will the Jews attempt to deceive people by creating their False Antichrist,, to cause all of the world , especially Christians to think it is from Satan.??? Then,,, encourage Christians, and others around the world to pray fervently, ( directed psychic energy ), to bring about the Jewish...
  22. J

    Putin announced an "end" to mobilization in two weeks. Did our RTRs stop World War III (yet again!)

    https://youtu.be/m6BQuRlVOac . Is this related to the Jewish feasts ?
  23. J

    Putin announced an "end" to mobilization in two weeks. Did our RTRs stop World War III (yet again!)

    Where all of the war and destruction and riots are occurring , even in one's own town's ,, All of that Death Energy can be used to attack your enemies, and the political, religious, and military powers that be, that are causing all of the problems, whether they be economic, war, food wars, etc...
  24. J

    Putin announced an "end" to mobilization in two weeks. Did our RTRs stop World War III (yet again!)

    I keep doing the RTRs. I also have been quoting the Demonic Authority affirmations,, the Final RTR ,, Killing Tetragrammaton, and Shattering Jewish Soul affirmations, even when these are not scheduled... as doing this with intention has it's own power.
  25. J

    RTR Schedule - Oct 6 to Oct 15 [Yom Kippur Counterattack] - [Schedule Finished]

    The 48 Laws of Power has a law that says to "Crush your enemy totally"".. Law 15. Even if this was written by a jew, are we to quit using occult powers because the jews use them. NO..... ( jews would love that ).. This law is used to make sure ALL resistance is crushed, so that the "virus"...
  26. J


    Where is the sermon that talks about the u.s. founding father's being satanists ?
  27. J

    A Secret About Satan's Name : Satan Is God

    That was 72 Demons. Sorry about the mis type
  28. J

    A Secret About Satan's Name : Satan Is God

    73 Demons ( 1/3 of heaven )... 144 angels. 72 plus 144 = 216. Sacred number of the nadis. Any comments ?
  29. J

    Happy Holidays & War World 3

    Will they use any of the Jewish Holy Days, to start ww3 ?
  30. J

    Woman Beat To Death And Killed By Police In Iran Over ... Improper Hijab

    I curse her murderers to the Islam hell , via suicides
  31. J

    Why Christians Are So Retarded: The Real Reasons - Satan Could Help You...

    There are youtube hell testimonies about christians that celebrate christmas,,, all going to hell, as it's a pagan holiday and god hates it. '"Here comes Santa Claus,, Here comes Satan Lucas, singing April fools. There's no Santa Claus, there's no prayer to Jesus gonna save your souls from...
  32. J


    There is talk about an important official saying something big to happen on September 24. The Feast of Trumpets is September 25 through 27. Is something big going to happen worldwide ?
  33. J

    Christianity diminishing in US

    I posted this on Facebook. Thank you Satan
  34. J


    https://youtu.be/Z8gaEEffc14 . Dis information ? ""Everyone will remember September 24, 2022. Probably nothing. But,,,,
  35. J


    Hopefully puts a damper on the jews plans
  36. J


    I have posted 9/11 articles from satan's library, on twitter in a number of places. On people's personal tweets. I got quite a few likes. Just letting you know it works. For those that can do it safely.
  37. J

    Why I Trust Only In Joy of Satan and Satan Himself, and the Gods, Brothers and Sisters

    And he gives us the answers we need. For those on twitter, I type in Pastor John Hagee. and post Exposingchristianity.com . and articles like, https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Jewish_Ritual_Murder2.html . THEN I TYPE a word like, He. Hello, ( you can also use words like Fuck you ), I...
  38. J


  39. J


    Christian ( jew ) pastor John Hagee just had a sermon on ""Tithing""". He says, and I paraphrase,, ""If you don't tithe and give 'god' what belongs to him,,,, you will have horrible problems""". He uses his own words. ... ... ... The point here is,,, I curse this man and his family and...
  40. J


    I curse the guilty Jewish babies to their lake of fire, suicides. May Satan burn them
  41. J

    The Divine Mother & Divine Father: Our Gods

    Question,,,,, Who was Satan's father,,, mother ? Also, with Lilith, Beelzebub, Astaroth, etc. Satan's age was mentioned here somewhere. I am assuming he had a physical birth, as spirits cannot create in the physical without a physical means of doing so. When Satan created or ( re created )...
  42. J

    Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10

    The number 22 corresponds to the World trump card of the Tarot, indicating completion. This indicates the enemy completing their goal of world conquest and domination through communism. . From , https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Mind_Control_Programming.html ...... Sorry about dividing...
  43. J

    Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10

    Also, 22 . 2 plus 2 = 4. 4 year term of Trump ?
  44. J

    Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10

    T = 20, R = 18, U = 21, M = 13, P = 16 .. TRUMP adds up to 88. 8 plus 8 = 16. 1 plus 6 = 7 .. The 7 Trumpets in Revelations. Trump,, = the last TRUMP,,et ??? ( et = Extra Terrestrial )
  45. J

    Joy of Satan Sites & Translations: STEADILY UPWARDS! - UPDATES, NEW SITES, CONTACT US [22nd August Progress 2022!]

