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Putin announced an "end" to mobilization in two weeks. Did our RTRs stop World War III (yet again!)

Jun 2, 2022
Popped up on my news feed, and I don't know what to make of this, and I won't just immediately jump to conclusions, given how "really, really bad" the Kikes wanted a World War III in Eastern Europe, to crash and de-value the U.S. dollar via the billions of hand-outs to Ukraine.

Putin has apparently announced he plans to stop sending reservists to Ukraine in two weeks, and Elon Musk and SpaceX will no longer provide support for Starlink in Ukraine. We do have active SS in Russia.

News article: Putin says mobilization to end in two weeks; Musk says SpaceX will stop funding Starlink in Ukraine

According to "other news sources", Putin also claims that "diplomatic means" would be the solution.

If this is true, and a signals an end to some pathetic plan of theirs to eliminate the Slavic nations, than BRAVO......SLAVA. Hail Satan, Hail Perun and the great warriors!

Or, they could be planning a "brutal surprise of some sort".......they always have Plan Bs, and Cs.....let's push them all the way so they have NOTHING left!

Regardless of which it is, keep those RTRs going, there's no reason to stop either way. If this is a good thing, and a result of our RTRs, this will gave way to a JoS Ukraine! THAT will be the key to re-bridging Ukrainians and Russians, since all of the gov't bodies in Ukraine, whether ultranationalist, or Russia-friendly, are controlled by Kikes, the very same ones who ritualed and salivated for a World War III over Ukraine.

Слава Kоляда!
(Slava Koliada/Satan - Glory to Satan!)
Слава Перун! (Slava Perun - Glory to Perun/Beelzebub - Lord of the Slavs!)
Слава Дазбог! (Slava Dozbug - Glory to Dozbug/Azazel)
Слава Весна! (Slava Vesna - Glory to Vesna/Lillith)

May Russia and Ukraine emerge out of this stronger than ever, under Gentile rule! May the Kolovrat destroy the Menorah! [/b]


Do not grow overconfident, in wars, it's common for them to lie their teeth out. This could be a positive omen, but we ought to continue regardless with the Rituals as we have done the latest schedule to push the energies forward no matter what. Putin might flare up and go insane within a month, and nobody would know.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not grow overconfident, in wars, it's common for them to lie their teeth out. This could be a positive omen, but we ought to continue regardless with the Rituals as we have done the latest schedule to push the energies forward no matter what. Putin might flare up and go insane within a month, and nobody would know.

Yeah I'm with you on that, I get the "too good to be true" vibes given the situation, especially on a spiritual-level with Saturn. I seemed a "wee-bit" excited towards the end of the post. But I'm on high alert regardless.
Okay....help me out here again to understand this.
We just spent days doing a ritual to end the jews money system. I know its not the first time we've done it. The idea behind it was to bring an end to the central bank systems if I'm not correct. But we don't want the U.S. dollar to crash? And everyone keeps saying that nothing will happen in the coming months that everyone is lying. I was under the impression that we WANT something to happen. Like bring an end to the jewish monetary system....I can't be the only one here getting whiplash from these posts am I?
Even my parents right now are freaking out because they're getting emails from both their banks and from their digital currency people that Biden will be announcing a new monetary system in the U.S. on November 2nd. Seems like Ukraine did exactly what it was supposed to. It drained their money. Not really trying to be in your face about this patrioticgentile_666 I'm just trying to figure out exactly where we stand on this matter. What exactly do we expect to happen when their money system collapses?
that's nice :D in any case, I'll include the anti-war rituals on the rest days! who wants to join.
1 Jehovah's power is destruction
2 Restoration of Damascus
We destroyed Covid, let's destroy this too!
Isn't there a planetary parade between October 25 and November 8? That's just two weeks from now. As far as I know, that should be a pretty serious time. But I could be wrong about that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not grow overconfident, in wars, it's common for them to lie their teeth out. This could be a positive omen, but we ought to continue regardless with the Rituals as we have done the latest schedule to push the energies forward no matter what. Putin might flare up and go insane within a month, and nobody would know.

I hope this is a positive omen as I and my relatives at risk. Since the announcement of the mobilization, I have been doing protection meditations many times every day (various versions, which were published in JoS books) and Final RTR (I try to do every day). Final RTR I do almost every day. After work, sometimes I get very tired, but still I try to overpower myself and sometimes I do meditations and rituals late at night. I really want the terrible jewish war between the Slavic peoples to end as soon as possible.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Elon Musk and SpaceX will no longer provide support for Starlink in Ukraine. We do have active SS in Russia.
Musk already did 180 on this subject.

Or, they could be planning a "brutal surprise of some sort".......they always have Plan Bs, and Cs.....let's push them all the way so they have NOTHING left!
They will keep going to their last breath. Essentially for as long as they have any position of power and influence, they will conjure more plans. We will truly be free only when there is not a single Jew existing on Earth, but things will greatly improve before that of course by removing them off their ranks.

OmegaWraith said:
Okay....help me out here again to understand this.
We just spent days doing a ritual to end the jews money system. I know its not the first time we've done it. The idea behind it was to bring an end to the central bank systems if I'm not correct. But we don't want the U.S. dollar to crash? And everyone keeps saying that nothing will happen in the coming months that everyone is lying. I was under the impression that we WANT something to happen. Like bring an end to the jewish monetary system....I can't be the only one here getting whiplash from these posts am I?
Even my parents right now are freaking out because they're getting emails from both their banks and from their digital currency people that Biden will be announcing a new monetary system in the U.S. on November 2nd. Seems like Ukraine did exactly what it was supposed to. It drained their money. Not really trying to be in your face about this patrioticgentile_666 I'm just trying to figure out exactly where we stand on this matter. What exactly do we expect to happen when their money system collapses?
This and other rituals are not only about ending Jewish finances but also transferring them to us, to smoothen any problems there are due to incessant cursing by Jews, etc.

It's true that Jews have caused severe damage over the past years costing Human lives, endless money problems, health problems, and so on and so forth. It's also true that having done nothing against them we would be a thousandfold worse off.

I did a quick search about your claim there is a new monetary system by next month. Well, it seems you have misunderstood something as what has been laid out the previous March has been an executive order to prepare legislation for the digital US dollar among regulating cryptocurrencies. This would not exactly be a "new monetary system", but more so repackaged old system. Preparing legislation does not mean that it would be implemented in full right away. Changes such as these usually take more time due to the large scale of operations.

