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George Floyd The Occult Meaning


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
I guess it is very important for them to have this racial war in America, but is this also some sort of "all in" for them? I mean when this will fail, what would be next?
And I also think that the fact that George FLoyd was found out to be a criminal is not a case, now everybody knows that the symbol of these riots is a piece of shit, this is very bad for them. Another thing is that the cop's wife is Asian, so how would he be "racist"? RTR effects for sure.
Thanks Don for the expert sloth analysis I always knew something seemed off with this and many people were on it after this first happened.

Many stated this to be Hit or Freemason ritual. George Floyd’s family also is said to have ties to the masons. It was very strange how all the officers were just sort of looking around like nothing was happening during this event it felt very off to me. The Asian and Arab officer were definitely in on this.

There is a new event they are trying to pop off with a man in Atlanta killed named rayshard or something I can’t remember. Jews want this unrest to continue all through the summer just in time for them to do another Covid shutdown for the election where they can use mail in ballots to cheat for Biden. Atleast this is my theory.
Is there any reason why 911 is the number you dial to call for help?
I was wondering if this murder was staged and planned out by jews. Any other case of police brutality would have just been ignored or the heat of it would have died down by now. But this George Floyd murder has really caused a lot of mayhem.

Have you seen the videos of people talking about all the piles of bricks and rocks that suddenly appeared right before the protests started? They were placed there on purpose to help cause all the protesting turn into full blown riots and violence. I also saw a video that exposed a man who was a police officer that was masked up, and he was going around and busting windows out of shops and stores to get people to loot and rob them.

It had to be a black man to get murdered too, and as soon as the protests started, all you see in the crowds of people are anti-white signs that read "Stop white supremacy" or something like that. When this was all mostly just a case of police brutality. Just attacking the wihte race even more with this bullshit.

The energies of the world are getting to a critical point and soon all hell will break loose, and the jews are damned to lose this fight. I keep seeing that more and more people are woke to whats happening in the world, with all of the protests, murders, and all of the migrants invading Sweden, UK, and Europe as a whole. I saw a video a while back of someone exposing that damned migrant caravan that they tried to invade America with. They showed several trucks that were carrying loads migrants that had the six-pointed 'star of david' painted on the sides of them.
B = 2,, L = 12,, M = 13.... 2 + 12 + 13 = 27. 2 + 7 = 9.
I don't know if adding the letters in Black Lives Matter,, actually has any significance to this.
This is I would say scary how these things happening, how the filthy jews can manifest things on exact time like the kneeling on 8:46 and the street number 38.

I am not on the advance level in Spiritual Satanism yet, so my questions might be sound little bit silly, but:

How it is possible that the time of kneeling happened at 8:46?? What would have happened,with some reason, things happened another time for example at 8:24 or 9:07 or whatever time, any other time??

The street number 38. How they managed things happened exactly on street 38th?? Because this could have happened anywehre else.

If this thing only happens spontaneously, other times, in another place, will the Jews not have access to the destructive energy that numbers 9 and 11 carry ??

I know there are no coincidences, everything is planned well, but seeing the things make me think that this whole g. floyd case was made by actors or by useful idiots who know the plan and who waiting for the right time /8:46/ in a right place /38th street/ to do the show what the filthy jews well planned.
The police investigations stated this was planned last year. This all happened as the covid situation fell apart on them. They were using Kabbalah witchcraft rituals to tie into the energy they were raising in the mass mind with the covid fear porn and their vortex of energy.

I would not be surprised if they decided to just shift the remaining energy from that into getting this all going. That is why it took off with a bang and then just has been running out of steam. This is all backfiring on them and costing them more. It seems like the Jews are just playing all the cards and hoping something wins and then attempting to move in that direction.

The Floyd incident is were the large shot of energy they sent out landed and manifested and then moved through like a psychic shockwave. They had everything read to go on the ground with their agents because the Jewish elites were planning and conducting the rituals already.

