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RTR Schedule - Oct 6 to Oct 15 [Yom Kippur Counterattack] - [Schedule Finished]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists,

After all the recent attacks of the enemy, there is good and bad news.

The good news is that they are entirely exhausted and they have went through their most stressful holidays in cursing. Great for us. We are not the ones cursing the whole planet after all. They are wholly undermined now.

The bad news is that the global situation is not looking good and that we will have to focus on certain Rituals to turn this back. So we have to counteract this yet again. Yet if anyone stops this won't last, but should we continue, we will do everything as we should.

Oftentimes there are questions about them and especially on Jewish Holidays, where certain people here start talking about how poor and sorry the jews are, and how much they are not responsible for anything and so on. Jews are living self deciding beings with sentience and the power of choice.

And they have a lot more power, especially spiritually, than anyone else currently in this world except maybe us here who know about the occult.

They know exactly what they are doing, and are not in a category of just silly Gentiles who do know know what dawns for them the next day and walk around aimlessly and without culture, heritage, mission, or anything like that.

Coincidentally, these strange whiny attacks happen on literally the Holiday where Jews do Rituals to clean up their own "wrongdoings" against Gentiles, in strange ritualistic fashion. That is called Yom Kippur.

I have never really seen in this world anyone arguing about all the crimes heaped upon Gentiles, to the jews. Yet, everyone will cry at the Gentiles, who are the victims, to actually "cut it" towards the Jews.

What is even funnier, is the Gentiles, in the position of weakness and victimization, can almost do nothing at all against them, but the jews want them to stop even doing the little nothing that they do, while they want on the other hand to not be done anything against them.

The word "against" or "enemy" translated in Hebrew, is to not act as a "Ha-Satan" towards them. No opposition whatsoever.

It makes you wonder why as they stand above literally everyone else, in judicial palaces, in money, and everywhere else, they are still so obsessed with nobody even doing the most remote criticism to them, which after all is a fundamental human right.

Even more strangely, during this celebration of Yom Kippur, they do Rituals to cleanse their "vows" and try to evade justice because of what they did towards Gentiles and to affirm none of the vows or promises they made matters at all. This includes heads of state, people in Freemasonic Lodges, businessmen and so on.

As they put their hands and take a vow, they do another Ritual to "not take part in any vows", because they know the Gods observe this and this violation is highest sacrilege. This is why Kings and so on had to vow to protect the people and so on.

Because they cannot erase their "Vows", they do strange Rituals instead, the big one of this being in Yom Kippur. In a sense that is like a criminal trying to erase any records that could be found by the police.

Other Rituals also include how they transfer their "Sins" to chickens [yes, actual chickens, the animals that are eaten], and other stranger Rituals where they transfer their "Collective Sins" to Azazel.

As we can see, nor their victims in the first case are responsible, nor the chickens, and definitely not Azazel. For a race to do all these Rituals on the yearly, it should come to nobody as a question that something is wrong with them.

Why is it the case they are so nationally focused in literally doing shifting of crimes and blame towards all these other sources? After one reads about them and wakes up to them, you will know.

After Jews do Yom Kippur, they also send some servants or some spiritually unaware people in the forum to spew out propaganda about how innocent they COULD be in some fantastic scenario, but the scenario of REALITY tells us otherwise.

None of these messages were put through except of maybe a couple. It is also interesting to see how people grow that sentimental during the Yom Kippur.

The reason why they do this on Yom Kippur is because Yom Kippur is a large Ritual for Jews to cleanse themselves from their "crimes".

In the Jewish mind, it is not a crime if no-one saw it, and if people saw it and they "forgive them", this allows them to continue unimpeded. This is the definition of injustice, and just forgiving them is the definition of this.

After they do so much, they are after "forgiveness" because they know to not forgive or not forgive unless there is a REAL correction [which they never do] is the definition of permanent injustice.

Now, if anyone is watching the news, recently the British Economy almost collapsed a few days ago. This happened because the jews were essentially gambling away the pension funds of people through complex financial instruments.

As they were about to collapse entirely and collapse the pensions of two or three generations, the British Government has to step in and print money, devaluing and destroying further it's own [the people's] currency, in order to "save the financial system". Ie, three generations of elderly would be wiped out of all their live's work because of some kikes gambling it away.

