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Forums/Sites May Go Down Anytime Now - Ritual Schedule Extended to 9th of January

archangelbodyarmor said:

How much did the kikes pay you Mr Troll?
Or are you an ACTUAL Troll, with those kind of brains? :lol:
Henu the Great said:
Shadowcat said:
that last part always seems to apply to me. Around the time we started getting a heavy ritual schedule back in august i got switched to nightshift where the teamlead gives us like 3 30 min breaks. then the manager gave me the key to an office building not to far away that had a coffee and water machine that was secluded with a space that had privacy even big enough to do yoga in :lol: ive taken advantage of it many times. on top of that with prolonged ritual schedules or just very important days i always am getting days off with out any trouble.
Wow, talk about being fortunate!

I have it almost as good as you. I work part time, so I have lot of time for personal development while getting enough money to get my bills paid and even make some purchases.

And add that on top of working 6 days a week for 10 hrs. Im getting an apprenticeship though so hoping that I'll have better work ours. 40 to 50 hours is optimal for me
Looks like we're still in this shit
Gear88 said:
Kinnaree said:
Newb q...How come no race Awakening for Asians?

And... can Asian SS do the race Awakening in support of our Whites and blacks SS?

Asians aren't in danger of extermination like Whites or many Blacks. Sure you can argue many Asians are being used as useful idiots. But in danger of their race not at all. Most reject communism, judeo-bolshevism, and xtianity.

It's possible that maybe in the future when we are done with RTRs you never know if a ritual pops up for them. Again they aren't in danger even the communism and warmongering of China is only recently becoming more of an issue especially with Trumps strangling of China. But China isn't at the moment attacking en mass. Sure they might pop our ships out in the Pacific/Sea of Japan else where but so far war has not started.

As for rituals. We recommend Asians to focus just on the F-RTR/Tetragrammaton. Sure they can contribute to 88/99 W/B rituals but it's better if they focus on our reduction(I assume most Whites/Black members reduce their rep range or spamming of RTRs to not burn out). Think of it like a civilization if you think about it funny enough with enough humans. Humans don't go to sleep rather someone is always awake somewhere around the World. i.e. scratch our back, we scratch your back.

So in essence despite the rituals being more associated with raciality of the situation. In the end it's up to the Asian personnel to focus do F-RTR/T or reduce F-RTR/T and do racial rituals as well.

Again Asians are fine it's up to them to decide. JoS HP.Cobra recommendation focus on RTRs for our fellow Asians.

Aaahh...okay, perfectly understood. Thank you, Gear88.

Oh! Please tell me I can do the f-rtr/t even I haven't finished the 40 day yet.
in the joyofsatan.net mirror it is missing the image page, i haven't gone in and wired the actual page in manually yet. at least the home page for blacksforsatan or that site im thinking of has been captured i haven't looked through it to see what is all there though, I do know the coloring is a bit messed up and in order to see the text your going to have to select all like your copying to make the text not be white on a white background.
The picture on the Killing Tetragrammaton RTR page is not showing.
Jack said:
Looks like we're still in this shit

Patience. Some things have been down/nuked.

Every time we get attacked or experience setbacks, we will adapt.

Good news is, none of this is like in the beginning of the year.
Artanis said:
The War Room timer has stopped working!

We are aware, please stand by. Will probably be fixed in a few hours. Give or take, should take 5 hours to get this back up.
The 6th is a day people should maybe do extra on if they can because that is day they try to make the election final for Biden and some are fighting it.
slyscorpion said:
The 6th is a day people should maybe do extra on if they can because that is day they try to make the election final for Biden and some are fighting it.

Count me in Brother! Thats luckily the final day before our Yule break here in Finland stops. At least for the schools.
Curse the crooks ( if any ) that did this. Secretly, of course.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Upload of many files. I did not create this folder, but somebody else made it similar to my old link that I had years ago. More files than ever before, and new updated ones. This has all of the JOS PDFs, pictures of every page from the JOS, RTRs, many books, many videos.

Everybody download all of this immediately and save it in multiple places, like on USB sticks. Keep several copies.
Check this link again. More books added. All of the audio added from http://www.ExposingCristianity.com . Hatha yoga added. More books in compressed files in folder called Compressed Books. Death of Communism parts 1 and 2 and 666 Black Sun PDFs added to the Joy of Satan folders.

New books: "Return the Serpents of Wisdom" (one of my top favorite books),
Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina (extremely valuable. All about the founding of the illuminists, frankists, and communists.),
Serpent in the Sky, The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt,
and Vedic Physics Scientific Origin of Hinduism - PHD Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Check this link more often. Some new things get added.
jbkbmz said:
Curse the crooks ( if any ) that did this. Secretly, of course.

https://www.evilgoy.com/ is completely down.

