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Turkey&Syria Earthquakes: Natural Occurence or "Terrorist Attack"?

The Alchemist7 [JG]

Head of Translations
Nov 17, 2017
[email protected]
Turkey&Syria Earthquakes: Natural Occurence or "Terrorist Attack"?

Most people here probably know of the devastating earthquakes that hit Southern Turkey and Syria around their border on 6th of February.
While earthquakes are a normal occurence in Turkey, those two particular ones follow a series of "coincidences" that might indicate the possibility of their artificial induction or stimulation for other darker interests.

9 western embassies have closed consulates in Turkey with the entire staff not showing up days before the earthquakes hit due to "risks of a terrorist threat".

The consulates of Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom in Istanbul are temporarily closed today due to concerns about the risk of terrorist attacks.

The https://pressxpress.org/2023/02/05/why-have-nine-western-countries-closed-consulates-in-turkiye/ other countries that closed consulates are United States, Switzerland, Italy, Sweeden.

So coincidentially, some of most jewed up countries in the world decide to close consulates in Turkey based on reasons that apparently are not realistically justified:

Turkey says Western nations, including the United States and Germany, have not given it any information to back up their assertions that security threats had prompted them to close their missions in the country.

Did those embassies know anything? Were those "security threats" about a conventional armed terrorist attack or the embassies were informed of what was going to happen and the "terrorist attack" was represented by the actual earthquakes? No evidence of an armed terrorist attack was ever discovered and the Turkish diplomatic bodies have questionned the decision of the 9 western embassies to close consulates.

The Earthquakes followed not long after Turkey's official position through Recep Erdogan to oppose Sweeden and Finland's attempt to join NATO, which would have brought NATO further closer to Rusia and Moscow, therefore further increasing war tensions and insability in Europe, in a context where Russia has clearly demanded that no neighbouring country shall join NATO. The jews obviously try by all means to turn the war in Ukraine into WW3 and try to get as many countries as possible involved.

Recep Erdogan also has taken the route of neutrality regarding the war, positioning himself again directly against the interests of the jewish globalists who are heavily involved in the war through their millitary warfare industrial complex that has been supplying weapons to Ukraine from the very beginning, and through vasal states that have facilitated the transportation of the weaponry.

Perhaps one of the biggest "coincidences" of those two earthquakes is that they happened just 4 months before the presidential elections in Turkey, which suggests that the timing was specifically selected to create an event that will enrage the Turkish population against Erdogan so he would eventually lose the elections, and his place to be taken by a vasal puppet that will execute the jewish interests in Turkey, population rage being further amplified by tens of thousands of deaths after the first earthquake hit at a time when most people were in their houses sleeping.

This wouldn't be the first case of the sort. I recall an Earthquake of magnitude around 4 that happened in Tehran, Iran during the tensions with United States, when war was nearly declared on Iran.

Are the jews resorting to millitary technologies to stimulate earthquakes in countries that oppose their interests? It is a strong possibility that this was the case in Turkey for its anti-jewish international policies, also a country that is a member state of NATO and openly showed interest for 2023 to join BRICS, the organization that is supposed to be NATO's rival and enemy, also an organisation where the jews have a lot less control over some of its member states compared to NATO where they have decisional power in most of the member governments.

Another important point to note is that Turkey is in the immediate proximity of the war. As the second millitary power in NATO, Turkey can cause major international political issues, were it to be used for jewish interests in war.
HPS Maxine noted that extremely powerful earthquakes and natural disasters are coming and increasing in frequency. A big problem is also that our planet is at its limit due to the curses put on it and the shit jews are spilling everywhere physically.

They may not be technologically caused per se but another vile element of their occult playbook and curses, which obviously are going to be easily more (re)funnelled into devoutly islamic areas.
This is a crime against humanity, not just against Turkey/Syria. So many innocent human lives.
An informative read, thank you.
Many cohen-cidences i see. I hope these human casualties will not continue.
What i learned from your topic is that if all of a sudden all judeo-western embassies/consulates close for questionable reasons,
it's time for red alert.
This isn't even close to 1% of the mass destruction that is soon coming. The Mellechas (Non believers of Satya) will have it tough survival out here.
I thought that earthquakes are common in this part of the world? Every few years.
A Turkish geologist Naci Görür from Istanbul Technical University already warned about that risk in the zone, long before took place. Maybe Jews had psychically foresaw this.

I am not so sure this level of technology exists (which is said that an explosion that is equal to millions of atom bombs is necessary to trigger such earthquakes). Maybe only could be possible in Pluto - Aries age.
Bright Truth said:
A Turkish geologist Naci Görür from Istanbul Technical University already warned about that risk in the zone, long before took place. Maybe Jews had psychically foresaw this.

I am not so sure this level of technology exists (which is said that an explosion that is equal to millions of atom bombs is necessary to trigger such earthquakes). Maybe only could be possible in Pluto - Aries age.

