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Jews, Christianity and the Lynching of Blacks


Oct 6, 2017
Jews, Christianity and the Lynchings of Blacks

The Jewish race has caused harm, terror and destruction globally. All of Gentile humanity has been affected in some way or form by the Jewish problem. One of the biggest tools of destruction the Jews have is Christianity. The witchcraft of Christianity comes from the Bible which the Old Testament of the Bible is the Torah. Jews use the witchcraft of the Bible to curse Gentile humanity. In the Bible there are curses against specific Gentile races. Some of these curses are against Black Gentile people. These curses against Blacks have manifested in reality and caused some of the worst things to happen in Black history. One of those things was the lynching of Black people in America. The Jews through their black magic of the Bible caused the lynchings of Black Americans.

The Bible is a book of witchcraft that the Jewish race has used to curse Black people. Blacks were introduced to the Bible during slavery which Jews were behind and ran. Not only is Christianity a spiritually enslaving tool the enemy uses but it was also used to physically enslave black people. Christianity was pushed on to Black people to make them more docile. Slave owners emphasized the Jewish Curse of Ham myth and Ephesians 6:5 which tells slaves to obey their masters. Also on many plantations the only days slaves had off was Sunday so they enjoyed church so they didn’t have to work and they could dress up. This Christian indoctrination continues to this day as in many Black American neighborhoods there are multiple churches from corner to corner. Many Black people participate in congregations and revivals putting their energy into the Bible which unbeknownst to them is a book of black magic that curses them.

The “Holy Bible” is known as the “good book” to Gentiles but to the Jews it is a book of curses on Gentile people. High Priestess Maxine Dietrich explains in her article titled The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft

“This is the reason a Bible is in nearly every home, as it acts as a subconscious receiver and it has subliminal power, a connection with the numbers, the verses and given the centuries of massive amounts of psychic energy being poured into it from believers, it has plenty of power. Believers subconsciously tie into the energy and unbeknownst to most, can be controlled this way.”(1)

High Priestess Maxine further stated in her article The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft

“This is another reason why Bible verses are memorized, as these become embedded in the subconscious, and this bleeds over into the mass mind, making the mass mind a powerful tool in working a spell.”(2)

The curses on Black people in the Bible are the verses or scriptures. In almost every verse in the Bible it mentions “God” or the “Lord”. In truth it is the Jewish race that the Bible is talking about. Since most of Gentile humanity lost the occult knowledge the Jews having this knowledge use it to control humanity as “God”. High Priestess Maxine states this in her article The Jews Assume The Position of God

“By removing all spiritual knowledge, the populace is then completely at the mercy of those who have this knowledge and ability. Few people are aware to the extent of how many enemies of the Jews have been cursed [spiritually assassinated] throughout the centuries. The top Jews who have this knowledge become "God." This can be seen in their use of the Bible, which is in nearly every home, hospitals, hotels and endless other places, creating a subliminal connection [which is needed for workings of witchcraft]. This is the reason for compulsory church, memorizing of scriptures for Christians and Muslims [Koran] and so forth, so these are imbedded in the subconscious, the mind and the soul; subliminals.”(3)

The knowledge the Jews have is known as Jewish Kabbalah. This is how the Jews control the world through witchcraft. High Priestess Maxine Dietrich explains this even further in her article Proof: The True Purpose of the Bible is for Jewish Witchcraft

“Those who know how to manipulate the creative imagination and who have trained their minds and souls can do much more, even kill with their curses and combined efforts of groups, such as Hasidim [Jewish orthodox], especially rabbis who have the knowledge and have trained using Kabalistic [the Jewish Kabalah is comprised of stolen spiritual knowledge, written in codes and such and also orally communicated with the utmost secrecy] techniques on how to channel energy.”(4)

A key component to the black magic of the Bible is Gematria which was invented by Jews who practice Kabbalah. Hila Ratzabi explains in her article What is Gematria?

