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What Do You Want To See From JoS?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I don't like focusing the conversation too much on myself
I understand how you perceive it, and my point of view is that you are being too humble, because the fact is... That you are an inspiration to many people here, you are seen like a divine individual, and even higher to people like me. Knowing more about you is always something that I'm looking towards to, they way you did it, ecc And I'm pretty sure most dedicated SS feel the same.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

A useful thing to do would be to enrich knowledge and understanding about Meditation and the attainment of subtle or astral things. There is sufficient information and understanding about these things but having more will only do good.

It would be good to have more information on breathing exercises i.e. Pranayama and Prana or Chi. I also consider Pratyahara and Samadhi important.

Another important section to add would be, the management of the Mind (with all its attendant things such as thoughts, emotions, desires and so on).
JoS has changed my life. I made many mistakes in the past and it inspired me to keep growing and not wallow in negative energy. It feels amazing to have meaning and fight for a better future. I also have less fear in any situation and have been able to develop stronger willpower when I used to be so weak and ready to give up. I am grateful for the information and for those who have helped me and others in our paths. I hope we can one day reach a point where we have an even stronger sense of community and maybe have rituals and celebrations in person. It seems to be a long way off in the worlds current state. I wish I could volunteer my time without secrecy. I hope we can achieve a better future and civilization.

Hail Satan
Hail Eligos
I've yet to read all the suggestions and answer in this topic but I have had ideas for a while too. I know each minute one such as you wastes is a step our entire Serpent Brotherhood could have taken but did not, so I appreciate this opportunity and thank you for giving us the microphone sometimes, HP Cobra.

In order not to divulge too much or demand you do the same and as such, inadvertently harm "bigger" plans, I won't be too forward. But I would ask you to more openly share "higher" spiritual knowledge. I mean in terms of practice, not just theory.

I am aware that there is already effort in the works here and there are bits and pieces shared all around, but you also make comments that honestly give me impatient itches - like how you once said that "Runes are mid-level magick at best". We have "stronger" stuff too but not by much much more and it's mostly scattered. I can also say the same about meditations - we have by far the most powerful stuff on the internet but some things require updates (such as how the King & Queen on the Meditations page on the JoS isn't even the "full" version that HPS Maxine posted several years ago on the Yahoo Groups, you probably remember exactly what I am talking about). Also the idea that there are probably "higher" tiers of magick that I am not even scratching the surface of makes my Aquarian seeker side itch something fierce.

I am also aware first-hand that some information needs to be released with awareness, gradually and bit by bit, so as not to let people burn out or much worse, give enemy agents the opportunity to obtain more power to use against us. I was also instructed to be similarly careful in a very similar topic in the past, so I know you aren't holding out on us because of personal wishes (if it can even be called holding out), but that your hands are tied, High Priest.

I am only making this request with the awareness that you are, for now, still "only human" and cannot think of every matter at the same time - so mostly see this as a reminder, please. I'd ask you to meditate on this matter, maybe ask for the Gods to give you new directions and recalibrate your approach ever so slightly, if needed. Maybe the coast is a little bit clearer now after all our collective work such that we can handle a little bit higher level of advanced and openly given information. Maybe not. You'll know best. I just felt like reminding you could help.
https://youtu.be/SgD3JDkIhZE . 4 : 40 . 17 : 45 .. Joy of Satan is in the top 10. This is what I want to see.. JoS is actually known world wide. These people might be skeptics,, but , people are seeing the website. And,,, those that are meant for this will find it.
Under the section where there is the "Health Forum, Pet Forum, Astrology Forum", I wonder if we can have a place for Art by our fellow brothers and sisters. Art has been greatly perverted and turned into a joke in the mainstream by the enemy, but it's an important creative expression. Though I've seen a thread for people to post their art under, a proper place for the artwork to be showcased and share beautiful Satanic things in writings, paintings, music etc, I think would be a lovely addition to the forums personally.
I’m a beginner, so please forgive me if some things are already said/done. I would like to see a few things :
- Some tutorials on Astrology prediction. I understand my natal chart but I lack the knowledge to make good prediction.
- Perhaps an average time necessary to succeed in workings, in order to not despair if we do not see immediate results. Exemple : opening crown : few months, kundalini 1 year, etc.
- Instructions after the 40 days program. Currently, one have to search whole site to find some (6 months training, square, etc.)
- Perhaps a method to help christians see the errors on their « religion ». Ex : what can we say to convince some family members to try yoga (without reveling anything spirituality, which will make them go away) ?
Ayleth said:
I feel like I need to rectify myself regarding the temple thing from my reply. I don’t want any misunderstandings.
I meant it as my long long term wish in an IDEAL world, where the enemy is gone and we begin to build ourselves up. DO NOT go and build any temples! Or meet/ plan with anyone to do so. Keep safe.

