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About Threats Done To My Life: And Ritual Schedule

Greetings everyone,

This message is not written for any other reason than motivation and for everyone to know beyond a shadow of doubt, that we are on the correct path. I always tried to keep it very much impersonal; but since we want to make it personal, I have to tell these rodents to continue with what they want to do and that it's already to late for discourses.

Over the last years and in a barrage lately, a lot of lesser rodents and those of the enemy keep writing to me threats, involving family and so on.

They seem to be forgetting a few things; such as who or what I truly consider a family. Unfortunately in this case, my family is where they cannot even fathom to touch. They also keep forgetting I am not even a "person" per se.

That was a long time ago; they lost the ability to stop my own process from occurring. What can the whole world and all the power do to you, but such fine details escape these arrogant "Gods" that rule today?

What they think this will achieve is a form of "intimidation". They are animals who do not understand anything besides their own mortality. I have been beyond this.

After all my love for the Gods has come at a exchange. This exchange was that I will have to deny all the pointless and empty authorities of the enemy; they have a lot of power but no authority over the Gods or mankind.

Everyday, I see more and more atrocities happening against people. It's been way too long. A few hours ago, here we go again with Israel trying to trigger another war with Iran. The whole world has to follow behind this and nod to their masters. Well, these beings are not my masters.

They have principalities, orders and everything else in the world, but they will never have or own the Gods and the people of the Gods. Everyone will bend their knees to their "Saviors", try to "Save themselves", but I am a being that is already saved in the Gods. I need no more saving.

As beings without a soul, they could never truly understand these statements. For them, all that matters is their game and they think that this is a game.

In the following years, the transgressions of the enemy are going to really show. What have we been seeing all these previous months but more and more violence against other people? That's all they know; threats, violence, attacks and aggression.

They think that everyone is going to bend their knees and object to their pressure. They have after all the world as they claim; paid politicians, fools, whole barracks of orcs and slaves that are under their control. They bought these orcs with money, desires or at the low cost of fear. And I have none of this in me.

In the same way, they overestimated their own orcs and their own bought up servants, to where now the loud sirens of war are all over Israel, scarring the souls and minds of that mice for eternity to come.

Underestimating humanity as they usually do, they think that everything was a joke and that the Gods do not exist. They attacked the presiding intelligence of the cosmos Satanas and tried to cast down Zeus from the throne. Now they listen to the sirens in Israel and they only thing they feel is more and more hateful bloodlust; their souls are locked into Tartarus while they are still "alive".

Their "people" celebrating children blown up to bits, the homeless, the widows and the hungry and the enslaved.

And these rodents also dare to send me ultimatums and try to threaten me, to either capitulate or to "join them". I will stand with Humanity and not with you rodents.

Arrogant like Xerxes, they believe that their demands are a "dictate". The dictate is based nowhere on the heavenly orders who observe these animals in their reckless spree, and allow them to burn their own souls in damnation.

I have to explicitly state that the only earthly authority I recognize is the authority of the People of the Gods and nobody else. I respect the offices of this world but not their servitude; they have sold themselves cheap and they are slaves. My decision as it was 15 years ago, is the same as it is today: I have existed free and I have freed others, and the conveniences of the shackles of your cave of ignorance are not for me.

I will not sell my soul to them at any price, let alone on the price of fear.

Between us and the enemy we know that they are the ones who are truly afraid. They are so pathetic and so shaky, that they literally own the planet and still they are afraid of any echo that comes from the Gods. Because they know what this truly means. It means their time is near.

I will walk straight into any potential danger and damnation without hesitation, for I know that I am truly blessed by the Gods. If anything, I expect the enemy to wear me the crown of the Victor over them. The crown of my people will not fall into their hands at any rate and under any condition.

Observing humanity, what humanity needs right now, is people that will not bow their heads. Most your of favorite social media idols have capitulated. Others wear the yoke of Christ, and others wear a yoke of bronze.

Comfortable religions, taking the side of power even if it is the side of evil, closing their ears and walking around with different chains on their necks; some of metal, others of silver and others of gold.

They pompously behave like Xerxes to me; claiming they are Gods, that they hold ultimate power and authority, that "my life" will end. Yet they are at failure, like rodents are, to comprehend that past a point one's life is not their own life; mine has stopped being mine a long time ago, willingly and based on my ultimate will to follow Justice.

Little do they know of our kind and even more little their small minds and lesser souls can understand.

Stand on your golden throne and shrivel, we all know these earrings are not going to help.

I am that spear that comes in your terrified faces. Inside that spear is the power and spirit of humanity. And in your bleeding flesh, the infection of your downfall has begun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Lastly, I invite everyone, to do the following Rituals for the next 7 consecutive days: Orobas Ritual, Marbas Ritual, Balaam Ritual.
Glad your safe HPHC
Just to be absolutely 100% sure with Balaam's ritual its fine to focus on the Shenu ring while vibrating Haal/Isa?

Obviously due to the whole those who curse you are cursed for eternity thing it makes me a little gunshy about directing any sort of negative energy towards the Shenu ring whatsoever. This time around I basically just closed my eyes when doing the Haal rune.
Intensions are the most important part, for example you can focus on the sigil and have the intention that balaam gets brighter while the curse's upon him backfire onto the enemy this works for any other God in similar situations for example you can apply this with BAAL ritual visualizing him shaking the entire universe with his power erasing the enemy, as we are different so are our ways try to figure out what is your specialist spiritual powers and improve them to ultimate, also try to understand your dominant element and use it in the ritual, good luck.
I don't know if Goebbels is the best profile for the occasion - Some meme describe him as xtian... I don't know more.
But this citation describe well the situation :


The price of the virtue is to be slandered by beattles and they are everywhere at all levels of societies.
Dear brother HP I want you to be strong and invincible as you always did, some one will Raise and carry the torch after you until that day may the highest protection and care of the Gods be upon you be blessed.
For sure, Joy of Satan will only get stronger, for ever.
Greetings everyone,

This message is not written for any other reason than motivation and for everyone to know beyond a shadow of doubt, that we are on the correct path. I always tried to keep it very much impersonal; but since we want to make it personal, I have to tell these rodents to continue with what they want to do and that it's already to late for discourses.

Over the last years and in a barrage lately, a lot of lesser rodents and those of the enemy keep writing to me threats, involving family and so on.

They seem to be forgetting a few things; such as who or what I truly consider a family. Unfortunately in this case, my family is where they cannot even fathom to touch. They also keep forgetting I am not even a "person" per se.

