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I believe Dionysus represents the union of Satan and Lilith (Theory)


Dec 4, 2023
Recently I have really started researching Ancient Greece through the lens of Satanism, I am aware that we currently believe that Satan = Dionysus, I personally believe this view is incomplete and Dionysus instead represents the union between Satan and Lilith, below I will make my case (Note I am not an authority, this is all simply a theory of mine and none of this comes from a demonic source):

Firstly Dionysus as a God is associated with being moreso than any other God one who could bring mortals to a state of divinity with his "Wine" allowing those who imbibe it to enter a state of divinity or pseudodivinity, bringing with it intense pleasure, euphoria, wisdom and a spiritual awareness, the connection is clear between Dionysus's wine and the ambrosia, specifically the dripping from the union of the King and Queen from the Pineal Gland into the Solar Chakra which as we know is allegorized by the union of Satan and Lilith, we also know Satan and Lilith's union is particularly spiritually significant as their union represents the harmonization and conjoining of the masculine and feminine energies of the soul which when performed to its completion results in... intense pleasure, euphoria, wisdom and spiritual awareness in fact drinking the wine of Dionysus was referred to as enthousiasmos which could be translated as being filled with the God where they become one with the spirit of Dionysus who is called God and so here we see Satanas prominence in Ancient Greece as he was the one who brought us to the Gods and as we know "The Great Pathway" is one of his names in his ritual thus showing this association is not without merit.

Going beyond this Dionysus was always to be approached in the utmost respect, failure to do so would result in ruin and madness, we know that Lilith is Kali, whose worship is of the highest of occult disciplines and once more doing so without respect and proper preparation is associated with madness much like Dionysus, He also represented both the "Chaos" and "Civilization" of the world as we know the energies of Kali require the highest level of abilities to wield and thus could easily be ascribed as "chaotic" furthermore feminine energies are historically associated with nature, the wilds and primal nature "Higher" expressions of humanity for most this would mean Theatre, Entertainment and yes Festivities strictly human behaviors which require functioning civilization and society to occur and order has always been "Masculine" but to us who are spiritually aware he represents spiritual transformation through the dripping of the ambrosia "imbibing his wine" and thus combined we see a dual representation the union of the masculine and feminine, highest knowledge and primal existence all of which I believe is concordant with my hypothesis.

Dionysus was also strongly associated with death and rebirth Dionysus was in fact born twice first from his mortal mother who was "destroyed" by the sight of divine Zeus but then reborn from Zeus himself who stitched Dionysus into his thigh until he was ready to be reborn (allegorical story) and thus Dionysus was born twice once a mortal and twice a God death and rebirth have always been associated with Satanas his mantra SATANAMA is canonical proof of this.

There is also the incredibly feminist nature of Dionysus as we all know Lilith is the master of "true feminism" and has always held femininity and woman's rights closely and Dionysus had two groups of female followers the Maenads woman who through worship of Dionysus were allowed the freedom of spiritual, emotional and physical catharsis as they were allowed to engage in acts of extreme spirituality often described as frenzied, they engaged in extremely spiritual dances, rites and festivities that allowed them liberation from what could be a very patriarchal and often controlling world, and yes it is my belief that even during the time of the Ancient Greeks women still experienced a lot of hardship related to attempts to control and dominate them, but none could touch the followers of Dionysus any attempt to harm or restrict these women was to invoke disaster, it was an act of blasphemy beyond the pale, and were in fact Dionysus spiritual warriors of behalf Dionysus who would bring madness and ruin to those who resisted his will, to me this tracks with what we know of Lilith due to her association with liberation and femininity, I do not believe it is a coincidence that Maxine who brought about the Joy of Satan was a woman, and anyone who has read her writings know for a fact she experienced enthousiasmos multiple times in her journey clearly she was favored by Dionysus and we know that Maxine was blessed by both Satan and Lilith.

