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The World Is Going To Change - Why The Rush?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There have been related topics before in regards to this and a Satanic viewpoint on this. As the situation has it, the United States is now boiling in enmity, unrest, and all people perceive severe violations of basically just about every freedom. Much of this is going to continue, and everyone has to be ready for it, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. There is going to be turmoil.

As to not repeat things already stated [one can read them in the board], one has to remember that HPS Maxine has stated something about Trump. His Saturn was conjunct the Ruler of the United States chart. This can be highly destructive for a Nation in this case. Trump would either be a detriment to the US, or he would even out serious, longterm lingering issues that plagued the country. As we can see his Presidency was a mix of both.

He left important topics unaddressed. Fateful irony has it, that in his last days in office, the same Freedom of Speech things he neglected, basically came to eat him alive, to the point he also got censored by Facebook. Without action on specific topics, one cannot expect to have a positive outcome.

In the past I have been pulling focus from these people as I want to help everyone understand, that leaders are important, for sure. But what people are willing to do is also very important. Not every leader is a leader, in the sense that, not all leaders want to innovate or do something positive for the people. Many people are placeholders. Just look into your average US Senator and you'll understand.

Under Trump's administration, not only Israel bolstered their "Peace agreements", but also, the US, baseline went to war with Iran. Trump may have stopped this, but the intention is clearly here. Also, in the end of the day, one must look at one has actually done about things in politics. On the other hand, the most major purge online happened under Trump, unprecedented than any other year - and at the same time, the maximum exposure of the Globalist, Jewish and related agenda. He fast sped jewish ass kissing in his last year at office, but failed to gain any form of favor.

Now the US is going to enter into a cycle of new restrictions, same as the World. It appears much of this is "necessary", because people aren't going to protect any freedom otherwise. Everyone will be told it's because of the Pandemic and so on, but we know what all of this is about.

Many are fast asleep and they have no idea or will to do anything. But these are only a minority on the time being. The enemy is so aware of people worldwide waking up, to where they hope that they control this situation without destruction falling on themselves.

The Hebrew Media whines that a few potential violent people entered the Capitol. Meanwhile, they have been fostering the fires of civil and race war in the United States for decades. Who was exactly that caused all the George Floyd riots and made this meme that set towns ablaze?

But yes, it was "Trump" who instigated and created violence because three random people dressed in fur made it into the Capitol. They are becoming so braindead obvious, and actually, this is the only good thing that came out of Trump: the system of the jewtrix was exposed to be controlled by them from the foundations.

Nothing is anymore a "Conspiracy theory" that involves them, or their "Globalist" agenda. People are living this now. Only if people have listened earlier, we may not have been here. The jewtrix is pushing on our world to try to consume it.

Needless to say, anyone who has a little memory and intelligence, can understand we are being shilled. Only total NPC people are the ones who believe in all this whole dialectic of the enemy without questioning. These people are certainly mentally damned.

Biden is coming in office not only on a divided country, but one that has an excessive amount of inflation. Behind all this Pandemic thing, there is a financial breakdown that is slowly being fostered. It appears this is going to continue with the printing money, job losses, and generally Uranus in Taurus will be rather merciless. While the US is not in lock-down, Europe is in Lock-down. Governments are printing as if there is no tomorrow to try to to pay people their rightful due.

Mental illnesses, drug use, domestic violence, hate and many other things are brewing in people who are locked down, and understand they are no longer free. With all that the enemy is doing, we will only continue to have social implosion. The enemy breeds these kinds of haters that one can never escape from.

They may not meet them outside with a plank of wood or stones, but they will want to destroy their system in a methodical manner. While these were only a minority in the past, now it's in the billions worldwide. The enemy is overconfident they can contain this wave that is coming at them, as they were with Hitler in 1923.

Their matrix is now dying. It happens slowly and will manifest slowly. People are being affected by all of this and rather deeply. Not all people - many people will remain cattle and NPCs. But in others, there are serious flames of change brewing inside them. There will be radicalism in the future, because this is being created today.

System reformation happens by many people, not just leaders. Leaders have their role in this. But leaders build on what is already present to lead. We could have all the political leaders who told people their rights, freedoms and so on, are being violated to no return.