That was a long time ago; they lost the ability to stop my own process from occurring. What can the whole world and all the power do to you, but such fine details escape these arrogant "Gods" that rule today?

What they think this will achieve is a form of "intimidation". They are animals who do not understand anything besides their own mortality. I have been beyond this.

After all my love for the Gods has come at a exchange. This exchange was that I will have to deny all the pointless and empty authorities of the enemy; they have a lot of power but no authority over the Gods or mankind.

Everyday, I see more and more atrocities happening against people. It's been way too long. A few hours ago, here we go again with Israel trying to trigger another war with Iran. The whole world has to follow behind this and nod to their masters. Well, these beings are not my masters.

They have principalities, orders and everything else in the world, but they will never have or own the Gods and the people of the Gods. Everyone will bend their knees to their "Saviors", try to "Save themselves", but I am a being that is already saved in the Gods. I need no more saving.

As beings without a soul, they could never truly understand these statements. For them, all that matters is their game and they think that this is a game.

In the following years, the transgressions of the enemy are going to really show. What have we been seeing all these previous months but more and more violence against other people? That's all they know; threats, violence, attacks and aggression.

They think that everyone is going to bend their knees and object to their pressure. They have after all the world as they claim; paid politicians, fools, whole barracks of orcs and slaves that are under their control. They bought these orcs with money, desires or at the low cost of fear. And I have none of this in me.

In the same way, they overestimated their own orcs and their own bought up servants, to where now the loud sirens of war are all over Israel, scarring the souls and minds of that mice for eternity to come.

Underestimating humanity as they usually do, they think that everything was a joke and that the Gods do not exist. They attacked the presiding intelligence of the cosmos Satanas and tried to cast down Zeus from the throne. Now they listen to the sirens in Israel and they only thing they feel is more and more hateful bloodlust; their souls are locked into Tartarus while they are still "alive".

Their "people" celebrating children blown up to bits, the homeless, the widows and the hungry and the enslaved.

And these rodents also dare to send me ultimatums and try to threaten me, to either capitulate or to "join them". I will stand with Humanity and not with you rodents.

Arrogant like Xerxes, they believe that their demands are a "dictate". The dictate is based nowhere on the heavenly orders who observe these animals in their reckless spree, and allow them to burn their own souls in damnation.

I have to explicitly state that the only earthly authority I recognize is the authority of the People of the Gods and nobody else. I respect the offices of this world but not their servitude; they have sold themselves cheap and they are slaves. My decision as it was 15 years ago, is the same as it is today: I have existed free and I have freed others, and the conveniences of the shackles of your cave of ignorance are not for me.

I will not sell my soul to them at any price, let alone on the price of fear.

Between us and the enemy we know that they are the ones who are truly afraid. They are so pathetic and so shaky, that they literally own the planet and still they are afraid of any echo that comes from the Gods. Because they know what this truly means. It means their time is near.

I will walk straight into any potential danger and damnation without hesitation, for I know that I am truly blessed by the Gods. If anything, I expect the enemy to wear me the crown of the Victor over them. The crown of my people will not fall into their hands at any rate and under any condition.

Observing humanity, what humanity needs right now, is people that will not bow their heads. Most your of favorite social media idols have capitulated. Others wear the yoke of Christ, and others wear a yoke of bronze.

Comfortable religions, taking the side of power even if it is the side of evil, closing their ears and walking around with different chains on their necks; some of metal, others of silver and others of gold.

They pompously behave like Xerxes to me; claiming they are Gods, that they hold ultimate power and authority, that "my life" will end. Yet they are at failure, like rodents are, to comprehend that past a point one's life is not their own life; mine has stopped being mine a long time ago, willingly and based on my ultimate will to follow Justice.

Little do they know of our kind and even more little their small minds and lesser souls can understand.

Stand on your golden throne and shrivel, we all know these earrings are not going to help.

I am that spear that comes in your terrified faces. Inside that spear is the power and spirit of humanity. And in your bleeding flesh, the infection of your downfall has begun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Lastly, I invite everyone, to do the following Rituals for the next 7 consecutive days: Orobas Ritual, Marbas Ritual, Balaam Ritual.
These abominable beings know that their time is running out, so they threaten you. They are afraid. They are so psychopathic and arrogant that they dare to oppose Father Satan and the house of Gods. We stand with you HP and will do what we must do.
These hive creatures are no different than insects. What one does is done by them all, with no thoughts or control. Just like all the insects run out when you flip over a rock, this is what is happening now but they have flipped over their own rock.

I was already doing the Balam, Andras, and Grand rituals recently. Because some fat retarded 300 pound russian jew was trying to bother me recently. As the rock flips over and the bugs are all scurrying around, each member of the hive is more likely to "activate" and start acting even more annoying than usual.
They'll never understand how pathetic these threats are, what's falling upon them is the inevitable outcome.

Thank you High Priest for being such a force of Good in this world, and for all the sacrifices you make for all of us, for all of humanity. Your strength is inspiration for all of us, we will never tremble in the face of their empty threats, fear has no place in our hearts, we fight until victory is ours.

Thank you HP HoodedCobra for all you have done for the JoS. The enemy doesn't realize who they are messing with.
You are not alone HP Hooded Cobra 666, we are all with you by your side. We and the Gods, now and forever.

We will not yield, we will follow you forward.

These beings will not go unpunished, they will burn.

Thank you for everything.
Thank you! For everything. Always. 🔥❤️

It's amazing you just shared that epic scene from 300, as I always compared you to King Leonidas in a level! Although I haven't mentioned it yet, I think...

We MUST fight till the end! Nothing can stop us! And they know this...
They really cannot begin to imagine the majesty and power of Our Gods, how we are touched and transformed by Them, and the honor we hold.
No matter how high the enemy sits, they are the lowest scum on this planet. They truly are an absolutely pathetic, vile and disgusting species.

Victory is The Gods' and so it is Ours. NOTHING can change this.

I am that spear that comes in your terrified faces. Inside that spear is the power and spirit of humanity. And in your bleeding flesh, the infection of your downfall has begun.
In another time this might have been a speech before an enormous battle.

Writing this, in my mind a scene is painted, with all my Brothers and Sisters in Satan all dressed in lorica and galea with crest, typical of Roman soldiers, as we listen to our Commander's Speech, ready to fight.

The soaring adrenaline, an enveloping fervor,
the sense of union, an embrace of souls,
the love of your fellow man, a song of hearts,
the knowledge that you are fighting for the Truth,
the certainty that the Gods, with watchful gazes,
are there present. In the silence of the soul, the mind empties,
the heart fills with Joy, while fear, a fleeting shadow, vanishes in the wind.

