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Reminder: There Are Still People That Want To Kill You For Practicing Yoga - Protect Yourself

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
An SS sent me this news article in my e-mail, and I wanted to make a reminder post.

Many people, especially in the United States or in other places where a fake "peace" has taken place, are ignoring fundamental aspects of reality. Currently, there are still people in this world, and many of them, that would like to kill you and everyone who practices yoga or spirituality.

Any form of self searching, is taken as a capital offense in these enemy religions in it's pure form. Persecution of anyone as a "heretic" for doing the most basic inner searching, is the fundamental nature of xianity.

Even people who followed pieces or parts of the enemy dogma, and tried to present this as having a "spiritual character" [Stolen from Pagan religions - so some pieces of it have spiritual allusions], have been persecuted, chased down, burned, tortured and so on.

They were called heretics for even implying anything about the human soul or spirit, and the Church or the Mosque chased them down to die. This was at a level of totality for many centuries, where even the slightest suspicion of "Witchcraft" or knowledge of soul matters, would incur legal woes, death, and other problems for any practitioner.

As a result, our side, we had to take cover. We have thrived in this darkness, and slowly, things will come to light. But slowly...

While a lot of people might accept this, we are not yet to the point as a globe where all of this is fully acceptable, and that is not the case in many places. We are moving into the Age of Aquarius, yet, if you look around at how Aquarius has affected the zealot people and the enemy, they are intensifying.

The enemy on the higher level want to push mind control to the most furthered extent, while their slowly disappearing pawns who have a lesser intelligence and are animals, want to kill other people merely because they do yoga stretches and so on.

People of "Mohammed" and "Christ", are zealots and many of them will want to kill other people merely over meditation or doing spiritual practices. Even something as little as Yoga, can result in seething hatred or potential physical attack from these people.

These people exist, they feed hateful entities with their ignorance and their evil, and they want to chase down other people to kill them. This phenomena is existing still. Some of them would kill their own children merely because they did not accept the "Prophet".

Jewish hoaxing has reached such extents, that while people disassociate themselves slowly from these lunatics, there is a certain percent of them that as the Age of Pisces ends is becoming more and more militant.

This is the reason we are restrained from certain public activities that certain people who are living in a bubble, cannot accept that we cannot do. It's the reality. We are all still discriminated against, hated for no reason, and in particular, freedom of religion and freedoms are under siege.

While you will never see "Mob of yogis attacks Muslims" or something similar, you will always see in the news that a Muslim monkey has ape raged itself onto Yogis or other people who are internal seekers. India has wiped out many of their influences and held strongly for hundreds of years, as these foul monkeys have tried to culturally besiege it day and day again.

Similar situations with Muslims have existed in places like the Maldives and other places where they are a strong solid minority in them [and the same might happen progressively in Europe]. "Progressive London" in a few decades, if the adoptees of the jewish dogma in it keep increasing their numbers, will not exist pretty soon.

Like a virus that spreads, these ignorant masses keep increasing. Where they increase, the level of defilement and violence reaches a high that destroys the host civilization. The enemy knows this, so they don't spend their time accepting "hostile cultures" into their land, just to pretend they were inclusive while citizens have to run for their lives under the fear of a machete.

Muslims and all these bogus faiths, are INVADERS in our cultural heritages as Gentiles. They are very recently made jewish concoctions, and they have nothing real in them.

Sensible countries, accept ONLY friendly or neutral cultures and people into themselves, and NEVER people of a hostile culture.

All in all, this is a reminder post to keep your allegiances to Father Satan and the Gods a secret, and that it is better to not go around parading like a fool with pompous public displays. The degree of secrecy should be towards the 150% degree especially if you live in a Nation with Muslims and other Christians who are ready to go ape-mode at any given time.

Keep advancing, stay safe, keep up the Rituals, and we will collapse them gradually like a big flush of filth down the drain. This will take time, but the time of this will arrive, and they will never recover from this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

"Mob Attacks Attendees At Indian Cultural Center’s Yoga Day Event In Maldives; Cops Fire Tear Gas Shells"



An angry mob entered the Maldives national football stadium on Tuesday morning and disrupted the International Yoga Day celebrations which were being held by the Maldives government in association with the Indian Cultural Center.

The police were forced to use tear gas canisters to disperse the unruly mob following which the situation escalated into a physical altercation, news agency BNN Newsroom reported.

Maldives president Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said an enquiry into the incident was ordered. He said via a tweet that the Maldivian government is treating this issue with utmost concern.

“An investigation has been launched by @PoliceMv into the incident that happened this morning at Galolhu stadium. This is being treated as a matter of serious concern and those responsible will be swiftly brought before the law,” Solih tweeted.

The Maldives’ ministry of youth, sports and community empowerment teamed up with the Indian Cultural Center to organize a meditation and Yoga session at the Galolhu stadium on Tuesday.

Videos shared on social media showed miscreants armed with sticks and flags charging towards people who were practicing yoga and meditation on their yoga mats.

The videos shared also showed some miscreants in the mob charging towards the participants with flagpoles as police attempted to restrain them.