Sun said:
I was wondering if this murder was staged and planned out by jews. Any other case of police brutality would have just been ignored or the heat of it would have died down by now. But this George Floyd murder has really caused a lot of mayhem.

Have you seen the videos of people talking about all the piles of bricks and rocks that suddenly appeared right before the protests started? They were placed there on purpose to help cause all the protesting turn into full blown riots and violence. I also saw a video that exposed a man who was a police officer that was masked up, and he was going around and busting windows out of shops and stores to get people to loot and rob them.

It had to be a black man to get murdered too, and as soon as the protests started, all you see in the crowds of people are anti-white signs that read "Stop white supremacy" or something like that. When this was all mostly just a case of police brutality. Just attacking the wihte race even more with this bullshit.

The energies of the world are getting to a critical point and soon all hell will break loose, and the jews are damned to lose this fight. I keep seeing that more and more people are woke to whats happening in the world, with all of the protests, murders, and all of the migrants invading Sweden, UK, and Europe as a whole. I saw a video a while back of someone exposing that damned migrant caravan that they tried to invade America with. They showed several trucks that were carrying loads migrants that had the six-pointed 'star of david' painted on the sides of them.
I hate destructive people. I believe that things should be done democratically. But it's so stupid that the Far Right would be willing to go out and clash to protect statues.

My thinking is that life and health is worth more than property. If a mob is hell bent on destroying a city and it's monuments, it's law enforcements job to stop it.

And as the law enforcement has been told to just stand by and let the mobs run amok then the problem is elsewhere. If the state allows Mob rule then the state needs to come into line and do it's job. Not taking the law into your own hands to defend stuff.

A person should only put themselves in danger to protect their own family and property.

Dale Carnegie in How to Win Friends and Influence people said people will die for ribbons.

The 1% behind the scenes wants the military on the streets and that's what they're prepping the people to want.
Sun said:
I was wondering if this murder was staged and planned out by jews. Any other case of police brutality would have just been ignored or the heat of it would have died down by now. But this George Floyd murder has really caused a lot of mayhem.
Yeah it's true. I think to a degree it is causing some alarm in people. I've seen people who don't believe in any 'conspiracy' theories start questioning why this covid thing was such a big deal when other recent viruses have caused more deaths. Then you look at this Floyd thing and as you said, this isn't the first case like this. Why is THIS one the one that is catching such attention, and why is it the flagship for this movement and why is it not letting up?

Usually in the media things are big one day and dead the next. In these times things are sticking and there's a reason for it. Who controls the media and in turn controls what people care about?

The thing is it is unusual. The media behaving like this and I've personally seen it raise a few eyebrows from people I wouldn't expect. This is the signs of our rtrs and more reason to keep them up. In the end all this hail marry activity by the jews in desperation is their undoing.
DragonFire11 said:

Yeah, it was planned, hence why they could pick the street number. The time may not have been accurate, rather the reported time was 8:46, maybe not the actual time. It is like the previous covid post where the Chinese leaders reported the deaths at a certain occult number. In reality, the deaths were something different, but they reported it as such, and that is the number that everyone read and was exposed to, therefore it empowers the ritual in that way.

Perhaps getting the time exact would help even more, but I don't think that is always possible, and therefore they would usually rely on simply reporting the time as such.
Why are they trying so hard to manifest their jwo this year? While doing the RTR I can feel that they’re trying to put a lot of energy into this or is it just me?

Is it possible they know that the astrological alignments in 2024 is looking bad for them or are they under the impression that they’re exempt from that?

Seems like they’ve been trying real hard but end up failing a while after. Has to be from our efforts, I think.
HP Mageson666 said:
George Floyd

If one observes the manifestation of energies around the George Floyd's incident its becomes apparent what is going on. The most revealing is the number 8:46 the claimed time the office was kneeling on Floyd. This is the exact time the first plane hit the World Trade Center on 911. George Floyd's name adds to 119 which becomes 911. The number 8:46 has been made into the slogan of the BLM movement run and lead by Jewish agents and its a ritual curse. And its known the Jews were behind 911 and were using their Kabbalah methods of sympathetic magic to help bring this about. The Jews are combining this together in the astral to generate another major event in America like they did with 911. Which is now unfolding all across America.

