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What Do You Want To See From JoS?

I mantain contact with Father via divination. He has performed many miracles for me. I love father. My human leader is brother Adolph Hitler. How can I become more involved? They say I'm smart!
Im not sure how to create a new topic, and I thought this is important so I am posting it here


deadline for Response is 7th June

We invite responses to this consultation until 7 June 2023. The response to this consultation will inform our joint future work.

We invite responses to this consultation until 7 June 2023. The response to this consultation will inform our joint future work.

Deadline is the 7th of June

some way to encourage members on their posts without commenting, i get tired of commenting on things with no useful relevance, but i want to show support

something like reactions could be implemented

One thing that popped into my mind is that it would be great, and also important to have an exposing “exposing JoS” section on the JoS main (or maybe a whole new website but I don’t think that’s necesarry) especially because a lot of people come here from “left hand path” or being mislead, and disoriented by them (as I was at a short time). I know we already have a PDF about this, but we should realy expand that, and make it more seeable. Adding articles on what these people are missing, exposing these people (that exposes JoS) and a lot more can be added, and forum members could realy contrubute to this, like we could also have a specific forum, or more likely a sub-forum for this purpose.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

Personally I would like to see physical infrastructure. This would be extremely tricky and now probably isn't the time but I would like to see a true and beautiful Satanic Temple that teaches meditation and yoga classes.
RōmaInvictaDCLXVI said:
Soon, I want to see Satanic expansion into technology and communications infrastructure. I want to be a core part of that. I have several plans regarding how the technological infrastructure of the world (software, hardware, internet, satellites, etc.) will be taken back into the hands of Gentiles and how to reform and advance it for the benefit of everyone.

Currently, the situation is very dire and its been getting worse year by year. I have been deeply involved in technology since I was a single-digit aged child and I make that statement with the greatest weight possible. I know many brothers and sisters are aware of "big tech" and the Jews' fetish for snooping: the Jew NEEDS to know, just like their god that spies on everyone. But, that is just a single aspect of the much larger and nightmarish problem.

For Jews, technology is a powerful method to subjugate Gentiles. Gentiles have been held back from understanding anything that goes on beyond what is necessary to consume media and make posts on kosher social platforms. While you physically have possession over the devices and software that they offer you, you do not have control over them. You are not allowed to change how they operate, nor are you allowed to find out how they operate. Even if you do find out how they operate and learn enough to publish or manufacture your own platforms, the Jewish tech cabal will try their best to prevent anyone from migrating to your platform or even finding out about it. The amount of obfuscation, gatekeeping, and propaganda that's been done to prevent Gentiles from obtaining even a miniscule amount of technological power is mindboggling. I stay up at night thinking about it often. Anyone with a strong understanding of technological self-reliance is a serious threat to them.

"The OS is off limits. You're too dumb to do that, goy."
"Oy vey, the processor is off limits! We made the manual 5000 pages long and the architecture closed. Just write your python code and watch porn already."

General-purpose computers and the Internet are the most powerful Satanic tools (www = 666) that a person can use for self-advancement and societal advancement but the Jews would rather have you purchase new kosher hardware every year so you can play le epic video games on big screen, load Instagoy 0.1 seconds faster, consume mindless amounts of propaganda media, and stay penned into their chosen feedlot sites. Thanks to the extreme censorship by Google through their search engine and policies on JewTube, Faceberg, Reddit, etc., it's very difficult to get real information from outside the Jewtrix to the average Gentile.

This post could be multiple pages long, but to keep it short I will give just one example of what is probably the most insidious subversion in technology by the most Jewish company to ever exist (the rabbit hole goes much deeper, however):

Intel Corporation, a widely known manufacturer of processors that are present in billions of devices, mostly in direct use by Gentiles around the globe; Intel has been present in Israel since 1974. Since around 2010 they've pumped over $15 billion into setting up plants and hiring workers in Israel.

