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Israel Does It Again: Europe & United States Under Threat Of Terror Attacks

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
All of us know that Israel is currently trying to drag Europe, the United States and anyone else they can into their own mess of the Middle East. It has happened again with catastrophic consequences for both Europe but also the United States which is borderline trying to become involved.

Currently, the United States also has the open situation with Ukraine, same as Europe. China is currently also eyeing Taiwan and to say the least, the global environment is currently only needing some pressure to further destabilize.

Israel of course does not care about any of this and anyone besides themselves, so they will certainly take all steps necessary to bring the byproducts of their actions onto the two larger continents which they see as cannon fodder. Europe in particular is infested with Jihadists from the deadly policies of bringing everything in without discrimination, and currently Europe is entering a state of red alert.

European's Jewish politicians did this, while simultaneously the same now in never-ending loyalty to Israel, are advocating the racial state of the Greater Israel.

Of course, these are the teachings and policies they give to the "Big Stupid" United States and the Cannon Fodder Europe, as they themselves remain strictly vigilant, separated and steadfast into furthering their collective dream of Zionism that is based on bloodshed and lies.

All of that is fine by Israel, since, as the leaders of Israel have declared, the plan here in the first place was to trigger a war between native Europeans and Muslims over anything possible. Further this is going to be used as justification for everyone to "join" Israel into it's escapade of violence and brutality in the Middle East.

If the above happens, the Middle East will again enter a saga of more 2001 like Iraq and Iran, and general upset will happen again in the region. Still, everyone would fail to understand where the interest for anyone who seeks civilized activity really is. Currently, logic is lost on many frontiers and destabilization seems to be the point of all of this.

Needless to say anyone who loves civilization and is not a jew who is solely interested for the interests of his stolen "Holy Land", or whomever is not a homegrown "Hamas" terrorist, should see all of the above as the clear bait it is, and the dangerous game that can become truly a bloodshed of many innocents. This is the price to pay for following Israel inside it's own damnation. None of this would have happened if Israel was not allowed to have it's way with this brutality for such a long time.

Now, they are trying to force everyone into an inevitable state of fear of terror, citing this is part of being an "alliance" or having a "common enemy". The reality is that neither of this is the case for Europe or the United States, and that the West already has enough internal and external problems to deal with, let alone Ukraine and many other issues at stake.

Seeing the terrorist attack against two random European people a few days ago, all of this begs the question of why we are involved into this mess in the first place, and why in the first place we have to even bother with participating in the insanity dream of a so called "Holy Land" that was built on genocide.

Innocents will pay this price on all sides, and if we are a little honest with ourselves, we know Israel started this. Yet, the unrelenting fury of the other side which currently has nothing to lose, can trigger a domino effect and the situation is rather unstable.

None of this should phase us people here, as we stand with Justice and with the Truth. Yet it should certainly be advisable during these times, anyone who is around the Abrahamic lunatics, to take a few steps up and ramp up your protection, as both Israel and the Jihadi people are clearly both flat insane.

They also both have this uncanny instinct of dragging innocents into everything and hitting indiscriminately, even towards those who deserve it the least. This bestial mentality has arose out of their lesser consciousness level which is associated with the brain-dead belief system both of these lunatics have.

In a world governed by Israel, we will be cattle and slaves, while on a world governed by Islam, we will be lesser than dogs. Either side is equally foolish and evil, stemming from the same ultimate source of negativity and anti-societal progress.

We should thank ourselves everyday for escaping these programs of sheer hatred, and in how still there are contacts with the Gods. None of this can ever be rectified in any other way; consciousness must rise and the foolishness of the Abrahamists must be brought to a standstill for humanity to go forward, without all of this senseless behavior.

However as that will take a long time to happen, we must be happy and ever vigilant spiritually, because those under the Gods are the most important thing in this world and the presently a growing pupil of the eye when it comes to an understanding that will arise in the future of this world.

Albeit we are sad of the loss of life for people involved, as some SS mentioned, one group calls us Goyim Animals and the other calls anyone who is not part of their lunacy a worthless Kaffir.

If we are to be honest, us here, they would kill us both. That's the level and the degree of "tolerance" of the Abrahamists. Therefore, the degree of our care even if humanitarian, should be measured with this factor in it as well.

