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For Those Who Don’t Like, Or Don’t Know How, To Exercise

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
This is for the men who mentioned they don’t like to exercise in HP Cobra’s post about being a man. This is also applicable for women.

Exercise does not bulk you up really big, unless you go hard with it. It is also not always boring, contrary to a lot of people’s opinion. Exercise can increase your enthusiasm for life, motivation for accomplishing goals, and increase the “happy hormones” (dopamine, endorphins, serotonin). And who doesn’t want to feel good?

Specifically, there is a certain type of exercise that will increase your health, increase your range of motion, give lean strength, reduce chance of injury, help you heal from injury, and increase your mobility and grace of movement as you age.

I’m talking about Pilates. It was initially designed for men, specifically police and military men who got injured on the job, but it expanded and now both genders do it. Many famous athletes do it, too. Pilates will also help you feel very centered and grounded, and very stable.

Pilates is very expensive in-person, but there are lots of videos online, and courses available for a very low monthly cost, on sites such as doyou.com. Just be mindful that you are paying proper attention while following along, and that the instructor gives good cues for engaging your core and so on.

Of course there are many other types of exercise, there have been quite a few posts over the years regarding the subject, so feel free to comment with your own advice and experience :)

A healthy and sound body helps increase a healthy and sound mind and soul.
The list of activities is vast... Parkour, both indoor and outdoor climbing, hiking, rowing, (roller)skiing, cycling, running, swimming, all the various ball games and the list goes. There literally is something for everybody, one simply has to find the right method for themselves.

Personally I have found gym and calisthenics mostly boring, but I get the same sort of stimulus from other means and it's actually fun and challenging.

Having low fire characteristics and not being inclined to exercising can be increased with Sun, Mars, Uruz and Sowilo, to name a few methods. Colours such as red work for passion and athletics and black for endurance. All of these accompanied with proper affirmations, of course.
I would also like to add that Karate katas are great for the body and the mind.

Repeating the same kata for half an hour daily can greatly increse your profficency in void meditation. It has helped me alot.
I partially agree with that. Most men want a stronger, athletic and attractive body but don't perform the right activities. Cardio/Pilates and the like are relatively good, but don't accomplish the desired goal unless you want to lose weight, and there are better alternatives.

Men who want massive, impressive muscles and an athletic body are scared of it or don't see the point of it, while others love it and it's all they do. Neither extreme is good. Not all cardio is the same. Not every kind of cardio helps you shed fat and not every kind of cardio will devour your muscle mass.

Cardio can help you grow muscle mass faster and get rid of unattractive fat at the same time. But that's only if it's implemented intelligently. If it's not implemented intelligently, you'll lose muscle mass, promote fat deposition, or simply waste your time.

To burn a mass of over 300 kcal you need to spend quite a lot of time doing cardio. For many people even an hour.

Time that would give much better results if you used better weight loss workouts, such as HIIT or EPOC, which last 15-20 minutes and have much, much better effects.

Besides, cardio does not lead to attractive slimming. It doesn't help to maintain muscle mass, especially if you're on ''diets''. Doing it in excess increases cortisol levels, which creates great damage to muscles and the whole body. You get more benefits from a yoga session than from this...
Overdoing it also lowers testosterone levels and causes increased body fat.

Even Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the father of aerobic exercise, the person who coined the term "cardio," has changed his mind about this style of training. After observing a large number of cardio enthusiasts suffering from cancer and heart disease, he was open-minded enough to change his mind about the benefits of excessive aerobics.

A good alternative for men is anaerobic training ( HIIT, EPOC, weight lifting ) combined with cardio. A simple way to make your strength and muscle mass training more "metabolic" and burn more fat from it, is to reduce the breaks between sets. And to do this without affecting your exercise performance, you can use circuits.

I'm not necessarily saying it's bad, but it doesn't give the results you want without anaerobic exercise...
Martial arts are great for increasing capability in handling your body and mind. Arts such as Qigong are like this. Getting better at single pointed focus is not only limited to martial arts, however. Take an example of going for a walk, hike or run. Just do the thing and focus on the moment. Boom, you are leveling your focusing skill.
Thank you, Lydia. I really admire your initiative.

One thing I have wanted to get into for a while is gymnastics, but there aren't any adult gyms for it where I live. I don't really know how to start.

There is this fitness book that I saw recommended by some people though that looks promising, and I was thinking about picking up at some point. It's called "Overcoming Gravity."
Flowers of Adonis said:
Thank you, Lydia. I really admire your initiative.

