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  1. General Yeager

    Improving As A Man

    Very Deep and Introspective angle . Thank you for this sermon!!!
  2. General Yeager

    Castes and spirituality - question

    Read Plato's "The Republic" if you want to know more about a more perfect civilization and how castes would be in that civilization.
  3. General Yeager

    Castes and spirituality - question

    There isn't even a Xian aristrocacy anymore. Now its just purely Jews.
  4. General Yeager

    Why is Japan so resistant

    I don't think the Global Planners plan to have many people around so that they have to worry about what jobs they'll do in a couple of decades with full AI Automation.
  5. General Yeager

    Random Thoughts - He Who Laments his own Powerlessness cannot Change Anything

    Very True. First is mastery over your own thoughts and actions. Then comes everything else.
  6. General Yeager

    About manifesting love using Runes

    You could definitely try it out and relay your experience.
  7. General Yeager

    About manifesting love using Runes

    Shakti Mantras can be used in any combination but certain combinations don't work as the energies are not synergic. Different Deities of the Sanskrit pantheon control different aspects of life. Instead of conducting experiments i came to the conclusion that it was better to just copy a mantra...
  8. General Yeager

    Released CIA Document shows Rabbis Conspiring To DESTROY the White Race through RACE MIXING

    No its not fake. This is real. Why would the CIA have this clipping then. The document from the CIA proves the Kikepedia article FAKE. Its similar how they faked that Heinrich Himmler Posen Speech. When they want they say things are fake and when they like it they make up lies. Obviously the...
  9. General Yeager

    About manifesting love using Runes

    That is too vague of an affirmation. The affirmation needs to be focused. "In a healthy and positive manner for me i am permanently & completely free of any and all negative karma and obstacles preventing me from attracting an ideal partner for myself." Or something of those sorts. Aum...
  10. General Yeager

    Ganesha - Powerful Mantra

    I never expected you to be bisexual. Well best of luck to your romantic endeavors.
  11. General Yeager

    About manifesting love using Runes

    Yes i did in College. However that was not sustainable because of certain karmic issues which attracted a wrong kind of a person. After clearing that out I used Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah which was better and i attracted an ideal partner. The Energies will manifest a partner however that depends...
  12. General Yeager

    Random Thoughts - He Who Laments his own Powerlessness cannot Change Anything

    This should be everyone's goal. However i'd also incorporate a wife and children.
  13. General Yeager

    Ganesha - Powerful Mantra

    Yes. Please try that. Also i would advise you to do Ganesha 216 + Kamadevaya 216. It can easily be done in Morning 108+108 after Hatha Yoga and Breathing exercises. And in Night 108+108 after Kundalini Yoga. I've always found Mantra workings after Yoga and Breathing exercises manifest quickly...
  14. General Yeager

    Ganesha - Powerful Mantra

    Btw i think i remember that you were having Romantic issues and i might have interacted with you on this some time ago. My opinion would be not to use the planetary mantra if it hasn't worked before. In my personal opinion if a planet if malefic or badly placed ,using its mantra generally...
  15. General Yeager

    About manifesting love using Runes

    Gebo + Waunjo
  16. General Yeager

    Released CIA Document shows Rabbis Conspiring To DESTROY the White Race through RACE MIXING

  17. General Yeager

    Random Thoughts - He Who Laments his own Powerlessness cannot Change Anything

    A person wakes up. His phone is by his side. He opens Instagram and starts scrolling. He sees various posts, comments, likes of other more successful, more beautiful people and gets out of bed after half an hour of mindless scrolling. He gets up and does his daily chores and goes to a shit job...
  18. General Yeager

    Jewish Rabbi ADMITS to 2030 Mass Depopulation Plan & other hardcore tweets

    The Jews ,Muslims ,Christians and the U.N all have a Mass Depopulation End Times Prophecy where the majority of Humanity dies in a battle of Armageddon and then the remainder is saved by a Messiah Figure. Jews have a Gog and Magog prophecy where Christians and Muslims (Actually the Whites and...
  19. General Yeager

    Jewish Rabbi ADMITS to 2030 Mass Depopulation Plan & other hardcore tweets

    In 2029 or 2030 that's when the whole Thing is Going to Collapse "Hashem wants Humanity on their Knees" "Hashem wants everybody to bow down to him and then the thing will stop...Not a Lot will be Left" https://x.com/seethroughit2/status/1720339573983862827?s=20 (Mishneh Torah, Kings and Wars...
  20. General Yeager

    Question #3011: Satans Opinion on Being Transgender???

    I don't know about detransitioning. Will it make it so you can safely have a normal chest as a man ? If thats so then you should do it. You certainly shouldn't go with the bottom surgery and you should stop taking ALL pharmaceutical drugs and hormone replacement. And you need to heal yourself...
  21. General Yeager

    Jewish Perdition and Thoughts on where the World is going

    As the genocide in Gaza unfolds i can read public sentiment on social media and i see overwhelming seupport for the Palestinians. Infact no one actually even cares about the Jews constantly whining about Antisemitism and Hate. People who would have normally be on the side of the Jews have had...
  22. General Yeager

    Ganesha - Powerful Mantra

    Actually i have another powerful mantra you might know but i don't want to share it on here. I want to privately communicate this to you so i've emailed you from [email protected]
  23. General Yeager

    Sharing some useful books

    Kali is the far side of Mantra Magick and only extremely advanced Mantra users undertake her worship. She is a very fearsome goddess and her energy is very difficult to handle. She represents the Nigredo stage of Spiritual Alchemy where the false self is proverbially killed and the new self is...
  24. General Yeager

    Ganesha - Powerful Mantra

    Munka is derived from the Lunar principle of Shiva and is different that the energies of Ganesha ,although it is related. True Manifestation comes from Orgasm of which the Pineal Gland is very connected to and the mantra works on the pineal gland as well. In my experience Munka is better suited...
  25. General Yeager

    Ganesha - Powerful Mantra

    I've been recommending this to people because it personally helped me a lot and helped me quickly which is more important for people in dire straits. Im glad you're backing me up here.
  26. General Yeager

    How to Regard Albert Pike

    Yeah i've read that letter too. Pike acts Coy as if he made that plan up. But that plan has been there in the Jewish Texts for centuries before Pike was born. Go on twitter and go to Adam Greene's twitter handle and i remember he forwarded tweets from an user seethroughitall who posted...
  27. General Yeager

    True Love? Soulmate? Twin Flame?