We care for the well-being of humanity while they essentially consider us non humans. That is the case of an elevated consciousness in comparison to pure evil as it is represented by the programs of the enemy. We will remain the same as they rip themselves to shreds.

In that case, we must understand that the point here is not the victory of either side, but we should focus on the illustration of what both of these groups of lunatics bring until the world.

As no being can properly advance under both of the systems of these sides, then there is no "side" to the question here at all.

Only our own.

May the Gods be ever among us to drag us out of all of this darkness.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's interesting how for all these years muslim immigrants in Europe could rape women, stab and kill civilians including children, sell drugs and literally destroy all civilization and nobody in the media would say anything. If you dared criticize them you were labeled an "islamophobe", an opposer of the "religion of peace".

But now that these muslims are turning against Israel and the jews, all the kike media companies are sooo worried about the danger of immigration in Europe, the danger of terrorism/Jihad and so on. As long it's us being destroyed it's fine, but as soon as it's them it's a big "OY VEY!"
So now it is officially world War three.. these stupid kikes are pushing for it!
They don't take no for an answer! And they have no sympathy because they're Jews and they don't care the way they are wired and programmed to do the things they do. It all makes sense! And I will do everything and anything I can to protect my home and my family from these mental cases! And I will do everything it takes! To fight off these evil fucks and there Jewish counterparts the stupid Christians and the Muslims that are right there with them causing their problems and doing their share of evil shit. Like the Energizer Bunny they just keep going going and come up with more and more absurd ideas!...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
However as that will take a long time to happen, we must be happy and ever vigilant spiritually, because those under the Gods are the most important thing in this world and the presently a growing pupil of the eye when it comes to an understanding that will arise in the future of this world.


i feel important.
A few days ago I read a statement.

In the statement delivered at a meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of Security Agencies and Special Services in Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku, Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov stated on October 11 that the priority goal of terrorists is to seize power in Central Asia’s countries.

First of all, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are prone to the danger, Bortnikov noted.

“These are the countries that international terrorist organizations expect to include in the so-called global caliphate,” the Russian chief security officer was quoted as saying by TASS news agency.

"We are noting the growing role of Al-Qaeda, which together with a local IS affiliate, Wilayat Khorasan (outlawed in Russia), is actively participating in providing training, indoctrination and material and technical support for groups under their control," Bortnikov pointed out.

According to him, Al Qaeda now has more than 1,500 militants. This terrorist organization is reportedly most active in more than twenty provinces of Afghanistan, mainly in the southeast of the country, and the Nurestan province serves as a transport corridor between Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

“Meanwhile, the number of militants of Wilayat Khorasan active throughout the northern border region and the center of the country reaches 6,500 people,” Bortnikov said.

He, in particular, noted the active role of American and British intelligence services in fomenting a "belt of instability" in Afghanistan near the southern borders of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), where the Al-Qaeda and Islamic State (IS) terrorist groups (outlawed in Russia) are being reinforced.

"The US and British intelligence services are playing the leading role in destabilizing the situation in the vicinity of Afghanistan. The CIA and MI6 are restoring their intelligence presence in a number of Afghanistan’s key provinces. The possibility of re-establishing US bases in the country is being considered," he stressed.

"The main efforts are focused on shaping ‘the belt of instability’ on the CIS’ southern borders. Toward this end, recruitment is underway of militants from international terrorist organizations operating in Iraq, Syria, and a number of other Asian and African countries, as well as their redeployment to Afghanistan’s north. At several training camps, the bandits are trained to use modern weapons, including from the arsenals left behind by the Western coalition, drones, and cutting-edge means of communication and reconnaissance," the FSB chief said

How much of it do you think is truth ?I live in one of central Asian countries which is adjacent to Afghanistan and to be honest, every goddamn night I think about if this Taliban ruled country will attack my country in the future or not. If yes, the first thing I want to do is to immigrate to a western country and fight the enemy from there. I don't want to be killed in a war against these brainless animals and I don't my children to live in a caliphate either . But the problem with moving to a western country is that I have nobody there and I'll have to start from zero. Here at least I have a profession and some friends who I can start some business with.