After this, the British Government further indebted the Britons for generations to come, only because these jews were gambling away the pensions and other finances of the state, instead of somehow trying to safely maintain them and grow them.

But who the fuck cares over this one too and endless other things, right? Let's just all pretend three generations thrown in the gutter is fine and everything. They are Gentiles after all, so who is there to care for them and do any Rituals for them, while they are at the mercy of the occult power of the jews? The answer to that is that we are here for this, that this is US.

But you will excuse them for this on Yom Kippur like a good little goy, and make sure to turn the other cheek eternally, because you have to be a good "moral goy" and "follow the Light" or something.

How is it however that allowing all the above to commence without lifting a finger, does actually show any sense of justice inside someone, let alone any affiliation with the spiritual light?

Let me explain here: You are immoral. You have been conned into thinking this nonsensical and evil approach is also "good", which it is not.

Not only you are not moral or a justice oriented being by the definition of logic and the Ancients if you do not do anything, but through this denial, you deny the whole notion of any sense of justice whatsoever.

In that case, you are following and you are a servant of something lesser than the lowest abysmal darkness. You are a co-actor in the evil plot that they are creating.

They have fooled you, but when you will show up in front of the Gods or the Afterlife, they will not be happy with your behavior and how you have allowed all of this to happen without caring at all, and how we pressed the "Forgive" button as a society, allowing ourselves to completely collapse, and with ourselves all the work of the Gods, their culture, and everything they founded on the planet, or a "Forgiveness" that further resulted in our extinction.

When Nations collapse, people extinct in them, or end up as slaves and victims of other predator Nations. This will include all the innocent people who cannot do anything. Wars begin shortly afterwards, and people are annexed like animals.

But due to lack of awareness, many people think "Forgiveness" is something to take lightly, or to throw it around and "excuse" them all just because of a random feeling of sentimentality that does not follow any logic in it.

The reasons we also have to do endless "Anti-War" Rituals lately, is because these lunatics have a plan to cause wars and instate global poverty, to promote other more evil plans. One war involves the jewish goonies and is already ongoing, without cessation for closely a year, and has on many turns almost cost us a WW3 and damage to all beings on Europe, the US and abroad.

Indirectly through this, other Nations are threatened through internal collapse or shortages in food, energy and other damning circumstances. These events are unfolding in front of our very eyes. These have to be stopped, there is no debate if they should be stopped or if we should fittingly do our part in stopping this.

Should people be left again without any defense whatsoever? These people constantly ask "Where is God"? And we are here to show them that the Gods do see Injustice and to help reverse it.

As about the enemy, it is entirely their choice to misuse this power, to curse, to promote hate, and all of the choices they have been committing over hundreds of years, closing in to two millennia. They are not the average goyim ignoramus that walks around completely blind and brainwashed by Christianity or Islam, which THEY made.

They have awareness of the situation of the world and their position in it.

They will be judged for it, do not worry about this. They are conscious of all of this for generations. Any few of their own that deviated from this task and told them to "slow it down", the jews have obliterated, or called "traitors" and so on. These processes take time.

They are now doing everything in front of everyone which is a very bad policy for all of these actions. The Gods handle these processes above everyone else.

Curses, spiritual power, and Justice in general, is delivered through these processes to those who are responsible for this. How this manifests is known through the Gods and the invisible forces behind this.

It is normal to not be able to comprehend that our world is presently run by so much evil and it needs a form of intervention to turn around, but it is also part of being a liar to not make the consideration of doing the research to see if this is ACTUALLY the case.

Look around you, and read the knowledge and information. If you still do cower or cannot take this, it is fine and acceptable, but allow those who should promote justice to do it.

For the rest of us who are Warriors of the Gods, let us proceed with the Schedule.

Below the Schedule:

We will do all of these Rituals for the Duration of all the Days of the Schedule.

[The Final RTR is a given. But the Rituals below have to be done. If one can also put one Final RTR, they should do it. Alternatively, after we are "done" with the schedule, one can focus on the Final. Keep in mind, the FRTR should be taken as a daily duty.]