When the inevitable reality of the current usury-laden money lending will end, our aim is to provide that Jews will be the losers and we will be the winners. In other words, we can enjoy more freedom, instead of the opposite. How exactly this would happen is anyone guess at this point because we can not see such events accurately in advance. But it is certain that much work has to be done, and kept done for restoring order.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not grow overconfident, in wars, it's common for them to lie their teeth out. This could be a positive omen, but we ought to continue regardless with the Rituals as we have done the latest schedule to push the energies forward no matter what. Putin might flare up and go insane within a month, and nobody would know.

Retrograde Mars is returning, it is a good time to "go crazy", also given the complicity between the opponents in making this happen.
Yes I also hear around election November 8, the rats might try something, even if it's true an Russia backed out,don't let your guard down use as many RTR's as you can don't give up,let's change the outcome of the war,
I definitely wouldn't be thinking the possibility of ww3 is gone I doubt these lizards will ever give up until ww3 happens or they have something just as bad up there sleeve for humanity
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Popped up on my news feed, and I don't know what to make of this, and I won't just immediately jump to conclusions, given how "really, really bad" the Kikes wanted a World War III in Eastern Europe, to crash and de-value the U.S. dollar via the billions of hand-outs to Ukraine.

Putin has apparently announced he plans to stop sending reservists to Ukraine in two weeks, and Elon Musk and SpaceX will no longer provide support for Starlink in Ukraine. We do have active SS in Russia.

News article: Putin says mobilization to end in two weeks; Musk says SpaceX will stop funding Starlink in Ukraine

According to "other news sources", Putin also claims that "diplomatic means" would be the solution.

If this is true, and a signals an end to some pathetic plan of theirs to eliminate the Slavic nations, than BRAVO......SLAVA. Hail Satan, Hail Perun and the great warriors!

Or, they could be planning a "brutal surprise of some sort".......they always have Plan Bs, and Cs.....let's push them all the way so they have NOTHING left!

Regardless of which it is, keep those RTRs going, there's no reason to stop either way. If this is a good thing, and a result of our RTRs, this will gave way to a JoS Ukraine! THAT will be the key to re-bridging Ukrainians and Russians, since all of the gov't bodies in Ukraine, whether ultranationalist, or Russia-friendly, are controlled by Kikes, the very same ones who ritualed and salivated for a World War III over Ukraine.

Слава Kоляда!
(Slava Koliada/Satan - Glory to Satan!)
Слава Перун! (Slava Perun - Glory to Perun/Beelzebub - Lord of the Slavs!)
Слава Дазбог! (Slava Dozbug - Glory to Dozbug/Azazel)
Слава Весна! (Slava Vesna - Glory to Vesna/Lillith)

May Russia and Ukraine emerge out of this stronger than ever, under Gentile rule! May the Kolovrat destroy the Menorah! [/b]



Our views regarding the joos should always be according to their putrid tactics. That means, we won't give up even if Putker claims that the mobilization has ended.

We will do the RTRs continuously for better protection for years to come.

HAIL SATAN FOREVER ⛧ and thank you for letting us know all about this.

Also, like that Flag you inserted at the finale of your topic :) May you tell me what it represents, cause I feel it has some interesting symbols and main shape that appear on it :)

It's basically the "Slavic Black Sun" or a "Slavic Swastika", it's known as the "Kolovrat". A lot of White Nationalists in Slavic-speaking countries use it. Yes, I heavily encourage it among our Slavic-speaking members!

The top-left symbol, those are runes, the bottom-left is the 6-pointed helix of life, it's where the 6 points on a snowflake come from, Satan's 6, not the Jewish 6. The other symbols on the right, I'm not really familiar with.
Class Cnbc is literally the only news site that has published such an article, I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Aquarius said:
Class Cnbc is literally the only news site that has published such an article, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

True, and also except of being a fake, it could be a trick. Clearly however they are considering it, as it appears both sides are pressing themselves too much, where everything will be fucked way before any of this will have finished. Then again they might go full jew retard.

We did the schedule anyway, to be sure things are pushing in another direction other than the known one which is fallout. Signs of a slowdown are there, but it could be a temporary truce or fake news.

What's for sure is that the kikes involved will keep paying and bringing the punishment on them. Putin is not stupid, he knows how to deal with this, but he is under a lot of pressure too in Russia with sanctions and all this crap.

The enemy would not start the charade if they did not have almost certainty it would come to at least many outcomes that they are actively after.
The jews hoped to start WW3 with this conflict but it seems it doesn't go anywhere for them. Since NATO didn't *officially* get involved the politicians are directly pulling the nuclear war card, like they are trying to avoid the whole war altogether and just nuke the planet straight away over some minor territories in Ukraine. Is obvious the "reason" for a nuclear war is totally irrelevant but is most likely not this the reason the war doesn't start.

I doubt Russian soldiers will retreat from Ukraine very soon (unless the jews decide to "cancel" the war and try something else) however definitely many things happened during the last RTR schedule.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Can those that desire to, also perform Satan's Absolution ritual along with FRTR during our break until the next schedule, HP?
I will continue with the RTR H.P, for some reason, I especially like Isaiah 54:17 Disarming the enemy Restoring Justice and Deuteronomy 7:2 Preventing Another Major War But my all time favorite RTR is Cursing the 42 Letter - Names of god with a Hatefull passion.. If it had not been for that Fellow SS Brother, I believe it was BLITZKRIEG who left a link in that bitchute feed too H.P Maxine you tube channel,,, well i would still be a lost soul swimming in a fishbowl. HAIL SATAN, HEIL HITLER. :D

Hail the Demon's of HELL!
I keep doing the RTRs. I also have been quoting the Demonic Authority affirmations,, the Final RTR ,, Killing Tetragrammaton, and Shattering Jewish Soul affirmations, even when these are not scheduled... as doing this with intention has it's own power.
Where all of the war and destruction and riots are occurring , even in one's own town's ,, All of that Death Energy can be used to attack your enemies, and the political, religious, and military powers that be, that are causing all of the problems, whether they be economic, war, food wars, etc. For those of you that are suffering from these, you have lots of ammunition to use against those that are causing you torment and misery.
https://youtu.be/m6BQuRlVOac . Is this related to the Jewish feasts ?
I hope this is true finally an end to this foolish conflict if this is the case then the last of their usual garbage the stage 3 the grab for financial control this is coming in the form of cbdc's and carbon credits the coin bureau youtube channel has a great couple of videos on this however the USA SEC has been loosing the court cases to control crypto currencies this will be the re named and re branded version of china's social credit system it works the exact same way its just named differently they do the same 3 things every 100 years Plague real or fake then War, then Wealth theft they do it every time this time Plague has failed hopefully soon war will and so far Finance has failed also but we will see nearly at 2023 they usually hype this shit for as long as possible for a good 8 years or so and get as many people killed and as much wealth stolen as possible this time it isn't working so well for them.

