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Reminder: There Are Still People That Want To Kill You For Practicing Yoga - Protect Yourself

Be safe everyone. We are on the path towards coming out of the dark and being able to proudly show who we are to the world, but the time is not now. The world is still heavily under enemy control.. but that doesn't mean that the time is never. It will happen, and is closer to happening more than it ever was before. However, we still must continue to be safe we can't be foolish and put ourselves in danger. Guard yourself from the enemy's eyes, and be strong. We are drawing ever nearer to a bright and beautiful future, but we must hold on for now and hold fast to the hope that the Gods give us.They have given us hope in knowing we aren't alone, and everything will be alright in time as long as we learn from them and follow their instruction. Just be patient. One day we can openly and freely practice satanism and be free, it's not impossible. It may look impossible now, if you're looking at it with eyes clouded by despair from the enemy. Wipe away the sadness and fear, and do whatever it takes to make our spiritual freedom, and the freedom of our people a reality!
The kike-created Abrahamic mind viruses don't like nature and anything that is wholesome, healthy, spiritual, and intellectual. It's not surprising they would be against yoga.
GeodeSun said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GeodeSun said:
If I wanted to feel like shit today I would have looked this up myself on the news or something. Guess I'm gonna need to arm up on anti-depressants to hang out here.

We just need to be aware. Being aware should make you happy. You are fine, and others are fine too. Do not take the matter personally. We just live in Clown World, but that doesn't include much more than this.

Depression is from already being aware that our world sucks. But I'll read some more of these before tonight in case it's relevant.

You must understand also that much of this world is beautiful and that you must get in contact with this. Then you will feel better. Not everything is literally burning.

In fact, this is a mental attack by the enemy, who only tells us of the bad, while hiding the good. Take a walk in a good park, or in nature, or by the sea, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths. Learn to appreciate that. Hope you get better soon.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm coming to kill you right now Hooded Cobra, you're going to die for your yoga.

Fanboy said:
It's time to activate the last stage of my plan and destroy the joy of Satan, I've got to do it now.

It's the perfect time to annihilate the goyim!

I don't know if I have always noticed this but I have seen "Jesus" and "Mohammad" written as such with quotes and this makes the message a lot clearer to me as a bit of an eternal outsider to you guys.

The Abrahmic mind virus is an enemy to all seekers of truth, joy and spirit.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GeodeSun said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We just need to be aware. Being aware should make you happy. You are fine, and others are fine too. Do not take the matter personally. We just live in Clown World, but that doesn't include much more than this.

Depression is from already being aware that our world sucks. But I'll read some more of these before tonight in case it's relevant.

You must understand also that much of this world is beautiful and that you must get in contact with this. Then you will feel better. Not everything is literally burning.

In fact, this is a mental attack by the enemy, who only tells us of the bad, while hiding the good. Take a walk in a good park, or in nature, or by the sea, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths. Learn to appreciate that. Hope you get better soon.

This is sound advice as per HPHC,

I need some of this too, not the depression, the answers you have given cheers bro :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All in all, this is a reminder post to keep your allegiances to Father Satan and the Gods a secret, and that it is better to not go around parading like a fool with pompous public displays. The degree of secrecy should be towards the 150% degree especially if you live in a Nation with Muslims and other Christians who are ready to go ape-mode at any given time.
This is what I have successfully adhered to for all these long years.Nobody knows I am a Satanist except me, but I am known as a huge Nazi in my neighborhood because I have liked National Socialism since I was a little kid and I could never keep my love and respect for Hitler to myself.Although I would do it differently today as an adult and not show it,but I didn't even think about it as a child,and I wasn't even a Satanist then, I just stood out from the rest of the crowd with my obvious admiration for Hitler.Many people in my life have even said that I was Hitler in a previous life, which to me is quite ridiculous, but those who said it were not so much joking as saying it in a serious way, of course they were not even bloody serious. :lol: :D
Kurat said:
Shadowcat said:
This is truely disturbing, showing much has not changed especially in many countries since the middle ages thanks to abrahamic filth.

I remember an article about somewhere in Russia sometime ago talking about how people who do yoga were being arrested or harassed and accused of believing in "cult" practices.
This is also one reason why we all must support Ukraina. There is law in Russia which say that they can ban every religion what goes against orthotox christianity. But in Ukraine are religious freedom.