One thing I have wanted to get into for a while is gymnastics, but there aren't any adult gyms for it where I live. I don't really know how to start.

There is this fitness book that I saw recommended by some people though that looks promising, and I was thinking about picking up at some point. It's called "Overcoming Gravity."
Overcoming gravity is very good. It's a fitness manual written by someone who actually has deep knowledge and experience on the field, unlike most people who give fitness advice, and it doesn't shill for strange programs, diets and equipment.

Another good book is tactical barbell. Same deal, practical, minimal marketing wank. Less dry than overcoming gravity, but more generalized.
Improving the mind and body is a must for everyone of both genders. In Sparta, I believe the men and women were both physically trained but for different reasons. The men to be strong and hardened in war, and the women to be fit to bear strong healthy children.
Siatris Ioholo said:
To burn a mass of over 300 kcal you need to spend quite a lot of time doing cardio. For many people even an hour.
Perhaps for low levels of fitness. In cycling using 400 to 800 calories per hour is pretty much the norm. Anything above that is elite level race pace and below we are talking about unfit people and easiest pace possible for those a bit fitter. But I do agree that cardio is not as efficient time wise as some other means.

Btw, combining easy cardio with HIIT is pretty good option. For example 20 minutes easy, 20 minutes consisting of intervals and another 20 minutes of easy. This targets multiple systems with one workout. All in all having a wide variety of exercising options and methods is always the best way to go as variety will induce body to adapt in different ways. Always doing the same thing over and over not only stagnates growth, but the ceiling will be faced quite quickly.

For those interested in doing cardio, but not knowing anything about it is best to look up info from online and to ask from people who might know a thing or two about the subject. For example, there are plenty of scientific studies about specific types of cardio and how they effect the participants. Having multiple sources of info will help to make informed decisions on how to achieve particular goals.
If you’re a woman, the book “ROAR: How to Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong, Lean Body for Life by Stacy T. Sims (PhD)” is a must read. Men and women have different nutritional needs and they need to train differently.

The biggest difference is that women need to structure their training around their menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle impacts your performance and according to the studies cited in ROAR, the menstrual cycle improves the athletic performance of a woman.

I love running and swimming. These are good fitness books on running and swimming:

Pliability for Runners: The Breakthrough Method to Stay Injury-Free, Get Stronger and Run Faster by Joseph McConkey
Chi Running by Danny Dreyer
Run For Your Life by Mark Cucuzzella
Ready to Run: Unlocking Your Potential to Run Naturally by Kelly Starrett
Total Immersion: The Revolutionary Way To Swim Better, Faster, and Easier by Terry Laughlin

HPS Maxine recommended the fitness program below, she did this and got a six pack after having 3 kids:

The Navy SEAL Workout: The Compete Total-Body Fitness Program by Mark De Lisle (1998)

These are JoS articles on physical fitness:

Sermon on Physical Fitness by HPS Maxine Dietrich

About Body Advancement by Stormblood

Exercise and Spiritual Development

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Weightlifting. This is extremely important. Muscles are ruled by the Solar Plexus Chakra. Weightlifting will increase your confidence by increasing your hormones and this will not only aid in your confidence, but you will in time look to yourself through a different eye. When you see your body evolving and seeing that it has extreme capability, you will love yourself even more. This helps physically, more physical power equals more spiritual power.

People who practice forms of exercise have more powerful bioelectric fields. It will give you an aura of power and combined with cardiovascular exercise, will definitely aid you a lot. This will too make you more brave, competitive, powerful and even help your magick, because your confidence will be increased. The hormones weightlifting increases empower the Soul, since chakras correspond to glands.
Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20160506025546/http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Hphoodedcobra666vol1.pdf (page 22-23)
Want to throw in another recommendation for weightlifting. I started merely 7 months on Hypotrophy, high intensity, low rep training mainly focused on gaining raw strength and muscle mass. It transformed my life and not just physically. I was able to perform more meditation and for longer periods of time. Along with a consistent and constant drive to improve myself. Which in turn lead to me fixing things about myself spiritually. This started a feedback loop where my body prompted my mind and soul to improve, and then my mediations to improve my body.