The organizers of the event faced hurdles before holding the event as the Male City Council declined permission for the event to be held at the Rasfannu artificial beach. The city council said there were complaints from the ‘public’ who were opposed to the idea of the event being held there.

A report from Maldivian news agency The Edition said that a section of Islamists believe performing yoga is akin to worshiping the sun - an heretic act as per Islamic tradition.

Yoga in the Maldives is a hot-button issue for orthodox Muslims who have polarized opinions regarding the spiritual discipline which have benefitted millions across the globe.

It remains unclear whether those protesters were affiliated with the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and its leader Abdullah Yameen, the former president whom many view as a China-puppet.

Yameen was the architect of the ‘India Out’ campaign which is seen as a move to spoil Maldives-India ties using the help of Islamists.

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) earlier drafted a legislation to criminalize anti-India protests as anti-national while concluding that India always jumped to help Maldives whenever the island-nation faced crisis and is also crucial to its food security.
Safety of the person is of the utmost importance when pursuing the path. It's horrifying to think of people who believe since we live in a """civilized society""" that tragedies such as the above cannot happen here. It can, maybe not on the same scale (who would want to organize to do yoga out in the open with hundreds of people anyway? Seems like an excuse for a "social event" rather than anything remotely spiritual, though, I could be wrong.) but it would still have the same outcome. Harm.

Back in ancient China, communist Buddhists would march right up into the mountains to kill Taoists and Bons while also burning all of their temples. These people thousands of years ago knew the writing on the wall even back then. Society was fucked and kiked so, they moved away from everyone and yet they were slain in their own monasteries. This is just a modern version of the same thing happening over and over again.

The only conclusion from what I can gather is to speak VERY lighty to all of the small ones, to the normies. Anything esoteric? Forget about it. What good would it do? Those that are not called to the path on their own will not gain any value from what you might say to them. In fact, it could turn out really bad for You in the end.

Does this mean we should give up trying to spread the word and to preserve humanity's spiritual knowledge? Hell no (pun intended)! Just be "smart" about it. Be vigilant! Spiritual Satanism is certainly that of a lonely path and from what I can gather, humanity is not ready for ascension. Most, at least. It will take time. Until Xians and Mudslimes wake up to their jewish masters, humanity will always be subjugated by the jewish cult. And even AFTER the jewish question is handled, most of humanity will STILL fall into another "cult". It is inevitable, but hopefully, Satan and the Gods willing, that will be towards the original Gods of humanity and lead forward to spiritual development instead of spiritual bondage.

(WOO! First time poster, looooooooooooooooooooooong time lurker and dedicated SS. I'm glad to finally be here on the forums! Hello to you all! :D )
This is why I'm armed to the teeth i can practice as i wish where i wish and with as many people as i wish to an armed society is a polite one unless you want a bunch of bullet holes in your chest son let me and mine do meditations and yoga in peace as we have said many times here if you want the freedom to do and say as you please then be prepared to fight for it whether that's spiritually or physically ideally both i have managed to convert a few family members and close friends to our way of things people eventually realize that it is a better path to be on even if your just a casual mediator.
Once again, the muslims show their true face. The "peaceful" muslim who tortures and murders you, just so you can't enjoy one peaceful day with contemplation and solitude in Yoga. The muslim just have to bash your head in so you can meet their Allah instead.

It makes me fucking disgusting. I have seen so many muslimes who just reeks of the filthiest of energies. It is beyond sickening!

I can't wait until that FILTH IS GONE!!!

Nimrod33 said:
Abrahamists are so disgusting. Yet, when you counterattack they will do the persecution complex despite being still a privileged majority in the world.

CHRISTIAN: ...all about christian persecution...
NON-IGNORANT PERSON: In history, christians persecuted many - by the sword.
CHRISTIAN: No! Tha't's a lie! That's not tr--
NON-IGNORANT PERSON: 1) Onward, chritian soldiers, marching as to war...
2) presents many articles
3) ...
CHRISTIAN: [excuses, excuses, excuses; lies, lies, lies; delusions, delusions, delusions; ignorances, ignorances, ignorances]
NON-IGNORANT PERSON: "The" pope has much money and gold, churches take so much money weekly/yearly, mo' money = mo' powah; therefore, no muh persekyooshunz except that which you allow your master, whom you pay every Sunday, to persecute you perpetually with.
If I wanted to feel like shit today I would have looked this up myself on the news or something. Guess I'm gonna need to arm up on anti-depressants to hang out here.
Ramses said:
This is why I'm armed to the teeth i can practice as i wish where i wish and with as many people as i wish to an armed society is a polite one unless you want a bunch of bullet holes in your chest son let me and mine do meditations and yoga in peace as we have said many times here if you want the freedom to do and say as you please then be prepared to fight for it whether that's spiritually or physically ideally both i have managed to convert a few family members and close friends to our way of things people eventually realize that it is a better path to be on even if your just a casual mediator.