I am at a crossroads and don't know which way I should choose. What would you suggest to do?
Beautifully said, HPHC
I can imagine already the insane amount of refugees that will migrate if war widens and frankly speaking no country likes refugees, unlike Canada US and Europe. That's when pondering over how much desperation will likely fuel race mixing and conflicts arising out of hate. Another 10years of this shit is too much for humanities pitiful state. But suppose it started by jews gaining sympathy from 'goyims' because we have alot of sympathy for either side or maybe they want their prophecies to come true, because they always run to propheciesin times like these :lol: :lol: utterly putiful, it's bad when alot think like they're "god choosen :lol: worse yet most humans at this point feel god chosen too to avoid feeling less like shit and special enough to be blinded from a reality that exists separately. :lol: reminds me of the movie fight night and guy on the speaker telling everyone that they're not special
These Jews just bombed a hospital building killing 500 people. I can't even post the pictures here they are so gruesome. I have never seen such a Psychopathic and vile race that does war crimes like this unabashed. If Putin did even 0.1% of what these jews had done there would be documentaries made about it. But no one will dare challenge these Jews.

But alas ,but to their Vile inhumane nature ,now all of the world has had the veil lifted above their eyes. And they see what kind of disgusting freaks these Jews are.

They have singlehandedly chosen to turn all of their neighbors around then to be strictly against them.

Iran is saying they could do a pre eminent strike before the Jews physically invade Gaza. It looks like there's going to be a major war and no one can stop it.

If only the United States doesn't get involved this Jew issue would have been solved by the Arabs long ago.
Thank you for all you do with such enlightened posts! It’s very serious indeed! There are lunatics. I’m so grateful for all you do! Satan is perfect hail Satan! And bune! :) she’s my guardian demon!
Moreover there's this,
Thank you HP Cobra

I regret all these years wasting time.

It's really scary times ahead

Thank you for standing very strong since the beginning. You are an incredible man ❤️
Thank you HP Cobra

I regret all these years wasting time.

It's really scary times ahead

Thank you for standing very strong since the beginning. You are an incredible man ❤️
Before Israel was, there was Palestine, and before Palestine became Christian or Muslim, it was inhabited by the Canaanites, and the Canaanites were pagans, meaning that that land is the right of Palestine, and Palestine is the right of the pagan Canaanites, and it is not Jewish or Muslim.

Hail Satan
We must intensify the final rituals and curse the Jews. All they are doing is creating fake images with artificial intelligence and false reports. This is how the United States believed them. We have seen it scandalous some times. They also use their Jewish magic and global rituals to achieve their desire. I heard that they have a ritual killing of a young child. Not baptized on a specific day in order to satisfy their beings, so we must unite with one bond and bombard them with force , I believe that the gods will remove the Jews from this world

Hail Satam
Thank you HPHC

May the Gods be ever among us to drag us out of all of this darkness.

Oh Pissrael, when will you ever get it into your head that being the abusive self-imposed alien master you are will never get you followers who'll follow you without the need of pointing the gun or the whip, which is losing its effectiveness because of our RTRs. :lol:
Do you think all this tension on Israel is a good thing High Priest? Even if it’s by a terrorist organization or whatever.

I’ve never seen in my history so many eyes on Israel and the jewish question. Also, extreme hate.

People all around the world are saying the holocaust is a lie and jews are evil. Or at least that Israel is a war criminal.

But also, Gaza and Palestinian people there are getting bombed left and right a complete and true genocide. They just bombed the last hospital in the region of Gaza a couple hours ago.

I am in the middle of it all. Because my country is near the borders of Israel and Gaza. We also have a history of war with those israeli motherfuckers. Also, incessant Islam.

I just wasn’t able to sympathize with my colleagues. Despite them now fully hating jews and Israel and wishing for its destruction. Which I’ve always wanted. I also felt out of place, which you described perfectly, to them I am still a worthless Kaffir that should be beheaded.

But I do love that all the pressure is on Israel at this point. Also, their lies are falling short.

Despite all of this, I think these events are the best thing to strengthen our fate and all our prophecies and Maxine’s words are becoming true year by year. Sometimes, with our spiritual efforts we mitigate some of the worst like WW3 but it might still be fated at this point. But another thing that is fated is that Israel’s fate is sealed. From 2024 upwards should be very interesting times to be alive.

Satan’s promise for us is manifesting so be ready to receive his victory and reward.
Thank you high priest, in these bad times, your posts are enlightening for those at the beginning of the journey and heartening for our whole family.... T H A N K S
My suggestion:

We could create a new Ritual regarding Islam.
Which states in it's affirmation that all Gentiles or all dedicated Spiritual Satanists are protected from Islam,
but the Jews and their ilk are getting all the wrath from Islam and gentile Muslims upon them tenfold.

