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Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami stated that Sanat Kumara is the God of Kundalini Yoga and that KU is a name of Sanat Kumara in the east. KU means the serpent fire. KU is extended into the mantra name of Kundalini. The title Kundalini is a name of Sanat Kumara.

Sanat Kumara is Dionysus in the west[1] and the Jewish Bible calls Zeus, the name Satan in the book of Revelations. Dionysus is the physical form of Zeus as Sanat Kumara is the physical form of Siva. Dionysus-Sanat Kumara is Satan to the enemy. The goat, serpent and peacock are the major symbols of Sanat Kumara and Dionysus.

The ancient texts from the east mention the purpose of Kundalini Yoga:

612: Perfect Meditation Leads to Immortality
Having abated not in the rules of vows,
The Yogi that has to meditate learned,
Coursing Kundalini through spinal column,
And passing Mandalas Three with felicity equal
He in fleshly body forever lives.

728: Yoga Leads to Imperishable Body
Three the coils of serpent Kundalini
Ten the Vayus that agitate the body;
Twelve finger-length the Prana breath;
When the two bags of spiration
Are tight controlled,
And you sit in meditation unwavering
The body perishes not ever.

786: Greatness of Kundalini Yoga
None knows Kundalini that spans high
None knows the science of breath control
They who know it not perish away
I knew the truth that none know.

Note the Tirumantiram calls Karma Yoga just physical work which accomplishes nothing spiritual.

644: Karma Yoga Practices are Inferior to Eight Siddhis
Karma yoga is several, several in number;
Twenty thousand eight hundred kinds they count;
And all they can give is but physical work,
Inferior are they to the Eight Siddhis Great.

If one goes back into the ancient writings the current paths of modern RHP Hinduism are denounced as inferior and accomplishing nothing.

The ancient symbols and teachings the further back one goes are based on spiritual practices that transform the person into the Siva Rupa. The Light Body or Kumara body which is immortality and the power of all the Siddhi's. Sanat Kumara is born of Cosmic Fire, Siva. Just as Dionysus which means Twice Born is born of Cosmic Fire, Zeus. The serpent fire. This is the purpose of the original teachings that Sanat Kumara, Satan, gave to humanity.

The enemy program of Jewish Christianity has nothing spiritual and its ideology and practices of worshipping "god" 24/7 are simply a form of Hebrew Kabbalah magic that is designed to empower the servitor of the Jewish racial soul called YHVH and give the Jews control over the world. The universe does not require or need your flattery and worship. Your life is your own. However the Jews need to feed off your psychic energy with their witchcraft of Christianity.

Shiva and Dionysus: Danielou, Alain [1]
Merging With Shiva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Ancient Lemurian Scrolls, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
So ku would then be vibrated into the perineum chakra to rouse the kundalini.
High Priest thank you for the post. Recently I changed my posture to more of a buddha belly, obviously my butt and stomach protrude more than normal. But I feel the energy going through my kundalini much better.

A couple questions. What is the correct way to stand? I this Buddha posture just temporary until the spine strengthens itself?
HP Mageson666 said:

Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami stated that Sanat Kumara is the God of Kundalini Yoga and that KU is a name of Sanat Kumara in the east. KU means the serpent fire. KU is extended into the mantra name of Kundalini. The title Kundalini is a name of Sanat Kumara.

Sanat Kumara is Dionysus in the west[1] and the Jewish Bible calls Zeus, the name Satan in the book of Revelations. Dionysus is the physical form of Zeus as Sanat Kumara is the physical form of Siva. Dionysus-Sanat Kumara is Satan to the enemy. The goat, serpent and peacock are the major symbols of Sanat Kumara and Dionysus.

The ancient texts from the east mention the purpose of Kundalini Yoga:

612: Perfect Meditation Leads to Immortality
Having abated not in the rules of vows,
The Yogi that has to meditate learned,
Coursing Kundalini through spinal column,
And passing Mandalas Three with felicity equal
He in fleshly body forever lives.

728: Yoga Leads to Imperishable Body
Three the coils of serpent Kundalini
Ten the Vayus that agitate the body;
Twelve finger-length the Prana breath;
When the two bags of spiration
Are tight controlled,
And you sit in meditation unwavering
The body perishes not ever.