    Use Gebo or Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah and affirm it to attract your ideal partner to you in a magickal working. He'll certainly make you happy.
  28. General Yeager

    Sharing some useful books

    "Aum Hreem Aim Shreem Aum Saraswatei Namah" helped me clear the exam which landed me the job that i wanted. "Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah" is the most powerful Love/Attraction mantra i've discovered till date or maybe i haven't tried any else because i didn't have a need for it. It can be used...
  29. General Yeager

    Sharing some useful books

    I'm glad you found this to be helpful. I shared these Mantras so that people have these kinds of reactions and improve their lives. You should be lively,happy and constantly improving your life in the material sense until you reach a point when you can dedicate considerable time to higher levels...
  30. General Yeager

    Sharing some useful books

    The 10,000 or 20,000 numbers are there to deter common people from using the mantras. The knowledgeable man knows that the way to purify a mantra is to do two malas (108 each,so 216 in total) for 40 days. Another is to do 10 malas (108 each, so Total 1080) for 10 days. And the first one is...
  31. General Yeager

    Sharing some useful books

    Do only the Mantras of Hindu Deities like Ganesha ,Sarsaswati or laxmi first. Do not start with anything advanced that you might not be able to handle.
  32. General Yeager

    Sharing some useful books

    The Vedas describe various non - human entities who live exclusively on higher planes of existence and do not have a physical body. As per power is concerned it depends on what you want from these entities. There seems to be various of these non human races on the unseen. However the Vashikaran...
  33. General Yeager

    Question #1829: Time travel

    All Futures are like grains of Sand and multiple Futures are being created for you according to your own decisions. Your Future changes constantly according to your decisions but it generally points to some particular direction, which is called Fate. Fate can change but drastic changes must be...
  34. General Yeager

    Israeli Plan to Displace Palestinians EXPOSED by Wikileaks

    Verified document from Israeli Ministry of Intelligence on October 13 suggests forced displacement of Gaza civilians to Egypt would "yield positive and long term strategic results" The advisory document envisions a three stage process including the establishment of tent cities in Sinai and...
  35. General Yeager

    Sharing some useful books

    I was looking at some folders through my computer and i found some files i'd downloaded. Basically it contains some books about Hindu Mantras ,a lot of which i have used with exceptional success (Mantras about Hindu Deities) so i'd like to share these with you. Most of the Hindu Deities are...
  36. General Yeager

    Jews prepare to FLEE DAGESTAN after Muslims search for them for Collective Punishment for their cousins in Israel

    🚨JUST IN - FOLLOWING RUSSIAN AIRPORT INCIDENT: "There is no longer a safe place within the territory of Russia, we must evacuate" The Chief Rabbi of the local Jewish community urgently requested the evacuation of 400 families, totaling approximately 1,000 people, due to safety concerns in...
  37. General Yeager

    Netanyahu INVOKES AMALEK PROPHECY to justify GENOCIDE of the Palestinians and WW3

  38. General Yeager

    Any good Book about Runes?

    Another good source is runesecrets.com
  39. General Yeager

    How to know which chakras are weak or debilitated

    Generally besides not being able to feel the chakra or the unique energy and sensations associated with it, the planet that rules over the chakras and the area's of life that it governs will be in general disarray. For example, if your throat chakra is damaged ,weak or debilitated you might not...
  40. General Yeager

    Psychotic Jewish Genocide causes Shia Sunni Moslems (Hamas and Hezbollah) to join hands to Fight these Jews

    🇯🇴🇮🇱Queen of Jordan condemns the world's double standard on Israel's Oct 7 attack and Gaza's ongoing bombardment. "Is it wrong to kill an entire family at gunpoint, but ok to shell them to death?"...
  41. General Yeager

    Lucifer the Rebel and The Outlaw

    I absolutely agree with NakedPluto. Even within the fake bible story , Lucifer gives the gift of consciousness to Eve (the power to discern right from wrong.) The Jewish God literally had a version of humanity where they envisioned Humans as mindless cattle and this is what the Jews and the...
  42. General Yeager

    Random Thoughts - Integrating the Shadow

    Yes do email me. We do have a lot of catching up to do ,my brother.
  43. General Yeager

    Question #96: how does one become more plutonic ?

    Being like that is innate, from the birth. You can however try to build habits. Thatll work just as fine.
  44. General Yeager

    Question #2992: why do u people say buddhism also is a lie

    Study Tantra. That is the Truth.
  45. General Yeager

    Question #3005: my boyfriend has depression

    You should tell him that if he doesn't get up his ass and start doing shit and stop acting like a bitch that you're going to leave him. That should motivate him to action. And with action there can be no depression for it is the Antithesis of Stagnation. Women don't have to waste their...
  46. General Yeager

    Random Thoughts - Integrating the Shadow

    Yes but I haven't checked it in a while. I'll check it if you plan to email me.
  47. General Yeager

    Black Flag of Jihad raised in Iran - Clarion Call for Holy War against the Jews raised

    Interesting foreshadowing of events HighImpactFlix: Well... this just happened. The Black Flag of Jihad has just been raised. According to hadith (prophetic tradition), the black flag was the battle flag of the Prophet Muhammad and it was carried into battle by many of his companions...
  48. General Yeager