I like this.

wish we had such things best we have is knives. They do the job :D
Good grief, during my days as a Bible prophecy student, anytime someone did anything like practice yoga or meditate, the mob mentality, internet gossiping and vicious attacks begins. :roll: He's part of the Illuminati! He's of the Devil! Ban/Block Him/Her! :roll:

Right after bullying said-student to donate his/her time/money to their cause, because remember...the entire ideology behind all jewish movements to leech off of anyone who has money, and then give 'em the middle finger once they're no longer useful.

Although it didn't go to the extent of murdering someone, but still, sending curses in "Jesus name" or "praying for [said-person]" so that Alien E.T.s posing as Demons can possess or harrass that person.

Everything and anything that the Xian HPs would say "not to do" has been proven to be beneficial, and everything they teach their congregations to hate is ACTUALLY good.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Even people who followed pieces or parts of the enemy dogma, and tried to present this as having a "spiritual character" [Stolen from Pagan religions - so some pieces of it have spiritual allusions], have been persecuted, chased down, burned, tortured and so on.

They were called heretics for even implying anything about the human soul or spirit, and the Church or the Mosque chased them down to die. This was at a level of totality for many centuries, where even the slightest suspicion of "Witchcraft" or knowledge of soul matters, would incur legal woes, death, and other problems for any practitioner.

In some of the past Churches I been to, I remember the Pastor bitching and whining about Xians who embrace knowledge about human psychology, knowledge of the chakras, and etc. Eventually, there came a point where my God-self just was like "okay this guy's full of shit, I'm done, I'm gone".

Every time I tried to expose the Christians and Jews are being the real criminals of mankind, like the repeating numbers of the horrid Torah/Bible, the congregation members flipped their shit, typical "we got exposed, we're not happy about it" BS.

They would complain that more and more people are getting interested in yoga, and the increase in yoga/meditation schools - all while rotting in their own deranged personalities behind their computer screens or their church altars. They're all the same, whether physical pastor or online Christian cult.

That's just the tip of the iceberg of number of things they whine and bitch about...even going as far as to proclaim that anyone who eats fortune cookies or engages in traditional Chinese methods of healing is evil because of their association with witchcraft...because you know, :roll: the Torah and the "Right [Hand] Path" is 100% free of witchcraft, and its Alien "god" Yahweh doesn't use withcraft or Jewish racism/bigotry to gain his agenda at all............ :roll:

Excerpt from an an article on GotQuestions (a Christian site):
"If eating and reading a fortune cookie does not carry any spiritual overtones for a person, then Christians are free to enjoy them."

It's this type of shit why I left, and do NOT ever plan on becoming Xian again.

Once-more, it's why I'm glad LHP groups like Joy of Satan exist, because I can find Patriotic and Constitution-loving Satanists and Pagans on here, because unfortunately, 97% of the entire "Patriotic" movement in America is infested with Bible-thumping garbage, same can be said with "Patriotic" movements in other countries, foresay like the Arab or Turkic nations, all who proclaim that you need to be Muslim to be an Arab or Turkic nationalist.

And most contemporary LHP/meditation/yoga groups are infested with leftist anti-Patriotic agendas. Joy of Satan is one that embraces the LHP and the Constitution, since the Constitution is exactly what enabled the LHP to thrive in the first place! If Christian, Islamist or communist militants wanna come after us, that's what the 2nd Amendment is for!

People like us are the 3%, real hardcore Truthers who wanna do something about it.

Nimrod33 said:
Abrahamists are so disgusting. Yet, when you counterattack they will do the persecution complex despite being still a privileged majority in the world.


One of the biggest lies that Bible prophecy groups like to preach, that Xians/Kikes are somehow the "most persecuted on Earth".

Last I checked, they're all living in palaces, owning umpteen thousand acres of land, owning all the luxury skyscrapers, heck in a country like America, they even have their own private paramilitary...a Right afforded to them by the Pagans who wrote the 2nd Amendment, as well as our Constitutional and whole of Bill of Rights.

.....all while telling their Congregations that loving private property and wealth is :evil: EVIL. :evil:

