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Any friends try to convert my wife?


New member
Jan 3, 2023
Hello guys I wanna try to convert my church wife into a sex slut I need a master to guide me
You can't convert or change other people to be different from how they are. If you want the company of a promiscuous woman then divorce your wife and find a promiscuous woman. Don't expect them to be faithful though because it's kind of expected that promiscuous women sleep around.
Peruviaz said:
Hello guys I wanna try to convert my church wife into a sex slut I need a master to guide me

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Alright. Master is here.

Pull up a chair.

For one. Treat your wife with respect. No sense in acting this way. It's disrespectful to come in this HOLY PLACE of Satan. Asking quite a crude, disrespectful question like this.

Reflect on this next time you post.

If you want your wife to be more sexually active with you. Have a considerate, understanding conversation with her and express how you feel. Handle it like a man.

If you've come to ask us how you can pimp your wife out, this sure as fuck isn't the place and you'd seem to be very lost.



And treat your wife better. Starting today. Cook a couple well seasoned rib eyes with steak sauce with a side of steamed broccoli. Or buy her chocolates AND the flowers too.

Don't try to forcibly convert her either if you truly love her. That's very wrong.

Shape up dude. Go tell your wife how much you love her.
Peruviaz said:
Hello guys I wanna try to convert my church wife into a sex slut I need a master to guide me

People are getting offended by your terminology here. Instead of "sex slut" you should just say that you want to improve your sexual relations with your wife by increasing her sexual drive.

The word slut has a negative connotation and can imply impulsive behavior, such as sexual drives that may make her make bad choices in her life. This is much different from increasing the sexual satisfaction within a marriage.

As far as how you will accomplish this, you will first want to convince her to stop going to church or to other sources of sexually-restrictive programming. Then you will need to be open about how you want to be more sexual with her and try new things.

If you want to use magic to accomplish this, then you must first become spiritual competent through the teachings of the JoS website.
Abyssos said:

I can completely get if the term that was used was not meant in disrespect and could have been in a playful way...a lot of people have a thing for such terms being used affectionately during sex etc and other shit like that and it does not necessarily have to denote something demeaning or derogatory, but maybe that should have been clarified on his part.

To some of your points Abyssos, yes women care about looks, we all talked about this. But only cavewomen care exclusively about looks and nothing else. These types of women are good for one nighters and nothing else and are not of viable potential emotional substance. They are the equivalent of a "fuck boy" and are not wife material. No respectful man should go after a woman that isn't going to care about who he is or his feelings while looking for a serious relationship, no matter how attractive she is. This would be called the caveman response..But hey if both only want a one-nighter and it's mutual that is a different story entirely.

If you are going to run into the bimbo that wants a gaston and YOU want a wife I can guarantee you she will play you and suck you dry. Run.

Mature and balanced women know that looks and personality (who the person is and how the act) are literally each 50 percent of the entire package and that both need to be present. Anyone else who does not understand this is lying to themselves, or is shallow. I have said what I have said in several of my previous posts because caring about looks these days is unfairly made taboo, while trying to point out why this is wrong and why there should be a balance of both.

I have seen men who I could call objectively an 8 or more....who they were disgusted me and trust me. I was completely dry. Blunt but true. Not that I would ever want to or ever did touch them....

The same applies to guys I have met who had the personality but not the looks. My point is each of these examples only had 50 percent when the other half is missing.

Now get a guy that is hot on the outside, kind and loving, has fight in him but isn't a selfish prick, has nurturing touches including being passionate and emotional, and is patient and mature and stable AND extremely sexual but loyal. And someone like me would be hopelessly lost puppying like a simp...which my love does quite effortlessly mind you.

Oh and this is another thing. I saw some vids by Hamza idk if you guys are familiar with him? I ran into a vid today where he was talking about how men have to man up etc and not show emotion, how women find this unattractive and pathetic. I was reading some of the men's experiences and the last thing I'm going to do is try to invalidate them....i am sure what they experienced is very real and the tragedy with this is that they have the impression that any healthy woman wants an emotionless robot. It's all well and good to have a hardiness and be in control of one's emotions and everyone should strive for this. This guy though obviously pushes the koran too and other things so a lot of this stuff shows the unreasonable expectations for men as well as far as enemy programming which puts a lot of useless pressure.