Correct, alternatively, if you people want to go kill yourselves like the Bible says by collecting the followers of Baal and burning them, that is not exactly smart. That is definitely for the appropriate timeline in the future. Because this is what they will do if they actually could pull it off large scale.
I am very grateful for my knowledge and experiences since coming to JOS. I have felt very looked after and cared for in many different ways. It is interesting to see this because I have had recent thoughts of us in the long run ending up funding a place for people to come to learn about astrology, and for meditation and yoga and ultimately the Gods, like a school of sorts, but this is something I think for the far far future and it might not be safe right now especially out in the open.

Especially due to the JOS being translated into many different languages, I hope to see more and more people coming to Satan here in droves even. With that being said I think spreading the word around as well as some online campaigns, especially with spreading around the newly translated sites, are well due in the coming future, especially to help JOS expand and grow even further, which it has been doing also.

As for the present and near future I look forward to us bringing more knowledge and updates about learning about our Gods, and becoming even closer to them, as well as any new meditations or divination methods that would be useful, updates on astrological knowledge, and so on, with possibly even reaching out to other suitable SS to assist with gathering any useful information that can help with this. I am sure you do a lot by yourself in this department which at times can be pretty demanding. This brings me to something else.

I think our forums would benefit from having more mods, especially ones that are available with more free time to moderate these forums more strictly and properly to prevent us from wasting our time with trolls and other things as well as to keep post traffic going at a steady pace, which can be made easier by having more suitable hands on the crew I think, if possible. (i am sure our current few are quite overburdened and have been for some time.)

Furthermore, I would like to see the forum base continue to grow and mature with less bickering and more unity, although in some cases this is not always avoidable because no two people will ever be the same. Point however is in how an argument is conducted and how something is presented, ideally assertively versus aggressively and with respect. If we are to bring more people to us it is imperative that this general forum base grows up a bit, and gives more of a serious impression. To do this there honestly needs to be a change in how some people approach things here and how they treat others.

There have been sermons made on this in the past and not everyone adheres to it. I know there are a lot of young people here, the majority even, but if outsiders look in and see how some people have approached things they will not always get the greatest impression. Bringing me to one more point. You guys may or may not agree or like this very much depending on the person...but I REALLY think stuff like the anime avatars give a childish and immature image of JOS as well as the forums. It basically gives others the image of children or teens having an online pow-wow versus grown-up serious people who are trying to advance in the occult and getting close to the Old Gods. I do realize that a lot of anime is tailored to adults, but that is not what outsiders will think of at their first glance here at a cartoon picture.

Look at many of the ancient occult circles from ancient times. I am pretty sure they were taken seriously and got down to serious business instead of posting cutsie or cartooney pics online and engaging in mindless drama or getting feelings butthurt over nothing. Take it or leave it, if you want to advance it's time to grow up. I'm just being honest, and am saying all this because I care about JOS, this forum, and our people and even one in it.

On another note, I also very much like the idea in the past that was presented with putting Bigot boy's master squares app on a website that we all could access. This includes his new master rune app that was made which I think looks great.

When all the sites are translated into all the languages I hope to see a forum section for each language if possible, for the people who cannot read or speak English, with mods for each, ideally native speakers. We have this now also I believe for the few languages we do have at the present moment. This way sermons and other important things can be translated and posted consistently for everyone around the world.

As far as the great progress made so far, it is excellent and I only hope we keep moving forward.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

Hello HP.

I have found in satanism the answers to all the questions I had about myself and the world. Here is a knowledge that I have not found anywhere else and I will always be eternally grateful to you and the Gods.

Regarding the future of JOS and the world, from my experience with some people I think our main challenge is for people to lose their fear of Satan and the Gods. As I have seen not even Hitler is as rejected and feared as Father Satan, either they are afraid of him or simply refuse to believe in his existence.
Jackie Puppet said:
Many people may be afraid to say it but we need more updates and transparency regarding HPS Maxine and her current/future status.

We don't.
HPS Maxine has done more than enough, she has her reasons to go undercover like this.
If you can not respect that, go fuck yourself.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

What I personally would appreciate is that the JoS promotes Father Satan, the crowned Princess of Hell and the Demons even more.
Your Sermons are helpful for understanding, and for some reason whenever I hit a wall or something like that, your Sermons had the key information/motivation to understand my issues and approach at times (Are you able to look into our heads? :p)

But what Helped me the most was the advanced Information about the Crowned Princess of Hell, and the feelings and connection which this focus induced in my soul & mind. By this I progressed much faster, simply because I connected deeper to the Gods by this, who led me by intuition in my meditations and life.

After all, I believe this path is all about Satan and the Gods and being close to them. This way people make the best progress possible.

So in short, what I personally want to see is Content that connect Satanists to Satan and the Gods (just like the advanced Information about Father Satan, Lord Apollo, Lady Inanna and Baal-Zebul).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

Well to put it simply it's given me my life back, in more ways than one; my sense of self, peace and happiness that I'm not sure when the last time I felt such. I have purpose in my life, and direction. I have goals and dreams that I want to reach again, where before I had lost sight of anything. I was saved from the damage of a cult, to put things into perspective.