And remember folks.......beware of those fortune cookies. ;)
Monkey people only respect greater counter violance. Any internal seeker should therefore practice martial arts, it also helps to amplify your magic as your body can handle more bioelectricity/chi.
Lol... 😡🤬🤬 WTF!!! YOU would honestly think? That yoga would be totally accepted in this day and age? And he would think? Especially when you look at the content you see on TV these days? It makes you wonder then not to mention if a? All of the garbage that you see on social media!? Making you think that everything and anything goes! That is what the enemy! Wants you to believe until you get out there and actually start having a party Somewhere With Friends! Or just doing your own thing and minding your own business!? It is sad and aggravating! Is it people can't even practice their own religion or do something to stay fit such as a yoga! Or getting together with the group and practicing yoga together and it is supposed to be a national holiday? You would think that that would be totally understandable and expected and acceptable!🤔 if Christians and Muslims and Jews can practice their religion and dress in the ridiculous costumes and do their crazy shit? You would think that everybody else would be allowed to do something? And enjoy themselves! Just the same as the next how was it that one custom can be accepted where another custom can't? And being forced into believing that we have to go under somebody's religious rules? Just to fit into the fucking neighborhood? And not accepting the fact that you're somebody on a different path and have your own beliefs? And that everybody is accepted in a neighborhood? Especially in the United States where we have so many mixtures of people and belief standards as it is!? Which makes me scratch my head with Wonder! Just how far can we go with rules! There are rules laugh-out-loud and there are rules! With to go along and torture and be in torment people just because they're practicing yoga doing a mass murderer on people! Just because people are doing their own thing? We get crazy people to go out there and hate and protest as it is some lunatic walks into a school with the shotgun and kills innocent children while the police sit out there and a chunk there bubblegum acting like there's something when they're not doing anything at all and totally oblivious to what is going on around them? Or they know what is going on but they're afraid to do something about it and it seems to me! There's always another shooting everyday there always seems to be one problem after another! Because of the stupid added me and those that follow! 😡😡😡 all because there are certain kinds of people out there that want to be happy and have fun.🔥🐍 if martial arts and football is accepted? You would think that practicing yoga would be totally acceptable!?... especially when everything else appears to be!? 🤔😡 it saddens me! With the things that is going on these days! Everything seems to be a question and it's always been that way with Christians and Muslims they are the biggest scaredy cats! And the biggest hypocrites and they all know it too.😩😡 good love to get themselves off by being cruel and abusive to people other people! Who are just simply doing their own thing! Following their own path and learning things the same as the next person...!? And yet to go out and hurt and harm somebody just because! They're practicing something! Following their own path and their own belief system! If other people can have fun and follow their own path and their own belief system? Why shouldn't the rest of the world!? Why does it always have to be Christians and Muslims and Jews dick bitch in a complaint at the very most? So superstitious of somebody practicing yoga? Especially a crowd of people on a yoga day when these people are not doing any harm at all other than practicing yoga and getting a good workout! What damage can a person do practicing yoga? But you the haters out there they're uneducated and don't even have a clue!? All because of fear and lack of Education they don't realize what is good for them as well? And that is what is so sad and aggravating! The ignorance of religion and the ignorance a stupid people! You would think that in this day and age that yoga would be acceptable! And MANY OTHER THINGS as well..😩😡🤔...
At this particular time with all this stress and all of the hatred going on? People do need to meditate and focus their mind on other things! Such as yoga listening to music and going out and dancing and having fun. And get away from that that is depressing and learn to focus on things that are uplifting and happy people need to be healed in this day and age! And people need to reconnect with themselves and mother nature. as it is🔥 and this world is just crying! For peace and crying! To be healed! And people want and need more than anything! to be loved and appreciated! And to feel wanted and accepted! All over as it is!! And to be able to get out and to enjoy themselves just the same as the next person. and it doesn't matter what the person does or says...😡🤔 everybody takes offense to everything and anything! To what the other person does or says ? even if the person doesn't mean any harm.. and is just trying to help or trying to find something that they can focus on! And the fact that people use their Priceless energy on starting a fight with other people instead of using it for healing purposes! Not only to heal themselves but to make a difference in this world to be able to focus on something that's worth while making themselves something worthy or of worthiness! By using their time for better things other than to start problems with other people! :-( it would make a huge difference of people could take all of this negative energy and turn it into something positive! And people should be able to focus on something and yoga is one of the major things that people need! and the right to practice meditation. ⚡ people have been through so much crap these last few years! That they are literally falling between the grass! Trying to figure out what to do with themselves without getting into trouble leaving under fear and being told not to do something just because of some of these religious custom or belief or being put to death or put to shame just because you practice yoga or because you're a stripper or a pole dancer! The people have a right to express their talents and their abilities just the same as the next person! And these people who go out there and commit murder? Jealous of the other person! Or just simply because they were brought up with hatred and don't have any education or upbringing on what is right and what is wrong.. this world definitely needs some healing energy and people have a right to find