It's one thing to be a constant whiner and someone who causes nothing but drama, or who has outbursts. But Not opening up or being vulnerable blocks off having any kind of viable connection with someone, but this is the scary part.

These examples show not necessarily what is wrong with the men, but that the women were immature and selfish and incapable of empathy and a deep connection. If you can't show her your feelings, cry in front of her, vent, or other without her growing cold and not caring, she is probably at the very least very immature or she's a sociopath. And this goes for anyone of either gender who doesn't want to be open to the emotions of their partner. Someone who is mature and balanced will not only be able to regulate their own emotions and show them in a balanced way, but they will also be able to handle those of others, but this is also not implying that they have to put up with constant drama and negativity, especially if nothing changes. But this all goes with being close to someone and part of being human. If she can't handle your emotions (barring bad temper and excessive whining) I'm telling you it's not you. ITS HER. run.

As for going back to aesthetics and personality issues improvement of the body and soul takes lifetimes. Some problems can be solve sooner than later. The girl he is with or hopes to want for sex (for serious?) needs to be attracted to the outside and in. If she's immature or a cavewoman and he wants monogamy, I say dump her and attract someone else.
Hardcore xtians though are prude AF and their sexuality is badly suppressed, it would take work on her sacral to get her to open up to him in a mutual normal relationship that she is probably programmed to thing of as "wrong" or "dirty."
Peruviaz said:
Are you talking about master & slave fetish?

By the way, do you love that woman?
If the answer is no, then don't waste your time on her.
There are plenty of dating sites where you can meet sex slaves, even beyond the relationship.
For that you should have a minimum of experience, I'm at least clear in my mind.

If you really love that woman, then don't force her to be something she doesn't want to be.

Next time, phrase your question more professionally.
It makes me laugh at all these topics.

Do you want to know how a woman will crave for you?

Take example from the Gods: do not confuse force with violence and coercion, learn to give rather than demand to receive, be loving, ruthless with enemies and tender with your beloved. Be without ulterior motives rather than trickster. Any basic woman can sense the intentions behind it.
As Thoth says "only the intention counts".

What is a woman looking for? A man she can admire and respect because he will be a loving companion and will protect her litter, her home.

Not a man who is vindictive, constraining, full of negativity, full of demands.

Use magic ethically and wisely, assuming you have real power (but those with real power do NOT have such this mindset). Do love and lust spells to coerce, because that is what it is all about.
You want a fulfilled sex life? Then indeed, take the satanic path to become THE BEST POSSIBLE VERSION OF YOURSELF. To become attractive and respectable. Not to coerce and use others as objects...
This is an obviously troll question and the person asking it is not a serious Satanist.

The question that could be derived would be how to free your counterpart from Sexual repression. In a hypothetical scenario where you're with someone who can't do it themselves.

Firstly Munka ,Uruz and Ansuz should be used to remove Sexual Repression.

"IN a healthy and positive manner for "her" she is free from any and all internal Sexual Repression and is experiencing her true sexuality."

Secondly her Sexual desire and drive needs to be increased and attenuated so that she starts experiencing her true sexuality.

The best mantra for this is "Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah " with qn appropriate Affirmation such as " In a healthy and positive manner for her she is gradually becoming more and more Sexual and expressive ,exploring more and more Sexual acts and experiencing more and more pleasure through sex with me."

Also herbs such as peruvian MACA, Horny Goat Weed ,Shilajit and Aswagandha repairs any hormonal problems she might have.
Abyssos said:

Most people these days aren't aware of this unless they have studied Latin or vocabulary in general so likely not many would care, but I just wanted to point it out to you in case it's helpful for you in the future. The word "virile" isn't a word that gets applied to women. It's the male equivalent of the word "fertile" for women, and likewise men wouldn't have the word "fertile" applied to them. Virile comes from the Latin root "vir" (pronounced weer) which means "man." Virility as a word has to do with male potency so again it really wouldn't be a way to describe any woman.