786: Greatness of Kundalini Yoga
None knows Kundalini that spans high
None knows the science of breath control
They who know it not perish away
I knew the truth that none know.

Note the Tirumantiram calls Karma Yoga just physical work which accomplishes nothing spiritual.

644: Karma Yoga Practices are Inferior to Eight Siddhis
Karma yoga is several, several in number;
Twenty thousand eight hundred kinds they count;
And all they can give is but physical work,
Inferior are they to the Eight Siddhis Great.

If one goes back into the ancient writings the current paths of modern RHP Hinduism are denounced as inferior and accomplishing nothing.

The ancient symbols and teachings the further back one goes are based on spiritual practices that transform the person into the Siva Rupa. The Light Body or Kumara body which is immortality and the power of all the Siddhi's. Sanat Kumara is born of Cosmic Fire, Siva. Just as Dionysus which means Twice Born is born of Cosmic Fire, Zeus. The serpent fire. This is the purpose of the original teachings that Sanat Kumara, Satan, gave to humanity.

The enemy program of Jewish Christianity has nothing spiritual and its ideology and practices of worshipping "god" 24/7 are simply a form of Hebrew Kabbalah magic that is designed to empower the servitor of the Jewish racial soul called YHVH and give the Jews control over the world. The universe does not require or need your flattery and worship. Your life is your own. However the Jews need to feed off your psychic energy with their witchcraft of Christianity.

Shiva and Dionysus: Danielou, Alain [1]
Merging With Shiva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Ancient Lemurian Scrolls, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

I had this feeling that Zeus was Beelzebub. But other clergy told me that didnt really got his MO.

So you think Zeus is Satan as well?
HP Mageson666 said:
Beatiful, surely something to read, there's many other informative verses. Though there's some corruption, for example it stated to be meek in a verse.
So wait when practicing the opening of the chakras the toot suppose to open to get way more energy,

See I’m still developing to open and awaken my abilities they I had in my past life,

My telekinetic abilities but not this that,

I want to become a witch but not a witch it’s hard to explain any advice what should I practice,

I’m working on opening my soul more and working with my hand chakras,
Cosmic6999 said:
Can yoga strengthen the body for powerful kundalini?
If you go to the beginners 40 days meditation program there is a nice pdf for hatha yoga that explains very well what yoga does !!Our High priests have made many posts that talk about it too!Look in the Jos main website too there is plenty of info there!
If you want to advance it is IMPORTANT to do yoga everyday!
Cosmic6999 said:
So wait when practicing the opening of the chakras the toot suppose to open to get way more energy,

See I’m still developing to open and awaken my abilities they I had in my past life,

My telekinetic abilities but not this that,

I want to become a witch but not a witch it’s hard to explain any advice what should I practice,

I’m working on opening my soul more and working with my hand chakras,

Breathing through mouth is stupid, you don't need to breathe hella energy into your soul, the most important point of energy breathing meditations are actually feeling the energy than just breathing lots of in. You have to focus on that energies, and it's hard to do that when you're breathing through your mouth. As another minus, that's not healthy.

I don't know if I'm right but it seems like you're kind of in a hurry, not sure if it's true though and if it is true, I don't know why you are. Every Satanist that has dedicated themselves to Satan with all honesty will become a God eventually. That's the truth of the nature and Gods. Calm down man.
Νίκος said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Can yoga strengthen the body for powerful kundalini?
If you go to the beginners 40 days meditation program there is a nice pdf for hatha yoga that explains very well what yoga does !!Our High priests have made many posts that talk about it too!Look in the Jos main website too there is plenty of info there!
If you want to advance it is IMPORTANT to do yoga everyday!

Yea I have to make that my main priority
Soyga said:
Cosmic6999 said:
So wait when practicing the opening of the chakras the toot suppose to open to get way more energy,

See I’m still developing to open and awaken my abilities they I had in my past life,

My telekinetic abilities but not this that,

I want to become a witch but not a witch it’s hard to explain any advice what should I practice,

I’m working on opening my soul more and working with my hand chakras,

Breathing through mouth is stupid, you don't need to breathe hella energy into your soul, the most important point of energy breathing meditations are actually feeling the energy than just breathing lots of in. You have to focus on that energies, and it's hard to do that when you're breathing through your mouth. As another minus, that's not healthy.