They have been loosing a lot of control and furthermore a lot of wealth billions upon billions has been spent on killing us as much as they possibly can and yet they fail to do so no full scale all out war no mass crashing of everyone's financial systems no miracle plague that murdered billions it hasn't been going very well for them at all and now everyone hates them now everyone sees them soon they will be forced to make some very big stupid moves to try and crack down on the people and when they do they will finally hang themselves or the mobs of very angry people will hang them for them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Class Cnbc is literally the only news site that has published such an article, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

True, and also except of being a fake, it could be a trick. Clearly however they are considering it, as it appears both sides are pressing themselves too much, where everything will be fucked way before any of this will have finished. Then again they might go full jew retard.

We did the schedule anyway, to be sure things are pushing in another direction other than the known one which is fallout. Signs of a slowdown are there, but it could be a temporary truce or fake news.

What's for sure is that the kikes involved will keep paying and bringing the punishment on them. Putin is not stupid, he knows how to deal with this, but he is under a lot of pressure too in Russia with sanctions and all this crap.

The enemy would not start the charade if they did not have almost certainty it would come to at least many outcomes that they are actively after.

Good news from Russia:

In Russia, almost everyone is now discussing the end of mobilization in Moscow. Since full mobilization is fatal for the Russian economy, it is possible that mobilization will be carried out every six months if jews follow a plan for methodically reducing the population of Russia and Ukraine. What rituals and meditation can you recommend Russian and Ukrainian SS to protect themselves from death, injury and possibly mobilization? If I asked a wrong question, please correct me. For some reason, no one answered my last questions on reincarnation, although in my opinion they are important. If I'm doing something wrong, please correct me, maybe I don't understand something.

According to American history, George Washington took part in the front lines of battles and the bullets flew past him, pictures are drawn of the heroism of George Washington. Eyewitnesses noted that around Washington, as if there was a special protective aura that protected him from evil and enemies. If this is true, is it possible to create such a powerful aura as George Washington and how to do it? How much time might this take?

I write through internet-translator.
Excellent post! This could mean so many things but I think the most likely reason for Putin's withdrawal is to keep his adherents faithful.

His role has largely succeeded the 'trust the plan' motif of Trumpers and Qanons. He and Musk are at the centre of 'quasi-freedom movement' big time.

Just a little over two weeks ago (if I have that right) Ukraine applied for NATO support. Between that, the rising fuel/energy costs/shortages and the growing food scarcity it will only be a matter of time until we see the perfect storm for WW3.

I don't trust the Putin at all. He's a Jew, he's not a true nationalist and he supports the kill shots and the many unconstitutional EUA (emergency use authorized) "directives" (not mandates). His face also reminds of Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean.

All in all I've completely lost faith in government, law and healthcare. I hope more people detach themselves from the system in every way possible and instead become self sufficient; seeking local person to person trade, etc. If enough empowered people gathered and lived that way others would be inspired to join, which could snowball very quickly. After all, a strong community like that would excel whilst the masses continue as they are, aimlessly enslaved to a money system that robs them blind while hoping for a saviour to rescue them from the hardships of modern life. Many articles even purport that Canada wouldn't survive without trade. Seriously, don't they know there are such things as greenhouses that can operate in extreme cold temperatures? Crazy...

People often say 'the world is out to get me' or 'it's a cruel world'. The way people replace the word "society" with "world" makes me feel as though nearly everyone is unbelievably close-minded. That's what weak people do though... blame it on 'the universe' or something esoteric and nonsensical. That is nothing other than kosher new-age thinking and it bewilders me how common it is, even in abrahamic religions.

That's where I'm at anyway. Sorry for the long spiel! :-D
AristocraticDragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Class Cnbc is literally the only news site that has published such an article, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

True, and also except of being a fake, it could be a trick. Clearly however they are considering it, as it appears both sides are pressing themselves too much, where everything will be fucked way before any of this will have finished. Then again they might go full jew retard.

We did the schedule anyway, to be sure things are pushing in another direction other than the known one which is fallout. Signs of a slowdown are there, but it could be a temporary truce or fake news.

What's for sure is that the kikes involved will keep paying and bringing the punishment on them. Putin is not stupid, he knows how to deal with this, but he is under a lot of pressure too in Russia with sanctions and all this crap.

The enemy would not start the charade if they did not have almost certainty it would come to at least many outcomes that they are actively after.

Good news from Russia:

In Russia, almost everyone is now discussing the end of mobilization in Moscow. Since full mobilization is fatal for the Russian economy, it is possible that mobilization will be carried out every six months if jews follow a plan for methodically reducing the population of Russia and Ukraine. What rituals and meditation can you recommend Russian and Ukrainian SS to protect themselves from death, injury and possibly mobilization? If I asked a wrong question, please correct me. For some reason, no one answered my last questions on reincarnation, although in my opinion they are important. If I'm doing something wrong, please correct me, maybe I don't understand something.

According to American history, George Washington took part in the front lines of battles and the bullets flew past him, pictures are drawn of the heroism of George Washington. Eyewitnesses noted that around Washington, as if there was a special protective aura that protected him from evil and enemies. If this is true, is it possible to create such a powerful aura as George Washington and how to do it? How much time might this take?

I write through internet-translator.

I do the 3 anti-war rituals every day after FRTR.
1 destruction of Jehovah's power
2 The restoration of Damascus
3 Jehovah loses his power over the Gentiles

Of course, after the destruction of the tetra and the Jewish defense!

You can program a protective aura for anything, you can also use runes (ALGIZ/BERKANO/TIWAZ)+SAULO(SOWILO)
you can program it to protect itself from physical harm even. As an SS, I am not worried about being shot even though I am next door in Hungary.