Since around 2006 there's been a hidden, network-capable, fully functional OS embedded inside every single Intel CPU. This is known as the Intel Management Engine. This "engine" is inaccessible by any operating system or user software, yet it has full view and control over them and the entire system, including attached peripherals. You simply cannot know what it is doing. These processors also have dozens and dozens of security vulnerabilities, some of which are literally un-patchable; they're designed that way by Jews in Israel.
To make an analogy, it's as if the enemy implanted an indestructible device into your solar plexus chakra (your CPU). No matter how clean or strong your other chakras are, or how protective your aura is, The enemy has direct and full access to your soul and can override, snoop on, and damage any part of it without you being able to do a single thing, despite your knowledge of its presence. That's the level of compromise we're dealing with.

I saw a post in the Hard Talk sermon thread which was made a couple weeks ago with the same insight I'm describing here:
serpentwalker666 said:
As I deep dived into academic study on my own, I've seen just how far jews have climbed while many gentiles have given a fuck less.

A few examples here I can give is the field of Mathematics, and Computer Science, which lately I've been rather obsessed with.

Advanced mathematics and computer programming is dominated in certain areas by motivated, advanced jews and this unfortunately is hard to stomach.

I've seen a very advanced Common Lisp program, written by a literal fucking rabbi. Like a very involved, advanced program involving alot of experience.

Then we have many gentiles who won't pick up a pencil to brush up on algebra.

It's appalling to say the least to see jews absolutely dominate over gentiles in many things. The little I mention here is just the tip of the iceberg.
Lisp itself was invented by a Jew named John McCarthy. In fact, that kike was the one who coined the term "Artificial Intelligence" back in the 1950s. The GNU/free software movement was started by Richard Stallman, a fat pedo Jew. Faceberg and Jewgle were started by Jews. Intel has been run by Jews from the start. I can go on and on but I hope the point has been made clear by now.

Getting back to the thread topic, complete reform would involve rebuilding everything from the ground up. Obviously we're not at that level yet, but will be inevitable. Where we can start now is building our own software systems (OS, applications, content platforms, etc.) and migrating off the Jewish cattle fields. I am particularly steadfast on creating our own operating system(s), since that is the secure root/foundation for everything that comes on top. Advancements in OS development have been forcefully shut down since the mid 2000s when the (((industry leaders))) decided that no more platforms were allowed. All you get are the big 3 that everyone's heard of already, and they are developed and compromised by you know who. My estimate is that we are at least 20 YEARS behind in OS technology because of this. Large amounts of research and development has been done by universities and companies alike but none is implemented of course.

The well-formed Satanic plan of transforming humanity out from spiritual sleep and dependence on external entities, towards self-reliance and awakened existence needs to be mirrored in the technological realm as well. This is a serious endeavour that needs to be taken up as soon as possible. Educating ourselves on this topic is just as important. No SS should be ignorant of the very technologies he/she found out about the Gods through and uses to communicate critical information with fellow SS. I know there have been many threads made on cybersecurity, privacy, Linux, etc, which are good, but it is only a temporary solution.

In the end, we don't truly own anything unless we understand it ourselves. When a system is simple enough to be able to be fully understood and modified by one person alone, the need for reliance on external entities to maintain that system vanishes entirely (and with it, the control dynamic vanishes too.) And that is the true solution to this problem. This is what "Open Source" gets wrong. It doesn't matter if a software is open source or proprietary if its 5 million lines of code. Functionally, it is the same because it creates a dependence on an entity dedicated to maintaining that software.

Is AMD better? Or does it have the same jew shit like the intel management engine with fully functional secret OS shit?
The Phantom Stranger said:
Is AMD better? Or does it have the same jew shit like the intel management engine with fully functional secret OS shit?
AMD chips were marginally more trustworthy until they implemented their own style of management engine into their processors since ~2012.