This word of course is separate from the word "Vril" which is basically the same concept as Chi.
Abyssos said:
To take it even further, in my opinion based on what I have seen time and again, personality hardly matters at all, character doesn't matter, being a good person doesn't matter. I have yet to see that observation contradicted in any serious way that isn't a rare exception. I cannot tell you how many good, kind, and loving women I have seen remain in bad relationships. ("I cannot tell you" is a figure of speech, figure I should say that just in case, Mercury Retrograde and all) It is extremely common. I know I have said in the past that I have a hatred for most women, and I can't take back that statement, because it is still true and I don't intend to hide that fact, but I know that there are a lot of good women out there. Most of these good women gravitate towards abusive men. I have seen it countless times. These are not cavewomen, these are very empathetic, kind and relatable women who remain in relationships with men who are pieces of shit. I see it all of the time. I have watched helplessly as women in my life constantly made bad decisions and fucked their life up, while I did the best I could in my own life even with struggles and bad circumstances. Over time, my life has gotten better and more organized. I have become more powerful and more responsible, while I've watched almost every woman I know destroy their own lives through repetitive bad decisions.

Good, loving, honest, loyal, and empathetic women are particularly drawn to attractive men with bad personalities. Women believe that they can fix men. A woman can't make an ugly man more attractive, but they believe that they can fix a man's bad personality.

When I say "cavewoman" I also don't mean to imply that the woman is unempathetic completely, but simply that she is shallow, meaning she ONLY cares about looks. My points also in my other posts also talk about how what you described, describes much of the general population, but I also mention that it doesn't make it right. As a result, the women you speak of shouldn't be the ones you try to conform to in order to attract because they are trash anyway, or are just simply too damaged at the very least to have a viable connection with anyone. This sucks because it can seem when one realizes this that almost the whole world is unrelatable or reliable for a good romantic connection but there are good ones few and far between. Once again, despite this being the sad majority, doesn't make it right, or the standard to look up to when wondering how to attract someone when it comes to wondering what someone wants. A lot of people think this thought because this is the sad majority. Don't fall for it, but instead do a working to attract the anomaly to what you just described. What I described specifically is what any decent mature and balanced person should want and go for, someone who doesn't make poor decisions and doesn't attract trash, or only go for one thing. The physical attraction gets people to start talking and files the necessary sexual lust, but the rest also has to fall into place and is essential for something REAL and STABLE, ESPECIALLY SOMETHING MATURE. If someone doesn't care about the rest all they want is sex or are so immature they confuse sex and lust feelings with love.

The other women talked about that go for guys with the bad personality and making bad decisions are either because they DID have a cavewoman response (going for someone simply for finding them hot regardless of who or what they really are and not caring, not necessarily having to do with this persons own empathy capacity), or because they have limited options as it is, or have low self-esteem and subconsciously think they don't deserve any better, and as a result could even be intimidated by someone who fits their actual standards or higher, thinking they don't deserve them. These people are often too distracted and damaged for something long-term until they heal their own hang-ups and shouldn't be looked at as options in the first place. My point with all this is, you are describing an example of how what men think matters to attract women in the whole picture, with this being only based on the very type of women one should AVOID. Women have the same skewed views about men because of their own hangups, and the cycle repeats.

Every woman I've ever seen and met shows signs of being sexually uncreative and dull, they just don't exhibit an imagination when it comes to these things, and they don't show any real emotional depth. I'm talking about actual emotional depth that men have expressed in their artistic creations for millennia. The vast majority of great artistic works and music have been made by men. There are very few women that match men's deep emotional depth and creativity, and men like myself are in awe and appreciate it when we see women like that. I can count on one hand the amount of women that I could probably think of off the top of my head that are like this, and if I did some research for several days...who knows. Maybe I'd be able to count on two hands. I know, a brutal and harsh statement, and I wish it wasn't true. I want to change that though. I want more women to show the same spark that men do. Almost all men are like this. Men inherently have a strong appreciation for beautiful things with far more clarity and depth than any interest I've even from the vast majority of women I've ever seen. I wish that wasn't the case, I really do.