6. Kol Nidrei Reversal, Reversing the Curse upon the Goat, Demonic Authority Ritual
7. Kol Nidrei Reversal, Reversing the Curse upon the Goat, Demonic Authority Ritual
8. Kol Nidrei Reversal, Reversing the Curse upon the Goat, Demonic Authority Ritual
9. Anti War 1, Anti War 3, Demonic Authority Ritual
10. Anti War 1, Anti War 3, Demonic Authority Ritual
11. Anti War 1, Anti War 3, Demonic Authority Ritual
12. Terminating Jewish Financial Control, Demonic Authority Ritual
13. Terminating Jewish Financial Control, Demonic Authority Ritual
14. Terminating Jewish Financial Control, Demonic Authority Ritual
15. Terminating Jewish Financial Control, Demonic Authority Ritual

Below the Links To The Rituals:

Anti-War 1 Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/War1.html
Anti-War 3 Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/War3.html
Terminating Jewish Financial Control Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D298.html
Demonic Authority Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/2017_Solstice.html
Kol Nidrei - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/KN.html
Reversing the Curse upon the Goat - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Lev_16_22.html
hphoodedcobra, how do you measure how effectively the people are getting rid of the enemy?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Other Rituals also include how they transfer their "Sins" to chickens [yes, actual chickens, the animals that are eaten], and other stranger Rituals where they transfer their "Collective Sins" to Azazel.
Is it a good idea to also do Lord Azazel's Ritual to reverse all this slander and insult against Him?
Νίκος said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Other Rituals also include how they transfer their "Sins" to chickens [yes, actual chickens, the animals that are eaten], and other stranger Rituals where they transfer their "Collective Sins" to Azazel.
Is it a good idea to also do Lord Azazel's Ritual to reverse all this slander and insult against Him?

It is included, it is excellent to do for this time. This is the Reverse Goat. At the same time, if one wants to do Azazel's Power Ritual, it is also good. But the schedule should be followed for these days. After these, we will have many many days of rest.

nebu said:
hphoodedcobra, how do you measure how effectively the people are getting rid of the enemy?

Most of this is through information and knowing information. That is anything but simple. This involves the news or other events that are not "known". This also is related to the spiritual level, and also directly by what the Gods explain and so on.
Thank you, I had done extensive house protection, blessings plus personal protection. I was waiting for this since I saw curses try outs.

Satan ritual and the other rituals have been an extreme blessing for me. I have done them when I had felt the need to, and have received direct blessings for the home and energy wise.

With the latest God rituals, I have all the power, love, energy and wonderful sweet electric body to deal with the enemy, in a very easy way. Plus it has made me be able to have on my plate a lot of workings, and deal with passing obstacles and illnesses.

With that said, I will add to this schedule these rituals.
Glad to see it officialised. I started Kol Nidrei on the 4th when Yom Kippur kicked off, same as years past. What is different to previous years however, is I remember with great clarity, how I felt on previous Yom Kippurs. Even a mere three years ago, I recall pretty vividly the amount of bad energy I felt. A couple of years before that, the enemy high holidays used to practically sabotage how I felt for the better part of a month, Yom Kippur being the worst of it. This time, I felt nothing. Sure, there's personal development at play here, but, frankly on the spiritual side of things, it really feels like the enemy has fallen apart. For me to have felt so little, basically nothing, at the height of their yearly power, it's a sad state of affairs for them. You can really sense the changing of the winds.

Just remember, even though the worldly news often looks grim (and the media will always try make it look grimmer still), this is still a war of more than one front. The material world, as it is, is not a 1:1 reflection of our victories. I understand this is demoralizing to those who are still developing their senses, but it will come. And so will the transition of the physical affairs to reflect this also. Tearing control away from the enemy was always going to be chaotic, for the world as it was, even the parts people found "comfortable", was still for the most part their matrix. The deconstruction of a false order is an innately chaotic thing, and this goes in tandem with the enemy feeling like their rope is burning out and using whatever physical power they still have to make their moves before they don't have the power to do anything, save for waiting to be swept out by the tide. And this is all simply without mentioning the "lag time" between spiritual work and physical manifestation.

This is just a reminder, the war exists on many levels. The world you're seeing with your eyes alone does not yet give credence to how much we've done and how far we've come. You will quickly feel the full extent of these things as you grow and grow.
For the affirmations, Do I have to vibrate AUM every round, or does it only have to be vibrated once at the start and the end for the Reversing curse upon the Goat RTR (and all the other RTRs as well for that matter)?
they're gonna really suffer from this one, I can tell.
Sweet, let's ruin all their obsessive, demented, frantic efforts with the back of our hand!

