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Jewish News, Exposing Themselves, Admitting Defeat

Dec 12, 2017

If this isn't one of the funniest things I've read in a while I'm not sure what is, I'll put in the highlights for y'all.

"A Haredi rabbi, privy to secrets concerning the Messiah, was sworn to silence for several decades by hidden righteous men but they have now ordered him for the first time to publicize their messages"

First off a blatant admittance of having secret players on the board and that 'things' are hidden from the public

“I came to talk not only about what will happen but about who will merit to be part of the Redemption,” Rabbi Zissholtz said to Dadon. “A lot of religious people, men with kippot on their heads, will not merit. Many people who do not appear to be religious will be on the inside.”

This piece of gold just means those in the know, eg. gates or other jews who don't look religious are 'in the clear' even though they're not externally 'religious'.

"The Lamed-Vav Tzaddikim are also called the Nistarim (“concealed ones”)"

A mention of these guys

"process of geula (redemption) is about to start happening very quickly and at a fast pace"

Admitting they're about to ramp shit up to a spicy 11/10

"Haven’t you heard of Gog and Magog? That is what is going to happen very soon. Right now, the situation is explosive more than you can possibly imagine"

Quite big hopes for a US civil war, and open about its "coming existence" too

“Ten years ago, Israel was suffering from a horrible drought. Someone asked Rabbi Kook when the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) will be full. Rabbi Kook said, When the Messiah arrives, the Kinneret will be full.’”
“In a few weeks, the Kinneret will be full for the first time since Rabbi Kook made this statement,” Rabbi Zissholtz said. He gave yet another example."

This ones kinda relevant to us, if they garner enough energy (which they go on to admit they don't have) they plan to do big things here soon.

“The coronavirus has nothing to do with Israel,” the rabbi answered, referring to a verse in Psalms.
He shall plague peoples in our stead and kingdoms under our feet. Psalms 47:4"

Blatantly admitting that not only the hebrew god caused covid, but also that every other country is 'under their feet'.

“God has anger for the Jews, but this anger will be taken out through this plague on idolators. In truth, the corona was supposed to be on us but it is on them in order to send a message to the world."

Very fair of their god, takes it out on ze goyim instead.

“I no longer travel outside of Israel. The Messiah is so close that I am afraid that I might miss his arrival. Rabbi Kanievsky said the Messiah is here, in Israel, but he did not give a precise time when he will be revealed. He is here but he does not have all the power he needs to act as the Messiah. All of the signs given in the Talmud, in Jewish tradition, have already appeared.”

This part was my favorite, I was feeling somewhat irked yesterday with the numerology and such, but then I read this and was quite no longer perturbed. "He does not have all the power he needs to act as the Messiah", and he never will, this is tantamount to defeat unless massive death energy is whipped up and directed, but even then if we continue to cut the ties between the thoughtform and the energy, none of it will reach him, ergo we've already won. Straight from the horses mouth.

"Most of the war, the beginning, will be a war of faith"

This would be us, good job team

"the actual shooting and fighting with physical weapons will only come at the end"

this will be the near future, as we all know

This ones also a piece of work
Muh mysticism iz da only wae, trust us goyim, iz need for jeboo return

Of course you have to read it through a satanic lens, eg everything is inverted.

:D Stay strong guys, the end of the war is nigh!
And don't forget, two RTR's a day keeps the kvetching jew away
Revealing from them as per usual. Good find.

Many of them have come out in the open, about working with reptilians, struggling against the 'Dark forces being at an all time high', and all sorts of other extreme revelations. This is to cover for themselves and inform those of their own to join them ASAP, before it is too late for them.

They are no longer sitting comfortably. Clearly, they are under a lot of pressure. They understand how this is going to go.

But never assume the whole ordeal with them is "done". Never underestimate them.
Excellent analysis. This is exactly how these things behave and think. I dread to think of what crap they will spring on us next but I bet it won't be anything 'traditional', so to speak.
Times are definitely changing, I just wish I was on the lines but I'm still broken. Saturn is very strong in my chart and I have 4 retrograde planets in it; if I'm not wrong this means that I will be very strong in my later life. By that time the enemy will probably be destroyed by I can still work towards getting revenge and make them suffer.
Sybellum said:

Thank You very much for the link Sybellum, it's pretty interesting.
I checked it out and many jewish sites contain similar info.

According to jerusalem post, the same rabbi is involved in the vaccine hoax.


Here, the video is in english, article in polish: https://wolnemedia.net/rabin-kanievsky-osobiscie-spotkal-sie-z-mesjaszem/

Not sure how about the others, but all of this really motivates me to keep doing the RTR's. That long-nosed stinky rats are never going to win.
Stay strong and
Hail Satan!
Keep prepping and organizing your life for hunkering down. Stockpile as many supplies as you can, with water being the priority. Don't think that the situation will get any easier soon.

