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The Spiritual War: FOR JUSTICE [Plus... A Typical Tale Of A Robber Jew During Semitah]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Sometimes, certain bleeding hearts and people who have no knowledge and understanding, will show up in the forums to claim that anyone here is "racist".

Knowing this is not so, they will lie anyway, only to have something to say because they have no further argument.

They can also not argue why our stance on the jews should be different. No valid reasons on why we should accept a race that smeared our Gods and started the global smear against them can be said either.

Just programmed nonsense comes from them. Nothing else.

For one, we are Gentiles from all races here, we see no dispute and we all advance here. I have trouble finding a more "diverse" place than this, especially when it comes to different people.

We have people from Serbia, to Jamaica, to Iran, to Phillipines, and then Central Europe and mainland China. We are all advancing in the Spiritual Path together here, under the path our Ancestors and Gods have forged for us to walk. I have difficulty listing a country besides Israel, where we do not have members from.

We are all glad we are different, tolerant and accepting of each other, and in loving kindness accept the uniqueness of others, seeking to protect this in ourselves and others through preservation and acceptance of our life path, supporting each other to walk the path to the Godhead. We do not want to assimilate, we are proud of ourselves and want to continue.

We do not think we should go extinct as the mass programming of the era dictates. We can tolerate and accept while being different.

We have this modern form now, but we are on the timeless path.

Secondly, the people we do not accept are the jews, because these people formed a racial culture around hating and focusing to eradicate what we love, such as the Gods or the ancient cultures of other people, whom they have made it their "life mission" to eradicate as admitted by their "holy books".

The travesty of their mission is focused on "blotting out the heathen Gods" of all other people, and subjugating them all under the "one god" of the "jewish people". That is the epitome of intolerance and hate, in our view.

We are not supposed to want to accept this.

Thirdly, the jews and their crimes against others are innumerable, with central ones being the creation of the very programs who want to extinct and have extinct the "Pagans" or people of similar morals, beliefs and ethics such as us.

There is infinite knowledge here in regards to these actions. But even what we have written falls short to even describe any of this. The bleeding hearts who want to preach these messages, must know that we are on a defensive war here, trying to defend ourselves. We did not initiate a cultural attack on the Jews.

Every Pagan civilization, to their detriment, has showed them tolerance and acceptance; a practice which the jews have repaid them with collapsing the civilizations and millions of lives of children, women and men from these civilizations.

Every civilization that housed, taught, and took a tolerant stance or friendship in the jews, is now listed in glorious passes in the Jewish Bible as being literally extinct, which came from natural events, but the jews later on boasted in their schizophrenia that it was their "God" that did this.

And how stupid and retarded the people that treated them like human beings were. No other race in human history has written 1% of what they have wrote. The most dangerous "Racists" of this earth, are lucky to have penned 1% of this. Speaking of a long list of people they co-existed with and acted as a 5th column against, The United States might be the next in the list of course here.

Europe, WW1 and WW2 were only the tip of the tip of the iceberg here. Jews, do brag about death, annihilation, killing children of their enemies, mass massacres and so on, in their "holy" books. Most Nations have had these "holy books" enforced on them. They are likely in the living rooms of the bleeding moralist hearts that preach to us, but they never opened them.

However, opening their TV or other brainwashing facilities, the "bleeding hearts", have been programmed that people like us here [or rather, those who know] are the "evil" people, who simply want the above to be stopped, and for heavenly justice to be delivered on the jews for all these wrongdoings.

Jews, everytime as they are asked "why" and of this had to happen, they just say schizoid nonsense like "These people didn't believe in the god of jews that's why". They, in other words, have replaced any holy ethical and spiritual notion with just their own schizophrenia.

By misusing spiritual means collectively, they were able to climb out of the level of irrelevant bandits and criminals, and by killing or robbing all Ancient knowledge schools of the past, and finally delivering a final blow with the jewish hoax of Xianity, the jews managed to have their "season" of ruling which is coming to an end.

During this "season", humanity saw the lowest level imaginable that it has seen in arguably all it's history with the peak of the Middle Ages, where humanity literally became cattle.

All while hanging from a thread to total annihilation from 400 AD to 1650 or so, where the "Satanic Enlightenment" started taking hold and humanity started with Satan's help to again return back to it's "prohibited by the jews" spiritual origins.

"Satan" did his work and now you have a bathroom, a civilization to live in, and you aren't owned property of some crazy jew in some medieval castle where you live besides the horsedung for lifetime after lifetime, illiterate and retarded.

And here goes this creature that was saved from the mud, to become a "Bleeding heart" now that wants to defend the Jews who had their own ancestors living under the most morbid circumstances imaginable, and others of their ancestors to go into some form of cultural crusade in order to simply return their society to normal from being mindwashed by Christianity.