Also, when is another Demon Ritual coming?
Ive been feeling apprehensive about what they might try and pull again as we go into winter.

This may thwart their plans.

I'm in, got to push them back.
For each ritual it is stated whether you should vibrate every round or just once at the end. Are they part of the same paragraph? For one the Demonic authority and the Goat do it differently. It is important to read and interpret for future refference.

DisillusionedCitizen said:
For the affirmations, Do I have to vibrate AUM every round, or does it only have to be vibrated once at the start and the end for the Reversing curse upon the Goat RTR (and all the other RTRs as well for that matter)?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For the rest of us who are Warriors of the Gods, let us proceed with the Schedule.

Below the Schedule:

We will do all of these Rituals for the Duration of all the Days of the Schedule.

6. Kol Nidrei Reversal, Reversing the Curse upon the Goat, Demonic Authority Ritual
7. Kol Nidrei Reversal, Reversing the Curse upon the Goat, Demonic Authority Ritual
8. Kol Nidrei Reversal, Reversing the Curse upon the Goat, Demonic Authority Ritual
9. Anti War 1, Anti War 3, Demonic Authority Ritual
10. Anti War 1, Anti War 3, Demonic Authority Ritual
11. Anti War 1, Anti War 3, Demonic Authority Ritual
12. Terminating Jewish Financial Control, Demonic Authority Ritual
13. Terminating Jewish Financial Control, Demonic Authority Ritual
14. Terminating Jewish Financial Control, Demonic Authority Ritual
15. Terminating Jewish Financial Control, Demonic Authority Ritual

Below the Links To The Rituals:

Anti-War 1 Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/War1.html
Anti-War 3 Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/War3.html
Terminating Jewish Financial Control Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D298.html
Demonic Authority Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/2017_Solstice.html
Kol Nidrei - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/KN.html
Reversing the Curse upon the Goat - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Lev_16_22.html

I'm ready!
I will do Azazel's Power Ritual after this schedule. I don't wanna rest. My heart's bleeding for all this curses against our Gods. During this time it hurts more than usual.
Much needed.

Thank you HPHC
Another schedule :D 😀 so excited. Just a quick question, when performing the demonic authority ritual when vibrating SATANAS do we vibrate it in a long version for example breathe in then sssss in again Aaaaaa or do we vibrate it in a short version like this sssaaaaattttaaannnaaassss hope this makes sense.Regarding the F+tetra and shattering Jewish do we put it on hold for now ?
I've been wondering who exactly is being addressed in some of these sermons of this nature, since it's clearly not the true Satanic Warriors here, I'm wondering who stumbles here and needs to read this? Most of the normies I'd imagine barely even accept the idea of magick, let alone could recognize these kikes rituals and the worlds problems manifesting at convenient times. Even many christards somehow don't believe in humans having occult power, that only their false "god" can do "magic".

I hope these people take the time to really learn what we all here already understand.
HAIL SATAN!!!🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡
The 48 Laws of Power has a law that says to "Crush your enemy totally"".. Law 15. Even if this was written by a jew, are we to quit using occult powers because the jews use them. NO..... ( jews would love that ).. This law is used to make sure ALL resistance is crushed, so that the "virus" ( gentiles ) do not fester again. Moses said to destroy all the enemy, leave NONE remaining. This law can be used by all,, in our case to destroy the criminal jewish virus completely 100 %.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
For the affirmations, Do I have to vibrate AUM every round, or does it only have to be vibrated once at the start and the end for the Reversing curse upon the Goat RTR (and all the other RTRs as well for that matter)?
With Reverse Torah Rituals, you do the rising of the energy part first (reverse hebrew) and after completing one or more rounds, you state affirmations. In other words, these are separate parts.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But the schedule should be followed for these days. After these, we will have many many days of rest.

