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Question #227: Why support Homosexuality?

wolfhammer922 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
wolfhammer922 said:
Oh no, I've spoken down to a high-ranking anime forum poster! Hilarious. You should be ashamed of how much of a dork you are.

All the Greek mythological references and the Illiad that people reference are thoroughly debunked as depictions of regular friendships between two men. This is like saying Frodo and Sam in lord of the rings are gay. The only real references in Greek myth are to "homosexual" rape from Satyrs.

These books are all written by "gay activists". You can tell by titles such as "queer myth" and so on. Where do you find this stuff, you local university's gender studies curriculum?

Joy of Satan is not my gospel. It is the closest thing to my beliefs so I support it. If you can find another Satanist, National Socialist organization that isn't O9A (and thus not either of these things in truth) I would love to see it.

It is not your gospel but it is my gospel and it is holy for Satanists.
It is not a made up story or some fiction you can just add to it.
If you are not a Satanist yet,I think you should read about it.The library can be good for you

More clear cut delusion, if you want to say JoS is a great resource and led you in the right path spiritually, that's one thing (and I would agree with you) but taking it up as a "holy pdf" is wild. Especially since much of the information comes from other books. I am allowed to form my own opinions on issues based on my own research.

Also you totally misunderstand the quote from Al-jilwah. we are not to associate with other RACES, not "anyone who isn't a satanist - and particularly this niche brand of it"

I am a Satanist and have been so for years, saying I have to accept homosexuality to be a Satanist completely proves my point earlier. Everyone said "we didn't say that" but you clearly are saying that.

You clearly have no idea what you are saying)
HPS Maxine mentioned soooo many times that you cant take non Satanists as real friends.
And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid.
You dont want to be homosexual then dont be,it is none of your business if other people are homosexuals and you have no right to dsrespect them.
And no Joy Of Satan is not just a place full of pdfs,since there are people who actually talk to Gods,we have to understand this chapter:

Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.

Not only we should obey High priests and High priestesses in their teachings but we should not let non Satanists change our texts and everything.

You can believe whatever you want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with you that means your opinion is wrong and Yes, you can choose to believe in bullshit
luis said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Stormblood said:

So the real meaning of that word is the same as the Greek Andrapod and the Germanic Untermensch which basically referred to a non-spiritual person of very low quality?

I stopped trusting all modern historians sources a long time ago, history has been totally manipulated for centuries and they are unable to understand the spiritual meaning of many ancient words and terms.
If we trust "official" history Greeks were pedophiles and the Pyramids were constructed by slaves (even if there are endless proofs it's impossible).

It would be crazy to me that advanced civilisations did not accept homosexuals, only when corruptions arrived then they were not as accepted. Obviously we do not know any small villages stories but in the Ancient civilizations it was definitely accepted.

Exactly, just look at all the efforts of Jews like Flavius Josephus and his Xian puppets like Eusebius of Caesarea with the historical record of Rome, Isidore of Seville who corrupted all the history about the Visigoths, Snorri who rewrote all the history about the Vikings, in medieval times Jesuit Jews like Thomas Aquinas or Ignatius of Loyola destroyed all the historical records and rewrote them again inventing all the lies they wanted.

Also earlier we were talking about the Europe of 1000 years ago that although many peoples like the Vikings were still pagans many corrupt ideals of xianity had already spread throughout Europe.

But what was like the Indo-European cultures of 2500 or 3000 years ago many centuries before xianity appeared?
Missrainbow1 said:
wolfhammer922 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
It is not your gospel but it is my gospel and it is holy for Satanists.
It is not a made up story or some fiction you can just add to it.
If you are not a Satanist yet,I think you should read about it.The library can be good for you

More clear cut delusion, if you want to say JoS is a great resource and led you in the right path spiritually, that's one thing (and I would agree with you) but taking it up as a "holy pdf" is wild. Especially since much of the information comes from other books. I am allowed to form my own opinions on issues based on my own research.

Also you totally misunderstand the quote from Al-jilwah. we are not to associate with other RACES, not "anyone who isn't a satanist - and particularly this niche brand of it"

I am a Satanist and have been so for years, saying I have to accept homosexuality to be a Satanist completely proves my point earlier. Everyone said "we didn't say that" but you clearly are saying that.

You clearly have no idea what you are saying)
HPS Maxine mentioned soooo many times that you cant take non Satanists as real friends.
And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid.
You dont want to be homosexual then dont be,it is none of your business if other people are homosexuals and you have no right to dsrespect them.
And no Joy Of Satan is not just a place full of pdfs,since there are people who actually talk to Gods,we have to understand this chapter:

Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.

Not only we should obey High priests and High priestesses in their teachings but we should not let non Satanists change our texts and everything.

You can believe whatever you want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with you that means your opinion is wrong and Yes, you can choose to believe in bullshit

:lol: Then enjoy having no friends in real life, living on an internet forum, and basing your entire beliefs around a website. The black book also says "I lead to the straight path without a revealed book", this obviously applies to a website as well.

Read the old reading list from archived JoS (linked below) you will understand where much of the information comes from. There is also literally nothing wrong with this, the books they base this on are some of the most time-tested and respected in the occult. Especially Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson which is my favorite book, and the origin of RTRs.

Before you sperg out and tell me JoS invented witchcraft, https://web.archive.org/web/20051029060307/http://www.freewebs.com/eridu666/ReadingList.html

You take the laws of the Yazidi way out of context. You clearly know nothing about them and why they need to protect their knowledge from outsiders. Their priesthood is not anonymous and their teachings are not highly debatable claims about history.

"And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid." A freudian slip?

JoS is like a thesis statement pertaining to many subjects within spiritualism. Your choice to blindly follow it as an e-cult is quite sad and shows lack of initiative on your part to do your own thinking and research.
Wotanwarrior said:
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Please tell the truth, this is just wrong. When used to describe a man, Argr/Ragr is directly translated as homosexual. The closest translation to how we speak now would be "faggot", except it has even more disgust and hatred attached to it than faggot does. When used to describe a woman, it is calling her a whore. Both situations are directly about wanting to have sex with men. There are zero translations to weak or anything like that. It was sometimes used to describe a weak man by saying that he is so weak that the reason why he is so weak is he must be a faggot. This is an example of the kind of way this word was used.

Argr/Ragr was the worst insult that they had, and it was so bad that anybody who accuses somebody of being Argr/Ragr is allowed to be killed for this. It is damaging enough of an accusation that death is the fair punishment for it.

There were some cultures where homosexuality was accepted. It is wrong to say it was never accepted anywhere. But it is even more wrong to say that it was accepted everywhere, or even to say that it was accepted in most places. Anybody who says the Vikings accepted this couldn't possibly be further from the truth.

Wrong. There is no literal translation to that term, but it was used as an adjective to refer to weakness and meekness as well as other unethical psychological, moral and physical characteristics a person could have. It has nothing to do with homosexuality ("faggot") and nothing to do with sexual promiscuity ("whore"). It has to do with being an untermensch, an NPC.

It was accepted in all advanced White civilisations such as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Vedic India, Thule, Ancient Druidic places, Mesopotamia, Ancient Rome (before the Flavians) as well even Atlantis/Kumara Kandam.

There were no specific words for it, as the Ancients didn't have words to speak about any sexual "vocation". It is modern over-labelling and nothing else. Calling yourself homo, hetero or bi doesn't add anything to you or means anything. It doesn't help you grow either.

Abrahamic people clearly invented slander against them, as that's their nature. You people clearly never did any regression to the ancient world, nor did you astral project and saw events in the astral.

As far as the pink swastika goes, that was for paedophiles, rapists and other scum who indulges in unhealthy sexual behaviour (i.e. necrophiles, zoophiles, BDSM, humiliation, degradation, and so on)

So the real meaning of that word is the same as the Greek Andrapod and the Germanic Untermensch which basically referred to a non-spiritual person of very low quality?

I stopped trusting all modern historians sources a long time ago, history has been totally manipulated for centuries and they are unable to understand the spiritual meaning of many ancient words and terms.

The Norse definitely had a word for that, and it's perfectly plausible to think that the aforementioned word used to convey this meaning, rather than meaning something abrahamic like others here mentioned. There is this social engineering construct most heterosexuals and repressed non-heterosexuals seems to be affected by, which is to use any synonym of homosexual to mean "weak, meek, inferior" and so on. We know it's just enemy indoctrination and nothing else.

There's also this hypermasculine thing that everyone who doesn't behave in a manly way must be "effeminate", "pussy" or a "faggot", when in truth what they actually should say is that they are weak, meek, unmanly or emasculated. The notion of being feminine or homosexual is associated to weakness and meekness only in enemy literature and brainwashing. The real scale/spectrum doesn't go from manly/masculine to feminine/homosexual when it comes to representing positive/good vs negative/evil. It goes from manly to unmanly aka "not manly" (masculinity scale), and from feminine to "not feminine".

Too many have to still let the enemy programming go, and will write a wall of text to support their point which is really all abrahamic social engineering, and has nothing to do with how pre-abrahamic civilisation spoke.

So, to answer your question after this rant of mine: yes, it is much more likely that this word meant that than it meant anything seen with the grey-tinted glasses of the modern dystopia.

Missrainbow1 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Missrainbow1 said:

Please do not mistake the opinions of people who lived in Iceland a thousand years ago, for being the same as my opinion.
I do not care about gay people and I don't treat them any different from anyone else. I don't have anything bad toward them.
I just don't agree with lying about history and pretending that their actions were universally loved and praised by everybody who ever lived in the whole history of the world.
You are right
We sometimes glorify our ancestors too much but they were not perfect
I think there's another misunderstanding here as well. People read "acceptance" and think that we are talking about running around naked, waving rainbow flags and being exhibitionistic about degenerate and unhealthy aspects of sexuality, such as the ones I mentioned before.

In reality, it means accepting people can also be attracted to their own sex and moving on, not making a fuss about it. Supporting also has nothing to do with giving special rights like some people want today, but it deals with having someone's back as a fellow national as well as friend and other types of relationship (i.e. employer-employee, family members, healer-ailed, teacher-disciple, and so on). It has nothing to do with promoting sexuality, which is something that belongs to one's private life and not one's public life. Those are the kinds of acceptance and support that are healthy, and that you would see in a functioning society.

Just because the majority of heterosexuals are vocal about their sexual exploits and the majority of the members of the GLBT communities are too, it also doesn't mean there are no people who have a brain and keep private things private and public things private.

Nobody has to like people of a different sexual orientation at all costs in their personal sphere. However, one also needs to put their personal feelings and thoughts aside and treat other people respectful outside of your personal life. For example, you cannot make a hiring decision based on someone's sexual orientation, gender or other private characteristics that do not affect job performance. A hiring decision is made purely on personality fit, skill and knowledge.