Yes that sounds about accurate. No different than an Islamic caliphate. :x
According to the law you don't have to tell anyone your name, address, and place of work. Hail Satan!!
Wildfire said:
Fanboy said:
It's time to activate the last stage of my plan and destroy the joy of Satan, I've got to do it now.

It's the perfect time to annihilate the goyim!


:lol: What in the world? Is that guy (fanboy) serious?

I've read about the enemy infiltrating, but his attempts of making attacks or mockery are just simply- ridiculous!

People like this shouldn't be for real. It's stupid! They're stupid!
Fuchs said:
Monkey people only respect greater counter violance. Any internal seeker should therefore practice martial arts, it also helps to amplify your magic as your body can handle more bioelectricity/chi.

One of my all-time ambition...
The enemy may also try to kill others who pose a threat to the Jewish empire by using black magick, the jewish black magick that is full of human and animal murder.
Flowers of Adonis said:
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'm actively working against Satan and doing all manner of horrible things and I'm going to hunt down all the joy of Satan members and terminate them.

This is serious stuff

This isn't funny.

You should know how horrible it is to say something like this to us when our souls went through the inquisition and all the atrocities committed by the church in past centuries when they did hunt us. They tortured and burned little children alive, and did all manner of horrible, unspeakable acts against us.

Your profile picture depicts the heart chakra, but where is your heart?

I don't think s/he is trying to be funny, tragically. Please take these individuals seriously and assume, till you know different, that they actually have evil intentions against us. You don't know this person and that they (do/don't) have Jewish Kabbalistic Magic skills or a nuclear bomb laboratory in their basement :D or whatever. At the same time, please know that Satan works by turning on incipient stupidity on a person, where he cares (about the individual or against him in the name of the greater good) and where he chooses to work his will.

Or (not necessarily mutually exclusive), this could be some 13yo taking a nice fill-face-with-sugar-and-Bugles-caffeine-snack-and-browse-the-web break from playing Call of Duty or whatever. Hey, let's kick'it on the Web and find some suckers who appear stoooopid to us and just use our Reactive Mind to generate a Turing-Test-Worthy answer that is going to inflame, yawn, rather, glaze the eyes of so many on here who have seen this type of thing more times than there are Higgs-Boson particles in the universe. Yup, that is enough attention shift to refresh the two synapses and eight mitochondria I carry in my pathetic body -- back to fragging!

Between sips of Red Bull, little boy/girl, might I advise you actually get out into the outdoors, even if it is the 12x10 cage your 'rents put you in during one hour out of the 23 the wardens, errr, your parents allow you. Do the exercises recommended on the rest of this forum or at least walk around, swing your arms or whatever. Don't worry, the outdoors won't hurt you, nor will being away from a screen for more than 8 attoseconds (8 x 10^^(-18) seconds). Then come back inside, and browse this site some more. For at least some part of you wants to learn about SS (Spiritual Satanism). You are on the right track.

I just sense you have some potential. Hey lose the Dunder-Mifflin attitude and you just might have something you can get value from here. You know, value. Like this BTC stuff. Or, this thing called, work, which you young folks with such promise :twisted: are supposed to be r/antiwork trendoid about. Yes, this society isn't perfect and has problems you can read about if you can take some time off from fragging and filling your face with GMO grains, to actually study and read up about. Then.lift.yourself.up.out.of.the.basalt.deposit. that.you.are.in. An-n-nd, when you are ready, grab that iPhone XXXXXXXIII or that Samsung XXXXXXXXXXXXXVVIIIIIIIII and, ta-dah, continue, looking us over!

Oh, like, between Cardi B Spotify playlists. Squeeze it in, it'll be worth it. Hell, you might actually earn some Linden dollars. (no that is a joke we really don't hand these out.)

Ringing a bell with you, Gen-Zer? Hope so. Like, totally, if you, like, are interested in advancing yourself, like, keep on this site, or, totally, like, go troll somewhere else. :evil: :evil: :evil:
Fuchs said:
Monkey people only respect greater counter violance. Any internal seeker should therefore practice martial arts, it also helps to amplify your magic as your body can handle more bioelectricity/chi.

