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BEELZEBUL'S RITUAL: BLESS UP FOR THE SATANIC NEW YEAR! (30th April - 10th of May Ritual Schedule)

Buon anno Satanico! Ma il rituale si può fare in ogni momento o quando l'orologio satanico segna 00 o 1(quello per fare l'RTR)
I'm thinking the names are not complete, plz forgive me.
After Baal the next letters B^ZB^. What is the pronunciation.
Must not be a coincidence I've thinking of Beelzebul lately.
Hail Beelzebul!

And happy Satanic New Year to us all!
Happy Satanic New Year to all brothers and sisters! Let the spiritual Sun illuminate the path of each of you, fill you with energy and vitality! Let's work hard together this year!

Hail Beelzebub!
Hail our Sumerian Gods!
Happy Samhain Everyone!! On my side

Thanks you Sir HP.

Will try doing rituals. I am currently not well and have no energy due to season changes and winters arrival.

Do what you can, everyone!
Kebabguy said:
What did father Beelzebub mean when he said that only loyalists would remain. Will some of us lose hope and stop working? are the gods disappointed with us or is it humanity

I think will be harsh times for many of us and will have to make sacrifices in order to have time and privacy for the spiritual war. Of course many will not stick with us, but doesn't mean they will not return into advancing later
awesome!! ^w^

Hail Ba'al zebul!!
Hail Satan!!
Just finished the ritual for Beelzebub, the energy feels great per usual with these rituals for our Great Gods.

Ive had a fascination with Enlil, He seems to be/is such a great being
If you still haven't open your chakras, can it still be done? Does it work? If you still can't lift up your energy? Does it work?
A bit of news from Australia updated 1st of the may 2022

Mask mandates dropped for everyone everywhere except hospitals public transport airport.

Vaccine mandates dropped to go into small businesses venues and events

Vaccine mandates still required here in WA for employment in the 5 main sectors construction mining transport medical and education and emergency services however supreme court challenges are highly likely to be rid of these in July here in WA and South Australia south Australia has dropped their mandates for their emergency services staff however with the supreme court case looming over them they dropped them the day before the trial thinking they could stop a supreme court decision and then put it back up again the supreme court ruled in their favour meaning if the government wants to try this crap again they will have to change the courts mind first.

Queensland and Northern Territory have completely dumped the lot with NSW looking to do the same but leaving it in place for medical industry.

State of Victoria is still deciding what industries they are wanting to keep it in place for I hope they atleast drop it for all of them except the medical one atleast I doubt they will drop it all together.

Tasmania has pretty much avoided most of this by keeping a hard border I haven't heard anything out of Tasmania for a good 8 months as far as I'm aware they never used the vaccine mandate policy at all opting for a hard border and forcing people to isolate before continuing around the state.

My main concern and that of many other people is that we believe they have only done this due to the fact the elections are on here in Australia as well since the opinion poll showed less then 30% support for the major political party's the first time in nearly 70 years that independent and minor party's are shown to be preferred the main objective for this election is to put the majors last on the vote cards and literally vote for anyone else.

Another big concern is the Clive palmer United party is spouting a whole bunch of crap about freedom and pro freedom policy's I personally like their policy's but Clive palmer is a well known member of the world economic forum young leaders group much like treadu in Canada and poo bear in China this is the great reset group I hope people don't get duped by this.

South Australia has concluded the vote already as a Labor victory a highly influenced pro China political party unfortunate I hope the rest of the country votes differently
I just did the ritual. As I was doing it, I was bombarded by positive memories that came from nowhere.
Also, the word "Sanskrit" kept repeating in my mind.

My questions is: instead of runes, why not use Sanskrit words and mantras?


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Your experience can have to do with past lives or something the Gods wanted to show you. In regards to Sanskrit, it is not the same as the Runes. For the time being, Runes do what they need to do. Words are different from Runes, although broadly they are all called "words of power".
Just did the rituals today, felt very empowering and am now motivated more than ever.

Hail Beelzebul!
Hail Baalzebul!
Hail all of our Gods of Hell!

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sunny said:
The link for the PDF version does not work. Can you please fix it?

It is fixed now. Thanks to everyone who notified.

Darksage666 said:
Nice, have been waiting for this. Super cool.

Not trying to be rude HP but dont you mean Satan and Astarte that we’ve drawn closer to? As we’ve done rituals for those 2 and not one for Azazel yet?

You are not rude, I should have clarified better what I thought was clear in the next line in the paragraph (my mistake of course). I meant to explain that Azazel's ritual which will be forthcoming will be additionally another wonderful opportunity to connect to the Gods. I edited this for clarification. Thank you.
Hey Hp, can I vibrate half the runes for the ritual ?
Lordbaphamet666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sunny said:
The link for the PDF version does not work. Can you please fix it?