We don't want to weaken the gentiles Muslims in their fight against Jews/Judaism/Israel,
but stop them from attacking other Gentiles or other Nations.

(The gentile Enemy of our alien Enemy, is our Friend)
Personal note:

On the one side you have Christian Westerners with a Jewish Hippie as their Spiritual Leader
and on the other side you have Muslim Easterners with a Military Commander as their Spiritual Leader
guess who will win a clash.

One way Westerners will survive this is to befriend gentile Muslims and their Nations
instead of declaring them as their enemies just because they stand with Israel and Jews and are Christian.

Another way is to distance themselves from Washington
and start befriending Russia and being more independent in general rather than just stick to one side.

A complete opposite change of Psychology and Action internally and externally,
is they only way i see how the West and anyone that identifies with it will survive this.
Any identification with weakness - be it ideologies, dependency, systems or cultural related or anything weak
has to go forever.
Hospital attack they trying to dodge the blame theres a surprise guys.
Thanks for your insight Commander, nowadays we heard many bullshits about who's playing the good and evil. And I don't know about you all but on the media I keep listen to the word "actors", "the actors of this conflict" and so on, which makes me wonder how people are insanely braindead woth their npc mode, as they are blatantly making fun of them.

Entitled people whom thinks their moral is superior and stands in the middle saying " war is bad ", without thinking for a second what led to all of this.
Logic is dead. But it truly warms my soul knowing that here in our community there's still hope for humanity.

May the Gods and Goddesses guide us all.
The Jews on X have been revealing their true colors lately, especially Ben Shapiro. Hopefully more people will wake up.
Everytime something like this happens i feel I'm to blame, everytime they get away with something i feel to blame because i cannot handle the reality what i promised the Gods i cannot handle the seriousness of the situation.

I don't know what to do i don't know how to get out of this I don't know how to handle the extreme negative energy that flows through my body when i feel this extremely negative energy that that the earth is gone and my soul is at stake coming face to face with the most disgusting disturbing hateful evil being one can imagine.

Even Father Satan knows this and wants me to get out of this but i don't know how i don't know how to face this. Every cell in my body can feel the gravity of the situation but my mind does not have the strength to handle it and act accordingly. My whole life is fucked up because of this and the enemy and their stupid people who are insane.

All i can say is that I'm holding on to the rtrs like it's my life line and hoping it's not as bad as my SOUL CLEARLY knows it is

As a SS in my heart i know i fucked up and i know deep inside what i must do but damn it's the most difficult thing i don't know how to i don't whant to feel this burden and reality
WiseDragon said:
It's interesting how for all these years muslim immigrants in Europe could rape women, stab and kill civilians including children, sell drugs and literally destroy all civilization and nobody in the media would say anything. If you dared criticize them you were labeled an "islamophobe", an opposer of the "religion of peace".

But now that these muslims are turning against Israel and the jews, all the kike media companies are sooo worried about the danger of immigration in Europe, the danger of terrorism/Jihad and so on. As long it's us being destroyed it's fine, but as soon as it's them it's a big "OY VEY!"
I think this conflict is actually leading to schizophrenia among political parties
I readed days ago that Pissrael created HAMAS, so, they are more a dominion tool of jews, that a real problem to them. I think that they are just a tool to divide palestine people, and have an inside/outside control of them. Pissrael alert of war it's just an awful historical jewish method to maintain the things going on for them, just as the HP explains in this post.

Not HAMAS, not Pissrael, just Palestina's people is the real center victim of this conflict, and that's sad, because isn't an easy resolution problem, the jew have known how to do the things... But it doesn't matter, we are going on too, further and further more.
Nero said:
A few days ago I read a statement.

In the statement delivered at a meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of Security Agencies and Special Services in Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku, Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov stated on October 11 that the priority goal of terrorists is to seize power in Central Asia’s countries.

First of all, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are prone to the danger, Bortnikov noted.

“These are the countries that international terrorist organizations expect to include in the so-called global caliphate,” the Russian chief security officer was quoted as saying by TASS news agency.