    Israel Does It Again: Europe & United States Under Threat Of Terror Attacks

    Moreover there's this, https://youtu.be/ZjzQ6rO7FPk?si=uagOUJqqlKaGZkmw
  49. General Yeager

    HoodedCobra needs to go on X

    I love NakedPluto. Besides the High Priest, he is one of the very few people on the forums that I can actually vouch for being legit and having actual spiritual experiences. A lot of people who post a lot but haven't ever had spiritual experiences are considered Advanced but only in name. After...
  50. General Yeager

    Question #1752: Can i destroy fear with Munyaka

    For starters you can read books by Thomas Ashley Farrand. Then move on to Baal Kadmon. But study only the books about Hindu Deities from Baal Kadmon. He's written a bunch of books about Christian and Jewish Mysticism which should not be touched with a ten foot pole.
  51. General Yeager

    Question #1752: Can i destroy fear with Munyaka

    I have done this without any problems many a times. And while it is true that it will make you confront your fears ,that is th fastest way to get over them.
  52. General Yeager

    Israel Does It Again: Europe & United States Under Threat Of Terror Attacks

    These Jews just bombed a hospital building killing 500 people. I can't even post the pictures here they are so gruesome. I have never seen such a Psychopathic and vile race that does war crimes like this unabashed. If Putin did even 0.1% of what these jews had done there would be documentaries...
  53. General Yeager

    fucked up, but my heart still beats for you

    In time you'll learn that the feelings in your heart and the idealism in your mind in not being felt by the other person. And that realization is very freeing. The most easy way for this to happen is for you to reject a girl and she acts all needy and angry and sad. That will make sense of all...
  54. General Yeager

    Random Thoughts - Integrating the Shadow

    I plan to publish more of these.
  55. General Yeager

    Question #2902: Question to HP Hoodedcobra, is it wrong or right? Love spell morality.

    No, the moral thing to do is to let him create a genetic lineage and reproduce with a woman and have kids , especially if hes white.
  56. General Yeager

    HoodedCobra needs to go on X

    Here's the level of free speech that is allowed on X. Tell me after seeing this that you do not believe it is worth it for our High Priest HoodedCobra to not make an X account .
  57. General Yeager

    HoodedCobra needs to go on X

    I apologize. I forgot to put the epithet. It's a figure of speech to say "my man." And Nick Fuentes who is banned on all Social Media, Banking, etc is on X so most definitely we can make pur way. It's a way to garner followers and is an excellent avenue. If you don't think that every avenue...
  58. General Yeager

    HoodedCobra needs to go on X

    Hoodedcobra my man you should create an X account and start posting. It's become really free (except for Holocaust Denial). But other than that you can post anything. There are a lot of spaces where thousands of people join who are critical of the Jews. With our membership numbers we can spam...
  59. General Yeager

    Random Thoughts - Integrating the Shadow

    "Born in the Dark" There's a feeling that you're being torn apart between two opposing forces. When your intent and actions or your beliefs do not align. And i've experienced this most of my life before actualizing myself. Self Doubt, Inner Negative Self Talk, Pessimism, Confusion and Clouded...
  60. General Yeager


    Ol Argedco Luciftias you along with Henu, Gear88 etc are OGs of this community. How ironic is it that all of our detractors have chosen to leave the forums and we are still going strong through thick and thin. And all of the people i have interacted with throughout the years in this Community. I...
  61. General Yeager

    Thread - Rabbis say that the WAR is about erasing AMALEK

    I think America will only enter the War if Donald Trump gets re elected President.
  62. General Yeager


    As you can read in the articles it was September 2023 although it would have started in 2022 ,which it did with the Ukraine Russia War.
  63. General Yeager


    No one knew what the Dates would actually bring. There were many different theories out there. But i was certain of one thing , that the Dates would be DISASTROUS for Humanity at large because of the foreshadowing and the charging by millions of people worldwide in Christianity , Islam and...
  64. General Yeager

    Thread - Rabbis say that the WAR is about erasing AMALEK

    Rabbis Fantasize About the Destruction of America... https://twitter.com/i/status/1624214859218034688 “These animals can no longer live.” Ezra Yachin, a 95-year-old Israeli army reservist, is seen inciting “every Jew with a weapon” to kill Palestinians and “erase the memory of them”...
  65. General Yeager

    Question #2872: don't know my race

    They are no longer the pure white race similar to how Iranians are not pure white, but once were. They are certainly descendants of the Whites who came to that region a long time ago and are Aryans.
  66. General Yeager

    They invited me to be a Freemason. Would it be okay to accept?

    Its just a Social networking Club. There's no spirituality in these circles and mostly they just offer you trinkets of truth or cheap tricks all of which you can find on the website. Despite what people believe the jews calling the shots are not in these groups. They are mostly filled with Old...
  67. General Yeager

    IMP - The Disastrous Next Three Years According to Astrology

    https://youtu.be/xKhPdulCg3Y?si=FpvJzdV19hSRSQR9 11 years ago. The guy nailed everything to the tee.
  68. General Yeager

    Question #2872: don't know my race

    North Indians are not Asian. They are Indo Aryans from the Steppe Pastoralist side of the Aryan Migrations. Genetically one wave travelled towards Europe and Another through the middle East, Iran and then into North India. These created the Iranian and Harappan Civilization and mixed with the...
  69. General Yeager

    Question #2874: Pregnancy and vaccine

    Possibly. Try to heal her with Mantras.
  70. General Yeager

    Question #2734: You are neo-conservatives

    Conservatives are Losers. I believe in the Accelerationism and Dark Enlightenment. Look it up.
  71. General Yeager

    Trauma and Emotional Maturity; Concerning Love

    Healing is a must. You cannot build on a shaky foundation.
  72. General Yeager

    Why jews punish their own women

    No that's not accurate. Their God is a Genderless Androgynous being.
  73. General Yeager

    Everybody can rise to the top

    You can do a lot of things. But not whatever you want. Some people have been given special purpose due to their previous lives. Only people who are destined will do something that truly matters. Even without destiny However by developing spiritual power and workings one can become very content...
  74. General Yeager


    Just buy a Rudraksha Online
  75. General Yeager

    Solar eruptions

    Someone with good information is in his ears. Or maybe he's actually spiritually open to figure it all by himself. There's going to be a massive Solar Flare sometime in the near future, which can actually happen anytime. Which will fry all electronics with Semiconductors in them. Meaning...
  76. General Yeager

    Mexican Grey Skeletons: Yes, Aliens Exist.