their own healing energy and to be able to sit down in to enjoy the company of their friends practicing yoga and doing something positive and helpful with one another working things together as a group bringing for the positive energy in this world which is something we desperately! And people are in a dire need of healing! There is only so much stress a person can take in people nowadays don't even have a clue to what they want and what direction they're going? Because of the enemy and because of these attackers who go out there and mow down a crowd just because they're practicing yoga! Or doing whatever...? To each his or her own people have a right to express their knowledge and their ability as well as their talents and the things that they can do with their mind and their body! Especially when it's needed to be able to focus on something positive is what this world needs more than anything and even these haters realize that and yet they want to go out there and make a big mess and cause more problems! When people have a right to be people! And people should have every right to have fun and do something constructive! Laugh out loud what's going to happen next? And why yoga? Why would it be such a fucking issue! Especially if there's so many people who take ballet football and among other things you don't see ballerinas getting killed! And you don't see? A baseball player getting killed by a mob of haters! Or go after the whole baseball team is because its a sport. And there's people out there that are rented dancing all over the world! And yet dancers are very discreet. And when people get together to dance or practice yoga or anything else! People should have a right to to their heart's content without having to worry about getting shot at! Whether there's two or three or more people especially if there's little children and elderly people involved as well! Whatever happened to the common sense of people? It seems like anybody can walk into a public place with the shotgun and kill people anymore that is all I hear about and see on TV pretty much anymore. It's getting to the point where people can't even gather together in groups or have a party doing something that they enjoy or something they usually should get away with especially if it has to do with the community or a Holiday. And not to mention the fact the sacredness of it.🤔😡
Hey I wanted to say we should make Joy of Satan School because the sepreme court said we could sounds great joyofsatan elementry middle school high...Thank you
After watching the video it makes me want to do yoga more and more especially in protest! One should be able to have the right to practice and do yoga anytime whenever 24/7! To their hearts content to each his or her own! I practice yoga daily I even watch videos on YouTube and practice! And I am glad that I do yoga and I'm proud of it and I'm proud that we have it and it is an honor to me! To know that it was created for us by the ancients for us to use anytime whenever! And if they can do what we certainly can! And I don't care what the rules are in this world! They can fucking shoot me to their hearts content and I'm still going to practice yoga and I'm going to practice doing whatever I want to and doing whatever I wish in Satan's name! :) it just makes me want to do yoga more and more! And I don't care if the Lynch mom comes after me I will still do the camel pose🔥 and do the standing head to knee pose! With a smile on my face and do the splits just like Hanuman! And smile with pride knowing that I'm doing the things if I want to do! And not doing things that other people want me to do! People should have a right to be themselves no matter how old they are! And it doesn't matter if you are a male or female at any age and it doesn't matter what color skin you have you have! You have got the right to express yourself in any way shape or form or in any level! It doesn't matter what it is you should have every right to show up your intelligence and your talents and your capabilities! Just the same as the next person come hell or high water! Even it done Point nobody's not going to stop me from practicing yoga! I'll be more than happy to die doing it! That among other things that I practice :) such as meditation singing and dancing playing the piano :) writing looking things up and doing research doing homework and studying and reading :) doing arts and crafts and working in my garden and that also includes other things! :) and I am proud to talk about it and I am proud to show it off and I don't care what other people say!!❤🔥😘 people should have every right to brag about the things that they can do! And have the pride in doing so! And half the fun in the pleasure of learning things! Exploring and having fun getting an education and expressing at their intelligence in any way shape or form and at any level! And people should have the right to practice sports of any kind and go at it to their hearts content with no conviction! And when it comes down to spirituality one should have every right to go out and enjoy themselves! And be anywhere they please in anywhere they want 24/7 and we should not have to look up the anybody! It doesn't matter what part of the globe you're living in! And it doesn't matter what form of government you have to put up with! You have a right to worship whatever you want anytime you want 24/7! And you should have every right to do as you please whenever anytime 24/7! People should have the right to do whatever they want anytime they want whenever they feel like it and whenever they please 24/7! Come hell or high water! We were born free will! We have that right to express it! And there are many people out there who have an open mind and have that right to express it as well! And being a spiritual Satanist is about being an open minded individual and expressing who you are and all that you are! And feeling comfortable in your own skin no matter how old you are and what you look like! And it doesn't matter what race or nationality you are! People should have their confidence and their self-esteem! Knowing that they can have a job and work anywhere and knowing that they can learn and study anything to their hearts content at any age! And having that ability! And that sense of knowing that you can do anything and that you can learn anything you want to! Without having to watch your back or be punished for any reason! And to be able to express your free will! In the name of Satan!! 🔥🔥🔥 HAIL SATAN!! HAIL BEELZEBUB!!! HAIL ASTEROTH!!! HAIL AZAZEL!!!!🔥🔥🔥 HAIL THE JOY OF SATAN!!!!⚡⚡⚡ HAIL HITLER!!!⚡⚡⚡
GeodeSun said:
If I wanted to feel like shit today I would have looked this up myself on the news or something. Guess I'm gonna need to arm up on anti-depressants to hang out here.