"We are noting the growing role of Al-Qaeda, which together with a local IS affiliate, Wilayat Khorasan (outlawed in Russia), is actively participating in providing training, indoctrination and material and technical support for groups under their control," Bortnikov pointed out.

According to him, Al Qaeda now has more than 1,500 militants. This terrorist organization is reportedly most active in more than twenty provinces of Afghanistan, mainly in the southeast of the country, and the Nurestan province serves as a transport corridor between Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

“Meanwhile, the number of militants of Wilayat Khorasan active throughout the northern border region and the center of the country reaches 6,500 people,” Bortnikov said.

He, in particular, noted the active role of American and British intelligence services in fomenting a "belt of instability" in Afghanistan near the southern borders of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), where the Al-Qaeda and Islamic State (IS) terrorist groups (outlawed in Russia) are being reinforced.

"The US and British intelligence services are playing the leading role in destabilizing the situation in the vicinity of Afghanistan. The CIA and MI6 are restoring their intelligence presence in a number of Afghanistan’s key provinces. The possibility of re-establishing US bases in the country is being considered," he stressed.

"The main efforts are focused on shaping ‘the belt of instability’ on the CIS’ southern borders. Toward this end, recruitment is underway of militants from international terrorist organizations operating in Iraq, Syria, and a number of other Asian and African countries, as well as their redeployment to Afghanistan’s north. At several training camps, the bandits are trained to use modern weapons, including from the arsenals left behind by the Western coalition, drones, and cutting-edge means of communication and reconnaissance," the FSB chief said

How much of it do you think is truth ?I live in one of central Asian countries which is adjacent to Afghanistan and to be honest, every goddamn night I think about if this Taliban ruled country will attack my country in the future or not. If yes, the first thing I want to do is to immigrate to a western country and fight the enemy from there. I don't want to be killed in a war against these brainless animals and I don't my children to live in a caliphate either . But the problem with moving to a western country is that I have nobody there and I'll have to start from zero. Here at least I have a profession and some friends who I can start some business with.

I am at a crossroads and don't know which way I should choose. What would you suggest to do?

I do not think that Muslim degenerates will be able to seize power in the corrupt countries of the nobodies who rule them, because these nobodies (oligarchs) hold on to power very tightly, and the Islamists do not have enough resources to seize it.

I see the statements of people like Alexander Bortnikov every day and I can only say one thing, they never get to the point and are constantly mistaken (about the leadership of government servants of the Russian Federation).
Yes, and he makes such statements at almost every public meeting.
He said the same thing a year ago, and ten years ago.

I think you have nothing to worry about, I am absolutely sure that the power in these countries will not change.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am sure that Jews and Islamists will not succeed, despite all their stupid efforts.

Right now Adolf Hitler not, which restore order in Europe.

Legal information: Next are my darkest thoughts which are my fantasies and are not a call for any illegal actions:

"If the 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend" had been placed at my disposal, I would have completely cleansed France of Islamists, and perhaps there would have been a lot of blood, but there would have been order.

If migrants from criminal areas of French cities refused to be deported or resisted deportation, then I would have cordoned off the criminal ghettos of illegal migrants, then let flametroopers and stormtroopers and burned everything with blue, or rather red flames :)

If I had absolute power, then I would arrange the Hunger Games (as in the movie), hunting (safari) for criminals on live TV.

I would clean up the bad, criminal areas of European cities from this garbage.

In the best traditions of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, I would turn all criminal ghettos into a Colosseum and show how to deal with the scum that hinders the development of Civilization and Culture".
MercuryWisdom said:
Do you think all this tension on Israel is a good thing High Priest? Even if it’s by a terrorist organization or whatever.

I’ve never seen in my history so many eyes on Israel and the jewish question. Also, extreme hate.

People all around the world are saying the holocaust is a lie and jews are evil. Or at least that Israel is a war criminal.

But also, Gaza and Palestinian people there are getting bombed left and right a complete and true genocide. They just bombed the last hospital in the region of Gaza a couple hours ago.

I am in the middle of it all. Because my country is near the borders of Israel and Gaza. We also have a history of war with those israeli motherfuckers. Also, incessant Islam.

I just wasn’t able to sympathize with my colleagues. Despite them now fully hating jews and Israel and wishing for its destruction. Which I’ve always wanted. I also felt out of place, which you described perfectly, to them I am still a worthless Kaffir that should be beheaded.