    Speaking of Christians and Muslims, i watched this hilarious debate yesterday https://www.youtube.com/live/VzjoHtYN05k?si=2RNkOEGoq_2kK1HU And the funniest part was when the Muslim Scholar said that his debate opponent would be executed in an Islamic State.
  77. General Yeager

    Islam being pushed, relentlessly.

    Albert Pike the 33 Degree Freemason wrote that they would use Communism and The Muslims to Fight against Israel and the Liberal Christian nations and in the end when everyone's burnt out ,the New World Order would take control of the entire world. And that was 200 years ago.
  78. General Yeager

    black nail polish on straight men

    If you don't care about appearances ,you are going to be alone for the rest of your life and people will not want to be a part of your life. Women won't want to date you and people will not want to help you in your professional pursuits. If you were actually that kind of a person who truly...
  79. General Yeager

    How does future sight work?

    It's mostly just visions that show you a future that might happen.
  80. General Yeager

    black nail polish on straight men

    Are you implying that if you wear nailpolish NOW ,that people are going to know that such a thing happened thousands of years ago ? Or care ? Currently Social Status is not judged by any of those things
  81. General Yeager

    black nail polish on straight men

    The facts of the matter is that what you do with your appearance and will affect you socially. If you paint yourself with Black Nailpolish as a man , women will feel as if you are gay and will reject you, and men will also feel that way in the majority. So you are going to be at a disadvantage...
  82. General Yeager

    Loneliness, Hopelessness, Pain

    It is the fate of all spiritually advanced souls who reincarnate. You need to accept reality for what it is. And then try to find some semblance of happiness in small moments with your girlfriend/wife or family and try to find happiness in making them laugh and make them happy. Other than that...
  83. General Yeager

    Gift for Everyone - The Best Self Hypnosis System

    Welcome to all who use it and it helps your life. And i only wish that you repost this whenever anyone asks a question about changing their own lives and need help.
  84. General Yeager

    Gift for Everyone - The Best Self Hypnosis System

    Sorry i forgot to add a Mega Link , https://mega.nz/folder/j7g30CZL#OGiQVLS30GtW18xr-dEU9w (Book + Guided Self Hypnosis Audios)
  85. General Yeager

    Gift for Everyone - The Best Self Hypnosis System

    Im not going to do much of a description other than this stuff WORKS. For Everything infact. And strongly along with other releasing and Transformation workings you're doing. You can mix it up and use your imagination. Do what works best for you. If you have trouble changing your habits try...
  86. General Yeager

    Why is Japan so resistant

    I think its just a common thing for all first world civilizations. As women gain independence and with larger connectivity through social media as well as an Inflationary Economy ,people are having less and less babies. However the total amount of people around the world is still a lot more than...
  87. General Yeager

    Japan's Collective Mass Suicide - 40% of Women projected NEVER to have Children

    What do you think Whites will do when they become a Minority in their in countries in 2040 ? What options do they have before that ? The Future looks bleak to me.
  88. General Yeager

    Japan's Collective Mass Suicide - 40% of Women projected NEVER to have Children

    Source https://www.zerohedge.com/political/over-40-japanese-women-may-never-have-kids And Japan doesn't even have Migrants. The US has already had a situation where the Young Generation that is going to replace the Generation Z are already Majority Non - White. It seems to me that no matter...
  89. General Yeager

    Emotional Pain and Healing

    This is possibly one of the most important things one will do in their lives for their overall well-being. Because nothing good can be built upon a Weak Foundation. And as such ,one may need to do this maybe multiple times before all the Traumas and Negative Emotions are exhumed. But after that...
  90. General Yeager

    New Census Shows American Youth ALREADY Majority Non - White, White Replacement Complete ?

    Source https://thehill.com/homenews/race-politics/4138228-americas-white-majority-is-aging-out/ Now that the younger generations are already Majority Non-White , i guess the oppurtunity to increase White Percentages with Birthrates is gone. The only option is to somehow REMOVE the immigrants...
  91. General Yeager

    The Heroes That Are Needed

    The situation is really really bad for another Young Painter to become Humanity's Hope. But you can become your own hope and Keep Moving Forward. Hope will eventually come. And he will be as brilliant as the Last One. It is you that paints the Canvas of your Life.
  92. General Yeager

    Do We Hate Jews?

    Zionist Jews brought America into two World Wars ,the Gulf Wars and Internationalist Jews brought them into a protracted war against the Russians which continues to this day. These same International Jews like Soros gutted Russia economically and are responsible for the current conflict in...
  93. General Yeager

    Endurance on this Path: Should I give up?