The Enemy CLEARLY wants Us to do RTRs NOW, when the fate of the free world is on the line tomorrow.

Stormblood said:
https://www.theyknow.in has been shutdown too. What about your GAB account, Commander?

Gab signs messages with "Jeboo is king". I have every reason to assume they will only censor us if we get in the platform.

For the future, we will have a site inside Tor for when everything drops down, and a completely unrelated normal met website in another place.

Ill post details soon on this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
https://www.theyknow.in has been shutdown too. What about your GAB account, Commander?

Gab signs messages with "Jeboo is king". I have every reason to assume they will only censor us if we get in the platform.

For the future, we will have a site inside Tor for when everything drops down, and a completely unrelated normal met website in another place.

Ill post details soon on this.

That'd be interesting, since they claim they don't censor anyone. So, I shouldn't check your gab account anymore for possible announcements? I look forward to the details. If you need anything from me, just ask.
High Priest, I'm curious.

With recent stuff that has been going on around the world, i.e. the forcing of the vaccine, Co-Vid bullshit, etc., I was wandering if there will be another RTR schedule after the 9th of January or will we continue with the FRTR+T afterwards until decided?

Thank you in advance!
NameHere said:
High Priest, I'm curious.

With recent stuff that has been going on around the world, i.e. the forcing of the vaccine, Co-Vid bullshit, etc., I was wandering if there will be another RTR schedule after the 9th of January or will we continue with the FRTR+T afterwards until decided?

Thank you in advance!

Yes. Work is being done to reassure that the websites will be up and running until the end of the schedule.
Thank you for what you, and the HPs have continued to do for the community, and humanity. Thank you.

JoS is currently down. If there is a way I can donate to help keep them up, through PayPal or something, I would like to help.

Thank you again, I appreciate what you all have been doing, and the gods, Enki above all.

Thank you so much.

Hail Enki and the gods.
Isn't it ironic how,

In their bloodthirst, the jews shot this site down, only to allow the space for Satanists to give birth to a literally more beautiful version of it? Like, not a single byte has been lost. We have every piece of data. It just looks better now.

Loss #n for the reptilians. Good work, fucking pedo kikes. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I'm ready to slam these. Does anyone else feel like the rituals are getting easier? The FRTR in particular just feel like there's genuinely nothing left to destroy anymore. I can only imagine how absolutely dead their power is now. Everything they're doing now must really be a last-ditch effort relying only on material power. I can't wait to see the results of what we've done.
OhSaalo said:
Isn't it ironic how,

In their bloodthirst, the jews shot this site down, only to allow the space for Satanists to give birth to a literally more beautiful version of it? Like, not a single byte has been lost. We have every piece of data. It just looks better now.

Loss #n for the reptilians. Good work, fucking pedo kikes. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
The same happened with the last forum. Though we did lose the stuff that was in there, other than the occasional archived forum post.
jbkbmz said:
Could you explain "no chatting outside the forum "".
Every so ofter someone comes around and presents the idea of voice over ip. It's not only unsafe because of the method of connection, but who knows who is shilling for what over there.

Best to communicate here, and if needs be use e-mail for private discussions.
Henu the Great said:
jbkbmz said:
Could you explain "no chatting outside the forum "".
Every so ofter someone comes around and presents the idea of voice over ip. It's not only unsafe because of the method of connection, but who knows who is shilling for what over there.
Best to communicate here, and if needs be use e-mail for private discussions.

I have a couple friends I talk to on telegram from this site. They are both valid well established members on here and haven't had any problems. I dont think that is unsafe. However people really do have to be careful who they talk to and for fucks sake if your not sure of the person dont give out stuff like astrology charts or phone numbers or where you live other than to say maybe "i am from _____(state or country your in)" cause its usually big enough that can't identify you totally. If people are cautious chatting with some people won't be a problem and I dont think should be discouraged totally. But people do have to be kind of careful and if you ever meet someone dont let it be someone your unsure of and use a public place etc.

The problem with this is obviously a lot of the people trying this are Jews and enemy people. But if you know how to spot them your good and please if someone gives you info that can't be verified or your not sure of on spiritual things dont use it or at least ask about it here. Cause some of the enemy people know how to do stuff to ruin people they will tell you something does one thing when its really doing something else or connecting you to the YHVH energies.
slyscorpion said:
I have a couple friends I talk to on telegram from this site. They are both valid well established members on here and haven't had any problems. I dont think that is unsafe. However people really do have to be careful who they talk to and for fucks sake if your not sure of the person dont give out stuff like astrology charts or phone numbers or where you live other than to say maybe "i am from _____(state or country your in)" cause its usually big enough that can't identify you totally. If people are cautious chatting with some people won't be a problem and I dont think should be discouraged totally. But people do have to be kind of careful and if you ever meet someone dont let it be someone your unsure of and use a public place etc.