I cannot recommend it enough for those capable of weightlifting. Add in some bodyweight exercises too, like the pull up/chin up.
I love exercising. I didn't know how or why anybody wouldn't like it? Or have a problem with trying to stay in shape? And it doesn't matter how old we are. It's kind of a necessity. ⚡ ❤ my grandma would always tell me! If you don't have your health you have nothing! And to an extent she is right!. And it doesn't matter how old you are? Or what medical condition you're in mentally or physically!? Is all in the state of mind and your attitude?. And you don't have to be an Olympic athlete! You don't have to be a football player and you don't have to be an expertise at anything! :) you find the joy in yourself getting out and doing something that is both beneficial and happy❤ anything is going to make you feel good about yourself! Build up your confidence and give you that self-esteem you're looking for!🐍 and it opens up many doors for each and individual depending on what you're looking for and what you want out of it! 🙂🔥 Hail Satan!❣🙏🦚
If you don't eat enough, you will not bulk up, ,, I don't care how much you exercise. Run 100 laps around the Eiffel Tower, do 200 sit ups,,, pushups,,, pullups. lift weights 3 hours a day. If you do not eat enough,,, you will not gain weight. I know.
Very well said. Me if I do workout, after it I feel refreshed, energised, centered, happy, sometimes even ecstatic and drunk… benefits are countless, I will not start to talk about long term benefits, that are THE thing which I mostly like. Even if I am tired after hard work day, still if I do it, it makes me feel like that anyway, and then I am kind like fully ready to finish my day with other activities that is of my routine. I think to be living fully worth life of living, working out is essential.
The more you develop your muscles, the more calories you burn.

Swimming is one of the best sports to increase the amount of oxygen into your body, it helps developping the cardiovascular system by adding capillaries in each part of your body. When swimming, try to do more strokes without breathing.
Flowers of Adonis said:
Thank you, Lydia. I really admire your initiative.

One thing I have wanted to get into for a while is gymnastics, but there aren't any adult gyms for it where I live. I don't really know how to start.

There is this fitness book that I saw recommended by some people though that looks promising, and I was thinking about picking up at some point. It's called "Overcoming Gravity."

I need to clarify something here. With artistic gymnastics, it depends on what your goal you are trying to achieve.

If you are trying to develop the same SKILLS as Olympic gymnastics, gradually, then you will need a proper gym. You cannot do on your own as you don't foam pits, tumble tracks, fast tracks, trampoline, sprung floors, vaulting tables, mats, blocks, and gender-specific equipment (pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and high bars for men; beams and uneven bars for women).

If you just want to develop strength, moderate agility, flexibility, stamina, power, endurance, balance... then you can do those at home or in a calisthenics park with tailor-made programmes based on Overcoming Gravity 1 and 2, or customisable programmes like Gymnastics Bodies. These are generally thought of gymnastics STRENGTH programmes. They don't develop the gymnast body in terms of equal performance and skill. They are the other side to skill training.

@anyone: I would avoid making overgeneralisations about pilates if you don't have a sports and exercise science degree. And "cardio" doesn't mean anything. It's the word for heart, and an abbreviation for cardiovascular which means a myriad of things. Running is not "Cardio" or rather it is, but every form of exercise has cardiovascular involvement. Just existing is cardio, as you cannot exist without your cardiovascular system being active. Also there are different types of running for different type of goals. Weightlifting is absolutely UNNECESSARY... unless you like it. And it's also incomplete. But this post is not about ego-lifting. If you want to have a debate about that, please let's open another topic or comment under one of the other topics where I mention ego-lifting. Let's keep Lydia's post free from fights.

In general, I would look at how German troops were trained during WW2 for those who want well-rounded development. Just look at the books of the Head of PE in NS Germany, instead of listening to random people online with anecdotal and biased knowledge. For the lame people who don't want well-rounded development, then only look at what you like. If you don't like anything currently, then try different activities until you find what you like. The only thing you should never give up is the path of Yoga.
Stormblood said:

Thank you for the information.

I'm not seeking to do gymnastics competitively so I would be in category two, I believe.

AFAIK, there aren't any calisthenics parks where I live. What a shame.

Do you think I can still make use of those books even in a small home environment? Or will I need to expand my access to fitness equipment to really get anything out of it?
Stormblood said:
@anyone: I would avoid making overgeneralisations about pilates if you don't have a sports and exercise science degree. And "cardio" doesn't mean anything. It's the word for heart, and an abbreviation for cardiovascular which means a myriad of things. Running is not "Cardio" or rather it is, but every form of exercise has cardiovascular involvement. Just existing is cardio, as you cannot exist without your cardiovascular system being active. Also there are different types of running for different type of goals. Weightlifting is absolutely UNNECESSARY... unless you like it. And it's also incomplete. But this post is not about ego-lifting. If you want to have a debate about that, please let's open another topic or comment under one of the other topics where I mention ego-lifting. Let's keep Lydia's post free from fights.