The bleeding heart can only go as far as to become a Social Justice Warrior, that will "socially defend" basically whatever it is programmed to defend, and never on the accord of real justice or evaluation of any situation. Primarily, this modern species ensures to protect the Jews as they annex and manifest their goals, as they have programmed to do that.

As these people slowly die apart confused, mixed, culturally lost, siphoned literally by the enemy in a vampiric form, their last measly power to feel like they are doing everything just is to speak online about things they have done poor research in, such as if one should like the jews or not, let alone if the actions of these people should be tolerable to anyone.

They fail to cite any serious reason why we should like or tolerate these people, despite of the original sayings of the bible, that these people should be loved "no matter what", and never judged or something, and their influence tolerated in all levels.

Oh yes wait, Jews also wrote this crazy nonsense to mindwash the goy with, so that when the jews literally do crime after crime, they are never even asked of this. Love your mortal enemy, goy.

Like programmed auto-bots, they will respond that every time a Gentile disagrees with them, this is sign of them wanting an ultimate holocaust just because they disagreed on something with jews, and that this imaginary nonsense will also include poor jewish babies born and unborn, and of 10 trillion innocent women on wheelchairs and so on.

The reality of this situation is that the jews have removed occult knowledge from the masses, imposed programs of death, removed moral and ethical norms that kept society afloat, flock themselves to top positions to impose crazy tribal dreams they have on everyone else, and that they massively control human populations disallowing them to experience their destiny.

To become aware of the above, is part of breaking out of a modern matrix of thought, emotion, and spiritual control that is firmly established. As Voltaire said in regards to the ruling forces, we are not "allowed to criticize them". The moment of criticism has become a moment of holocaust.

Lastly, in regards to those who imagine or envision the projections of demented jews in our desires for their future, about this, we have no statement. We never have said anything the "Bleeding hearts" have invented. They are just too influenced by fake holocaust stories yet again.

Instead, our proposition is simple: We just want to be done with all their influence in all levels. The more they continue, that is against them, and their wisest people know that this was not the route to take a long time ago.

It was not wise to attack the Gods, lie about all that they did, and strike pacts and allegiances with hostile entities to humanity. They did anyway, knowing what this would cause. Since, they have only done crime after crime.

To show you a typical crime of a typical criminal jew, and how the Jewish system promotes them, I will just cite a singular example here:

Everyone knows here about the "Shemitah" year of the Jews, in which the jews cause financial collapse no matter what to "even accounts" and generally rob Gentiles out of their wealth. This is a small story of a really simple Semitah year and a Jewish Soldier from Israel who just executed very well and to the letter his tribal commands of raping the goy financially and stealing the lots of who knows how many millions of people, and then just crashing them all while making profits for his tribe. Alex Mashinsky is your typical jew here.

This jew run a big company for "Crypto Savings" called Celsius based in Israel, which promised about 20% return to goy that invested in it.

This company reached like 6 billion invested assets, and he basically robbed everyone. After he declared "Bankruptcy", he just trolled the authorities and the goy for months that they would get their invested money back, which they never did, as it was all lost in legal jargon and agreements.

After 6 billions have been invested from American Goy, then the Shemitah Jews literally just bankrupted the Stock Market and the planet [how's that x15 energy bill going for you over a jewish war, goy?] - then the Jew decided to lockdown entirely his Israel enterprise and keep the goy's shekels hostage in it after it all disappeared and him escaped with billions.

Celsius, huge crypto lender with Israel ties, freezes withdrawals as markets plummet


Then, shortly after, they literally filed just a regular bankruptcy.

Here is https://www.timesofisrael.com/celsius-large-crypto-firm-with-israel-ties-files-for-us-bankrupcy/



Sit there to think: How many retirees, helpless people, young people, people with children, families, households, has this jew gangraped by literally pulling the plug into a regular Semitah Ritual?

How many homeless, in debt, and crushed has this jew generated? Can you even comprehend that this is only ONE jew from them all?

"Who cares goy, if you mention that, you're an evil anti-semite".


So my question to all of your bleeding hearts out there who protect the jews, vouch for them, talk good of them, is that you are uninformed. You are not only grossly uninformed, you are living in their matrix, in which they rape you, kill you, farm you, herd you like animals, and cause on you untold and unimaginable suffering. They are slowly extincting you everyday, but you do not want to accept this. Another jew recently Zelensky literally tried to cause WW3 on all of your "Goyim" heads, but here you will go again "protecting" those that will damn you.

Thankfully, your bleeding hearts and worthless Christian prayers will not stop what is coming. Justice will arrive.

The reason we do what we do, is to protect you from this death that you are causing to yourself [at least the worthy ones]. They keep doing all of this for CENTURIES AND CENTURIES TO PEOPLE NON STOP, I have to tell you this:

You are cowards, those of you who protect them, the true evil of the earth.