“Gematria is a numerological system by which Hebrew letters correspond to numbers. This system, developed by practitioners of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), derived from Greek influence and became a tool for interpreting biblical texts”(5)

When the Old Testament of the “Holy Bible”, also the Torah, was first written it was written in Hebrew. So the Gematria of that time was only for the Hebrew language. Since then the Bible has been translated in many different languages globally therefore Gematria applies to different languages. The reason different languages have their own Gematria codes is because the curses must apply to as many people as possible.

Therefore it must be culturally relatable. This is also why there are different versions of the Bible. The curses in the Bible must apply to different time periods as the language changes throughout time. There is the King James Version, New King James Version, New International Version, English Standard Version and New Living Translation etc.

For the English language there are many different codes. Some say there are over 100 Gematria codes that are used. Below are just two of the codes for the English language.(6)

Reverse Simple English (R) :
(also called Reverse Ordinal)

Z=1; Y=2; X=3; W=4; V=5; U=6; T=7; S=8; R=9;
Q=10; P=11; O=12; N=13; M=14; L=15; K=16; J=17; I=18; H=19; G=20; F=21; E=22; D=23; C=24; B=25; A=26

Reverse Pythagorean (RR) :
(also called Reverse Reduced)

Z=1; Y=2; X=3; W=4; V=5; U=6; T=7; S=8; R=9; Q=1; P=2; O=3; N=4; M=5; L=6; K=7; J=8; I=9; H=1; G=2; F=3; E=4; D=5; C=6; B=7; A=8

The Biblical curses on Black people are in the scriptures. The scriptures are what the curse is. The numbers of the chapter and verses are to who the curse is for.

The biblical verse below not only has to do with the enslavement of Blacks but also the mistreatment of blacks in the US.

Genesis 15:13-14 NIV (13)Then the Lord said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. (14)But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions

The “Lord” in this verse is the Jewish people cursing Blacks to slavery and mistreatment. Which manifested in the Trans-Atlantic Trade which the Jews had a heavy hand in running(7). It affected blacks across the diaspora but this verse but this specifically has to do with Black people in North America as the 400 years of slavery and mistreatment starts with Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. The mistreatment in the verse includes, among many other things, the lynching of Black people. The Jews used Kabbalah to direct this curse on to Black people.

This becomes apparent using the gematria codes. When you add together the chapter and verse numbers you get the number 42.

Chapter number 15 + Verses 13+14= 42

Using Gematria, which is a way to interpret Biblical texts that was created by Kabbalah (Jewish Mysticism) practicing Jews, who this curse is directed to becomes very clear.

Blacks = 42 (RR)
Nigger = 42 ( R )
Lynchings = 42 (RR)

This verse is the reason for the enslavement and mistreatment of Black people, including lynchings. The Bible is a very powerful tool of black magic that the Jews use. It creates a powerful spell that believers can be controlled by.

The lynchings of Black people in America were actually very tied to Christianity in a ritualistic way. During the time that lynchings occurred in the South most people were very Christian way more than people are in the 21st century. Most people were devout Christians, both black and white people. This also includes the people doing the lynchings at this time. In the Journal of Southern Religion, Donald G Matthews writes in his article The Southern Rite of Human Sacrifice

“Religion permeated communal lynching because the act occurred within the context of a sacral order designed to sustain holiness”(8)

Historian Amy Louise Wood writes in her book Lynching and Spectacle: Witnessing Racial Violence in America, 1890-1940

“Nevertheless, regardless of whether individual lynchers were church members, they lived in a culture steeped in evangelical Protestant beliefs and values. Christianity was the primary lens through which most southerners conceptualized and made sense of suffering and death of any sort. It would be unconceivable that they could inflict pain and torment on the bodies of black men without imagining that violence as a religious act, laden with Christian symbolism and significance.”(9)

Walter White who was an anti lynching activist wrote in Rope and Faggot: A Biography of Judge Lynch in 1929

“ IT IS EXCEEDINGLY DOUBTFUL if lynching could possibly exist under any other religion than Christianity”

Walter continues

“No person who is familiar with the Bible-beating, acrobatic, fanatical preachers of hell-fire in the South, and who has seen the orgies of emotion created by them, can doubt for a moment that dangerous passions are released which contribute to emotional instability and play a part in lynching.”(10)

Evangelical Christianity was the way people thought and believed. This evangelical purity culture was so powerful in the actions of people that as the evangelical church grew, lynchings increased.(11) Many of the lynchers viewed the lynchings of blacks to be ordained by “God” as punishment for the crime the black person allegedly committed. They viewed the lynch mob as “God’s wrath” on the alleged black criminal.

