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The World Is Going To Change - Why The Rush?

ReadingRainbow said:
Henu the Great said:
ReadingRainbow said:

Shut up. I already performed the necessary steps and raised the serpent. The gods themselves attacked me with curses and now I am back into mortality having had all of my work undone by them and their curses. And I am working my way back up again.

They literally control everything. People are absolutely retarded as hell for not realizing it. Seems like pretty much everyone is in some gang/organization/fed informant role. And they all fucking dont realize its 100 percent centralized and puppet stringed by the gods.

So you're stupid as hell if you think they cant fire you from a job or do all kinds of string pulling to fuck with mortals, yet you go study telekinesis or alchemy or whatever, which while real, takes more faith than believing everything is corrupt and the gods are useless pieces of shit, and so is basically everyone around you in 99 percent of cases.

Cobra or someone even spoke about some Jewish network and the name of it, and how from the top down to the bottom it's only like 6 or 7 people/layers to transmit a command to the lowest order.


And? Even if the Gods control everything what are you gonna do to stop it? Lets assume what you state is true how do you stop something like that?

This poster [member: @ReadingRainbow] at first I thought they were a prominent poster as they had some interesting posts and I replied to.

But now your making yourself sound like JoSTestimonials on Youtube. Whom stated he was turning "blonde" and "saw things" and "was kundalini rising". And said something similar the Gods stopping or preventing or something to do with enemy Nordics.

Technically like I said IF the Gods control and do things and this is some fed-op well what are you gonna do to stop it?

It's the same thing with the enemy. They have their (((sayanim, kehilla, sanhedron, irgun, mossad, comiturn, gangstalking))) spy-terrorist network. How do you stop them you need much power and intel to take them out.

Same for us lets say your right, lets say your delusion or paranoia isn't incorrect. Well WHAT are you gonna do?

Lets say the Gods just fuck with us for shits and giggles. So what that's life, life sucks, might as well throw in a few yucks and have a larf.

Anyways the network your talking about with 6 which is actually 7 is the Kehilla organization and that was a post made my mageson. Not a fake or unrealistic post or anything crazy that was sometime around 2016 maybe 2017 during the old Pro-PhP forums.

Also the Kundalini doesn't grant immortality that is a very big lie spread by retards. The Kundalini extends life and allows the processment of the alembic alchemical processor to work at maximum capacity so your able to perform magnum opus for the main immortaliation method. But immortality isn't "WOOSH" and your done after a year. No after performing the Magnum Opus for an entire year starting on a specific date. You just laid the ground work for the first movements into life extension, age reversal, and further along immortalization.

Anyways ReadingRainbow your obviously a drug user and crazy hell you might be one of these people that believes gangstalking is real. I'm not denying gangstalking as it's used by the enemy but only like what 10, 15, maybe 20 percent is real the remaining percentage is people whom have schizophrenia or some alternative mental disorder.

Anyways ReadRainbow, we're gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. But get off drugs, get off the party party lifestyle, and start healing yourself and working towards a goal in mind.

IF your correct which I don't think so. Again like I said two or three times. How can you stop something you can't even see nor experience. IF the Gods wish to play with the mortals like some video game like Black and White series or some other God-view game. Then so be it we are puppets to the Gods it's like the video HP.Cobra has whereby the Roman leader who killed off the jews in Jerusalem during a Roman siege researched by Apolonius of Tyana(a very spiritually advanced person FYI). He said "Well I didn't do it. I just let God's will go through me and he did it through me".

Either way like it says in one of the ritual pages for the Gods "A vessel of thy will". It's kinda like Trump how Tim Pool refers to him as the imperfect avatar of the vessel of the peoples rage against the corporate crony establishment. Why do you think in this case b'nai beijing biden had to come in with the kosher squad to real in the goyim rebellion. Oy vey goyim no rebelling that is an afront to shehameforsh.

So ReadingRainbow using your information. Do you want to be a slave of christ or a slave of Satan? In other words do you want to worship in heaven or reign in hell?

