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Babies, Lies Told to Women

I didn't want kids when I was younger. I was a nihilistic anti natalist. Today I'm the opposite. I want lots of babies, I want to create a big family, I want to help them grow and become good and healthy and intelligent people.

I wish that it was easier to raise a family. The material world is tough to succeed in and have the breathing room required to raise a family. Finding a good person to marry is also not easy. And becoming a good person to marry is another challenge.
It is beautiful to hear this, especially from our beloved High Priestess. Ladies, believe not the lies of your literal racial enemies. It is in your very bones to create new life, adorable and lovable new life. There's hardly anything more beautiful on Earth than the smile of a baby. Certainly nothing mundane, at least. And gentlemen, when you find a worthy lady to create progeny with, absolutely stick with her with your damndest and do not let go no matter what storms you may have to weather together. If life is worth living, then life is worth creating.
Hail to our Mothers and Fathers of innumerable generations. Hail to our first Mothers and Fathers, our Gods and Goddesses - and Hail Father Satan, the literal progenitor of us.
I just wanted to post and say that it was lovely of you to post that preface, HP Lydia. A lot of people just randomly insult me over a personal life choice. Like if you don't want children as a woman, you are lazy, useless, unspiritual, no guy will want you or love you, hate kids, white people/humanity, are a crazy cat lady (yes) and want everyone to die out, lol.

Despite not wanting children myself, I believe they are important. I believe the ability to have children is a highly spiritual blessing, that should (ideally) be undertaken by the well prepared and informed. It is a shame how many badly behaved/disrepectful children are out there now due to neglectful, begrudging parents. I actually get instant headaches from children screaming, so I generally have to take headphones if I go to crowded places.

I truly believe it should be easier for women to have children. There are so many tiktoks of random women saying they are suicidal/identity loss from having children. So many overwhelmed mothers from having to work full time then come home to more work because the man does nothing, or because they cannot work part time. So many men working their ass off to a detriment so a woman can take part time work. And this fucking abysmal divorce rate climbing higher by the decade.

It is hard enough for people to even just find stable relationships (family units) in a tinderfied pornified world. Women are now starting to "decenter men" as a result. This is not entirely negative as your life should not revolve around a man/woman anyway, this is almost if not a stoic concept. However, I do not think it is going to stop simply there. 4B movement is an example. We are also seeing full bans on abortions (no exceptions) and attempted bans on birth control. It is going to get to a point where women (and men) are just going to outright say nope.
can you really blame Children for being "disrespectful/ badly behaved" hell what about how a lot of their parents are still braindead due to abrahamic nonsense why should any Child or youth "respect" any abrahamic parent or CULTure respect is earned period!
Some years ago, there was a study published. It showed proof of how circumcision permanently changed the brain of the boys. One of the researchers involved was a nurse, she allowed her own baby to be circumcised (she and her husband had already decided to get it done, so she volunteered to allow her baby's brain to be scanned for the study). The brains were scanned before and after, and again some time later, and the brain was still affected by the procedure.

This study has since been purged from the internet, because it is "anti-semetic" to say anything bad about jewish practices. It was done at McGill University in Montreal Canada, where anti-semitism laws are very strongly enforced.
and what exactly can be done about this in the future banning it would be rather difficult due to how widespread this is and what your saying is that circumcision does more damage than is known such as permanently changing the brain or the fact that 16 functions are removed and that it wasn't consensual since its done on a baby yet forcing this on an Adult would most likely be banned anyway! shows how society sees Children and Babies as "property" which is bullshit! parents should never be "allowed" to do this period
You NEVER mentioned in your italicised starting paragraphs "This post is aimed only at white population and our white gentile sisters and brothers who are endlessly brainwashed by kike tv programming ....." Etc .If u had even written one such sentence ,I would never have been wasting my time giving so many explanation on how this endless child bearing essays which is going on a heavy rampage these days In this forums not just only makes sense but it is not worth the read as we have already read the same content innumerable times .Dedicated satanists need lot of new stuffs .Endless talks on child bearing makes this forum no lesser than conservative fundamentalist right people who day and night talk on this very exact thing
What wrong about caring about wanting to raise a proper family that is safe and healthy
You Don't see much about this anywhere

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