    The Satan's library and exposing christianity and Rituals sections are all down.
  46. J

    About Taking Oaths, Promises To The Gods & Succubi/Incubi

    Christian bible has a verse saying "if a man divorces his wife and marries another ( except for reason of sexual immorality ), then he commits adultery. He that marries her that is divorced, commits adultery. Yet so many ( Fundamental ) christians, hard cores,,,, divorce and remarry, as if...
  47. J

    Forums down while "Satanists" trends on Twitter

    On twitter, I go to some christian sites and occult sites and post things like,,, https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Bible_Jewish_Witchcraft.html ... I add statements like "True?',, ""exposing religion ". etc. as the links all by themselves might not post,,, to prevent spamming. The words...
  48. J

    GROUP RITUAL: HONORING ABRASAX [July 23rd to August 3rd]

    How do you pronounce Abrasax ? A Bra Sax ? A Bra Saz ? I want to be sure I pronounce it correctly. Also, I am doing this and other rituals while staring at a picture of a Ouija board. Taking a chance I know. Hope it works.
  49. J

    georgia guidestones destroyed

    https://kabbalahexposed.com/Shema_Prayer.html . This topic talks about the numbers and the Georgia guidestones. Now that the guidestones are destroyed,,, what now ?
  50. J

    For Those Who Don’t Like, Or Don’t Know How, To Exercise

    If you don't eat enough, you will not bulk up, ,, I don't care how much you exercise. Run 100 laps around the Eiffel Tower, do 200 sit ups,,, pushups,,, pullups. lift weights 3 hours a day. If you do not eat enough,,, you will not gain weight. I know.
  51. J

    Reminder: There Are Still People That Want To Kill You For Practicing Yoga - Protect Yourself

    Remember the Energy Ripping techniques,, Death Energy,, and Visualization. Psionics and so forth. Lots of spur of the moment techniques and variations to use on these JCI religious fanatics. Best to keep secret what you do. There was a fundamental christian fanatic that went into an...
  52. J


    https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html . I was able to use this and download the mp3s, with the runes and symbols.
  53. J


    I found it It was spelled a little different. I downloaded all of the German and Icelandic mp3s of them. So I should get it right.
  54. J


    I found it It was spelled a little different. I downloaded all of the German and Icelandic mp3s of them. So I should get it right.
  55. J


    How do you pronounce Lagur...? I cannot find it in the Rune list.
  56. J

    Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10

    Thank you. Can we use this to combine the Calendar,,, with the clock, astrology, along with our birthdate, age, our names and their letters,, money, locations ( degrees longitude and latitude, number of people in a group, crowd, coven, nation, etc. I know, I am going "out there",, but...
  57. J


    How many times does one have to chant a Demonic Mantra in order for the Demon to manifest.? IF, one does the mantra correctly. Their actual Demon name, minus any added rubbish ( if any ). I know it varies for each person. I know there is a difference of the actual Demon and the Demon's...
  58. J

    The 666, The WWW, Saturday, And Hexagram

    I just wanted to mention, today is 6/15 ( 1 plus 5 = 6 ), 2022 ( 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 ),, = 666 Today.
  59. J


    The Joy of Satan is being translated into many, many languages. We also have many projects that are being worked on the back end before publication. If anyone wants to translate to the following languages, you must mail me at [email protected] so that you are assigned to a...
  60. J

    At This Point, One Must Be A Fool To Not Believe These Things [Monkeypox etc etc...]

    Christian prophecies keep popping up, the " god " thought form saying, "I am causing these things", so that the world will focus all their attention and psychic energy onto the Jews and their thought form. Christians especially are feeding more energy into it. It is all about the energetic...
  61. J

    Everyone Is A Jew?

    1 Corinthians 12:13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into ...https://biblehub.com › 1_corinthians For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit ... .... I found the verse. I...
  62. J

    Everyone Is A Jew?

    I recently asked a man I know if he is a Jew. He is a hard core religious christian. He can't finish what he started ( Long term goals bore the reptilian ''''grey?'''' ) brain,, he starts one project , '"we are opening next week"", ( 2 years later, still waiting ), then starts another, and...
  63. J

    The Collapse Is Real: Economy Goes Down The Drain [+Crypto Update] - Reminder - "Here We Are"...

    Satanic Grimoire of Black Magick, can be used on those that come out of this with lots of wealth. Assuming, of course, they are known criminals. This , in addition to the RTRs. I wonder if Money Vampirism works.
  64. J

    Is Everyone Entitled To All Knowledge?