Assuming your correct. I do to have my doubts I've been with this organization since 2003 since I was 12 years now 30 nothing has happened. Maybe I'm not hardcore enough or I don't meditate correctly. I'll admit I've never voided any longer than the few moments to seconds of suspended thought and never tranced. I've had moments whereby I believe I was in a trance or stuck in a trance during waking up in the middle of the night as we transition from wake to sleep. But not meditationally wise.

Your post ReadingRainbow does bring up my doubts. ANYTHING really can be construed by your message. YOU might be correct these JoS guys are nothing more than controlled opposition or federalis or whatever. But it's the only organization I know of that doesn't cuck around with judeo-bolshevism. There are members whom mean well and are probably assuming this is some fed under investigation by the judeo-bolshevik enclave.

Hell in my case it would be the same for all intents and purposes the entirety of judea(collective kike assembly i.e. everyone and everything that is kikofery). Is probably under investigations especially as I give reasonable information out of my own imagination or history or research of posts. For all intents and purposes I've had the thought is ancient man a trollmeister did they masterfully troll people into believing there is Gods and pantheons and other ancient things. Just so in the future they can laugh about it and see how stupid people are. Especially the jews they literally believed that there are Gods or that man can become a God like Nietzsche's "Man is becoming God". Funny alternative mindset it's fake but it's funny that jews literally believed the trolling of ancient man and created an entire communist slave empire just cause of made up factors.

It was real because it was in my mind.

Well anyways I'm getting silly. But the joke or the idea of the joke is there. Just someone needs to present it.

Anyways ReadingRainbow as I liked the show growing up as a kid back in the early-mid 1990s with Lavar Martin. Anyways I hope you do turn around and become a better member put down the drugs and take a few examples from Uncle Addie and the gang.

Again we'll give you the benefit of the doubt but this is a serious organization and you might get banned for being a negative troll. Even positive trolls or trolls in general probably changed their mind and decided to join us. As it has been the case with a few members.
ReadingRainbow said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ReadingRainbow said:
Shut up. I already performed the necessary steps and raised the serpent. The gods themselves attacked me with curses and now I am back into mortality having had all of my work undone by them and their curses. And I am working my way back up again.

These things were said by Magestein, not by me. Yeah, a simple Wiki would show most of the Templars were just xians for the most part. And even a drugged out person can understand this was extreme truth bending for whatever reason.

Other than that these "Networks" you describe do actually exist. These have been on the web and proven to exist for a very long time, way before these posts.

Everything aside, stop doing drugs and wasting space in important topics with rants about your drug ups and downs. And stop doing them if you want to advance as advised.

Last chance.
ReadingRainbow said:

Of course the enemy will take advantage of someone who is under the influence of drugs. Then they will make them think the attack was done by Satan. This is just textbook, so how could it be from the Gods?

What is your opinion on weed's influence? Surely it cannot be good for you. It will only wreck your reasoning ability, making you a target. That is why the Gods say to NOT use drugs.

Just take a step back and think about things.
Blitzkreig said:
ReadingRainbow said:

Of course the enemy will take advantage of someone who is under the influence of drugs. Then they will make them think the attack was done by Satan. This is just textbook, so how could it be from the Gods?

What is your opinion on weed's influence? Surely it cannot be good for you. It will only wreck your reasoning ability, making you a target. That is why the Gods say to NOT use drugs.

Just take a step back and think about things.

Yeah its the easiest thing for the enemy to do. I have seen them try to pretend they are the Gods themselves. The real Gods would tell you to throw it away and never do it again and that it disappoints Satan. I know i actually started doing it for a bit thinking i could just smoke weed sometimes and be fine. One of the Gods told me to throw it out and that i disappointed Satan and not to do it again.

Back to the point. In that point the enemy can make you think anything just about if your wasted out of your mind pretty easy. Up to mental illness and stuff this can fuck up your mind too.
ReadingRainbow said:
And I'm just singing "clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right". It's all a shitshow.

I find it hard to formulate an answer to your statements and Weltanschaang(World-View) but I'll give it my best shot.

Both factions are controlled opposition in so much they fail. It's like the meme joke Alt-left: full kike, alt-right: full kike.

Notice how in the past two or three years particularly after Trump's victory Alt: L/R disappeared or merged with the establishment. Notice how no one except a few people talk about them or more precisely reminisce about them?