I think I know the answer to your reincarnation questions, half of it.
I don't know the Jews.
When SS people die, they go to hell and the demons take care of them, they also take care of our family members.
I think the non-SS souls are wandering and I don't know if they reincarnate on their own.

I hope I was able to help, if I wrote something, please correct it. I use a translator.

Crush the enemy my brothers!! :D
It also looks like that kikes health is on the decline too
Misikeksz666 said:
AristocraticDragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
True, and also except of being a fake, it could be a trick. Clearly however they are considering it, as it appears both sides are pressing themselves too much, where everything will be fucked way before any of this will have finished. Then again they might go full jew retard.

We did the schedule anyway, to be sure things are pushing in another direction other than the known one which is fallout. Signs of a slowdown are there, but it could be a temporary truce or fake news.

What's for sure is that the kikes involved will keep paying and bringing the punishment on them. Putin is not stupid, he knows how to deal with this, but he is under a lot of pressure too in Russia with sanctions and all this crap.

The enemy would not start the charade if they did not have almost certainty it would come to at least many outcomes that they are actively after.

Good news from Russia:

In Russia, almost everyone is now discussing the end of mobilization in Moscow. Since full mobilization is fatal for the Russian economy, it is possible that mobilization will be carried out every six months if jews follow a plan for methodically reducing the population of Russia and Ukraine. What rituals and meditation can you recommend Russian and Ukrainian SS to protect themselves from death, injury and possibly mobilization? If I asked a wrong question, please correct me. For some reason, no one answered my last questions on reincarnation, although in my opinion they are important. If I'm doing something wrong, please correct me, maybe I don't understand something.

According to American history, George Washington took part in the front lines of battles and the bullets flew past him, pictures are drawn of the heroism of George Washington. Eyewitnesses noted that around Washington, as if there was a special protective aura that protected him from evil and enemies. If this is true, is it possible to create such a powerful aura as George Washington and how to do it? How much time might this take?

I write through internet-translator.

I do the 3 anti-war rituals every day after FRTR.
1 destruction of Jehovah's power
2 The restoration of Damascus
3 Jehovah loses his power over the Gentiles

Of course, after the destruction of the tetra and the Jewish defense!

You can program a protective aura for anything, you can also use runes (ALGIZ/BERKANO/TIWAZ)+SAULO(SOWILO)
you can program it to protect itself from physical harm even. As an SS, I am not worried about being shot even though I am next door in Hungary.

I think I know the answer to your reincarnation questions, half of it.
I don't know the Jews.
When SS people die, they go to hell and the demons take care of them, they also take care of our family members.
I think the non-SS souls are wandering and I don't know if they reincarnate on their own.

I hope I was able to help, if I wrote something, please correct it. I use a translator.

Crush the enemy my brothers!! :D

Thank you! FRTR, Killing Tetragrammaton and Shattering Jewish Soul Protection, they are my favorite rituals, especially the last one, after the last ritual I feel very good, a feeling of lightness, feel pleasure. I really want to open the 3rd eye, but every day I can’t vibrate due to the presence of my relatives, I vibrate when no one is at home. In the forests in the summer, people with dogs constantly walk everywhere, you can’t find a secluded place anywhere, the area is crowded. Next month I will pay off the mortgage in full, I will buy a kitchen, furniture, and separate from parent, but the parent wants to sell his property and temporarily (1-2 years) live with me until the parent buys and moves to live in his new property. These circumstances are the only ones that at the moment limit me from the daily vibrations of opening the 3rd eye, rituals and meditations that I want to do every day, but every day I try to find free time for vibrations, meditations and performing rituals, this does not always work out. I have been meditating and doing RTR for about 2 years, due to material limitations, I don’t know how much I have advanced spiritually. I have been doing third eye meditation not so long ago, maybe 3 months. I really want to start seeing the essences of the subtle world in order to see my progress. I remember that as a child I saw the spirit of my dead parrot, though once, but this experience was enough for me to understand that our world is spiritual. I also want to see people's auras in order to see enemies (Jews). Unfortunately, the higher you climb the career ladder, the more Jews you meet on your way, especially in large corporations, in the best positions there are only Jews, all major counterparties have key employees, too Jews, with bastard Jewish surnames, so no matter which company (where they pay normally) you wouldn’t have crossed, will Jews, at least in my country, there may not be so many Jews in Hungary, I hope. And these are only those who have 100% Jewish surnames, there are still many employees with Slavic surnames, but some of them are very similar in appearance to Jews, especially in highly paid places. For example, on such grounds as a wine face, or a very elongated skull. As far as I understand, if you see auras, you can easily recognize the enemy(Jew). Speaking of meditations, I feel the practical benefits of vibration and meditation on the 6th chakra. When a difficult task arrives at work, or a difficult situation arises, after vibration and meditation on the 6th chakra, after 30 minutes, or an hour, or 2 hours, awareness comes, some kind of clarity, while there is no big flow of thoughts, but at the same time you understand how to solve this problem, you know what you need to do. For myself, I noticed such a problem that when you are deeply immersed in work, sometimes you forget about the existence of the spiritual world. When I see auras, I will remember the spiritual world and will not fall into temporary materialism, I will constantly remember meditations, now I keep a diary-schedule for myself, in which I mark the meditations, vibrations and rituals performed. Every day I do my minimum, if I have time and energy, I do more.
AristocraticDragon666 said:
Misikeksz666 said:
AristocraticDragon666 said:
Good news from Russia:

In Russia, almost everyone is now discussing the end of mobilization in Moscow. Since full mobilization is fatal for the Russian economy, it is possible that mobilization will be carried out every six months if jews follow a plan for methodically reducing the population of Russia and Ukraine. What rituals and meditation can you recommend Russian and Ukrainian SS to protect themselves from death, injury and possibly mobilization? If I asked a wrong question, please correct me. For some reason, no one answered my last questions on reincarnation, although in my opinion they are important. If I'm doing something wrong, please correct me, maybe I don't understand something.

According to American history, George Washington took part in the front lines of battles and the bullets flew past him, pictures are drawn of the heroism of George Washington. Eyewitnesses noted that around Washington, as if there was a special protective aura that protected him from evil and enemies. If this is true, is it possible to create such a powerful aura as George Washington and how to do it? How much time might this take?

I write through internet-translator.