If I am homosexual and I'm uncomfortable with heterosexuals (just an example, not reality) and I'm a hiring manager, it's none of my business to force every applicant to tell me who they spend their family/romantic life. The decision will be based on the value they can bring to the company, not on my personal view of immutable soul aspects. Same if a doctor/healer has a patient to treat: it would be unprofessional and immoral to decide not to help them based on factor like sexuality, gender, on who their GD is or whatever. You just treat them. The only exception would be real criminals like paedos, rapists and cold-blooded murderers. In that case, you can still remain moral and decide not to help, as they shouldn't even be alive in the first place. They have done something evil that has caused severe harm to people. Just being homosexual or being a woman doesn't cause any kind of harm, no matter what the enemy says.

It was only a minority that was against those people. Why? For several reasons:
:arrow: the Earth's energy grid was in full control of our Gods and Holy Priesthood, meaning it was attuned to the Sun and Mercury, rather than Saturn. They managed its energy, granting blessings and a higher level of mental advancement to the population.
:arrow: The population had not been subjected to millennia of curses and social engineering to reduce them to NPCs
:arrow: The minority was that part of the population outside of any social class, those untouchables that refused to any work/society contribution and wanted everything handed out to them for free, which were then rallied by the enemy programmes and are now representative of today's majority
:arrow: Basic meditation/yogic techniques were available to the whole population, often passed down in families as well. Not to mention people were educated properly to deal with menial things like worry/anxiety, low mood, emotional instability, and so on, that nowadays have become a huge challenge due to misinformation and lack of real practical help (and willingness to act on that help) in favour of mindlessly escaping into videogames and TV, blaming others for your own self-undoing and ignorance, and so on.

But remember the most important thing: even if you're an advanced SS, three categories of people who have just started and people who have barely progressed in spiritual awareness and advancement as well as people who never did specific exploratory activities like regressions, talking to the Gods, visiting the astral to see the past, etc know better because they read books/enemy-infested forums, and watch videos of people who are without and have no active higher mind. Corrupted history like luis and Wotanwarrior highlighted has more weight than spiritual awareness and advancement, as well as specific spiritual practices.

Remember also, and know I'm not being sarcastic, that obviously I agree that ancient civilisation weren't perfect and human error still existed. They had positive and negative points, and I highlighted some positive points in area where they were better compared to modern people.
Stormblood said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Stormblood said:
Wrong. There is no literal translation to that term, but it was used as an adjective to refer to weakness and meekness as well as other unethical psychological, moral and physical characteristics a person could have. It has nothing to do with homosexuality ("faggot") and nothing to do with sexual promiscuity ("whore"). It has to do with being an untermensch, an NPC.

It was accepted in all advanced White civilisations such as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Vedic India, Thule, Ancient Druidic places, Mesopotamia, Ancient Rome (before the Flavians) as well even Atlantis/Kumara Kandam.

There were no specific words for it, as the Ancients didn't have words to speak about any sexual "vocation". It is modern over-labelling and nothing else. Calling yourself homo, hetero or bi doesn't add anything to you or means anything. It doesn't help you grow either.

Abrahamic people clearly invented slander against them, as that's their nature. You people clearly never did any regression to the ancient world, nor did you astral project and saw events in the astral.

As far as the pink swastika goes, that was for paedophiles, rapists and other scum who indulges in unhealthy sexual behaviour (i.e. necrophiles, zoophiles, BDSM, humiliation, degradation, and so on)

So the real meaning of that word is the same as the Greek Andrapod and the Germanic Untermensch which basically referred to a non-spiritual person of very low quality?

I stopped trusting all modern historians sources a long time ago, history has been totally manipulated for centuries and they are unable to understand the spiritual meaning of many ancient words and terms.

The Norse definitely had a word for that, and it's perfectly plausible to think that the aforementioned word used to convey this meaning, rather than meaning something abrahamic like others here mentioned. There is this social engineering construct most heterosexuals and repressed non-heterosexuals seems to be affected by, which is to use any synonym of homosexual to mean "weak, meek, inferior" and so on. We know it's just enemy indoctrination and nothing else.

There's also this hypermasculine thing that everyone who doesn't behave in a manly way must be "effeminate", "pussy" or a "faggot", when in truth what they actually should say is that they are weak, meek, unmanly or emasculated. The notion of being feminine or homosexual is associated to weakness and meekness only in enemy literature and brainwashing. The real scale/spectrum doesn't go from manly/masculine to feminine/homosexual when it comes to representing positive/good vs negative/evil. It goes from manly to unmanly aka "not manly" (masculinity scale), and from feminine to "not feminine".

Too many have to still let the enemy programming go, and will write a wall of text to support their point which is really all abrahamic social engineering, and has nothing to do with how pre-abrahamic civilisation spoke.

So, to answer your question after this rant of mine: yes, it is much more likely that this word meant that than it meant anything seen with the grey-tinted glasses of the modern dystopia.

Missrainbow1 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Please do not mistake the opinions of people who lived in Iceland a thousand years ago, for being the same as my opinion.
I do not care about gay people and I don't treat them any different from anyone else. I don't have anything bad toward them.
I just don't agree with lying about history and pretending that their actions were universally loved and praised by everybody who ever lived in the whole history of the world.
You are right
We sometimes glorify our ancestors too much but they were not perfect
I think there's another misunderstanding here as well. People read "acceptance" and think that we are talking about running around naked, waving rainbow flags and being exhibitionistic about degenerate and unhealthy aspects of sexuality, such as the ones I mentioned before.

In reality, it means accepting people can also be attracted to their own sex and moving on, not making a fuss about it. Supporting also has nothing to do with giving special rights like some people want today, but it deals with having someone's back as a fellow national as well as friend and other types of relationship (i.e. employer-employee, family members, healer-ailed, teacher-disciple, and so on). It has nothing to do with promoting sexuality, which is something that belongs to one's private life and not one's public life. Those are the kinds of acceptance and support that are healthy, and that you would see in a functioning society.

Just because the majority of heterosexuals are vocal about their sexual exploits and the majority of the members of the GLBT communities are too, it also doesn't mean there are no people who have a brain and keep private things private and public things private.

Nobody has to like people of a different sexual orientation at all costs in their personal sphere. However, one also needs to put their personal feelings and thoughts aside and treat other people respectful outside of your personal life. For example, you cannot make a hiring decision based on someone's sexual orientation, gender or other private characteristics that do not affect job performance. A hiring decision is made purely on personality fit, skill and knowledge.

If I am homosexual and I'm uncomfortable with heterosexuals (just an example, not reality) and I'm a hiring manager, it's none of my business to force every applicant to tell me who they spend their family/romantic life. The decision will be based on the value they can bring to the company, not on my personal view of immutable soul aspects. Same if a doctor/healer has a patient to treat: it would be unprofessional and immoral to decide not to help them based on factor like sexuality, gender, on who their GD is or whatever. You just treat them. The only exception would be real criminals like paedos, rapists and cold-blooded murderers. In that case, you can still remain moral and decide not to help, as they shouldn't even be alive in the first place. They have done something evil that has caused severe harm to people. Just being homosexual or being a woman doesn't cause any kind of harm, no matter what the enemy says.

It was only a minority that was against those people. Why? For several reasons:
:arrow: the Earth's energy grid was in full control of our Gods and Holy Priesthood, meaning it was attuned to the Sun and Mercury, rather than Saturn. They managed its energy, granting blessings and a higher level of mental advancement to the population.
:arrow: The population had not been subjected to millennia of curses and social engineering to reduce them to NPCs
:arrow: The minority was that part of the population outside of any social class, those untouchables that refused to any work/society contribution and wanted everything handed out to them for free, which were then rallied by the enemy programmes and are now representative of today's majority
:arrow: Basic meditation/yogic techniques were available to the whole population, often passed down in families as well. Not to mention people were educated properly to deal with menial things like worry/anxiety, low mood, emotional instability, and so on, that nowadays have become a huge challenge due to misinformation and lack of real practical help (and willingness to act on that help) in favour of mindlessly escaping into videogames and TV, blaming others for your own self-undoing and ignorance, and so on.

But remember the most important thing: even if you're an advanced SS, three categories of people who have just started and people who have barely progressed in spiritual awareness and advancement as well as people who never did specific exploratory activities like regressions, talking to the Gods, visiting the astral to see the past, etc know better because they read books/enemy-infested forums, and watch videos of people who are without and have no active higher mind. Corrupted history like luis and Wotanwarrior highlighted has more weight than spiritual awareness and advancement, as well as specific spiritual practices.

Remember also, and know I'm not being sarcastic, that obviously I agree that ancient civilisation weren't perfect and human error still existed. They had positive and negative points, and I highlighted some positive points in area where they were better compared to modern people.

Thank you:)
I agree with all of this:)
The best support people can give us is to just accept we exist and move on,thats it:)
Missrainbow1 said:
But I think there is a misunderstanding between you and Stormblood)
You two shouldnt be mad at each other.
Please make peace with Stormblood)
Stormblood said:

I like Stormblood. He is a good man and I have nothing bad to say about him. I just don't want him saying bad things about me either when all I'm trying to do is tell the truth.
Stormblood said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Stormblood said:
Wrong. There is no literal translation to that term, but it was used as an adjective to refer to weakness and meekness as well as other unethical psychological, moral and physical characteristics a person could have. It has nothing to do with homosexuality ("faggot") and nothing to do with sexual promiscuity ("whore"). It has to do with being an untermensch, an NPC.

It was accepted in all advanced White civilisations such as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Vedic India, Thule, Ancient Druidic places, Mesopotamia, Ancient Rome (before the Flavians) as well even Atlantis/Kumara Kandam.

There were no specific words for it, as the Ancients didn't have words to speak about any sexual "vocation". It is modern over-labelling and nothing else. Calling yourself homo, hetero or bi doesn't add anything to you or means anything. It doesn't help you grow either.

Abrahamic people clearly invented slander against them, as that's their nature. You people clearly never did any regression to the ancient world, nor did you astral project and saw events in the astral.

As far as the pink swastika goes, that was for paedophiles, rapists and other scum who indulges in unhealthy sexual behaviour (i.e. necrophiles, zoophiles, BDSM, humiliation, degradation, and so on)

So the real meaning of that word is the same as the Greek Andrapod and the Germanic Untermensch which basically referred to a non-spiritual person of very low quality?

I stopped trusting all modern historians sources a long time ago, history has been totally manipulated for centuries and they are unable to understand the spiritual meaning of many ancient words and terms.

The Norse definitely had a word for that, and it's perfectly plausible to think that the aforementioned word used to convey this meaning, rather than meaning something abrahamic like others here mentioned. There is this social engineering construct most heterosexuals and repressed non-heterosexuals seems to be affected by, which is to use any synonym of homosexual to mean "weak, meek, inferior" and so on. We know it's just enemy indoctrination and nothing else.