You are fine with them destroying civilization, ripping down the families, lives, souls of all alive beings on earth.

You are mentally insane and sick to not have ever considered to see the situation as it is.

Before you whine at our forums for "racism" and anything of the related, think to your little shrunken heads how much PAIN, MISERY, DEATH, DESTROYED FAMILIES, just ONE typical jew like Machinsky above is causing the earth.

Think of all the WARS FOR ISRAEL, open the BIBLE, read our information.

If you are moral cowards who simply stand with the criminals and perpetrators of this, and you cannot even "Criticize them" and "Tell them to stop", then you are one and the same as them.

Be careful, because the Gods will crush you in judgement for defending these evil creatures, only because right now they have the upper hand for a limited time in external society.

If you have read this message, it means you had the opportunity to know. Instead of knowing, you cowered and did not participate in defending yourselves and all people on this earth who are besieged by large curses. You left them on the sidewalk to have a better life, and as the rape and murder of humanity occurred, you did nothing.

You will be crushed and your soul will burn for all eternity for defending these criminals and falsely claiming that because we criticize them and petition the Gods to restore Justice, that we are "evil".

You will be annihilated for siding with them, and your souls will be laid to waste alongside theirs, because they have harmed humanity, the earth, and Gentiles in unbelievable extents.

If anyone wants to pretend you are making a "True judgement", read everything in our forums and holy books, and then go read about their claims in books such as the Old Testament. You will see that we are right.

Our work in reversing their curses, is the work of the Gods, and we are restoring Justice in this world. What price the enemy pays of this is the price they have generated and invested into destroying others.

The train is arriving, and many jews who first thought themselves "impossible to touch" will feel this great crushing blow, but it will, and when it does, it will not be a coincidence, it will be because it's deserved.

Everyone knows what will happen, but at the same time, we do not. We just invite the Gods to deliver Justice to them for the acts they have done and have admitted of doing, since these are recurring, ongoing and never have stopped for a long time.

The above is nobody's doing and is called reaction and consequence. As a last note, the Gods gave them also for a small "season" the podium of the earth, so you can see for what kind of creatures we are talking about.

The fact that also certain people call themselves "occultists" and still pretend they have no clue about the simple points we have explained about these anti-Satanic curses of theirs, means that they are lying or simply have no awareness of occultism whatsoever.

To also try to insinuate anyone in the LHP or anywhere must tolerate them or even take the jews seriously, means one has no clue about the very fact that anyone that ever had a problem spiritually was simply because of them.

The jews they desecrate all of you collectively and cast down your "Gods" and blot out your existence as "evil and nefarious", saying all of you must go extinct and literally pushing it that it's the case in material reality.

But somehow, one has to "tolerate" them, nobody has a real answer as to why this has to be done. We are told almost at every time they are to be "tolerated" because they are human, but they seem to have permanently ignored this fact themselves first and foremost.

As one studies further, one cannot have an "opinion", let alone speak against them, AGAIN due to FEAR of being called an "anti-semite" and literally having to "pay" yet another price of a long list.

They are THAT "GOOD" of a people, that you can slander all people on earth liberally, except of them, as they are the only ones protected by fake laws.

Why is such a good people in need of so many laws to literally protect it's own so good and pristine reputation, in many cases, with the threats of imprisonment for anyone who says anything against them whatsoever?

The jews have clearly done nothing to deserve love or respect, or admiration.

It is always fear, coercion, and strange mind tricks with them. They always have to hide behind others: either humanity, the "semites", or trying to blend in.

When they are isolated and judged, like they do to EVERY OTHER TRIBE IN THEIR OWN BIBLE - oy vey, the great recoiling takes place, because they are FOUND GUILTY.

And here is one bleeding heart trying to ignore it, because of misplaced and programmed fake sentimentalism that is allowed of getting to their head and they are too sissified to fight a shark that is literally coming to eat humanity and has half of it already eaten.

Yet, on another level in this, everyone is being judged right now on if they will understand this or not, or if they will join the wave towards decay, or simply lie to themselves this is not really happening and pretend it's not, ie, furthering the injustice. And before they understand it, their woes will be on them for denying to wake up to this.

As a last and final note, those who do spiritual warfare to defend themselves, our gathering here, our world, and put the enemy into the state that they have prepared for everyone, salutations to you for acting as a proponent of True Justice.

We just want to be soldiers of Justice here: we will only deliver them what they have been trying to and delivering to us. We believe in equal Justice. The old adage of them reaping as they sowed is all that we seek.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this sermon, High Priest. Through divine justice of Gods and your unbreakable will, we will make sure everything is going fine!
Centering our fight around Justice is the ideal way for everyone to understand the position we are in.

Even if we simply stopped the immediate spiritual war, then let the Jews go "home" in peace, we would find ourselves beset by their aggression again and again.