But if you have sleeping NPC's beneath them, they can never manifest a vision because nobody is as aware as to partake in this vision. The only way to wake up people in such limbo, is terrifying events such as the ones that are happening now, and possibly even worse. People thought that they are free, but now they will be confronted with the reality of their own slavery.

Do not be disappointed about Trump or Biden. In fact, I personally welcome this chaos, dread and destruction that is coming. No captain likes storms. But many people in this world have been sleeping to the point this is more dangerous than the storm itself.

If "order" exists, how many people have been shocked out of their boots at what they have seen, and how many millions are questioning their reality now? Half of the United States or so? This shaking is far from a basic reaction, it's a whole rewiring of one's understanding about existence.

How loyal are there going to be people that have been exposed to electoral fraud? How happy people are going to be when Biden will attempt impositions that will radically transform the United States and remove freedoms that had lasted centuries?

Do they think they'll chase people around with a syringe every 2 months over frivolous claims, to "treat them", and that because they control the "Media" [which nobody believes in anymore], they are going to win? And that nobody will have a single question?

Lastly, in every historical interval, there are players who want to stop the emergence of something new. In this case, for example, Jews want to stop the Age of Aquarius or extremely pervert it. The enemy is clearly in a rush to instate a system of control that goes very deep - including health and population control, ID profiling on a whole new level, brainwashing technologies, a death rattle to sharing of information and free speech, financial profiling beyond imagination.

What they are doing in 2-3 years is things they didn't even want to entertain to do in the last 20 and 30. Clearly, they are rushing. Rushing creates these types of mistakes that will ruin them. But on the other hand, do they have the time to be slow and patient? It appears not.

They seem to be in a rush...Why the rush? Is something coming for them? They know very well it is.

Is something coming for them socially, spiritually, or...will we be having any visitors that disagree with what the enemy is trying to do? Is Humanity poised to take a bigger fight than anyone expects or even imagines would be possible? Were this not likely, would they rush?

In the height of darkness everyone should be rather optimistic. Were it not of major progress and breakthroughs that will follow, the enemy would never behave in the way that they do. The point of the decline of the enemy's power in the Middle Ages was the point of their climax - filled with murder, censorship, disappearance, manipulation, and mind control. This created the reaction of the level they could never contain afterwards, and crushed them for centuries to come.

When the darkness is at such rush to consume a light, it means that the light is actually there. And when it's covered from all sides, it will flicker and expand in order to fight and live.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It is even good that fuckbook censor Trump, now his supporters finaly leave here and alt social media is growing fast at moment, alt social media is place where people can get final redpill on jews.
At the beginning of all this, I pledged to myself that I would see the day the Swastika is flown again one way or another. No matter what happens we will preserve and win in the end.

Sieg Heil !!!
We need to hurry. I want to see the San Francisco 49ers beat the Beijing chicoms. ( Sports, not war ). I am only implying that , now that Biden seems to have the U.S. presidency, there is talk of him handing America over to China. Which means countries that the U.S. protects would fall as well.
It might be happening in a hurry now. So,, to stay on topic, most of us do not want things to rush ahead,, in that direction.
This is exactly what I thought, people are not going to react if nothing happens...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What they are doing in 2-3 years is things they didn't even want to entertain to do in the last 20 and 30. Clearly, they are rushing. Rushing creates these types of mistakes that will ruin them. But on the other hand, do they have the time to be slow and patient? It appears not.
Yeah, I just said in another thread that near-NPCs and others are realising that things are not as they thought they were. I didn't say that the jew is rushing now, though, but I did say that usually it takes 10-15 years to pretend to make a vaccine properly whereas this one took merely 9 months. At this point, I could not believe if there were still sheeple who were still asleep and blind to this. I do expect, in true reality, that even a lot of christians all over the World have realised things - attributing it incorrectly to Satan, of course, but still recognising things.

They seem to be in a rush...Why the rush? Is something coming for them? They know very well it is.
If only the jew knew how to adapt! One of us. One of us. What did the Star Trek Borg say? You will adapt to service us [emphasis mine]. Despite the jew being clever, the jew is clueless.