    Every day you must make a choice. To either jump from a ten storey building or to keep moving forward. You cannot quit.
  94. General Yeager

    Question #2055: I fell in love with the woman who hired me

    As a Satanist it is your prime imperative to detach yourself from overbearing emotions at times and do what is right instead of what "feels" good. This is the starting of many a failed relationships in life which one could have easily been avoided. That is what "Curating your own reality" means...
  95. General Yeager

    Question #2055: I fell in love with the woman who hired me

    I genuinely don't know if you're trolling or not. Although I guess with the intense Porn Indoctrination in the recent years it is natural that some men think that 30 year old women in real life look beautiful for some reason. Men literally prefer younger women BECAUSE they are more beautiful...
  96. General Yeager

    Question #2055: I fell in love with the woman who hired me

    My astrology shows certain placements and fixed stars that indicate that I am a Genocidal Psychopath and I will be involved in directing a Mass Genocide. But that doesn't mean that it's natural, that it's going to happen happen or that I am those things. Negative Karma can manifest in ways to...
  97. General Yeager

    How have jews avoided Karma for so long

    Sacrificial Blood Magic
  98. General Yeager

    Question #2055: I fell in love with the woman who hired me

    A sad situation that a 20 year old young man would be attracted to a woman who is almost 10 years older than her. This is what young women feel about older men. Your situation is the inverse of natural law. This is what happens when you live in a pornified society where you are subconsciously...
  99. General Yeager

    Regarding Cheating, Relationships

    Killing is way over the top. But if there is no verbal agreement and you have been cheated on ,then a revenge spell if the person chooses to ,is justified. Ignorance is not the excuse to hurt others. They need to be punished for misdeeds. If someone cheats on me (and thankfully it hasn't...
  100. General Yeager

    Question #2033: My negative emotions consume me

    You need to release your repressed negative emotions in a safe manner. Do the Freeing The Soul workings until you are free of all of the negative emotions. It is very important. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Words-of-Power.html
  101. General Yeager

    I had no other choice to save myself

    Free yourself of the curses that bind you using the Freeing The Soul workings. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Words-of-Power.html May Satan be With you
  102. General Yeager

    Divine Feminine- what do you think it means?

    Divine Feminine and Masculine are just concepts that are allegories used to explain a Spiritual process. It is basically the explanation of Duality and the Union of Opposites. Ida and Pigala ,Right brain and left brain ,Shiva and Shakti ,Energy and Consciousness. And an infinite number of...
  103. General Yeager

    Question #1951: I'm so fucking done.

    Oh Don't panic Jew. It's fine. Its all fun and games right now. We still have 75 years on this century. Wanna bet if your desert state lives to 2040 ? And any of your kind lives to see the end of the Century ? All of your Fates are locked. People often think in linear times oblivious to how...
  104. General Yeager

    Question #1951: I'm so fucking done.

    No one cares. Now go away and live in sadness and weep. No one cares.
  105. General Yeager

    Question #1951: I'm so fucking done.

    No intelligent person would be inside of a cult where nothing gets better and you keep following an authority figure and just constantly have no improvement in your life. This is not Christianity or Islam where you're told to suffer and that suffering is actually good and that you have to...
  106. General Yeager

    Good Job, but very unhappy working full time.

    You should take most of the pay and buy real estate (not in the big cities but in small cities where the people are fleeing to nowadays). Real Estate pays you dividends from renting and also from appreciation and depreciation. https://www.youtube.com/live/x8vnwLeH9vU?feature=share Also search...
  107. General Yeager

    Question #1917: Love Working on my Best friend of almost 2 years.

    For all of human history ,older men were marrying 16 to 19 year Olds as wife's and taking care of them. And this has been the norm for literally the entirety of human history. She's 16 and shes mature enough to have sex with a 19 year old but not mature enough to marry a 24 year old and have...
  108. General Yeager

    Question #1957: I never said this to anyone

    There will be no greater contribution that you will ever give to this world other than children. And that is a fact for most people.
  109. General Yeager

    Missing Exorcist's Daughter

    It's probably not a very good idea to invite mentally ill people to dedicate themselves. They'll pollute the forums with their insanity that you'll have to deal with later. The souls that naturally come to us either by viewing our materials online somewhere or just out of curiosity are going to...
  110. General Yeager

    The Antichrist

    If I had to bet money on it ,I would say he will appear after the most serious natural disasters of the world have passed and a majority of people have been wiped out. After the various man made catastrophes like the viruses and the Cyberattacks. At that time only the Ancient Souls from either...
  111. General Yeager

    The Tao Te Ching: where the jews stole all their pacifist teachings of christ, buddha and modern tolerance from

    Or it could be that the same entities were talking to these people that were talking to these jews.
  112. General Yeager

    The Antichrist

    I just prefer to use Kalki instead. I feel that it's more respectful to call him that.
  113. General Yeager

    The Antichrist

    Yes ,a lot of her philosophy is embodied within us.
  114. General Yeager

    The Antichrist

    Although I have personally used the term Antichrist a lot ,in recent times I have made an effort to not refer to it as "The Antichrist". Because in essence the God Emperor for Humanity cannot be referred to in opposition to a Jewish thoughtform. The God Emperor is not a thoughtform and is not...
  115. General Yeager


    In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am acquiring extreme amounts of wealth that I can freely choose how to use.
  116. General Yeager

    Hell is COMING for these JEWS - Nick Fuentes redpills 1MILL people on the JQ (Overton Window SHIFTING HARD RIGHT)

    I know on this side of the Internet we disagree completely over the Cuckstianity and the Insanity of worshipping a dead jew on a cross. And i think we've discussed the absolute stupidity of Christian Antisemitism - i.e you cannot be against the Jews WHILE also worshipping a Jew who according to...
  117. General Yeager


    No the energy getting stuck in the feet means either your Nadis are no fully open yet for the energy to fully circulate. You should be Ideally feeling the most energy around your torso. Doing Hatha Yoga regularly will help with this. As well as vibrating Aum through your Body for a couple of...
  118. General Yeager


    Bereberis Aquafolium ,Homeopathy
  119. General Yeager

    Magick, Meditation & Your Destiny

    Can you write about how one could use the Runic rituals for God's for personal purposes ? Like the Janus ritual removes obstacles from one's lives. So how can we use it in our own lives as a working aside from the Schedule.
  120. General Yeager


    These are way too many different affirmations for a single session. You should concentrate your focus on energy on one goal at a time. And your workings should reflect that. And according to your account you should focus on acquiring money and resources before moving onto relationships.
  121. General Yeager

    Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson and his plans for destroying Ukraine and Russia

    Unfortunately, they have successfully created the war they wanted. With their intense hatred for Amalek they have doomed themselves as well as the entire world.
  122. General Yeager

    Nuclear Disaster !