There are going to be many who come here over time, some maybe with a similar situation, others worse, others more pleasant life experiences. All of them will be affected in the same way, once their eyes are open to it, their lives will improve and themselves in deeper levels than they'll ever know alone. That's truly valuable and meaningful to anybody who wants to get out of the negative drain hole the enemy has caused the world to be in, and from it many things are going to get better for everyone.

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?
Not sure yet, I'll still be here, but how I see myself, I think I need to continue putting things into place and sorting things out before I have a clear idea of that. Though some day sooner rather than later, I hope to see a revival of peoples sense of their people, stronger than ever, and synchronisation between the races to build a great power on the human level against the enemy.

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?
Many humans have lost the notion of kinship, connection, family.... people are craving it, but they can't yet trust each other, because of programmings. An awakening of that again would be of great benefit to our cause. Right now, humanity's power is divided. Even if much of humanity is weakened, with numbers and working together, the power the world had stolen from it can be reborn.

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

Someday, when everything is safer and the enemy is just dust, more than most things I really want to see the return of physical libraries full of knowledge again. Like the Library of Alexandria.

In the mean time, refer to my first comment posted before this one.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

TanzanianGod said:

Wow. Great discussion. Let me share some ideas. Maybe they might be of Growth to our path.

1. An Official Youtube (JoS) Channel.

2. A JoS App.

3. More international Reach About the Truth of Satan. (Africa and other places)

4. More Empowering of the people in this path.

1. Does everyone think we can weasel our way around the Jewtube algorithm by never mentioning certain things like the Juiyce people, therefore circumventing this block? If yes, then we could likely proceed. But we will have to speak in semi-censored manner.

Even if it's semi-censored, youtube is huge and most of the world knows of it. Just getting the links of the JoS and some information out there on such a large platform can help reach more people and lead them here or "spread the word". One issue would be getting it to be seen in other countries though when the dicks at youtube recognise the channel. Worse case scenario they block it before it gets traction, but we also have odysee as well and bitchute too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jackie Puppet said:
Many people may be afraid to say it but we need more updates and transparency regarding HPS Maxine and her current/future status.

Soon, as I am less limited now. I will be able to answer more too. I'll relate more on the subject when certain things are out of the way. What is for sure is that what you read in the troll places from where you come they know nothing. That's mostly just slander "these people" who are well known jews keep writing, which is part of what they always do.

I know you are an ex-troll and current troll from another place, but if you look at my previous responses, there have been given answers. I stretched the limits to privacy a lot in every response as much as I could and was allowed by the current time and trajectory of things.

Also, that is not really related to the post that much.

Let's put it plainly. All of us who are serious SS know perfectly well of the current situation of HPs Maxine. If we lack some details it only means these details are beyond comprehension of a human of our level despite of how many kilometers of text HP waste his time to write and explain. We know as much as we are able to know, not as much as it is written anywhere. That's it.

Kikes and infiltrators pretending to not know answer to these questions actually know much more of the situation of HPs Maxine than pretend. What they only seek here is subversion. They try to pretend as if it were some secret yet it is just a fact of Satanism that SS know way more than can be written in the internet, we are not limited to those matrix places kike can control. And we do not need some things being exposed to clown world because we know them anyway.

What all of those who demand information on HPs Maxine only seek about this information is what they have been doing to such kind of information for thousands of years: steal, pervert and return to the world in perverted form or just conceal the truth keeping it to their rabbinical circles while spreading only lies.

Unlike most people here I would rather seek more emphasis on quality vs quantity, less acceptance and less tolerance. I feel like JoS should be looked for, quested for and fought for by a potential student instead of being just given like a freebie, and that only those able to appreciate it should be considered worthy to even find it. I see JoS as Shambala, that no one can enter (and rightfully so) except those really worthy of it.

I seek that my eyes would not read blasphemy and slander against my Gods and those who are like Gods to me such as HP. I seek that worship for superiors (HP, JG and generally better people) be totally accepted as norm, while Freedom of Speech and all other higher Freedoms, which were not initially designed for an orc society of today, stopped being indiscriminately given around.

To explain it, for example, Spiritual Satanism obviously deserves more Freedom of Speech than pisslam, and any pisslamic rapist deserves none of Human Rights on health, safety, education, any help in dire situation nor life herself, because itself destroyed health, happiness and lives of millions. No one is equal. I seek that people start understanding it better.

I would also wish that instead of wasting more and more time on us, HPs and the best of this world would spend more time with themselves working on important things for their own souls so that their service were not totally one sided: they giving us all and receiving back none (as it is now).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ayleth said:
I feel like I need to rectify myself regarding the temple thing from my reply. I don’t want any misunderstandings.
I meant it as my long long term wish in an IDEAL world, where the enemy is gone and we begin to build ourselves up. DO NOT go and build any temples! Or meet/ plan with anyone to do so. Keep safe.

Correct, alternatively, if you people want to go kill yourselves like the Bible says by collecting the followers of Baal and burning them, that is not exactly smart. That is definitely for the appropriate timeline in the future. Because this is what they will do if they actually could pull it off large scale.