    High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has said that there are weapons, tools, techniques, rituals,,, more powerful than the RTRs. But that information is hidden as the enemy would get it. So,,, it would seem that this hidden knowledge is dangerous to us, as the enemy could harm us or worse. Like...
  65. J

    BEELZEBUL'S RITUAL: BLESS UP FOR THE SATANIC NEW YEAR! (30th April - 10th of May Ritual Schedule)

    Christian exorcism movies talk about '"The Time of Changing"". One movie said it was 11/1... I am assuming this Time of Changing is 10/31 - 11/1,, and 4/30 - 5/1. I just found out an hour ago about this Time of Changing,,, and I just did the Beelzebub ritual and invited him/them into me...
  66. J

    Occult principle of tithing

    So it's all Jew shit. Ok. Just wanted to be sure.
  67. J

    Occult principle of tithing

    https://originalones.org/tithe/ . This talks about the Occult principle of tithing. How true ? .. The christians corrupted this occult principle.
  68. J

    The United States - Pluto Return & 2/22/2022

    28/7/1914,, 28+7+19+14=68,, ww1 1/9/1939,,,1+9+19+39=68, ww2,,, 24/2/2022,,,24+2+20+22=68,, invasion of Ukraine. Start dates. 6+8=14,,, 1+4=5,,,5+5+5=15,1+5=6. The war start dates came from a religious article. JCI preaches against numerology , yet they practice it. ( I did the 68...
  69. J

    Signs the current invasion in Ukraine was pre-planned to start WW3

    https://youtu.be/6cB8AUPo7cg . This says Israel helped provoke this war, and getting jews out while sending non Jewish refugees back.
  70. J

    RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE WITH MILITARY - War At Almost Certain Possibility

    Does this = a possible False Flag ? He wanted to say something, but did not want to fear monger. Something.
  71. J

    RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE WITH MILITARY - War At Almost Certain Possibility

    https://youtu.be/F2c6xdvC6bU . Here they go with this again.
  72. J


    Are the symbols in the Hebrew alphabet used to create Sigils? Spells of power, and to perform certain tasks?
  73. J

    About Russia/Ukraine War And Certain Events - 02/22/2022

    https://youtu.be/WjETXcFIlEI . Will the RTR to prevent another war, work now ?
  74. J

    When The Joy Of Satan Is Always Right, Maybe It's Time To Listen...

    https://youtu.be/0ufGLJIeHos . This video @ates that these people last reacted by having 4000 people not going to work on 9/11. I don't know if this is a real threat. But, you were right about 9/11.
  75. J

    Tulpas, Thoughtforms & Betraying...Christians

    So the Jesus thought form is just manifesting the power and knowledge of its makers? And , of course all of the Gentiles it controls?
  76. J

    Necromancy: Communicating With The Dead

    It helps to have a Demon possessing and assisting one with the Magnum Opus.? We do our part ,, then they come and assist us, as they are willing ? The person that is presently working with these Demons in this way, secretly, of course, I wish you success. Christians have said, ""Truth...
  77. J

    The United States - Pluto Return & 2/22/2022

    Hebrew year is 5782 =22. This year
  78. J

    The "Revolt"/"Insurrection" In Canada?

    And this all started with something not much worse than the flu. As a survival youtube video host said about wars,, '"It always starts with something small". ( ""Yours is smaller than mine."" ). Just kidding. But all Hell breaks loose on the planet from a somewhat harmful virus that may be...
  79. J

    The United States - Pluto Return & 2/22/2022

    Also, 33 years, 3+3=6, .good Friday is 4/15/22. 1+5=6 . He died at 33 = 6, at 15 00 = 6 military time, good Friday = 6 , this year. 3, 6s = 666. Age, time, date,, this year.. 666 = 18 which = 9 , endings, finality, judgement. 4/15/2022,, 4+6+6=16=7 rest, completion, chakras (seals). Also...
  80. J

    The United States - Pluto Return & 2/22/2022

    2/9/2022,,, 2+9×2=22. . 2/11/22. 2×11=22. I knew I was missing something. I am listening to Exposing Christianity full audio, and it is at the numerology part. 3 hour 40 minute part.
  81. J

    The United States - Pluto Return & 2/22/2022

    Isaiah 22:22. This just popped up on YouTube
  82. J

    The United States - Pluto Return & 2/22/2022

    2 : 22, hour and [/IMG] ... ( Single digit ??? ). So if anyone with real education on this subject can make sense of it in relation to current events,,,
  83. J

    Satan's Library and other Sites Temporary Downtime

    Also, there are none of the videos in the Satans library site.
  84. J

    Satan's Library and other Sites Temporary Downtime

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjWCW3zH4Lc&list=PLTJCEG11GXGQN1qtw8sHXKA5vY70L0G_B .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjWCW3zH4Lc&list=PL7wAnWP6P3UF4rma8Jv7Vg9qqknDGMGla . The same 10 videos by 2 different sources. 16 are missing
  85. J