The number 8:46 in Kabbalah is from the Hebrew Torah its the curse that in all permutations of the Torah that is the curse of death. The number of the street this happened on 38th street also adds to murder, death and kill.

9:11 in Kabbalah stands for the final judgement of the Jewish "god" on humanity. All the numbers around this relate to the numbers of 9 and 11. This is why all the demanded behaviour around this event is ritualistic as its designed to be such to generate more power within the mass mind and connect into the larger goal to manifest the civil war the Jews want in America.

What happened is the result of Kabbalistic witchcraft the Jews are using to bring about the end of America by a civil war using race as the trigger of the cause. And it all ties into the Jewish-Christian bible as always. That is their book of witchcraft.

8:46 the Jews say Goyim you shall die, 9:11 as the final judgement of Yahweh which is the Jews. That is the ritual command to manifest the power into the world from the Rabbinical adepts. As the energy continues to manifest in events the Jews will then tap this and move it along with their agents on the ground politically and in the media they own and government. The Final RTR is what we have to stop this

This deserves more than a wow bro but absolute WOW
jbkbmz said:
B = 2,, L = 12,, M = 13.... 2 + 12 + 13 = 27. 2 + 7 = 9.
I don't know if adding the letters in Black Lives Matter,, actually has any significance to this.

There's a reason the jews went for the 27 club meme yano...

This guy was a rapper or something wasn't he?? BLM being 27 and 9 will tie into it in some way.

*Blackliv is interesting to me, V = 22 and when the name gets up to V it becomes 72.*

1+7+2 is 10 which is a number related to power and authority, Saturn. 72 is a jewish form, the 1 preceding it for 100 is the buildup and imposition of their 72 government. 10, 100, 1000 etc. are all to do with authority and governmental structure. 72 on top of it is the jew magick inflection on it.

If you add an "S" like Mageson's title: Blacks Lives Matter, the +19 becomes 191 where 9 the number of endings is on the inside of the jewish form. Neat little coinkydink.

27 is 72, *ba-dum-tshh*
Darksage666 said:
Why are they trying so hard to manifest their jwo this year? While doing the RTR I can feel that they’re trying to put a lot of energy into this or is it just me?

Is it possible they know that the astrological alignments in 2024 is looking bad for them or are they under the impression that they’re exempt from that?

Seems like they’ve been trying real hard but end up failing a while after. Has to be from our efforts, I think.

If you noticed in the astral they have very little power left. This was mainly cause of them losing the Easter holiday and passover for the most part and closing most places around that time. As well as many churches remaining closed and Mecca (think they are about to reopen that sadly) plus our efforts. So yeah they are panicking and just trying to get something to stick so that they can stay in power even without the spiritual stuff somehow or microchip us.

However it's going to fail terribly. We may see an end to the Jews before the end of this year if they keep it up honestly. I didn't think it would happen so soon at all.

There is no major holidays any time soon for the enemy plus several astrological things or times on our side the next few months so yeah I think we may have this before too much longer.
I for one dont believe he is dead,this is high tech at its best. First he has hair and then nothing, the officer that was charged is lso not the same guy, juat watch the video carefully
That would explain a bit how everyone just gone full crazy with the jogger floyd thing.
slyscorpion said:
...Mecca (think they are about to reopen that sadly) plus our efforts.

One of our Slothzbrahs mentioned their Alhombra(supposedly a major prayer date) prayer session this year was cancelled due to the virus. Ironically enough they substituted the date in question with a texting quranic prayer, 250,000,000 repeats by texting.(If you do it, text others to do it).