What do you think about this?

It warmed my heart to read the news, then I read: "The organization has also arduously and carefully reconstructed elements of Religio Romana using ancient sources that are both Pagan and Christian to gather as much historically reliable material to develop its rites." It left me a little confused.

This brings me back to the topic of the post.

When many more people will see the truth, we may return to worshiping our Gods in the light of the Sun, and who knows, build new temples in their honor (without christian pollutions of any kind). I completely understand how Ayleth feels about this. But beyond personal feelings, I think a collective awakening will lead to a more balanced world where people can understand themselves and what surrounds them and finally see who is "evil."

I have had a thought for some time that has been ringing in my head.
There are still many social barriers for us to break. We need media. No one could ever publicly advocate all the important points of Spiritual Satanism and JOS without incurring censure or worse, it would be a real immolation, but maybe there is a way. In these times it could give an important acceleration to the process.

I see myself in 10 years, in the fulfillment of something like this, the work is difficult, but not impossible. I have been working on a project for 10 years, consider that most of those years were wasted because I was an idiot. But now with experience and maturity that Spiritual Satanism gave me (answer to the second question), which changed me completely, or rather demolished so many walls that made me weak, maybe I can build something, I don't know how soon. Whatever happens today I have the awareness that if I fail, I can start again and improve also because of JOS.
I’m new here but have been reading the JoS material for awhile now. I have a question (I apologize if the question has already been answered) about how kike Harold Wallace Rosenthal claimed in an interview that the kikes are the chosen ones of Lucifer. Has anyone else read that interview?
One idea I have is to expand into other areas that are less spiritual and more practical. Lifestyle guidelines, common sense, etc, all from a Satanic perspective, but not overtly Satanic. Even random wholesome topics like how to grow fresh vegetables! All we need are members who are knowledgeable to write good articles. (This would not result in a decrease in the amount of spiritual knowledge we publish, since that mostly comes from the clergy, and these would be written by ordinary members.)

These sections would serve to expand our reach by attracting people for other reasons, and of course every page would link back to the Joy of Satan. :D
As long as Satan/Murugan (handsome one)/Skanda (Army General)/Sanat Kumara (Eternal Youth)/ Al Khedira (the Green Man called so by the Arabs because his an agriculturist and can turn a desert into Forest) and many other names remains central , then JOS will just be fine.
As Kundalini Yoga aspirants we are a house of dragons.
We need to buy land!!!
In different parts of the USA.
A place where we can build satanic only communities where we can live and collab in peace.
A place where we can do group meditations and rituals and empower ourselves as well as live freely and without fear. A self sustainable community where we take care of eachother.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

The Joy of Satan or Spiritual Satanism changed my life in every aspect for the better,
making me a better human, more complete, balanced. It helps me bring out my full potential,
making me spiritually/psychologically more mature. I am reborn.

I think this is the only platform and way of living that represents, supports and protects true human unlimited potential and freedom without restrictions, in a positive and healthy way. True human advancement which is limitless.
Everyone can benefit from it, it is/should become available to every human being, in a positive way.
Its openness and staying truthful in every aspect is what makes it win.
It/We have nothing to hide, the whole world can come into our home, there is nothing but truth.
Who wants to stay can stay, who is an enemy can go back to his hole.

I can see in the near future Joy of Satan/Spiritual Satanism manifesting itself physically more in the world,
Joy of Satan Temples opening in every city, carriers of the truth battling with the body, mind and soul.
I think it is important that when the Joy of Satan/Spiritual Satanism manifests itself physically,
it should be done in a light-hearted manner and by trusted members who can speak/behave well,
know the JoS material and what it stands for by heart and don't feed into enemy propaganda.

But the Joy of Satan/Spiritual Satanism is already successful and will be more successful with its current way of dealing with things, which is through the internet and strengthening its base and closing any holes in this system.
More internet warfare/propaganda should be done in a positive way, this is how i found it, through several smart comments on videos that deal with serious things, truthful things. Maybe expand that to other areas as well.

Me personally i would like to see our own dream interpretation site or tab, with a lexicon or just answering by trusted members.
An expansion of the JoS numerology and maybe our own shop like etsy and a financial sector,
with tips and tricks to benefit from current financial state of the world, so our members can become richer and donate more.
Maybe an expansion of health and well-being, a lexicon of health problems with solutions,
natural remedies, botanic, ayurveda, crystals and other stuff.

And maybe a more direct and spiritual way of helping or connecting with sincere/serious dedicated members,
growing the wolf pack, making more people Guardians, helping certain individuals who can leave a mark grow faster etc.
A more spiritual/personal way of connecting with our dedicated soul brothers/sisters here, maybe through a ritual?