    Satan's Library and other Sites Temporary Downtime

    Why are there only about 10 of the 26 videos 666 Black Sun in the library and youtube ?
  86. J

    Just talk to Satan

    HPS Maxine has stated , Satan only assists his closest friends and confidents.
  87. J

    Well YEAH, Statistically, It's Starting To Look Like Global Genocide [The Culling: UPDATED 4 DECEMBER]

    Omicron is defined as a Greek letter and the 15 star in a constellation. Omicron Piscium in the Constellation Pisces. Are we in the age of Pisces ?
  88. J

    Well YEAH, Statistically, It's Starting To Look Like Global Genocide [The Culling: UPDATED 4 DECEMBER]

    Omicron is defined as a Greek letter and the 15 star in a constellation. Omicron Piscium in the Constellation Pisces. Are we in the age of Piscus.?
  89. J

    Well YEAH, Statistically, It's Starting To Look Like Global Genocide [The Culling: UPDATED 4 DECEMBER]

    The Dictionary defines Corona as Crown,, when related to the anatomy. Corona virus = Crown virus.?
  90. J

    JoS Africa Is Now Live!

    I just posted the link to Facebook
  91. J

    How To Deal With Negative Energy From Others / Outside World

    1. "They dwell in the grip of their passions. You dwell in wonderful Enlightenment. They would be burned up if they came near you". Buddha. 2. "Sex energy inspired by love cannot be eaten by the lower astral entities. It resonates to too high of a vibration. They need negative vibrations...
  92. J

    The situation in Australia: The irony of the "Free and Lucky" country

    This all just says it is time to not just talk about it, but to act on it. To curse these people individually and collectively, that are causing all of these problems. I am doing the FRTR, Killing Tetragrammaton, Shatter Jewish Soul rituals daily. Still,,, it is obvious the enemy IS...
  93. J

    VIDEO Emerges of Fauci and HHS Officials Plotting for ‘A New Avian Flu Virus’ to Enforce Universal Flu Vaccination

    Will there be an mp3 audio to pronounce the Shattering Jewish Soul Protection ritual. ?
  94. J

    About New Meditation Section

    Will there be any meditations that will invite Demons to attach and possess us.? As the Demons are willing to, of course.
  95. J

    Everyone Will Want To Join, But It Will Be Too Late

    I keep hearing of the plan to have America in the gutter by 2025. That's 3 plus years away. Also, with the Covid cases increasing, is something big and bad going to happen this winter , 2021 and 2022.? Worldwide ? Is Astrology pointing to this. ?
  96. J

    Pfizer vaccine 13x less effective than natural immunity - Israel

    I heard somewhere that the Delta and Epsilon variants are manufactured hoaxes, designed to cover up the deaths and problems from the vaccines . Maybe true.
  97. J

    Being "Stuck" With Meditation, Patience, Overcoming Obstacles

    https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/817080-when-you-plant-seeds-in-the-garden-you-don-t-dig . This quote ?
  98. J

    Russian officials want to ban yoga in the country

    After doing the Final RTR and other's on the schedule,,,, it can be a nice thing to target each leader seeking to ban yoga and the occult activities and perform death curses on them. .... In one's spare time, of course.
  99. J

    Man sends lizard saliva to 23andMe for DNA testing, exposing total fraud of company’s claims of human ancestry

    Apparently, Hillary Clinton is a Full Blooded Reptilian, according to David Icke. ( Lizard spirit in the human body ). Also Queen ( El-Lizard-Birth ) Elizabeth. ""Come into me Mommy Lizard. Take possession of me. Ride me forevermore. As you wish. ( Piggy back, carry them with me. Not sex...
  100. J

    The Divine Purpose & Spiritual Warfare Schedule - April 17 to May 1st

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_alphabet . 33 letters.
  101. J

    Experimental "Kabbalah" - Know Your Enemy

    ELEVEN,,,, E,, L,, E,, E, xtinction,, L, evel,, E, vent. November is the 11th month. 11 = Death and Destruction in Jewish numerology. Will an Extinction Level Event be planned,, or is one coming on the month of November.? Also, 9 is Endings and Finality... 11/9 is opposite of 9/11...
  102. J

    UFO Files are about to be Revealed

    Top Secret programs are decades ahead of public knowledge. They had lap top computers and cell phones in the military in the 70s, or earlier. Military pilots are just that,, military pilots. Not Top Secret Researchers. The technology in secret is way beyond what even the average military...
  103. J

    The Wisdom Of Saturn

    Joy of Satan Astrology ebook, page 186,, Synastry chapter.. Interesting how Saturn has a perfect ""100%""' record in murder cases. The ebook also mentions Pluto as even more dangerous in regards to pure, raw power itself. Put a strong Pluto in with a strong Saturn in someone's birth chart...
  104. J

    RTR effects: How Israel Censors the Internet

    I shared it on Facebook ( a few thousand friends ),, and Twitter, posting it on Biden and White House, and Pope Francis tweets. For starters.
  105. J