We just need to be aware. Being aware should make you happy. You are fine, and others are fine too. Do not take the matter personally. We just live in Clown World, but that doesn't include much more than this.
Awe fuck yeah!!🔥⚡ Someone on here said something? About having a Joy of Satan school...🤔🍎⚡🐍...THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!❤🔥🖤...
How very sad.

People need to take their safety seriously. It's a comforting illusion for many to believe that we live in a safe world right now.

You would never catch me participating in a public event like that without at least a weapon near me.

It's a completely different mindset. Always be ready for anything. Don't rule out possibility of danger because that's the kind of world we live in.

On a positive note, we as Satanic magicians can also trust in our Aura of Protection when we have built it up sufficiently. That would allow comfort based on something real rather than a false feeling of safety.

For that, we are very fortunate.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'm actively working against Satan and doing all manner of horrible things and I'm going to hunt down all the joy of Satan members and terminate them.

This is serious stuff

This isn't funny.

You should know how horrible it is to say something like this to us when our souls went through the inquisition and all the atrocities committed by the church in past centuries when they did hunt us. They tortured and burned little children alive, and did all manner of horrible, unspeakable acts against us.

Your profile picture depicts the heart chakra, but where is your heart?
Yea I unfortunately get reminded of this by people every other day or so I've really stood my ground at the place I'm at at them accepting Satanism and nobody disrespects father satan here like they used to but I also know for a fact that's cause demons have been punishing the fools here that do and its blatant to where these Christians jaws just drop in disbelief and I can feel the hate from them how I'm going about fighting for Satanism isn't to wise and I realize that cause I never hide my beliefs which sometimes I probably should just avoid the potential confrontations from people I know father satan would understand I love satsn and his demons more than my life and I owe them alot for all they've done for me, saving my ass over and over again....
This is truely disturbing, showing much has not changed especially in many countries since the middle ages thanks to abrahamic filth.

I remember an article about somewhere in Russia sometime ago talking about how people who do yoga were being arrested or harassed and accused of believing in "cult" practices.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'm actively working against Satan and doing all manner of horrible things and I'm going to hunt down all the joy of Satan members and terminate them.

This is serious stuff

"sToP vIoleNcE aGaInSt tRaNs pEoPlE" but then from the same person they say the above. Even if joking/trolling I wonder how fanTHING would react to someone joking the same manner towards trans. We already know the answer.
EnkiUK55 said:
Ramses said:
This is why I'm armed to the teeth i can practice as i wish where i wish and with as many people as i wish to an armed society is a polite one unless you want a bunch of bullet holes in your chest son let me and mine do meditations and yoga in peace as we have said many times here if you want the freedom to do and say as you please then be prepared to fight for it whether that's spiritually or physically ideally both i have managed to convert a few family members and close friends to our way of things people eventually realize that it is a better path to be on even if your just a casual mediator.

I like this.

wish we had such things best we have is knives. They do the job :D

Yeah apparently! I've seen videos of knife disposal boxes in street corners in the U.K.

That and the high knife crime I read about tells anyone a good knife is still good in places where guns are basically outlawed.

Stay safe Bro. :)
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'm coming to kill you with a knife Hooded cobra, I'm on my way right now to stab you.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'm actively working against Satan and doing all manner of horrible things and I'm going to hunt down all the joy of Satan members and terminate them.

This is serious stuff
Woo, that's not admissible in court. It's also not bullshit, either.
This is bullshit that happens regularly in muslim countries like Maldives. Filled with clowns. Everything is backwards. No freedom whatsoever. The most basic human rights doesn't exist, only an illusion of it does.

For any SS, life in a country like that would not be easy, without a doubt. At the same time, being a Spiritual Satanist makes life easier, especially in such places, as long as proper precautions are taken of course.

As for the situation in Maldives, I have a strong feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg of something worse yet to come.
Fanboy and Genosun....are obviously !!! working with the enemy. They post threats on here And talk nonsense. 🤔 and you wonder why people like these two end up alone with nothing to consider 🤬
This won't last long and the enemy knows and is why they try to censor the internet or monopolize news sources so sensible people with monetary power won't ever lift a finger to fix this by calling it out at least.

Yes there will be an increase of deranged and the already deranged will get crazier but the counter of it is also true where the sensible people will increase and eventually humanity as a whole would know not to trust these filthy death programs and no politician (jewish or lackey), jewish banker lining politician pockets, hollywood weirdo etc will be able to tell the populace other wise.
Fuchs said:
Monkey people only respect greater counter violance. Any internal seeker should therefore practice martial arts, it also helps to amplify your magic as your body can handle more bioelectricity/chi.

This 100%^^^

The whole point of powerleveling spiritually is to ascend above monkey while also honoring and respecting the monkey. Grounding yourself in reality, basically. Many many many ancient practitioners and even some modern day ones have fallen because they didn’t respect the fact we (as souls) still inhabit a squishy and very fragile body. Disrespecting this fact will lead to disaster and living in a delusion (“everyone is like me right??” No, everyone is WILDLY different from you so stop projecting your humanity onto Other living beings) will only speed up this process.

I can’t quite remember the specifics but a man in the 1800s traveled around Europe as a sideshow performer. He was known as the Sword Pincushion, a feat truly dreamed impossible. He would impale himself with swords and ask audience members to pierce him right through the body. He was able to take out these swords without bleeding on the sword or on himself. The man was a spiritual adept of which he trained himself up to the point of becoming “ethereal” but the man needed complete Silence from the audience or he would not be able to concentrate enough. One day, he was performing a show, the audience was silent as he stuck sword after sword through his torso and stomach when a gun fight broke out 2 blocks away. This tore his concentrated and trance to the point his body rematerialized and subsequently killed him instantly from massive blood loss.

Tl;dr: man was abusing his spiritual abilities in the public sphere and making a spectacle of it ultimately payed the price with his life.

No matter How adept you become, if you ignore the body, through grand delusions, inexperience, lack of vigilance of your fellow human-beans or pure hubris, you Will cut your life short.
Honestly... I live in Mormon country..
I prefer to dress "punk rock"
As a role model to the youth..