Sadly it seems like Arabic people are too stuck on Pislam and want Pislamafication or as it should be known as Arabian-Kosher Polytheistic anti-religion. Germans already warned the Arabs about Pislam like photos of Waffen-SS Arabic personnel on booklets like 'The jewishness of Islam booklet' or 'The jewishleadership(judentum) of Islam booklet'.

So don't worry too much about Mecca, in reality Mecca is already being pumped everyday as usual i.e. face West to Mecca and pump the kaballah. Even if they perform full blown rituals at Mecca site when it's their Holiday. I can't but help to think that the virus will just be a plaguing them again. Despite the CoVid-19 failure that it is with many people stating the death rate is less than the normal flu. I still can't help but think that another virus outbreak will occur on mass congregations.

Supposedly they are stating a 2nd wave is incoming so expect this shit to run clear till next year.

slyscorpion said:
There is no major holidays any time soon for the enemy plus several astrological things or times on our side the next few months so yeah I think we may have this before too much longer.

I always found this strange is it some sort of vacation for the enemy?

Why not any holidays that are major during the Summer not really till Fall do these things occur. It's funny because you'd expect people to do major rituals to give the Spring/Summer offensive more drive. Usually wars are done during this time. You'd expect people to give you kabalistic support.
From my recent discovery I have gained so much knowledge i feel indebted to you and I am in digust of my countrymen following the same BLM and covid bullshit I am just horrified. On their youtube pages I see donate to BLM it's just disgusting, I hope we can gain something out of our fight If the enemy CAN be defeated I will stand by YOU, Satan's Soldiers.
Gear88 said:
slyscorpion said:
...Mecca (think they are about to reopen that sadly) plus our efforts.

One of our Slothzbrahs mentioned their Alhombra(supposedly a major prayer date) prayer session this year was cancelled due to the virus. Ironically enough they substituted the date in question with a texting quranic prayer, 250,000,000 repeats by texting.(If you do it, text others to do it).

Sadly it seems like Arabic people are too stuck on Pislam and want Pislamafication or as it should be known as Arabian-Kosher Polytheistic anti-religion. Germans already warned the Arabs about Pislam like photos of Waffen-SS Arabic personnel on booklets like 'The jewishness of Islam booklet' or 'The jewishleadership(judentum) of Islam booklet'.

So don't worry too much about Mecca, in reality Mecca is already being pumped everyday as usual i.e. face West to Mecca and pump the kaballah. Even if they perform full blown rituals at Mecca site when it's their Holiday. I can't but help to think that the virus will just be a plaguing them again. Despite the CoVid-19 failure that it is with many people stating the death rate is less than the normal flu. I still can't help but think that another virus outbreak will occur on mass congregations.

Supposedly they are stating a 2nd wave is incoming so expect this shit to run clear till next year.

slyscorpion said:
There is no major holidays any time soon for the enemy plus several astrological things or times on our side the next few months so yeah I think we may have this before too much longer.

I always found this strange is it some sort of vacation for the enemy?

Why not any holidays that are major during the Summer not really till Fall do these things occur. It's funny because you'd expect people to do major rituals to give the Spring/Summer offensive more drive. Usually wars are done during this time. You'd expect people to give you kabalistic support.

We will win anyways. But Islam is far more of a concern than xtianity is to be honest I think. The reason i say this is outside of maybe a couple places in third world African countries and China barley anyone one takes xtianity that seriously anymore. Maybe we should have some ritual to awaken the arabs at some point. I mean this is just about as bad if not worse than what happened to some races.
Blitzkreig said:
DragonFire11 said:

Yeah, it was planned, hence why they could pick the street number. The time may not have been accurate, rather the reported time was 8:46, maybe not the actual time. It is like the previous covid post where the Chinese leaders reported the deaths at a certain occult number. In reality, the deaths were something different, but they reported it as such, and that is the number that everyone read and was exposed to, therefore it empowers the ritual in that way.

Perhaps getting the time exact would help even more, but I don't think that is always possible, and therefore they would usually rely on simply reporting the time as such.