I'm glad someone else clarified OP here (no shade casted on OP, fyi). I've read some of the stuff you have written about concerning strengthening tendons and isometric training and I have to say, you are RIGHT on the money when it comes to actual For-Real strength training. You also, I have read, have a Lot of experience with training and experimenting with said training, so street cred goes to you. I respect your input about not wanting to do "muh debate" and this is fine but if you know something more about something than OP and have first hand experience, then sharing it is the best cause. There's nothing I respect more in a person than someone having lived life through trial and error and obtaining wisdom through it.

We are here to learn and having as many different inputs and Experiences on a topic is most preferable, especially when it comes to health and working out (as wrong advice could lead to serious injury).

I will leave some good threads on the subject here:
About body advancement
What diet and exercise for gaining muscle? (read through the entire thread)
This one is for the gym bro

If your new don't let yourself get caught up in gym hype fest nonsense like magic pills and powders your ancestors used none of these and yet these men where also very strong and impressively built.

Consistency is the biggest factor with all forms of getting better at things in life gyming is no exception some of my tips for you

Eat an even spread of food don't get caught up on super food such as tuna or salmon being pure protein while protein is important and I'm not against eating fish there are three things you need to look for in a gym diet your protein intake your carbs intake and your fat intake.

If you want to get bigger you need to eat more of all of these protein is good for muscle recovery and thus muscle growth carbs give you your weight but more importantly your slow burn energy and lastly your fat gives you your quick burn energy when I have eaten the right amount of fat when I go gyming I feel like my joints are well lubricated this is because you got the fat requirement you need so when you do your burst exercise you burn your fat very quickly it will also make doing more sets possible.

A good ratio is whatever your body weight is in pounds get 1.5x to 2x that in grams in protein a day get 2x that in grams for carbs and get half that in grams in fat and try to avoid saturated fat but drift towards polyurethane fat as it is multiple purpose fats you can get this from adding fish oil as well as simply adding a teaspoon of most forms of cooking oils on the top of your meals you only need a little bit extra don't go overboard an example of this is with my body weight ratio for consumption.

Body weight 176 pounds or 80kgs
Protien 264g
Carbs 352g
Fat 88g

it is also a good idea to get a food scale and research every vegetable fruit and food product to find out how much of all of these you are ingesting and take note of the vitamins and minerals you are ingesting too this will help you stay on top of your gym game omega acids also play quite a role in muscle gains these you can get from fish oil.

some protein powders can make this easier for you it may not interest you to eat large amounts of meat however if you do study your vegetables they can also help you gain protein like i said diversify your diet and try to eat whole foods or better yet home grown food.

As for training

Focus on High Intensity Training which means high weight low reps and sets count while this is a topic of debate among gym bros I have found much better results of getting in their smashing apart a section of my body and then hitting the gym again but working on something else my routine is chest and back day 1 arms and core day 2 and legs day 3 day 4 is a day of rest then back into it again.

With HIT you spend only about 30mins to max an hr in the gym since I have no love for socializing while I'm gyming I prefer this way of training also longer workouts make me feel like I'm an endurance long distance runner which I'm not i don't feel like I'm pushing myself more pacing myself i prefer to push usually till fail.

alright ladies this here is where you get off gentlemen read on.

If you want to increase your testosterone to help you build and recover muscles as well as muscle retention this is keep your balls cool it makes them produce more testosterone as well as try and have cold showers or Luke warm showers from time to time and sleep naked if you can this will make you produce a lot more testosterone as well as many other health benefits as well if you don't masturbate often and keep it to once every few days you will have way higher testosterone levels if you masturbate more frequently than this I'd suggest you do a two weeks hands off session do not refuse to partake in sexual activity but control your urges and you will find you can use your sexual energy to create the body of your dreams.