They are technically still around kinda like the Tea Party which was shut down by basically Agent Provocateurs(Provocative FBI/CIA/kosher squad people). I never really bothered researching the tea party they never made any headway in a huge manner but unfortunately it became a controlled front.

It's why people like Tim Pool and Black Conservative Patriot want Trump to establish the "Patriot Party". Of course they'll run for mid-terms even if they fail in the presidential run. At least people are aware that a Third party can run. There ARE people whom do not understand America is a multi-party system. It's not two-party especially considering both are basically kissing kosher ass all the time. No matter what opposition is controlled. That isn't to state Trump = Hitler, no, NO FUCKING way he measures an iota to the Man of the Century. BUT Trumps outbursts have gotten a lot of heat on the enemy.

In my personal opinion I believe your basically stating that both sides are fucktards. And that is correct. The ORIGINAL Liberal/Left-Wing is not some kosher psyops to strangulate a nation through the jacobin/frankist/zevi/lurian/sabatean system. Apparently when the jews rediscovered what true judiasm was through the sabatean system. It just made them get into everyones business. SO much for "Love thy neighbor" or as one member put it "You don't have to LOVE thy neighbor, you just have to respect thy neighbor". Funny enough no one gave him any heat for altering a VERY xtian statement. IF anything even love cannot be forced. As one member or was it HP.Cobra who put it. The jew is a reverse bully, he grabs the Aryans hands and smacks you with them all the while crying and complaining why there is no love or demanding love or even the act of crying and being full of snotty tears makes others go "OMG I cannot believe that evil guy is anti-semitic. How evil of him." All the while the jew is hitting the Aryan with the Aryan's own fists and hands. That doesn't make any sense but like HP.Cobra's video "Our race is the master race if you dislike that, that's anti-semitism."

Look ReadingRainbow my best suggestion is to sober up, fix yourself up, and understand National Socialism. We know our system isn't gonna be around anytime soon. Albeit with Trump and other leaders pulling populism and even a Hitlerian policy of "Economic Nationalism". It's basically mondus operandus of NSDAP. That's one of the reasons why many stated Trump = Hitler. Back in Hitler's time with Economic Nationalism, he halted automation and demanded workers be instated back into the workforce. Trump can't really halt automation and digitization as the Digital Industrial Revolution. But he sure as hell can create measurements to prevent these "Great Reset/UBI(Universal Basic Income)/and other machinations of the enemy in de-nationalizing the workforce and shipping jobs oversees as well as outsourcing manufacturing facilities.

Liberal or Left-wing or leaning isn't bad neither is Right wing nor even a more appropriate as some people want a more centralist system.

I can't claim to know what National Socialism is as I studied and kept getting mixed signals which leans either way Right or Left. But I'll give it my best shot as no one has commented to my replies in a negative fashion. IF anything it's possible the factors that I'm mentioning make me A type of National Socialist but perhaps not an NSDAP. For example in 1911 Knufjen entered the presidency of Sweden and put his own spin on National Socialism. Same with other nations if you study certain websites particularly the Army of Mankind website. Many nations had people who procured National Socialism and even added a flavor a spice of their own flavor. IF anything the NSDAP system might just be specific to Germany both as German history and ORION(Our Race is Our Nation). So it's inevitable that as National Socialism was growing World-wide each sector of the World i.e. Nations would add their own flavors.

This is what I mentioned a few times over the course of the last few years.

In MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION. I believe National Socialism is a centralist system that leans on both left and right even to fringes and extreme as it's an, all-wing philosophy it deals with every aspect of society and tries to find correlating capacity of GOODNESS to help the Nation and Race. I further proclaimed that National Socialism is a Nigrido or Black spectrum political opposition. In opposition to all other rainbow or colors of political opposition. I view the Gods National Socialism as Gold spectrum. Why because they perfected it. Like George Lincoln Rockwell states in his sermon. National Socialism is the end product of evolution. At the same time communism is the end product of de-evolution or more specifically the act of de-evolving man to reach the maximum bottom of the well end product of de-evolition.

I have mentioned this centralist, black-spectrum system 2 or 3 times and no one batted an eyelash besides some troll guy who stated we are right wing.