Thank you for your answer brother, you helped a lot with it.
I think its time to do more researches in numerology.
Personal Growth said:
I hate destructive people. I believe that things should be done democratically. But it's so stupid that the Far Right would be willing to go out and clash to protect statues.

My thinking is that life and health is worth more than property. If a mob is hell bent on destroying a city and it's monuments, it's law enforcements job to stop it.

And as the law enforcement has been told to just stand by and let the mobs run amok then the problem is elsewhere. If the state allows Mob rule then the state needs to come into line and do it's job. Not taking the law into your own hands to defend stuff.

A person should only put themselves in danger to protect their own family and property.

Dale Carnegie in How to Win Friends and Influence people said people will die for ribbons.

The 1% behind the scenes wants the military on the streets and that's what they're prepping the people to want.

Churchill the Jewish led warmonger actually sent tanks into george Sq Glasgow on his own people :lol:

These daft folk in these islands still revere him.
slyscorpion said:
Gear88 said:
slyscorpion said:
...Mecca (think they are about to reopen that sadly) plus our efforts.

One of our Slothzbrahs mentioned their Alhombra(supposedly a major prayer date) prayer session this year was cancelled due to the virus. Ironically enough they substituted the date in question with a texting quranic prayer, 250,000,000 repeats by texting.(If you do it, text others to do it).

Sadly it seems like Arabic people are too stuck on Pislam and want Pislamafication or as it should be known as Arabian-Kosher Polytheistic anti-religion. Germans already warned the Arabs about Pislam like photos of Waffen-SS Arabic personnel on booklets like 'The jewishness of Islam booklet' or 'The jewishleadership(judentum) of Islam booklet'.

So don't worry too much about Mecca, in reality Mecca is already being pumped everyday as usual i.e. face West to Mecca and pump the kaballah. Even if they perform full blown rituals at Mecca site when it's their Holiday. I can't but help to think that the virus will just be a plaguing them again. Despite the CoVid-19 failure that it is with many people stating the death rate is less than the normal flu. I still can't help but think that another virus outbreak will occur on mass congregations.

Supposedly they are stating a 2nd wave is incoming so expect this shit to run clear till next year.

slyscorpion said:
There is no major holidays any time soon for the enemy plus several astrological things or times on our side the next few months so yeah I think we may have this before too much longer.

I always found this strange is it some sort of vacation for the enemy?

Why not any holidays that are major during the Summer not really till Fall do these things occur. It's funny because you'd expect people to do major rituals to give the Spring/Summer offensive more drive. Usually wars are done during this time. You'd expect people to give you kabalistic support.

We will win anyways. But Islam is far more of a concern than xtianity is to be honest I think. The reason i say this is outside of maybe a couple places in third world African countries and China barley anyone one takes xtianity that seriously anymore. Maybe we should have some ritual to awaken the arabs at some point. I mean this is just about as bad if not worse than what happened to some races.

I really wish you were right but Poland takes xtianity very seriously, Russia also, Grecce, Italy, Balkans especially in Serbia and Montenegro. In my country alot of people are against Soros, globalism and Catholicism, but the faith in the Ortodox Church in my country has never been stronger and even those who don't belive in the Ortodox church (the new agers) they are all praising Jewsus.
slyscorpion said:
Gear88 said:
slyscorpion said:
...Mecca (think they are about to reopen that sadly) plus our efforts.

One of our Slothzbrahs mentioned their Alhombra(supposedly a major prayer date) prayer session this year was cancelled due to the virus. Ironically enough they substituted the date in question with a texting quranic prayer, 250,000,000 repeats by texting.(If you do it, text others to do it).

Sadly it seems like Arabic people are too stuck on Pislam and want Pislamafication or as it should be known as Arabian-Kosher Polytheistic anti-religion. Germans already warned the Arabs about Pislam like photos of Waffen-SS Arabic personnel on booklets like 'The jewishness of Islam booklet' or 'The jewishleadership(judentum) of Islam booklet'.