There's also this hypermasculine thing that everyone who doesn't behave in a manly way must be "effeminate", "pussy" or a "faggot", when in truth what they actually should say is that they are weak, meek, unmanly or emasculated. The notion of being feminine or homosexual is associated to weakness and meekness only in enemy literature and brainwashing. The real scale/spectrum doesn't go from manly/masculine to feminine/homosexual when it comes to representing positive/good vs negative/evil. It goes from manly to unmanly aka "not manly" (masculinity scale), and from feminine to "not feminine".

Too many have to still let the enemy programming go, and will write a wall of text to support their point which is really all abrahamic social engineering, and has nothing to do with how pre-abrahamic civilisation spoke.

So, to answer your question after this rant of mine: yes, it is much more likely that this word meant that than it meant anything seen with the grey-tinted glasses of the modern dystopia.

Missrainbow1 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Please do not mistake the opinions of people who lived in Iceland a thousand years ago, for being the same as my opinion.
I do not care about gay people and I don't treat them any different from anyone else. I don't have anything bad toward them.
I just don't agree with lying about history and pretending that their actions were universally loved and praised by everybody who ever lived in the whole history of the world.
You are right
We sometimes glorify our ancestors too much but they were not perfect
I think there's another misunderstanding here as well. People read "acceptance" and think that we are talking about running around naked, waving rainbow flags and being exhibitionistic about degenerate and unhealthy aspects of sexuality, such as the ones I mentioned before.

In reality, it means accepting people can also be attracted to their own sex and moving on, not making a fuss about it. Supporting also has nothing to do with giving special rights like some people want today, but it deals with having someone's back as a fellow national as well as friend and other types of relationship (i.e. employer-employee, family members, healer-ailed, teacher-disciple, and so on). It has nothing to do with promoting sexuality, which is something that belongs to one's private life and not one's public life. Those are the kinds of acceptance and support that are healthy, and that you would see in a functioning society.

Just because the majority of heterosexuals are vocal about their sexual exploits and the majority of the members of the GLBT communities are too, it also doesn't mean there are no people who have a brain and keep private things private and public things private.

Nobody has to like people of a different sexual orientation at all costs in their personal sphere. However, one also needs to put their personal feelings and thoughts aside and treat other people respectful outside of your personal life. For example, you cannot make a hiring decision based on someone's sexual orientation, gender or other private characteristics that do not affect job performance. A hiring decision is made purely on personality fit, skill and knowledge.

If I am homosexual and I'm uncomfortable with heterosexuals (just an example, not reality) and I'm a hiring manager, it's none of my business to force every applicant to tell me who they spend their family/romantic life. The decision will be based on the value they can bring to the company, not on my personal view of immutable soul aspects. Same if a doctor/healer has a patient to treat: it would be unprofessional and immoral to decide not to help them based on factor like sexuality, gender, on who their GD is or whatever. You just treat them. The only exception would be real criminals like paedos, rapists and cold-blooded murderers. In that case, you can still remain moral and decide not to help, as they shouldn't even be alive in the first place. They have done something evil that has caused severe harm to people. Just being homosexual or being a woman doesn't cause any kind of harm, no matter what the enemy says.

It was only a minority that was against those people. Why? For several reasons:
:arrow: the Earth's energy grid was in full control of our Gods and Holy Priesthood, meaning it was attuned to the Sun and Mercury, rather than Saturn. They managed its energy, granting blessings and a higher level of mental advancement to the population.
:arrow: The population had not been subjected to millennia of curses and social engineering to reduce them to NPCs
:arrow: The minority was that part of the population outside of any social class, those untouchables that refused to any work/society contribution and wanted everything handed out to them for free, which were then rallied by the enemy programmes and are now representative of today's majority
:arrow: Basic meditation/yogic techniques were available to the whole population, often passed down in families as well. Not to mention people were educated properly to deal with menial things like worry/anxiety, low mood, emotional instability, and so on, that nowadays have become a huge challenge due to misinformation and lack of real practical help (and willingness to act on that help) in favour of mindlessly escaping into videogames and TV, blaming others for your own self-undoing and ignorance, and so on.

But remember the most important thing: even if you're an advanced SS, three categories of people who have just started and people who have barely progressed in spiritual awareness and advancement as well as people who never did specific exploratory activities like regressions, talking to the Gods, visiting the astral to see the past, etc know better because they read books/enemy-infested forums, and watch videos of people who are without and have no active higher mind. Corrupted history like luis and Wotanwarrior highlighted has more weight than spiritual awareness and advancement, as well as specific spiritual practices.

Remember also, and know I'm not being sarcastic, that obviously I agree that ancient civilisation weren't perfect and human error still existed. They had positive and negative points, and I highlighted some positive points in area where they were better compared to modern people.

"making shit up is definitely better than reading books" LMAO
wolfhammer922 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
wolfhammer922 said:
More clear cut delusion, if you want to say JoS is a great resource and led you in the right path spiritually, that's one thing (and I would agree with you) but taking it up as a "holy pdf" is wild. Especially since much of the information comes from other books. I am allowed to form my own opinions on issues based on my own research.

Also you totally misunderstand the quote from Al-jilwah. we are not to associate with other RACES, not "anyone who isn't a satanist - and particularly this niche brand of it"

I am a Satanist and have been so for years, saying I have to accept homosexuality to be a Satanist completely proves my point earlier. Everyone said "we didn't say that" but you clearly are saying that.

You clearly have no idea what you are saying)
HPS Maxine mentioned soooo many times that you cant take non Satanists as real friends.
And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid.
You dont want to be homosexual then dont be,it is none of your business if other people are homosexuals and you have no right to dsrespect them.
And no Joy Of Satan is not just a place full of pdfs,since there are people who actually talk to Gods,we have to understand this chapter:

Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.

Not only we should obey High priests and High priestesses in their teachings but we should not let non Satanists change our texts and everything.

You can believe whatever you want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with you that means your opinion is wrong and Yes, you can choose to believe in bullshit

:lol: Then enjoy having no friends in real life, living on an internet forum, and basing your entire beliefs around a website. The black book also says "I lead to the straight path without a revealed book", this obviously applies to a website as well.

Read the old reading list from archived JoS (linked below) you will understand where much of the information comes from. There is also literally nothing wrong with this, the books they base this on are some of the most time-tested and respected in the occult. Especially Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson which is my favorite book, and the origin of RTRs.

Before you sperg out and tell me JoS invented witchcraft, https://web.archive.org/web/20051029060307/http://www.freewebs.com/eridu666/ReadingList.html

You take the laws of the Yazidi way out of context. You clearly know nothing about them and why they need to protect their knowledge from outsiders. Their priesthood is not anonymous and their teachings are not highly debatable claims about history.

"And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid." A freudian slip?

JoS is like a thesis statement pertaining to many subjects within spiritualism. Your choice to blindly follow it as an e-cult is quite sad and shows lack of initiative on your part to do your own thinking and research.

You know what?do whatever you want.You are clearly too arrogant to accept you are wrong.
Those occult books you talk about,if they were not changed people would not be able to read them,as the government would have taken them away.
Your cute christian friends would not hesitate to burn you on a cross like they did with thousands of people like you.Great job talking to them.
Missrainbow1 said:
wolfhammer922 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
You clearly have no idea what you are saying)
HPS Maxine mentioned soooo many times that you cant take non Satanists as real friends.
And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid.
You dont want to be homosexual then dont be,it is none of your business if other people are homosexuals and you have no right to dsrespect them.
And no Joy Of Satan is not just a place full of pdfs,since there are people who actually talk to Gods,we have to understand this chapter:

Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.

Not only we should obey High priests and High priestesses in their teachings but we should not let non Satanists change our texts and everything.

You can believe whatever you want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with you that means your opinion is wrong and Yes, you can choose to believe in bullshit

:lol: Then enjoy having no friends in real life, living on an internet forum, and basing your entire beliefs around a website. The black book also says "I lead to the straight path without a revealed book", this obviously applies to a website as well.

Read the old reading list from archived JoS (linked below) you will understand where much of the information comes from. There is also literally nothing wrong with this, the books they base this on are some of the most time-tested and respected in the occult. Especially Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson which is my favorite book, and the origin of RTRs.

Before you sperg out and tell me JoS invented witchcraft, https://web.archive.org/web/20051029060307/http://www.freewebs.com/eridu666/ReadingList.html

You take the laws of the Yazidi way out of context. You clearly know nothing about them and why they need to protect their knowledge from outsiders. Their priesthood is not anonymous and their teachings are not highly debatable claims about history.

"And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid." A freudian slip?

JoS is like a thesis statement pertaining to many subjects within spiritualism. Your choice to blindly follow it as an e-cult is quite sad and shows lack of initiative on your part to do your own thinking and research.

You know what?do whatever you want.You are clearly too arrogant to accept you are wrong.
Those occult books you talk about,if they were not changed people would not be able to read them,as the government would have taken them away.
Your cute christian friends would not hesitate to burn you on a cross like they did with thousands of people like you.Great job talking to them.

"The government would have taken them away" and JoS, apparently the unquestionable zenith of all occult literature is allowed to stay up? I should sell you a time-share.
Missrainbow1 said:
wolfhammer922 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
It is not your gospel but it is my gospel and it is holy for Satanists.
It is not a made up story or some fiction you can just add to it.
If you are not a Satanist yet,I think you should read about it.The library can be good for you

More clear cut delusion, if you want to say JoS is a great resource and led you in the right path spiritually, that's one thing (and I would agree with you) but taking it up as a "holy pdf" is wild. Especially since much of the information comes from other books. I am allowed to form my own opinions on issues based on my own research.

Also you totally misunderstand the quote from Al-jilwah. we are not to associate with other RACES, not "anyone who isn't a satanist - and particularly this niche brand of it"

I am a Satanist and have been so for years, saying I have to accept homosexuality to be a Satanist completely proves my point earlier. Everyone said "we didn't say that" but you clearly are saying that.

You clearly have no idea what you are saying)
HPS Maxine mentioned soooo many times that you cant take non Satanists as real friends.
And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid.
You dont want to be homosexual then dont be,it is none of your business if other people are homosexuals and you have no right to dsrespect them.
And no Joy Of Satan is not just a place full of pdfs,since there are people who actually talk to Gods,we have to understand this chapter:

Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.

Not only we should obey High priests and High priestesses in their teachings but we should not let non Satanists change our texts and everything.

You can believe whatever you want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with you that means your opinion is wrong and Yes, you can choose to believe in bullshit
I don't care about this pointless discussion because obviously Gay people exist and they will continue to exist as long as humanity exists ,which is going to be a very very long time. And a few small percentage of people who aren't hurting you is not a Civilizational problem in any sort of way.