If you have experience with martial arts, can you tell me where I can start on my own? There are no coaches around me. Are there any specific types of martial art and books that you may recommend?
Osiris Silvio said:
Fuchs said:
Monkey people only respect greater counter violance. Any internal seeker should therefore practice martial arts, it also helps to amplify your magic as your body can handle more bioelectricity/chi.

If you have experience with martial arts, can you tell me where I can start on my own? There are no coaches around me. Are there any specific types of martial art and books that you may recommend?

I don´t have any books for martial arts but this post will help you:

GloriaBlackjack474 said:
Academic Scholar said:
Have you practiced Iron Shirt Chi Kung by Mantak Chia? A lot of JoS members recommend learning it if you’re an athlete or joining the military because it’ll develop a steel, indestructible body. Iron Shirt Chi Kung is an ancient Satanic practice that was mandatory in ancient times until the Abrahamic religions took over. Here’s a free PDF: https://we.riseup.net/assets/213123/IronShirt+QiGong+I.pdf

You should read these articles:

The Military by High Priestess (HPS) Maxine Dietrich
Part 1:
Part 2:

On Physical Training by HPS Maxine Dietrich

About Body Advancement by Stormblood

On Bone, Teeth, Joint, Ligament and Skin Health by HPS Shannon

How To Build An Aura Of Protection
You should be doing an aura of protection meditation multiple times everyday or at least twice per day, especially if you’re in the US military which is controlled by Jews.

Protecting Yourself by HPS Maxine

Updated Aura of Protection by the Goddess Inanna

Aura of Protection by HPS Maxine

Aura of Protections by Lydia

Returning Curses Part 2 - Ultimate Aura of Protection by HPS Maxine

Aura of Protection (AOP) Working by ShadowCat

Ah thank the Gods, thank you so much! I only read some of this previously before. I’m writing all of this down as soon as possible, thank you so very much!

Osiris Silvio said:
Fuchs said:
Monkey people only respect greater counter violance. Any internal seeker should therefore practice martial arts, it also helps to amplify your magic as your body can handle more bioelectricity/chi.

If you have experience with martial arts, can you tell me where I can start on my own? There are no coaches around me. Are there any specific types of martial art and books that you may recommend?

In addition to Fuchs post, free beginner videos can be found on youtube and is actually how I started myself. There's a specific video of Joe Rogan explaining his kicks that I found very helpful.

Eventually you will want to have guidance from someone more experience than you but if you have a solid foundation and have been doimg yoga then it should be easier to pick up what you are taught.
EnkiUK55 said:
Ramses said:
This is why I'm armed to the teeth i can practice as i wish where i wish and with as many people as i wish to an armed society is a polite one unless you want a bunch of bullet holes in your chest son let me and mine do meditations and yoga in peace as we have said many times here if you want the freedom to do and say as you please then be prepared to fight for it whether that's spiritually or physically ideally both i have managed to convert a few family members and close friends to our way of things people eventually realize that it is a better path to be on even if your just a casual mediator.

I like this.

wish we had such things best we have is knives. They do the job :D

The soccer lads are bloody brutal over the pond mate but yeah get as well armed as you can if you look up a pdf called the white resistance manual I do believe you can download it from the way back machine website it has some interesting knowledge in there if you are a handy person improvised items so to speak or if you have TOR there is cnc files you can download from certain websites like cnc gunsmithing where as long as you have the machine and the steel you can manufacture and assemble your own parts

Not encouraging anything just a bit of food for thought
Fuchs said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Fuchs said:
Monkey people only respect greater counter violance. Any internal seeker should therefore practice martial arts, it also helps to amplify your magic as your body can handle more bioelectricity/chi.

If you have experience with martial arts, can you tell me where I can start on my own? There are no coaches around me. Are there any specific types of martial art and books that you may recommend?