If we leave them alone to "be nice" to them, and instead focus on ourselves, then they will begin their curses once again. So a perpetual cycle of fighting happens, because they cannot allow us to grow spiritually strong.

And, if people think a subdued Jew will fight in a honorable way, then think again. Rather than widespread attempts at corrupting us, they will focus their efforts on our weakest people first. They would rather drink the blood of a child because it cannot fight back.

Therefore, horrible crimes will be done against us, whether we decide to live "in peace" with them, or whether we face them in more widespread conflict. It is impossible for us to coexist, for this reason.


Even some of the most aggressive wild animals will become calm when they realize you won't harm them. This is a true neutral life-form which actually wants to coexist in peace.

The Jew is a bio-weapon meant to corrupt us. This is why it smiles at us, tries to live nearby, wants to intermarry, etc. None of this implies true friendliness.

Just because a hunter uses a duck call, this does not mean he has good intentions for the duck. The hunter may bide his time and wait patiently in a bush, but he is only waiting to strike. Just because he has calmly sat nearby doesn't mean the duck should take this as a good sign.

If humans had an advanced intuition, then they would easily see through this trap of Judaism. That is why the Jew cannot actually let us advance in peace.

This Celsius company, besides being legal and "safe" for years never had good intentions for those who interacted with it. Yet these are the kinds of Cohencidences which will continue to happen by the "peaceful coexistence" of living with Jews.

If we cannot even trade with them without being screwed over, then what can we do?
It's hard for me to even comprehend gentiles who are so insane and evil for them to be DEFENDING the jew, as they just full on rape their nations and steal all the wealth.

"Oy vey goy we are just innocent an shieett"

*Mr. Shlomo Silverstein walks away with sacks of gold big enough to cause an earthquake if it drops*

It's mind boggling to me. Also getting deep into higher academic study, it is definitely as Maxine has stated. The jews have absolutely infested everything. Just swarmed in everywhere.

I definitely comprehended this before, from reading Maxines writings on the proportion of jews who have just high IQ or wormed their way into high specialized fields to twist things, but seeing it in deep extensive study into subjects is a bit hard to stomach to say the least.

Meanwhile they have worked to keep gentiles dumb and discourage them to from anything great. Like for example how you mentioned, in the middles age just how HARD they made things for us. Out of FEAR of us coming out of their grasp.

It's absolutely horrific to what extent that they managed to climb as they rose their mountain of shit.

This is also what drives me forward in the longterm to further myself in deep, intensive intellectual study.
For everything those disgusting infiltrators can do, we can do a million times better.

Christian and Muslim dipshits, just handing over everything in the form of psychic power over centuries, close to nobody stopping to ask how, or why. And here we are in 2022... it's very disgusting to see the situation to say the least.

For example, I've gotten deep into computer science, studying who were pioneers in certain things, and lo an behold you'll find jews like flies on shit, chomping at the bit, to grab hold of any emerging technology, or any such field they can use to their advantage.

It's a miracle by Satan's grace and glory we are here to finish things and usher in a new age.

I remember a year or so ago Satan showed me the eventual climax of the situation. Not specific of course, but I got to see the absolute fear on these jews faces. Jumping over one another, in a frenzy to escape their punishment.

They have absolutely no idea how much satanic justice that is coming their way.

However the last things those "bleeding hearts" should stop to think about for quite awhile... is how the jews have literally destroyed extensively for centuries and centuries. Without pause. No stopping. Just leaving nothing but destruction in their wake. Not conscience. Nothing. Just destruction.

What kind of absolute monster, goes to those lengths?

It's uncomprehensible to us, as we don't think like them, we aren't unnatural creatures like them.

The enemy and the jews are essentially antithetical to life itself.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Be careful, because the Gods will crush you in judgement for defending these evil creatures, only because right now they have the upper hand for a limited time in external society.

You will be crushed and your soul will burn for all eternity for defending these criminals and falsely claiming that because we criticize them and petition the Gods to restore Justice, that we are "evil".