I do the 3 anti-war rituals every day after FRTR.
1 destruction of Jehovah's power
2 The restoration of Damascus
3 Jehovah loses his power over the Gentiles

Of course, after the destruction of the tetra and the Jewish defense!

You can program a protective aura for anything, you can also use runes (ALGIZ/BERKANO/TIWAZ)+SAULO(SOWILO)
you can program it to protect itself from physical harm even. As an SS, I am not worried about being shot even though I am next door in Hungary.

I think I know the answer to your reincarnation questions, half of it.
I don't know the Jews.
When SS people die, they go to hell and the demons take care of them, they also take care of our family members.
I think the non-SS souls are wandering and I don't know if they reincarnate on their own.

I hope I was able to help, if I wrote something, please correct it. I use a translator.

Crush the enemy my brothers!! :D

Thank you! FRTR, Killing Tetragrammaton and Shattering Jewish Soul Protection, they are my favorite rituals, especially the last one, after the last ritual I feel very good, a feeling of lightness, feel pleasure. I really want to open the 3rd eye, but every day I can’t vibrate due to the presence of my relatives, I vibrate when no one is at home. In the forests in the summer, people with dogs constantly walk everywhere, you can’t find a secluded place anywhere, the area is crowded. Next month I will pay off the mortgage in full, I will buy a kitchen, furniture, and separate from parent, but the parent wants to sell his property and temporarily (1-2 years) live with me until the parent buys and moves to live in his new property. These circumstances are the only ones that at the moment limit me from the daily vibrations of opening the 3rd eye, rituals and meditations that I want to do every day, but every day I try to find free time for vibrations, meditations and performing rituals, this does not always work out. I have been meditating and doing RTR for about 2 years, due to material limitations, I don’t know how much I have advanced spiritually. I have been doing third eye meditation not so long ago, maybe 3 months. I really want to start seeing the essences of the subtle world in order to see my progress. I remember that as a child I saw the spirit of my dead parrot, though once, but this experience was enough for me to understand that our world is spiritual. I also want to see people's auras in order to see enemies (Jews). Unfortunately, the higher you climb the career ladder, the more Jews you meet on your way, especially in large corporations, in the best positions there are only Jews, all major counterparties have key employees, too Jews, with bastard Jewish surnames, so no matter which company (where they pay normally) you wouldn’t have crossed, will Jews, at least in my country, there may not be so many Jews in Hungary, I hope. And these are only those who have 100% Jewish surnames, there are still many employees with Slavic surnames, but some of them are very similar in appearance to Jews, especially in highly paid places. For example, on such grounds as a wine face, or a very elongated skull. As far as I understand, if you see auras, you can easily recognize the enemy(Jew). Speaking of meditations, I feel the practical benefits of vibration and meditation on the 6th chakra. When a difficult task arrives at work, or a difficult situation arises, after vibration and meditation on the 6th chakra, after 30 minutes, or an hour, or 2 hours, awareness comes, some kind of clarity, while there is no big flow of thoughts, but at the same time you understand how to solve this problem, you know what you need to do. For myself, I noticed such a problem that when you are deeply immersed in work, sometimes you forget about the existence of the spiritual world. When I see auras, I will remember the spiritual world and will not fall into temporary materialism, I will constantly remember meditations, now I keep a diary-schedule for myself, in which I mark the meditations, vibrations and rituals performed. Every day I do my minimum, if I have time and energy, I do more.

November 7th I will start a Moon square to strengthen my 6th chakra. I feel things better than I see them. but that's why I need this square now :D although I've done THAUM meditation for the pineal gland and the 6th every day for 8 months now. but still get a little extra. He can do the mantras without a sound coming out of his mouth. however, he concentrates very strongly as the air comes out of his mouth. I did this for 8 months now because I had no opportunity to vibrate loudly.

When I vibrated without sound, 20 mantras took 7 and a half minutes.
If I do it properly, 5 minutes. Of course, if I do it properly, I quickly draw the air into my lungs, from the bottom up. When I breathed in silently, then I breathed in very slowly and concentrated.

If you pretend to be asleep, you can easily perform the mantras silently. I've had people laugh at me for sleeping with my mouth open. Of course, it was just that it was open. :D
Anyway, when I chanted silently, I was better able to concentrate on the mantra.

I'm writing only because of the translator

I also tried to chant in the forest. but the concentration without sound was stronger than the sound, without attention !!
patrioticgentile_666 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Popped up on my news feed, and I don't know what to make of this, and I won't just immediately jump to conclusions, given how "really, really bad" the Kikes wanted a World War III in Eastern Europe, to crash and de-value the U.S. dollar via the billions of hand-outs to Ukraine.

Putin has apparently announced he plans to stop sending reservists to Ukraine in two weeks, and Elon Musk and SpaceX will no longer provide support for Starlink in Ukraine. We do have active SS in Russia.

News article: Putin says mobilization to end in two weeks; Musk says SpaceX will stop funding Starlink in Ukraine

According to "other news sources", Putin also claims that "diplomatic means" would be the solution.

If this is true, and a signals an end to some pathetic plan of theirs to eliminate the Slavic nations, than BRAVO......SLAVA. Hail Satan, Hail Perun and the great warriors!

Or, they could be planning a "brutal surprise of some sort".......they always have Plan Bs, and Cs.....let's push them all the way so they have NOTHING left!

Regardless of which it is, keep those RTRs going, there's no reason to stop either way. If this is a good thing, and a result of our RTRs, this will gave way to a JoS Ukraine! THAT will be the key to re-bridging Ukrainians and Russians, since all of the gov't bodies in Ukraine, whether ultranationalist, or Russia-friendly, are controlled by Kikes, the very same ones who ritualed and salivated for a World War III over Ukraine.

Слава Kоляда!
(Slava Koliada/Satan - Glory to Satan!)
Слава Перун! (Slava Perun - Glory to Perun/Beelzebub - Lord of the Slavs!)
Слава Дазбог! (Slava Dozbug - Glory to Dozbug/Azazel)
Слава Весна! (Slava Vesna - Glory to Vesna/Lillith)

May Russia and Ukraine emerge out of this stronger than ever, under Gentile rule! May the Kolovrat destroy the Menorah! [/b]



Our views regarding the joos should always be according to their putrid tactics. That means, we won't give up even if Putker claims that the mobilization has ended.