However I have to tell you not to use Father as a validation for your beliefs. You can choose to believe in whatever you want but do not blaspheme him and make up stuff to support your claims. That is Blasphemy.

He never said anything about this topic and you would be hard pressed to find anything of this sort in the entirety of all of our material.

Bringing him up in a pointless argument and then making stuff up that he said and using it as a debate tactic is an L move.👎

Don't do it again.
General Yeager said:
Missrainbow1 said:
wolfhammer922 said:
More clear cut delusion, if you want to say JoS is a great resource and led you in the right path spiritually, that's one thing (and I would agree with you) but taking it up as a "holy pdf" is wild. Especially since much of the information comes from other books. I am allowed to form my own opinions on issues based on my own research.

Also you totally misunderstand the quote from Al-jilwah. we are not to associate with other RACES, not "anyone who isn't a satanist - and particularly this niche brand of it"

I am a Satanist and have been so for years, saying I have to accept homosexuality to be a Satanist completely proves my point earlier. Everyone said "we didn't say that" but you clearly are saying that.

You clearly have no idea what you are saying)
HPS Maxine mentioned soooo many times that you cant take non Satanists as real friends.
And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid.
You dont want to be homosexual then dont be,it is none of your business if other people are homosexuals and you have no right to dsrespect them.
And no Joy Of Satan is not just a place full of pdfs,since there are people who actually talk to Gods,we have to understand this chapter:

Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.

Not only we should obey High priests and High priestesses in their teachings but we should not let non Satanists change our texts and everything.

You can believe whatever you want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with you that means your opinion is wrong and Yes, you can choose to believe in bullshit
I don't care about this pointless discussion because obviously Gay people exist and they will continue to exist as long as humanity exists ,which is going to be a very very long time. And a few small percentage of people who aren't hurting you is not a Civilizational problem in any sort of way.

However I have to tell you not to use Father as a validation for your beliefs. You can choose to believe in whatever you want but do not blaspheme him and make up stuff to support your claims. That is Blasphemy.

He never said anything about this topic and you would be hard pressed to find anything of this sort in the entirety of all of our material.

Bringing him up in a pointless argument and then making stuff up that he said and using it as a debate tactic is an L move.👎

Don't do it again.

I read her reply but i didnt find how she altered anything like what you mentioned.
wolfhammer922 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
wolfhammer922 said:
:lol: Then enjoy having no friends in real life, living on an internet forum, and basing your entire beliefs around a website. The black book also says "I lead to the straight path without a revealed book", this obviously applies to a website as well.

Read the old reading list from archived JoS (linked below) you will understand where much of the information comes from. There is also literally nothing wrong with this, the books they base this on are some of the most time-tested and respected in the occult. Especially Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson which is my favorite book, and the origin of RTRs.

Before you sperg out and tell me JoS invented witchcraft, https://web.archive.org/web/20051029060307/http://www.freewebs.com/eridu666/ReadingList.html

You take the laws of the Yazidi way out of context. You clearly know nothing about them and why they need to protect their knowledge from outsiders. Their priesthood is not anonymous and their teachings are not highly debatable claims about history.

"And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid." A freudian slip?

JoS is like a thesis statement pertaining to many subjects within spiritualism. Your choice to blindly follow it as an e-cult is quite sad and shows lack of initiative on your part to do your own thinking and research.

You know what?do whatever you want.You are clearly too arrogant to accept you are wrong.
Those occult books you talk about,if they were not changed people would not be able to read them,as the government would have taken them away.
Your cute christian friends would not hesitate to burn you on a cross like they did with thousands of people like you.Great job talking to them.

"The government would have taken them away" and JoS, apparently the unquestionable zenith of all occult literature is allowed to stay up? I should sell you a time-share.
Joy of Satan has opened a door for us to be able to find information.You have a way to find things out but its not all public.A way that doesnt get you destroyed
General Yeager said:
Missrainbow1 said:
wolfhammer922 said:
More clear cut delusion, if you want to say JoS is a great resource and led you in the right path spiritually, that's one thing (and I would agree with you) but taking it up as a "holy pdf" is wild. Especially since much of the information comes from other books. I am allowed to form my own opinions on issues based on my own research.

Also you totally misunderstand the quote from Al-jilwah. we are not to associate with other RACES, not "anyone who isn't a satanist - and particularly this niche brand of it"

I am a Satanist and have been so for years, saying I have to accept homosexuality to be a Satanist completely proves my point earlier. Everyone said "we didn't say that" but you clearly are saying that.

You clearly have no idea what you are saying)
HPS Maxine mentioned soooo many times that you cant take non Satanists as real friends.
And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid.
You dont want to be homosexual then dont be,it is none of your business if other people are homosexuals and you have no right to dsrespect them.
And no Joy Of Satan is not just a place full of pdfs,since there are people who actually talk to Gods,we have to understand this chapter:

Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.

Not only we should obey High priests and High priestesses in their teachings but we should not let non Satanists change our texts and everything.

You can believe whatever you want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with you that means your opinion is wrong and Yes, you can choose to believe in bullshit
I don't care about this pointless discussion because obviously Gay people exist and they will continue to exist as long as humanity exists ,which is going to be a very very long time. And a few small percentage of people who aren't hurting you is not a Civilizational problem in any sort of way.

However I have to tell you not to use Father as a validation for your beliefs. You can choose to believe in whatever you want but do not blaspheme him and make up stuff to support your claims. That is Blasphemy.

He never said anything about this topic and you would be hard pressed to find anything of this sort in the entirety of all of our material.

Bringing him up in a pointless argument and then making stuff up that he said and using it as a debate tactic is an L move.👎

Don't do it again.

Lol)Which part of it is exactly wrong?
Help me find out:)
Which part of it is made up,and which part of it is not true?
General Yeager said:
Missrainbow1 said:
wolfhammer922 said:
More clear cut delusion, if you want to say JoS is a great resource and led you in the right path spiritually, that's one thing (and I would agree with you) but taking it up as a "holy pdf" is wild. Especially since much of the information comes from other books. I am allowed to form my own opinions on issues based on my own research.

Also you totally misunderstand the quote from Al-jilwah. we are not to associate with other RACES, not "anyone who isn't a satanist - and particularly this niche brand of it"

I am a Satanist and have been so for years, saying I have to accept homosexuality to be a Satanist completely proves my point earlier. Everyone said "we didn't say that" but you clearly are saying that.

You clearly have no idea what you are saying)
HPS Maxine mentioned soooo many times that you cant take non Satanists as real friends.
And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid.
You dont want to be homosexual then dont be,it is none of your business if other people are homosexuals and you have no right to dsrespect them.
And no Joy Of Satan is not just a place full of pdfs,since there are people who actually talk to Gods,we have to understand this chapter:

Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.

Not only we should obey High priests and High priestesses in their teachings but we should not let non Satanists change our texts and everything.

You can believe whatever you want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with you that means your opinion is wrong and Yes, you can choose to believe in bullshit
I don't care about this pointless discussion because obviously Gay people exist and they will continue to exist as long as humanity exists ,which is going to be a very very long time. And a few small percentage of people who aren't hurting you is not a Civilizational problem in any sort of way.

However I have to tell you not to use Father as a validation for your beliefs. You can choose to believe in whatever you want but do not blaspheme him and make up stuff to support your claims. That is Blasphemy.

He never said anything about this topic and you would be hard pressed to find anything of this sort in the entirety of all of our material.

Bringing him up in a pointless argument and then making stuff up that he said and using it as a debate tactic is an L move.👎

Don't do it again.

Apparently we can make up whatever nonsense we want about Father Satan and the Fuhrer when we can't support our arguments with actual evidence and only have Jewish LGBT activist pseudohistory
Missrainbow1 said:
wolfhammer922 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
You know what?do whatever you want.You are clearly too arrogant to accept you are wrong.
Those occult books you talk about,if they were not changed people would not be able to read them,as the government would have taken them away.
Your cute christian friends would not hesitate to burn you on a cross like they did with thousands of people like you.Great job talking to them.

"The government would have taken them away" and JoS, apparently the unquestionable zenith of all occult literature is allowed to stay up? I should sell you a time-share.
Joy of Satan has opened a door for us to be able to find information.You have a way to find things out but its not all public.A way that doesnt get you destroyed

I'm sincerely happy for you. I'm glad you chose JoS as an organization to sheepishly follow. You at least chose the people telling the truth. If you didn't find this you would be handing out leaflets on street corners. I hope you don't come in to contact with a group like the Hare Krishnas or something later in life because they would love you.
wolfhammer922 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
wolfhammer922 said:
"The government would have taken them away" and JoS, apparently the unquestionable zenith of all occult literature is allowed to stay up? I should sell you a time-share.
Joy of Satan has opened a door for us to be able to find information.You have a way to find things out but its not all public.A way that doesnt get you destroyed

I'm sincerely happy for you. I'm glad you chose JoS as an organization to sheepishly follow. You at least chose the people telling the truth. If you didn't find this you would be handing out leaflets on street corners. I hope you don't come in to contact with a group like the Hare Krishnas or something later in life because they would love you.

First thank you for being happy for me,that shows deep down you dont want non straight people dead.

secondly Im an ex muslim,ex christian girl and I even emailed a rabbi for the process of becoming a jewish woman before.
I did study and search a lot to find out Satan was God.I didnt just find this place accidently and then decide to become a Satanist.
After I left those religions,I have talked to many witches,read many occult books,been to many different places but I could always find errors in all of them.
But when I came here I finally could find peace and everytime I read something High priests and High priestesses tell us,I can feel with all my life it is true and the word of Gods.
After all of this I learnt to stop questioning God and try to do what He wants.He actually did earn my trust after everything I saw:)
I will never leave Satanism:)
TheWhiteGiant said:
General Yeager said:
Missrainbow1 said:
You clearly have no idea what you are saying)
HPS Maxine mentioned soooo many times that you cant take non Satanists as real friends.
And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid.
You dont want to be homosexual then dont be,it is none of your business if other people are homosexuals and you have no right to dsrespect them.
And no Joy Of Satan is not just a place full of pdfs,since there are people who actually talk to Gods,we have to understand this chapter:

Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.

Not only we should obey High priests and High priestesses in their teachings but we should not let non Satanists change our texts and everything.

You can believe whatever you want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with you that means your opinion is wrong and Yes, you can choose to believe in bullshit
I don't care about this pointless discussion because obviously Gay people exist and they will continue to exist as long as humanity exists ,which is going to be a very very long time. And a few small percentage of people who aren't hurting you is not a Civilizational problem in any sort of way.

However I have to tell you not to use Father as a validation for your beliefs. You can choose to believe in whatever you want but do not blaspheme him and make up stuff to support your claims. That is Blasphemy.