AMD is still the lesser of the two x86 evils, for not being a straight–up Jewish company. They have less security vulnerabilities in their chips as well. It's hard to completely abandon x86 computers unless you use a new mac or tablet/phone only, so if you have to choose, don't give any money to Intelaviv or uptime to their CPUs.

I really should make a whole thread on this topic.
nebu said:

some way to encourage members on their posts without commenting, i get tired of commenting on things with no useful relevance, but i want to show support

something like reactions could be implemented

I do support this idea. Maybe in some sense it would make the forum into a social media that some people would not like, but I still think it is a great idea. Or at least on some forums/threads like in this one. People would like the best ideas, and it is a great response to the JoS what people want. Instead of me making this comment and make more job to the JGs, I could just like your post.
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Is AMD better? Or does it have the same jew shit like the intel management engine with fully functional secret OS shit?
AMD chips were marginally more trustworthy until they implemented their own style of management engine into their processors since ~2012.

AMD is still the lesser of the two x86 evils, for not being a straight–up Jewish company. They have less security vulnerabilities in their chips as well. It's hard to completely abandon x86 computers unless you use a new mac or tablet/phone only, so if you have to choose, don't give any money to Intelaviv or uptime to their CPUs.

I really should make a whole thread on this topic.

What about Nvidia? And you're talking about Macs, so is Apple secure?
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Is AMD better? Or does it have the same jew shit like the intel management engine with fully functional secret OS shit?
AMD chips were marginally more trustworthy until they implemented their own style of management engine into their processors since ~2012.

AMD is still the lesser of the two x86 evils, for not being a straight–up Jewish company. They have less security vulnerabilities in their chips as well. It's hard to completely abandon x86 computers unless you use a new mac or tablet/phone only, so if you have to choose, don't give any money to Intelaviv or uptime to their CPUs.

I really should make a whole thread on this topic.

Bro I read about System 76! Apparently they remove the Intel Management Engine and they also run Linux! Too bad they don't ship to India. But maybe third party can. Although I keep hearing about graphics card driver issues on linux for gaming so I don't know if I should go for linux.
The Phantom Stranger said:
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Is AMD better? Or does it have the same jew shit like the intel management engine with fully functional secret OS shit?
AMD chips were marginally more trustworthy until they implemented their own style of management engine into their processors since ~2012.

AMD is still the lesser of the two x86 evils, for not being a straight–up Jewish company. They have less security vulnerabilities in their chips as well. It's hard to completely abandon x86 computers unless you use a new mac or tablet/phone only, so if you have to choose, don't give any money to Intelaviv or uptime to their CPUs.

I really should make a whole thread on this topic.

Bro I read about System 76! Apparently they remove the Intel Management Engine and they also run Linux! Too bad they don't ship to India. But maybe third party can. Although I keep hearing about graphics card driver issues on linux for gaming so I don't know if I should go for linux.

Well if you a hard gamer that always plays on different games, you should not. I was a kind of gamer until not every game got boring. I'm on Linux now because there was nothing to loose when it comes to games. I have Nvidia haven't got any problem with the driver, some games runs even better like minecraft. You have to get used to it, some things are over complicated, but it worth it for me.

There is a website where you can check if a game available on Linux

Tho not much game have been made for Linux there is a webpage I believe where you can check if a game is available on Linux.
AFODO said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:
AMD chips were marginally more trustworthy until they implemented their own style of management engine into their processors since ~2012.

AMD is still the lesser of the two x86 evils, for not being a straight–up Jewish company. They have less security vulnerabilities in their chips as well. It's hard to completely abandon x86 computers unless you use a new mac or tablet/phone only, so if you have to choose, don't give any money to Intelaviv or uptime to their CPUs.

I really should make a whole thread on this topic.

Bro I read about System 76! Apparently they remove the Intel Management Engine and they also run Linux! Too bad they don't ship to India. But maybe third party can. Although I keep hearing about graphics card driver issues on linux for gaming so I don't know if I should go for linux.

