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Dec 3, 2022
No one knew what the Dates would actually bring. There were many different theories out there. But i was certain of one thing , that the Dates would be DISASTROUS for Humanity at large because of the foreshadowing and the charging by millions of people worldwide in Christianity , Islam and Judaism for thousands of years to bring us to 70th + 7 years of Daniel and that is when The Great Tribulation would Start.

I got this information very early on through psychic revelation as i was led to this knowledge through researching it and getting to the most accurate articles and i predicted the dates and shared it with you all. I thought it would lead to a Stock Market Collapse and the United nations would introduce the Circular Economy.

But it seems like a brutal war is going to lead to said Stock Market Collapse and then the Circular Economy. The War has certainly started according to the Dates.

https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=62794 (posted on Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:14 pm)
The month of Tishri (September/October) has established numerous and extraordinary historical precedents since the 3rd Millennium began.

Going back to the legendary stock market crash of Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, which marked the beginning of the Great Depression, does this striking correlation again show up during the very last month of Shemitah. It is often during the Jewish month known as Tishri in which the main events often occur that leave such an indelible mark on civilization. Tishri is demarcated by the months of September and October and always includes the second half of September.

The stock market crash of 2008 first began on Black Monday, September 15th, and then continued with a series of mini-crashes right up until the very end of October. Thus began the 2nd Great Depression which continues up to the present time with severe global repercussions. Likewise, a close examination of many economic and financial calamities, as well as historic military and political events will reveal their proximity to the month of Tishri in the year of Shemitah.

The following diagram clearly indicates the most important days (religious observances and holy days) of the Hebrew calendar, including those which fall within the month of Tishri. In less than a month’s time there occurs a rapid succession of (i) Trumpets, (ii) Atonement, (iii) Tabernacles, followed by the (iv) Last Great Day. What is most significant is that the month of Tishri starts with the Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashanah. This day marks the last day of the previous month — Elul — and is written as Elul 29 as shown on the calendar wheel below.

2) The Great Tribulation in the Final 70th + 7 years and on 2022 (22) ,marking the End of the Jewish Calendar

The year — 2023 — is considered by many of the Jewish faith to be the year of the coming of the Messiah.

“The number 70 is a prophetic number. Daniel the prophet spoke of 70 sevens that must be fulfilled in order for redemption to come. The 70th Jubilee Shemitah of “2015” is extra significant! This Jubilee Shemitah of 2015 will mark the beginning of a prophetic series of events that could ultimately culminate seven Years later… at the SECOND COMING of Christ (however only God knows the time and date) when ALL real estate of the planet will be returned to its original owner, the Creator, the ULTIMATE manifestation of the Shemitah.”[2]

In this light 2023 represents the Shemitah year when the ultimate and final clearing of the debts will occur worldwide.
Side Note - WW2 also began on September.

It has become increasingly clear to me that the "debt" they are referring to is not just the Financial debt , but "KARMA". It seems to me that the Date marks the Release of the Negative Karma of all these Religions onto the World and its physical manifestation.

And the immense Negative Karma that these three religions hold is immense and over a 7 year period would do a lot of damage.

These 7 years are going to be tough ,my brothers. Wherever you are buckle up. It won't go like the Jews want. Trust in SAT. Keep doing your protection and Rituals and Workings. We are yet to see the Light of Lucifer shine upon the world.

The Tribulation will see Israel (Judaism), Ishmael (Israel) and Edom (Christianity) be eradicated and Humanity be initiated into the Light of Lucifer that will then heal the world and lead it into the next aeon.

The Thousand Year Blood War will soon come to an end. The World is going through a transformation which is unpleasant. But it is necessary for the next age.

Wasn't last year supposed to be a super shemitah or something? Like the final year before shit really hits the fan?
Yurei said:
Wasn't last year supposed to be a super shemitah or something? Like the final year before shit really hits the fan?
As you can read in the articles it was September 2023 although it would have started in 2022 ,which it did with the Ukraine Russia War.
This Jack guy knows something :D
BTW Jack = also JacktheGoodGuy, correct?

He mentioned having issues entering his old account and created just "Jack".

I agree Jack has posted some good stuff. It's a shame the prior Jtgg account was unrecovered he posted some good PDFs and stuff over time.

I believe some Books as well posted.
All of this is Kabalistically planned. Good post and reminder brother
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gear88 said:
Yeager is also Jack. He didn't like that so many crybabies were always complaining about him instead of having any kind of honest conversation, so he tried to hide the Jack name to stop them from bothering him.
I think he changed accounts right when there was this particular password change issue when the database was captured by hackers.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gear88 said:

Yeager is also Jack. He didn't like that so many crybabies were always complaining about him instead of having any kind of honest conversation, so he tried to hide the Jack name to stop them from bothering him.
Ol Argedco Luciftias you along with Henu, Gear88 etc are OGs of this community. How ironic is it that all of our detractors have chosen to leave the forums and we are still going strong through thick and thin. And all of the people i have interacted with throughout the years in this Community. I hope all are still on the path, meditating, advancing in life, getting prepared.