Well, I have good news for you. If you look at women in ancient times especially ones like Hypatia who was even burned at the stake by christtards for her intellectualism, and knowledge in science and philosophy while being female, I can tell you that women like this were very much mainstream. A lot of women today are suppressed in sexuality and creativity also as a result of enemy programming. Men are repulsed and even disappointed by this because they know this shouldn't be the standard, and deep down women know it too. There are still women out there who have not completely degenerated to this enemy programming but many are hiding under rocks or are trying to stay away from all the degenerate crap themselves. What is described here is another symptom of the general degeneration of the human soul in general, which is why we are all here in the first place. To turn that around. To be fair, however, I would also not romanticize men too much when it comes to what you described here because look at all the mindless couch potatoes who care about nothing but booze and sports, or drugs and porn VS actual intellectual and artistic pursuits. It's really sickening and saddening and this has manifested in both genders when it comes to actual "creative spark" or healthy expression of sexuality and intellectual capacity. I mean...
jrvan said:
Most people these days aren't aware of this unless they have studied Latin or vocabulary in general so likely not many would care, but I just wanted to point it out to you in case it's helpful for you in the future. The word "virile" isn't a word that gets applied to women. It's the male equivalent of the word "fertile" for women, and likewise men wouldn't have the word "fertile" applied to them. Virile comes from the Latin root "vir" (pronounced weer) which means "man." Virility as a word has to do with male potency so again it really wouldn't be a way to describe any woman.

This word of course is separate from the word "Vril" which is basically the same concept as Chi.
There is a correspondence to the Sanskrit 'vira'.

It has additional meanings, here I leave the link to an Italian article I found.

Abyssos said:
Peruviaz said:
Hello guys I wanna try to convert my church wife into a sex slut I need a master to guide me
The only real way to turn a woman into a sex slut is to be extremely physically attractive. If you haven't already turned your church wife into a sex slut, you are probably not very good-looking. This can be fixed, but it will take work.
Hail Satan!

Not exactly. Most women won't take a man merely on appearance, except if this is for a quick sex. Being visually beautiful won't do with many things in the mind of a woman, especially not beyond a certain age. Many beautiful and very "masculine" men walk with their tail between their legs everyday from many interactions with women.

If you are only investing in your appearance, success rates will be low. How you appear is only a sub-set of what one is. The rest of the "what is" is equally important to a woman.

The low hanging fruit which is utterly superficial women, are not an ideal target for anyone seeking past a piece of food and sexuality of a basic level, as these will essentially switch anyone for yet another good looking doll anyday, and cannot process anything important, including likely better sexuality. Women are overpowered currently to change "beautiful" men everyday.

Don't believe everything nerds write on the red pill community. Most of them are nerds and failure in the real case of women, including the "Gurus". They have rationalized that how they look is the obstacle of their issues yet in 9 out of 10 times you will see that women are not with "beautiful" or "super shredded" looking guys in anyway.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Abyssos said:
Peruviaz said:
Hello guys I wanna try to convert my church wife into a sex slut I need a master to guide me
The only real way to turn a woman into a sex slut is to be extremely physically attractive. If you haven't already turned your church wife into a sex slut, you are probably not very good-looking. This can be fixed, but it will take work.
Hail Satan!

Not exactly. Most women won't take a man merely on appearance, except if this is for a quick sex. Being visually beautiful won't do with many things in the mind of a woman, especially not beyond a certain age. Many beautiful and very "masculine" men walk with their tail between their legs everyday from many interactions with women.

If you are only investing in your appearance, success rates will be low. How you appear is only a sub-set of what one is. The rest of the "what is" is equally important to a woman.