Well if you a hard gamer that always plays on different games, you should not. I was a kind of gamer until not every game got boring. I'm on Linux now because there was nothing to loose when it comes to games. I have Nvidia haven't got any problem with the driver, some games runs even better like minecraft. You have to get used to it, some things are over complicated, but it worth it for me.

There is a website where you can check if a game available on Linux

Tho not much game have been made for Linux there is a webpage I believe where you can check if a game is available on Linux.

Yea I think, what Valve is doing with proton mature is amazing. I will get Windows for now, I heard it might be moving to the cloud, I'll just let what Valve is doing with the steamdeck mature for now, and jump ship later if necessary.
Does the JoS plans to spend money on internet marketing? It would be nice to make a JoS comercial! I know Jewtube might delete it, but I think it might worth it. Some people here already doing 3d modeling, I'm learning it also, but I'm very beginner. Whatsoever with 3d modeling we can do anything, any animation, realistic, non realistic, any kind of short movie/animation.
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Is AMD better? Or does it have the same jew shit like the intel management engine with fully functional secret OS shit?
AMD chips were marginally more trustworthy until they implemented their own style of management engine into their processors since ~2012.

AMD is still the lesser of the two x86 evils, for not being a straight–up Jewish company. They have less security vulnerabilities in their chips as well. It's hard to completely abandon x86 computers unless you use a new mac or tablet/phone only, so if you have to choose, don't give any money to Intelaviv or uptime to their CPUs.

I really should make a whole thread on this topic.

Bro with so many smart people here you think, maybe, Anonymous members could be part of JoS? Its entirely possible right? I feel like they might be.
AFODO said:
Well if you a hard gamer that always plays on different games, you should not. I was a kind of gamer until not every game got boring. I'm on Linux now because there was nothing to loose when it comes to games. I have Nvidia haven't got any problem with the driver, some games runs even better like minecraft. You have to get used to it, some things are over complicated, but it worth it for me.

There is a website where you can check if a game available on Linux

Tho not much game have been made for Linux there is a webpage I believe where you can check if a game is available on Linux.

Bro check this 😂 https://youtu.be/AIyUWri2Jf0
Greetings HP!

I would be really happy if this would be added:

I would like an option to configure the theme of the ancient forums. I would like to change the color of everything (including texts obviously) and maybe the fonts - but this isn't a high priority. I can count something like 8 different colors here, It would be good if we would able to create our own Ancient Forums theme.

Mostly the good "systems" always lays around customization like Linux.
My eyes are also burning from this white template, even if I do blue light filter.
It would be also great if it would be engraved into the profile so if I delete cookies it doesn't go back to normal.
Greetings HP. HoodedCobra.
Is there any chance that you'll make more videos in the future? I'm enjoying your videos and documentaries. That video where people woke up to the youtube propaganda made me very proud, and happy. I'm watching the documentary of Himmler right now and it is very good, and I've watched the other documentaries too.
It's seems hard to reach a lots of people on odysee, but is there any chance that you'll continue? Maybe if you'll have less tasks to do?
To avoid having to translate the websites, you could have a trusted browser extension on the front page for people to download so it translates everything on the screen for them.

The only problem is that most extensions are from the chrome store.
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?
I apologize if I'm responding to a 2022 sermon, but I had an idea come to mind. It's really just an idea, just take it as such. The idea was this: would it be possible to catalog the various sermons that come out on the forum and that have been published over the years into certain categories?

For example: today our High Priest HoodedCobra published a very useful sermon on healing from vices, it could very well be a sermon that is part of a category that could be called "vices and addictions: how to overcome them". These categories could be like microsections within a larger macrosection (which could be called "help from Satanism" or something like that) within the SatanisGod website.

I thought this because JoS can be considered as an "inside of the universe", as if it were the explanation of how our reality works and how to make it work best. That's why I had this idea. I know it may seem like a very long job to do, so in addition to proposing this idea, if it is taken into consideration (and I repeat that mine is only a humble proposal), I propose, with respect, to try to catalog the various sermons released in the years (in a reasoned way, obviously, without doing things mechanically). I have some free time during the day that could be better spent contributing to Spiritual Satanism.