He never said anything about this topic and you would be hard pressed to find anything of this sort in the entirety of all of our material.

Bringing him up in a pointless argument and then making stuff up that he said and using it as a debate tactic is an L move.👎

Don't do it again.

I read her reply but i didnt find how she altered anything like what you mentioned.
She said that Satan disagrees with him in this argument against him.

However since Satan or possibly any God has never communicated anything about this topic ever, she simply made this statement up.
Missrainbow1 said:
General Yeager said:
Missrainbow1 said:
You clearly have no idea what you are saying)
HPS Maxine mentioned soooo many times that you cant take non Satanists as real friends.
And if you actually had faith in God you would not try to divide the forum over something so stupid.
You dont want to be homosexual then dont be,it is none of your business if other people are homosexuals and you have no right to dsrespect them.
And no Joy Of Satan is not just a place full of pdfs,since there are people who actually talk to Gods,we have to understand this chapter:

Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.

Not only we should obey High priests and High priestesses in their teachings but we should not let non Satanists change our texts and everything.

You can believe whatever you want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with you that means your opinion is wrong and Yes, you can choose to believe in bullshit
I don't care about this pointless discussion because obviously Gay people exist and they will continue to exist as long as humanity exists ,which is going to be a very very long time. And a few small percentage of people who aren't hurting you is not a Civilizational problem in any sort of way.

However I have to tell you not to use Father as a validation for your beliefs. You can choose to believe in whatever you want but do not blaspheme him and make up stuff to support your claims. That is Blasphemy.

He never said anything about this topic and you would be hard pressed to find anything of this sort in the entirety of all of our material.

Bringing him up in a pointless argument and then making stuff up that he said and using it as a debate tactic is an L move.👎

Don't do it again.

Lol)Which part of it is exactly wrong?
Help me find out:)
Which part of it is made up,and which part of it is not true?
You said that Satan disagrees with him. How would you know that when he has never said anything on this topic that is being discussed ever ?

You simply made that up.
General Yeager said:
Missrainbow1 said:
General Yeager said:
I don't care about this pointless discussion because obviously Gay people exist and they will continue to exist as long as humanity exists ,which is going to be a very very long time. And a few small percentage of people who aren't hurting you is not a Civilizational problem in any sort of way.

However I have to tell you not to use Father as a validation for your beliefs. You can choose to believe in whatever you want but do not blaspheme him and make up stuff to support your claims. That is Blasphemy.

He never said anything about this topic and you would be hard pressed to find anything of this sort in the entirety of all of our material.

Bringing him up in a pointless argument and then making stuff up that he said and using it as a debate tactic is an L move.👎

Don't do it again.

Lol)Which part of it is exactly wrong?
Help me find out:)
Which part of it is made up,and which part of it is not true?
You said that Satan disagrees with him. How would you know that when he has never said anything on this topic that is being discussed ever ?

You simply made that up.
I said everyone can believe whatever they want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with them that means their opinion is wrong.
Also we have been talking about two topics
First homosexuality which HPS Maxine and HP said many times is as normal as being Straight.I personally asked HP this question once and I can send you the link.

The other topic was taking non Satanists as friends and also leaders.
HPS Maxine explained so many times it is dangerous and you can read it yourself.

When High priests and High priestesses say something to us,they dont talk about their personal opinions they talk about what Father Satan and Gods believe,so I take their words and their opinions as God's words and God's opinion.
General Yeager said:
She said that Satan disagrees with him in this argument against him.

However since Satan or possibly any God has never communicated anything about this topic ever, she simply made this statement up.

You're kinda overthinking.
If you think about it, it's pretty obvious what a literal God would have to say about this situation. If anything, clearly Satan would never side with the ideas of random bozos like this homo-hating idiot.

But I do somewhat agree that it's best to leave the gods out of this.
Missrainbow1 said:
General Yeager said:
Missrainbow1 said:
Lol)Which part of it is exactly wrong?
Help me find out:)
Which part of it is made up,and which part of it is not true?
You said that Satan disagrees with him. How would you know that when he has never said anything on this topic that is being discussed ever ?

You simply made that up.
I said everyone can believe whatever they want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with them that means their opinion is wrong.
Also we have been talking about two topics
First homosexuality which HPS Maxine and HP said many times is as normal as being Straight.I personally asked HP this question once and I can send you the link.

The other topic was taking non Satanists as friends and also leaders.
HPS Maxine explained so many times it is dangerous and you can read it yourself.

When High priests and High priestesses say something to us,they dont talk about their personal opinions they talk about what Father Satan and Gods believe,so I take their words and their opinions as God's words and God's opinion.

I don't know where this idea came from that I have "christian friends" - I have friends who are secular and a select few who identify as some variety of pagan. If your standard really is "all your friends have to be joy of satan members" you're in for a rough time. The historical claims made in this debate do not come from his mouth, that was our difference in opinion. Father Satan has never said anything about the Greeks or viking accepting homosexuality.

I have never once said you will be rejected by the gods, or that you should be killed like you said earlier, for being homosexual. I think we shouldn't promote this lifestyle, we should speak against it like we speak against marijuana for example.
Missrainbow1 said:
The other topic was taking non Satanists as friends and also leaders.
HPS Maxine explained so many times it is dangerous and you can read it yourself.

This is not exactly what she was saying. She was saying it is dangerous to be around jews, muslims, and christians, and anyone else who is connected to those kind of enemy curses. This does not mean that only Satanists are allowed. There are many non-religious people who don't know about Satanism, but are still good people with good morals and are not attached to any curse programs.
General Yeager said:
You said that Satan disagrees with him. How would you know that when he has never said anything on this topic that is being discussed ever ?

You simply made that up.

She went overboard in saying that but Stolas started this nonsense by saying a bunch of lies about Kundalini in a dead topic, then ignoring basic facts like the fact males can be given Incubi. If the Gods found same-sex behavior in itself to be abominable, this would not even exist.

Can you ask the Gods to give you an animal or child like this? No. Will they give you a Demon of another race or species for sexual purposes? Absolutely not. Some from 4chan would prefer this to be the reverse, alas, it isn't.

On the other hand, Satan doesn't force anyone to like or even tolerate gays or or fat people or women or BDSM practitioners or Blacks or cyclists or clowns or abortionists or any other group. Whatever any of these groups do, collectively it's 'on them' as far as outside impressions are concerned. Other people cannot and should not be coerced into liking them either.

I wouldn't call gays as a present collective 'harmless' either, just as many other groups are not exactly 'harmless' in the scale of things, especially with jews unleashing their worst aspects to destroy civilization, and yes, this statement even includes many women, or other races, when they function as a bovine collective led around by kikes, as well as many subsets of degenerated or coward White straight men who are exactly the same.

But when it comes to the DIVINE, one oversteps the mark in calling everyone here an abomination and (((((((((((sodomite))))))))))), pretending Satan's Kundalini alters the fundamentals of a being and 'prays the gay away' (this is laughably false), presenting this as divine opinion due to their "research", when this idea has nothing to do with anything the Gods have ever said and has nothing to do with the Magnum Opus process whatsoever.

Since they know HPS Maxine already wrote something oppositional to this in stating genuine sexuality must be expressed, they pretend their views are more 'researched', try and muddy the waters by calling Satanism a 'thesis statement' (it isn't) that you can mix and match whatever 'code' with (we can have difference of opinion, but when it comes to what is objective and observable, actually you can't).

Then the loon also flew around with the 'cult' accusations and lied about the RTR, claiming it comes from his 'favorite book' by Paul Huson when that book says nothing about reversal nor does HPS Maxine's synopsis of the book indicate anything like that. Although it has useful info about the Squares (coupled with zero knowledge of vibration and some dangerous nonsense), it actually tells you to call on the powers of the church and Gabriel, Raphael and Michael for protection. Can you get any further from the RTR?

The RTR comes from Azazel and Lilith instructing HPS Maxine in research of enemy texts and information outside that. If you don't believe this, don't make false shit up about HPS Maxine or our Gods.

Lies about spirituality in general need to stop. I equally apply this to people here who act as if BDSM practitioners, prostitutes, people who eat plants or meat, or someone who takes a sip of alcohol every once in a while will be thrown into the lake of fire by the Gods, won't advance, or will be put in concentration camps, just because they don't like it. Stating the potential consequences is one thing, going fully biblical and involving the Gods has nothing to do with anything.
Karnonnos said:
General Yeager said:
You said that Satan disagrees with him. How would you know that when he has never said anything on this topic that is being discussed ever ?

You simply made that up.

She went overboard in saying that but Stolas started this nonsense by saying a bunch of lies about Kundalini in a dead topic, then ignoring basic facts like the fact males can be given Incubi. If the Gods found same-sex behavior in itself to be abominable, this would not even exist.

Can you ask the Gods to give you an animal or child like this? No. Will they give you a Demon of another race or species for sexual purposes? Absolutely not. Some from 4chan would prefer this to be the reverse, alas, it isn't.

On the other hand, Satan doesn't force anyone to like or even tolerate gays or or fat people or women or BDSM practitioners or Blacks or cyclists or clowns or abortionists or any other group. Whatever any of these groups do, collectively it's 'on them' as far as outside impressions are concerned. Other people cannot and should not be coerced into liking them either.

I wouldn't call gays as a present collective 'harmless' either, just as many other groups are not exactly 'harmless' in the scale of things, especially with jews unleashing their worst aspects to destroy civilization, and yes, this statement even includes many women, or other races, when they function as a bovine collective led around by kikes, as well as many subsets of degenerated or coward White straight men who are exactly the same.

But when it comes to the DIVINE, one oversteps the mark in calling everyone here an abomination and (((((((((((sodomite))))))))))), pretending Satan's Kundalini alters the fundamentals of a being and 'prays the gay away' (this is laughably false), presenting this as divine opinion due to their "research", when this idea has nothing to do with anything the Gods have ever said and has nothing to do with the Magnum Opus process whatsoever.

Since they know HPS Maxine already wrote something oppositional to this in stating genuine sexuality must be expressed, they pretend their views are more 'researched', try and muddy the waters by calling Satanism a 'thesis statement' (it isn't) that you can mix and match whatever 'code' with (we can have difference of opinion, but when it comes to what is objective and observable, actually you can't).

Then the loon also flew around with the 'cult' accusations and lied about the RTR, claiming it comes from his 'favorite book' by Paul Huson when that book says nothing about reversal nor does HPS Maxine's synopsis of the book indicate anything like that. Although it has useful info about the Squares (coupled with zero knowledge of vibration and some dangerous nonsense), it actually tells you to call on the powers of the church and Gabriel, Raphael and Michael for protection. Can you get any further from the RTR?