We will do the RTRs continuously for better protection for years to come.

HAIL SATAN FOREVER ⛧ and thank you for letting us know all about this.

Also, like that Flag you inserted at the finale of your topic :) May you tell me what it represents, cause I feel it has some interesting symbols and main shape that appear on it :)

It's basically the "Slavic Black Sun" or a "Slavic Swastika", it's known as the "Kolovrat". A lot of White Nationalists in Slavic-speaking countries use it. Yes, I heavily encourage it among our Slavic-speaking members!

The top-left symbol, those are runes, the bottom-left is the 6-pointed helix of life, it's where the 6 points on a snowflake come from, Satan's 6, not the Jewish 6. The other symbols on the right, I'm not really familiar with.

Top right is called Hands of Svarog - one of the supreme Slavic gods. God of fire and blacksmithing, creator. It could also represent the four elements, so I think Svarog could be called Perun in different Slavic tribes or at different times..

Bottom right probably represents the mother goddes Mokosh - protector of women's work and women's destiny, goddess of fertility.

Bottom right is also a combination of different symbols. The fork like figures represent children of the same mother, descendants of the same family, same lineage. Rhombus in a rhombus symbolizes truth, law and justice. The bottom half represents humanity, reason, strength, health and beauty. I am not really sure about the middle part.
I couldn't edit my first post so:

Bottom left symbol is the symbol of Perun. Perun is the highest god - god of sky, thunder, lightning, storms, rain, law, war, fertility.

Top left symbol is of the god Kupala/Kupalo. Kupalo is the Slavic god of the summer solstice. Often represented as a female deity, she represents joy, water and the midday sun.

Top left is also combination of two runes.. Rhombus rune represents home, shrine, womb.. The second rune represents two-sided protection, birth from the invisible into the visible world.
It's basically the "Slavic Black Sun" or a "Slavic Swastika", it's known as the "Kolovrat". A lot of White Nationalists in Slavic-speaking countries use it. Yes, I heavily encourage it among our Slavic-speaking members!

The top-left symbol, those are runes, the bottom-left is the 6-pointed helix of life, it's where the 6 points on a snowflake come from, Satan's 6, not the Jewish 6. The other symbols on the right, I'm not really familiar with.

Top right is called Hands of Svarog - one of the supreme Slavic gods. God of fire and blacksmithing, creator. It could also represent the four elements, so I think Svarog could be called Perun in different Slavic tribes or at different times..

Bottom right probably represents the mother goddes Mokosh - protector of women's work and women's destiny, goddess of fertility.

Bottom right is also a combination of different symbols. The fork like figures represent children of the same mother, descendants of the same family, same lineage. Rhombus in a rhombus symbolizes truth, law and justice. The bottom half represents humanity, reason, strength, health and beauty. I am not really sure about the middle part.

these all had multiple layers of meaning but the basic is: bottom left - thunder symbol of Perun (put on houses to protect them from thunder strike); top right symbol of Svarog (not the same as Perun); bottom right - symbol of Mokosh combination with something else and the center are the axes of Perun (my elder son is named Perun and his mother has the exact axes kolovrat tatooed). Not sure about the top left and would love to hear a detailed explanation. Thank you to whoever made the flag, it kicks ass.
Misikeksz666 said:
AristocraticDragon666 said:
Misikeksz666 said:
I do the 3 anti-war rituals every day after FRTR.
1 destruction of Jehovah's power
2 The restoration of Damascus
3 Jehovah loses his power over the Gentiles

Of course, after the destruction of the tetra and the Jewish defense!

You can program a protective aura for anything, you can also use runes (ALGIZ/BERKANO/TIWAZ)+SAULO(SOWILO)
you can program it to protect itself from physical harm even. As an SS, I am not worried about being shot even though I am next door in Hungary.

I think I know the answer to your reincarnation questions, half of it.
I don't know the Jews.
When SS people die, they go to hell and the demons take care of them, they also take care of our family members.
I think the non-SS souls are wandering and I don't know if they reincarnate on their own.

I hope I was able to help, if I wrote something, please correct it. I use a translator.

Crush the enemy my brothers!! :D

Thank you! FRTR, Killing Tetragrammaton and Shattering Jewish Soul Protection, they are my favorite rituals, especially the last one, after the last ritual I feel very good, a feeling of lightness, feel pleasure. I really want to open the 3rd eye, but every day I can’t vibrate due to the presence of my relatives, I vibrate when no one is at home. In the forests in the summer, people with dogs constantly walk everywhere, you can’t find a secluded place anywhere, the area is crowded. Next month I will pay off the mortgage in full, I will buy a kitchen, furniture, and separate from parent, but the parent wants to sell his property and temporarily (1-2 years) live with me until the parent buys and moves to live in his new property. These circumstances are the only ones that at the moment limit me from the daily vibrations of opening the 3rd eye, rituals and meditations that I want to do every day, but every day I try to find free time for vibrations, meditations and performing rituals, this does not always work out. I have been meditating and doing RTR for about 2 years, due to material limitations, I don’t know how much I have advanced spiritually. I have been doing third eye meditation not so long ago, maybe 3 months. I really want to start seeing the essences of the subtle world in order to see my progress. I remember that as a child I saw the spirit of my dead parrot, though once, but this experience was enough for me to understand that our world is spiritual. I also want to see people's auras in order to see enemies (Jews). Unfortunately, the higher you climb the career ladder, the more Jews you meet on your way, especially in large corporations, in the best positions there are only Jews, all major counterparties have key employees, too Jews, with bastard Jewish surnames, so no matter which company (where they pay normally) you wouldn’t have crossed, will Jews, at least in my country, there may not be so many Jews in Hungary, I hope. And these are only those who have 100% Jewish surnames, there are still many employees with Slavic surnames, but some of them are very similar in appearance to Jews, especially in highly paid places. For example, on such grounds as a wine face, or a very elongated skull. As far as I understand, if you see auras, you can easily recognize the enemy(Jew). Speaking of meditations, I feel the practical benefits of vibration and meditation on the 6th chakra. When a difficult task arrives at work, or a difficult situation arises, after vibration and meditation on the 6th chakra, after 30 minutes, or an hour, or 2 hours, awareness comes, some kind of clarity, while there is no big flow of thoughts, but at the same time you understand how to solve this problem, you know what you need to do. For myself, I noticed such a problem that when you are deeply immersed in work, sometimes you forget about the existence of the spiritual world. When I see auras, I will remember the spiritual world and will not fall into temporary materialism, I will constantly remember meditations, now I keep a diary-schedule for myself, in which I mark the meditations, vibrations and rituals performed. Every day I do my minimum, if I have time and energy, I do more.