Once its gone and they take down the Internet ,its gone forever. Its good still till its lasts and im grateful to have found a community and people who gave me the most important information of my life and gave me something to dedicate my life towards.

I hope you all will continue posting till the very end.
Thank you above. I didn't know people complained so much about Jack and JTTG to his current Yeager name. I thought it was simply crackers or password changes or new account. I never knew people were bothered by him. I'm kinda reminded of Abyssos, rough on the edges but a person who means well. At the very least his fervent Command and Conquer appreciation made me study Tiberian Sun a bit. I still gotta finish watching the movies of the cut-scenes.

Peace through Power!: Excellent, yes, of course!

As for General Yeager I'm not really OG I just posses a lot of memory I've been coming to the forums since 2016 even though the external forums were in 2014 i.e. old ProPHP not current A-Forums. In fact I believe I came right on time as 2016 was a very shifty year for some reason a lot of things changed in 2016. Particularly being the era in which Internet 2.0 became even more prominent. Hell some people have commented on the Dead Internet Theory popping up sometime during the Trump meme wars. Which I never participated nor cared to be honest I just live my life using less than 0.1% of the internet.

Hell this is gonna sound stupid but not only do I hardly use the internet but I didn't really posses any core values or anything from JoS. I basically read through everything in 2003 and then created my own JoS in my head. I didn't really meditate any prominently till after high school mostly out of boredom and not having anything better to do. In fact like my friend said in an email, You became very atheist, militantly, with very despondent negative emails and then after your mental health crisis in 2012 you double-triple down on meditation.

Sheer fact is I believe in JoS but meditation is not my thing. I've practically at this point been in the occult 99% of my life. Not because I was Occulting so to speak. But because knowing my history I was due to my family involved with the whole 1980s style, early 1990s style of people learning about meditation, psychology, etc.etc.

Basically for any Hindus out there my father was really big till like 1995 or 1996 on Prem Rawat a.k.a. Mahrahji. As well as going to an occultist house whom also came to bless our house that I live in with some catholic occult mish mash shit. I don't know all I know is the guy died probably in like 2015 nearing 2016.

General Yeager said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gear88 said:

Yeager is also Jack. He didn't like that so many crybabies were always complaining about him instead of having any kind of honest conversation, so he tried to hide the Jack name to stop them from bothering him.
Ol Argedco Luciftias you along with Henu, Gear88 etc are OGs of this community. How ironic is it that all of our detractors have chosen to leave the forums and we are still going strong through thick and thin. And all of the people i have interacted with throughout the years in this Community. I hope all are still on the path, meditating, advancing in life, getting prepared.

Once its gone and they take down the Internet ,its gone forever. Its good still till its lasts and im grateful to have found a community and people who gave me the most important information of my life and gave me something to dedicate my life towards.

I hope you all will continue posting till the very end.

I believe in the idea that the people who leave the forums are trying to improve. I hope!

But if not then they were trolls or some elaborate congregation of people messing around us.

I think we need to take it like the NSDAP people probably laughed at them. OMG lol said the Germans communizm is grat 'n' sheit.

And Hitler is and company are just taking the shitstorm and laughing their ass off. Kinda like when the Young Plan and German Economic reordering plan. Hitler went SHTF with this. Everyone laughed and then they stopped when Hitler precisely what he said occurred and worse.

I view it simply as I got nothing better to do. Honestly I regret joining due to my rule on never joining forums. Not even on things that I like 10+ years ago.

For example I involved myself with the mechanical keyboard and high/higher refresh rate LCD monitor revolution which we see today with high/higher refresh rate LCDs, OLEDs, and people hunting down old Plasma and CRT monitors.

Did I post in any forum or anything, no.

In fact the only reason I came to the forums was because I wanted to "know" stuff. Unfortunately I don't know if it's my astrological chart or just how much of a negative nancy I am. But I prefer the idea over the action.

Meditation sounds nice to train to be a God whimsical even the most diehard Yogi who meditates 10 hours a day. Doesn't even know WTF the purpose of it unless they meet some entity.

But the reality is am I a meditator no. Do I like it no. Will I ever advance. Maybe some other life time.

I've interpreted my astro chart and it's basically to what I can wit, someone who simply exists to enjoy life. I don't know if my prior life was fraught with a Saturn hardship or something. But basically I'm here to simply enjoy life.