The RTR comes from Azazel and Lilith instructing HPS Maxine in research of enemy texts and information outside that. If you don't believe this, don't make false shit up about HPS Maxine or our Gods.

Lies about spirituality in general need to stop. I equally apply this to people here who act as if BDSM practitioners, prostitutes, people who eat plants or meat, or someone who takes a sip of alcohol every once in a while will be thrown into the lake of fire by the Gods, won't advance, or will be put in concentration camps, just because they don't like it. Stating the potential consequences is one thing, going fully biblical and involving the Gods has nothing to do with anything.

The RTRs are very clearly based on the reverse lord's prayer from Mastering Witchcraft. I never lied about anything. I don't know how you can possibly argue the RTRs do not come from the reverse lord's prayer, it is the exact same concept. I can totally accept that Maxine was inspired by the Gods to "run with it" and create more rituals.

Paul Huson's book is not on "satanism" - it is a book on traditional, generational european witchcraft so yes there are workings involving angels, and workings involving demons. I don't know if you know this but Europe has been brainwashed with Christianity for thousands of years at this point. You can simply choose not to participate in these "angelic" rites as a Satanist and the rest of the book is very much still important to a beginning practitioner. This shows your complete ignorance of Huson's work, he was one of the only occultists of his time to promote the idea that demon sigils shouldn't be circled. You see the divination ritual to vassago where his sigil has no circle. Another idea probably very influential to JoS.

SATANISM itself is not a "thesis statement", but JoS is very clearly based on the traditional occult and eastern meditation teachings and not the origin or end-all be-all of spirituality. If you believe this is the case, yes you have taken up the mentality of a cultist. I don't believe JoS is a cult either. People who blindly follow things without knowing why or having proper evidence to back it up other than "Maxine said so" are people with a cult-like mentality.

You are clearly misrepresenting my ideas to knock down a straw-man. I never called anyone an abomination or a sodomite. I have said that we shouldn't promote it, and that we can heal people through meditation. You are attempting to associate that with "gay camps" and whatnot that Christians use to torture and brainwash children. If anything, I am showing far more compassion to them than most people in the NS movement would, regardless of their religion.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Missrainbow1 said:
The other topic was taking non Satanists as friends and also leaders.
HPS Maxine explained so many times it is dangerous and you can read it yourself.

This is not exactly what she was saying. She was saying it is dangerous to be around jews, muslims, and christians, and anyone else who is connected to those kind of enemy curses. This does not mean that only Satanists are allowed. There are many non-religious people who don't know about Satanism, but are still good people with good morals and are not attached to any curse programs.

This is true:)
It is really dangerous)
I personally can never trust non Satanists because I have seen muslims,jews,christians,atheists and even hindus mocking Satan and Satanists.

A few years ago,a few cities away from where I live,thousands of people were slaughtered,raped and tortured because muslims believed them to be Satanists.Anywhere muslims go we see non muslims dying and getting raped.

We still have many christians who believe witches deserve to be burned,non christian girls deserve to be raped as said in their bible.

Je*s are shit,no need to explain.

Some atheists (not all) believe Satanism means child sacrifice,and the rest could not do anything if we were being slaughtered,they could not defend us and we shouldnt tell them our secrets,the secrets that make us vulnerable:) That doesnt mean they are bad people at all but we should be careful.

Also its not just about friendship,its also leadership.
I do care about women's rights.We all do here but we dont accept feminism as our leadership.
I care about homosexuals but I dont take LGBT as my leader.
The same way,we should care about national socialism but we shouldnt take christians as our leaders and close friends.
The christian kind of National Socialism as far as I know is anti woman and anti homosexual and pro christianity.We shouldnt mock them but they are not our leaders and we dont take orders from them.

But you are right too:)
In a secular country it is not as dangerous as it is in a religious country.
In islamic countries we still have death penalty for leaving islam.People get caught because they trust others and tell them they left islam.
wolfhammer922 said:
The RTRs are very clearly based on the reverse lord's prayer from Mastering Witchcraft. I never lied about anything. I don't know how you can possibly argue the RTRs do not come from the reverse lord's prayer, it is the exact same concept. I can totally accept that Maxine was inspired by the Gods to "run with it" and create more rituals.

Paul Huson's book is not on "satanism" - it is a book on traditional, generational european witchcraft so yes there are workings involving angels, and workings involving demons. I don't know if you know this but Europe has been brainwashed with Christianity for thousands of years at this point. You can simply choose not to participate in these "angelic" rites as a Satanist and the rest of the book is very much still important to a beginning practitioner. This shows your complete ignorance of Huson's work, he was one of the only occultists of his time to promote the idea that demon sigils shouldn't be circled. You see the divination ritual to vassago where his sigil has no circle. Another idea probably very influential to JoS.

SATANISM itself is not a "thesis statement", but JoS is very clearly based on the traditional occult and eastern meditation teachings and not the origin or end-all be-all of spirituality. If you believe this is the case, yes you have taken up the mentality of a cultist. I don't believe JoS is a cult either. People who blindly follow things without knowing why or having proper evidence to back it up other than "Maxine said so" are people with a cult-like mentality.

You are clearly misrepresenting my ideas to knock down a straw-man. I never called anyone an abomination or a sodomite. I have said that we shouldn't promote it, and that we can heal people through meditation. You are attempting to associate that with "gay camps" and whatnot that Christians use to torture and brainwash children. If anything, I am showing far more compassion to them than most people in the NS movement would, regardless of their religion.

Reversing energy is a general and fundamental practice in magic, so I don't think you can say with certainty that it came from this book.

Part of HPS Maxine's value to us comes through the research which she provided, which could not be done without her spiritual state or connection with the Gods, both of which required lots of practice in this life and in the past. This is what clearly distinguishes her from Paul Hudson or many many others.

Although she did not personally concoct all the knowledge she found, she was able to produce a coherent philosophy and tools for the Satanic movement, which is much harder than it seems, also considering spiritual attacks and so forth.

Due to her high degree of both spiritual advancement and ability to research and lead, this is why people take her words very seriously. I don't blame people for being suspicious of authority, but she never acted like a tyrant, nor did she leave out evidence or merit behind her words.

Social success comes from knowing who to associate with, both in people below and above you, as I am sure you would agree. Personally, I feel like you are undervaluing HPS Maxine a bit too much here, and perhaps you did this due to the disagreement on homosexuality. However, choosing between her insight and that of someone else should not be a difficult choice.

The other reason that people can be hardliners about Satanism is that we have and continue to be attacked, both directly and through subtle means. This creates a hyper-defensive reaction which, although justified, can also hurt relationships with some people.

At the end of the day with these topics, we have to ask what the point is? What do we gain from any of this? Also, what is the value of spiritual knowledge outside of JoS? We have the majority of the knowledge covered; the rest can be discovered by the self through contact with the Gods, supported by runic workings like with Kenaz and Perthro.

To understand truth, we need divinity, and this requires individuals to become advanced in their own rite. Therefore, there is a limit to what a random Gentile can provide, even if well-intentioned.
Missrainbow1 said:
General Yeager said:
Missrainbow1 said:
Lol)Which part of it is exactly wrong?
Help me find out:)
Which part of it is made up,and which part of it is not true?
You said that Satan disagrees with him. How would you know that when he has never said anything on this topic that is being discussed ever ?

You simply made that up.
I said everyone can believe whatever they want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with them that means their opinion is wrong.
Also we have been talking about two topics
First homosexuality which HPS Maxine and HP said many times is as normal as being Straight.I personally asked HP this question once and I can send you the link.

The other topic was taking non Satanists as friends and also leaders.
HPS Maxine explained so many times it is dangerous and you can read it yourself.

When High priests and High priestesses say something to us,they dont talk about their personal opinions they talk about what Father Satan and Gods believe,so I take their words and their opinions as God's words and God's opinion.
Unless and until they specifically say that it's the Gods Opinions, you cannot assume that. I'm just saying that this Is a bad way to conduct yourself. If you're satisfied with your sexuality and are not insecure about it you wouldn't need anyone's validation for your existence.

Just don't assume that Gods say this and that and start making it up. That looks bad on you as well as to the reader of these forums.

Quoting a higher power in an argument is a classically Christian tactic and I find it abhorrent and weak. If you have certainty in yourself then either debate with logic or don't care.

But don't bring the Gods into this. The Gods have nothing to do with Humans fighting among themselves about their beliefs.

I trust you will stop this going forward. That's all I have to say to you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=451473 time=1687994470 user_id=21286]
wolfhammer922 said:
The RTRs are very clearly based on the reverse lord's prayer from Mastering Witchcraft. I never lied about anything. I don't know how you can possibly argue the RTRs do not come from the reverse lord's prayer, it is the exact same concept. I can totally accept that Maxine was inspired by the Gods to "run with it" and create more rituals.

Paul Huson's book is not on "satanism" - it is a book on traditional, generational european witchcraft so yes there are workings involving angels, and workings involving demons. I don't know if you know this but Europe has been brainwashed with Christianity for thousands of years at this point. You can simply choose not to participate in these "angelic" rites as a Satanist and the rest of the book is very much still important to a beginning practitioner. This shows your complete ignorance of Huson's work, he was one of the only occultists of his time to promote the idea that demon sigils shouldn't be circled. You see the divination ritual to vassago where his sigil has no circle. Another idea probably very influential to JoS.

SATANISM itself is not a "thesis statement", but JoS is very clearly based on the traditional occult and eastern meditation teachings and not the origin or end-all be-all of spirituality. If you believe this is the case, yes you have taken up the mentality of a cultist. I don't believe JoS is a cult either. People who blindly follow things without knowing why or having proper evidence to back it up other than "Maxine said so" are people with a cult-like mentality.

You are clearly misrepresenting my ideas to knock down a straw-man. I never called anyone an abomination or a sodomite. I have said that we shouldn't promote it, and that we can heal people through meditation. You are attempting to associate that with "gay camps" and whatnot that Christians use to torture and brainwash children. If anything, I am showing far more compassion to them than most people in the NS movement would, regardless of their religion.

Reversing energy is a general and fundamental practice in magic, so I don't think you can say with certainty that it came from this book.

Part of HPS Maxine's value to us comes through the research which she provided, which could not be done without her spiritual state or connection with the Gods, both of which required lots of practice in this life and in the past. This is what clearly distinguishes her from Paul Hudson or many many others.

Although she did not personally concoct all the knowledge she found, she was able to produce a coherent philosophy and tools for the Satanic movement, which is much harder than it seems, also considering spiritual attacks and so forth.

Due to her high degree of both spiritual advancement and ability to research and lead, this is why people take her words very seriously. I don't blame people for being suspicious of authority, but she never acted like a tyrant, nor did she leave out evidence or merit behind her words.