Is something coming for them socially, spiritually, or...will we be having any visitors that disagree with what the enemy is trying to do? Is Humanity poised to take a bigger fight than anyone expects or even imagines would be possible? Were this not likely, would they rush?
Where are/were we - in the last 150 or 250 years of the jew's 6000-year-long plan? It is trying to fit all of that into about 20 years now. l00l. I mock and laugh derisively at the jew shitting its faecal-stained gold-leaf undies.

In the height of darkness everyone should be rather optimistic. Were it not of major progress and breakthroughs that will follow, the enemy would never behave in the way that they do. The point of the decline of the enemy's power in the Middle Ages was the point of their climax - filled with murder, censorship, disappearance, manipulation, and mind control. This created the reaction of the level they could never contain afterwards, and crushed them for centuries to come.

When the darkness is at such rush to consume a light, it means that the light is actually there. And when it's covered from all sides, it will flicker and expand in order to fight and live.
I am going to quote something that I learnt when I was a christian. It makes sense here and now, both for us and for any Human (as opposed to sheep) who must remain positive - all of the darkness in a room cannot put-out the light of a single flame. Of course, that is the christian reckoning they are jewsus's light to not be hidden under a bushel, but while we might be learning to advance and become brighter - literally, because the Soul is made-up of light - we are still able to light up some parts of the darkness; our positive and bright outlook is imperative in the darkness which the jew is trying to create. In one sense, after one has opened their eyes first thing in the morning, it takes a while to focus - after the jew's matrix and negative, dirty energy grid is gone completely, Humanity will need to focus our sight - and Spiritual sight - for a little while. It might seem dark and blurry with the rushing-in of new, clean light, but it's not really; we just need to focus and sharpen the images. For those christians who hold steadfast to jewsus, they are not (or should not be) permitted to use - in fact, they are (or should be) forbidden from using - Technology, because that requires using one's Brain, not just faithing that goddidit.
With such a high rise of censorship, there will always be those who will question the system. Radicalism is indeed needed. Time to wake up the masses from there sleep. I looked forward to this end of Jewish bullshit. Time to usher in our Father Satan's age of Aquarius. Stay safe HP.
The big thing that matters right now was that from 2020 to right now the curtain has been pulled back. Everyone sees who the enemy is and what their goals are now. All of the needless lockdowns and this recent election are just the beginning of the enemy being further exposed. Keep up the internet warfare. If you are watching a video or reading an article about NS germany make sure to leave a comment in support of them or leave a like on existing ones, if you see a video or article talking about the NWO or anything similar make sure to tell them (((WHO))) is behind it, most people in conspiracy circles know by now which is great but keep at it. They don't have much time left. Try to target conservatives and trumpers with this info, In the next 4 years a lot of them will come to our side.
Well you pretty much just said everything I personally already know and feel about what’s going on currently. You have that ability of putting it all together better than me. But yeah my views and understanding is the same. They don’t have a choice anymore, they have to keep going cause if they don’t they lose by default but since they are continuing they only expose themselves more and more. They have no choice but to flex hard which at the same time is fucking them over. And just like you said there are those that will stay asleep but others who are getting fired up for positive change. I personally just need some popcorn to watch the worse movie ever put together by Jews titled “The Most Obvious Attempt At Trying To Rule The World”.

They don’t even try anymore to go unnoticed it’s so pathetic lol. Now when it comes to the Fed they are printing all this money to build the crypto economy cause it has to go somewhere. I mean how does the Fed goes from a 9 billion dollar balance sheet in 2012 to 7 trillion dollars in 2020 alone? It don’t make sense, but every Tuesday they cut a check for 500 billion to keep pumping and dumping the stock market and the crypto market for their “4th Industrial Revolution” Haa! Good luck chuck is all I have to say about that cause they are never gonna find all the loopholes in their new system. Let’s see how far they get with Mark Fuckernerd with his Diem formerly known as libra coin sitting in the back waiting to emerge. Which will allow him to create social credit in the US. Also now Elon Musk is “the richest man in the world” Ha! give me a break just another front cause they need his neuro link and star link (sky net) for it’s 5G, they ain’t fooling nobody that’s paying attention like myself. I hope everyone here is paying attention.
Thank you High Priest, it's a good post. I was feeling a bit anxious yesterday brooding over the events, and I don't know how many times I checked on here throughout the day hoping there would be a post talking about all of it. I feel better now.
I suppose we all knew this was coming, so I admit I need to practice being more calm when things get hot especially when forewarned. And especially especially since the worst is yet to come. I definitely wouldn't make it as a soldier the way I am now. I've got a ways to go.
I had a nice piece of insight last night. Pretty much everything they have built for themselves is a result of their psychic power and programs. Once we are done deleting all of that at the source, the advantage it going to flip to us. As the enemy themselves have shown for thousands of years now, having the witchcraft advantage literally makes all the difference. With that advantage, we will be able to completely cut off everything the enemy tries to do regardless of how much material control they have. And of course, to end their material control entirely. In the meantime, we should be determined to not just survive, but to thrive as well.
It's a shame Trump didn't win, he is no Hitler but did instated a Hitlerian policy: Economic Nationalism. My best guess is Biden is here to squash the so-called "Rebellion". HOW DARE GOYIM LEAVE (((OUR))) influence.