November 7th I will start a Moon square to strengthen my 6th chakra. I feel things better than I see them. but that's why I need this square now :D although I've done THAUM meditation for the pineal gland and the 6th every day for 8 months now. but still get a little extra. He can do the mantras without a sound coming out of his mouth. however, he concentrates very strongly as the air comes out of his mouth. I did this for 8 months now because I had no opportunity to vibrate loudly.

When I vibrated without sound, 20 mantras took 7 and a half minutes.
If I do it properly, 5 minutes. Of course, if I do it properly, I quickly draw the air into my lungs, from the bottom up. When I breathed in silently, then I breathed in very slowly and concentrated.

If you pretend to be asleep, you can easily perform the mantras silently. I've had people laugh at me for sleeping with my mouth open. Of course, it was just that it was open. :D
Anyway, when I chanted silently, I was better able to concentrate on the mantra.

I'm writing only because of the translator

I also tried to chant in the forest. but the concentration without sound was stronger than the sound, without attention !!

Neophyte said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Our views regarding the joos should always be according to their putrid tactics. That means, we won't give up even if Putker claims that the mobilization has ended.

We will do the RTRs continuously for better protection for years to come.

HAIL SATAN FOREVER ⛧ and thank you for letting us know all about this.

Also, like that Flag you inserted at the finale of your topic :) May you tell me what it represents, cause I feel it has some interesting symbols and main shape that appear on it :)

It's basically the "Slavic Black Sun" or a "Slavic Swastika", it's known as the "Kolovrat". A lot of White Nationalists in Slavic-speaking countries use it. Yes, I heavily encourage it among our Slavic-speaking members!

The top-left symbol, those are runes, the bottom-left is the 6-pointed helix of life, it's where the 6 points on a snowflake come from, Satan's 6, not the Jewish 6. The other symbols on the right, I'm not really familiar with.

Top right is called Hands of Svarog - one of the supreme Slavic gods. God of fire and blacksmithing, creator. It could also represent the four elements, so I think Svarog could be called Perun in different Slavic tribes or at different times..

Bottom right probably represents the mother goddes Mokosh - protector of women's work and women's destiny, goddess of fertility.

Bottom right is also a combination of different symbols. The fork like figures represent children of the same mother, descendants of the same family, same lineage. Rhombus in a rhombus symbolizes truth, law and justice. The bottom half represents humanity, reason, strength, health and beauty. I am not really sure about the middle part.

luggaldimmerankia369 said:
It's basically the "Slavic Black Sun" or a "Slavic Swastika", it's known as the "Kolovrat". A lot of White Nationalists in Slavic-speaking countries use it. Yes, I heavily encourage it among our Slavic-speaking members!

The top-left symbol, those are runes, the bottom-left is the 6-pointed helix of life, it's where the 6 points on a snowflake come from, Satan's 6, not the Jewish 6. The other symbols on the right, I'm not really familiar with.

Top right is called Hands of Svarog - one of the supreme Slavic gods. God of fire and blacksmithing, creator. It could also represent the four elements, so I think Svarog could be called Perun in different Slavic tribes or at different times..

Bottom right probably represents the mother goddes Mokosh - protector of women's work and women's destiny, goddess of fertility.

Bottom right is also a combination of different symbols. The fork like figures represent children of the same mother, descendants of the same family, same lineage. Rhombus in a rhombus symbolizes truth, law and justice. The bottom half represents humanity, reason, strength, health and beauty. I am not really sure about the middle part.

these all had multiple layers of meaning but the basic is: bottom left - thunder symbol of Perun (put on houses to protect them from thunder strike); top right symbol of Svarog (not the same as Perun); bottom right - symbol of Mokosh combination with something else and the center are the axes of Perun (my elder son is named Perun and his mother has the exact axes kolovrat tatooed). Not sure about the top left and would love to hear a detailed explanation. Thank you to whoever made the flag, it kicks ass.

Awesome! Thanks for the info, helped better my knowledge on the Slavic Paganism!

To hell with the Orthodox Church and their bullshit angel magick!
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Popped up on my news feed, and I don't know what to make of this, and I won't just immediately jump to conclusions, given how "really, really bad" the Kikes wanted a World War III in Eastern Europe, to crash and de-value the U.S. dollar via the billions of hand-outs to Ukraine.

Putin has apparently announced he plans to stop sending reservists to Ukraine in two weeks, and Elon Musk and SpaceX will no longer provide support for Starlink in Ukraine. We do have active SS in Russia.

News article: Putin says mobilization to end in two weeks; Musk says SpaceX will stop funding Starlink in Ukraine

According to "other news sources", Putin also claims that "diplomatic means" would be the solution.

If this is true, and a signals an end to some pathetic plan of theirs to eliminate the Slavic nations, than BRAVO......SLAVA. Hail Satan, Hail Perun and the great warriors!

Or, they could be planning a "brutal surprise of some sort".......they always have Plan Bs, and Cs.....let's push them all the way so they have NOTHING left!

Regardless of which it is, keep those RTRs going, there's no reason to stop either way. If this is a good thing, and a result of our RTRs, this will gave way to a JoS Ukraine! THAT will be the key to re-bridging Ukrainians and Russians, since all of the gov't bodies in Ukraine, whether ultranationalist, or Russia-friendly, are controlled by Kikes, the very same ones who ritualed and salivated for a World War III over Ukraine.

Слава Kоляда!
(Slava Koliada/Satan - Glory to Satan!)
Слава Перун! (Slava Perun - Glory to Perun/Beelzebub - Lord of the Slavs!)
Слава Дазбог! (Slava Dozbug - Glory to Dozbug/Azazel)
Слава Весна! (Slava Vesna - Glory to Vesna/Lillith)

May Russia and Ukraine emerge out of this stronger than ever, under Gentile rule! May the Kolovrat destroy the Menorah! [/b]



He will only take what he has just now, the most pro Russian states then do a Crimea. We will let him do it.

If he wanted Kiev he would have took that in one minute. They are no mugs.