Losing my "family" and "best friends"..
I'm kinda becoming more than just punk rock..
Fuck anything that's against my beliefs
All jews die.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'm coming to kill you with a knife Hooded cobra, I'm on my way right now to stab you.

Whether your a real Jew (you act like one always posting wrong info on things and meditations and ranting about stuff) or a troll you prove Cobras point.
Also it's illegal to make death threats almost everywhere. This is admissable if it can be traced to you and you are doing "horrible things"

Anyways yeah it's important to be careful and secretive in this path. I would go to the Gods if need be before revealing something ask them if they are an ok person to talk to. You never can be too careful.
Sadly I know I wish it could be like the ancient times but it's not.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GeodeSun said:
If I wanted to feel like shit today I would have looked this up myself on the news or something. Guess I'm gonna need to arm up on anti-depressants to hang out here.

We just need to be aware. Being aware should make you happy. You are fine, and others are fine too. Do not take the matter personally. We just live in Clown World, but that doesn't include much more than this.

Depression is from already being aware that our world sucks. But I'll read some more of these before tonight in case it's relevant.
hailourtruegod said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Ramses said:
This is why I'm armed to the teeth i can practice as i wish where i wish and with as many people as i wish to an armed society is a polite one unless you want a bunch of bullet holes in your chest son let me and mine do meditations and yoga in peace as we have said many times here if you want the freedom to do and say as you please then be prepared to fight for it whether that's spiritually or physically ideally both i have managed to convert a few family members and close friends to our way of things people eventually realize that it is a better path to be on even if your just a casual mediator.

I like this.

wish we had such things best we have is knives. They do the job :D

Yeah apparently! I've seen videos of knife disposal boxes in street corners in the U.K.

That and the high knife crime I read about tells anyone a good knife is still good in places where guns are basically outlawed.

Stay safe Bro. :)

Lol i couldn't have said it better bro
Hail satan
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
Fuchs said:
Monkey people only respect greater counter violance. Any internal seeker should therefore practice martial arts, it also helps to amplify your magic as your body can handle more bioelectricity/chi.

This 100%^^^

The whole point of powerleveling spiritually is to ascend above monkey while also honoring and respecting the monkey. Grounding yourself in reality, basically. Many many many ancient practitioners and even some modern day ones have fallen because they didn’t respect the fact we (as souls) still inhabit a squishy and very fragile body. Disrespecting this fact will lead to disaster and living in a delusion (“everyone is like me right??” No, everyone is WILDLY different from you so stop projecting your humanity onto Other living beings) will only speed up this process.

I can’t quite remember the specifics but a man in the 1800s traveled around Europe as a sideshow performer. He was known as the Sword Pincushion, a feat truly dreamed impossible. He would impale himself with swords and ask audience members to pierce him right through the body. He was able to take out these swords without bleeding on the sword or on himself. The man was a spiritual adept of which he trained himself up to the point of becoming “ethereal” but the man needed complete Silence from the audience or he would not be able to concentrate enough. One day, he was performing a show, the audience was silent as he stuck sword after sword through his torso and stomach when a gun fight broke out 2 blocks away. This tore his concentrated and trance to the point his body rematerialized and subsequently killed him instantly from massive blood loss.

Tl;dr: man was abusing his spiritual abilities in the public sphere and making a spectacle of it ultimately payed the price with his life.

No matter How adept you become, if you ignore the body, through grand delusions, inexperience, lack of vigilance of your fellow human-beans or pure hubris, you Will cut your life short.

Yes this is very well percieved, as the universe does not operate on the notion of sameness and equality but of diversity and inequality, NO ONE is meant to be the same as the other.

This sounds like a creepy experience. I do know there are others out there with spiritual powers they end up abusing or even don't know how to control.