I don't know if I'm right but it seems like you're kind of in a hurry, not sure if it's true though and if it is true, I don't know why you are. Every Satanist that has dedicated themselves to Satan with all honesty will become a God eventually. That's the truth of the nature and Gods. Calm down man.

I understand good advice
See you think is I want to have a strong bio electric field and be able to manipulate energy at a extreme limit,

Do all that comes with practicing power meditation daily and how often should I practice yoga
It has been this one’s experience that these postures, when done diligently thrice daily for 7 repetitions each (21 total), the Kundalini rose after 4-6 weeks.

Blessings brothers and sisters.

Hatha Yoga is Kundalini Yoga. Even the name Hatha is mentioning the serpentine system in the spine. The reason some of you are constantly confused is because you have not yet understood this. Hatha Yoga is not endless postures.
Zeus is Jupiter and Siva is a name of Jupiter in the Vedic astrology.
The Trident of Shiva in the west is the Thunderbolt of Zeus as well. The ancient thunderbolt symbol of Zeus was a double headed trident.
Can the bio electric field becomes too powerful can it become power when practicing certain meditation,

Cause see I am really focus on empowering my soul,

Manipulate energy to a omega level but it’s like I’m strongly attach to telekinesis,

I keep dreaming of it too much and I be focusing on opening my soul and particularly working with my hand chakras,

But I know I have to practice more well certain meditation
There are actually some people online that are taking suicidal advice to rip one's chakras out so they can achieve unification of the 7 levels of consciousness.
I quickly mentioned that this is like ripping out one's eyeballs, cutting off one's hands and feet. Crippling oneself.
They obviously got the disinformation from some Jewish Schmuck source.
I also mentioned that opening the 7 chakras ( 7 seals in book of revelations ), from top to bottom to allow the Kundalini to ascend as a means of advancing spiritually.
I would think that even average I.Q. like mine can figure out the nonsense of ripping out one's chakras.
But,,,,, ripping out an enemy's chakras...... I thanked them for that technique.
Adding hatha yoga (physical) pobably helps a lot in making circulating energy trough the body easier. So I guess kundalini is the main energy generator for the serpent while hatha and ther stretching methods are important with speeding up the process and making it easier?
The real reason why I am worried about having a strong aura is because,

The things I need to do I need a powerful bio electric field in order to get what I need to get,

See I be focus on telekinesis because in order to really do what needs to be down I need to unlock this,

Because it’s the key to other abilities see the thing is I’m focus on empowering and opening my soul and raise my kundalini,

So don’t think it’s just about telekinesis I’m focus on also Satanism and become a dedicated satanist,

And it also said on the site what they focus on mastering telekinesis telepathy and levitation

See it’s not just telekinesis it’s telepathy too as well,

So the kundalini is important to me and opening the chakras is important,

To me right now even so I’m working on the six months program,

As well so I’m very focus on the things I told y’all,

I talk about the hand chakras a lot because it’s important to me,
HP Mageson666 said:
The Trident of Shiva in the west is the Thunderbolt of Zeus as well. The ancient thunderbolt symbol of Zeus was a double headed trident.

And the Mjölnir of Thor is the same symbol as well.
Aldrick said:
I had this feeling that Zeus was Beelzebub. But other clergy told me that didnt really got his MO.
So you think Zeus is Satan as well?

Zeus is Satan, but I think behind the goetic name Mammon there might be another demon, I'm not entirely sure, it's best to you ask Satan directly.
True and no one and I mean no one can succeed in Kundalini Yoga without approaching Murugan/Satan.... Kundalini Yoga is Union with Siva/God through Kundalini serpent power it's the highest form of Yoga the entire JOS training program can be said to be part of Kundalini Yoga of which Hatha Yoga is a part of as the asanas stimulate the serpent power any spiritual practice that looks to awaken the snake power can be said to be a part of Kundalini Yoga.....
Cosmic6999 said:
See you think is I want to have a strong bio electric field and be able to manipulate energy at a extreme limit,

Do all that comes with practicing power meditation daily and how often should I practice yoga

I've been there, My bioelectricity was off the chart but it somehow kept me high due to the high production of pineal Elixer and constantly spinning Solar plexus.
But it's necessary to control thoughts more than trying to manipulate energy according to me.

