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- Nov 12, 2022
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Greetings brothers and sisters, today I want to narrate you a myth, not so well known but still of high relevance. More precisely everyone knows the herculean fits and his strenght, but there's another character who's gifted with a great force and cunning wit. God Dionysus.
The story begins with Zeus, the king of the Gods and Godesses, who fell in love with Semele, a mortal woman. They became lovers, but Hera, Zeus's jealous wife, grew furious upon discovering her husband's affair. Disguising herself as an old woman, Hera tricked Semele into asking Zeus to reveal himself in his true divine form. Zeus reluctantly agreed, knowing that the sight of his true form would be too much for a mortal to bear.
When Semele made her request, Zeus had no choice but to reveal himself in all his thunderous glory. Semele, unable to withstand the sight of Zeus's divine form, was consumed by his lightning bolts and perished in flame. However, Semele was pregnant with Zeus's child, and to save the unborn baby, Zeus sewed him into his thigh until he was ready to be born.
Months later, Dionysus was born fromZeus's thigh, fully grown and dressed in divine robes. Despite his uncoventional birth Dionysus became a beloved, handsome and powerful God, associated with fertility, theater and art, joy, ecstaticrevelry and wine as symbol.
As Dionysus matured, he grew determined to rescue his mother, Semele, from the Underworld and reunite with her. He embarked on a perilous journey to the realm of Hades, top lead for her release.
During his journey he faced numerouschalleges and trials. He encoutered fearsome guardians adn navigated treacherous landscapes, demonstrating his divine strenght and cunning at every turn.
When he finally arrived in front of theUnderworld's rulers, Hades and Persephone, Dionysus passionately pleaded for his mother's release. His heartfelt appeals moved even the stoic Hades, who agreed to allow Semele to return to the world of the living.
With Semele freed from the Underworld,Dionysus joyously reunited with his beloved mother. Together, theyascended from the depths of the Underworld and returned to the landof the living, where Dionysus continued to honor his mother's memory through his divine revelries and celebrations.
This myth shows first and foremost, the importance of our mother. I know there are exceptions, but normally she is the one who protect us, will norture till her final days and most importantly, give us birth. The material aspect of these values have a strong spiritual side, Mothers rappresent life herself, the loving and caring side no one can ever replace. In a more bigger scale, our beloved Mother Astarte is the mother of our planet, of plants and animals, she embodies THE creation and so we are part of it.
Dionysus does everything he could to save THE creation "agent".
On top of that in this myth Semele, ina spiritual sense, is the female aspect of one's soul. Our handsomeGod (which is our also one of the indentity Father Satan took for those of you who don't know) goes to the depths of the underworld to retrieve his female aspect, which is a metaphor for descending into our soul and retrieve the Kundalini. Male and Female aspect are reunite and so they can ascend on higher plans.
Now, here there's a mother, so naturally her son went to bring her back.
But on a spiritual view, Dionysus faces the Underworld for his soul, it doesn't matter how dangerous or deadly it can be, he do not give up on his soul, not a single time.
No matter if he's alone, no matter the sadness, he do not give up.
There are more "behind the line" messages but I wanted to focus on these, since in this tough times we lose sight of our CORES. But as Dionysus we do have the right strenght to do things right if we are here. Unlike the rest of our world.
The story begins with Zeus, the king of the Gods and Godesses, who fell in love with Semele, a mortal woman. They became lovers, but Hera, Zeus's jealous wife, grew furious upon discovering her husband's affair. Disguising herself as an old woman, Hera tricked Semele into asking Zeus to reveal himself in his true divine form. Zeus reluctantly agreed, knowing that the sight of his true form would be too much for a mortal to bear.
When Semele made her request, Zeus had no choice but to reveal himself in all his thunderous glory. Semele, unable to withstand the sight of Zeus's divine form, was consumed by his lightning bolts and perished in flame. However, Semele was pregnant with Zeus's child, and to save the unborn baby, Zeus sewed him into his thigh until he was ready to be born.
Months later, Dionysus was born fromZeus's thigh, fully grown and dressed in divine robes. Despite his uncoventional birth Dionysus became a beloved, handsome and powerful God, associated with fertility, theater and art, joy, ecstaticrevelry and wine as symbol.
As Dionysus matured, he grew determined to rescue his mother, Semele, from the Underworld and reunite with her. He embarked on a perilous journey to the realm of Hades, top lead for her release.
During his journey he faced numerouschalleges and trials. He encoutered fearsome guardians adn navigated treacherous landscapes, demonstrating his divine strenght and cunning at every turn.
When he finally arrived in front of theUnderworld's rulers, Hades and Persephone, Dionysus passionately pleaded for his mother's release. His heartfelt appeals moved even the stoic Hades, who agreed to allow Semele to return to the world of the living.
With Semele freed from the Underworld,Dionysus joyously reunited with his beloved mother. Together, theyascended from the depths of the Underworld and returned to the landof the living, where Dionysus continued to honor his mother's memory through his divine revelries and celebrations.
This myth shows first and foremost, the importance of our mother. I know there are exceptions, but normally she is the one who protect us, will norture till her final days and most importantly, give us birth. The material aspect of these values have a strong spiritual side, Mothers rappresent life herself, the loving and caring side no one can ever replace. In a more bigger scale, our beloved Mother Astarte is the mother of our planet, of plants and animals, she embodies THE creation and so we are part of it.
Dionysus does everything he could to save THE creation "agent".
On top of that in this myth Semele, ina spiritual sense, is the female aspect of one's soul. Our handsomeGod (which is our also one of the indentity Father Satan took for those of you who don't know) goes to the depths of the underworld to retrieve his female aspect, which is a metaphor for descending into our soul and retrieve the Kundalini. Male and Female aspect are reunite and so they can ascend on higher plans.
Now, here there's a mother, so naturally her son went to bring her back.
But on a spiritual view, Dionysus faces the Underworld for his soul, it doesn't matter how dangerous or deadly it can be, he do not give up on his soul, not a single time.
No matter if he's alone, no matter the sadness, he do not give up.
There are more "behind the line" messages but I wanted to focus on these, since in this tough times we lose sight of our CORES. But as Dionysus we do have the right strenght to do things right if we are here. Unlike the rest of our world.