Hail Satan, all our Gods/Demons, all our Leadership and sincere members. Stay safe, strong, keep fighting.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=400808 time=1668970776 user_id=346]
One idea I have is to expand into other areas that are less spiritual and more practical. Lifestyle guidelines, common sense, etc, all from a Satanic perspective, but not overtly Satanic. Even random wholesome topics like how to grow fresh vegetables! All we need are members who are knowledgeable to write good articles. (This would not result in a decrease in the amount of spiritual knowledge we publish, since that mostly comes from the clergy, and these would be written by ordinary members.)

These sections would serve to expand our reach by attracting people for other reasons, and of course every page would link back to the Joy of Satan. :D

Something like even that example could also have a spiritual element added, like mixed in could be a short instruction on how to bless the garden and crops, proper way to work with the crops with energy (kind of like how there are guidelines for energy work involving pets, plants are living beings too so maybe there are proper ways about this), what stars are good to use (fixed stars or constellations for example, energy from Jupiter, timings), application of Runes like Jera, knowledge from Demons regarding the topic, ways to regenerate and rejuvenate the soil with both physical methods and spiritual methods, etc.

So there could be a mix of the practical physical as well as the spiritual even for more mundane topics perhaps.

I totally agree as well for standalone skill guides, and I do realize you likely meant a broader scope as well beyond the example given. I like this idea, and I still have many ideas myself for forum threads to create for practical life things. I enjoy sharing about those sorts of things.
RōmaInvictaDCLXVI said:
Soon, I want to see Satanic expansion into technology and communications infrastructure. I want to be a core part of that. I have several plans regarding how the technological infrastructure of the world (software, hardware, internet, satellites, etc.) will be taken back into the hands of Gentiles and how to reform and advance it for the benefit of everyone.

Currently, the situation is very dire and its been getting worse year by year. I have been deeply involved in technology since I was a single-digit aged child and I make that statement with the greatest weight possible. I know many brothers and sisters are aware of "big tech" and the Jews' fetish for snooping: the Jew NEEDS to know, just like their god that spies on everyone. But, that is just a single aspect of the much larger and nightmarish problem.

For Jews, technology is a powerful method to subjugate Gentiles. Gentiles have been held back from understanding anything that goes on beyond what is necessary to consume media and make posts on kosher social platforms. While you physically have possession over the devices and software that they offer you, you do not have control over them. You are not allowed to change how they operate, nor are you allowed to find out how they operate. Even if you do find out how they operate and learn enough to publish or manufacture your own platforms, the Jewish tech cabal will try their best to prevent anyone from migrating to your platform or even finding out about it. The amount of obfuscation, gatekeeping, and propaganda that's been done to prevent Gentiles from obtaining even a miniscule amount of technological power is mindboggling. I stay up at night thinking about it often. Anyone with a strong understanding of technological self-reliance is a serious threat to them.

"The OS is off limits. You're too dumb to do that, goy."
"Oy vey, the processor is off limits! We made the manual 5000 pages long and the architecture closed. Just write your python code and watch porn already."

General-purpose computers and the Internet are the most powerful Satanic tools (www = 666) that a person can use for self-advancement and societal advancement but the Jews would rather have you purchase new kosher hardware every year so you can play le epic video games on big screen, load Instagoy 0.1 seconds faster, consume mindless amounts of propaganda media, and stay penned into their chosen feedlot sites. Thanks to the extreme censorship by Google through their search engine and policies on JewTube, Faceberg, Reddit, etc., it's very difficult to get real information from outside the Jewtrix to the average Gentile.

This post could be multiple pages long, but to keep it short I will give just one example of what is probably the most insidious subversion in technology by the most Jewish company to ever exist (the rabbit hole goes much deeper, however):

Intel Corporation, a widely known manufacturer of processors that are present in billions of devices, mostly in direct use by Gentiles around the globe; Intel has been present in Israel since 1974. Since around 2010 they've pumped over $15 billion into setting up plants and hiring workers in Israel.

Since around 2006 there's been a hidden, network-capable, fully functional OS embedded inside every single Intel CPU. This is known as the Intel Management Engine. This "engine" is inaccessible by any operating system or user software, yet it has full view and control over them and the entire system, including attached peripherals. You simply cannot know what it is doing. These processors also have dozens and dozens of security vulnerabilities, some of which are literally un-patchable; they're designed that way by Jews in Israel.
To make an analogy, it's as if the enemy implanted an indestructible device into your solar plexus chakra (your CPU). No matter how clean or strong your other chakras are, or how protective your aura is, The enemy has direct and full access to your soul and can override, snoop on, and damage any part of it without you being able to do a single thing, despite your knowledge of its presence. That's the level of compromise we're dealing with.

I saw a post in the Hard Talk sermon thread which was made a couple weeks ago with the same insight I'm describing here:
serpentwalker666 said:
As I deep dived into academic study on my own, I've seen just how far jews have climbed while many gentiles have given a fuck less.

A few examples here I can give is the field of Mathematics, and Computer Science, which lately I've been rather obsessed with.

Advanced mathematics and computer programming is dominated in certain areas by motivated, advanced jews and this unfortunately is hard to stomach.

I've seen a very advanced Common Lisp program, written by a literal fucking rabbi. Like a very involved, advanced program involving alot of experience.