    Texas mayor resigns after telling residents desperate for power and heat "only the strong will survive"

    I heard somewhere that this harsh Texas winter was actually "Weather Warfare" technology used against Texas to keep them "in line'. Maybe .
  106. J

    Fire meditation

    Yeah,,, I can say that from experience. I forgot the 'Caveat',, "At your own risk".
  107. J

    direction and hemispheres

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anticyclonic_tornado . Seems tornadoes turn clockwise in the southern hemisphere, counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere.... Does Kundalini follow this.? Anyone in the southern experience this.?
  108. J

    Fire meditation

    https://youtu.be/dC5p0QJZ-es . This fire twister spins counter clockwise, like the kundalini is shown many times. For those that are daring, to watch the fire while doing the Fire Kundalini meditation. Spin the spine while visualizing fire all around oneself. It made me hot pretty fast.
  109. J

    Exposing RHP critics

    There are some serious JCI Infiltrators spreading dis information about the Demons. One is Last Frontier Medium on youtube. I debunk some of what she says,, carefully so as not to get banned from youtube. Angra Mainyu account now. My Clayton Davies account was banned for '''abusive talk"'...
  110. J

    About HPS Maxine And The JoS

    I am happy that Facebook and Twitter still allow posts for the Joy of Satan... Facebook banned some websites, as it went against community standards. They do that with some sites. I have posted lots of articles on Facebook, got quite a few likes as well. Also, the Joy of Satan 666 page on...
  111. J

    Are These People Satanists?

    I posted this one on Facebook. You present a great case here. Thanks.
  112. J

    Jewish News, Exposing Themselves, Admitting Defeat

    Since the elite are being exposed,,, lets hope they do not try something 'drastic',,, and they might be able to even better,, now that we have (,P,),resident Evil,,, Joe Biden as President.
  113. J

    Jewish News, Exposing Themselves, Admitting Defeat

    This Rabbi is full of Shit.
  114. J

    V.V.IMP - 55 in US, 29 in Norway DEAD, 13 Israelis suffer Face Paralysis after taking Vaccine

    So,,, Israel would make all of the vaccines to vaccinate the Jews worldwide ( 100 Million ??? ), and warn Gentiles to avoid it under the Jew Shit story line that it will change our DNA and damn us to Hell forever, thus killing off as many Gentiles as possible.? This is starting to make sense...
  115. J

    V.V.IMP - 55 in US, 29 in Norway DEAD, 13 Israelis suffer Face Paralysis after taking Vaccine

    https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covid-vaccination-doses-per-capita?tab=chart&stackMode=absolute&time=latest&region=World . Why is Israel, as such a small nation administering the most vaccines ??? .. Either they want to scare the Gentile population away from the vaccine ( population...
  116. J

    V.V.IMP - 55 in US, 29 in Norway DEAD, 13 Israelis suffer Face Paralysis after taking Vaccine

    I had a relative in health care that took the vaccine. Had no side effects from it. This person is a Medical Worker........ I have heard that there are those that have supposedly been messed up and even died from the vaccine...
  117. J

    We All Have A Long Way To Go...

    Despite religion criminalizing the occult, we still got Gentiles worldwide telling the Jew/christian/muslim god to go F*** itself. That is my choice, as well as millions and more world wide. Seems this is becoming more the case daily. Than Satan.
  118. J

    We All Have A Long Way To Go...

    It is mentioned that Jews are way ahead of Gentiles in terms of occult knowledge.... Which is why I spread the Power Meditation,, and Satanic Witchcraft information. These sections also mention enough how Christianity and others have hindered this knowledge. So people will get the idea ( I...
  119. J

    The World Is Going To Change - Why The Rush?

    We need to hurry. I want to see the San Francisco 49ers beat the Beijing chicoms. ( Sports, not war ). I am only implying that , now that Biden seems to have the U.S. presidency, there is talk of him handing America over to China. Which means countries that the U.S. protects would fall as...
  120. J

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    There is talk among some religious groups that this vaccine will change our DNA, turn us into a hybrid... Now,,, in reality,,, do the Jews intend to mess up the chakra system, gentile potential and such with this vaccine ( DNA change ),, then blame ""the devil"" .?
  121. J

    Forums/Sites May Go Down Anytime Now - Ritual Schedule Extended to 9th of January

    Could you explain "no chatting outside the forum "".
  122. J

    Forums/Sites May Go Down Anytime Now - Ritual Schedule Extended to 9th of January

    Curse the crooks ( if any ) that did this. Secretly, of course.
  123. J

    meditation popularity

    The people I send these meditations and witchcraft sections to, are generally spiritually educated, and many of them well more psychically advanced than myself. Most of them also know that religion is a scam. These people can benefit from these meditations and help to increase the mass mind...
  124. J

    meditation popularity

    I post links to the Power Meditations and Satanic Witchcraft on occult forums ( usually vial email ), and the people that are requesting information on spells, meditations, and such are very thankful for my posting them. Seems these meditations are gaining popularity, which adds to the mass...
  125. J