You will be annihilated for siding with them, and your souls will be laid to waste alongside theirs, because they have harmed humanity, the earth, and Gentiles in unbelievable extents.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Great post, but I am confused on the statements above. Do you mean that because they side with the greys they will be given a tour of the thoughtform "hell" and burn for all eternity? And what is this judgement you speak of in regards to our gods? This seems like somewhat of a christian conception of punishment but correct me if I am wrong. I assumed they would dissapate, could you please clarify thanks.
This is by far some of your best writing Commander I always get a good laugh from your whip cracking sense of humour but yes the enemy shall get what is owed to them absolute annihilation they had their chance to become a part of our community they didn't have to obey their shit makers who are likely to simply kill them once they have outlived their usefulness how sad it must be to be one of them damned if you do damned if you don't oh well not my problem burn in the abyss you rat bastard Jews
I've come to the conclusion early this year that peaceful coexistence with the Jews is impossible. There are too many bleeding hearts that will do anything to protect the Jews and what they do. I can't believe these are the same people who preach that "everyone is capable of doing good in the world," or "Just give them another chance. They'll contribute to society," or "Killing is wrong, Period!" or something along those lines. The bleeding hearts have preached love so many times it's starting to become a meaningless lesson. I think the problem with bleeding hearts is that, besides ignorance, they value life to an extreme fault, to the detriment of others. Our biggest mistake was tolerating and listening to these bleeding hearts for so long.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Before you whine at our forums for "racism" and anything of the related, think to your little shrunken heads how much PAIN, MISERY, DEATH, DESTROYED FAMILIES, just ONE typical jew like Machinsky above is causing the earth.

Your paragraph reminded me of a lesson uttered in regards to the film Jud Suss (1940) in a website named "Subverted Nation" (A name that very accurately references to not just the state of the United States, but the entire world.). The site owner, Adam Austin, uttered a warning very similar to yours. And that film excellently demonstrates why it's not a good idea to let a single Jew in a government. All it took was one Jew to put the entire country in a civil war because the King wanted jewelry for his wife.

People who are bleeding hearts are the biggest flies in the ointment because if their feelings get hurt with the truth, the social butterflies will come right to their defense, and hate is their biggest excuse to slander someone, even if a person tells them the harsh truth.
In the past, I was curious about why racists acted the way they did, especially the "anti-Semite" crowd. When I dug up content that revealed jewish incest, child sacrifices, global usury and conniving nature, I then realized that the so called anti-Semites, who are actually anti-Jewish, have valid reasons to be angry at the Jews.

However, the reports I read at the time still pinned the blame on Satan and the Gods. The Xanity infections of the reporters were played upon by the jews they interviewed, with the jews claiming to be "Luciferian". Even though they know the true nature of the jew, they're misled because they still worship a non-existent kike. Around this time is also the first time believe I encountered the "Starseed" phenomenon, it was in a "spirituality" section of a site I found.

I got feeling that the whole Starseed thing was suspicious as well, because it was sounding too much like "hardcore" Xanity to me. There was this lady that was supposedly channeling ETs, yet these ETs would "decipher" parts of the bible. The only core difference I saw in this religion was that death was "sugar-coated" with reincarnation. Basically, it's Xanity with "unlimited lives" like a video game.

I was lost at sea with a stalled boat and map I couldn't read, then the Gods taught me how to fix the boat and read the map.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We just want to be soldiers of Justice here: we will only deliver them what they have been trying to and delivering to us.

Until death, as much as possible.
Harris said:
Found some more scam and He fled to Isreal as always

In Israel, this dude will be their national hero. They flee there to avoid the law and all punishments. Like the Vatican. Just a slap on the wrist and then they bring the loot back home, and all is fine.
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Be careful, because the Gods will crush you in judgement for defending these evil creatures, only because right now they have the upper hand for a limited time in external society.

You will be crushed and your soul will burn for all eternity for defending these criminals and falsely claiming that because we criticize them and petition the Gods to restore Justice, that we are "evil".

You will be annihilated for siding with them, and your souls will be laid to waste alongside theirs, because they have harmed humanity, the earth, and Gentiles in unbelievable extents.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Great post, but I am confused on the statements above. Do you mean that because they side with the greys they will be given a tour of the thoughtform "hell" and burn for all eternity? And what is this judgement you speak of in regards to our gods? This seems like somewhat of a christian conception of punishment but correct me if I am wrong. I assumed they would dissapate, could you please clarify thanks.

Yes, by picking the side of evil, they will experience this price. Those who without repenting serve the jews, will also end up in similar fate.

The jews are clear in this, their non jew servants are cannon fodder.

This is not about random people everyday guys and girls that are programmed, but about those who alongside the jews plot and act as infiltrators and their long extended hand in our societies, and act against the Gods.

The Gods will not help these idiots. They will reap the evil that they are sowing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It was very good to read this.This is incredibly well written,maybe couldn't be better.But also a highly inspiring sermon and further reminds and motivates me of the importance of RTRs.

This also comes to mind.https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=77518&p=386952#p386952
This bastard has always defended the jews,especially when it went to a jewish company.But when they cheated(scammed) her, even then she didn't hate them(jews),although, as I have noticed, his sympathy for the jews has waned(but her sympathy for the jews did not diminish much).