Social success comes from knowing who to associate with, both in people below and above you, as I am sure you would agree. Personally, I feel like you are undervaluing HPS Maxine a bit too much here, and perhaps you did this due to the disagreement on homosexuality. However, choosing between her insight and that of someone else should not be a difficult choice.

The other reason that people can be hardliners about Satanism is that we have and continue to be attacked, both directly and through subtle means. This creates a hyper-defensive reaction which, although justified, can also hurt relationships with some people.

At the end of the day with these topics, we have to ask what the point is? What do we gain from any of this? Also, what is the value of spiritual knowledge outside of JoS? We have the majority of the knowledge covered; the rest can be discovered by the self through contact with the Gods, supported by runic workings like with Kenaz and Perthro.

To understand truth, we need divinity, and this requires individuals to become advanced in their own rite. Therefore, there is a limit to what a random Gentile can provide, even if well-intentioned.
Exactly. The Gods do not care about groups of humans arguing about their particular beliefs about how people should live. They care more about giving humans actionable spiritual advice so that they can pursue the spiritual path.

I personally would like newcomers to be sharing meditation experiences and I would love to help them about that.
General Yeager said:
Missrainbow1 said:
General Yeager said:
You said that Satan disagrees with him. How would you know that when he has never said anything on this topic that is being discussed ever ?

You simply made that up.
I said everyone can believe whatever they want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with them that means their opinion is wrong.
Also we have been talking about two topics
First homosexuality which HPS Maxine and HP said many times is as normal as being Straight.I personally asked HP this question once and I can send you the link.

The other topic was taking non Satanists as friends and also leaders.
HPS Maxine explained so many times it is dangerous and you can read it yourself.

When High priests and High priestesses say something to us,they dont talk about their personal opinions they talk about what Father Satan and Gods believe,so I take their words and their opinions as God's words and God's opinion.
Unless and until they specifically say that it's the Gods Opinions, you cannot assume that. I'm just saying that this Is a bad way to conduct yourself. If you're satisfied with your sexuality and are not insecure about it you wouldn't need anyone's validation for your existence.

Just don't assume that Gods say this and that and start making it up. That looks bad on you as well as to the reader of these forums.

Quoting a higher power in an argument is a classically Christian tactic and I find it abhorrent and weak. If you have certainty in yourself then either debate with logic or don't care.

But don't bring the Gods into this. The Gods have nothing to do with Humans fighting among themselves about their beliefs.

I trust you will stop this going forward. That's all I have to say to you.

but some things are really obvious.
If homosexuality was so evil and dangerous,wouldnt we at least be warned about it?For example we know paedophilia is wrong.
Sexuality is not something so unimportant and if God had a problem with homosexuals wouldnt He at least warn them?Wouldnt He at least tell us the dangers?
Dont we deserve to know if we are willing to learn?
We know at least in this place the most trustable members have said soooo many times that homosexuality is normal,natural and okay.They have said there is nothing wrong with it.They have said it is as natural as being Straight.
What else are they supposed to say for people to understand this very basic fact???
Missrainbow1 said:
General Yeager said:
Missrainbow1 said:
I said everyone can believe whatever they want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with them that means their opinion is wrong.
Also we have been talking about two topics
First homosexuality which HPS Maxine and HP said many times is as normal as being Straight.I personally asked HP this question once and I can send you the link.

The other topic was taking non Satanists as friends and also leaders.
HPS Maxine explained so many times it is dangerous and you can read it yourself.

When High priests and High priestesses say something to us,they dont talk about their personal opinions they talk about what Father Satan and Gods believe,so I take their words and their opinions as God's words and God's opinion.
Unless and until they specifically say that it's the Gods Opinions, you cannot assume that. I'm just saying that this Is a bad way to conduct yourself. If you're satisfied with your sexuality and are not insecure about it you wouldn't need anyone's validation for your existence.

Just don't assume that Gods say this and that and start making it up. That looks bad on you as well as to the reader of these forums.

Quoting a higher power in an argument is a classically Christian tactic and I find it abhorrent and weak. If you have certainty in yourself then either debate with logic or don't care.

But don't bring the Gods into this. The Gods have nothing to do with Humans fighting among themselves about their beliefs.

I trust you will stop this going forward. That's all I have to say to you.

but some things are really obvious.
If homosexuality was so evil and dangerous,wouldnt we at least be warned about it?For example we know paedophilia is wrong.
Sexuality is not something so unimportant and if God had a problem with homosexuals wouldnt He at least warn them?Wouldnt He at least tell us the dangers?
Dont we deserve to know if we are willing to learn?
We know at least in this place the most trustable members have said soooo many times that homosexuality is normal,natural and okay.They have said there is nothing wrong with it.They have said it is as natural as being Straight.
What else are they supposed to say for people to understand this very basic fact???
Some people are ignorant to some knowledge that is passed on by Joy of Satan and this forum, they mold the knowledge that has been given to them to fit their beliefs, we know that homosexuality is natural and cannot be changed, a gay man will always reincarnate gay. There is no point in wasting time on this topic that has already been intensely debated before

You cannot force someone to "support" homosexuality, but it is also not fair to invent lies about homosexuals, what will change in the lives of homosexuals if someone does not support homosexuality? Nothing, ignorance and arrogance is part of evolution, we have all been through something similar, let him believe whatever he wants, it is irrelevant, keep meditating and doing rtr
wolfhammer922 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
General Yeager said:
You said that Satan disagrees with him. How would you know that when he has never said anything on this topic that is being discussed ever ?

You simply made that up.
I said everyone can believe whatever they want but as long as Father Satan disagrees with them that means their opinion is wrong.
Also we have been talking about two topics
First homosexuality which HPS Maxine and HP said many times is as normal as being Straight.I personally asked HP this question once and I can send you the link.

The other topic was taking non Satanists as friends and also leaders.
HPS Maxine explained so many times it is dangerous and you can read it yourself.

When High priests and High priestesses say something to us,they dont talk about their personal opinions they talk about what Father Satan and Gods believe,so I take their words and their opinions as God's words and God's opinion.

I don't know where this idea came from that I have "christian friends" - I have friends who are secular and a select few who identify as some variety of pagan. If your standard really is "all your friends have to be joy of satan members" you're in for a rough time. The historical claims made in this debate do not come from his mouth, that was our difference in opinion. Father Satan has never said anything about the Greeks or viking accepting homosexuality.

I have never once said you will be rejected by the gods, or that you should be killed like you said earlier, for being homosexual. I think we shouldn't promote this lifestyle, we should speak against it like we speak against marijuana for example.

We dont promote homosexuality,we just understand that its a minority of 2 percents of people and it has always been there,there is nothing to be done about it.

Pagan are okay,abrahamic people are dangerous to be friends with,they have already proved this so many times that they would hurt us if they can
Zelaya666 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
General Yeager said:
Unless and until they specifically say that it's the Gods Opinions, you cannot assume that. I'm just saying that this Is a bad way to conduct yourself. If you're satisfied with your sexuality and are not insecure about it you wouldn't need anyone's validation for your existence.

Just don't assume that Gods say this and that and start making it up. That looks bad on you as well as to the reader of these forums.

Quoting a higher power in an argument is a classically Christian tactic and I find it abhorrent and weak. If you have certainty in yourself then either debate with logic or don't care.

But don't bring the Gods into this. The Gods have nothing to do with Humans fighting among themselves about their beliefs.

I trust you will stop this going forward. That's all I have to say to you.

but some things are really obvious.
If homosexuality was so evil and dangerous,wouldnt we at least be warned about it?For example we know paedophilia is wrong.
Sexuality is not something so unimportant and if God had a problem with homosexuals wouldnt He at least warn them?Wouldnt He at least tell us the dangers?
Dont we deserve to know if we are willing to learn?
We know at least in this place the most trustable members have said soooo many times that homosexuality is normal,natural and okay.They have said there is nothing wrong with it.They have said it is as natural as being Straight.
What else are they supposed to say for people to understand this very basic fact???
Some people are ignorant to some knowledge that is passed on by Joy of Satan and this forum, they mold the knowledge that has been given to them to fit their beliefs, we know that homosexuality is natural and cannot be changed, a gay man will always reincarnate gay. There is no point in wasting time on this topic that has already been intensely debated before

You cannot force someone to "support" homosexuality, but it is also not fair to invent lies about homosexuals, what will change in the lives of homosexuals if someone does not support homosexuality? Nothing, ignorance and arrogance is part of evolution, we have all been through something similar, let him believe whatever he wants, it is irrelevant, keep meditating and doing rtr

Thank you:)
Missrainbow1 said:
we just understand that its a minority of 2 percents of people and it has always been there,there is nothing to be done about it.

I disagree with this, actually. The majority of NPCs and many SS as well are still deluded about their sexuality, not too mention they put too much emphasis on it when their focus should just be growth. With too many repressed people and too many exhibitionists, there is little room to understand what the actual percentages are like.

I would assume - and it's just a hypothesis - that the majority is bisexual, and that being polarised toward a specific sex is actually the minority, but we don't really know the truth. We will probably know in a few decades or centuries, when the enemy and all these delusions are gone.
Stormblood said:
Missrainbow1 said:
we just understand that its a minority of 2 percents of people and it has always been there,there is nothing to be done about it.

I disagree with this, actually. The majority of NPCs and many SS as well are still deluded about their sexuality, not too mention they put too much emphasis on it when their focus should just be growth. With too many repressed people and too many exhibitionists, there is little room to understand what the actual percentages are like.

I would assume - and it's just a hypothesis - that the majority is bisexual, and that being polarised toward a specific sex is actually the minority, but we don't really know the truth. We will probably know in a few decades or centuries, when the enemy and all these delusions are gone.

I really hope so :)
If the majority were bi they would stop judging people :) because they could understand loving all genders and that love could be beyond gender
Stormblood said:
I would assume - and it's just a hypothesis - that the majority is bisexual, and that being polarised toward a specific sex is actually the minority, but we don't really know the truth. We will probably know in a few decades or centuries, when the enemy and all these delusions are gone.

:? I strongly doubt this in any way whatsoever.

At most I would say very few (<0.5 percent) are 'hardcore' gay, and then there are various types of bisexuals, men who might 'experiment' with other men or go through a phase out of curiosity, 'prison gay', a few more would go with a very feminine or hyper-youthful-looking 'thing' that has a penis, and that is it. But even though there are quite a few of these outside of the 'hardcore' group, probably more than people think, they are still a minority.

When jews force this onto most men in prison or monastery-like conditions it creates aberrations and horrible violence because it isn't what they want.
What about Bisexuality then?

Being bisexual myself I know for a fact that attraction for Both genders is possible as a human. One cannot "transform" oneself into becoming a gay man though. My attraction for women stays regardless of me having attraction for my own gender, too. This also makes me fear gay people less, since I know what I know and have zero sexual hangups.