The low hanging fruit which is utterly superficial women, are not an ideal target for anyone seeking past a piece of food and sexuality of a basic level, as these will essentially switch anyone for yet another good looking doll anyday, and cannot process anything important, including likely better sexuality. Women are overpowered currently to change "beautiful" men everyday.

Don't believe everything nerds write on the red pill community. Most of them are nerds and failure in the real case of women, including the "Gurus". They have rationalized that how they look is the obstacle of their issues yet in 9 out of 10 times you will see that women are not with "beautiful" or "super shredded" looking guys in anyway.

Meanwhile, Ugga and Thunk go out of their caves after texting on tinder to be with some guys they think are 10's that told them they are either criminals and past child molesters, while Ugga and Thunk know about this and could care less.

When I actually learned of real life instances like this I was in genuine disbelief.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Abyssos said:
The only real way to turn a woman into a sex slut is to be extremely physically attractive. If you haven't already turned your church wife into a sex slut, you are probably not very good-looking. This can be fixed, but it will take work.
Hail Satan!
Many beautiful and very "masculine" men walk with their tail between their legs everyday from many interactions with women.

Elaborating on that a bit further...


The above was the type of guy who literally managed to marry and have a kid with the woman below. It occurs to me that loving one's self first is the primary key to "attracting" whatever type of relationship.


You will see the shittiest men with pretty women - people who are absolutely sure they are the last cookie of the bag have the answer to it: Loving one's self is the key, if you love yourself -> you do not doubt -> you have the confidence to actually go out of your shell to act and ask the woman out -> the confidence aspect might work to mask other possible negative aspects. "This person is confident so there might be something really good about them I need to find out." I've seen that guy specifically on a video by Pewdiepie but other examples irl as well (in the sense of nurturing confidence and loving one's self) including myself, it was just mind boggling on what people who try rationalize dumb alpha male theories don't get.

However that obviously is not to say these relationships will necessarily work as this can bow down to narcissism and egotism and it ended up in break up more than once. That's what "nice people" or people who live in shells don't get, they think people should read their minds and figure out how good they are inside, so they label the opposite sex as shallow and then it comes back at them in the form of low self-esteem and further emphasizing their inability to attract the opposite sex. "X guy only attracts pretty women because they're like a God looking Henry Cavill" - yeah look at Big Ed above... "Nice people" should learn a thing or two with narcissists, then leave the "hidden good things about yourself" later after the attracting happened.
Egon said:


That's the winning look right there.

Not because OP would care about what I'm about to say (just want a sex slut? Go to a prostitute) but Anyways, it's true that women aren't attracted by looks as the main thing, even if that also plays in. Would definetly be wrong to say that it doesn't. Things like having nice hair, beard and muscles do play in. Personally I lack hair totally.

But besides looks, the main things are about self confidence, knowing what you want, and most of all WANTING to have a girlfriend. If one really WANTS this then that is something which will make one go outside of the comfort zone and approach, and thus becoming more confident with every approach, every failure, until one has reached this goal.

We guys are the one's who have to fight for this - millions of sperms hunting the one egg in competition. It can definetly feel unfair but that's nature. And today with all the lesbian feminism etc. it can feel as if women don't have any attraction for men whatsoever, as long as it's not Tom Cruise or someone like that. It's a long though way to become Tom Cruise :)

Considering todays dating market, feminism, MGTOW etc. many guys don't WANT a girlfriend enough in order for this to manifest into reality, and I can understand that, but it's a shame. We must always remember that the white race is endangered - partly because of this aspect.
This is a wrong question because no woman (and no even animal female) is a «slut» by design except kikes (so if one wants a «slut» they basically need a kike, treacherous and putrid as the last is). I say by design, because some women denigrate themselves mostly because brainwashing but they are never happy. Take brainwashing away and she will leave the fucker and remember not their name, and this will serve them right.

Nature designed women to only desire Gods, altruistic, deserving, totally mature men, like HP HC and Blitzkrieg JG, like Hitler. No less. Because this is the essence of women and all females in nature: you can easily see it in male fights — female seeks the best.