If you study Mein Kampf the incident of Colburn shows the right-wing activating. Long story short the city was inundated with commies and they basically anti-fa'd the shit out of the city harassing people and doing bad things. Hitler comes in tries to form a rally speech gets denied. He tells them off 20 minutes later he gets the OK and moves in to make his speech. He performs his speech and funny enough the NSDAP decides to fight against the communists and they kick ass much like Proud Boys vs anti-fa and funny enough the people of Colburn rejoice at the rule of law returning. This is clearly "reactionary" movement. We see enemy thus we engage with enemy.

But at the same time there are left wing policies such as what to do about free-speech the Nordic Resistance Movement has a topic on their 9-point program demanding free speech. But there are other things perhaps it might be affixed towards Germany but I recall someone mentioning protesting, strikes, and unions are banned. Again banning unions is a good thing just make state unions and make everyone a Union member no matter how insignificant their job is. Strikes I can understand banning strikes as the factor of communist/kosher uprisings many jews/yids/commies/shabbos in WW1 created a lot of strife at work places especially factories during the first World war. So I can understand back in the 10s-20s-30s-and 40s banning strikes on top of that Hitler's NSDAP demanded the workplaces create what we call now human resources for any complaints along with judges whom council for a few weeks monthly changes to propagate worker rights and other worker complaints.

But protesting is part of Americana so it begs the question in modern times and in the history of America and a few other nations. Is the act of protesting deemed so bad by the NSDAP it should be banned or kept and ensured that it works in favor to help the nation. And on some level a demand to call of action by the people to the Government to ensure that the Government is keeping it's word. Again as an American I don't care about protest as that doesn't solve anything much if at all and really creates propaganda which could be used either way negatively or positively. Like the Capital Hill or like Occupy Wallstreet. What happened at Wallstreet. They just continued fucking around and doing their hand rubbing and business as usual with market speculation.

So in essence we COULD state NS is revolutionary for a bloodless, destruction-less Year Zero of Western culture and society. But at the same time we cannot say that we are left nor right nor anything but to state an ALL-WING system with some sort of centralist leaning towards both wings.

Why do I say this because it's like the enemy. DID Hitler allow other parties to exist besides his own? Upon becoming Chancellor he went on a campaign to crush other parties starting with the most dangerous communist, anti-fa, marxists. And even went so far as crushing the current CDU(Christian Democratic Union). Hitler basically kissed Monsignor Kaas's ass that within a short meeting had him(Kaas) eating off of Hitler's hand. Within 3 or 4 days the CDU ceased to exist.

Funny enough like Oswald Mosley's anti-pre-proto kalergi plan. The CDU of the time did engage in what we call kalergification plans on Germany especially with colonies which Hitler was dumbfounded as to why Germany wanted the colonies and not defend the homeland of Central Europe.

Anyways like I said no one has batted an eyelash. No one has stated I'm incorrect or stupid for even mentioning such things. But it's just a personal opinion and I could be wrong to a small or large degree. But again not even the High Priests have given me any lip about my statements on NSDAP.

IF anything National Socialism being a True Democratic, Constitutional, Republic system is possible that it's like the U.S. constitution it's organic and can change with the times even if people are demanding it's total dissolution.

Anyways ReadingRainbow my personal take is understand we cannot really do our own things with the enemy around. It's like the old saying no matter what every single leader or politician has to kiss kosher ass. The jews deem themselves superior and above all even above the law. You cannot deal with psychopaths in said manner. There is no amicable or peaceful resolution when the kosher species literally wants to exterminate 97% of the World's population simply for being the Ha-Satan or the Goyim or the Aryan or the Gentile. Like the meme "With jews you lose".
ReadingRainbow said:
Blitzkreig said:
ReadingRainbow said:

Of course the enemy will take advantage of someone who is under the influence of drugs. Then they will make them think the attack was done by Satan. This is just textbook, so how could it be from the Gods?

What is your opinion on weed's influence? Surely it cannot be good for you. It will only wreck your reasoning ability, making you a target. That is why the Gods say to NOT use drugs.

Just take a step back and think about things.

Nefarious gods have been stated to exist.
The only "nefarious" anything here is you, and your whole race of jews.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