I don´t have any books for martial arts but this post will help you:

GloriaBlackjack474 said:
Academic Scholar said:
Have you practiced Iron Shirt Chi Kung by Mantak Chia? A lot of JoS members recommend learning it if you’re an athlete or joining the military because it’ll develop a steel, indestructible body. Iron Shirt Chi Kung is an ancient Satanic practice that was mandatory in ancient times until the Abrahamic religions took over. Here’s a free PDF: https://we.riseup.net/assets/213123/IronShirt+QiGong+I.pdf

You should read these articles:

The Military by High Priestess (HPS) Maxine Dietrich
Part 1:
Part 2:

On Physical Training by HPS Maxine Dietrich

About Body Advancement by Stormblood

On Bone, Teeth, Joint, Ligament and Skin Health by HPS Shannon

How To Build An Aura Of Protection
You should be doing an aura of protection meditation multiple times everyday or at least twice per day, especially if you’re in the US military which is controlled by Jews.

Protecting Yourself by HPS Maxine

Updated Aura of Protection by the Goddess Inanna

Aura of Protection by HPS Maxine

Aura of Protections by Lydia

Returning Curses Part 2 - Ultimate Aura of Protection by HPS Maxine

Aura of Protection (AOP) Working by ShadowCat

Ah thank the Gods, thank you so much! I only read some of this previously before. I’m writing all of this down as soon as possible, thank you so very much!


Thank you!! 🖤
Yo conozco o hay una amiga de un pariente que practica el yoga y es catolica y, amí por supuesto nunca e recibido ninguna amenaza ni discriminación por practicar esto, porque casi nadie sabe que yo soy satanista.
Pero pues la verdad yo siento que yo tengo la suerte de ser aceptada a pesar de mis creencias, no sé qué piensen pero tengo mucho carisma aunque en algunas partes también soy despreciable.
Buen blog, saludos
cigarsilver8666 said:
Yo conozco o hay una amiga de un pariente que practica el yoga y es catolica y, amí por supuesto nunca e recibido ninguna amenaza ni discriminación por practicar esto, porque casi nadie sabe que yo soy satanista.
Pero pues la verdad yo siento que yo tengo la suerte de ser aceptada a pesar de mis creencias, no sé qué piensen pero tengo mucho carisma aunque en algunas partes también soy despreciable.
Buen blog, saludos

"I know or there is a friend of a relative who practices yoga and she is catholic and, of course, I have never received any threat or discrimination for practicing this, because almost nobody knows that I am a Satanist.
But the truth is that I feel that I am lucky to be accepted in spite of my beliefs, I don't know what you think but I have a lot of charisma although in some parts I am also despicable.
Good blog, greetings"

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Ramses said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Ramses said:
This is why I'm armed to the teeth i can practice as i wish where i wish and with as many people as i wish to an armed society is a polite one unless you want a bunch of bullet holes in your chest son let me and mine do meditations and yoga in peace as we have said many times here if you want the freedom to do and say as you please then be prepared to fight for it whether that's spiritually or physically ideally both i have managed to convert a few family members and close friends to our way of things people eventually realize that it is a better path to be on even if your just a casual mediator.

I like this.

wish we had such things best we have is knives. They do the job :D

The soccer lads are bloody brutal over the pond mate but yeah get as well armed as you can if you look up a pdf called the white resistance manual I do believe you can download it from the way back machine website it has some interesting knowledge in there if you are a handy person improvised items so to speak or if you have TOR there is cnc files you can download from certain websites like cnc gunsmithing where as long as you have the machine and the steel you can manufacture and assemble your own parts

Not encouraging anything just a bit of food for thought

No comment on most of that bro or plead the 5th :lol: :lol:

Quality post my friend.

Now I have read said book although just out of interest.

Hope you good.

Yeah i got over 4 years prison for having a big Rambo Knife, i thought they said bigger is better :eek:
hailourtruegod said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Fuchs said:
Monkey people only respect greater counter violance. Any internal seeker should therefore practice martial arts, it also helps to amplify your magic as your body can handle more bioelectricity/chi.

If you have experience with martial arts, can you tell me where I can start on my own? There are no coaches around me. Are there any specific types of martial art and books that you may recommend?

In addition to Fuchs post, free beginner videos can be found on youtube and is actually how I started myself. There's a specific video of Joe Rogan explaining his kicks that I found very helpful.

Eventually you will want to have guidance from someone more experience than you but if you have a solid foundation and have been doimg yoga then it should be easier to pick up what you are taught.