Hail Satan!
Greetings everyone,

This message is not written for any other reason than motivation and for everyone to know beyond a shadow of doubt, that we are on the correct path. I always tried to keep it very much impersonal; but since we want to make it personal, I have to tell these rodents to continue with what they want to do and that it's already to late for discourses.

Over the last years and in a barrage lately, a lot of lesser rodents and those of the enemy keep writing to me threats, involving family and so on.

They seem to be forgetting a few things; such as who or what I truly consider a family. Unfortunately in this case, my family is where they cannot even fathom to touch. They also keep forgetting I am not even a "person" per se.

That was a long time ago; they lost the ability to stop my own process from occurring. What can the whole world and all the power do to you, but such fine details escape these arrogant "Gods" that rule today?

What they think this will achieve is a form of "intimidation". They are animals who do not understand anything besides their own mortality. I have been beyond this.

After all my love for the Gods has come at a exchange. This exchange was that I will have to deny all the pointless and empty authorities of the enemy; they have a lot of power but no authority over the Gods or mankind.

Everyday, I see more and more atrocities happening against people. It's been way too long. A few hours ago, here we go again with Israel trying to trigger another war with Iran. The whole world has to follow behind this and nod to their masters. Well, these beings are not my masters.

They have principalities, orders and everything else in the world, but they will never have or own the Gods and the people of the Gods. Everyone will bend their knees to their "Saviors", try to "Save themselves", but I am a being that is already saved in the Gods. I need no more saving.

As beings without a soul, they could never truly understand these statements. For them, all that matters is their game and they think that this is a game.

In the following years, the transgressions of the enemy are going to really show. What have we been seeing all these previous months but more and more violence against other people? That's all they know; threats, violence, attacks and aggression.

They think that everyone is going to bend their knees and object to their pressure. They have after all the world as they claim; paid politicians, fools, whole barracks of orcs and slaves that are under their control. They bought these orcs with money, desires or at the low cost of fear. And I have none of this in me.

In the same way, they overestimated their own orcs and their own bought up servants, to where now the loud sirens of war are all over Israel, scarring the souls and minds of that mice for eternity to come.

Underestimating humanity as they usually do, they think that everything was a joke and that the Gods do not exist. They attacked the presiding intelligence of the cosmos Satanas and tried to cast down Zeus from the throne. Now they listen to the sirens in Israel and they only thing they feel is more and more hateful bloodlust; their souls are locked into Tartarus while they are still "alive".

Their "people" celebrating children blown up to bits, the homeless, the widows and the hungry and the enslaved.

And these rodents also dare to send me ultimatums and try to threaten me, to either capitulate or to "join them". I will stand with Humanity and not with you rodents.

Arrogant like Xerxes, they believe that their demands are a "dictate". The dictate is based nowhere on the heavenly orders who observe these animals in their reckless spree, and allow them to burn their own souls in damnation.

I have to explicitly state that the only earthly authority I recognize is the authority of the People of the Gods and nobody else. I respect the offices of this world but not their servitude; they have sold themselves cheap and they are slaves. My decision as it was 15 years ago, is the same as it is today: I have existed free and I have freed others, and the conveniences of the shackles of your cave of ignorance are not for me.

I will not sell my soul to them at any price, let alone on the price of fear.

Between us and the enemy we know that they are the ones who are truly afraid. They are so pathetic and so shaky, that they literally own the planet and still they are afraid of any echo that comes from the Gods. Because they know what this truly means. It means their time is near.

I will walk straight into any potential danger and damnation without hesitation, for I know that I am truly blessed by the Gods. If anything, I expect the enemy to wear me the crown of the Victor over them. The crown of my people will not fall into their hands at any rate and under any condition.

Observing humanity, what humanity needs right now, is people that will not bow their heads. Most your of favorite social media idols have capitulated. Others wear the yoke of Christ, and others wear a yoke of bronze.

Comfortable religions, taking the side of power even if it is the side of evil, closing their ears and walking around with different chains on their necks; some of metal, others of silver and others of gold.

They pompously behave like Xerxes to me; claiming they are Gods, that they hold ultimate power and authority, that "my life" will end. Yet they are at failure, like rodents are, to comprehend that past a point one's life is not their own life; mine has stopped being mine a long time ago, willingly and based on my ultimate will to follow Justice.

Little do they know of our kind and even more little their small minds and lesser souls can understand.

Stand on your golden throne and shrivel, we all know these earrings are not going to help.

I am that spear that comes in your terrified faces. Inside that spear is the power and spirit of humanity. And in your bleeding flesh, the infection of your downfall has begun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Lastly, I invite everyone, to do the following Rituals for the next 7 consecutive days: Orobas Ritual, Marbas Ritual, Balaam Ritual.
This might be your best piece of writing I have read. Very motivational!
You know we are always on the ready to defend our cause and our dedicated people of the Gods. We'll fight SPIRITUALLY with all our might. Good will onto you, brother.

Weak pathetic fools who deny their own Ancestral Gods are an insult to humanity. They'll learn their place.
Not mentioning above the main enemies as they will be irrelevant to humanity, regardless.

Just as Hadrian marched his legions towards the warmongering, disgraced and impious tribes, we shall spiritually march once more.

Taste the might of our rituals!
Be deafened by the sharpness of our tongues!
Lay defeated, crushed, now and forever!

Hadrian Did Nothing Wrong!

Hail our estemeed and valued High Priest Hooded Cobra, may he be blessed into the aeons!

Hail Satanas!
Hail Balaam!
Hail Marbas!
Hail Orobas!
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I have to say it again: thank you, High Priest. For everything you do for us, and for your levels of dedication with helping Humanity. I feel like we are truly blessed to have a High Priest like you.

I think it is fair to say that israel has bitten off more than it can chew. They are trying so hard to downplay and censor the damage caused by these missiles, and people are absolutely roasting them in the comments section on YouTube. Even on the "right-wing" media outlets, which are normally full of pro-israeli comments, people are mocking them for claiming that the attack was "unsuccessful". The funny thing is, that these "human shields" accusations appear to actually be the case for the jews after all, given that they have bases within civilian locations, and now israel is the one complaining about schools being hit. They always think they can play by separate rules.

I have also heard rumors that an airbase with 20 or so F-35 fighter jets was destroyed. If this is true, then given how expensive these jets are, that's already an enormous financial loss totaling to the billions. It doesn't sound "unsuccessful" to me.