The problem with this is obviously a lot of the people trying this are Jews and enemy people. But if you know how to spot them your good and please if someone gives you info that can't be verified or your not sure of on spiritual things dont use it or at least ask about it here. Cause some of the enemy people know how to do stuff to ruin people they will tell you something does one thing when its really doing something else or connecting you to the YHVH energies.
The point was newbies gathering around other newbies, shills or jews. Only confusion ensues, and loss of privacy. I say loss of privacy because not everyone using voip will have vpn or tor enabled. In such a case ones privacy is totally nonexistent when connecting to a voip server. Your example is outside of this.
Do we have to continue with the tetragrammaton? Please answer.
Henu the Great said:
jbkbmz said:
Could you explain "no chatting outside the forum "".
Every so ofter someone comes around and presents the idea of voice over ip. It's not only unsafe because of the method of connection, but who knows who is shilling for what over there.

Best to communicate here, and if needs be use e-mail for private discussions.

Yeah. I remember years ago, on the old Yahoo groups there was a post by someone who was looking for people to join his group chat for "satanists" on a messenger app. Me being stupid as fuck at the time and also embarrassingly naive actually joined it for like 1 day to see what it was like. Had a horrible gut feeling all the way through but still "wanted to see".

The dude instantly asked for everyone's faces and posted his own (probably not actually his own) to encourage others to do the same, and people actually did it lmao. Not to mention the fact that everything that the other members talked about was basically just reverse-xtian circle-jerk garbage like setting a church on fire or some shit, and talk about self-destructive emotions they had. Someone even defended xtianity after this.

One guy didn't even know what the fuck a VoC was. The only other variably more knowledgable person was a girl who told me she had a really bad feeling about the whole thing as well, who messaged me after I ditched the shithole, and told me there were even Those Without in there.

But yes, basically, every now and then, there's the occasional stranger to this place with 1 total post, who tries to get people to talk outside the forums or privately for whatever reason, often times at big gambles to your personal information and privacy.

A lot of groups and people "out there" target SS, so I believe it's best for us each to work individually. Yes, loneliness can be a factor for some people, and in response to this we human beings seem to have some kind of instinct to seek others with psychologies and goals mutual to our own. But that's what the forums are for, and only the forums, I feel.

Though, even then, people still sometimes tend to wish for more direct forms of contact... like the posts from people who straight up say their location to meet up irl. That's alarmingly unsafe even for things not related to Spiritual Satanism.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Do we have to continue with the tetragrammaton? Please answer.
Yes, everyday, they are part of the daily routine now.
Aquarius said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Do we have to continue with the tetragrammaton? Please answer.
Yes, everyday, they are part of the daily routine now.

Like Aquarius said "Yes".

Either way even if not. Still do it it's what less than 2 minutes to recite the Triangle of letters. The affirmations kills the speed I basically spend the next 3 minutes or so stating affirmations.

BTW for members whom read this and ask "What is normal levels of F-RTR spamming 3-5 F-RTR". So 9, 9, 9 -to- 9, 9, 9, 9, 9. Or 27-45 Reps which is 3-5 reps. You can either spread the RTR throughout the day or do a high rep blast i.e. stacked in one go.

AS for Tetragrammaton I recall it's OKAY to do it once a day and that is cool. But I wonder if people might feel that is too little and might do more. IF your a multi-niner spammer with RTR feel free to do multiple Tetras but if your a high rep blaster IF you feel like once a day for Tetra isn't enough feel free to do multiple Tetras. The ritual is about 5 minutes total the affirmations take longer to perform than the reciting of the triangle. Do a high rep stacked F-RTR then do as many Tetras as you like throughout the day. For high rep blasters they get the F-RTR out the way.

Anyways this was mentioned by HP.Cobra sometime last year or so. It's possible that as time goes on we can reduce F-RTR spam especially with Tetra going on mixing in the rituals and eliminating the veil of the enemy both their kaballistic power and grid power. But for now focus on 3-5 rep ranges maybe, JUST maybe, soon we might be like 1-3 F-RTR/Tetra and your done. But I doubt that for now as we need to give the enemy hell.

ALSO I have a question this might be an improper question to ask since nothing is happening now but is the enemy planning on performing any more war operations or returning us to war in the Middle East. I know Communist China is fucking things up for everyone and seems like THEY are pushing for conflict against them to take things out. But is the astrological aspect through 2021 going to create issues?
Blitzkreig said:
Stormborn Warrior said:
Thanks man

I'll do what I can with my energy and the time I have.

I stress abit about Void of Course Moon. Do you think I can do the rituals during it or just wait till it passes ?

The rituals were started on a non-VOC period, so it is fine to perform them during any VOC periods.

Thank-you, i recently asked this question !

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