Welcome :).Your profile pic is cool looking. Don't forget to start returning curses parts one and two and the 40 day program to open your chakras
Remember the Energy Ripping techniques,, Death Energy,, and Visualization. Psionics and so forth. Lots of spur of the moment techniques and variations to use on these JCI religious fanatics. Best to keep secret what you do. There was a fundamental christian fanatic that went into an Eckankar school a couple decades ago. He would not leave when asked to. I can't remember if they called the police. ( Thank Satan we still have that option in America. Many nations are not so fortunate. ) This same individual went into a bookstore in the town and started screaming at the owner for have Wicca, New Age books in the store. ""WTF"""???... Yes, I grew up in that Jew Sin Christian environment. And their lives are a mess, they are poor, cannot handle money, relationships, etc. ""By their fruit you will know them."" ""I have the mind of Christ"".. ""Not I, but Christ lives in me". Is this the best result their "Christ" can do in their lives.? Strife, poverty, sickness, Hypocrisy.??? This is all I see from them, and their Spirit of Christ in them. Failure. 100%... Again, this is just my experience with them. They preach against a sin the most,,, then commit the sin, over and over. Later on I read HPS Maxine's statement,, ""What the Jews are and do, they accuse Satan and the Demons"". (((... I assume they preach against these sins so they do not have to Reap the consequences of their actions against others over the centuries.... And,,, ""forgive, forgive, forgive'",,, so they can get away from punishment for their actions,, and,,,, keep committing the same crimes against us. And keep getting away with them,, while we ""Turn the other cheek"" )))... To quote Satan,,, """"I HAVE NO MERCY"""". and as HPS Maxine has said,,,, ""Satan shows no mercy toward his enemies.""". Lord of the Rings movie,, The Two Towers,,, quote Aragon,, the Good Guy,,, """Show them no Mercy for YOU shall receive none"". From THEM. JCI religions.... There are a lot of nice spiritual christians, and such that don't know any better.... But,,, for those that SERIOUSLY intend harm to us. I say,, BURN THEM. (. Punishment should fit the crime, of course.... Use your own reason and judgement,, and you can ask your Demons and Satan, if you have enough time in any given situation. . ). Sometimes just using a curse to scare them away will work. There are lots of techniques, in this website. Meditations, witchcraft, etc. Best to keep secret what you do, of course. One christian prophecy recently has their 'god' as saying He has his people in this country to commit acts of ""Judgement'" (((. VIOLENCE. ))), against America. The christians say America and the world are lukewarm, so the jew god will 'spit us out". The love of their Jew god is Conditional Love, and cannot be depended upon. Hot one day,, cold the next. If we ''sin'' the jew god no longer loves us and will spit us out. So the Jew God is a Hypocrite,, Preach against the Sin so often,, then,, commit the sin... ""What the Jews are and do,, they accuse others."". And,,, remember,, these Fundamental Christians are, in many cases Unstable and Unbalanced mentally. ( i KNOW. I was once like that ). These people will use any reason they can find to ""Call the Wrath of God down on you sinners"". Sinners = Witches, Yoga, Kundalini, Shamans, Clairvoyance, Astral Travel, Divination, Past Life Regression,, etc. And,, here in America,, they are "Pacified",, "Meek" about it. Usually. In other countries they will burn you to death. Literally. By the way,,,, if you see any Muslim terrorists burning someone live on TV,,,,, try directing the Fire back onto the terrorists, using your imagination and will power. Maybe imagine a little death energy in it as well. ""Fire as opposed Earth ( Red as opposed Black ), is used to bring on sudden attacks, accidents, bloodshed, violence, and hatred. It is also used to incite wars, anarchy, and cruelty.'" Colors section on this site talks about this. "Fight fire with fire'". Literally here. A fire place or wood stove,, camp fire, etc. will also do. If you have a picture of an enemy, religious leader that is a threat, etc.. Franz Bardon had this happen to him from 100 ( 99 ? ) occultists, focusing on his picture.... Power in numbers, of course. I directed a small fire at a person years back, intensely for a few minutes, right after,, he got his eye poked. Kept his eye,, but interesting timing. Maybe coincidence. ... I don't mean to talk too much. Just want to put out solutions while talking about the problem...
CandiceLee1313 said:
Fanboy and Genosun....are obviously !!! working with the enemy. They post threats on here And talk nonsense. 🤔 and you wonder why people like these two end up alone with nothing to consider 🤬

Ignore them. They are just begging for attention.

Cobra put alot of time into making this post to discuss something important. Let's try to keep It on point.
hailourtruegod said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Ramses said:
This is why I'm armed to the teeth i can practice as i wish where i wish and with as many people as i wish to an armed society is a polite one unless you want a bunch of bullet holes in your chest son let me and mine do meditations and yoga in peace as we have said many times here if you want the freedom to do and say as you please then be prepared to fight for it whether that's spiritually or physically ideally both i have managed to convert a few family members and close friends to our way of things people eventually realize that it is a better path to be on even if your just a casual mediator.

I like this.

wish we had such things best we have is knives. They do the job :D

Yeah apparently! I've seen videos of knife disposal boxes in street corners in the U.K.

That and the high knife crime I read about tells anyone a good knife is still good in places where guns are basically outlawed.

Stay safe Bro. :)

Likewise my friend.

Glasgow bad or good for knives depends who has one at the time :lol:

Take care my pal.
Islam religion itself is a exteme religion based entirely on fear. Along with that, with increasing number of extremist organizations and cults, things are terribly worsening in so called 100% muslim countries such as Maldives.

Living in such society is beyond dangerous unless you are a brown nosed idiot. Especially if you're a SS, you truly fear for your child and your life.

But things will change for better in our favor soon enough.

Satan's children will prevail!
Shadowcat said:
This is truely disturbing, showing much has not changed especially in many countries since the middle ages thanks to abrahamic filth.

I remember an article about somewhere in Russia sometime ago talking about how people who do yoga were being arrested or harassed and accused of believing in "cult" practices.
This is also one reason why we all must support Ukraina. There is law in Russia which say that they can ban every religion what goes against orthotox christianity. But in Ukraine are religious freedom.
F_ck if this isn't like something out of clockwork orange 🍊 Surprised these turds for brains didn't break out in a chorus of 🎶 Singing in the rain 🎵😡

Thank you for sharing this HP..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