I'd say good of Biden winning with sleepy, creepy, granpa joey around who knows how much fuckery he'll do. Even Harris's activation of Amendment 25 to kick joey out and put herself as the leader is also welcoming as well.

Like one member said several months back in 2020 something along the lines[paraphrasing in my own way] "FINALLY the JNWO awakens and flexes it's muscles".

People in the know probably have had their moments of "Are conspiracies real?". Well now we got'em and more and more becoming (Conspiracy Facts) even anti-semitism is exploding in certain areas.

I hate Biden/Harris don't get me wrong. But the communization of America and this polarization is welcoming. Tim Pool has been stating for several months worth of videos as to the "Civil War". Not a South vs North scenario but 5th generational warfare i.e. information war maybe even a few gang like shoot outs.

Anti-Fa coming in International Anti-Fa, BLM, etc.etc. is welcoming. It's like a domino effect and they are helping us identify them.

As strange as this sound not all Americans are patriots nor in other countries. Some people just "want to watch the World burn". Some people are garbage humans who want to crush the only thing keeping them alive. Hey schmuck useful idiot, have you ever thought maybe some of your people are wanting to put a bullet in you after you've done your service in communizing America.

What did the Commies do back in the 20s and 30s they just purged themselves of the already revolutionary combative aspect and off went their existence.

Like the old memetic saying: "With jews you lose".

Only time will tell how much fuck up Biden will do. And everyone should be glad. As much as I hate to see our military or our people get fucked up by retarded cucks.

SNTHTF: Shit NEEDS to hit the fan.

I think some of our people, fellow JoSer members have been having a blast these past nearly a year since CoViD-19 outbreak. Just blasting rituals and performing Spiritual Warfare.

It sucks royally that people are being fucked over with lockdowns and business destruction. But we need it as sad as it sounds.
A Jew, like any other parasite, is an excellent strategist, so a Jew cannot fail to realize all the risks of this obvious haste. This is a clear sign that something in their system is rapidly collapsing. the collapse of the Jew is near.
luis said:
This is exactly what I thought, people are not going to react if nothing happens...

This is true but without our war I don't think people would have been able to really oppose the jews, simply because they were unaware and defenceless.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
The big thing that matters right now was that from 2020 to right now the curtain has been pulled back. Everyone sees who the enemy is and what their goals are now. All of the needless lockdowns and this recent election are just the beginning of the enemy being further exposed. Keep up the internet warfare. If you are watching a video or reading an article about NS germany make sure to leave a comment in support of them or leave a like on existing ones, if you see a video or article talking about the NWO or anything similar make sure to tell them (((WHO))) is behind it, most people in conspiracy circles know by now which is great but keep at it. They don't have much time left. Try to target conservatives and trumpers with this info, In the next 4 years a lot of them will come to our side.

Bitchute is so full of comments about (((them))) right now
The Alchemist7 said:
According to the Sympsons, on 20th January (and onwards probably) there will be chaos and anarchy in US. What happened on 6th is just the beginning.

The other guy who dressed like a Tauren or something, was actually a paid actor, and did this also in relation to the "Simpsons" as part of predictive enemy programing.

There's a reason we have been doing the utmost with the latest Rituals. The Gods will protect everyone also.