Dionysus the liberator also clearly has themes related to Satanas as Satanas has always been described as our liberator furthermore he offers true freedom through spiritual advancement, here we yet again see a multilayered allegory, freedom of societal constraints but to those with awareness, freedom from karma and true spiritual liberation, I believe the union of Lilith and Satanas into Dionysus was done because the Gods knew well that humanity would experience a period of great spiritual degeneration the "Kali Yuga" as such they ensured that to those of us with sight a God that the enemy would pay little attention to due to their complete lack of wisdom as such Dionysus would have all these lessons and teachings for us of the wise to learn from, meanwhile the enemy would not think to hide these lessons due to mistaking them for carnal expressions E.G getting drunk, but we know what his wine really was and it doesn't cause drunkenness' it causes bliss.

I would love to hear peoples thoughts on this, I have put quite a bit of thought into it and tried to condense my thoughts as best as possible, I am not saying I am 100% right but I do think this is worth considering and if we are to truly explore the Classic and Ancient roots of our Gods its important to keep and open mind and take a holistic view that encompasses the full breadth of our Satanic knowledge.
Union of Lilith and Satan is symbolised with snake symbolism, usually two snakes (just like in Kundalini). Dionysus is Satan because of his nature. Dionysus represent ectasy comes from agape (divine love). This is what Satan is all about. Satan is the god of divine ectsay, agape and gnosis. Followers of cult of Dionysus at ancient times were spiritualy advanced people who follows tribal life style. They were the follower of law of the earth. Dionysus is the god of wine, wine was the symbol of "essence of life" at the ancient times, according to famous Occultist and Anthropologist Gerald Gardner. This makes sense, cause as you say, in Orphic myths when Zagreus died, Zeus created humankind from the corpse of Zagreus and gave birth to Dionysus from the heart of Zagreus. In the symbolism we can see Zagreus-Dionysus is the life giver of humankind, he is the creator just like Father Satan. We see this symbolism in sigil of Lucifer as well (HPS Maxine says this about sigil of Lucifer; Father Satan's Sigils. The Sigil with the ankh inside of the cup, symbolizes the cup with the elixir of life. This is the "Holy Grail" of immortality. The Holy Grail is the 666 Solar Chakra.)
So yes, Dionysus is Satan. But i really like your way of thinking!
Hail Satan!
Hail Gods of Gentiles!
Hail Gentile Brotherhood!
Dionysus is supposed to represent the conjoiment of Zeus (Dion - Son of Zeus) and the latter part of the word, yes, does point out to Satan's identity. Dionysus in particular was the teacher of the Ancient mysteries as a God, sent by Zeus to teach humanity these things. He has a lot of symbolism common with Satan, because this is done through the raising of the Serpent and attainment of Dionysian Exstacy. He is related to the concept of raising the Serpent.

Dionysus was "killed" by Zeus in the same way the mortal aspect is "killed" by "God" in order for one to be "resurrected" (stiched back) into the higher self. The stiching is symbolic and also happens with Osiris after his death from Set.

The Gods do not compete over "one identity", they just do what they have to do to teach humanity certain things.
Dionísio supostamente representa a conjunção de Zeus (Dion - Filho de Zeus) e a última parte da palavra, sim, aponta para a identidade de Satanás. Dionísio em particular foi o professor dos mistérios antigos como um Deus, enviado por Zeus para ensinar essas coisas à humanidade. Ele tem muito simbolismo em comum com Satanás, porque isso é feito por meio da elevação da Serpente e da obtenção da Exstância Dionisíaca. Ele está relacionado ao conceito de elevação da Serpente.

Dionísio foi "morto" por Zeus da mesma forma que o aspecto mortal é "morto" por "Deus" para que alguém seja "ressuscitado" (costurado de volta) no eu superior. A costura é simbólica e também acontece com Osíris após sua morte de Set.

Os Deuses não competem por "uma identidade", eles apenas fazem o que precisam fazer para ensinar certas coisas à humanidade.
Saudações Senhor, eu em dias de meditações, escudo e sinto que Lilith seria a contra parte de Satanás. Todos nós temos nossa energia yin e yang, e no caso Lilith é a parte feminina de Satanás! O que o Senhor me diria sobre isso?
Saudações Satanás
Saudações Senhor, eu em dias de meditações, escudo e sinto que Lilith seria a contra parte de Satanás. Todos nós temos nossa energia yin e yang, e no caso Lilith é a parte feminina de Satanás! O que o Senhor me diria sobre isso?
Saudações Satanás
não sei se isso tem relevância sou Satanista Espiritual 'a 7 anos

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