Some get annoyed at me and my mentality. Like my friend said, you prefer to quasi-depth study subjects and hallucinate an answer like a ChatGPT enhanced function mechanism. While I on the other hand prefer to study deeply and come to a conclusion based on a general consensus even if the general consensus is considered a form of logic that doesn't always come true.

Unfortunately the general consensus is also trapped in a quagmire of logical fallacies of "Is it true or not"? As not everyone comes or experiences the same conclusion. Yes general is better but to wit how much better.

Sadly for me my astrological chart shows someone who is tripping balls basically. In many cases the very explanation of something is far more interesting and intriguing than actually doing it.

Plus the fact ever since I had the internet back in 1999, not even a few weeks or months into using it. I was already studying lucid dreaming, astral projection, and other "occult" stuff. Non of it ever materialized. I don't want to say Herman Rosenblatting myself, It was real because it was in my mind. Although I did study a lot of WW2 funny cause nearing the end of middle school I gave up on the internet I used it per say yes I did use it. But not much unlike my friend who was like back in 2005 I got involved with black metal downloading it off kazaa and other P2P sites till youtube came.

But I simply added the occult to my mind as a topic of discussion and appreciation. Because life sucks and is boring as fuck. As I'm an extremely bored person and everything bores the crap out of me. Sometimes I wonder why I bother getting up in the morning doing same shit; different day.

So to put it simply my memory is my best asset. I'm probably gonna end up with some mental health disorder failing my memory and simply die fading away as a worthless husk. One of the reasons I told my friend if I ever lose my mind like my late grandmother and my still surviving grandfather. Put a gun to my head a good one and blow my brains out. I'll make legal documentation and whatnot so nothing happens to you.

But please don't let me live brainlessly in the future. Be sure to blow my brains out to end the suffering and move my soul out. Unless a soul doesn't exist and it's just black like Rick states from Rick and Morty.

Well whatever those are just my personal inability to confirm reality. Unless we get Scrytronic devices or some sort of electronic dimensional viewer. Reality will always be a mish mash of "I wish" and "The Reality.

I wish for all this great spiritual, physical, technological, and mental stuff. And the reality is everything is a boring piece of shit wasting time and basically we do it just to pass the time as life sucks and is a worthless piece of shit valueless shit with life sucking so badly it has no usefulness.

I guess I'm just a time burglur like Lisa responded to Bart reading the book Bart was reading.


Anyways I appreciate General Yeager - a.k.a. Jack. I'm not OG if I was I'd be something. But since life sucks and things in general suck. Well maybe if what was in my mind can manifest I would be okay cool sure I am OG thanks.

But I'm simply someone who remembers and is mentally ill and simply thinks and processes and remembers.

Why do you think I always piss people off like HP.Cobra or insert member due to trying to remember. One reason I appreciate Abyssos he backs up all his links and speaks very prominently.

I wouldn't be surprised if Abyssos does a Myers-Briggs assessment personality test and comes out with INTJ, in other words progressing thought or progressing progression.

His factor of being Judging allows him to progress. IF anything he speaks a lot like my friend. I wouldn't be surprised if Abyssos listens to Black Metal or at least appreciates it or appreciates proper high quality music.

In fact I kinda get the feeling Abyssos is hiding his true self using smaller digestible words instead of large prominent words that require a dictionary every few sentences to study the big word.

I've tried getting my friend to at least post on the forums. But he'll probably piss people off. If my INTPness of Myers-Briggs trying to stay with a train of thought where my mentality is like an MG42 of interleaving process. His INTJ would piss people off.

If I piss people off with my utter gutter trash speak. He would piss people off with proper speech and spectacular high language if he isn't being casual.

As my friend put it. I can't believe the Joy of Satan members hate your interpretation of JoS, Nazism, and general life existence. It seems like there is an intelligentsia of wanting a better life a ideological and idealist phenomena but unfortunately I don't know what kind of black metal they listen to or if they are listening to proper stuff. It's appreciating to imbue some of their properties. But when they speak it's like they are lying a bit. Not out of malice but in reality that we are all completely and utterly helpless and worthless and we can't do shit to help reality.

Unfortunately my friend does posses a black metal nihilism a Saturn force probably why his Governor is Saturn. And why he simply does what he does in his humble meager Spartan reality.

Sadly my friend and myself whether INTP in my case of INTJ in his case would probably step on a lot of toes.

So I'm not OG but I respect your message as I care about JoS something drew me here. For some reason I came to JoS early-mid April 2003 and had a black candle for April 29th, I wanted to dedicate on the 30th but I didn't know about astrological timing. In fact that piece of knowledge didn't come to me till 2016 or so when people talked about it a lot particularly when people were wanting to talk about squares and time wise.

Anyways General Yeager excuse my rambling I appreciate the comment.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