    Don't worry it won't happen anytime soon. We still have a ways to go although it's small.
  123. General Yeager

    Obsessive Thoughts? Belief Vs Intent?

    Of you have OCD ,then you can use it to your advantage. You can constantly mentally repeat a daily Affirmation,mantra or better yet AUM. Mentally repeating AUM is called Omkara which is said to gradually burn away karma.
  124. General Yeager

    Question #227: Why support Homosexuality?

    Exactly. The Gods do not care about groups of humans arguing about their particular beliefs about how people should live. They care more about giving humans actionable spiritual advice so that they can pursue the spiritual path. I personally would like newcomers to be sharing meditation...
  125. General Yeager

    Question #227: Why support Homosexuality?

    Unless and until they specifically say that it's the Gods Opinions, you cannot assume that. I'm just saying that this Is a bad way to conduct yourself. If you're satisfied with your sexuality and are not insecure about it you wouldn't need anyone's validation for your existence. Just don't...
  126. General Yeager

    Question #227: Why support Homosexuality?

    You said that Satan disagrees with him. How would you know that when he has never said anything on this topic that is being discussed ever ? You simply made that up.
  127. General Yeager

    Question #227: Why support Homosexuality?

    She said that Satan disagrees with him in this argument against him. However since Satan or possibly any God has never communicated anything about this topic ever, she simply made this statement up.
  128. General Yeager

    Question #1767: Question to General Yeager about mantra

    108 is fine. 216 will give best results. 👌
  129. General Yeager

    Question #227: Why support Homosexuality?

    I don't care about this pointless discussion because obviously Gay people exist and they will continue to exist as long as humanity exists ,which is going to be a very very long time. And a few small percentage of people who aren't hurting you is not a Civilizational problem in any sort of way...
  130. General Yeager

    Question #1752: Can i destroy fear with Munyaka

    The Mantra "Aum Dum Durgayei Namah" will free you of all fear and give you protection. Ei is pronounced "AY" like Envay.
  131. General Yeager

    How does immortality work?

    Well the enemy also has enormous power ,don't get me wrong. Because of their mass harvesting of planets energies and souls. Just because you are personally invincible and immortal doesn't mean that the projects you start are always going to work as you intended. Someone will similar levels of...
  132. General Yeager

    How does immortality work?

    1) Yes those teachings which are also the Central requirements for Unlimited power. Merging (drawing from) the Universal Prana while maintaining your own individuality is a must requirement for physical immortality. Scavenging and reading information while discerning the truth requires divine...
  133. General Yeager

    How does immortality work?

    In various Yogic teachings.
  134. General Yeager

    How does immortality work?

    A Gods body is not made up of gross matter like that of Human beings. Having ascended and transformed, their body is composed of Golden Light. And they can dematerialize and Rematerialize their body at will which is one of the 8 great siddhis. Meaning they are essentially completely immortal and...
  135. General Yeager

    11 Year Old Video posted on YouTube predicts WW3 in 2024 - 2026 period.

    Pretty eerie. https://youtu.be/xKhPdulCg3Y
  136. General Yeager

    As I Sat On Top Of Ruins: Let Us Prove Ourselves

    Since it is fitting for this emotional post ,I too would want to share a vision I had sometime not too long ago. And I want to beforehand that I believe the vision was signifying something allegorical rather than literal ,although I believe some literal elements to be there. I saw a vision...
  137. General Yeager

    If you could control your mind, what would you think about?

    I actually discovered that while not focusing or doing work ,when the mind is free you can keep repeating a mantra mentally or repeat an Affirmation.
  138. General Yeager

    Question #1561: what you guys think of sadhgurus wife death

    This is not what Samadhi is. That is Nirvana, which is something Buddhists came up with in their psychotic religion. The Buddhists having infiltrated the Philoshipcal schools of Hinduism during Ashokas reign, have corrupted the real understanding of many of these terms. Samadhi simply refers to...
  139. General Yeager

    I'm forced to love god

    That creature is not God and it will never become a God no matter how many souls it devours.
  140. General Yeager

    Question #1596: I don't know what I want

    The Realization of this Emptiness is the first step to the Realization of Kaivalya ,the path to liberation. Having gone through multiple birth the Soul experiences the first signs of anxiety arising from the confusion of infinite return. Like a Snake biting it's tongue , the Soul after going...
  141. General Yeager

    What does being an SS mean to you?

    Being an SS to me means to fight against the fundamental flaw in human reality ,the Samsara of Existence. Freedom from Samsara ,and tye cycles of birth and rebirth is the core value of me being an SS.
  142. General Yeager

    Disabled people

    Sometimes the most humane thing to do is put someone that is suffering every moment of their lives out of their misery. Hopefully soon the spirituality in society will be strong so the family members do spiritual workings to free the karma of the accursed individual, that he won't be born in...
  143. General Yeager

    This is BAD

    brother i need your assistance here ... is there a way of using runes and affirmations Use Thurisaz to cause fights between them and have them break up. Use any Affirmation like "In a healthy and positive manner for me and (the woman) ,She is permanently and Completely breaking up with (the...
  144. General Yeager

    Useless Junk: How to Have a More Spiritual Material Life

    After reading this post ,I went and threw out all of the useless trinkets my wife had bought with my credit card. Now she's banned from using the Credit Card ,period. 😤
  145. General Yeager


    I am inspired to make a series of posts talking about the Vedic Yamas and Niyamas (The codes of Conduct) that have been so widely misunderstood and corrupted in today's society.
  146. General Yeager

    What is the relation between Satan and the Aether?