I think high bioelectricity is linked to the Pineal+ Solar plexus
I've also noticed pineal is somewhat near the left brain.
But I had to exit from that high bioelectricity because my thoughts were getting out of control since I was changing dimensions at a very fast pace " I saw something bad and it traumatized me temporary" and I wasn't prepared for that. That's the reason I sent the serpent into IDA from Pingala. through 3rd eye.
I'm supposed to work on my thoughts.
Spinning Solar plexus remove the blocks around the 3rd eye and 6th Chakra.
JeraOpus said:
Cosmic6999 said:
See you think is I want to have a strong bio electric field and be able to manipulate energy at a extreme limit,

Do all that comes with practicing power meditation daily and how often should I practice yoga

I've been there, My bioelectricity was off the chart but it somehow kept me high due to the high production of pineal Elixer and constantly spinning Solar plexus.
But it's necessary to control thoughts more than trying to manipulate energy according to me.

I think high bioelectricity is linked to the Pineal+ Solar plexus
I've also noticed pineal is somewhat near the left brain.
But I had to exit from that high bioelectricity because my thoughts were getting out of control since I was changing dimensions at a very fast pace " I saw something bad and it traumatized me temporary" and I wasn't prepared for that. That's the reason I sent the serpent into IDA from Pingala. through 3rd eye.
I'm supposed to work on my thoughts.
Spinning Solar plexus remove the blocks around the 3rd eye and 6th Chakra.

See I am ready to see that stuff and what kind of power meditation you did I mean like what kind of ability you had if you don’t mind me asking
I would also like to add that the full 21 count of each posture is best worked up to gradually as suggested in the Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth pdf. I did it too quickly and found self vibrating so high it was unbearable.
Cosmic6999 said:
The real reason why I am worried about having a strong aura is because,

The things I need to do I need a powerful bio electric field in order to get what I need to get,

See I be focus on telekinesis because in order to really do what needs to be down I need to unlock this,

Because it’s the key to other abilities see the thing is I’m focus on empowering and opening my soul and raise my kundalini,

So don’t think it’s just about telekinesis I’m focus on also Satanism and become a dedicated satanist,

And it also said on the site what they focus on mastering telekinesis telepathy and levitation

See it’s not just telekinesis it’s telepathy too as well,

So the kundalini is important to me and opening the chakras is important,

To me right now even so I’m working on the six months program,

As well so I’m very focus on the things I told y’all,

I talk about the hand chakras a lot because it’s important to me,
You didn't dedicated yourself yet?
Man don't rush there is enough time for getting what you want but you won't get it in a few months or a year, the highest goal of an SS is the Magnum Opus (the immortality meditation) this should be your main goal other goals will get useless in the long run, MO ensures you eternal survival. And warfare (doing the Final RTR) is important too if we don't fight there will be no future for us SS.
Catalincata94 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
The real reason why I am worried about having a strong aura is because,

The things I need to do I need a powerful bio electric field in order to get what I need to get,

See I be focus on telekinesis because in order to really do what needs to be down I need to unlock this,

Because it’s the key to other abilities see the thing is I’m focus on empowering and opening my soul and raise my kundalini,

So don’t think it’s just about telekinesis I’m focus on also Satanism and become a dedicated satanist,

And it also said on the site what they focus on mastering telekinesis telepathy and levitation

See it’s not just telekinesis it’s telepathy too as well,

So the kundalini is important to me and opening the chakras is important,

To me right now even so I’m working on the six months program,

As well so I’m very focus on the things I told y’all,

I talk about the hand chakras a lot because it’s important to me,
You didn't dedicated yourself yet?
Man don't rush there is enough time for getting what you want but you won't get it in a few months or a year, the highest goal of an SS is the Magnum Opus (the immortality meditation) this should be your main goal other goals will get useless in the long run, MO ensures you eternal survival. And warfare (doing the Final RTR) is important too if we don't fight there will be no future for us SS.
I will fight that’s why I’m training for the war everybody different and I understand thanks
That's the five Tibetans I believe. There was a sixth rite that seems to be the Maha Mundra.