It is a well known fact in men's sports that a little bit of celibacy makes you more athletic and studies have shown that 9 days will greatly increase testosterone and you will peak on day 9 to 11 for testosterone level hence the 2 weeks suggestion afterwards keep it to 3 days or more in between release times and you will find yourself to be very much an active person don't be doing none of this weird nofap business where these bunch of mostly Muslim morons don't masturbate or have sexual release for 90 days believing it to make them go into god mode this is obviously unhealthy and stupid and also super boring life you must live to not be getting any for that long even from your hand but there is some take away from semen retention you will also find that you can talk to women a lot better and that your overall confidence will increase as well i don't know maybe its higher output of pheromones or something but i noticed women talk to you differently as well all of a sudden they want to have conversations with you rather then just quick small interactions.

Lastly don't be afraid to have a week off every now and again especially if you have been doing really well on your routine your not a machine don't try to be because if you run like a machine you break like one and spare parts are hard to come by and are expensive so look after yourself.

My experience with doing all of these have helped me to increase my strength by 2x to 3x more in some muscle groups in under a year I'm looking very good i started march last year and could barely do 30kgs on the chest now i can do 63kg i have had an 8kg increase in my body weight I'm now starting to see some abs some decent sized arms and my chest is starting to come through i have seen the biggest change in my shoulders though they have a nice arch my neck doesn't look like a twig anymore.

I hope this has helped some aspiring gym bros sorry sisters i don't know much about female working out and the sciences of your body's are a bit of a mystery to me.

if anyone whats to know my specific work outs i can post these too for anyone interested.
Henu the Great said:
Martial arts are great for increasing capability in handling your body and mind. Arts such as Qigong are like this. Getting better at single pointed focus is not only limited to martial arts, however. Take an example of going for a walk, hike or run. Just do the thing and focus on the moment. Boom, you are leveling your focusing skill.

yeah when i did tai chi it gave me the ability to make my body float weightlessly like i could use my energy to make me weightless and very high electrical output and magnetic sensation between my hands very cool for combat though i tend to find a mixed martial arts approach is best or a martial arts teacher that teach you to be aggressive
Stormblood said:
In general, I would look at how German troops were trained during WW2 for those who want well-rounded development. Just look at the books of the Head of PE in NS Germany, instead of listening to random people online with anecdotal and biased knowledge.

What should I look for to find reliable sources? Do you know any books in particular?
Thank you everyone for the input, however this was for those who do not want to bulk up or do weightlifting, as per the reply in HP Cobra's sermon. This was not a post about that, that would better be another thread which can be started by someone else.

But my purpose was to start a discussion regardless, so I'm glad you all chimed in, thank you :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=375886 time=1658242778 user_id=57]
Thank you everyone for the input, however this was for those who do not want to bulk up or do weightlifting, as per the reply in HP Cobra's sermon. This was not a post about that, that would better be another thread which can be started by someone else.

But my purpose was to start a discussion regardless, so I'm glad you all chimed in, thank you :)

My plan is first day Hatha yoga, second day jogging, third day strength training with my own body weight. Since exercising and eating more normally, I've lost at least 6 pounds of fat. But I need to fit yoga in, so I thought about the 3-day modules.

In martial arts, I benefited the most from kempo, although I didn't practice it for long. Last time I was looking for ninjutsu training, but it has been discontinued in my city. I wrote an earlier post about ninjutsu:


An old desire of mine is sambo, which was not in my city for a long time, but now it is. Part of the reason I started training was to increase my strength so I could start playing the sambo. What else would you start doing at 40 but sambo? I'm already taking the cartilage complex in advance. :lol:
Academic Scholar said:
If you’re a woman, the book “ROAR: How to Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong, Lean Body for Life by Stacy T. Sims (PhD)” is a must read. Men and women have different nutritional needs and they need to train differently.

The biggest difference is that women need to structure their training around their menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle impacts your performance and according to the studies cited in ROAR, the menstrual cycle improves the athletic performance of a woman.

I love running and swimming. These are good fitness books on running and swimming:

Pliability for Runners: The Breakthrough Method to Stay Injury-Free, Get Stronger and Run Faster by Joseph McConkey
Chi Running by Danny Dreyer
Run For Your Life by Mark Cucuzzella
Ready to Run: Unlocking Your Potential to Run Naturally by Kelly Starrett
Total Immersion: The Revolutionary Way To Swim Better, Faster, and Easier by Terry Laughlin

HPS Maxine recommended the fitness program below, she did this and got a six pack after having 3 kids:

The Navy SEAL Workout: The Compete Total-Body Fitness Program by Mark De Lisle (1998)

These are JoS articles on physical fitness:

Sermon on Physical Fitness by HPS Maxine Dietrich

About Body Advancement by Stormblood

Exercise and Spiritual Development

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Weightlifting. This is extremely important. Muscles are ruled by the Solar Plexus Chakra. Weightlifting will increase your confidence by increasing your hormones and this will not only aid in your confidence, but you will in time look to yourself through a different eye. When you see your body evolving and seeing that it has extreme capability, you will love yourself even more. This helps physically, more physical power equals more spiritual power.