In 1893 a black man named Henry Smith was lynched in Paris, Texas for allegedly confessing to the murder of the three year old daughter of a police officer. One defender of the gruesome lynching stated

“It was nothing but the vengeance of an outraged God, meted out to him, through the instrumentality of the people that caused the cremation.”(12)

Similar to how it was the Jewish black magic of the Bible that caused Spanish christians to torture other gentiles during the Spanish Inquisition. During the inquisition if a gentile was accused of heresy or witchcraft Christians would torture, execute and burn at the stake other gentiles. Christians tortured and killed thousands of other gentiles in the name of the Bible. Lynchings became rituals that Christian’s believed were acting out “God’s punishment” on the alleged black criminal. This mentality coincides with the biblical curse of Genesis 15:13-14. It was Jewish black magic of the Bible that cursed blacks to this mistreatment inflicted on them by Christians.

Jews were also directly involved with the lynchings that took place. The Jewish kabbalistic curses caused the “mistreatment” that the biblical verse speaks of and Jews contributed to that in reality. Lynchings were discussed by Black and White leaders during the time period they happened. Yet many leaders during that time didn’t notice the Jewish hand at play. Jews were directly responsible for the lynchings that took place.

One of the biggest factors that contributed to the lynchings was the alcohol that both blacks and whites consumed. This alcohol was consumed and caused drunken blacks and whites to act out violently. Alcohol was such a major factor that Black and White leaders spoke on it in the early 20th century.

Booker T Washington stated in 1908

"…the abolition of the barroom is a blessing to the Negro second only to the abolition of slavery. Two thirds of the mobs, lynchings, and burnings at the stake are the result of bad whiskey drunk by bad black men and bad white men."(13)

Alabama Congressman Richmond Hobson stated before the House of Representatives in 1914

“Liquor will actually make a brute out of a negro, causing him to commit unnatural crimes. The effect is the same on the white man, though the white man being further evolved it takes longer time to reduce him to the same level.”(14)

American Dramatist Edward Sheldon known for writing “Romance” and “Dishonored Lady” also wrote a play in 1909 title “The Nigger”. Edward Sheldon stated on March 20, 1915 about the play

"As I have pointed out in the play the negro problem is in my belief due largely to bad whiskey. There is hardly one of the "usual crimes" of the Southern Negro for which the penalty is usually lynching, that has not alcohol as the cause. Take liquor out of the South and the race problem would to cease to be."(15)

The Jews were the ones who controlled the liquor trade. John Foster Fraser states in The Conquering Jew published by Funk and Wagnalls Company

“The Jews are masters of the whisky trade in the United States. Eighty per cent of the members of the National Liquor Dealers’ Association are Jews. It has been shown that 60 per cent of the business of distilling and wholesale trade in whisky is in the hands of the Jews. As middlemen they control the wine product of California."(16)

There was a specific type of liquor sold to poor blacks in the South. This gin was owned by a Jew named Lee Levy. It was called Black Cock Vigor Gin and it was sold in bottles that had naked white women on it. Some people called it by the name of Nigger Gin.

American journalist Will Irvin wrote a piece for Collier’s Weekly titled More About “Nigger Gin” on 15 August 1908 in his article Irvin writes

“In the saloons which had both white and negro custom these bottles were always on the negro side.”(17)

He further states that Levy’s gin was exclusively sold to blacks in the south.