InX said:
I would also like to add that the full 21 count of each posture is best worked up to gradually as suggested in the Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth pdf. I did it too quickly and found self vibrating so high it was unbearable.
Hi! I have some questions if anyone has the time to answer. I haven’t had an orgasm in probably two years, and I am trying to get back into meditation and the opening of my chakras. The first real spiritual experience I had was when I had my first o, and then a few more. It brought me into this world, and I have been acting weak for a while now since maybe half a year after that. I have had many partners, but none of them here could actually bring me to do that again. I know that orgasm is essential, but I haven’t ever been able to really do that alone. My question is, as I am trying to advance again, should my focus be on the 2nd chakra and trying to have orgasm without shame? Or should that come after I work more on my chakras and visualizations? I’ve only really done that from astral sex, so I know it is probably possible with someone here. I just am not sure what I should be spending my time on, because one time of doing that made me feel awakened. Should I focus first on getting that again, other meditations, or should I just do both and see what comes of it? I feel that the opening of my chakras would be helped a lot by reaching orgasm and getting through the graniths? I’d just like to know if I am correct about that, and if anyone has any advice. Should I be with another SS? Any advice will be much appreciated, thank you! Hail Satan!
ProbablyPositivity said:
Hi! I have some questions if anyone has the time to answer. I haven’t had an orgasm in probably two years, and I am trying to get back into meditation and the opening of my chakras. The first real spiritual experience I had was when I had my first o, and then a few more. It brought me into this world, and I have been acting weak for a while now since maybe half a year after that. I have had many partners, but none of them here could actually bring me to do that again. I know that orgasm is essential, but I haven’t ever been able to really do that alone. My question is, as I am trying to advance again, should my focus be on the 2nd chakra and trying to have orgasm without shame? Or should that come after I work more on my chakras and visualizations? I’ve only really done that from astral sex, so I know it is probably possible with someone here. I just am not sure what I should be spending my time on, because one time of doing that made me feel awakened. Should I focus first on getting that again, other meditations, or should I just do both and see what comes of it? I feel that the opening of my chakras would be helped a lot by reaching orgasm and getting through the graniths? I’d just like to know if I am correct about that, and if anyone has any advice. Should I be with another SS? Any advice will be much appreciated, thank you! Hail Satan!
Try doing masturbation with erotic pictures or homemade porn see if it works, porn or erotic stuff can stimulate you and make orgasm stronger or get people to have orgasm this could take a while but the best thing to do is magic, download The Runic Kabalah.pdf from here https://www.satanslibrary.org/Pdf_Library.html#R and use Wunjo rune a multiple of 8 or do 54 vibrations with a Satanic Rosary start with less 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, or 54. 108 is for more advanced people so start slow. For example start with 18 vibrations the first day and after some days add 9 vibrations till you reach a confortable number or till 54. Vibrate into your self and vizualize a white-gold around you and in yourself, and after you vibrated the rune then do the same vizualization and affirm 9 times "My sexuality and sacral chakra is completely healty in all ways and free from any and all curses" start this when the moon is wanning in the hour of the sun on sunday and don't start it when the moon is void you can see the void of course in the SS calendar https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26302&hilit=ss+calendar and the hours of the planets on chronos xp software.
Orgasm advances people spiritualy.
ProbablyPositivity said:
Let me refer you to this post.

The above post is a list of all the things you should be doing every day at minimum, if you want to advance nicely and properly.

In addition to doing all of these things, you should indeed try regularly to achieve orgasm. Since this is an issue for you, the "focused cleaning" part that is mentioned in the list should be a working to free yourself from all sexual hangups and traumas. You can use RAUM or SURYA for this. Make sure to start the working on a good date and while the moon isnt VoC.

If you adhere to all of these things, you will find yourself in a much more pleasant position very soon. :)

PS.: If anything is unclear to you and/or you don't know how to do some of these things, feel free to ask and I will explain more on it.
Shael said:
ProbablyPositivity said:
And for the cleaning, you can also use the mantras Visuddhi or Munka instead of Raum and Surya. This is personal preference so try them all out and see which one feels right for you.
ProbablyPositivity said:
...trying to have orgasm without shame?
I don't know how to help you in the spiritual sense as I'm not even "in the game" yet, but I will tell you from a psychological point of view that you should never be ashamed when you have an orgasm. Never allow anyone else to make you feel ashamed, either.