But I do love that all the pressure is on Israel at this point. Also, their lies are falling short.

Despite all of this, I think these events are the best thing to strengthen our fate and all our prophecies and Maxine’s words are becoming true year by year. Sometimes, with our spiritual efforts we mitigate some of the worst like WW3 but it might still be fated at this point. But another thing that is fated is that Israel’s fate is sealed. From 2024 upwards should be very interesting times to be alive.

Satan’s promise for us is manifesting so be ready to receive his victory and reward.

HPS Maxine had mentioned to work on Astral Projection, and being familiar with the other side, I would do that if I was where you're at. There's a book by Robert Bruce treaties on Astral Projection and it's really nice
What insanity... insanity is what insanity does I suppose, and these people are beyond demented.

I find these words to be interesting.

Antisemitic: Anti-jewish, root word stolen and corrupted from it's original meaning, which refers to semitic people, land and culture. This to me takes away a potentially far better word.

Islamophobic: Basically if you're against rape by Muslims, your Islamophobic. It's getting to a point where the West has bent over backwards to protect people who want to infiltrate our societies, which is commonly taught in these politically radicalized people.

What I don't get is if these people are Muslim, how is it that they can kill women and children? I've heard that it's against their religion but it happens all the time. It's really messed up what these people do to each other and to animals.

On the other side you have christards going, see! These people are perverted by the devil. It creates a sense of dichotomy when in reality these two religions are one in the same. It also fuels the never ending war on the Middle East. The world can't be that asleep, can they? It just seems stupid that people believe we are constantly threatened by these countries, but people I guess can't see what their own countries are doing to them largely due to media, culture and the boiling frog affect.

We have quite a battle ahead of us but that's just how it is and how it was for a long time. This is a spiritual war and I'm proud to be a Satanic warrior in this life, facing truth with unwavering justice and resolve. That is our path and it sure isn't easy sometimes, but it is always the most rewarding. Not just for us now but for the collective future of mankind.

Stay strong everyone.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The enemy's plans will be destroyed, as happened in COVID-19!

1. According to the estimates of "Black" analysts, known in narrow circles and rarely mistaken in their forecasts:

The conflict between Israel and Palestine was fully planned and it will be conducted according to a given scenario.

2. Scenarios for the development of the conflict have already been written by "Black" analysts and made publicly available, but so far authoritative experts who are widely known do not have a consensus on which scenario events will develop.

But all analysts predict that at least there will be a new wave of migrants to Europe and a weakening of Europe as a whole, as a maximum we can see complete chaos in the Middle East with a nuclear strike on Iran, as well as the US being drawn into the war.

3. The conflict is just beginning, and conflict it will be very long (According to the estimates of "Black" analysts), but I hope that "Black" analysts are wrong, because now all of us at JoS are making efforts (on a spiritual level) to destroy the enemy's agenda, as it happened in the era of COVID-19.

I wonder how much time Biden spent under the desk with him with the golden kneepads given to him for 6gorillion shekels...bet the sorry knob slobbing bitch didn't wipe his mouth after 🤣
Since this topic is partially related to the Ukraine issue, I would like to tell all foreign SS some things that your news services do not want you to know in your countries. This is more about exposing the rosy narrative that has been pushed for almost two years about the “good guy Zelensky” and how Ukraine is the “side of the good and the good guys” in this war.

Yes, of course, Russia carried out the attacks first, sent in troops, destroyed several large and tens and hundreds of small settlements, shelled power plants and is probably to blame for the largest environmental disaster in Europe in the 21st century (the destruction of the Kakhovka dam).


During almost two years of war in Ukraine, the following things happened in its internal affairs:
an insane rise in the cost of life, an increase in taxes, the destruction of business, the imposition of aggressive national propaganda (the so-called “mono-air” on TV), the complete destruction of freedom of speech and assembly, literally unlimited the scale of corruption, lies regarding any goals and plans for war, CLOSING BORDERS FOR MEN OF CONTRACTION AGE (from 18 to 60 years old, no man can legally leave the country with very rare exceptions), CAPTURE AND AGGRESSIVE AGENDA IN RELATION TO CONSCITION INTO THE ARMY (you can literally caught on the street in the style of a mafia kidnapping, pushed into a bus and sent to the front; I’m not exaggerating here), the government’s statement that the war will go on “until the last Ukrainian live,” the absence of real plans for the production of military or any other goods useful for the war, and things in the expectation that everything needed will be transferred by the allies from the west.