    Paintable Tetragrammaton Final RTR

    Great job. Thank you
  126. J

    Torah codes

    https://www.skywatchtv.com/2020/12/10/will-it-happen-bible-codes-rabbi-says-hidden-message-in-torah-reveals-civil-war-brewing-in-usa-will-ignite-war-of-gog-magog/ .. Are the Jews setting America and the world up for something around the Biden inauguration ? I find the numerology interesting.
  127. J


    https://t.co/fjhRqmaQ7N?amp=1 .
  128. J

    Appreciation Post To The Clergy

    This site exposes religion, shows people the spiritual side of things, and gives Power Meditation techniques, to empower ourselves,,, for FREE. The only site I have found that goes this far. Thank you.
  129. J

    black sun 666, audio

    I notice youtube has deleted some of the 1 - 26 sections of the Black Sun 666 audio. I could not find the mp3's in Satan's Library. Any place to download the entire series.?
  130. J

    joe biden

    Jus making a joke on Joe Biden. G.I. Joe tv cartoon.
  131. J

    youtube down

    https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/youtube-is-down-massive-crash-or-shut-down-of-stolen-election-info .. Was this deliberate ?
  132. J

    joe biden

    ""G.I. JOE IS THERE,,, G.I. JOE,,, THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERE,,, G.I. JOE IS THERE,,, G.I. JOE,,, GO JOE"" ( BIDEN ),,,,,, away...
  133. J

    After November 10 - We Continue FRTR Until New Release

    HPS Maxine has said that there was something more powerful than the RTR's but that it is kept secret as the enemy would get hold of it. ( Best to keep 'that' secret, unless Satan says otherwise ). I just hope that it works. Success to it.
  134. J

    Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-43wPyblUA .. It is looking like Trump and the rest of us is F***ed.
  135. J

    Coronavirus/Covid - Phase 2 - Wintertime

  136. J


    Interesting... Mercury affecting internet like that. I was in a nearby town when youtube was down. When I went home 10 miles away ( by the crow flies ), youtube was working. So maybe a local glitch.
  137. J


    I am in California, Youtube has not been working for 20 minutes. Twitter works, Facebook works. This site comes up quickly. Just not youtube. Others having problems?
  138. J

    Covid Pandemic Is The Emergence Of The Jewish World Order

    http://www.shadowstats.com/ .. Hope this is relevant to the topic.
  139. J

    Trump Positive For Coronavirus, Elections And Lockdown

  140. J

    Trump Positive For Coronavirus, Elections And Lockdown

    I know where this is going. The Christians are going to be persecuted by the Jews to such an extent in the near future ( Next 10 to 50 years ? ),, and the Jewish elite, media, and religion will blame Satan,,, so,,, the Christians and their Jewish handlers in 'high positions' will declare war on...
  141. J

    The "ANTIFA"

    So like the Deep State with thousands of indictments against them,,, and nothing happens ( No arrests ),, these fanatical groups get away with their crimes, as Trump does next to nothing to stop them,, at least until lots of real damage to honest hard working people has occurred. Seems Trump...
  142. J

    Trump Positive For Coronavirus, Elections And Lockdown

    https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/what-expect-when-chinese-invaders-come-your-city .. When the lockdown starts again ( if it does ), and the elections bring mass chaos, what are the chances of these Chicoms striking?
  143. J

    false positives

    https://www.foxnews.com/sports/nfl-has-77-apparently-false-positive-covid-19-tests-from-lab .. Mainstream news admitting it.
  144. J

    RTR Fuel: Migrant avoids deportation from Sweden after raping child over 100 times

    The thing about Freedom and everyone thinking for themselves is it creates a 'division' and weakness,, compared to the "Hive Mind" that operates as one unit, with every single part feeding the whole. Freedom and everyone living their separate lives,, creates the division that causes weakness, as...
  145. J

    Netanyahu threat to Beirut

    https://youtu.be/DkykPt9ISyk . Was the missile video ''doctored''.???
  146. J

    Netanyahu threat to Beirut

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXlf0OrZQE0 .. Ignore the religious source. Is this missile real ?
  147. J

    Netanyahu threat to Beirut

  148. J

    Beirut explosion

  149. J

    Jewish Council Convening On How To Destroy Poland - VIDEO

    Satan destroy these Jewish leaders in Hell Fire. Satan Burn them.
  150. J

    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    https://youtu.be/_uWdRyKchEQ . Force the vaccine on us ? Trump ? By end of year, 2020 ?
  151. J

    DNA taken by force

    https://thecommonsenseshow.com/conspiracy-economics-education/china-collecting-dna-millions-men-and-boys-large-scale-genetic-surveillance-project .. https://thecommonsenseshow.com/agenda-21-conspiracy-economics/red-alert-dhs-requiring-agents-collect-dna-all-detainees-why .. Can they use...
  152. J

    Are you being a Goyim during the lockdown ?