This abnormal even claims that the world is so bad because humanity is so bad.It is not the jews who are bad, it is humanity(at least only according to this idiot and the like).
I tried in vain to explain to her that it is because of the jews that there are so many bad things in the world, I even showed her the Talmudic laws, but he ignored it, as if he deliberately did not want to see the truth or blame anyone else but the jews.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=391018 time=1664491768 user_id=21286]
Even some of the most aggressive wild animals will become calm when they realize you won't harm them. This is a true neutral life-form which actually wants to coexist in peace.
"Poor animals" should not be insult(affront),that to compare them to jews!
One of the worst things one has to deal with in the clownworld is watching the injustice unfold. When all their souls will be burning and they will realize their doom in that exact moment, and with them all their puppets, that will be ultimate exaltation.
Everything there is today, we can do better and we will do better in our Era.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Harris said:
Found some more scam and He fled to Isreal as always

In Israel, this dude will be their national hero. They flee there to avoid the law and all punishments. Like the Vatican. Just a slap on the wrist and then they bring the loot back home, and all is fine.
Julius Streicher was sentenced to death by hanging by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal and executed on October 16, 1946. He behaved bravely throughout the trial and did not compromise his principles. In the minutes before his death, even under the gallows, he supported Hitler. However, his prediction about the future of Jewry turned out to be wrong. In contrast to him, Hitler already in Mein Kampf explained with prophetic insight what would happen if the Jews were given an independent homeland:

While the Zionists are trying to make the world believe that the popular self-determination of the Jews would find satisfaction in the establishment of an independent state in Palestine, the Jews are once again fooling the stupid goyim, in the most cunning way. They do not at all think of building a Jewish state in Palestine in order to inhabit it themselves, but they only wish to have an organizational center for their international riots, which they organize under their own sovereignty and exclude the right of other states to intervene. They want to create a haven for exposed crooks and a college for future rogues.

Time has so far justified the Führer!
This is why we created justice systems since we started our own civilizations, and here comes the kikey short years after being shat out of a reptard ship whining like a Sr Pelo abomination about how all that was unfair and decided to start a clusterfuck, just because we didn't want to bow to their mary sue god and hideous slandering of our own gods. There are really creatures that really need a hololcoaster for steering this world into the space shitball it has become.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
This abnormal even claims that the world is so bad because humanity is so bad.It is not the jews who are bad, it is humanity(at least only according to this idiot and the like).
I tried in vain to explain to her that it is because of the jews that there are so many bad things in the world, I even showed her the Talmudic laws, but he ignored it, as if he deliberately did not want to see the truth or blame anyone else but the jews.

I had this same type of argument with a fellow Christian, GOP-supporting and pro-Zionist church-goer during my Christian whistleblower days, showed him all the [stolen] occultic symbols, and how the Christian elite, Israeli and Jewish all practice [enemy forms] of the occult behind closed doors, and the evil child sacrificing culture of the Talmud and the Torah

.....his response?


'Nuff said there.

Guy openly admitted Christians embraces stupidity and ignorance 'cuz how their god thrives. Even when I remained a Christian whistleblower, I left that guy's Church and never returned. It'd be years until I finally decided to give it ALL the middle finger and embrace Satan and the Gods!

Oy vey.....today is Sunday.....Funday, they're favorite day (they they hijacked from the Pagans). I better :roll: "repent" :roll: from by blasphemous, Knowledge-loving ways!
darkpath said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Harris said:
Found some more scam and He fled to Isreal as always

In Israel, this dude will be their national hero. They flee there to avoid the law and all punishments. Like the Vatican. Just a slap on the wrist and then they bring the loot back home, and all is fine.
Julius Streicher was sentenced to death by hanging by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal and executed on October 16, 1946. He behaved bravely throughout the trial and did not compromise his principles. In the minutes before his death, even under the gallows, he supported Hitler. However, his prediction about the future of Jewry turned out to be wrong. In contrast to him, Hitler already in Mein Kampf explained with prophetic insight what would happen if the Jews were given an independent homeland:

While the Zionists are trying to make the world believe that the popular self-determination of the Jews would find satisfaction in the establishment of an independent state in Palestine, the Jews are once again fooling the stupid goyim, in the most cunning way. They do not at all think of building a Jewish state in Palestine in order to inhabit it themselves, but they only wish to have an organizational center for their international riots, which they organize under their own sovereignty and exclude the right of other states to intervene. They want to create a haven for exposed crooks and a college for future rogues.

Time has so far justified the Führer!

You'd be shocked, but yesterday, I was checking on my dictionary about something, and I found out "Jerusalem".

As the J is actually an I and the J does not really exist except in Latin [to symbolize an I sound] it appears the root word for the word of "Jerusalem" is related to "Ierusalem" which is very close to "Ierosylia" from the Ancient Greek, which is the word to describe the highest crime of temple looting and stealing from the temples.

Basically the jewish religion is just institutionalized theft, with all that this entails. Their "Heavenly Jerusalem" is the time when they have stolen everything from the Gentiles and their Gods and temples, until nothing has remained, and they enjoy the stolen loot. They call this the "Kingdom of God" or something.