I will check up this guy as well, thank you!
An SS sent me this news article in my e-mail, and I wanted to make a reminder post.

Many people, especially in the United States or in other places where a fake "peace" has taken place, are ignoring fundamental aspects of reality. Currently, there are still people in this world, and many of them, that would like to kill you and everyone who practices yoga or spirituality.

Any form of self searching, is taken as a capital offense in these enemy religions in it's pure form. Persecution of anyone as a "heretic" for doing the most basic inner searching, is the fundamental nature of xianity.

Even people who followed pieces or parts of the enemy dogma, and tried to present this as having a "spiritual character" [Stolen from Pagan religions - so some pieces of it have spiritual allusions], have been persecuted, chased down, burned, tortured and so on.

They were called heretics for even implying anything about the human soul or spirit, and the Church or the Mosque chased them down to die. This was at a level of totality for many centuries, where even the slightest suspicion of "Witchcraft" or knowledge of soul matters, would incur legal woes, death, and other problems for any practitioner.

As a result, our side, we had to take cover. We have thrived in this darkness, and slowly, things will come to light. But slowly...

While a lot of people might accept this, we are not yet to the point as a globe where all of this is fully acceptable, and that is not the case in many places. We are moving into the Age of Aquarius, yet, if you look around at how Aquarius has affected the zealot people and the enemy, they are intensifying.

The enemy on the higher level want to push mind control to the most furthered extent, while their slowly disappearing pawns who have a lesser intelligence and are animals, want to kill other people merely because they do yoga stretches and so on.

People of "Mohammed" and "Christ", are zealots and many of them will want to kill other people merely over meditation or doing spiritual practices. Even something as little as Yoga, can result in seething hatred or potential physical attack from these people.

These people exist, they feed hateful entities with their ignorance and their evil, and they want to chase down other people to kill them. This phenomena is existing still. Some of them would kill their own children merely because they did not accept the "Prophet".

Jewish hoaxing has reached such extents, that while people disassociate themselves slowly from these lunatics, there is a certain percent of them that as the Age of Pisces ends is becoming more and more militant.

This is the reason we are restrained from certain public activities that certain people who are living in a bubble, cannot accept that we cannot do. It's the reality. We are all still discriminated against, hated for no reason, and in particular, freedom of religion and freedoms are under siege.

While you will never see "Mob of yogis attacks Muslims" or something similar, you will always see in the news that a Muslim monkey has ape raged itself onto Yogis or other people who are internal seekers. India has wiped out many of their influences and held strongly for hundreds of years, as these foul monkeys have tried to culturally besiege it day and day again.

Similar situations with Muslims have existed in places like the Maldives and other places where they are a strong solid minority in them [and the same might happen progressively in Europe]. "Progressive London" in a few decades, if the adoptees of the jewish dogma in it keep increasing their numbers, will not exist pretty soon.

Like a virus that spreads, these ignorant masses keep increasing. Where they increase, the level of defilement and violence reaches a high that destroys the host civilization. The enemy knows this, so they don't spend their time accepting "hostile cultures" into their land, just to pretend they were inclusive while citizens have to run for their lives under the fear of a machete.

Muslims and all these bogus faiths, are INVADERS in our cultural heritages as Gentiles. They are very recently made jewish concoctions, and they have nothing real in them.

Sensible countries, accept ONLY friendly or neutral cultures and people into themselves, and NEVER people of a hostile culture.

All in all, this is a reminder post to keep your allegiances to Father Satan and the Gods a secret, and that it is better to not go around parading like a fool with pompous public displays. The degree of secrecy should be towards the 150% degree especially if you live in a Nation with Muslims and other Christians who are ready to go ape-mode at any given time.

Keep advancing, stay safe, keep up the Rituals, and we will collapse them gradually like a big flush of filth down the drain. This will take time, but the time of this will arrive, and they will never recover from this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

"Mob Attacks Attendees At Indian Cultural Center’s Yoga Day Event In Maldives; Cops Fire Tear Gas Shells"


An angry mob entered the Maldives national football stadium on Tuesday morning and disrupted the International Yoga Day celebrations which were being held by the Maldives government in association with the Indian Cultural Center.

The police were forced to use tear gas canisters to disperse the unruly mob following which the situation escalated into a physical altercation, news agency BNN Newsroom reported.