The enemy wants major chaos, unrest, civil war and so on. As they push their agenda, these things may occur so that people are saved out of their fangs. The situation is to where, if this escalates, there will be no going back either. Resolution will be very difficult.

As the situation escalates, I don't see this settling without some form of chaos. The enemy is decidedly going for purges on all levels of life, and they will not stop this. This causes a major reaction and will continue to do so.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Alchemist7 said:
According to the Sympsons, on 20th January (and onwards probably) there will be chaos and anarchy in US. What happened on 6th is just the beginning.

The other guy who dressed like a Tauren or something, was actually a paid actor, and did this also in relation to the "Simpsons" as part of predictive enemy programing.

There's a reason we have been doing the utmost with the latest Rituals. The Gods will protect everyone also.

The enemy wants major chaos, unrest, civil war and so on. As they push their agenda, these things may occur so that people are saved out of their fangs. The situation is to where, if this escalates, there will be no going back either. Resolution will be very difficult.

As the situation escalates, I don't see this settling without some form of chaos. The enemy is decidedly going for purges on all levels of life, and they will not stop this. This causes a major reaction and will continue to do so.
Do you think the guy with the Horns was a symbol against Satan? Like a subliminal or something.
What if Biden dies?

luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Alchemist7 said:
According to the Sympsons, on 20th January (and onwards probably) there will be chaos and anarchy in US. What happened on 6th is just the beginning.

The other guy who dressed like a Tauren or something, was actually a paid actor, and did this also in relation to the "Simpsons" as part of predictive enemy programing.

There's a reason we have been doing the utmost with the latest Rituals. The Gods will protect everyone also.

The enemy wants major chaos, unrest, civil war and so on. As they push their agenda, these things may occur so that people are saved out of their fangs. The situation is to where, if this escalates, there will be no going back either. Resolution will be very difficult.

As the situation escalates, I don't see this settling without some form of chaos. The enemy is decidedly going for purges on all levels of life, and they will not stop this. This causes a major reaction and will continue to do so.
Do you think the guy with the Horns was a symbol against Satan? Like a subliminal or something.
Looks like a Viking. Vikings are extremely loved and many people will see in that person someone that fights against the corrupt system. I see this as a relative win.
TopoftheAbyss said:
What if Biden dies?

luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The other guy who dressed like a Tauren or something, was actually a paid actor, and did this also in relation to the "Simpsons" as part of predictive enemy programing.

There's a reason we have been doing the utmost with the latest Rituals. The Gods will protect everyone also.

The enemy wants major chaos, unrest, civil war and so on. As they push their agenda, these things may occur so that people are saved out of their fangs. The situation is to where, if this escalates, there will be no going back either. Resolution will be very difficult.

As the situation escalates, I don't see this settling without some form of chaos. The enemy is decidedly going for purges on all levels of life, and they will not stop this. This causes a major reaction and will continue to do so.
Do you think the guy with the Horns was a symbol against Satan? Like a subliminal or something.
Looks like a Viking. Vikings are extremely loved and many people will see in that person someone that fights against the corrupt system. I see this as a relative win.

Except he was a paid actor, a blm member, and a tool for predictive programming based on the simpsons.
TopoftheAbyss said:
What if Biden dies?

luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The other guy who dressed like a Tauren or something, was actually a paid actor, and did this also in relation to the "Simpsons" as part of predictive enemy programing.

There's a reason we have been doing the utmost with the latest Rituals. The Gods will protect everyone also.

The enemy wants major chaos, unrest, civil war and so on. As they push their agenda, these things may occur so that people are saved out of their fangs. The situation is to where, if this escalates, there will be no going back either. Resolution will be very difficult.