So don't worry too much about Mecca, in reality Mecca is already being pumped everyday as usual i.e. face West to Mecca and pump the kaballah. Even if they perform full blown rituals at Mecca site when it's their Holiday. I can't but help to think that the virus will just be a plaguing them again. Despite the CoVid-19 failure that it is with many people stating the death rate is less than the normal flu. I still can't help but think that another virus outbreak will occur on mass congregations.

Supposedly they are stating a 2nd wave is incoming so expect this shit to run clear till next year.

slyscorpion said:
There is no major holidays any time soon for the enemy plus several astrological things or times on our side the next few months so yeah I think we may have this before too much longer.

I always found this strange is it some sort of vacation for the enemy?

Why not any holidays that are major during the Summer not really till Fall do these things occur. It's funny because you'd expect people to do major rituals to give the Spring/Summer offensive more drive. Usually wars are done during this time. You'd expect people to give you kabalistic support.

We will win anyways. But Islam is far more of a concern than xtianity is to be honest I think. The reason i say this is outside of maybe a couple places in third world African countries and China barley anyone one takes xtianity that seriously anymore. Maybe we should have some ritual to awaken the arabs at some point. I mean this is just about as bad if not worse than what happened to some races.

Oh and im not doubting that we will win, just the part about ppl not taking xtianity seriously
EnkiUK3 said:
Personal Growth said:
I hate destructive people. I believe that things should be done democratically. But it's so stupid that the Far Right would be willing to go out and clash to protect statues.

My thinking is that life and health is worth more than property. If a mob is hell bent on destroying a city and it's monuments, it's law enforcements job to stop it.

And as the law enforcement has been told to just stand by and let the mobs run amok then the problem is elsewhere. If the state allows Mob rule then the state needs to come into line and do it's job. Not taking the law into your own hands to defend stuff.

A person should only put themselves in danger to protect their own family and property.

Dale Carnegie in How to Win Friends and Influence people said people will die for ribbons.

The 1% behind the scenes wants the military on the streets and that's what they're prepping the people to want.

Churchill the Jewish led warmonger actually sent tanks into george Sq Glasgow on his own people :lol:

These daft folk in these islands still revere him.

You know how I like the elderly. They're changing now because that very old generation is not around anymore. But the older of the senior citizens were different. In the olden days people were very good with one another. And they liked to be jolly and crack jokes.

What I admired particularly was the 'gallows humour,' where they made light of hardships. They were hardy people. Not weak moaners. And the old ladies would always flirt and tell you how handsome you were while rubbing your upper arm.

And they were always giving children sweets.

There are children around here and I thought I'd be nice and treat them to some sweeties just for nothing to be nice. Then I got scared and thought that I might land up in trouble for paedophile assumptions and in others minds grooming the children. So I'm too scared to give children sweets. Okay there are some dodgy people around this area I suppose. But just goes to show how we live in fear nowadays.

My only regret was that because they fought against Germany during the war they loved to talk about it. And they were so patriotic.

Now we know that they sided with the enemy and fought on the wrong side against the good guys. But they don't know that. That was my only regret with that generation that was involved during WW2.

And of course todays people still believe the lies and revere the Churchill warmongerer.

The British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain travelled to Germany on 28 September 1938. And he and Hitler got on very well. That's probably why Hitler didn't annihilate the British and French armies on the Coast of France. He admired the British and allowed two days without attacking for them to escape.

Hitler was a man of peace it was Britain and it's allies that were war mongering.

Anyway as the war started the elite replaced Neville Chamberlain for Winston Churchill to be a war mongerer. Neville Chamberlain probably wouldn't have been a good warmongerer for the elite because he and Adolf Hitler were friendly.

It pains me so Hitler and the Nazi's are seen in the wrong light. And now we have this, they don't know what they revere caused all of these problems we're having now.

And it's 'Paradise Lost.'
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is there any reason why 911 is the number you dial to call for help?

Holy shit, shut it down


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