Maldives president Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said an enquiry into the incident was ordered. He said via a tweet that the Maldivian government is treating this issue with utmost concern.

“An investigation has been launched by @PoliceMv into the incident that happened this morning at Galolhu stadium. This is being treated as a matter of serious concern and those responsible will be swiftly brought before the law,” Solih tweeted.

The Maldives’ ministry of youth, sports and community empowerment teamed up with the Indian Cultural Center to organize a meditation and Yoga session at the Galolhu stadium on Tuesday.

Videos shared on social media showed miscreants armed with sticks and flags charging towards people who were practicing yoga and meditation on their yoga mats.

The videos shared also showed some miscreants in the mob charging towards the participants with flagpoles as police attempted to restrain them.

The organizers of the event faced hurdles before holding the event as the Male City Council declined permission for the event to be held at the Rasfannu artificial beach. The city council said there were complaints from the ‘public’ who were opposed to the idea of the event being held there.

A report from Maldivian news agency The Edition said that a section of Islamists believe performing yoga is akin to worshiping the sun - an heretic act as per Islamic tradition.

Yoga in the Maldives is a hot-button issue for orthodox Muslims who have polarized opinions regarding the spiritual discipline which have benefitted millions across the globe.

It remains unclear whether those protesters were affiliated with the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and its leader Abdullah Yameen, the former president whom many view as a China-puppet.

Yameen was the architect of the ‘India Out’ campaign which is seen as a move to spoil Maldives-India ties using the help of Islamists.

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) earlier drafted a legislation to criminalize anti-India protests as anti-national while concluding that India always jumped to help Maldives whenever the island-nation faced crisis and is also crucial to its food security.
Say I have the power to do insane physical and psychic feats. Say I can conquer a nations military single handedly. Would the God's be fine with it if I single handedly destroyed Islam, Xianity, jeudaism, and all other nations that are corrupted by them, killing them all?

Because I am willing to do it, if it is ok with the Gods. I have had enough of this societies crap.
An SS sent me this news article in my e-mail, and I wanted to make a reminder post.

Many people, especially in the United States or in other places where a fake "peace" has taken place, are ignoring fundamental aspects of reality. Currently, there are still people in this world, and many of them, that would like to kill you and everyone who practices yoga or spirituality.

Any form of self searching, is taken as a capital offense in these enemy religions in it's pure form. Persecution of anyone as a "heretic" for doing the most basic inner searching, is the fundamental nature of xianity.

Even people who followed pieces or parts of the enemy dogma, and tried to present this as having a "spiritual character" [Stolen from Pagan religions - so some pieces of it have spiritual allusions], have been persecuted, chased down, burned, tortured and so on.

They were called heretics for even implying anything about the human soul or spirit, and the Church or the Mosque chased them down to die. This was at a level of totality for many centuries, where even the slightest suspicion of "Witchcraft" or knowledge of soul matters, would incur legal woes, death, and other problems for any practitioner.

As a result, our side, we had to take cover. We have thrived in this darkness, and slowly, things will come to light. But slowly...

While a lot of people might accept this, we are not yet to the point as a globe where all of this is fully acceptable, and that is not the case in many places. We are moving into the Age of Aquarius, yet, if you look around at how Aquarius has affected the zealot people and the enemy, they are intensifying.

The enemy on the higher level want to push mind control to the most furthered extent, while their slowly disappearing pawns who have a lesser intelligence and are animals, want to kill other people merely because they do yoga stretches and so on.

People of "Mohammed" and "Christ", are zealots and many of them will want to kill other people merely over meditation or doing spiritual practices. Even something as little as Yoga, can result in seething hatred or potential physical attack from these people.

These people exist, they feed hateful entities with their ignorance and their evil, and they want to chase down other people to kill them. This phenomena is existing still. Some of them would kill their own children merely because they did not accept the "Prophet".

Jewish hoaxing has reached such extents, that while people disassociate themselves slowly from these lunatics, there is a certain percent of them that as the Age of Pisces ends is becoming more and more militant.

This is the reason we are restrained from certain public activities that certain people who are living in a bubble, cannot accept that we cannot do. It's the reality. We are all still discriminated against, hated for no reason, and in particular, freedom of religion and freedoms are under siege.