These are just some of the most obvious things that need to be voiced to understand what a modern war is in a Jewish-ruled country. The reason, of course, lies much deeper, but one of the things that was a harbinger of disaster was the presidential election of two clearly Jewish candidates Poroshenko/Zelensky in 2019.

Do not romanticize war; any war in Europe or America must be avoided by all means. Any hope that the NPC will wake up faced with war and it do will be like a "big red pill" (I know many right-wingers think so) is a big illusion and an error in the perception of reality.

Let me just remind you that Ukraine is a mono-ethnic white country in the center of Europe, the largest in area and with a population of 38-40 million people. Over the course of a year and a half of modern war, it has lost all real democratic mechanisms and has become in some of its qualities similar to Somalia. Do you want something similar with your countries?

Everything he said is good except the Holocaust thing, this man is atheist he is will know in the Arabic world and he stands against islam.
Nero said:
I am at a crossroads and don't know which way I should choose. What would you suggest to do?

Ancient Africa said:
Everytime something like this happens i feel I'm to blame, everytime they get away with something i feel to blame because i cannot handle the reality what i promised the Gods i cannot handle the seriousness of the situation.

Whew, wow. Bunch of people on here. Bunch of stuff said. I'm not part of the clergy, and in fact most my posts get deleted. So maybe this won't be of any help to you guys. But I figured I'd at least try to say some things.

Nero, you need to stay with your family. Most of the people here wondering what to do: you should stay with your families, your neighbors, and your friends. As Cobra has said we are close to the golden age. People who have never had family will start to understand what it really means to have them. They will need you with things that are coming. Things will get worse in some ways but better in others. Your family will need someone strong to look to as the world changes around them. Both for the good and the bad. And hopefully in just a few short years they'll look to you and say they understand you better, and they only wish they could have been as strong as you.

Ancient Africa, I completely understand your place. I spent a long time wishing I had spent more time doing things. Then I remembered that I had to go through those things to get me here. I had to learn a lot of things to get me to even the crappy place I am now. But because I went through those times my path forward is golden, and I know what to do. Don't beat yourself up about the past. No matter what you do you can't change that. Use your energies now.

The U.S. is not joining in this. No I'm no spokesman for the U.S. so I can't say anything 100%, but rounding up soldiers to send to Israel right now is the worst move they can make. If theres a draft I can say with certainty there will be civil war. If they send troops, there are people here now looking to start things they will see it as a power vacuum. I'm not talking about U.N. forces, or Hamas agents. I can't even tell you the number of times in the last few weeks I've seen someone make the comment that the whites are waking up, and they're just learning whats going on. The U.S. sent their weapons to Ukraine. There might be some special forces sent, but I can tell you sending troops is a recipe for failure. Israel has no support from what I'm hearing worldwide. They gain nothing by starting WW3 at this point long term. It is only bad for them. Theres so much going on back doors thats not talked about, and trust me Israel right now does not want to start stuff they can't deliver on.

I'm telling you I think THIS will blow over by mid November. My guess is N.A.T.O. not long after. There's going to be a bunch of other stuff coming, a lot of fighting and a lot of countries picking at each other. Its going to get scary. But its also going to get exciting if your paying attention. Your going to start hearing people in your neighborhoods wanting to talk about ways to fix things. Pay attention now, so you can know what to help with. For the few like me whos friends know what you are, when the jews come out later and blame the Satanists those people can tell them how wrong they are because you helped to rebuild while they helped to tear down.

Also remember who owns the media. We would never know what kind of condition the enemy is in if it not for Cobra telling us about their impotence. So how bad of shape do they have to be in from our blows that even internet forums are hating on them? Everyone here is seeing a wicked dragon showing its flames, I'm seeing a cornered animal. Yes, its going to lash out. We need to keep doing our part. Remember, the gods are counting on us possibly more than we are counting on them. Its a hard statement to understand. But you gotta look it from their point of view. They've already seen the ending. They know we'll make it. Lets not disappoint them.
WiseDragon said:
It's interesting how for all these years muslim immigrants in Europe could rape women, stab and kill civilians including children, sell drugs and literally destroy all civilization and nobody in the media would say anything. If you dared criticize them you were labeled an "islamophobe", an opposer of the "religion of peace".