As the situation escalates, I don't see this settling without some form of chaos. The enemy is decidedly going for purges on all levels of life, and they will not stop this. This causes a major reaction and will continue to do so.
Do you think the guy with the Horns was a symbol against Satan? Like a subliminal or something.
Looks like a Viking. Vikings are extremely loved and many people will see in that person someone that fights against the corrupt system. I see this as a relative win.
Yeah but like they used it against Satan because of the horns. "Look at this crazy Satanist/Viking" type of thing. But I think It may have been a subliminal thing.
luis said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
What if Biden dies?

luis said:
Do you think the guy with the Horns was a symbol against Satan? Like a subliminal or something.
Looks like a Viking. Vikings are extremely loved and many people will see in that person someone that fights against the corrupt system. I see this as a relative win.
Yeah but like they used it against Satan because of the horns. "Look at this crazy Satanist/Viking" type of thing. But I think It may have been a subliminal thing.
The thing is that the guy opposed something far worse than him and it was funny, many people had a good laugh at him. Too bad he's a qtard and probably part of antifa.
Thank you for the post HP.
I am a little bit suprised you know, cos we all know if Biden goes to white house we have finished.
Lets say like the media say, the deep state /the top jews/ will destroy the hole world and introduce Global Kommunism.
This was and still this is the plan and the things getting worse and worse. We want it?? Of course NOT.

Most af the people knows that fema camps are real, they preprared this for ages and they will use and put people there for 100% and those people will be the patriots and those people who supported Trump so a very big percentige they will be all whites. Just want to mention something - the last few years 30 000 guillotines were trasported from France to the USA, yes is not a mistake 30 000 guillotines, I have the link but somehow I cant provide it here. Who knows what else they are alredy prepared for USA patriotic citizens and all the patriots of other nations on planet earth, the things in USA is not a joke is fucking serious now. I dont think that we have another chance if sleepy joe enter a white house, the humanity and freedom will finish that day for sure.

Trump maybe is not the best but as I see and others also see, we have no other choice.
Look how desperately the democrats wants to remove and destroy him and he still there and fight againts them.
Look how the deep state came out from the darkness, how many new informations with names came out about the pedophile democrats and how many still to come.

All the closes people of Trump says that he remain the president of the USA. More than 70-75million people support Trump and his administration, I just can not believe that they are telling lies and that I completely dont believe that Trump wants civil war, that is just impossible.

If biden goes to white house, what assure us, that they will leave us in peace and we can read and post topics, read our main site?? 1000% NO!!! Facebook, twitter permanently ban the president account and all of the peoples account who are close to the president, can you imagine that, a social media silenced the president of the USA, in third world country not happening this, but they made it with a number one world power. THIS IS SCARY, dont you think?? Parler also shut down, they trying to shut everything where the normal people can post their thoughts, a full communinst censorship combined with dark ages inquisition.

I am positive about Trump victory like many others are, hope dies last. If I will see Trump leaving the white house I will accept it and prepare for the worst because if that happen is over. After 8-10 years there will be nothing to save on planet earth and maybe with these numbers I was very polite. The communist jews wants our blood and not like in soviet gulags but 100x worse, a complete white genocide with no survivors. Muslims are already in europe, waiting to start and also in USA the blm and antifa are prepared to accomplish the bloodthirsty reptilian order - wipe out the white race COMPLETELY.

On the end I have a question:

The situation is absolutely scary and VERY bad. Our father Satan, the Gods and the Denons see and know that.
They see humanity is in a great danger, in a more dangerous situation when we were in Hitlers time.

Are they, will they help us to prevent democrat victory?? /Biden goes to WH/

How we will fight back, how we defeat the jewish monster untill our Gods coming back in 20years if we all will be hunted down in 5 years??

Many in here say Biden will continue the presidency /what surprised me a lot, know the facts about democrat-communist plans/, but what will be if Trump will make it and stay as the president of the USA??

DragonFire11 said:
Thank you for the post HP.
I am a little bit suprised you know, cos we all know if Biden goes to white house we have finished.
Lets say like the media say, the deep state /the top jews/ will destroy the hole world and introduce Global Kommunism.
This was and still this is the plan and the things getting worse and worse. We want it?? Of course NOT.

I don't think the universe will end if Biden goes in office as all Trump supporters and Jewsus freaks say. For them, every year the world is going to end.

No, the world is not going to end. All that is going on, is things that were already happening. They may accelerate with Biden, but that was going to happen anyway.

There will be times of instability and the enemy will keep moving, but the world is not going to drop apart. Trump wasn't going to stop this, nor he wanted or could've. Trump did not provide extra stability or a serious halting of injustices.

So my best advice, stop being a Trump or a Biden groupie and just see how the world works.