Strategically placed explosives (nuclear explosives detonated deep under ground) at critical places alongside the continental plate lines can theoretically cause an earthquake artificially, or exacerbate an existing risk and worsen the earthquake.

Likely there are other technologies too which can be used for this, in conjunction with spells which can accumulate these forces at a location till it reaches a tipping point and the earthquake occurs. Manipulation of electromagnetic forces could be used for this purpose as well (which magic does also do).

I don't doubt there are technologies available to in part be able to manipulate this even today.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Bright Truth said:
A Turkish geologist Naci Görür from Istanbul Technical University already warned about that risk in the zone, long before took place. Maybe Jews had psychically foresaw this.

I am not so sure this level of technology exists (which is said that an explosion that is equal to millions of atom bombs is necessary to trigger such earthquakes). Maybe only could be possible in Pluto - Aries age.

Strategically placed explosives (nuclear explosives detonated deep under ground) at critical places alongside the continental plate lines can theoretically cause an earthquake artificially, or exacerbate an existing risk and worsen the earthquake.

Likely there are other technologies too which can be used for this, in conjunction with spells which can accumulate these forces at a location till it reaches a tipping point and the earthquake occurs. Manipulation of electromagnetic forces could be used for this purpose as well (which magic does also do).

I don't doubt there are technologies available to in part be able to manipulate this even today.

Hail Satan!
When Nicola Tesla was being hunted by FBI when he was living in an appartment in a massive hotel in New York, he had a device that could cause earthquakes and whenever FBI was there to capture him, he was threatening that he will take the entire hotel down if they don't leave him alone.

The technology to cause or stimulate earthquakes and other technologies not only that exist but most likely they are a lot more advanced than we can imagine, and actively used by millitary.

After WW2, US, USSR, UK and France have stolen from Germany kilometers of train carriages worth of knowledge and technologies, which they further researched and developed secretly afterwards. The scientist I've been watching said for example that the entire space programs that took place after WW2 are based on knowledge stolen from Nazi Germany.

Even HAARP is said to be outdated because is 50 years old technology. It must have been further advanced since then. It is certainly not natural that in many small countries such as in Eastern Europe, extreme succesive weather occured in the last years in order to destroy their production of fruits, vegetables and grains in order to import them from western countries instead of competing those by exporting cheap and higher quality and natural products. By extreme succesive weather I mean for example a period of excessive precipitations followed by a period of excessive drought, in any way phenomenas that ruin the ground and prevents it from growing grains, fruits and vegetables properly.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
I thought that earthquakes are common in this part of the world? Every few years.
They are indeed, uncommon are the circumstances when these powerful earthquakes (they were 2 one after another) occured. A theory I came across is that Turkey was only "warned" by this since the earthquakes happened in a quite remote area that is not very populated. Is going to be interesting to see if Erdogan will change his position regarding the war in Ukraine or whether he will loose the elections.

I think these technologies depend on the environment, climate and geology of an area. If earthquakes are prone in Turkey then these millitary technologies can stimulate earthquakes there, while this may not be possible in a country that is not prone to earthquakes. In other countries certain cities or regions can be exposed to landfills, tsunami's, flood or draught etc. so most likely nowadays any of these can be stimulated artificially and at will.
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=428550 time=1678040701 user_id=1057]
VoiceofEnki said:
Bright Truth said:
A Turkish geologist Naci Görür from Istanbul Technical University already warned about that risk in the zone, long before took place. Maybe Jews had psychically foresaw this.

I am not so sure this level of technology exists (which is said that an explosion that is equal to millions of atom bombs is necessary to trigger such earthquakes). Maybe only could be possible in Pluto - Aries age.

Strategically placed explosives (nuclear explosives detonated deep under ground) at critical places alongside the continental plate lines can theoretically cause an earthquake artificially, or exacerbate an existing risk and worsen the earthquake.

Likely there are other technologies too which can be used for this, in conjunction with spells which can accumulate these forces at a location till it reaches a tipping point and the earthquake occurs. Manipulation of electromagnetic forces could be used for this purpose as well (which magic does also do).

I don't doubt there are technologies available to in part be able to manipulate this even today.

Hail Satan!
When Nicola Tesla was being hunted by FBI when he was living in an appartment in a massive hotel in New York, he had a device that could cause earthquakes and whenever FBI was there to capture him, he was threatening that he will take the entire hotel down if they don't leave him alone.

The technology to cause or stimulate earthquakes and other technologies not only that exist but most likely they are a lot more advanced than we can imagine, and actively used by millitary.

After WW2, US, USSR, UK and France have stolen from Germany kilometers of train carriages worth of knowledge and technologies, which they further researched and developed secretly afterwards. The scientist I've been watching said for example that the entire space programs that took place after WW2 are based on knowledge stolen from Nazi Germany.