“I never saw it in any saloon which bars the negro”(18)

Jews also owned the saloons that sold the alcohol to blacks.(19) These saloons had pictures of naked white women on its walls as well.(20) This Jewish gin was very prevalent among black people in the south. Many alleged black criminals had this alcohol on them when arrested or they were coming out of a saloon before they committed a crime. Irvin continues to write that in Birmingham, Alabama

“That a bottle of the stuff, half empty, had been taken from a Pickens county negro just after his arrest for the nameless crime.”(21)

He writes further into his article

“ But the mob found three bottles of a certain brand upon one Johnson of Chattanooga; and there was the Pickens county negro in Alabama, and the race rioters of Atlanta, and half a dozen cases where the evidence does not run in a chain so direct—negroes who have come drunken from dives notorious for the display of these obscene goods to commit the awful crime.”(22)

Will Irvin in another article titled “The American Saloon” for Collier’s weekly on 16 May 1908 Irvin writes on a case in Louisiana of white woman who was allegedly raped and murdered by a black man named Charles Coleman.

“Out of that saloon staggered a negro named Coleman—‘drunken’, ran the testimony at the trial ‘on cheap gin.’”(23)

These weren’t just isolated coincidences at all. This was happening all over the south. The Jews were causing racial strife in the south between black and white gentiles with the liquor they owned and got rich selling. Will Irvin continues in his article for Collier’s Weekly titled More About “Nigger Gin”

“Levy—so the gossip of the liquor trade has it—grew rich through this department of his business. Dreyfuss, Weil & Company advertise everywhere that theirs is ‘the most widely sold brand in the South.’ And more and more one hears of tragedies that lie at the end of this course”(24)

The Jews were supplying and profiting off of bad liquor they deliberately sold to black people. This liquor caused the violence and outbursts the black victim of the lynchings was accused of committing. Whites responded to the crime with lynchings and riots believing it was a “negro problem” when it was the Jew who supplied the poison that caused the crime. It was the Jew that made a fortune off of gentiles hating and killing each other.

Great American businessman and founder of Ford, Henry Ford even noticed what the Jews were doing. Henry Ford stated in The International Jew vol. 4 chapter 63 titled Gigantic Jewish Liquor Trust and Its Career

"Trace the appearance of this gin as to date, and you will find the period when Negro outbursts and lynching became serious. Trace the localities where this gin was most widely sold and you will find the places where these disorders prevailed."(25)

What Henry Ford said is factual. During the prohibition era alcohol was banned and the rate of lynchings decreased. There was a college level study that proves this by two scholars. Hoyt Bleakley at Booth School of Business, University of Chicago and Emily Owens at Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University both did a study titled Violence Beyond Reason: Prohibition of Alcohol and the Decline of Lynching in the US South

The results of this study were

"Using data on county level dry ordinances and organized violence against black southerners, we show that local restrictions on the availability of alcohol reduced the incidence of lynching. Not only was the approval of a dry ordinance associated a discrete drop in the probability that a lynching occurred, the likelihood that a lynching occurred fell each successive year that alcohol sales were banned. The timing of this discrete jump and trend break is highly unlikely to have occurred at random, and is not observed in event-study analyses of demographic changes, voting patterns, or urbanization”(26)

This Jewish alcohol caused nationwide racial strife and generational trauma between black and white gentiles. Both gentile races didn’t notice the Jewish hand causing the problem. This was all a part of a Jewish plan. Jews wanted to divide and exploit the races for their own nefarious reasons. In 1912 a Jewish Zionist named Israel Cohen, who served as secretary for the World Zionist Organization, wrote in A Racial Program for the 20th Century

“We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.”(27)

The Jews executed this plan fully and in response to the lynchings in the south led northern anti lynching groups such as the NAACP. The NAACP in 1909 was co-founded by multiple Jewish people.(28) The NAACP also had numerous Jewish donors and financiers.(29) The NAACP led a nationwide Anti-Lynching campaign. They raised money, wrote articles in the press, held protests and marches against lynchings. Jewish people tried to appear as a friend to blacks and wickedly offered help to a problem they caused.

The Jew once again divided a nation and gentile people with a problem that they caused. The north looked on to the south as racist, barbaric and backwards. The south looked at the north as if they don’t understand the “negro problem”, which in reality was a Jewish problem that the Jew used blacks as a tool to cause. Within the nation, white and black gentiles looked onto each other with hate and fear. The country was divided again not knowing it was the Jew causing the problem and playing both sides. Internationally, the world looked at the oppression African Americans faced judging the United States for the harsh treatment. This historical tragedy has affected gentiles with pain, trauma, fear and hate that the Jews caused.