While you will never see "Mob of yogis attacks Muslims" or something similar, you will always see in the news that a Muslim monkey has ape raged itself onto Yogis or other people who are internal seekers. India has wiped out many of their influences and held strongly for hundreds of years, as these foul monkeys have tried to culturally besiege it day and day again.

Similar situations with Muslims have existed in places like the Maldives and other places where they are a strong solid minority in them [and the same might happen progressively in Europe]. "Progressive London" in a few decades, if the adoptees of the jewish dogma in it keep increasing their numbers, will not exist pretty soon.

Like a virus that spreads, these ignorant masses keep increasing. Where they increase, the level of defilement and violence reaches a high that destroys the host civilization. The enemy knows this, so they don't spend their time accepting "hostile cultures" into their land, just to pretend they were inclusive while citizens have to run for their lives under the fear of a machete.

Muslims and all these bogus faiths, are INVADERS in our cultural heritages as Gentiles. They are very recently made jewish concoctions, and they have nothing real in them.

Sensible countries, accept ONLY friendly or neutral cultures and people into themselves, and NEVER people of a hostile culture.

All in all, this is a reminder post to keep your allegiances to Father Satan and the Gods a secret, and that it is better to not go around parading like a fool with pompous public displays. The degree of secrecy should be towards the 150% degree especially if you live in a Nation with Muslims and other Christians who are ready to go ape-mode at any given time.

Keep advancing, stay safe, keep up the Rituals, and we will collapse them gradually like a big flush of filth down the drain. This will take time, but the time of this will arrive, and they will never recover from this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

"Mob Attacks Attendees At Indian Cultural Center’s Yoga Day Event In Maldives; Cops Fire Tear Gas Shells"


An angry mob entered the Maldives national football stadium on Tuesday morning and disrupted the International Yoga Day celebrations which were being held by the Maldives government in association with the Indian Cultural Center.

The police were forced to use tear gas canisters to disperse the unruly mob following which the situation escalated into a physical altercation, news agency BNN Newsroom reported.

Maldives president Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said an enquiry into the incident was ordered. He said via a tweet that the Maldivian government is treating this issue with utmost concern.

“An investigation has been launched by @PoliceMv into the incident that happened this morning at Galolhu stadium. This is being treated as a matter of serious concern and those responsible will be swiftly brought before the law,” Solih tweeted.

The Maldives’ ministry of youth, sports and community empowerment teamed up with the Indian Cultural Center to organize a meditation and Yoga session at the Galolhu stadium on Tuesday.

Videos shared on social media showed miscreants armed with sticks and flags charging towards people who were practicing yoga and meditation on their yoga mats.

The videos shared also showed some miscreants in the mob charging towards the participants with flagpoles as police attempted to restrain them.

The organizers of the event faced hurdles before holding the event as the Male City Council declined permission for the event to be held at the Rasfannu artificial beach. The city council said there were complaints from the ‘public’ who were opposed to the idea of the event being held there.

A report from Maldivian news agency The Edition said that a section of Islamists believe performing yoga is akin to worshiping the sun - an heretic act as per Islamic tradition.

Yoga in the Maldives is a hot-button issue for orthodox Muslims who have polarized opinions regarding the spiritual discipline which have benefitted millions across the globe.

It remains unclear whether those protesters were affiliated with the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and its leader Abdullah Yameen, the former president whom many view as a China-puppet.

Yameen was the architect of the ‘India Out’ campaign which is seen as a move to spoil Maldives-India ties using the help of Islamists.

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) earlier drafted a legislation to criminalize anti-India protests as anti-national while concluding that India always jumped to help Maldives whenever the island-nation faced crisis and is also crucial to its food security.
Fanatics of Christianity or Islam are always dangerous, the best way to protect yourself is to stay away from these people.
Fanatics of Christianity or Islam are always dangerous, the best way to protect yourself is to stay away from these people.
Thank you, I also fully agree with that. Sadly there are so many of them. I was raised xian and had a very tough time breaking away from it. Xianity is a curse on humanity, same with Islam and Jeudaism. Blessings of the Gods be with with you!

👑🔥🐉Hail Satan🐉🔥👑

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