People who practice forms of exercise have more powerful bioelectric fields. It will give you an aura of power and combined with cardiovascular exercise, will definitely aid you a lot. This will too make you more brave, competitive, powerful and even help your magick, because your confidence will be increased. The hormones weightlifting increases empower the Soul, since chakras correspond to glands.
Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20160506025546/http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Hphoodedcobra666vol1.pdf (page 22-23)

Good find. I was watching youtube the other day and some women were complaining about it and they said that it wasnt the working out and the cutting calories didnt work because at some point the body goes into save all calories mode.

They were encouraged to eat more (& healthy/different) and to move more throughout the day in regurlar intervals rather than just hitting the gym and working out every day.
Also proper rest was adviced. To be well rested.
Mind you two things:
1. Its youtube
2. the people that said this were older women, Id think at about age 40-50 at least.

Is the book that you linked similar in some of the advice?

Also personally I find "working out / hitting the gym" rather tedious and boring.
Id rather play tennis for an hour. Just saying.
I used to do calisthenics and stuff I am in the area of training the body already anyway can yoga helps? Cause I read about yoga so long ago that it help with strength endurance flexibility and etc. Could that help
Ramses said:
yeah when i did tai chi it gave me the ability to make my body float weightlessly like i could use my energy to make me weightless and very high electrical output and magnetic sensation between my hands very cool for combat though i tend to find a mixed martial arts approach is best or a martial arts teacher that teach you to be aggressive
What Tai Chi routine did you use to achieve that?? Which Tai Chi routine would you recommend doing?
As I noticed, Pilates is quite similar to Yoga. I currently practice only Yoga, and almost every session makes my body sore and develops my muscles. It is really worth it. Nothing is easy in the beginning. With time, one will become accustomed to the Asanas, Breath, and Drishti, and will become excited for practicing regularly.

The yoga session developed by JoS is sufficient to obtain the necessary benefits of yoga, such as opening the Nadis, increasing bioelectricity, becoming flexible, and circulating the energy through the body so it does not get entrapped. But if you want to build muscle through Yoga, you must take your practice to the next level.


I might write a post about my practice soon
Academic Scholar said:
Ramses said:
yeah when i did tai chi it gave me the ability to make my body float weightlessly like i could use my energy to make me weightless and very high electrical output and magnetic sensation between my hands very cool for combat though i tend to find a mixed martial arts approach is best or a martial arts teacher that teach you to be aggressive
What Tai Chi routine did you use to achieve that?? Which Tai Chi routine would you recommend doing?

The guy referred to it being called the 18 Lohan Qigong system and as for the tai chi it is called the chen tai chi system and the chen system of kungfu essentially the 18 lohan are a set of poses which greatly increases energy flow through out the body the tai chi slightly increases it use for a more combat use and kungfu essentially makes it into full martial use and not spiritual at all if you power meditate and you get into a semi trance state this is the state to very slowly do the 18 Lohan system id advise pairing your telekinesis training with ball of energy movements and where you feel the body having pressure during the stretch try to spin those chakras especially on release this is how i trained my chakras to automatically spin on body movements now they auto spin regardless of body movements but this was a good way to start as i felt them doing it anyway.

there are many different systems you can learn but chen is the best it is also unfortunately the most expensive to learn id like to learn how to do it to the point i can make online videos about it and just give the knowledge for free i hate it when spiritual people monetize their knowledge it is disgusting.

TheAbyss said:
Stormblood said:
In general, I would look at how German troops were trained during WW2 for those who want well-rounded development. Just look at the books of the Head of PE in NS Germany, instead of listening to random people online with anecdotal and biased knowledge.

What should I look for to find reliable sources? Do you know any books in particular?

Someone mentioned a few in my topic against bodybuilding.
TheAbyss said:
What should I look for to find reliable sources? Do you know any books in particular?