Modern society teaches males to stay stupid uneducated orcs, selfish, indifferent to others, egocentric, cowardly, treacherous, self-indulgious, drinking, drug abusing (and horribly weak and emasculated as a result). This is complete opposite to how a boy should be raised and complete opposite to what would bring you any woman. Women dream about Sir Galahad who defeated the Dragon (including the one inside himself), won Grail, became a God and are absolute ideal. The today modern half-moslen half-mgtow orc that drinks, drug abuses and «wants some slut» to only indulge its lower ego is the best way to turn off absolutely ANY woman so that she prefer death than to be fucked by such and rightfully so. Women wants only totally ideal selfless person who dedicated his life to the greater purpose, because only this type of men are men, others are waste. Man is not born man, he has to become one.

So the right question of a real newbie (which all of us, newbies, are looking for an answer on) would be HOW to do all these feats, how to find YOUR specific way in becoming a real man and serving selflessly some greater purpose, what purpose to choose, what profession, what role, whom to follow, whom to listen etc. Whom to side with in the greater war. What to die for. This is what JoS is for, at least for me, and these are questions I seek here answers on.

JoS and Life itself is about Ideals and their disciples.
Edward Lonsa said:
Women dream about Sir Galahad who defeated the Dragon (including the one inside himself), won Grail, became a God and are absolute ideal.

I thought Galahad (name copied from Lancelot) was a later insert by the church to subvert the popular grail myths. He's the fake xian ideal of the saint who lives above the "dirty material world of impure vice and moral decadence" or whatever. He resists the "temptation of women" and his evil biological urges, and is supposed to be a condemning contrast to Sir Lancelot who was swarmed by ladies but only gave his heart to the queen. And somehow he bested his father, the greatest knight in the land, in a duel, and was just magically accepted by all of the Knights of the Round as not only one of them, but also dubbed the greatest knight by King Arthur himself.

Based on all of this, the only thing I can think is that the myth of Galahad was just a xian narrative to cuck the character of Lancelot and discourage anyone from emulating him and the noble character traits. Galahad just seems like a jew on the playground going like "Look at me goy, I have ALL the superpowers!"

I would almost buy it as a mythological rebirth story of Lancelot being reborn as the sun, but there are just some problems with that. Namely that Galahad apparently was of royal jewish lineage or something, I don't remember. It just seems like another jesus story subverting Pagan myths.

I'm not the most familiar with the Arthurian myths so maybe this can be explained/debunked, but it doesn't look good to me.
Edward Lonsa said:
.. Women dream about Sir Galahad who defeated the Dragon (including the one inside himself), won Grail, became a God and are absolute ideal...

They don't, by any stretch of the imagination. Very few do, and these few are rare and equipped with a higher understanding, so they are extremely rare.

Do not go with these ideas in 2023, we are living in a wholly different era. "Women" is only a category. Do not abide by these illusions please.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Edward Lonsa said:
.. Women dream about Sir Galahad who defeated the Dragon (including the one inside himself), won Grail, became a God and are absolute ideal...

They don't, by any stretch of the imagination. Very few do, and these few are rare and equipped with a higher understanding, so they are extremely rare.

Do not go with these ideas in 2022, we are living in a wholly different era. "Women" is only a category. Do not abide by these illusions please.
This guy is living in a bubble 😭
Edward Lonsa said:
This is a wrong question because no woman (and no even animal female) is a «slut» by design except kikes (so if one wants a «slut» they basically need a kike, treacherous and putrid as the last is). I say by design, because some women denigrate themselves mostly because brainwashing but they are never happy. Take brainwashing away and she will leave the fucker and remember not their name, and this will serve them right.

Nature designed women to only desire Gods, altruistic, deserving, totally mature men, like HP HC and Blitzkrieg JG, like Hitler. No less. Because this is the essence of women and all females in nature: you can easily see it in male fights — female seeks the best.