We are just dealing with a bunch of thieves of spiritual knowledge and material wealth and nothing else, that try to crown themselves kings of the earth based on literal theft and curses on a consistent basis.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
darkpath said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Israel, this dude will be their national hero. They flee there to avoid the law and all punishments. Like the Vatican. Just a slap on the wrist and then they bring the loot back home, and all is fine.
Julius Streicher was sentenced to death by hanging by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal and executed on October 16, 1946. He behaved bravely throughout the trial and did not compromise his principles. In the minutes before his death, even under the gallows, he supported Hitler. However, his prediction about the future of Jewry turned out to be wrong. In contrast to him, Hitler already in Mein Kampf explained with prophetic insight what would happen if the Jews were given an independent homeland:

While the Zionists are trying to make the world believe that the popular self-determination of the Jews would find satisfaction in the establishment of an independent state in Palestine, the Jews are once again fooling the stupid goyim, in the most cunning way. They do not at all think of building a Jewish state in Palestine in order to inhabit it themselves, but they only wish to have an organizational center for their international riots, which they organize under their own sovereignty and exclude the right of other states to intervene. They want to create a haven for exposed crooks and a college for future rogues.

Time has so far justified the Führer!

You'd be shocked, but yesterday, I was checking on my dictionary about something, and I found out "Jerusalem".

As the J is actually an I and the J does not really exist except in Latin [to symbolize an I sound] it appears the root word for the word of "Jerusalem" is related to "Ierusalem" which is very close to "Ierosylia" from the Ancient Greek, which is the word to describe the highest crime of temple looting and stealing from the temples.

Basically the jewish religion is just institutionalized theft, with all that this entails. Their "Heavenly Jerusalem" is the time when they have stolen everything from the Gentiles and their Gods and temples, until nothing has remained, and they enjoy the stolen loot. They call this the "Kingdom of God" or something.

We are just dealing with a bunch of thieves of spiritual knowledge and material wealth and nothing else, that try to crown themselves kings of the earth based on literal theft and curses on a consistent basis.

...We really are dealing with "Kings of Thieves" in this world. It's disturbing and baffling that we've tolerated these religions for so long.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
darkpath said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Israel, this dude will be their national hero. They flee there to avoid the law and all punishments. Like the Vatican. Just a slap on the wrist and then they bring the loot back home, and all is fine.
Julius Streicher was sentenced to death by hanging by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal and executed on October 16, 1946. He behaved bravely throughout the trial and did not compromise his principles. In the minutes before his death, even under the gallows, he supported Hitler. However, his prediction about the future of Jewry turned out to be wrong. In contrast to him, Hitler already in Mein Kampf explained with prophetic insight what would happen if the Jews were given an independent homeland:

While the Zionists are trying to make the world believe that the popular self-determination of the Jews would find satisfaction in the establishment of an independent state in Palestine, the Jews are once again fooling the stupid goyim, in the most cunning way. They do not at all think of building a Jewish state in Palestine in order to inhabit it themselves, but they only wish to have an organizational center for their international riots, which they organize under their own sovereignty and exclude the right of other states to intervene. They want to create a haven for exposed crooks and a college for future rogues.

Time has so far justified the Führer!

You'd be shocked, but yesterday, I was checking on my dictionary about something, and I found out "Jerusalem".

As the J is actually an I and the J does not really exist except in Latin [to symbolize an I sound] it appears the root word for the word of "Jerusalem" is related to "Ierusalem" which is very close to "Ierosylia" from the Ancient Greek, which is the word to describe the highest crime of temple looting and stealing from the temples.

Basically the jewish religion is just institutionalized theft, with all that this entails. Their "Heavenly Jerusalem" is the time when they have stolen everything from the Gentiles and their Gods and temples, until nothing has remained, and they enjoy the stolen loot. They call this the "Kingdom of God" or something.

We are just dealing with a bunch of thieves of spiritual knowledge and material wealth and nothing else, that try to crown themselves kings of the earth based on literal theft and curses on a consistent basis.

It was stolen from "Uru Shalim", how the Ancients referred to what would, become "Jerusalem" today, meaning "City of the Shalim", the Pagan God Shalim is actually Lucifer himself since he was associated with the Morning Star and the Planet Venus.

Jews hijacked the word "Shalom" from Shalim/Satan, other diminutive forms such as "Salem" (as in Jeru-salem), in Arabic it's known as Salaam and the Muslims stole it for "Assalamu-Alaikum". Other dimunatives are Salim, Selim, Saleem or femininely Salma, Saloma, Selima and etc.

In Arabic, the name for "Jerusalem" is actually much closer to the Ancient Pagan name, it becomes Urshalim, and has Shalim/Satan's name in its original form. The Al-Quds name is of Islamic origin, and Islam is of Hebrew-Arabian origin, not Gentile Arab.