Then we have many gentiles who won't pick up a pencil to brush up on algebra.

It's appalling to say the least to see jews absolutely dominate over gentiles in many things. The little I mention here is just the tip of the iceberg.
Lisp itself was invented by a Jew named John McCarthy. In fact, that kike was the one who coined the term "Artificial Intelligence" back in the 1950s. The GNU/free software movement was started by Richard Stallman, a fat pedo Jew. Faceberg and Jewgle were started by Jews. Intel has been run by Jews from the start. I can go on and on but I hope the point has been made clear by now.

Getting back to the thread topic, complete reform would involve rebuilding everything from the ground up. Obviously we're not at that level yet, but will be inevitable. Where we can start now is building our own software systems (OS, applications, content platforms, etc.) and migrating off the Jewish cattle fields. I am particularly steadfast on creating our own operating system(s), since that is the secure root/foundation for everything that comes on top. Advancements in OS development have been forcefully shut down since the mid 2000s when the (((industry leaders))) decided that no more platforms were allowed. All you get are the big 3 that everyone's heard of already, and they are developed and compromised by you know who. My estimate is that we are at least 20 YEARS behind in OS technology because of this. Large amounts of research and development has been done by universities and companies alike but none is implemented of course.

The well-formed Satanic plan of transforming humanity out from spiritual sleep and dependence on external entities, towards self-reliance and awakened existence needs to be mirrored in the technological realm as well. This is a serious endeavour that needs to be taken up as soon as possible. Educating ourselves on this topic is just as important. No SS should be ignorant of the very technologies he/she found out about the Gods through and uses to communicate critical information with fellow SS. I know there have been many threads made on cybersecurity, privacy, Linux, etc, which are good, but it is only a temporary solution.

In the end, we don't truly own anything unless we understand it ourselves. When a system is simple enough to be able to be fully understood and modified by one person alone, the need for reliance on external entities to maintain that system vanishes entirely (and with it, the control dynamic vanishes too.) And that is the true solution to this problem. This is what "Open Source" gets wrong. It doesn't matter if a software is open source or proprietary if its 5 million lines of code. Functionally, it is the same because it creates a dependence on an entity dedicated to maintaining that software.

I appreciate what you have written and being quoted here. What you describe here is CRITICALLY important.

I have been considering writing out a giant guide of self study for SS when it comes to the topic of software development, understanding computer science and operating systems. I'm still figuring out how exactly I'd wish to structure and present it.

I've always leaned towards self study. Perhaps I can offer some insight to other Spiritual Satanists.

As for LISP I am aware of the situation with it being pioneered by John Mccarthy. However as a language for whatever reason, I think there's serious potential for it. Alot of my studying leads me to that conclusion.

Worst case scenario I'd say it would be worth writing a new language similar to LISP but better. But I digress.

The need for SS deep into the technical field is absolutely dire. The jews dominating it how they do is a rather serious and alarming thing.

I too have been into computers since I was very young. It's a rather obsessive interest in my case. But an interest all the same.

Unfortunately I am not able to program yet, but have been teaching myself C++ from books, videos and online study. I'm also aware of the problem of who the founder of this language is. What he is.

But the reality I see is that C++ will benefit me if I become proficient in it. Then I can just switch to a more sane langugae, with the deep understanding I gained from C++.

Feel free to send me an email if you want to discuss and brainstorm some things. I do not have much time, but I will make time.

[email protected]
I believe that we should create a JOS section that would train our people on matters related to providing information on the Internet to ordinary people about the activities of Jews, which would collectively increase the public awareness of who the real enemy is. We should promote satanic ideals, approach to life among ordinary people. We could penetrate other non-satanic groups that are interested in spirituality and there we would gradually, subtly draw people to our side. We need a propaganda department, coordinated information activities.
My thoughts learn towards more information relating to the Magnum Opus. For Spiritual Satanists who are either at that point. Or wanting to study intensely to climb to that point.

I understand silence is golden here for some things. I mean that and understand that, as the enemy is everywhere like a big hook nosed maggot.

But I feel something needs addressed when it comes to higher spiritual knowledge and SS who are leaning towards mastery of high siddhis in this life time.

Along with us eventually getting plans together for our people to be into high financial and high authority positions and then they take directives directly from the Gods and or you Cobra. For rectifying and working together on a different front, the physical aspect.

Scaling the tower and knocking the enemy down so to say through serious financial blows, is what I mean.

Since this will be necessary in time as we give the enemy the boot. So order is reestablished.

The Gods are extremely strong on us rectifying this balance and working towards this, and guides and more information relating to financial independence and becoming a bit more free from financial burdens to advance, would assist many Spiritual Satanists as many of our people are hit hard in this aspect of their lives.
Big Dipper said:
when I was new, I was just doing the basic meditations for years not moving on to other, stronger meditations. I wish we had a "meditation tier list". Not in terms of usefulness, but in terms of "you do this for this number of times a day for this many days ( basic aura cleaning for 60 days (i dont know)) then you could start to move on to higher one's like raum cleaning or runic cleaning. 3rd eye opening with thaum for however many days, then you could do the dagaz rune instead for however many days, or whatever. This sounds like it would be hard to calculate since people advance at different rates tho.