Take steps to conceal your identity and beliefs as best as possible. Strongly consider leaving areas of high population density. Most importantly, plan around continuing your spiritual practice offline. Fill a binder with printed pages from JOS and other important forum posts.
Thank you for the post ! The Jews claim there oh so high and mighty Messiah is here yet apparently he needs to power up first ? LOL. Let them all be consumed in Blue Fire !

Hail Satan
Also the INFO WARS platform talked about the Biden cabinet being filled with Israeli jews: https://banned.video/watch?id=60087f32534bc74ec789a8a4
This could be a good awakening. For Trump as well to know if he ever wants to come back to politics to never make deals with them.
Filter out the good info, because INFO WARS has their amount of BS.
Sybellum said:
"Most of the war, the beginning, will be a war of faith"

This would be us, good job team

"the actual shooting and fighting with physical weapons will only come at the end"

this will be the near future, as we all know

Let's finish off their thoughtform.

As for their "prediction" of an armageddon.... I'm smirking. Victory or Elysium!
Non-Jews also have to pray to the Master of the Universe, not to false idols,” he asserted.

Well he said it right there, this is a struggle of them and our pagan gods, in which these kikes are losing evidently.
Since the elite are being exposed,,, lets hope they do not try something 'drastic',,, and they might be able to even better,, now that we have (,P,),resident Evil,,, Joe Biden as President.
Jewish news: Admitting that they controll biden cabinet

Admani88 said:
Sybellum said:
According to jerusalem post, the same rabbi is involved in the vaccine hoax.


Most Rabbis are not retarded. They understand in full they are 70+ years old and so on, and that if they contact even the normal flu, or the Co-vid in this case, or just about anything, they might die. Let alone general frailty. So, they'll advise their own to go take it, to save themselves the trouble of dying. This gains them time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Admani88 said:
Sybellum said:
According to jerusalem post, the same rabbi is involved in the vaccine hoax.


Most Rabbis are not retarded. They understand in full they are 70+ years old and so on, and that if they contact even the normal flu, or the Co-vid in this case, or just about anything, they might die. Let alone general frailty. So, they'll advise their own to go take it, to save themselves the trouble of dying. This gains them time.
Some lower j00z would know this, and any reading our sites learn this, yet they continue being sheep... I could lol at that, but I wouldn't want to waste my breath.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Revealing from them as per usual. Good find.

Many of them have come out in the open, about working with reptilians, struggling against the 'Dark forces being at an all time high'
PMSL. Didn't jew biden say about being a light in this presidency? That is just too cohencidental.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Also the INFO WARS platform talked about the Biden cabinet being filled with Israeli jews: https://banned.video/watch?id=60087f32534bc74ec789a8a4
This could be a good awakening. For Trump as well to know if he ever wants to come back to politics to never make deals with them.
Filter out the good info, because INFO WARS has their amount of BS.

Yes, that's Satan's fault. Isn't everything that the idiotic xians dislike?

Only, if you watched the Inauguration, they were like praying to the Jewish Rabbi Jesus like at least 2 times, with long long words, giving oaths on his bible, kissing his heavenly boots, kikes were there in the Inauguration leading prayers etc etc.

These people that blame this on "Satan" are just retarded in the end of the day. The facts are in front of them and they are in refusal.

This is why they are going to perish or destroy themselves and worse. Christians in general are not mentally developed. They refuse reality.

Their IQ is too low to even bother at this point.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Also the INFO WARS platform talked about the Biden cabinet being filled with Israeli jews: https://banned.video/watch?id=60087f32534bc74ec789a8a4
This could be a good awakening. For Trump as well to know if he ever wants to come back to politics to never make deals with them.
Filter out the good info, because INFO WARS has their amount of BS.
Maybe since Jones/IW feel betrayed by Trump they will start naming them and going hard against the enemy. Alex has to face the reality of going to prison on phony charges and having Infowars shut down by this administration. Maybe they will go scorched earth against Jews on their way out.
I wouldnt say its over yet. Do not let your gaurd down totally or you will be suprised when the enemy gets you still in some way. They suddenly pulled something very bad without any real warning that still is worrying to me a lot. They are not done yet.
Sybellum said:

If this isn't one of the funniest things I've read in a while I'm not sure what is, I'll put in the highlights for y'all.

"A Haredi rabbi, privy to secrets concerning the Messiah, was sworn to silence for several decades by hidden righteous men but they have now ordered him for the first time to publicize their messages"

First off a blatant admittance of having secret players on the board and that 'things' are hidden from the public

“I came to talk not only about what will happen but about who will merit to be part of the Redemption,” Rabbi Zissholtz said to Dadon. “A lot of religious people, men with kippot on their heads, will not merit. Many people who do not appear to be religious will be on the inside.”

This piece of gold just means those in the know, eg. gates or other jews who don't look religious are 'in the clear' even though they're not externally 'religious'.