Yes, now that the IDF is facing a proper army, with proper missiles and weapons, and not just people with AK-47s and RPGs on the streets, and innocent civilians and children, suddenly they are beginning to panic. Their precious "Iron Dome" has already failed miserably at protecting them. And I have already seen many comments from people from the UK etc., saying that if they were asked to enlist in the army to help defend israel, they would kindly respond with the middle finger.

They are trying to start a conflict, which they have absolutely no chances of winning.

I feel our victory getting closer by the day. I will do these Rituals with great happiness. Hail Satan.
Thank You High Priest...Truly appreciated.

This reminds me of this one time when I was doing the Flow of the Final RTR, the 3 consecutive RTRs. One of these snots came through into my personal space where I pray and conduct my meditations...only to bribe me to stop attacking them and leave the JoS Ministries.

I've been angry before in my life but the rage I felt then... I really lost it. "it" ran away and has never come back into my personal space again, offering me rubbish.

They used to scare me, I had enough of being scared one day. Now that I don't fear them anymore irrespective of whatever "it" may try nor do, "it" tries to bribe me... pathetic, worthless and disgusting filth in humanoid form. Even landfill sites are far more adorable than these shit heads.
Greetings everyone,

This message is not written for any other reason than motivation and for everyone to know beyond a shadow of doubt, that we are on the correct path. I always tried to keep it very much impersonal; but since we want to make it personal, I have to tell these rodents to continue with what they want to do and that it's already to late for discourses.

Over the last years and in a barrage lately, a lot of lesser rodents and those of the enemy keep writing to me threats, involving family and so on.

They seem to be forgetting a few things; such as who or what I truly consider a family. Unfortunately in this case, my family is where they cannot even fathom to touch. They also keep forgetting I am not even a "person" per se.

That was a long time ago; they lost the ability to stop my own process from occurring. What can the whole world and all the power do to you, but such fine details escape these arrogant "Gods" that rule today?

What they think this will achieve is a form of "intimidation". They are animals who do not understand anything besides their own mortality. I have been beyond this.

After all my love for the Gods has come at a exchange. This exchange was that I will have to deny all the pointless and empty authorities of the enemy; they have a lot of power but no authority over the Gods or mankind.

Everyday, I see more and more atrocities happening against people. It's been way too long. A few hours ago, here we go again with Israel trying to trigger another war with Iran. The whole world has to follow behind this and nod to their masters. Well, these beings are not my masters.

They have principalities, orders and everything else in the world, but they will never have or own the Gods and the people of the Gods. Everyone will bend their knees to their "Saviors", try to "Save themselves", but I am a being that is already saved in the Gods. I need no more saving.

As beings without a soul, they could never truly understand these statements. For them, all that matters is their game and they think that this is a game.

In the following years, the transgressions of the enemy are going to really show. What have we been seeing all these previous months but more and more violence against other people? That's all they know; threats, violence, attacks and aggression.

They think that everyone is going to bend their knees and object to their pressure. They have after all the world as they claim; paid politicians, fools, whole barracks of orcs and slaves that are under their control. They bought these orcs with money, desires or at the low cost of fear. And I have none of this in me.

In the same way, they overestimated their own orcs and their own bought up servants, to where now the loud sirens of war are all over Israel, scarring the souls and minds of that mice for eternity to come.

Underestimating humanity as they usually do, they think that everything was a joke and that the Gods do not exist. They attacked the presiding intelligence of the cosmos Satanas and tried to cast down Zeus from the throne. Now they listen to the sirens in Israel and they only thing they feel is more and more hateful bloodlust; their souls are locked into Tartarus while they are still "alive".

Their "people" celebrating children blown up to bits, the homeless, the widows and the hungry and the enslaved.

And these rodents also dare to send me ultimatums and try to threaten me, to either capitulate or to "join them". I will stand with Humanity and not with you rodents.

Arrogant like Xerxes, they believe that their demands are a "dictate". The dictate is based nowhere on the heavenly orders who observe these animals in their reckless spree, and allow them to burn their own souls in damnation.

I have to explicitly state that the only earthly authority I recognize is the authority of the People of the Gods and nobody else. I respect the offices of this world but not their servitude; they have sold themselves cheap and they are slaves. My decision as it was 15 years ago, is the same as it is today: I have existed free and I have freed others, and the conveniences of the shackles of your cave of ignorance are not for me.

I will not sell my soul to them at any price, let alone on the price of fear.

Between us and the enemy we know that they are the ones who are truly afraid. They are so pathetic and so shaky, that they literally own the planet and still they are afraid of any echo that comes from the Gods. Because they know what this truly means. It means their time is near.

I will walk straight into any potential danger and damnation without hesitation, for I know that I am truly blessed by the Gods. If anything, I expect the enemy to wear me the crown of the Victor over them. The crown of my people will not fall into their hands at any rate and under any condition.

Observing humanity, what humanity needs right now, is people that will not bow their heads. Most your of favorite social media idols have capitulated. Others wear the yoke of Christ, and others wear a yoke of bronze.

Comfortable religions, taking the side of power even if it is the side of evil, closing their ears and walking around with different chains on their necks; some of metal, others of silver and others of gold.

They pompously behave like Xerxes to me; claiming they are Gods, that they hold ultimate power and authority, that "my life" will end. Yet they are at failure, like rodents are, to comprehend that past a point one's life is not their own life; mine has stopped being mine a long time ago, willingly and based on my ultimate will to follow Justice.

Little do they know of our kind and even more little their small minds and lesser souls can understand.

Stand on your golden throne and shrivel, we all know these earrings are not going to help.

I am that spear that comes in your terrified faces. Inside that spear is the power and spirit of humanity. And in your bleeding flesh, the infection of your downfall has begun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Lastly, I invite everyone, to do the following Rituals for the next 7 consecutive days: Orobas Ritual, Marbas Ritual, Balaam Ritual.
Hail Satanas! We are in this fight together!

Their numbers of bought slaves don't scare us. Their intimidation attempts are the equivalent of mice squeaking.

We are unconquerable.
I bow to your clear and true words, HP Hooded Cobra 666, which you have expressed in this post.
I too am deeply convinced that the time of reckoning has come for these miscreants.
There is that saying that when rodents feel backed into a corner, in desperation they try to jump on you. That's exactly what's happening now.
But the victory of the gods is unstoppable and the golden age will dawn again. I am more than convinced of that.
Thank you for staying true to the satanic path and for always staying true to it. I have long known that you are a great, blessed soul.
Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!
There is indeed no cause of any actual worry in regard to this. On the contrary, this means that we are doing excellent and should continue doing so.