    Does this planet issue have anything to do with Jupiter, and possible incoming asteroids from September 2020 to March 2021 ? There is talk online about this being a possible reason for the Lockdown. Coronavirus being a distraction, and a means to get us locked in place for the Real reason for...
  153. J

    Michigan passes law that would make it illegal for companies to force their employees to be implanted with microchips

    https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/22/bill-gates-denies-conspiracy-theories-that-say-he-wants-to-use-coronavirus-vaccines-to-implant-tracking-devices.html .. https://youtu.be/IcQEKgxjDLk .. Time will tell if he intends to do this or not do this.
  154. J

    Michigan passes law that would make it illegal for companies to force their employees to be implanted with microchips

    https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/22/bill-gates-denies-conspiracy-theories-that-say-he-wants-to-use-coronavirus-vaccines-to-implant-tracking-devices.html ..
  155. J

    Are you being a Goyim during the lockdown ?

    When will the planets move into revolutionary mode? There is talk that around September and from then forward,,, the situation will get worse quickly. Conspiracy theorist sites, and such saying this.
  156. J

    Taking Away Legally Owned Guns

    Satan destroy the Communist crooks that ordered this home invasion and gun confiscation.
  157. J

    Michigan passes law that would make it illegal for companies to force their employees to be implanted with microchips

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dezwMw_Qw-Q .. It would seem states are already attempting to outlaw chips in people. Keep up the RTR. Christians are fanatically saying it is the Mark of the Beast, and will turn us into zombies, with Nano Technology, Will turn us into Hybrids and damn our...
  158. J

    ((("Satanic"))) Clown Organizations

    Politicians, bankers, dictators, and other big world people that influence society,, they all have weaknesses. Physical, mental, emotional. The world powers that are bent on wrecking society and causing problems ,, they can be eliminated, or just driven out of the power centers, by hexing them...
  159. J

    Michigan passes law that would make it illegal for companies to force their employees to be implanted with microchips

    There are lots of religious and secular sources talking about the Bill Gates chip in the vaccine. Some say it will change our DNA, be track our location, and be reprogrammable by satellite. They will be able to control us on an atomic and maybe even sub atomic level. ( According to some sources )
  160. J

    Important What Is Going On Now

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc0lRyKYmAg .. Do the Elite plan on using the Kabbalah and U.S. civil unrest ( war ? ),,, to create an opportunity for Russia to attack us sooner, and not later.? This thing with the U.S. planes made to look like Russian planes is a little scary. ( Ignore his...
  161. J

    George Floyd The Occult Meaning

    B = 2,, L = 12,, M = 13.... 2 + 12 + 13 = 27. 2 + 7 = 9. I don't know if adding the letters in Black Lives Matter,, actually has any significance to this.
  162. J

    Blacks Lives Matter

    https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/collapse-democrat-run-cities-now-imminent-truckers-say-they-will-refuse-delivering-cities-de-funded .. Since this is related to the Black Lives Matter issue. Looks like some cities in America will go to Hell in the near future.
  163. J

    Joyofsatan mentioned by History channel.

    And of course spreading the Power Meditations, Satanic Witchcraft, Exposing Christianity, 666 Black Sun and such. I have put quite a few topics in the Exposing Christianity ebook on Facebook, with videos that I posted concerning the Virus. Topics that hopefully will expose the Christian crap...
  164. J

    The Kabbalah The 22 Names

    I typed in google search engine,,, "22 Hebrew names meaning pdf and got some results. I am wondering if each letters might represent a life principle, way of life, social ranking, particular pattern of life, and even a particular entity in their 4th dimensional reptillian rullers. ? Also, I...
  165. J

    US George Floyd Riots... Are A Jewish Distraction

    GEORGE FLOYD,,, WAS KILLED,,, MAY 25,,, 2020 ,,,,,, "" 6 "" DAYS BEFORE PENTACOST,, MAY 31, 2020 '
  166. J


  167. J


    There are actually some people online that are taking suicidal advice to rip one's chakras out so they can achieve unification of the 7 levels of consciousness. I quickly mentioned that this is like ripping out one's eyeballs, cutting off one's hands and feet. Crippling oneself. They...
  168. J

    US George Floyd Riots... Are A Jewish Distraction

    Can people use the Energies from these riots, channeling it in curses against the elite.? Take all of that pain and anger energies of the crowds and direct it against the people that we know are causing these problems? Curses, rituals, ceremonies, visualization sending this destructive against...
  169. J

    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    https://youtu.be/B2HXLPCALNo. Ignore this guy's ""their bringing in the antichrist"" jew shit. This guy exposes the Jews and ""bringing in the Jewish Messiah thought form"" in our face COVID = kOBE. This guy even admits it's a Jewish translation. Jews exposed again.
  170. J

    Major Win

    As has been stated on this site,, "The Jews attack and pretend to be against what they seek to protect the most"" ( maybe not exact wording, but the meaning is revealed ). Is there a ''hidden agenda'' behind this seeming attack by Trump in the Social Media sites ? Or, can the Jews directly use...
  171. J

    Minneapolis Riots - Jews At It Yet Again...