Of course rape and forced on sex etc. is wrong morally and sick behaviour, but other than that I have no hangups or fear of other peoples sexual orientation. The phenomenon of men not only dressed up as women, but also reading stories to children, is questionable for me, as well as prostitution. This is in the moral category of hangups though.
I have Absolutely no problems with men having or acting out a female side of them if they so happen to want that.
But Why the need to do it in front of Children? Same thing with trans people. Do sexually things at Home without chidren involved please. Then there it's no issues.

The people behind this trans "women" reading thing would no matter this though say I'm ignorant and close minded.
No, because this is not an issue only about what some trannies want, but about childrens right to not be sexualized.

I'm all against every kind of sexual abuse and Objectification of women. That's why I personally don't engage myself in trying to be more than friends with women unless I feel ready for the serious resposibility of being a parent.
And I certainly won't be attractive in other womens eyes until I've reached such a level.

This openess and understanding of others sexual orientation is sadly Hijacked and used by the Jewish HBTQ and Pride movements. Pride is making homosexual men look decadent, being half naked on the street with leather outfits etc.
I've even heard they had a "fisting" learning tent up. That's simply not appropiate when there are children around.
Karnonnos said:
Stormblood said:
I would assume - and it's just a hypothesis - that the majority is bisexual, and that being polarised toward a specific sex is actually the minority, but we don't really know the truth. We will probably know in a few decades or centuries, when the enemy and all these delusions are gone.

:? I strongly doubt this in any way whatsoever.

At most I would say very few (<0.5 percent) are 'hardcore' gay, and then there are various types of bisexuals, men who might 'experiment' with other men or go through a phase out of curiosity, 'prison gay', a few more would go with a very feminine or hyper-youthful-looking 'thing' that has a penis, and that is it. But even though there are quite a few of these outside of the 'hardcore' group, probably more than people think, they are still a minority.

When jews force this onto most men in prison or monastery-like conditions it creates aberrations and horrible violence because it isn't what they want.

It is a possibility. There is a problem about people seeing sexuality as either something for reproduction or either something for entertainment. It is not that simple. Sexuality is very complex and cannot be reduced to reproduction only and neither to entertainment only. A family unit can be formed for several reasons.

A man and woman may marry and have children just to strengthen their bloodline, and continue this practice which is wholesome and benefits the entire race. Arranged relationship in fact existed for ages for this sole purpose. It's only in the last few decades that people have been scoffing at this for Rabbiwood reasons only, and extreme narcissism.

A couple may be together out of other necessities too, regardless of whether they are truly attracted to each other or not, and have a lover of either gender that they see privately or relinquish that for safety reasons. A relationship may need to be kept in secret because the public eye may need not know of it.

Just because on the surface or in the public sphere someone is in a relationship with someone of either gender it doesn't mean that they are hetero-, homo- or bisexual or whatever. These labels were born in the recent age, after 1 millennia and a half of enemy curses and restrictions.

Let me ask you a few questions:
:arrow: How do you gauge the distribution of different sexualities when the sample is a brainwashed and disabled population? (spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically)
:arrow: How do you gauge it when the enemy is still in power and running social indoctrination machines?

You do not have enough healthy humans to run such a research. Even most of us here in SS have not overcome all of the enemy brainwashing and we are unable to study today's population even if sexuality hang-ups are completely resolved within ourselves, as we are in a controlled environment where Gentiles are not allowed to know themselves and express them themselves freely without negative social indoctrination by the enemy.

How can we go past that, after our hang-ups are resolved? We can only:
:arrow: Explore the past through astral projection and past life regression, and collate the experiences of as many people as possible
:arrow: Entertain conversations about the nature of the soul with our Guardian Demons and other Gods in general, especially those specialised in this matters

And, like someone already stated, is there truly a point in pondering and imposing restrictions on others, on what can and cannot be? What does it change for you or me if most people are of whatever sexual orientation? Does it really change our life so dramatically?

Sexuality, like Lady Maxine always said, is a private aspect of life. Not something that should be publicly shunned, promoted or whatever in between. No laws shall be made in discrimination of either, no social norms either. The only laws available will be for healthy and controlled reproduction, to give way to the right bloodlines to be cultivated and have the right souls available for us and our VIPs overtime. The rest does not matter.

So for one to claim there was widespread discrimination in the past to uphold a point of non-importance for the forum nor for the future of humans on the planet. I suggest people to turn their eyes to matter of importance, rather than focusing on reacting to GLBT propaganda out of personal hang-ups. This is not you, Karnonnos, of course.

The only reason I intervened in this topic to make sure to emphasise that ostracising valuable forum members is not acceptable and will never be acceptable, whether they believe their premise is right or wrong.
Stormblood said:
Karnonnos said:
Stormblood said:
I would assume - and it's just a hypothesis - that the majority is bisexual, and that being polarised toward a specific sex is actually the minority, but we don't really know the truth. We will probably know in a few decades or centuries, when the enemy and all these delusions are gone.

:? I strongly doubt this in any way whatsoever.

At most I would say very few (<0.5 percent) are 'hardcore' gay, and then there are various types of bisexuals, men who might 'experiment' with other men or go through a phase out of curiosity, 'prison gay', a few more would go with a very feminine or hyper-youthful-looking 'thing' that has a penis, and that is it. But even though there are quite a few of these outside of the 'hardcore' group, probably more than people think, they are still a minority.

When jews force this onto most men in prison or monastery-like conditions it creates aberrations and horrible violence because it isn't what they want.

It is a possibility. There is a problem about people seeing sexuality as either something for reproduction or either something for entertainment. It is not that simple. Sexuality is very complex and cannot be reduced to reproduction only and neither to entertainment only. A family unit can be formed for several reasons.

A man and woman may marry and have children just to strengthen their bloodline, and continue this practice which is wholesome and benefits the entire race. Arranged relationship in fact existed for ages for this sole purpose. It's only in the last few decades that people have been scoffing at this for Rabbiwood reasons only, and extreme narcissism.

A couple may be together out of other necessities too, regardless of whether they are truly attracted to each other or not, and have a lover of either gender that they see privately or relinquish that for safety reasons. A relationship may need to be kept in secret because the public eye may need not know of it.

Just because on the surface or in the public sphere someone is in a relationship with someone of either gender it doesn't mean that they are hetero-, homo- or bisexual or whatever. These labels were born in the recent age, after 1 millennia and a half of enemy curses and restrictions.

Let me ask you a few questions:
:arrow: How do you gauge the distribution of different sexualities when the sample is a brainwashed and disabled population? (spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically)
:arrow: How do you gauge it when the enemy is still in power and running social indoctrination machines?

You do not have enough healthy humans to run such a research. Even most of us here in SS have not overcome all of the enemy brainwashing and we are unable to study today's population even if sexuality hang-ups are completely resolved within ourselves, as we are in a controlled environment where Gentiles are not allowed to know themselves and express them themselves freely without negative social indoctrination by the enemy.

How can we go past that, after our hang-ups are resolved? We can only:
:arrow: Explore the past through astral projection and past life regression, and collate the experiences of as many people as possible
:arrow: Entertain conversations about the nature of the soul with our Guardian Demons and other Gods in general, especially those specialised in this matters

And, like someone already stated, is there truly a point in pondering and imposing restrictions on others, on what can and cannot be? What does it change for you or me if most people are of whatever sexual orientation? Does it really change our life so dramatically?

Sexuality, like Lady Maxine always said, is a private aspect of life. Not something that should be publicly shunned, promoted or whatever in between. No laws shall be made in discrimination of either, no social norms either. The only laws available will be for healthy and controlled reproduction, to give way to the right bloodlines to be cultivated and have the right souls available for us and our VIPs overtime. The rest does not matter.

So for one to claim there was widespread discrimination in the past to uphold a point of non-importance for the forum nor for the future of humans on the planet. I suggest people to turn their eyes to matter of importance, rather than focusing on reacting to GLBT propaganda out of personal hang-ups. This is not you, Karnonnos, of course.

The only reason I intervened in this topic to make sure to emphasise that ostracising valuable forum members is not acceptable and will never be acceptable, whether they believe their premise is right or wrong.

Arranged relationships? the big problem is that many times, especially in medieval times, they were made purely for political and family interests and did not take into account things like compatibility, when the person you were forced to marry was a xian, it became a total shit.

I had enough of that big bullshit in other past lives and I will never do it again, not even if I threatened with being excluded ,ostracized or even worse.
AskSatanOperator said:
Homosexuality is anti-natural as homosexual people can't have kids and it is very dirty, it is simply not desirable to insert your penis in the same place where poo comes out from, most homosexual people have parasites because of this. Adopting kids is not a solution to homosexual people not having kids, as the statistics clearly show how most of these cases end (pedophilia, rape, sexual abuse). Also from what I know the Nazis didn't like homosexuality at all and the few homosexual members of the NSDAP were purged. Please explain.

Also please debunk these links providing information on how the ancient civilizations of Rome, Greece, Egypt, India, Scandinavia and Germany were not as homofriendly as it is seen here.


In part you write very right, but keep in mind that gays are exceptions and rare, only if you see them in person even for a moment you realize that they have a very particular soul, some are almost half females in a male body, with manias also of extreme hair removal and attitudes from females, then it depends on gays but they are very particular and I will never tell them anything, only that if they ask me if I'm a gay, the answer comes dry, no, because it is too unhygienic and limiting only sex for behind, it is too little for many only that type of sex that at most should be a secondary sex, even just for hygiene, but I understand gay and I will never touch them definitely, are exceptions of nature, I understand them, others will probably become bisexual, it is not said that they remain forever only gay, who knows how many things affect a soul and sexuality
Wotanwarrior said:
Stormblood said:

Arranged relationships? the big problem is that many times, especially in medieval times, they were made purely for political and family interests and did not take into account things like compatibility, when the person you were forced to marry was a xian, it became a total shit.

I had enough of that big bullshit in other past lives and I will never do it again, not even if I threatened with being excluded ,ostracized or even worse.

If you don't want or don't need an arranged marriage, I don't see why you should have one. You look at what you need and want. Sometimes, it's not possible to find someone that's compatible with you on all levels, and you'll have to wait for lifetimes before they (re)incarnate and reach a certain age.

I've been with a drama "queen" before and couldn't stand it. It was one argument after another over little things, including fact they couldn't take any responsibility for their actions and everything wrong was always someone else's fault. Yet physical compatibility was extremely high. It felt right to touch, to get involved in sexual things, etc. Righter than I ever felt before. No matter the effort, though, sometimes personality differences are irreconcilable.

The last statement is especially true with NPCs. You never get even 10% of the effort you put in. Often, you get people acting completely selfishly and disrespectfully toward themselves and others, then them lecturing you that you should expect nothing in return for giving.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