Personally, I was more concerned when I saw Trump doing nothing, than when Biden may come up and do whatever everyone already expects with China etc. At least, in this case, we know what is going to come.

With Trump, people were deceived and trying to pretend 4D and 5D chess and all that shit. So they were complacent. And now the same people who were complacent and thinking this was going to "save" anyone out of anything, are disappointed when nothing happened.

Personally I did not have such expectations. Trump could retain office tomorrow such as the Trump followers say and I wouldn't even care, because I know, fundamentally, he is not going to solve the larger problems. And probably he couldn't even if he wanted to.

Trump had a lot of time to act to actually become the better choice. But he didn't do much. The more we move down this avenue, he is becoming equal to Biden. If you don't stop destruction that means you aren't solving it.

His inaction by itself backfired so much, that the only way forward is "worse" in general. And I have been mentally preparing for the things already shared for years.

The situation is tragic in the first place that we have to choose between these two. But the great news is people are reacting massively and the enemy is exposed to a maximum. But these positive things affect the people, not Trump or Biden.

It is out of people and initiative of people that I expect changes, not out of these political actors. At least for the foreseeable future.
We are already past the turning point. This egregious example of voter fraud and tampering has screwed us out of a fair and free election. After all, if it was truly fair and free, why do they need to point it out every 5 seconds? If protests and riots were truly the language of the unheard, Washington certainly heard the patriots of this country loud and clear but have the gall to call it an "insurrection". They trashed the place, yes, but they didn't fill the chamber, declare a new government, call the news, and issue "arrest warrants" for Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, etc. THAT would be an insurrection. Oh, but it's perfectly okay to burn down small businesses over "racism" completely ignoring that many of those business owners were black. It's perfectly okay to create small "autonomous zones" and declare secession but only if you're a bleeding heart liberal. It's perfectly okay to shout "defund the police" then ask where the hell they were when a bunch of Trump supporters stormed the capitol? If I had a profession in law enforcement, I'd be telling those same libtards to go fuck themselves, they took away my department's funding, why should I protect them? I'd tell them to hire some mercenaries, but they've started doing that a long time ago.

Good luck for the Republicans in the US, because you'll never win an election again for the rest of this country's existence, all because you were too cowardly to put up a real fight and just resort to bitching and bitching and bitching with the slight chance that maybe you'll get what you want. After all, it worked for the liberals didn't it? We look a lot like Pakistan in 1996, if the libs' party had an Islamic overtone to it. Actually, scratch that, we're more like Belarus. No press freedom for independent journalists, and no free speech for the citizens. Soon you'll never be able to defend yourself at all whether you can legally buy a gun or not, because defending yourself with another deadly weapon doesn't hold up in court.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not be disappointed about Trump or Biden. In fact, I personally welcome this chaos, dread and destruction that is coming. No captain likes storms. But many people in this world have been sleeping to the point this is more dangerous than the storm itself.

Good luck during the conflict to come, Cobra. Gods know I won't last long, but I'd rather die fighting than live cowardly.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

People are panicking all over the forums as if Biden is the first jew to rule the US, or as if no jew was controlling the country under the useless Drumpf...

SS need to stop falling for simple enemy tactics and stop tuning in to the energy of the borg. Remember, thoughts are energy. Keeping a positive and a realistic mentality is vital and a basic part of magick...
Kurat said:
It is even good that fuckbook censor Trump, now his supporters finaly leave here and alt social media is growing fast at moment, alt social media is place where people can get final redpill on jews.

Ayy Lmao!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When the darkness is at such rush to consume a light, it means that the light is actually there. And when it's covered from all sides, it will flicker and expand in order to fight and live.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Until people have a gun pointed at them, they won't move. The same all over the world. It is only when we have reached the bottom of the abyss that the camps will be perfectly visible and unambiguous. Pro-N.W.O. vs Free Mens.
ShadowTheRaven said:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not be disappointed about Trump or Biden. In fact, I personally welcome this chaos, dread and destruction that is coming. No captain likes storms. But many people in this world have been sleeping to the point this is more dangerous than the storm itself.

Good luck during the conflict to come, Cobra. Gods know I won't last long, but I'd rather die fighting than live cowardly.

Despite the problems that will come, the enemy has paved their way to their own destruction. I mean, all that we said was the case for years, now is shoved in people's faces. No more it is a "Conspiracy".