As they know many of you are becoming highly educated now and very strong people of the Gods, the rodents are worried and they are losing it. That's very natural.

So we continue and we keep them on that state.
HPHC : Your attempts are truly pathetic!
I am truly grateful to be a part of this community, The changes we have made in the world just by our spiritual efforts backed by the strength and power of the Gods alone is breathtaking. The efforts are truly shining through and I can only imagine how much brighter they will be the more we keep at this and grow together as a wonderful community blessed and guided by the Gods, as extensions of them on this earth.

Every second of every day we are unraveling the enemy and their control over the gentiles who many have now started to wake up and see behind the shattered mask of the enemy, they see their hooked noses and the evil doings they tried to sweep under the rug are now coming to light.

Hail Satan!!!

I am blessed to be alive in this time, being able to fight this battle right along with you, beside you all! This is our time to truly shine, to truly make a difference for generations to come.

To free this world, to do what may have once seemed so far away and make it real. It is now closer than ever. Truly what a wonderful time to be alive and be a part of this!

Remember this that you are part of history in the making, and every effort you make is making a difference that will be looked back upon one day as a heroic move and you as a warrior of Satan!!

Every one of us, we are making such a powerful change in this world!
Greetings everyone,

This message is not written for any other reason than motivation and for everyone to know beyond a shadow of doubt, that we are on the correct path. I always tried to keep it very much impersonal; but since we want to make it personal, I have to tell these rodents to continue with what they want to do and that it's already to late for discourses.

Over the last years and in a barrage lately, a lot of lesser rodents and those of the enemy keep writing to me threats, involving family and so on.

They seem to be forgetting a few things; such as who or what I truly consider a family. Unfortunately in this case, my family is where they cannot even fathom to touch. They also keep forgetting I am not even a "person" per se.

That was a long time ago; they lost the ability to stop my own process from occurring. What can the whole world and all the power do to you, but such fine details escape these arrogant "Gods" that rule today?

What they think this will achieve is a form of "intimidation". They are animals who do not understand anything besides their own mortality. I have been beyond this.

After all my love for the Gods has come at a exchange. This exchange was that I will have to deny all the pointless and empty authorities of the enemy; they have a lot of power but no authority over the Gods or mankind.

Everyday, I see more and more atrocities happening against people. It's been way too long. A few hours ago, here we go again with Israel trying to trigger another war with Iran. The whole world has to follow behind this and nod to their masters. Well, these beings are not my masters.

They have principalities, orders and everything else in the world, but they will never have or own the Gods and the people of the Gods. Everyone will bend their knees to their "Saviors", try to "Save themselves", but I am a being that is already saved in the Gods. I need no more saving.

As beings without a soul, they could never truly understand these statements. For them, all that matters is their game and they think that this is a game.

In the following years, the transgressions of the enemy are going to really show. What have we been seeing all these previous months but more and more violence against other people? That's all they know; threats, violence, attacks and aggression.

They think that everyone is going to bend their knees and object to their pressure. They have after all the world as they claim; paid politicians, fools, whole barracks of orcs and slaves that are under their control. They bought these orcs with money, desires or at the low cost of fear. And I have none of this in me.

In the same way, they overestimated their own orcs and their own bought up servants, to where now the loud sirens of war are all over Israel, scarring the souls and minds of that mice for eternity to come.

Underestimating humanity as they usually do, they think that everything was a joke and that the Gods do not exist. They attacked the presiding intelligence of the cosmos Satanas and tried to cast down Zeus from the throne. Now they listen to the sirens in Israel and they only thing they feel is more and more hateful bloodlust; their souls are locked into Tartarus while they are still "alive".

Their "people" celebrating children blown up to bits, the homeless, the widows and the hungry and the enslaved.

And these rodents also dare to send me ultimatums and try to threaten me, to either capitulate or to "join them". I will stand with Humanity and not with you rodents.

Arrogant like Xerxes, they believe that their demands are a "dictate". The dictate is based nowhere on the heavenly orders who observe these animals in their reckless spree, and allow them to burn their own souls in damnation.

I have to explicitly state that the only earthly authority I recognize is the authority of the People of the Gods and nobody else. I respect the offices of this world but not their servitude; they have sold themselves cheap and they are slaves. My decision as it was 15 years ago, is the same as it is today: I have existed free and I have freed others, and the conveniences of the shackles of your cave of ignorance are not for me.

I will not sell my soul to them at any price, let alone on the price of fear.

Between us and the enemy we know that they are the ones who are truly afraid. They are so pathetic and so shaky, that they literally own the planet and still they are afraid of any echo that comes from the Gods. Because they know what this truly means. It means their time is near.

I will walk straight into any potential danger and damnation without hesitation, for I know that I am truly blessed by the Gods. If anything, I expect the enemy to wear me the crown of the Victor over them. The crown of my people will not fall into their hands at any rate and under any condition.

Observing humanity, what humanity needs right now, is people that will not bow their heads. Most your of favorite social media idols have capitulated. Others wear the yoke of Christ, and others wear a yoke of bronze.

Comfortable religions, taking the side of power even if it is the side of evil, closing their ears and walking around with different chains on their necks; some of metal, others of silver and others of gold.

They pompously behave like Xerxes to me; claiming they are Gods, that they hold ultimate power and authority, that "my life" will end. Yet they are at failure, like rodents are, to comprehend that past a point one's life is not their own life; mine has stopped being mine a long time ago, willingly and based on my ultimate will to follow Justice.

Little do they know of our kind and even more little their small minds and lesser souls can understand.

Stand on your golden throne and shrivel, we all know these earrings are not going to help.

I am that spear that comes in your terrified faces. Inside that spear is the power and spirit of humanity. And in your bleeding flesh, the infection of your downfall has begun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Lastly, I invite everyone, to do the following Rituals for the next 7 consecutive days: Orobas Ritual, Marbas Ritual, Balaam Ritual.
Can we add lord Baalzebul Grand Ritual and kol nidre (meaning can do those extra or is strictly only Rituals given)
Greetings everyone,

This message is not written for any other reason than motivation and for everyone to know beyond a shadow of doubt, that we are on the correct path. I always tried to keep it very much impersonal; but since we want to make it personal, I have to tell these rodents to continue with what they want to do and that it's already to late for discourses.

Over the last years and in a barrage lately, a lot of lesser rodents and those of the enemy keep writing to me threats, involving family and so on.