This channel has some good info about body weight lifting exercises:

HPS Maxine also wrote a good post about body weight lifting. Refer to page 3478-3480 of the JoSNewsletter:
astrally flame said:
So now my comments are being approved but they doesn't show up interesting...that old man you called your High priest cobra send spys on me... that fool he sent, keep on showing up in my dreams and be invisible, you are doing the same to my post and comments..it funny because i have tolerated you cobra and you bitches for years but you have been hiding behind your mother skirt for days, since you know i want to speak to you about what you are doing...NO PROBLEM I HAVE SEEN ALL OF THIS START, CANT WAIT TO SEE HOW IT WILL END BUT ONE THING IS FOR SURE, YOU HAVE TURN ME INTO YOU GAY AND YOU ARE FUCKING ME DAY AND NIGHT AND IF I DOESNT STOP THIS YOU WILL CONTINUE YOUR EVIL WAYS, DOING THIS TO OTHER PEOPLE..ACTING SO NICE IN FORNT OF COMPUTER SCREEN BUT DEEP DOWN YOU ARE A ROTTEN OLD MAN..HEAVEY METAL STRIPPER AND YOU JOS GUIDAN'S BETTER KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF THIS ESPECIALLY YOU "LYDIA" SINCE I HAVE SEEN THAT, THIS PUSSY IS USING YOU A LOT THESE DAYS SINCE HE'S NOWHERE TO FOUND.

For you to lash out like this is completely unacceptable. Maybe you are having some mental problems or something because what you say does not make sense.

No, HPHC does not have the time to mess with you or organize a spy network against you, nor does he have time to use multiple other accounts as his enemies claim. If you are seeing things in your dream, or if these objects are also invisible, then that suggests a problem on your own.

I would highly suggest you calm down and chant Satanama to balance your mind. Also, keep yourself clean and protected so the enemy does not make you lash out against your own allies like this ever again.
Ramses said:

If you want to increase your physical athleticism, especially your "genetic max", then you must be looking at improving your solar and martian energies, especially martian. 20-30 minutes doing a Mars Square or Thurisaz working will carry your muscular development way more than 30 minutes spent doing a few extra sets or fiddling with your diet.

Even from doing the Sun and Mars squares for purposes unrelated to muscular development, my physique improved on its own. Right now I only do lots of yoga, not muscular exercise, yet that was enough stimulation, with the workings, to get my muscles past what I was at when I used to go to the gym.

Although Mars has now left Aries, Jupiter is still in Aries and could likely be used similarly. Yet, the Sun will soon be in Leo, and although Leo is more of a "friendly" fire than Mars, it will still help the physical body a lot.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=376354 time=1658362562 user_id=21286]

Although Mars has now left Aries, Jupiter is still in Aries and could likely be used similarly. Yet, the Sun will soon be in Leo, and although Leo is more of a "friendly" fire than Mars, it will still help the physical body a lot.

Excellent. I have been wondering what type of working I should do next after I'm done with the two I've been doing. Going to jump on this one. I wanted to do something in regards to the Sun. Thank you for sharing this.

PS I want to add that I also experience Hatha yoga give me results that look like I just came back from the gym. I've been wanting to says this for a while. Granted it'll be a good hour + session to have that post workout physique but nonetheless it's amazing that yoga itself can do that for the body.

I still incorporate body weight workouts and the two have been good for my body since I started and been at it consistently.
hailourtruegod said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=376354 time=1658362562 user_id=21286]

Although Mars has now left Aries, Jupiter is still in Aries and could likely be used similarly. Yet, the Sun will soon be in Leo, and although Leo is more of a "friendly" fire than Mars, it will still help the physical body a lot.

Excellent. I have been wondering what type of working I should do next after I'm done with the two I've been doing. Going to jump on this one. I wanted to do something in regards to the Sun. Thank you for sharing this.

PS I want to add that I also experience Hatha yoga give me results that look like I just came back from the gym. I've been wanting to says this for a while. Granted it'll be a good hour + session to have that post workout physique but nonetheless it's amazing that yoga itself can do that for the body.

I still incorporate body weight workouts and the two have been good for my body since I started and been at it consistently.

I remembered I need to do prioritize a material Sun Square for wealth and will have to focus on that. Instead of making a new post I thought I could just ask a couple questions since I already started this here and my second question involves the reply above.

1. Is it better if I wait for the new moon for starting a material Square for wealth? If so, I'll start it next Sunday. Side note: Im finishing up a working to empower my Solar plexus chakra and should be done after the upcoming new moon.

2. Instead of a Sun Square for the working you mentioned above, what runes would you recommend I can use instead?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