    I was relating to the question in a succinct manner otherwise the OP wouldn't have even gotten the basics of what I was trying to say because of the complexity. Now that he is aware of the basic understanding of this, he can delve deeper into meditation and understand for himself. Obviously...
  147. General Yeager

    What is the relation between Satan and the Aether?

    We are all manifestations of the Aether. The Aether is the primordial source of all creation. The infinite Superconciousness while contemplating itself gives rise to creation, first light ,then energy and then matter as the levels of the universe becomes more grosser and less subtler. The...
  148. General Yeager

    Happy Birthday To Adolf Hitler

    The world is coming back around to where it was when Adolf Hitler started his struggle against the Jewish Consortium of Evil that is entrenched in in every hall of Power. And this time the Soldiers that are fighting for against our common enemy will not lose. Hail Hitler. Hail Kalki. Hail...
  149. General Yeager

    How To Be A Fake "Sage": Go Into The Mountains, Be Worthless, And Use Leaves To Wipe Your Butt

    All of this nonsense comes from the mind of Siddhartha Gautama who has Poisoned the entire Eastern Tradition with his insane and irrational anti life beliefs. The Ancient Rishis were nothing like this. All of them had wives ,children, and were in extremely prominent posts leading civilization.
  150. General Yeager

    Ethics of marriage/relationships

    1 means lifelong Monogamy with One Partner. Zero which is extremely rare would mean a non existent love life / voluntary or Involuntary celibacy.
  151. General Yeager

    Ethics of marriage/relationships

    What Lydia's saying is also true so in your case it could mean two serious relationships in a life. And if ones ended the next one might come later. As I said the propensity for bigamy and polygamy is represented by multiple lines and it also depends on how your Venus mount is. If it's highly...
  152. General Yeager

    Ethics of marriage/relationships

    It has multiple interpretations. What you're saying is true and what I'm saying is also true. It denotes the propensity or the ability for multiple relationships. You will find with a high degree of accuracy that the person who is a pathological cheater has two or three lines. It also denotes...
  153. General Yeager


    Along with what Blitzkreig said, the permanent method to remove past life karma or any karma for that matter is to raise the Kundalini which burns all the karma. But that is a long term goal.
  154. General Yeager

    Ethics of marriage/relationships

    A knowledge psychic told me these things and a bunch more. I don't how accurate the source is or what resources there are to learn palmistry. I just know about the limited things he told me. The number is checked on the hand that is most used I.e your dominant hand. So if you use your right...
  155. General Yeager

    Ethics of marriage/relationships

    Bigamy. However the next love is seldom realized later in life so its irrelevant. The man will very rarely cheat on his wife or take actual action to actualize his desire. And even one of a polygamous nature seldom realizes and actualizes it in reality due to a lot of outside constraints. Money...
  156. General Yeager

    Ethics of marriage/relationships

    A single marriage line indicates a strictly monogamous nature. Three or more indicates the ability to be of a polygamous nature.
  157. General Yeager

    Make Peace With Satan / Lucifer - A Message To Our Enemies

    Kalki will not forgive the Jews even if they make peace with Lord Satan. They will see the retribution that they have brought upon themselves for thousands of years of their unpromted, unprovoked collective crimes against humanity. And this time it's not going to be fun and games like breaking...
  158. General Yeager


    That is a difference of opinion. I believe mass devastation to be absolutely necessary in restructuring the world and bringing about the resurrection of the Sanatana Dharma. Otherwise it will take hundreds of years and humanity will be split into different factions. Mass Devastation will bring...
  159. General Yeager

    Should I forgive them?

    Make them suffer.
  160. General Yeager

    The way our soul behaves - Plato

    Self Consciousness or Atman or The Will or You is separate from the emotions, thoughts and the body. So he's right in that sense.
  161. General Yeager


    Out of the infinite powers of the Gods,one is to send a part of their soul into an earthly body ,attaining incarnation in a physical human body in order to do something important for humanity. They have certain souls for this ,and the " Antichrist " soul is one of them assigned to our planet. In...
  162. General Yeager


    What events are you referring to specifically. The Natural Disasters themselves or the Jewish plans to use these Natural events to their advantage ? Because I don't believe and state repeatedly that the Jews will be unsuccessful in using these events to their advantage and that these are going...
  163. General Yeager

    Have the Gods reached the end of science and innovation

    The Gods exist in a state of perfect knowledge. Meaning they know what is ,what was and what will be at all times. Meaning they know all the different paths of advancement and have infinite wisdom to know the intricacies of how far to go and how far not to go in certain paths. However having...
  164. General Yeager


    The UBI system is envisioned very differently than what most people believe it to be. It's not going to be direct bank transfers to your account or cash. The UBI is going to be tied to a Digital Identity maintained on a microchip embedded under your skin and a Social Credit System. And the...
  165. General Yeager

    Are girls naturally psychic

    I think I need to start referring different categories such as "not spiritual" and "spiritual." I thought it was abundantly clear that I was referring to the Non spiritual Women. Human beings in General cannot discern the truth, unless they are in any form spiritual. And on the subject of...
  166. General Yeager

    Turkey&Syria Earthquakes: Natural Occurence or "Terrorist Attack"?

    This isn't even close to 1% of the mass destruction that is soon coming. The Mellechas (Non believers of Satya) will have it tough survival out here.
  167. General Yeager

    Are girls naturally psychic

    No they're not. Being psychic means that you can discern the truth about something. Women on a very basic level cannot discern the truth. They can only feel your emotions and notice fluctuations in your mental state. Meaning they can detect weakness in resolve but not if you're actually lying or...
  168. General Yeager

    19 year old dating 15 year old

    There's nothing wrong with this. Generally there's an age gap between the husband and the wife anyways so it's not that problematic. Just wait until she's the legal age of consent until you do anything physical. That's it.
  169. General Yeager

    entertainment addictions?