Orgasms feel good for a reason - they're supposed to make you feel good. All of you, not just your physical sex organs, but all of the different parts of you. They're also there to make your partner(s) (if you're with somebody) feel good because we're social creatures by nature and we like seeing other people feel pleasure caused by something we did. When your pleasures are shared, it's even more satisfying.

Anyway. I don't know your situation and I don't want to intrude on your personal life, but there's lots of components to sexuality and any one of them can fail and sometimes one is enough to derail the whole train. I don't mean to present myself as a sexual guru or therapist of anything; I'm not. But, I like to try and help people solve problems if I can. I just hope I don't have the opposite effect. :roll:

Think about what was different when you were having orgasms as opposed to what it's like now. What's missing? Is it a lack of physical gratification? Is it an emotional issue? Is it a kink you're afraid to share? Is there a fantasy you want to play out very badly that you're not for some reason? Is there enough affection being shown and is it the right kind of affection?
Or is it that there's something else there that shouldn't be? Are there any distractions during sex? Is the Television on? Are the neighbors always making a loud racket? Does a dog keep whining and scratching at the bedroom door and ruining the mood? Is there something about your partner(s) that turns you off and do they know about it?
I know it's a pretty mechanical way to diagnose a very personal issue, but that's just how my brain works. I hope I didn't insult you - that's not my intention at all. I hope your situation improves. And I hope it gets messy. :shock:
I used to wonder why tummo would lead some to their own form of enlightenment where they think they have union with some supreme self.others where they attain buddhist nirvana by the blissful fire merging with shunyata.and others where they attain union with shiva like the bhedabheda sects.I just realize that it depends all on your viewpoint.these 3 enlightenments are all a result of kundalini but the viewpoint and intention matters in utilizing this powerful energy.

kundalini can be likened to a type of shamatha meditation that gives a long life span and clarity.but I wouldnt reify this clarity as an atman.

I think the Bon have the right view on tummo.that it leads to enlightenment provided you have right view and intention.otherwise it just leads to a coarse nondual state or shamata type clarity wich hindu yogins reify as a atman.

by atman I mean a substantial cosnciousness without material elements.the soul is just a conglomerate of 5 elements.

I also think that Bon Dzogchen and even Vajrayana Dzogchen can lead to enlightenment as many masters have attained this state.Bon Dzogchen is Excellent and it leads to the higher rainbow body(this site has criticized the lower one but the higher one is Nirvana from my research) wich is just as good as the light body and the bon would claim it lasts longer(i.e is permanent,whereas a light body only lasts until prayala).

thats just my viewpoint.not trying to challenge anyone's beliefs.
masaradadevoted said:
I used to wonder why tummo would lead some to their own form of enlightenment where they think they have union with some supreme self.others where they attain buddhist nirvana by the blissful fire merging with shunyata.and others where they attain union with shiva like the bhedabheda sects.I just realize that it depends all on your viewpoint.these 3 enlightenments are all a result of kundalini but the viewpoint and intention matters in utilizing this powerful energy.

kundalini can be likened to a type of shamatha meditation that gives a long life span and clarity.but I wouldnt reify this clarity as an atman.

I think the Bon have the right view on tummo.that it leads to enlightenment provided you have right view and intention.otherwise it just leads to a coarse nondual state or shamata type clarity wich hindu yogins reify as a atman.

by atman I mean a substantial cosnciousness without material elements.the soul is just a conglomerate of 5 elements.

I also think that Bon Dzogchen and even Vajrayana Dzogchen can lead to enlightenment as many masters have attained this state.Bon Dzogchen is Excellent and it leads to the higher rainbow body(this site has criticized the lower one but the higher one is Nirvana from my research) wich is just as good as the light body and the bon would claim it lasts longer(i.e is permanent,whereas a light body only lasts until prayala).

thats just my viewpoint.not trying to challenge anyone's beliefs.
They basically use it's energy (not fully its energy because they have all sorts of blockages so they can't use the full kundalini but a small part of it) to do bad things to themselves. They mainly use it to destroy their soul which is pretty sad.
I plan to get a physical copy of the Tirumantiram. Which translation should I look for?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