The Jews and their black magic of the Bible has caused harm, pain, suffering and terror to black people. Over 4,000 people were lynched in the US. Christianity was a very crucial aspect to lynchings and the way people viewed them. Gentile families lost their loved ones due to violent and gruesome acts that Jews played a very important part in. Jewish liquor directly impacted lynchings and how often they occurred. The Jew is the reason for this dark period in American history. The Jew is responsible for black and white gentiles having generational trauma and racial tensions to this day. It is well past time for black people to leave the religion they were forced into through Jewish slavery that has caused so much suffering and return to Satan and the Egyptian gods. The true gods of the black race!!!!

Hail Satan!!!!!

Works Cited

  1. Dietrich, Maxine . “The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft.” Joy of Satan https://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Bible_Jewish_Witchcraft.html
  2. ‌Ibid.
  3. Dietrich, Maxine . “Jews Assume the Position of God.” Joy of Satan
  4. ‌Maxine Dietrich . “Proof: The True Purpose of the Bible Is for Jewish Witchcraft.” Joy of Satan.
  5. ‌Ratzabi, Hila. “What Is Gematria.” My Jewish Learning, www.myjewishlearning.com/article/gematria/.
  6. Hubbard, Zachary K . Letters and Numbers. vol. 2.
  7. Farrakhan, Louis, and Nation Of Islam (Chicago, Ill. The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, Ill., Latimer Associates, 1994.
  8. Mattews, Donald G . “The Southern Rite of Human Sacrifice .” Journal of Southern Religion , jsreligion.org/mathews3.htm.
  9. ‌Amy Louise Wood. Lynching and Spectacle : Witnessing Racial Violence in America, 1890-1940. Chapel Hill, Univ Of North Carolina Pr, 2011.‌
  10. White, Walter. Rope and Faggot : A Biography of Judge Lynch. Notre Dame, Ind., University Of Notre Dame Press ; New York, 2002
  11. Charles Reagan Wilson. The Southern Way of Life. UNC Press Books, 30 Nov. 2022.
  12. Ibid.
  13. Reinsch, Paul Samuel. Readings on American State Government. 1911.
  14. ‌“Richmond P. Hobson Argues for Prohibition | Prohibition.” Prohibition.osu.edu, prohibition.osu.edu/hobson.
  15. ‌Slide, Anthony. Early American Cinema. Scarecrow Press, 1994.
  16. ‌John Foster Fraser. The Conquering Jew. London, Cassell [1915], 1915.
  17. ‌Irvin, Will . “More about “Nigger Gin.”” Collier’s Weekly, 15 Aug. 1908.
  18. ‌Ibid.
  19. American Magazine, quoted in Ray Stannard Baker, Following the Color Line: American Negro Citizenship in the Progressive Era (New York: Doubleday, Page, 1908), 35.
  20. Atlanta Journal, September 22, 1906, 1.
  21. ‌Irvin, Will . “More about “Nigger Gin.”” Collier’s Weekly, 15 Aug. 1908.
  22. Ibid.
  23. Irvin, Will. “The American Saloon.” Collier’s Weekly, 16 May 1908.
  24. ‌‌Irvin, Will . “More about “Nigger Gin.”” Collier’s Weekly, 15 Aug. 1908
  25. Ford, Henry. The International Jew. Dearborn Dearborn Publ. Co, 1920.
  26. ‌Bleakley, Hoyt , and Emily Owens. Violence beyond Reason: Prohibition of Alcohol and the Decline of Lynching in the US South.
  27. Cohen, Israel . A Racial Program for the 20th Century . 1912.
  28. ‌Library of Congress. “Founding and Early Years - NAACP: A Century in the Fight for Freedom | Exhibitions - Library of Congress.” Loc.gov, 2019, www.loc.gov/exhibits/naacp/founding-and-early-years.html.
  29. “Opinion | What We Can Learn from the Jews of the NAACP about Intersectional Organizing.” The Forward, 12 Sept. 2019, forward.com/opinion/431300/what-we-can-learn-from-the-jews-of-the-naacp-about-intersectional/.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