But now that these muslims are turning against Israel and the jews, all the kike media companies are sooo worried about the danger of immigration in Europe, the danger of terrorism/Jihad and so on. As long it's us being destroyed it's fine, but as soon as it's them it's a big "OY VEY!"

Very cogent observation. Everyone should pay attention to what WiseDragon has stated here.

While there are a few like BLM and the usual universities across the West swamped with non-Whites supporting Hamas (there is, however, still a hard limit to this when you get to Law, Medicine and professions like that dominated by jews), the global media has more or less gone totally in the direction of fellating pissrael and the lost jews, even the most prior-to-early-October left-wing and "anti-colonial" of rags.

This is the typical pattern of LIES by the media and why each and every journalist taking part in these spiteful charades needs to be held accountable. While many of these journalists are kikes and the companies are kike-owned, the majority preaching and writing out this scheme are Gentile fuckpuppets and traitors who must know they are lying.
Bogow said:
INTO THE ARMY (you can literally caught on the street in the style of a mafia kidnapping, pushed into a bus and sent to the front; I’m not exaggerating here), the government’s statement that the war will go on “until the last Ukrainian live,”
... two clearly Jewish candidates Poroshenko/Zelensky in 2019.

Exactly, I've talked about it here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=466825#p466825

Poroshenko & Kremlin separatist puppets were doing Gaza-style genocide against White Ukrainians.
And Zelensky sacrificing Ukrainian men for his cockfight with Putin is a sacrifice he's ready to make for the (((Tribe))).

More news about it:

On Camera: Zelensky's Soldiers 'Kidnap Man To Fight Russia', As West Focuses On Israel-Hamas War
Egon said:
Bogow said:
INTO THE ARMY (you can literally caught on the street in the style of a mafia kidnapping, pushed into a bus and sent to the front; I’m not exaggerating here), the government’s statement that the war will go on “until the last Ukrainian live,”
... two clearly Jewish candidates Poroshenko/Zelensky in 2019.

Exactly, I've talked about it here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=466825#p466825

Poroshenko & Kremlin separatist puppets were doing Gaza-style genocide against White Ukrainians.
And Zelensky sacrificing Ukrainian men for his cockfight with Putin is a sacrifice he's ready to make for the (((Tribe))).

More news about it:

On Camera: Zelensky's Soldiers 'Kidnap Man To Fight Russia', As West Focuses On Israel-Hamas War

Also, i would add something about it since there is now an active “closure” of the Ukrainian case and pushing through peace negotiations on any terms.

First of all, of course, these are demographic losses. When you read about the millions of people who died during the Second World War, you have to understand, for example, that the population of Germany would now be in the region of 150 million. And in Ukraine there are no white losses! population throughout the 20th century could easily now be 80+ million. This is called living and unborn, irretrievable demographic losses. Children who could have been born to people who died for various reasons and did not produce offspring. People of our race.

The second thing I want to draw your attention to. This is, of course, a question of money. The Ukrainian case “absorbed” approximately 300 billion dollars (comparable to the cost of the US space program). But most of this money got lost in the dark corridors of Ukrainian ministries and the economy. Yes, it has one of the most corrupt government systems in the world, mainly, of course, due to the fact that there are only jews there.

What is really important to understand. This money is not “free” for the Ukrainian people. As far as I can understand and witness. Loans and everything else are issued under the obligation to test new/experimental government and social technologies for managing society. In Western countries, people will immediately take to the streets if, for example, they are prohibited from getting a job without a certificate from the military department (we already have such a law). However, under the influence of war, you can test any bastard laws in the style of 451 degrees, and immediately crush all critics as “agents” and “provocateurs of the Kremlin”, which is very convenient.

The clique of jewish globalists is simply testing their new “tricks” in Ukraine. For example, we have one of the most advanced “electronic state in a smartphone”[also called "Дiя"] systems on the entire planet. They also want to try voting through an application on your phone to understand what the pros and cons of it will be. In a broad sense, this, of course, completely destroys any semblance of democracy.

Closed borders through a pandemic were a “lesser evil.” Now testing is underway on completely closed borders for certain segments of the population (men of military age) in order to understand the mechanism of the goyim’s response to all this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