Without receiving things like "special privileges" I could simply send an email to our commander HPHC (when the job is finished) cataloging the various links to the sermons into written titles of probable names of different categories. But I repeat that it is only a very humble idea/proposal of mine. Also because this way the sermons would be easier to search and find within JoS for those who are victims of a problem or have a specific curiosity.

@Hp. Hoodedcobra666
I would like to specify for the third time that mine is a simple idea, I don't know if it deserves to be taken into consideration, but, if it does, I offer to work on it and take on this job with pleasure. :)
I apologize if I'm responding to a 2022 sermon, but I had an idea come to mind. It's really just an idea, just take it as such. The idea was this: would it be possible to catalog the various sermons that come out on the forum and that have been published over the years into certain categories?

For example: today our High Priest HoodedCobra published a very useful sermon on healing from vices, it could very well be a sermon that is part of a category that could be called "vices and addictions: how to overcome them". These categories could be like microsections within a larger macrosection (which could be called "help from Satanism" or something like that) within the SatanisGod website.

I thought this because JoS can be considered as an "inside of the universe", as if it were the explanation of how our reality works and how to make it work best. That's why I had this idea. I know it may seem like a very long job to do, so in addition to proposing this idea, if it is taken into consideration (and I repeat that mine is only a humble proposal), I propose, with respect, to try to catalog the various sermons released in the years (in a reasoned way, obviously, without doing things mechanically). I have some free time during the day that could be better spent contributing to Spiritual Satanism.

Without receiving things like "special privileges" I could simply send an email to our commander HPHC (when the job is finished) cataloging the various links to the sermons into written titles of probable names of different categories. But I repeat that it is only a very humble idea/proposal of mine. Also because this way the sermons would be easier to search and find within JoS for those who are victims of a problem or have a specific curiosity.

@Hp. Hoodedcobra666
I would like to specify for the third time that mine is a simple idea, I don't know if it deserves to be taken into consideration, but, if it does, I offer to work on it and take on this job with pleasure. :)
This is being done with Satan's Libray. I am not sure if the forums will see a similar categorization system implemented.
This is off-topic but.. we have been online for many years and I think that it would be nicer to stop being an underground community. We have the 10 years plan and the time is going fast, how are we supposed to make 1 billion people know about us and maybe trust us if we are not exposing us more. Idk maybe some of us can go to podcasts or things like that and talk about everything. Maybe we'll have a "church" too in the future, what's stopping us? The jews? We have the Gods with us.
We need to take over key positions and kick the jews out of it
How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?
Ever since i joined Satanism in May 20th
2020, Satanism has changed my life in many ways:
- Satanism has shaped my morals by identifying good from evil.
- Satanism has improved my existence by putting me in the position of viewing things in different perspectives.
- through Satanic Meditation, its has given Me insight and intuitive abilities to detect my enemies. Astarte as my guardian Demoness always save my life from evil entities, She always appears to me and gives me Signals... What a wonderful "Goddess" I love Astarte with all my heart and soul.
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?
My Regards to you HPHC, please I will like the JOS to have a Lodged where Satanists can meet and Worship Satan physically... Others Organisations are using Satan name to form fake Jewish Organisations with Lodged.
I will like A Satanic Lodged to be in every Country of the World.
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?
How have Satanism has effected me?
It's given me a positive effect as better
Self esteem show's me I can be free from guilt and find happiness in the and free from thinking about that I'm
A bad person for what life has to give
And believe Satan can teach me to
Use what can to have my lust's, desire
Meet and I love Satan's presence in
My life gives someone to believe in
And his peacefulness and wisdom
I talk to Satan every morning when waking and thanks for a beautiful
And I think everyone in xtain will leave
After the see the lies of the foul jehova
That he ain't real and when they find
Satan is the true God and creator

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