It is fixed now. Thanks to everyone who notified.

Darksage666 said:
Nice, have been waiting for this. Super cool.

Not trying to be rude HP but dont you mean Satan and Astarte that we’ve drawn closer to? As we’ve done rituals for those 2 and not one for Azazel yet?

You are not rude, I should have clarified better what I thought was clear in the next line in the paragraph (my mistake of course). I meant to explain that Azazel's ritual which will be forthcoming will be additionally another wonderful opportunity to connect to the Gods. I edited this for clarification. Thank you.
Hey Hp, can I vibrate half the runes for the ritual ?

Yes, you can. Go at thr pace of your level at this current time amd keep building up.
Florina 22 said:
If you still haven't open your chakras, can it still be done? Does it work? If you still can't lift up your energy? Does it work?

More feeling and understanding of these procedures does happen as you advance spiritually. But of course it can be done to show gratitude and willingness to grow.
Ramses said:

Good news. According to some, this is over, yet others say this is part of the plan to start again more harassment, or an unpredictable strike against freedoms during summer. Use this time to our advantage is what we might do.
Bunny said:
High Priest what do you think about these ufo's some members have seen? Do these belong to the Gods?

Regarding "only the loyal remaining over time" you can scratch me out, after what the FRTR did to my body and meditations like the merkaba I have experienced way to much to ever leave the JOS. Im excited for Pit Bub's ritual!

One can never forget the validity of the Truth, but the issue remains that one must advance until well the point where one has seen for themselves. That is essential to do.
Years ago, my Guardian, Astarte, visited me in my dreams. Though I was of lesser development and my astral hearing needed refinement, I still acutely remember a single word. Bittersweet. This word held a lot of truth with what was to come. Even through the darkest times of my life, the Gods were there. They gave me their reassurance and guidance, and I was able to hold on to hope during a time in which I had none. For how bitter things were, it seemed there would be no sweet. But in spite of everything, there was, and the positive outcomes, slowly but surely, began to match the negative ones.

No matter the tribulations, the Gods have earned my love and loyalty a thousand, million times over. Never underestimate the compassion they have for us, nor the understanding. It warms my heart to see us restore another one of our great Gods presence in this world to the state of grandeur they deserve. May Beelzebul rule the skies again, and forevermore, unto eternity.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Beltane. From my psychic senses alone, I have felt our side swell with growth and influence even beyond my expectations, and I can only have excitement for what is to come.
Stormborn Warrior said:
Happy Samhain Everyone!! On my side

Thanks you Sir HP.

Will try doing rituals. I am currently not well and have no energy due to season changes and winters arrival.

Do what you can, everyone!
Samhain is during Halloween, Beltane is 30th April.
Eureca!!!! i found!!!! this is good news. this article is for you. because this church body's article is helped me.

When I become Enkist I thought like that. "almighty God is no exist" but I found today something. that is some part...... almighty goodness exist. she is Astaroth. she is almighty goodness of love. if she do, she can. but maybe this amazing knowledge is become Bastet.

And following link is very nice. check about this. http://www.paganbookofhours.org/rituals/enki.html

Hail Enki!!!! and Hail Enlil!×50
He has helped me with a lot of stuff so I am glad to do these rituals.

What came to me when doing this ritual the first time is this maybe the Jews didn't have a temple and Solomon never existed and maybe they destroyed the temple of Baal and later claimed it was their temple and made up a bunch of stories about it. Something along those lines.

I don't know where that came from but I wanted to share.

Anyways Happy Beltane and good luck
Greetings. I apologize for interrupting this post, but I haven't been on here in many years and I can't seem to find where I go to start a post/ask a question. Thank you
hi. i vibrate the icelandic runes. but for Eihwaz i use germanic because i cant find the icelandic version. is the ritual still valid? or must i vibrate the other runes in germanic aswell. (or can someone point me to the icelandic version of Eihwaz?)
Hail our Mighty God Beelzebul for ever and ever.
Thank you our Hp for this ritual…. For me it was the most intense ritual i have done in my life. His energy was strong and powerful. I felt a sense of power
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramses said:

Good news. According to some, this is over, yet others say this is part of the plan to start again more harassment, or an unpredictable strike against freedoms during summer. Use this time to our advantage is what we might do.

I got attacked wicked ways just now I was lucid dreaming and was looking at myself in a mirror of sorts then I was shrouded in darkness I was then attacked by monsters of all horrible shapes and sizes.

I was able to get the smaller monsters to attack the bigger one as well as blast them with magic which was pretty cool then I went into a room because the bigger one seeming to get bigger with all the other little monster being eaten by it I went into a room which was dark so I dreamt up a light and the light turned on I was on my way out of the nightmare essentially I was then like I'd like to goto the gods use the time I have in this dream realm wisely so I did try as soon as I did however I got swamped in darkness again this time I was back in my own bedroom and then I felt weightless.