Modern society teaches males to stay stupid uneducated orcs, selfish, indifferent to others, egocentric, cowardly, treacherous, self-indulgious, drinking, drug abusing (and horribly weak and emasculated as a result). This is complete opposite to how a boy should be raised and complete opposite to what would bring you any woman. Women dream about Sir Galahad who defeated the Dragon (including the one inside himself), won Grail, became a God and are absolute ideal. The today modern half-moslen half-mgtow orc that drinks, drug abuses and «wants some slut» to only indulge its lower ego is the best way to turn off absolutely ANY woman so that she prefer death than to be fucked by such and rightfully so. Women wants only totally ideal selfless person who dedicated his life to the greater purpose, because only this type of men are men, others are waste. Man is not born man, he has to become one.

So the right question of a real newbie (which all of us, newbies, are looking for an answer on) would be HOW to do all these feats, how to find YOUR specific way in becoming a real man and serving selflessly some greater purpose, what purpose to choose, what profession, what role, whom to follow, whom to listen etc. Whom to side with in the greater war. What to die for. This is what JoS is for, at least for me, and these are questions I seek here answers on.

JoS and Life itself is about Ideals and their disciples.
I dont think women dream about those types, but they would if confronted with them in real life. The problem is there are no males like you mentioned in real life.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Edward Lonsa said:
.. Women dream about Sir Galahad who defeated the Dragon (including the one inside himself), won Grail, became a God and are absolute ideal...

They don't, by any stretch of the imagination. Very few do, and these few are rare and equipped with a higher understanding, so they are extremely rare.

Do not go with these ideas in 2022, we are living in a wholly different era. "Women" is only a category. Do not abide by these illusions please.

What do you mean that women are an illusory category???

Please Explain yourself more on the topics you post
Mind-Reader69 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Edward Lonsa said:
.. Women dream about Sir Galahad who defeated the Dragon (including the one inside himself), won Grail, became a God and are absolute ideal...

They don't, by any stretch of the imagination. Very few do, and these few are rare and equipped with a higher understanding, so they are extremely rare.

Do not go with these ideas in 2022, we are living in a wholly different era. "Women" is only a category. Do not abide by these illusions please.

What do you mean that women are an illusory category???

Please Explain yourself more on the topics you post

I did not say women is an illusory category, I said "Women" is a category, meaning there is subdivisions on what women "are".

And that what has been stated is product of illusion, and that women who think like this are rare today, almost non-existent.

Granted you said you read my mind in another troll comment, you have to learn to accurately read my replies first of all as I express it openly.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Mind-Reader69 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They don't, by any stretch of the imagination. Very few do, and these few are rare and equipped with a higher understanding, so they are extremely rare.

Do not go with these ideas in 2022, we are living in a wholly different era. "Women" is only a category. Do not abide by these illusions please.

What do you mean that women are an illusory category???

Please Explain yourself more on the topics you post

I did not say women is an illusory category, I said "Women" is a category, meaning there is subdivisions on what women "are".

And that what has been stated is product of illusion, and that women who think like this are rare today, almost non-existent.

Granted you said you read my mind in another troll comment, you have to learn to accurately read my replies first of all as I express it openly.

First of all, I kindly suggest you to nor make the confusion between a topic and a total banal comment.

Those are two different things.

Secondly, as you saw, I have mind reading abilities which, again, are totally different from the reading of replies.

I read replies very clear and understand everything.

Basically I now communicated with your mind and I see that there is a lot of agitation in your head and right now, you feel partly okay, partly fearful of the fact that you can lose someone on the forums, someone who has a very strong connection to you.

The name of the person hasn't been yet revealed to me, as it was clouded.

Please learn to control things and take a calmer approach in reality.

After all, it is very important to make ourselves calm and pure when we explain our opinions.

Mind-Reader69 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Mind-Reader69 said:
What do you mean that women are an illusory category???

Please Explain yourself more on the topics you post

I did not say women is an illusory category, I said "Women" is a category, meaning there is subdivisions on what women "are".

And that what has been stated is product of illusion, and that women who think like this are rare today, almost non-existent.

Granted you said you read my mind in another troll comment, you have to learn to accurately read my replies first of all as I express it openly.