Something like this, but much better:

3rd eye opening for (days?) and after that many days you can swap to ----> dagaz rune for (reps?) for (days?) ---------------->
or ----> (something else that's stronger) (reps?) for (days?)->
then -----> (something even stronger?)
or -----> (something even stronger?)

aura cleaning many days then ----> Raum cleaning for (days?). then after this many days -------> (something stronger?)
or ----> (rune?) for (days?) and (mantra?) then ---------------> (something stronger?)
or ---->(another rune?) same as ^^^ then -------------> (something stronger?)
or ----> (another rune?) same as ^^^ then ---------->(something stronger?)
and the list goes on.....

I have a bad stagnate nature, so when i was new I wasn't doing stronger meditations, because I thought the basics were good enough for a while. Stupid of me. I feel like it would help guide some people by showing them where they could be at in terms of meditation over time.

I agree with Big Dipper 100%. Having an official guide for beginners and intermediate Satanists alike would be very useful in my opinion. Also the progression doesn't have to be tiered based on the amount of days one spends doing a particular meditation. A better approach might be gauging ones progress by some achievement/feeling or other easily observable occurence where possible (ie. do void until you can keep your mind still for 15min).
So, I've come to elaborate a little more about my idea from before, on the journal thing. So once we log into the forums, we go to our profile and click on our personal journal. There we can make notes and stuff for learning, and keeping up with workings, meditations, whatever we want to write about. And there can be a small widget in the journal page that can view a mini version of the JOS website. from the jos page we can save a page and it will go into our journal under saved pages and we can use those for references and more learning. It could be a handy tool that's a safer alternative to using browser bookmarks, or keeping a personal journal on hand for people who are unable to keep a real paper journal because they live with nosey family members. Etc. I was hoping it could be a useful idea. But if not it's understandable.
Tar Armin said:
We could penetrate other non-satanic groups that are interested in spirituality and there we would gradually, subtly draw people to our side. We need a propaganda department, coordinated information activities.
Sounds good, we can for example try to join our local pagan organisatsions and spread there Satanic message.
SapphireDragon said:
So, I've come to elaborate a little more about my idea from before, on the journal thing.

Very good idea. If that existed in my time, then it would have saved me a lot of grief from carrying around notes and dangerously so, which I no longer do. Honestly, this likely can be attained easily. It's a good idea, especially for those who might have problems keeping black journals, which can be dangerous at home or even online.

Yet, there are two functional things here:

1. The possibility of a hack always exists, we can mitigate, but not make disappear.
2. It would necessitate trust, and one would need to be careful what one writes there for the above reason.
3. We would need to ensure some form of encryption for each member and what anyone writes, with a focus on file separation and privacy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

The JOS has helped me in more ways then I could ever imagined. It has saved my life. I'm so thankful I'm not a part of Christianity anymore and so thankful Im not a new ager either. Satan has truly blessed me in so many ways. It's been a long a difficult journey for me but I've actually been doing the things the JOS says to do and it's been a great year. Hopefully as we advance others will notice this and see that we are clearly not Christan and that we are very much FREE! Hopefully that will inspire others to search and find the truth. Hail Satan!
What I wanna see from the world is xianity an all other abrahamic cults like Islam going the way of the dinosaurs,I see now how destructive those cults are to humanity, but I know Satan an all of us are changing this world for the better,me though I would love to see the magitech,an tech in general,the Gods have, it would be so interesting,also to see man an to finally explore the Galaxy after being held back by the reptilian jews for so many years,it would be great to finally see what's out there
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
3. We would need to ensure some form of encryption for each member and what anyone writes, with a focus on file separation and privacy.
Individual encryption key that is tied to a personal key phrase for recovery of account data. If this keyphrase and password are lost, access is lost. But it should be inaccessible to anyone else but the user itself. Much like what Protonmail offers.
serpentwalker666 said:
I appreciate what you have written and being quoted here. What you describe here is CRITICALLY important.

I have been considering writing out a giant guide of self study for SS when it comes to the topic of software development, understanding computer science and operating systems. I'm still figuring out how exactly I'd wish to structure and present it.

I've always leaned towards self study. Perhaps I can offer some insight to other Spiritual Satanists.

As for LISP I am aware of the situation with it being pioneered by John Mccarthy. However as a language for whatever reason, I think there's serious potential for it. Alot of my studying leads me to that conclusion.

Worst case scenario I'd say it would be worth writing a new language similar to LISP but better. But I digress.

The need for SS deep into the technical field is absolutely dire. The jews dominating it how they do is a rather serious and alarming thing.

I too have been into computers since I was very young. It's a rather obsessive interest in my case. But an interest all the same.

Unfortunately I am not able to program yet, but have been teaching myself C++ from books, videos and online study. I'm also aware of the problem of who the founder of this language is. What he is.