    Next, when the unemployment benefits end, around July ( 600 federal aid a month ), and with 40 million Officially unemployed, then all of these people required to wear masks, will use guns, 'concealed carry permits" and Illegally obtained, to rob, loot, riot, kill, Civil War = Martial Law. Get...
  172. J

    Minneapolis Riots - Jews At It Yet Again...

    Next, when the unemployment benefits end, around July ( 600 federal aid a month ), and with 40 million Officially unemployed, then all of these people required to wear masks, will use guns, 'concealed carry permits" and Illegally obtained, to rob, loot, riot, kill, Civil War = Martial Law. Get...
  173. J

    Minneapolis Riots - Jews At It Yet Again...

    People are required to wear masks. 2 fold for protesters. Protects from coronavirus. Protects from identification by authorities and cameras. Elite knew what they were doing with this virus lock down.
  174. J

    Minneapolis Riots - Jews At It Yet Again...

    The Floyd murder is being used by the Elite to Channel the Hatred of America over this massive Covid-19 hoax and Economic Crash,,, into fighting each other and authorities. "Divide and Rule". They timed this one perfectly,,, if the murderer Cop is a mind controlled slave. ((Beyond what...
  175. J

    That Escalated Quickly : More Than 25% of All Americans Believe Bill Gates Wants to Implant Microchips in People

    https://youtu.be/VyxvPg98Mqc .. And now they are admitting the virus is a hoax. Real yes. And nothing major.
  176. J

    RTR Tools By Fellow SS

    https://www.breakingisr ..aelnews.com/149607/gog-magog-start-war-between-america-china-warns-rabbi/ .. This might be more RTR fuel, if true.
  177. J

    JoS Fully Censored - Online Middle Ages Starting... A War Against Humanity

    https://www.joyofsatan.org/ . Just thought I would mention it. This link,, as well as The Satanic Temple link ( different site ), are both on the second page of the google search engine. Joy of Satan link has always been on page number one, when I type in Joy of Satan on search engine. Till Now.
  178. J

    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    https://www.thenewamerican.com/ . Just got to watch out for the christian propaganda. It still might have 'real' information on this mess the Jews put us in. Also on youtube
  179. J

    Global Initiative: Save Jews From Nazi Co-Vid 19 - #VaccinateJewsFirst

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsfqJ1TkgP0 . I heard somewhere that a military employee said those in the military were getting this drug. Maybe true. What will they give the public. The same ???
  180. J

    JoS Fully Censored - Online Middle Ages Starting... A War Against Humanity

    https://www.joyofsatan.org/ . This link still works
  181. J

    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    https://youtu.be/Fdot9l3yi98 .. David Icke banned from youtube ?
  182. J

    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

  183. J

    Meanwhile in Russia, enemy drops masks

    You can use that picture above to hex the Rabbi in it.
  184. J

    The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls”

    Will this chip implant ( if put in the forehead,, 3rd eye ) be able to control the 3rd eye and Pineal Gland, of which the 3rd eye is an extension? "The God part of the Mind can do absolutely anything" Joy of Satan ebook page 126, Sorath. When focused on the 3rd eye, if you think to kill anyone...
  185. J

    The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls”

    https://crisisboom.com/2011/04/12/soul-catcher-2025/ .. Is this what they plan to use to control us.?
  186. J

    The ID2020 Jewish World Government Is Here

    https://youtu.be/-gXlRzCClG8 .. This video seems Jew free, no religious jargon. Type in "Patent 060606 Digital Currency Chip" on youtube search engine,, and Google search engine. Warning : There is a LOT of "Satanic Panic" from the christian world. Hard to find a Jew free video or article...
  187. J

    The ID2020 Jewish World Government Is Here

  188. J

    The ID2020 Jewish World Government Is Here

  189. J

    The ID2020 Jewish World Government Is Here

    https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/g31cn7/microsoft_has_patented_a_cryptocurrency_device/ .. https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606 .. Some are saying this is the Mark of The Beast.... Seems to be Jew beast in origin, so again, the christians are...
  190. J

    UFO Sightings, 2020, "Prophecies", Quarantine and Co-Vid

    And put the RTR on top of the Torah alphabet to aid the RTR directly, as an aide, of course, in the personal effort applied to the RTR ?
  191. J

    UFO Sightings, 2020, "Prophecies", Quarantine and Co-Vid

    And put the RTR on top of the Torah alphabet to aid the RTR directly, as an aide, of course, in the personal effort applied to the RTR ?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