They seem to be forgetting a few things; such as who or what I truly consider a family. Unfortunately in this case, my family is where they cannot even fathom to touch. They also keep forgetting I am not even a "person" per se.

That was a long time ago; they lost the ability to stop my own process from occurring. What can the whole world and all the power do to you, but such fine details escape these arrogant "Gods" that rule today?

What they think this will achieve is a form of "intimidation". They are animals who do not understand anything besides their own mortality. I have been beyond this.

After all my love for the Gods has come at a exchange. This exchange was that I will have to deny all the pointless and empty authorities of the enemy; they have a lot of power but no authority over the Gods or mankind.

Everyday, I see more and more atrocities happening against people. It's been way too long. A few hours ago, here we go again with Israel trying to trigger another war with Iran. The whole world has to follow behind this and nod to their masters. Well, these beings are not my masters.

They have principalities, orders and everything else in the world, but they will never have or own the Gods and the people of the Gods. Everyone will bend their knees to their "Saviors", try to "Save themselves", but I am a being that is already saved in the Gods. I need no more saving.

As beings without a soul, they could never truly understand these statements. For them, all that matters is their game and they think that this is a game.

In the following years, the transgressions of the enemy are going to really show. What have we been seeing all these previous months but more and more violence against other people? That's all they know; threats, violence, attacks and aggression.

They think that everyone is going to bend their knees and object to their pressure. They have after all the world as they claim; paid politicians, fools, whole barracks of orcs and slaves that are under their control. They bought these orcs with money, desires or at the low cost of fear. And I have none of this in me.

In the same way, they overestimated their own orcs and their own bought up servants, to where now the loud sirens of war are all over Israel, scarring the souls and minds of that mice for eternity to come.

Underestimating humanity as they usually do, they think that everything was a joke and that the Gods do not exist. They attacked the presiding intelligence of the cosmos Satanas and tried to cast down Zeus from the throne. Now they listen to the sirens in Israel and they only thing they feel is more and more hateful bloodlust; their souls are locked into Tartarus while they are still "alive".

Their "people" celebrating children blown up to bits, the homeless, the widows and the hungry and the enslaved.

And these rodents also dare to send me ultimatums and try to threaten me, to either capitulate or to "join them". I will stand with Humanity and not with you rodents.

Arrogant like Xerxes, they believe that their demands are a "dictate". The dictate is based nowhere on the heavenly orders who observe these animals in their reckless spree, and allow them to burn their own souls in damnation.

I have to explicitly state that the only earthly authority I recognize is the authority of the People of the Gods and nobody else. I respect the offices of this world but not their servitude; they have sold themselves cheap and they are slaves. My decision as it was 15 years ago, is the same as it is today: I have existed free and I have freed others, and the conveniences of the shackles of your cave of ignorance are not for me.

I will not sell my soul to them at any price, let alone on the price of fear.

Between us and the enemy we know that they are the ones who are truly afraid. They are so pathetic and so shaky, that they literally own the planet and still they are afraid of any echo that comes from the Gods. Because they know what this truly means. It means their time is near.

I will walk straight into any potential danger and damnation without hesitation, for I know that I am truly blessed by the Gods. If anything, I expect the enemy to wear me the crown of the Victor over them. The crown of my people will not fall into their hands at any rate and under any condition.

Observing humanity, what humanity needs right now, is people that will not bow their heads. Most your of favorite social media idols have capitulated. Others wear the yoke of Christ, and others wear a yoke of bronze.

Comfortable religions, taking the side of power even if it is the side of evil, closing their ears and walking around with different chains on their necks; some of metal, others of silver and others of gold.

They pompously behave like Xerxes to me; claiming they are Gods, that they hold ultimate power and authority, that "my life" will end. Yet they are at failure, like rodents are, to comprehend that past a point one's life is not their own life; mine has stopped being mine a long time ago, willingly and based on my ultimate will to follow Justice.

Little do they know of our kind and even more little their small minds and lesser souls can understand.

Stand on your golden throne and shrivel, we all know these earrings are not going to help.

I am that spear that comes in your terrified faces. Inside that spear is the power and spirit of humanity. And in your bleeding flesh, the infection of your downfall has begun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Lastly, I invite everyone, to do the following Rituals for the next 7 consecutive days: Orobas Ritual, Marbas Ritual, Balaam Ritual.
No threats can Succeed against the father of the joy of satanas
May you be protected by father Satan and Gods
Greetings everyone,

This message is not written for any other reason than motivation and for everyone to know beyond a shadow of doubt, that we are on the correct path. I always tried to keep it very much impersonal; but since we want to make it personal, I have to tell these rodents to continue with what they want to do and that it's already to late for discourses.

Over the last years and in a barrage lately, a lot of lesser rodents and those of the enemy keep writing to me threats, involving family and so on.

They seem to be forgetting a few things; such as who or what I truly consider a family. Unfortunately in this case, my family is where they cannot even fathom to touch. They also keep forgetting I am not even a "person" per se.

That was a long time ago; they lost the ability to stop my own process from occurring. What can the whole world and all the power do to you, but such fine details escape these arrogant "Gods" that rule today?

What they think this will achieve is a form of "intimidation". They are animals who do not understand anything besides their own mortality. I have been beyond this.

After all my love for the Gods has come at a exchange. This exchange was that I will have to deny all the pointless and empty authorities of the enemy; they have a lot of power but no authority over the Gods or mankind.

Everyday, I see more and more atrocities happening against people. It's been way too long. A few hours ago, here we go again with Israel trying to trigger another war with Iran. The whole world has to follow behind this and nod to their masters. Well, these beings are not my masters.

They have principalities, orders and everything else in the world, but they will never have or own the Gods and the people of the Gods. Everyone will bend their knees to their "Saviors", try to "Save themselves", but I am a being that is already saved in the Gods. I need no more saving.

As beings without a soul, they could never truly understand these statements. For them, all that matters is their game and they think that this is a game.

In the following years, the transgressions of the enemy are going to really show. What have we been seeing all these previous months but more and more violence against other people? That's all they know; threats, violence, attacks and aggression.

They think that everyone is going to bend their knees and object to their pressure. They have after all the world as they claim; paid politicians, fools, whole barracks of orcs and slaves that are under their control. They bought these orcs with money, desires or at the low cost of fear. And I have none of this in me.

In the same way, they overestimated their own orcs and their own bought up servants, to where now the loud sirens of war are all over Israel, scarring the souls and minds of that mice for eternity to come.