It should be noted, that on "days of rest" one should still be doing FRTR, Killing Tetra, Shattering, Reverse curse 1+2, then any personal workings and or yoga.
Also another thing! BEWARE of different scumfucks on different social media platforms such as Gab. Every time a schedule approaches they try to sell doubts and discredit the forums and HP Cobra. They are probably reading this and pulling their hair. The ones that tried to confuse a few of us were pretending to be japanese.
Ugh my comment did not get trough since I was not logged in, allthough I could swear I did log in.

Anyhow I saw that in the Reverse kol nidre ritual, there is a pronauunciation for OI, but nowhere in the ritual is there a OI, so I wanted to ask is there perhaps a paragraff missing.

I could be overthinking this, but wanted to share.


Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Haagenti!
Sometimes when doing the Demonic Authority RTR I break down in tears. It's happened at least twice now on different dates while specifically doing that ritual. I don't even know why. I just get emotionally overwhelmed, and I have to really push through the tears and cracked voice to finish the ritual. I even had to stop for a few seconds here and there one time so I could calm myself down enough to proceed. It's so bizarre, and it doesn't happen for the other RTRs.

Any chance this is normal?
Arcadia said:
Glad to see it officialised. I started Kol Nidrei on the 4th when Yom Kippur kicked off, same as years past. What is different to previous years however, is I remember with great clarity, how I felt on previous Yom Kippurs. Even a mere three years ago, I recall pretty vividly the amount of bad energy I felt. A couple of years before that, the enemy high holidays used to practically sabotage how I felt for the better part of a month, Yom Kippur being the worst of it. This time, I felt nothing. Sure, there's personal development at play here, but, frankly on the spiritual side of things, it really feels like the enemy has fallen apart. For me to have felt so little, basically nothing, at the height of their yearly power, it's a sad state of affairs for them. You can really sense the changing of the winds.

Just remember, even though the worldly news often looks grim (and the media will always try make it look grimmer still), this is still a war of more than one front. The material world, as it is, is not a 1:1 reflection of our victories. I understand this is demoralizing to those who are still developing their senses, but it will come. And so will the transition of the physical affairs to reflect this also. Tearing control away from the enemy was always going to be chaotic, for the world as it was, even the parts people found "comfortable", was still for the most part their matrix. The deconstruction of a false order is an innately chaotic thing, and this goes in tandem with the enemy feeling like their rope is burning out and using whatever physical power they still have to make their moves before they don't have the power to do anything, save for waiting to be swept out by the tide. And this is all simply without mentioning the "lag time" between spiritual work and physical manifestation.

This is just a reminder, the war exists on many levels. The world you're seeing with your eyes alone does not yet give credence to how much we've done and how far we've come. You will quickly feel the full extent of these things as you grow and grow.

Thank you for this Arcadia.

I can also say that I feel the exact same way. Our rituals ARE working. I used to feel this massive resistance when doing the RTRs, and now, nothing.

The enemy is in shambles and in chaos mode. This I felt since midway through the so called “pandemic”. Needless to say, I, like many of our Brothers and Sisters here RELISH this feeling. However, what’s coming to them is much worse.

Even on Fridays and Sundays every week, when these dimwit xian and mudslime dunces go and pollute this planet with their toxic shit, I barely feel anything anymore.

These days were particularly bad for me back a few months ago, as I felt the disgusting death energy they raise to their death cult.

Although it doesn’t look very good worldwide, I strongly believe what’s coming will be great for the Gentile Races. We must fight and never ever relent. As HP Cobra mentioned, along with our Almighty Gods and Father Satan, WE ARE THE GENTILE RESISTANCE. Literally I cannot imagine how things would have turned out if we didn’t do these rituals and sat like fools as our world is devoured before our eyes.

I know for a fact that our Gods are extremely serious when it comes to us participating in these rituals. This is a bad situation, but ultimately, we shall prevail.
Never lose hope Brothers and Sisters l!!!



Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=392357 time=1665081762 user_id=346]
Excellent! How about the Final RTR? After we do a day's schedule, is it better to do the Final RTR, or to repeat the day's RTRs?

Here are two backups of this schedule.
Just in case the jews are getting any ideas about cyber attacks.


Tor site:

The Final RTR is a given at all times and if one can do this at least 3-4 times per week or even daily is necessary.

In my view, this should be done at least once per day, and before anything of the schedule, to crush opposition. But the situation is delicate currently, and we need to do the other Rituals too.