    Anyone who enjoys modern entertainment and media is a loser and a coward. I wouldn't trust any of them for the simplest of tasks.
  170. General Yeager

    entertainment addictions?

    You should only get the basic gist of what's going on so you can conversate with normies and blend together. Otherwise most entertainment is useless mindless junk. And you don't have to respect any artist unless and until you actually enjoy their work and appreciate it.
  171. General Yeager

    Is love spell work if I am not the ideal?

    Targeted Love spells can sometimes not work, even if the person doing it is extremely powerful in his own regard and does everything correctly. All other spells related to your own life will manifest but in very specific cases ,sometimes a love spell doesn't manifest. I believe that certain...
  172. General Yeager

    Weird Society

    You can't be sure because you don't know the woman or this guy. Which is why I said "might."
  173. General Yeager

    Weird Society

    An alarming number of women have rape fantasies they want to act out. That woman might be hinting that she likes you and wants to act out her fantasy with you. Although you have to have the word play to get her comfortable enough to admit to and do those things with you.
  174. General Yeager

    (Archived Post) HPS Maxine> 28/March/2019: Message from Azazel _

    The Natural Changes that are taking place on the Earth's surface and are going to happen cannot be averted with the current technology that Humanity has. These happen because of changes in the Earths Magnetic Field. We would have to create a matrix type of spider web on key ley lines with...
  175. General Yeager

    (Archived Post) HPS Maxine> 28/March/2019: Message from Azazel _

    No the 20 year time period is exact and everything that is to come and happen in the sequence they are going to happen is also predetermined. The transformation of world consciousness doesn't just include retribution against the Jews. There are a lot of other changes that need to be made to...
  176. General Yeager

    Just for his looks?

    What do you think about Dark Empaths. I don't like the term the psychologists use as it implies negative traits by default. I can feel others emotions very strongly and read people fairly well. But it doesn't affect my mental and emotional constitution. I don't have to detach as you told the...
  177. General Yeager

    Question #578: Questions about Hindu Gods and their mantras

    The Mantras have meaning which you have to understand. Each deity has different properties which changes the meaning and purpose of the mantra.
  178. General Yeager

    What happened to Jack? Is this account really of Jack?

    Bro ,I have not gone anywhere and I have not left. I can't even remember the numerous disagreements that I've had. And I remember very few people that were noteworthy on the forums. That is not the reason for my absence. They do not not have any say in whether I will or will not be present on...
  179. General Yeager

    What happened to Jack? Is this account really of Jack?

    They won't approve the post because it's not supposed to be posted on a public platform. So I guess that's that. Anyways, everything is going fine and I'm very happy with how our beloved organization is moving forward. My message to all of my brothers and sisters is to continue fighting and...
  180. General Yeager

    What happened to Jack? Is this account really of Jack?

    Yes this is my account. I messaged Blitzkreig to let him know a while back. I don't think there's any reason to recover that old account. The reason I can't be active is because I literally do not have time. And the reason I believe this post was made and I came into some of your minds was...
  181. General Yeager

    I'm Nothing

    Yes you are nothing and it is possible
  182. General Yeager

    getting a sexual aura?

    Ansuz Gebo and Wunjo would work better in my opinion according to what they are used for.
  183. General Yeager

    getting a sexual aura?

    Having a sexual aura is all fine and well but how would that translate into Sexcapades until you have the ability to make a woman comfortable and to enact on her lust. You should think about that too and work on that part of your personality. Very few women would do all the work themselves...
  184. General Yeager

    Just for his looks?

    Everything that is going on in the world is unnatural. Men and Women are not supposed to be acting in this way. Don't worry though. Everything is going to be fine soon.
  185. General Yeager

    if advice was good, it wouldn't be given

    The information is meant to prepare an aspirant for information that is given when an aspirant reaches a consciousness level that is far higher than from where he started. There is a lot that is and never will be spread and spoken freely on an open forum due to its nature.
  186. General Yeager

    Artificial Intelligence (AI)- Do Gods Have AI? [Updated 26th Jan 2023]

    AI can create a sentient Hive mind if it manages to or is systematically allowed to tap into, read and control the minds of the host population. The enemy is structured in this way. With Overlords on top with control of an AI with a host population which is chipped and everything is connected in...
  187. General Yeager

    To Young Men In The Forum

    All of the things that we obsess over and feel like it's the whole world in our teens and early twenties is nothing compared to what we have to do in the later part of our lives. There is much left to do. The things that we are actually trying to achieve will come later in life.
  188. General Yeager

    Any friends try to convert my wife?

    This is an obviously troll question and the person asking it is not a serious Satanist. The question that could be derived would be how to free your counterpart from Sexual repression. In a hypothetical scenario where you're with someone who can't do it themselves. Firstly Munka ,Uruz and...
  189. General Yeager

    Suppressing Emotions & Breaking Mental Barriers

    Ansuz ,Uruz or Munka Check the Freeing The Soul meditation page on the jos website. Somethings always hard to break down, so you might have to do it for a longer period of time, viz 360 days.
  190. General Yeager

    Andrew Tate Arrested

    Tate is really funny tho ngl
  191. General Yeager

    Happy Upcoming 2023 & A Few Things

    The period of March - April onwards brings drastic revolutionary change through disaster. Brace yourself. A lot of things to come are starting to come.
  192. General Yeager

    Do You Believe?

    You cannot fight a war with comrades who are confused and distrustful about the things they are themselves fighting for. To fight a war you need fanatics who are devoted in obeisance to a higher cause or power while at the same time being intelligent and knowledgeable to carry out tasks in the...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