Underestimating humanity as they usually do, they think that everything was a joke and that the Gods do not exist. They attacked the presiding intelligence of the cosmos Satanas and tried to cast down Zeus from the throne. Now they listen to the sirens in Israel and they only thing they feel is more and more hateful bloodlust; their souls are locked into Tartarus while they are still "alive".

Their "people" celebrating children blown up to bits, the homeless, the widows and the hungry and the enslaved.

And these rodents also dare to send me ultimatums and try to threaten me, to either capitulate or to "join them". I will stand with Humanity and not with you rodents.

Arrogant like Xerxes, they believe that their demands are a "dictate". The dictate is based nowhere on the heavenly orders who observe these animals in their reckless spree, and allow them to burn their own souls in damnation.

I have to explicitly state that the only earthly authority I recognize is the authority of the People of the Gods and nobody else. I respect the offices of this world but not their servitude; they have sold themselves cheap and they are slaves. My decision as it was 15 years ago, is the same as it is today: I have existed free and I have freed others, and the conveniences of the shackles of your cave of ignorance are not for me.

I will not sell my soul to them at any price, let alone on the price of fear.

Between us and the enemy we know that they are the ones who are truly afraid. They are so pathetic and so shaky, that they literally own the planet and still they are afraid of any echo that comes from the Gods. Because they know what this truly means. It means their time is near.

I will walk straight into any potential danger and damnation without hesitation, for I know that I am truly blessed by the Gods. If anything, I expect the enemy to wear me the crown of the Victor over them. The crown of my people will not fall into their hands at any rate and under any condition.

Observing humanity, what humanity needs right now, is people that will not bow their heads. Most your of favorite social media idols have capitulated. Others wear the yoke of Christ, and others wear a yoke of bronze.

Comfortable religions, taking the side of power even if it is the side of evil, closing their ears and walking around with different chains on their necks; some of metal, others of silver and others of gold.

They pompously behave like Xerxes to me; claiming they are Gods, that they hold ultimate power and authority, that "my life" will end. Yet they are at failure, like rodents are, to comprehend that past a point one's life is not their own life; mine has stopped being mine a long time ago, willingly and based on my ultimate will to follow Justice.

Little do they know of our kind and even more little their small minds and lesser souls can understand.

Stand on your golden throne and shrivel, we all know these earrings are not going to help.

I am that spear that comes in your terrified faces. Inside that spear is the power and spirit of humanity. And in your bleeding flesh, the infection of your downfall has begun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Lastly, I invite everyone, to do the following Rituals for the next 7 consecutive days: Orobas Ritual, Marbas Ritual, Balaam Ritual.
Sorry I only see this now have had some shit myself this week but am back and am ready to attack the enemy without mercy we shall fucking destroy them they hold no power over the disciples of Satan
Satan is victorious
Hail Father Satan Lucifer for all Eternity
They are counting on the endless resource which is human stupidity. They know we are right, but the numbers of their slaves is great.
The enemy can only operate by instigating the stupid against us, because they already know they cannot convince us. All this situation would have been long resolved if we weren't surrounded by idiots and comfort whores.
Greetings everyone,

This message is not written for any other reason than motivation and for everyone to know beyond a shadow of doubt, that we are on the correct path. I always tried to keep it very much impersonal; but since we want to make it personal, I have to tell these rodents to continue with what they want to do and that it's already to late for discourses.

Over the last years and in a barrage lately, a lot of lesser rodents and those of the enemy keep writing to me threats, involving family and so on.

They seem to be forgetting a few things; such as who or what I truly consider a family. Unfortunately in this case, my family is where they cannot even fathom to touch. They also keep forgetting I am not even a "person" per se.

That was a long time ago; they lost the ability to stop my own process from occurring. What can the whole world and all the power do to you, but such fine details escape these arrogant "Gods" that rule today?

What they think this will achieve is a form of "intimidation". They are animals who do not understand anything besides their own mortality. I have been beyond this.

After all my love for the Gods has come at a exchange. This exchange was that I will have to deny all the pointless and empty authorities of the enemy; they have a lot of power but no authority over the Gods or mankind.

Everyday, I see more and more atrocities happening against people. It's been way too long. A few hours ago, here we go again with Israel trying to trigger another war with Iran. The whole world has to follow behind this and nod to their masters. Well, these beings are not my masters.

They have principalities, orders and everything else in the world, but they will never have or own the Gods and the people of the Gods. Everyone will bend their knees to their "Saviors", try to "Save themselves", but I am a being that is already saved in the Gods. I need no more saving.

As beings without a soul, they could never truly understand these statements. For them, all that matters is their game and they think that this is a game.

In the following years, the transgressions of the enemy are going to really show. What have we been seeing all these previous months but more and more violence against other people? That's all they know; threats, violence, attacks and aggression.

They think that everyone is going to bend their knees and object to their pressure. They have after all the world as they claim; paid politicians, fools, whole barracks of orcs and slaves that are under their control. They bought these orcs with money, desires or at the low cost of fear. And I have none of this in me.

In the same way, they overestimated their own orcs and their own bought up servants, to where now the loud sirens of war are all over Israel, scarring the souls and minds of that mice for eternity to come.

Underestimating humanity as they usually do, they think that everything was a joke and that the Gods do not exist. They attacked the presiding intelligence of the cosmos Satanas and tried to cast down Zeus from the throne. Now they listen to the sirens in Israel and they only thing they feel is more and more hateful bloodlust; their souls are locked into Tartarus while they are still "alive".

Their "people" celebrating children blown up to bits, the homeless, the widows and the hungry and the enslaved.

And these rodents also dare to send me ultimatums and try to threaten me, to either capitulate or to "join them". I will stand with Humanity and not with you rodents.

Arrogant like Xerxes, they believe that their demands are a "dictate". The dictate is based nowhere on the heavenly orders who observe these animals in their reckless spree, and allow them to burn their own souls in damnation.

I have to explicitly state that the only earthly authority I recognize is the authority of the People of the Gods and nobody else. I respect the offices of this world but not their servitude; they have sold themselves cheap and they are slaves. My decision as it was 15 years ago, is the same as it is today: I have existed free and I have freed others, and the conveniences of the shackles of your cave of ignorance are not for me.

I will not sell my soul to them at any price, let alone on the price of fear.

Between us and the enemy we know that they are the ones who are truly afraid. They are so pathetic and so shaky, that they literally own the planet and still they are afraid of any echo that comes from the Gods. Because they know what this truly means. It means their time is near.