Even HAARP is said to be outdated because is 50 years old technology. It must have been further advanced since then. It is certainly not natural that in many small countries such as in Eastern Europe, extreme succesive weather occured in the last years in order to destroy their production of fruits, vegetables and grains in order to import them from western countries instead of competing those by exporting cheap and higher quality and natural products. By extreme succesive weather I mean for example a period of excessive precipitations followed by a period of excessive drought, in any way phenomenas that ruin the ground and prevents it from growing grains, fruits and vegetables properly.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
I thought that earthquakes are common in this part of the world? Every few years.
They are indeed, uncommon are the circumstances when these powerful earthquakes (they were 2 one after another) occured. A theory I came across is that Turkey was only "warned" by this since the earthquakes happened in a quite remote area that is not very populated. Is going to be interesting to see if Erdogan will change his position regarding the war in Ukraine or whether he will loose the elections.

I think these technologies depend on the environment, climate and geology of an area. If earthquakes are prone in Turkey then these millitary technologies can stimulate earthquakes there, while this may not be possible in a country that is not prone to earthquakes. In other countries certain cities or regions can be exposed to landfills, tsunami's, flood or draught etc. so most likely nowadays any of these can be stimulated artificially and at will.

Yes that is all very true.

Thank you writing this topic, you have great insight to share on this, JG Alchemist7!

Hail Satan!
I think it's artificial
But not by secret military technologies
It is by the God of the Jews himself
Thanks to Satan, the losses were minimal
It was supposed to extend until it reached Damascus in the south and Ankara in the north
I was awake during the earthquake. I remember not being able to sleep until 4 am
It was one of the strangest experiences I've had in my life
It was like something pulling and spinning me from the base chakra down
It lasted for about 13 seconds
I may sound crazy but that's what I think :)
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=428550 time=1678040701 user_id=1057]
VoiceofEnki said:
Bright Truth said:
A Turkish geologist Naci Görür from Istanbul Technical University already warned about that risk in the zone, long before took place. Maybe Jews had psychically foresaw this.

I am not so sure this level of technology exists (which is said that an explosion that is equal to millions of atom bombs is necessary to trigger such earthquakes). Maybe only could be possible in Pluto - Aries age.

Strategically placed explosives (nuclear explosives detonated deep under ground) at critical places alongside the continental plate lines can theoretically cause an earthquake artificially, or exacerbate an existing risk and worsen the earthquake.

Likely there are other technologies too which can be used for this, in conjunction with spells which can accumulate these forces at a location till it reaches a tipping point and the earthquake occurs. Manipulation of electromagnetic forces could be used for this purpose as well (which magic does also do).

I don't doubt there are technologies available to in part be able to manipulate this even today.

Hail Satan!
When Nicola Tesla was being hunted by FBI when he was living in an appartment in a massive hotel in New York, he had a device that could cause earthquakes and whenever FBI was there to capture him, he was threatening that he will take the entire hotel down if they don't leave him alone.

The technology to cause or stimulate earthquakes and other technologies not only that exist but most likely they are a lot more advanced than we can imagine, and actively used by millitary.

After WW2, US, USSR, UK and France have stolen from Germany kilometers of train carriages worth of knowledge and technologies, which they further researched and developed secretly afterwards. The scientist I've been watching said for example that the entire space programs that took place after WW2 are based on knowledge stolen from Nazi Germany.

Even HAARP is said to be outdated because is 50 years old technology. It must have been further advanced since then. It is certainly not natural that in many small countries such as in Eastern Europe, extreme succesive weather occured in the last years in order to destroy their production of fruits, vegetables and grains in order to import them from western countries instead of competing those by exporting cheap and higher quality and natural products. By extreme succesive weather I mean for example a period of excessive precipitations followed by a period of excessive drought, in any way phenomenas that ruin the ground and prevents it from growing grains, fruits and vegetables properly.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
I thought that earthquakes are common in this part of the world? Every few years.
They are indeed, uncommon are the circumstances when these powerful earthquakes (they were 2 one after another) occured. A theory I came across is that Turkey was only "warned" by this since the earthquakes happened in a quite remote area that is not very populated. Is going to be interesting to see if Erdogan will change his position regarding the war in Ukraine or whether he will loose the elections.

I think these technologies depend on the environment, climate and geology of an area. If earthquakes are prone in Turkey then these millitary technologies can stimulate earthquakes there, while this may not be possible in a country that is not prone to earthquakes. In other countries certain cities or regions can be exposed to landfills, tsunami's, flood or draught etc. so most likely nowadays any of these can be stimulated artificially and at will.

Could you look into the train "incident" that happened a few days ago in Northern Greece? And maybe make a topic about that.
There are many cohen-cidences as well.
It's not a coincedence: They're making too many of these moments of mayhem look like accidents. In my attempt to humor you all by answering the title's question, the Turkey and Syria Earthquakes, they're terrorist attacks made to look like natural occurrences.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