EasternFireLion666 said:
Also another thing! BEWARE of different scumfucks on different social media platforms such as Gab. Every time a schedule approaches they try to sell doubts and discredit the forums and HP Cobra. They are probably reading this and pulling their hair. The ones that tried to confuse a few of us were pretending to be japanese.

These people are bitter they don't exist and that the JoS advances and continues to exist. It mentally fucks them up that the situation wasn't over and did not finish with HPS Maxine. They lose their sleep.

It could be an organized effort, as people have sent me a lot of nonsense from hostile places and all of this "overlaps" itself.

This is an idiot that doesn't even know about Apollo [Greek God, and Azazel in this case] or disagrees with Abrasax which my article will prove beyond any doubt, and was put there in JoS by HPS Maxine herself. They also made up another stupid lie which proves they have no education of anything mythological, such as that the "Titans" are mythological allegories and that the Greeks did not "Worship" them.

As I saw from the Japanese community, this is one deceitful person that is trying to break both the Japanese Satanists and JoS.

This seems to have began on my comments with Shinzo Abe, which I stated did a regular decent work, mentioning Trump there. Because clearly this person thought my comment was "political", they just started making up lies against me in order to attack me. Any non negative comment apparently to them is an endorsement.

They also say some nonsense about me not owning by Gab account, which I clearly do have access. They just create disinformation and nonsense as per usual. If anything, this should be seen as firepower.

They also say even stupider nonsense that I "banned" HPS Maxine who is an administrator, and who owns domains, and other nonsense, to create unverified and stupid drama. This is necessary for them to lie.

HPS Maxine has had for example a private e-mail that corresponded with hundreds and so on for years and years, she could so easily mail someone and tell them and so on. So it's just pure slander and nothing else.

It's so stupid that people think that HPS Maxine would be so naive, as for example to allow this to be done.

The Rituals I bring for the Gods are most important, and most necessary. The enemy didn't die out last year by coincidence, the Rituals will finish them off. So do the Rituals for the 4 Crowns and the Demons and so on, without hesitation.

jrvan said:
Sometimes when doing the Demonic Authority RTR I break down in tears. It's happened at least twice now on different dates while specifically doing that ritual. I don't even know why. I just get emotionally overwhelmed, and I have to really push through the tears and cracked voice to finish the ritual. I even had to stop for a few seconds here and there one time so I could calm myself down enough to proceed. It's so bizarre, and it doesn't happen for the other RTRs.

Any chance this is normal?

Absolutely, that is normal. Just by sitting there and contemplating this, one will see the beauty of this Ritual.
Egon said:
Can you exemplify what the Demonic Authority ritual does differently than the rituals for individual Demons?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Sometimes when doing the Demonic Authority RTR I break down in tears...
Absolutely, that is normal. Just by sitting there and contemplating this, one will see the beauty of this Ritual.

The Demonic Authority works on the sum or whole, and the Demonic Rituals work on the specifics.
I feel sorry for any brainwashed an braindead idiots, who can't put two an two together that the jews are their enemies to,while ignoring the jews in big tech who want to censore an control the people through social credit, not to mention the two jews putin an the other jew in Ukraine, practicaliy wanting to nuke the whole planet
But (beleavses us theys jews bes victims now let me bes good slave an worship mes destruction)
Any idiots who can't see what's going on is beyond help.
Let us Continue to stomp these parasites, so that we may see the Light of Satan shine!

Hail Satan!!
jrvan said:
Sometimes when doing the Demonic Authority RTR I break down in tears. It's happened at least twice now on different dates while specifically doing that ritual. I don't even know why. I just get emotionally overwhelmed, and I have to really push through the tears and cracked voice to finish the ritual. I even had to stop for a few seconds here and there one time so I could calm myself down enough to proceed. It's so bizarre, and it doesn't happen for the other RTRs.

Any chance this is normal?

During the last schedule as well as this time I felt a pull in my lower chakras while doing it. Near the base and sacral specifically.
When I thought about the affirmations of the demonic authority rituals, I actually thought this mainly had to do with us and not the demons per say.
Shadowcat said:
I will take great pleasure in participating in this schedule. I cannot wait until we finally cast this filth into the merciless abyss once and for all.

Hail Satan!

I got the patience to see them drown in their punishment.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