Then my feet where getting dragged up first and the rest of me along with it with a constant painful electronic sound like pulse wave was making my head hurt a lot I thought of myself sticking to the ground which brought me back down but they were still trying to get me in eventually I felt another presence trying to twirl me around I felt like I was being sucked into a portal or like I was being violently abducted I was able to after a little while able to try and drain the life out of the enemy presence which had an effect but not much of one.

I decided that since I was looking like I was about to loose I just kept shouting at satan to come help after a short time he appeared and bailed me out that has now been the 2nd enemy attack that I have had to ask for help being bailed out of I can usually handle myself quite well against a group of them but this attack was very different it was as if they had help from a machine or a weapon of some kind the rhythm of the pulses were way too accurate.

Has anyone else been attacked like this on this magnitude I'm used to the zetians and the reptilians attacks but this was some serious out of the ordinary attack this one was.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is fixed now. Thanks to everyone who notified.

Thank you.

You are not rude, I should have clarified better what I thought was clear in the next line in the paragraph (my mistake of course). I meant to explain that Azazel's ritual which will be forthcoming will be additionally another wonderful opportunity to connect to the Gods. I edited this for clarification. Thank you.
Hey Hp, can I vibrate half the runes for the ritual ?

Yes, you can. Go at thr pace of your level at this current time amd keep building up.
Lord Beelzebul's ritual is wonderful. The first day, I felt crackling all through my spinal cord, and a sense of being freed. The energies left me in a positive high for hours.

Happy celebrations to everyone, and enjoy the schedule!
Ramses said:
Another big concern is the Clive palmer United party is spouting a whole bunch of crap about freedom and pro freedom policy's I personally like their policy's but Clive palmer is a well known member of the world economic forum young leaders group much like treadu in Canada and poo bear in China this is the great reset group I hope people don't get duped by this.

Prime Minister(orbán viktor) of Hungary he is also a member to the World Economic Forum.
It's a video about it(with English subtitle):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkPOeNZbUEI&t=11s

Additional revealing video on the World Economic Forum:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nO8R67X4xc&t=956s(with English subtitle)
Who has time and they do not know the World Economic Forum(if they were :) ),to Them worth watch this video's.

Covid-19 revealing video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LHyp3Ce0mc(with English subtitle)

The man(Toroczkai László) making the video's the Hungarian far-right party candidate for prime minister.
By the way he has few subtitled videos.
Almost one month ago(3.April) there was a vote.I was not voting,because unfortunately xian party and FRTR's are worth more as the one vote.But however on certain topics (epidemic circus, demography, great reset) they say good things,as one of my SS brother(Dark Lawyer) wrote.
Here's a conversation(writings) on the subject:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=341095#p341095
Happy Satanic New Year!
I missed doing Astarte's ritual. Would it be appropriate to do it during this time along side Beelzebul's?
Can these types of rituals been done at any time?
Thank you Cobra, I have enjoyed this ritual very much.
Its great to work with other Gods more. Before, I was almost intimidated to contact some other Gods, as I often feel like I have no important reason.

But wow, Baal's energy is amazing! Upon first encountering, I instantly understood why he's a high-leveled God. Almost similiar to when I first met Satan, I also instantly recognized there was no power greater in existence than him and was 100% on board.

I have studied more about Baal past few days. I feel I resonate with him and his qualities. His energy really re freshened me and gave me extra strengthto perform rituals and with more intent.

I look forward to working Rituals with other Gods.

Wait, i have a quick question about rituals like these that we for our Gods.

So when these rituals first drop, like the first day or so Im not the best at visualizing the sigil so quickly, i need like a day or two to really get it in my head.

So Is It still effective to focus the rune on the sigil where it belongs in my head with my eyes opened with intention and then when i say the part of the prayer after the runes, close my eyes and imagine the sigil lighting up and say the prayer and will this to happen with intent and visualize it getting brighter? Is this okay?

I know i can get the sigil down after a day or two though and then would be able to do the whole thing with my eyes closed
I'm confused as to the name of lord Enlil that we are to vibrate after the 1st praise. Inside the shenu the names given up to belzevulleon stop right before the middle word inside the shenu. All his different names line up except for the word in the middle of the shenu. What name is that referring to him as?
erick_erick said:
Hello. Is Satan a monogamist? Or has several wives?

Satan has five wives.

Read here: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Lilith.html
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=350538 time=1651619857 user_id=346]
erick_erick said:
Hello. Is Satan a monogamist? Or has several wives?

Satan has five wives.

Read here: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Lilith.html

Haven't others said this allegory? Have Cobra or Maxine ever weighed in on this? It's not really relevant at the end of the day the Gods private lives are theirs, but people have gone back and forth on this here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