But the reality I see is that C++ will benefit me if I become proficient in it. Then I can just switch to a more sane langugae, with the deep understanding I gained from C++.

Feel free to send me an email if you want to discuss and brainstorm some things. I do not have much time, but I will make time.

[email protected]

I've been doing pure self-study since I can remember. Generally I look for primary sources first and foremost to try to get the best picture and understanding from the creators of the technology themselves, meaning, studying specifications, manuals, and primary-source books (written by creators). This is how I've avoided a lot of the propaganda and "dumbed down info for goyim".

Lisp is a powerful language with a lot of potential since it's so closely tied to the mathematical nature of programming. I agree that something similar to Lisp would be a worthy choice for creating systems in the future.

Is Bjarne Stroustrup a Jew? As far as I know, he is Danish. I've watched several interviews/lectures by him and I haven't noticed any Jewish sentiment or mannerisms, rather, he seems to be very level headed, practical, and aware.

C++ is great language to gain understanding of the Von Neumann programming paradigm (Neumann was also a Jew, lol). But as you said, there are more advanced and simplified languages to move on to after that.

I will continue to discuss in email, definitely. There's a lot to expose and we need to make a proper guide for onboarding SS into the realm of computation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?
I think that on the one hand we must continue advancing in the path of Father Santan, continue promoting the truth of who Satan is and thus with this invalidating the false God that many have instilled in us. So with this seeking to reaffirm that over time we are actually the ones who want the best for humanity. :D

What do I expect from JOS?

1. Update Azazel's page about advanced numerology

2. Launch the Azazel Market

3. Something interesting may be to continue adding descriptions of the gods (something more detailed)

4. Implement the steps that follow from the Magnum Opus

5. It would be interesting to see more photos or works of art about how the gods are or how they can be

6. It would be interesting to understand how the gods work in each area

7. Explain in some way aspects of how the gods use the chakras or what utilities they have for them

8. It would be interesting to know how the gods can communicate with animals or how they can change their shape (I'm not sure if they can) :?:

Shiva666 said:
Learning ethical knowledge, Ethical Behavior , learning gods ethics beside power meditation.

There is a new whole section of this which will be uploaded before year's end.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SapphireDragon said:
So, I've come to elaborate a little more about my idea from before, on the journal thing.

Very good idea. If that existed in my time, then it would have saved me a lot of grief from carrying around notes and dangerously so, which I no longer do. Honestly, this likely can be attained easily. It's a good idea, especially for those who might have problems keeping black journals, which can be dangerous at home or even online.

Yet, there are two functional things here:

1. The possibility of a hack always exists, we can mitigate, but not make disappear.
2. It would necessitate trust, and one would need to be careful what one writes there for the above reason.
3. We would need to ensure some form of encryption for each member and what anyone writes, with a focus on file separation and privacy.
This is very possible. It could use zero-knowledge encryption so that even if the server was hacked, people's data would be safe. The only way to decrypt people's data would be if someone hacked the server and injected code to observe people's passwords as they logged in. This is very hard because the hack would need to remain undetected for a long time. And it could easily be prevented by giving people a browser plugin to verify the code's authenticity and display a warning if it was tampered with.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

I think that on the one hand we must continue advancing in the path of Father Santan, continue promoting the truth of who Satan is and thus with this invalidating the false God that many have instilled in us. So with this we seeking to reaffirm that over time we are actually the ones who want the best for humanity. :mrgreen:

What do I expect from JOS?

1. Update Azazel's page about advanced numerology
2. Launch the Azazel Market
3. Something interesting may be to continue adding descriptions of the gods (something more detailed)
4. Implement the steps that follow from the Magnum Opus
5. It would be interesting to see more photos or works of art about how the gods are or how they can be
6. It would be interesting to understand how the gods work in each area
7. Explain in some way aspects of how the gods use the chakras or what utilities they have for them 8. It would be interesting to know how the gods can communicate with animals or how they can change their shape (I'm not sure if they can) :?:

There are so many good ideas in this topic!
I hope they will be recapped as it is inspiring.

For my part, in a pragmatic way, it is urgent to make accessible, organized, this monumental mass of knowledge, so precious, but so complicated to connect. The forums have provided many details that are not included in the JoS pages.
JoS Astro should also, as said many times, be much better promoted.

A development of the JoS market would be great for members who offer something, as well as for members who buy / ask.
The jooz make each other work. Why not do the same.

For the forum: a sub-section for spiritual practices, a sub-section for politics and economy, a sub-section for inquiries about the gods, a sub-section for war rituals, etc. The interest is to facilitate research, which seems to me to be an absolute necessity.

And so many many other great ideas suggested by the members!

Also, Edward Lonsa said an important thing: more "executive staff" to free the most advanced so that after having given so much, they receive, and so on, allowing others and oneself to rise higher and higher, lifting others, others allow you in turn to rise higher and higher: in a word, the virtuous spiral 😁

Thank you HP for the thread and thank you very much for all

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