I see alot of nazi ukraine stuff getting peddled prob only a minority good on them i hope they dont get hurt.

Hail satan
Hail Hitler


Putin is threatening to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, in Poland children are given iodine in schools. We'll see how it turns out.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Popped up on my news feed, and I don't know what to make of this, and I won't just immediately jump to conclusions, given how "really, really bad" the Kikes wanted a World War III in Eastern Europe, to crash and de-value the U.S. dollar via the billions of hand-outs to Ukraine.

Putin has apparently announced he plans to stop sending reservists to Ukraine in two weeks, and Elon Musk and SpaceX will no longer provide support for Starlink in Ukraine. We do have active SS in Russia.

News article: Putin says mobilization to end in two weeks; Musk says SpaceX will stop funding Starlink in Ukraine

According to "other news sources", Putin also claims that "diplomatic means" would be the solution.

If this is true, and a signals an end to some pathetic plan of theirs to eliminate the Slavic nations, than BRAVO......SLAVA. Hail Satan, Hail Perun and the great warriors!

Or, they could be planning a "brutal surprise of some sort".......they always have Plan Bs, and Cs.....let's push them all the way so they have NOTHING left!

Regardless of which it is, keep those RTRs going, there's no reason to stop either way. If this is a good thing, and a result of our RTRs, this will gave way to a JoS Ukraine! THAT will be the key to re-bridging Ukrainians and Russians, since all of the gov't bodies in Ukraine, whether ultranationalist, or Russia-friendly, are controlled by Kikes, the very same ones who ritualed and salivated for a World War III over Ukraine.

Слава Kоляда!
(Slava Koliada/Satan - Glory to Satan!)
Слава Перун! (Slava Perun - Glory to Perun/Beelzebub - Lord of the Slavs!)
Слава Дазбог! (Slava Dozbug - Glory to Dozbug/Azazel)
Слава Весна! (Slava Vesna - Glory to Vesna/Lillith)

May Russia and Ukraine emerge out of this stronger than ever, under Gentile rule! May the Kolovrat destroy the Menorah! [/b]



May I just say to keep your head about you. There are prediction forces in place and also political. The US does not want this war to end because as in WWI and WWII it is beneficial for the US stock market and US in general. During those time periods capital flows from Europe came to the US for safety. With China having it’s own issues they too are looking at more and more investments here. Capital will flow here from those areas as war continues and stock market will go up. However, there is the other side and that is that gov’t bonds will have troubles as more and more people realize they can’t trust the government to pay it’s debts.

There are cycles in place. The market always prevails no matter what people or gov’ts do. All I’m saying is there are patterns and cycles in economics as well as nature and you can read these.

Like I said, keep your head about you. Be careful what you read and believe. US wants war to keep the economy afloat. Fed can cut spending etc, but US can still spend and then tell the Fed to figure it out.

I don’t want to toot my own horn too much, but I’ve studied markets since I was 9yo and even developed a major trend following system. I am also very aware of cycles and how they work, plus have some connection to A.I. market modeling which is highly accurate. Market will not crash as many think. Bonds though? Yeah, some issues there. But there are a lot of variables and many are missed by MSM and pundits.

Watch your thinking carrefully.
Captain666 said:
May I just say to keep your head about you. There are prediction forces in place and also political. The US does not want this war to end because as in WWI and WWII it is beneficial for the US stock market and US in general. During those time periods capital flows from Europe came to the US for safety. With China having it’s own issues they too are looking at more and more investments here. Capital will flow here from those areas as war continues and stock market will go up. However, there is the other side and that is that gov’t bonds will have troubles as more and more people realize they can’t trust the government to pay it’s debts.

There are cycles in place. The market always prevails no matter what people or gov’ts do. All I’m saying is there are patterns and cycles in economics as well as nature and you can read these.

Like I said, keep your head about you. Be careful what you read and believe. US wants war to keep the economy afloat. Fed can cut spending etc, but US can still spend and then tell the Fed to figure it out.

I don’t want to toot my own horn too much, but I’ve studied markets since I was 9yo and even developed a major trend following system. I am also very aware of cycles and how they work, plus have some connection to A.I. market modeling which is highly accurate. Market will not crash as many think. Bonds though? Yeah, some issues there. But there are a lot of variables and many are missed by MSM and pundits.

Watch your thinking carrefully.
You sound like you've been reading from Martin Armstrong. I take that you refer to his computer model? Unlike most other people he sounds sane and has something to back up his arguments, which is refreshing.
I had my comment disapproved in this post, but I'm notified of replies, which I can't see. That's not very democratic.
In my view the price increase was influenced more by the Sanctions imposed against Russia.
You sound like you've been reading from Martin Armstrong. I take that you refer to his computer model? Unlike most other people he sounds sane and has something to back up his arguments, which is refreshing.

Oh yeah, Martin. He has a pretty good head on his shoulders and doesn’t seem to buy into the Xtian crap when it’s thrown at him, which IS refreshing my friend.

I have my own models and cycles I watch going back decades, mostly buy and sell signals because I fucking hate the noise on MSM. Developed it a long time ago. I play with a lot of prediction ideas and find what works. I have a sports pick model as well, fairly accurate….or should I say accurate enough.

I do know that the masses are pretty much always wrong…which is what brought me to SS.
Misikeksz666 said:
November 7th I will start a Moon square to strengthen my 6th chakra. I feel things better than I see them. but that's why I need this square now :D although I've done THAUM meditation for the pineal gland and the 6th every day for 8 months now. but still get a little extra. He can do the mantras without a sound coming out of his mouth. however, he concentrates very strongly as the air comes out of his mouth. I did this for 8 months now because I had no opportunity to vibrate loudly.
Thaum is fine and well, but Gaum is specifically for the pineal gland whereas Thaum is specifically for 3rd eye.

Captain666 said:
Oh yeah, Martin. He has a pretty good head on his shoulders and doesn’t seem to buy into the Xtian crap when it’s thrown at him, which IS refreshing my friend.

I have my own models and cycles I watch going back decades, mostly buy and sell signals because I fucking hate the noise on MSM. Developed it a long time ago. I play with a lot of prediction ideas and find what works. I have a sports pick model as well, fairly accurate….or should I say accurate enough.

I do know that the masses are pretty much always wrong…which is what brought me to SS.
Alright, sounds good. Best of luck with your endeavors.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