People will be forced to react. A clash will come, and then after we win, healing will come.

The situation in the United States is rather bad. But this time around, compared to all the previous shilling, we actually have people who know of things and are waking up massively. This is fundamentally the different factor than before.

The enemy was able to lie before, but now, nobody buys their kosher lies, so people are clashing with them, and they have turned against the people.

The chaos aside, I am more optimistic for the long term. Medium term and short term, things will get difficult, but we were all informed and we knew this, so nothing has been coming as as surprise for us.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Despite the problems that will come, the enemy has paved their way to their own destruction. I mean, all that we said was the case for years, now is shoved in people's faces. No more it is a "Conspiracy".

People will be forced to react. A clash will come, and then after we win, healing will come.

The situation in the United States is rather bad. But this time around, compared to all the previous shilling, we actually have people who know of things and are waking up massively. This is fundamentally the different factor than before.

The enemy was able to lie before, but now, nobody buys their kosher lies, so people are clashing with them, and they have turned against the people.

The chaos aside, I am more optimistic for the long term. Medium term and short term, things will get difficult, but we were all informed and we knew this, so nothing has been coming as as surprise for us.

That's true, but I'm wondering if I'm going to receive a .223 round to the face at high velocity because of my voting record.
Kurat said:
Kurat said:
It is even good that fuckbook censor Trump, now his supporters finaly leave here and alt social media is growing fast at moment, alt social media is place where people can get final redpill on jews.

Ayy Lmao!


If you're short seller like me right now in the stock market it feels fcking glorious dude. Getting profits based on how much kike company burns down makes me feel like some sort of viking pillager ransacking local christard church LOL! :lol: :lol: :lol:

*rubs hands*
I read frequently that most people will join the cause but it will be too late for them. Lately I'm getting worried about that, for people that are close to me but also for myself. I dedicated a few years ago, and my path in this goes really slowly, what happens to me or every other SS in the same situation if I'm not able or they're not able to make good progress?

I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who struggles with even the most basic skills, how am I even supposed to try to communicate with the Gods for guidance?

Yes I know I could be considered a pessimistic whiner or something like that.
The point is everyone people need to calm down. Everything will be fine for most of us provided we are at least prepared. The point is this stuff isn't going to go through all the way. It's not that there won't be hardships but no one is going to end up dead cause of their voting record or taken off to any gulag or anything. It won't be allowed to get that far. Also there are people that are SS from actual communist nations still alive still on here. We will be fine no matter what.

So try to smile :D try to take deep breaths and be calm.
ReadingRainbow said:
The rush is these gods be fucking with me, I need money, I want some weed, and they cant just fucking undo all my alchemy randomly like fucking assholes. Some of the gods deserve the worst after how they behave. Fucking no wonder we have this larp about a sand jew zombie all over the fucking place. And people who would normally be immortal cast down artificially into mortality.
Ah, a drug user. Yes, all my suspicions about you were correct.

If you need money, then work for it. Basically get a job, it's what most everyone else here does also. It can not manifest for you if you expect it to fall from the sky when you are neglecting your self.

Now why do you blame others for your own failures? You know I used to do that too so I know what I'm talking about when I say grow out of it. As for your "alchemy", heh, what alchemy. You are merely a druggie with delusions and paranoia. That too I have first hand expierence, and grew out of it so don't take it so personally when I put it bluntly.

Basically quit that shit, clean your body and mind and then you can actually begin the "alchemy".
ReadingRainbow said:
Henu the Great said:
ReadingRainbow said:

Shut up. I already performed the necessary steps and raised the serpent. The gods themselves attacked me with curses and now I am back into mortality having had all of my work undone by them and their curses. And I am working my way back up again.

You're just deluded and you are defiling yourself with what you do with drugs. You were never "immortal", and you didn't raise any "serpent". You were just high on worthless drugs and had a comedown, and it appears you also have developed a side effect which is paranoia because of that. Or worse.

Unless you stop that you appear to be on your way to going totally insane. No more posts will be admitted until you get a grip.
Coming soon with kike attempt to install world government:

People dragged to prison for speaking against Jew government

Jew will imprison even goyim kids that say something they dont like

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