The Jews also hijacked the word "Shahar" and is now a common Jewish name. Shahar too, is a Pagan God of old, whom HP Cobra told me is actually Asmodeus. Not sure if the Arabic word "Sahara" comes from Shahar, but there is an Islamic meal called "Soohur", which for sure, came from Shahar.

More on this topic: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=78285&p=391998&hilit=Shalom#p391998
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Harris said:
Found some more scam and He fled to Isreal as always

In Israel, this dude will be their national hero. They flee there to avoid the law and all punishments. Like the Vatican. Just a slap on the wrist and then they bring the loot back home, and all is fine.

Yes , I have noticed these trend, how everytime they are caught they flee and go to their country and live free of punishment. Especially in the case of theft.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
darkpath said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Israel, this dude will be their national hero. They flee there to avoid the law and all punishments. Like the Vatican. Just a slap on the wrist and then they bring the loot back home, and all is fine.
Julius Streicher was sentenced to death by hanging by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal and executed on October 16, 1946. He behaved bravely throughout the trial and did not compromise his principles. In the minutes before his death, even under the gallows, he supported Hitler. However, his prediction about the future of Jewry turned out to be wrong. In contrast to him, Hitler already in Mein Kampf explained with prophetic insight what would happen if the Jews were given an independent homeland:

While the Zionists are trying to make the world believe that the popular self-determination of the Jews would find satisfaction in the establishment of an independent state in Palestine, the Jews are once again fooling the stupid goyim, in the most cunning way. They do not at all think of building a Jewish state in Palestine in order to inhabit it themselves, but they only wish to have an organizational center for their international riots, which they organize under their own sovereignty and exclude the right of other states to intervene. They want to create a haven for exposed crooks and a college for future rogues.

Time has so far justified the Führer!

You'd be shocked, but yesterday, I was checking on my dictionary about something, and I found out "Jerusalem".

As the J is actually an I and the J does not really exist except in Latin [to symbolize an I sound] it appears the root word for the word of "Jerusalem" is related to "Ierusalem" which is very close to "Ierosylia" from the Ancient Greek, which is the word to describe the highest crime of temple looting and stealing from the temples.

Basically the jewish religion is just institutionalized theft, with all that this entails. Their "Heavenly Jerusalem" is the time when they have stolen everything from the Gentiles and their Gods and temples, until nothing has remained, and they enjoy the stolen loot. They call this the "Kingdom of God" or something.

We are just dealing with a bunch of thieves of spiritual knowledge and material wealth and nothing else, that try to crown themselves kings of the earth based on literal theft and curses on a consistent basis.

HP HC, I have thought to keep doing the terminating Jewish financial control RTR, would this have a positive effect on my finance?
Right now ,my finance isn't bad, yet I'm paying loads of debt that just popped out and I'm left with just "not that little"
Only uneducated people defend the Jews.

Like growing cancer, they are the result off wrong decisions, without any positive aspect.

Judaism is just a selflimitating slave system.

If satanism is The Strong are strong through the weak, therfore the strong help the weak to be strong, so all can be more strong.

Judaism is "The strong" are strong on back off the weak (like standing on a pyramid of people the more people the higher the pyramid can be build), therefore the strong enslave more weak people. To reach higher strength. The strong do only develop to enslave more, as this is the best approach for thear system and ensures the strong stay strong and the weak stay weak (the pyramid order stays the same, is only expanded downwards). Probably only the head reptilian does advance aside from enslaving, everybody else is prevented from advancing.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Sorry for the delay in replying,but I wasn't really active.

Moreover, the best thing about this abnormal is that he has two degrees(so not the lowest NPC),but still insists on this very stupid thing.

This is the same as what I wrote.They are too cowardly to face the truth.That's why they cling to their stupidity.
This also reminds me.https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=337922#p337922

They will hopefully not have any privileges in the golden era!!
father_is_daughter said:
Hi hpcobra may i talk to you privately? I really need it.

Sure, do e-mail me if you need.
I’d like to point out that it is $2500 per “infraction”, so if you have 10 bad posts of disinformation in their eyes, that would be $25,000. Basically they could empty your account at any time. I canceled my PP account. My wife is doing the same.

As for crypto, one thing I’ve been warning others of is the banks now control most on and offramps to buy and sell these. So if they close down the using of your checking account to fund a buy or get funds after selling it’ll make things a little more difficult. Yet 1 BTC will always equal 1 BTC but if you need dollars and these bank on/off ramps are closed to you, well you get my drift. Just something to consider going forward.

Of course the idea behind crypto is to use it strictly as it’s own form of currency to buy and sell which is a huge value point, but I urge caution as long as it’s attached in some way to Jewish banks which it was invented to circumvent. The camel’s nose is under the tent on this one.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