"The Lamed-Vav Tzaddikim are also called the Nistarim (“concealed ones”)"

A mention of these guys

"process of geula (redemption) is about to start happening very quickly and at a fast pace"

Admitting they're about to ramp shit up to a spicy 11/10

"Haven’t you heard of Gog and Magog? That is what is going to happen very soon. Right now, the situation is explosive more than you can possibly imagine"

Quite big hopes for a US civil war, and open about its "coming existence" too

“Ten years ago, Israel was suffering from a horrible drought. Someone asked Rabbi Kook when the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) will be full. Rabbi Kook said, When the Messiah arrives, the Kinneret will be full.’”
“In a few weeks, the Kinneret will be full for the first time since Rabbi Kook made this statement,” Rabbi Zissholtz said. He gave yet another example."

This ones kinda relevant to us, if they garner enough energy (which they go on to admit they don't have) they plan to do big things here soon.

“The coronavirus has nothing to do with Israel,” the rabbi answered, referring to a verse in Psalms.
He shall plague peoples in our stead and kingdoms under our feet. Psalms 47:4"

Blatantly admitting that not only the hebrew god caused covid, but also that every other country is 'under their feet'.

“God has anger for the Jews, but this anger will be taken out through this plague on idolators. In truth, the corona was supposed to be on us but it is on them in order to send a message to the world."

Very fair of their god, takes it out on ze goyim instead.

“I no longer travel outside of Israel. The Messiah is so close that I am afraid that I might miss his arrival. Rabbi Kanievsky said the Messiah is here, in Israel, but he did not give a precise time when he will be revealed. He is here but he does not have all the power he needs to act as the Messiah. All of the signs given in the Talmud, in Jewish tradition, have already appeared.”

This part was my favorite, I was feeling somewhat irked yesterday with the numerology and such, but then I read this and was quite no longer perturbed. "He does not have all the power he needs to act as the Messiah", and he never will, this is tantamount to defeat unless massive death energy is whipped up and directed, but even then if we continue to cut the ties between the thoughtform and the energy, none of it will reach him, ergo we've already won. Straight from the horses mouth.

"Most of the war, the beginning, will be a war of faith"

This would be us, good job team

"the actual shooting and fighting with physical weapons will only come at the end"

this will be the near future, as we all know

This ones also a piece of work
Muh mysticism iz da only wae, trust us goyim, iz need for jeboo return

Of course you have to read it through a satanic lens, eg everything is inverted.

:D Stay strong guys, the end of the war is nigh!
And don't forget, two RTR's a day keeps the kvetching jew away
Victory is ours! Theres no telling how far Jos will go, the information of knowledge is the biggest weapon and also numbers of our group. We can produce high volumes of astral energy and mediation vibrational waves to send to the astrals filled with blue energy. Remember yall, when they attach spiritually, breath in blue energy, exhale black gunk and send it back!- dan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, that's Satan's fault. Isn't everything that the idiotic xians dislike?

Only, if you watched the Inauguration, they were like praying to the Jewish Rabbi Jesus like at least 2 times, with long long words, giving oaths on his bible, kissing his heavenly boots, kikes were there in the Inauguration leading prayers etc etc.

These people that blame this on "Satan" are just retarded in the end of the day. The facts are in front of them and they are in refusal.

This is why they are going to perish or destroy themselves and worse. Christians in general are not mentally developed. They refuse reality.

Their IQ is too low to even bother at this point.

The funny thing is is that even the people that are ''waking up'' all flock to xianity. I mean they have woken up right, So why is it so hard to even look at the past, To see what xianity has brought to the people and what they have done for the past 2 thousand years or so.

Ohh they must soo busy fighting the left, All of their brain power is going there instead of using their damned peanut brain for themselves.

A little while ago i watched Salty Cracker, His reason to join xianity was because the leftists he knew hated xianity.... Great reason huh, Just do the opposite of your opposition and you are suddenly awake and a critical thinker.
slyscorpion said:
I wouldnt say its over yet. Do not let your gaurd down totally or you will be suprised when the enemy gets you still in some way. They suddenly pulled something very bad without any real warning that still is worrying to me a lot. They are not done yet.

THIS! Exactly.

My best guess is the poor bebe B'nai Beijing Xidan(read that in youtube Xing combined with Biden). Needs to reel in the goyim, they know too much. So the jews the top chosenite runners of a nation. I mean GUYS come on stop being anti-semitic we all know jews "LOVE" running civilizations they are kings of kings for a reason.

So they came in to reel in the protests that evil orange man did.

I'm being serious in a joking way. Honestly I just read how Xidan signed 15 Executive Orders several reversing all Trump era issues and additionally another two or three for the following day. Incredible back to judeo-bolsheivistic property nothing to see here folks just normal jewing and kiking.

Either way with b'nai xidan in power the judenpresse is gonna go full hava nagila on everything. Just kiking things up. It's incredible it's like every stupid person is in a spell just sucking jewish cock all the time.

WTB the Gods coming in and in the words of the wise Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson "Laying the smackdown on these chabronis".

Anyways keep up the 5th and 6th generational warfare guys seems like now with all the lockdowns and all the kosher non-sense occurring it's a good time to see the enemy re-mold the goyim back to sleep. Which isn't gonna happen now with the internet.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