First of all, I kindly suggest you to nor make the confusion between a topic and a total banal comment.

Those are two different things.

Secondly, as you saw, I have mind reading abilities which, again, are totally different from the reading of replies.

I read replies very clear and understand everything.

Basically I now communicated with your mind and I see that there is a lot of agitation in your head and right now, you feel partly okay, partly fearful of the fact that you can lose someone on the forums, someone who has a very strong connection to you.

The name of the person hasn't been yet revealed to me, as it was clouded.

Please learn to control things and take a calmer approach in reality.

After all, it is very important to make ourselves calm and pure when we explain our opinions.


Did you also mind read that I mind read while you mind read that if you keep the mind reading nonsense going you will likely be completely misguided and then eventually have issues which I try to prevent by making an indirect comment to this?

Please if you ask for my replies at least be a bit serious...I tell you this for you to avoid your own likely deceptions that will lead you to many problems which you will later assume are sourced elsewhere. That is only a warning. You can go down the crazy trolley.

If anyone is interested on what I think or so, just ask me, because incessant confusion can create major problems which are likely going to be on other people's behalf, I am always open and available.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Mind-Reader69 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I did not say women is an illusory category, I said "Women" is a category, meaning there is subdivisions on what women "are".

And that what has been stated is product of illusion, and that women who think like this are rare today, almost non-existent.

Granted you said you read my mind in another troll comment, you have to learn to accurately read my replies first of all as I express it openly.

First of all, I kindly suggest you to nor make the confusion between a topic and a total banal comment.

Those are two different things.

Secondly, as you saw, I have mind reading abilities which, again, are totally different from the reading of replies.

I read replies very clear and understand everything.

Basically I now communicated with your mind and I see that there is a lot of agitation in your head and right now, you feel partly okay, partly fearful of the fact that you can lose someone on the forums, someone who has a very strong connection to you.

The name of the person hasn't been yet revealed to me, as it was clouded.

Please learn to control things and take a calmer approach in reality.

After all, it is very important to make ourselves calm and pure when we explain our opinions.


Did you also mind read that I mind read while you mind read that if you keep the mind reading nonsense going you will likely be completely misguided and then eventually have issues which I try to prevent by making an indirect comment to this?

Please if you ask for my replies at least be a bit serious...I tell you this for you to avoid your own likely deceptions that will lead you to many problems which you will later assume are sourced elsewhere. That is only a warning. You can go down the crazy trolley.

If anyone is interested on what I think or so, just ask me, because incessant confusion can create major problems which are likely going to be on other people's behalf, I am always open and available.

I see that you are available.

That is not my problem, but, I am not at all going on the nonsense and such.

I just do claim my powers.

That is all.

If you have something that you can think that may enlighten me, bring it up in your next reply.

I am waiting for it
Egon said:
jrvan said:
I'm not the most familiar with the Arthurian myths so maybe this can be explained/debunked, but it doesn't look good to me.


Well played.
Bunny said:
I dont think women dream about those types, but they would if confronted with them in real life. The problem is there are no males like you mentioned in real life.

Lord Baalzebul is. Lord Satan is. Lord Marbas is. Lord Valefor is. Lord Bifrons is. Sure that many more are. On many different planets and worlds. This is real life. You are not obligated to attach yourself to one little world, there are many other worlds with many different men in them.

I think Sir Galahad was stolen from the concept of ideal, absolute alchemical gold. Lancelot was not yet that cleansed to get Grail (the immortality) that's why he lost some battles on his way to the Tower. Elixir should be totally cleansed according JoS before it starts working like an elixir of life. Xians stole and perverted it into their fake celibacy. This legend of someone enough or not enough pure exist everywhere (in every fairy tale of every nation) and the origin of this seems to me to be purification of the soul energy. At least so these legends felt to me.

You are right, thank you. I just felt like reminding people that aside of all the above mentioned ungodly filth there are many other realms and many other ways of existence and relations so that our women look up to the sky instead of concentrating on worms and cockroaches, and our men recollect their primordial divine nature.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