I will walk straight into any potential danger and damnation without hesitation, for I know that I am truly blessed by the Gods. If anything, I expect the enemy to wear me the crown of the Victor over them. The crown of my people will not fall into their hands at any rate and under any condition.

Observing humanity, what humanity needs right now, is people that will not bow their heads. Most your of favorite social media idols have capitulated. Others wear the yoke of Christ, and others wear a yoke of bronze.

Comfortable religions, taking the side of power even if it is the side of evil, closing their ears and walking around with different chains on their necks; some of metal, others of silver and others of gold.

They pompously behave like Xerxes to me; claiming they are Gods, that they hold ultimate power and authority, that "my life" will end. Yet they are at failure, like rodents are, to comprehend that past a point one's life is not their own life; mine has stopped being mine a long time ago, willingly and based on my ultimate will to follow Justice.

Little do they know of our kind and even more little their small minds and lesser souls can understand.

Stand on your golden throne and shrivel, we all know these earrings are not going to help.

I am that spear that comes in your terrified faces. Inside that spear is the power and spirit of humanity. And in your bleeding flesh, the infection of your downfall has begun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Lastly, I invite everyone, to do the following Rituals for the next 7 consecutive days: Orobas Ritual, Marbas Ritual, Balaam Ritual.
People will take any fortune they see, and try to put it through misery.

They just cant stand to see fortune like this in the world, maybe its some envy,

but mockery was never flattery.
Greetings everyone,

This message is not written for any other reason than motivation and for everyone to know beyond a shadow of doubt, that we are on the correct path. I always tried to keep it very much impersonal; but since we want to make it personal, I have to tell these rodents to continue with what they want to do and that it's already to late for discourses.

Over the last years and in a barrage lately, a lot of lesser rodents and those of the enemy keep writing to me threats, involving family and so on.

They seem to be forgetting a few things; such as who or what I truly consider a family. Unfortunately in this case, my family is where they cannot even fathom to touch. They also keep forgetting I am not even a "person" per se.

That was a long time ago; they lost the ability to stop my own process from occurring. What can the whole world and all the power do to you, but such fine details escape these arrogant "Gods" that rule today?

What they think this will achieve is a form of "intimidation". They are animals who do not understand anything besides their own mortality. I have been beyond this.

After all my love for the Gods has come at a exchange. This exchange was that I will have to deny all the pointless and empty authorities of the enemy; they have a lot of power but no authority over the Gods or mankind.

Everyday, I see more and more atrocities happening against people. It's been way too long. A few hours ago, here we go again with Israel trying to trigger another war with Iran. The whole world has to follow behind this and nod to their masters. Well, these beings are not my masters.

They have principalities, orders and everything else in the world, but they will never have or own the Gods and the people of the Gods. Everyone will bend their knees to their "Saviors", try to "Save themselves", but I am a being that is already saved in the Gods. I need no more saving.

As beings without a soul, they could never truly understand these statements. For them, all that matters is their game and they think that this is a game.

In the following years, the transgressions of the enemy are going to really show. What have we been seeing all these previous months but more and more violence against other people? That's all they know; threats, violence, attacks and aggression.

They think that everyone is going to bend their knees and object to their pressure. They have after all the world as they claim; paid politicians, fools, whole barracks of orcs and slaves that are under their control. They bought these orcs with money, desires or at the low cost of fear. And I have none of this in me.

In the same way, they overestimated their own orcs and their own bought up servants, to where now the loud sirens of war are all over Israel, scarring the souls and minds of that mice for eternity to come.

Underestimating humanity as they usually do, they think that everything was a joke and that the Gods do not exist. They attacked the presiding intelligence of the cosmos Satanas and tried to cast down Zeus from the throne. Now they listen to the sirens in Israel and they only thing they feel is more and more hateful bloodlust; their souls are locked into Tartarus while they are still "alive".

Their "people" celebrating children blown up to bits, the homeless, the widows and the hungry and the enslaved.

And these rodents also dare to send me ultimatums and try to threaten me, to either capitulate or to "join them". I will stand with Humanity and not with you rodents.

Arrogant like Xerxes, they believe that their demands are a "dictate". The dictate is based nowhere on the heavenly orders who observe these animals in their reckless spree, and allow them to burn their own souls in damnation.

I have to explicitly state that the only earthly authority I recognize is the authority of the People of the Gods and nobody else. I respect the offices of this world but not their servitude; they have sold themselves cheap and they are slaves. My decision as it was 15 years ago, is the same as it is today: I have existed free and I have freed others, and the conveniences of the shackles of your cave of ignorance are not for me.

I will not sell my soul to them at any price, let alone on the price of fear.

Between us and the enemy we know that they are the ones who are truly afraid. They are so pathetic and so shaky, that they literally own the planet and still they are afraid of any echo that comes from the Gods. Because they know what this truly means. It means their time is near.

I will walk straight into any potential danger and damnation without hesitation, for I know that I am truly blessed by the Gods. If anything, I expect the enemy to wear me the crown of the Victor over them. The crown of my people will not fall into their hands at any rate and under any condition.

Observing humanity, what humanity needs right now, is people that will not bow their heads. Most your of favorite social media idols have capitulated. Others wear the yoke of Christ, and others wear a yoke of bronze.

Comfortable religions, taking the side of power even if it is the side of evil, closing their ears and walking around with different chains on their necks; some of metal, others of silver and others of gold.

They pompously behave like Xerxes to me; claiming they are Gods, that they hold ultimate power and authority, that "my life" will end. Yet they are at failure, like rodents are, to comprehend that past a point one's life is not their own life; mine has stopped being mine a long time ago, willingly and based on my ultimate will to follow Justice.

Little do they know of our kind and even more little their small minds and lesser souls can understand.

Stand on your golden throne and shrivel, we all know these earrings are not going to help.

I am that spear that comes in your terrified faces. Inside that spear is the power and spirit of humanity. And in your bleeding flesh, the infection of your downfall has begun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Lastly, I invite everyone, to do the following Rituals for the next 7 consecutive days: Orobas Ritual, Marbas Ritual, Balaam Ritual.
Dear Master Cobra,

I apologize I was unable to do the rituals you requested in your post, unfortunately, I was cut-off the internet for almost a month, until yesterday.

Besides that, be sure we all support you at all times, specially times like this, you are the cornerstone and the heart of JoS and those idiots are so insignificant compared to you, to the point they don't even deserve to be called "assholes", an asshole is even more respectable than them, so much, that even your post is give them too much attention they definitively don't deserve. Your time is too valuable to spend in writing to those people, and we all know that, for sure, WE SHALL PREVAIL!!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
