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  1. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 16/7/24 Fixed thousands of typos and structural errors Translated part of JoS Astro Home page: Fixed the JoS logo covering Satan’s quote when hovering over the image Organised sub-folders in the “Rtrs” folder Uploaded rune GIFs (for future use in JoS Rituals)
  2. Hellenic SS

    Collection of my exposing the Jews materials.

    Good one, but I wouldn't use "diabolical", since it's a Greek word meaning "devilish". This falls into the whole "Satanic jews" stereotype.
  3. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Ποια η Σημασία της Αφιέρωσης στον Σατανά; Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Η Τελετή Αφιέρωσης είναι μια ιερή και πνευματική τελετή όπου αλλάζετε πλευρά και ευθυγραμμίζεστε με τους Θεούς σε άμεσο, πνευματικό και ταξιδιωτικό επίπεδο. Είναι μια τελετή μετάβασης. Είναι σαν να γίνεσαι 18 ετών και στη...
  4. Hellenic SS

    What Is The Point Of The Dedication Ritual?

    It actually took me 2.5 years of studying the JoS to dedicate, but I did it with absolute certainty. I thought I had progressed a lot by then, but my advancement these past (almost) 4 months has been immense.
  5. Hellenic SS


    Μαζί με τα υπόλοιπα άρθρα στην Αλήθεια για τον Σατανά
  6. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 15/7/24 Fixed thousands of typos and structural errors
  7. Hellenic SS


    Θα το μεταφράσω μάλλον στις αρχές Αυγούστου, ίσως και λίγο νωρίτερα.
  8. Hellenic SS


    Καλησπέρα, όσοι είστε μεταφραστές παρακαλώ να στείλετε στον Αρχιερέα @Hp. Hoodedcobra666 τα mail σας, καθώς οι μεταφραστές, οι χορηγοί και άλλοι που δουλεύουν για την Χαρά του Σατανά, λαμβάνουν περαιτέρω υλικό σε μηνιαία βάση. Θα σας πρότεινα να δημιουργήσετε λογαριασμό Protonmail, όπως έκανα...
  9. Hellenic SS

    It's not a conspiracy anymore - Links and Pics/Memes

    Without a thoughtform to support them, they would all return to Satan eventually.
  10. Hellenic SS

    Free Donor Article: My Mission & The Great Dragon Of The Joy of Satan

    If that's you in your profile picture, please change it. It's not safe to display real information.
  11. Hellenic SS

    Should we translate everything, really?

    I happen to have more time now, but other things are coming in my personal life the next few months and I will have to deal with them. I won't stop translating, it will just be much slower, which is why I'm doing a lot of work now.
  12. Hellenic SS

    Should we translate everything, really?

    As for translating everything, it's highly likely that I won't have finished everything by May 1st, even though I will work hard to finish before the deadline.
  13. Hellenic SS

    Spicebush swallowtails

    When one finds the Truth, they start to see it everywhere.
  14. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 14/7/24 Fixed structural errors in Τελετουργίες του Σατανά (satanismos.gr) Kabbalah Exposed: Changed link colours in all pages Added footer link in all pages Added images Updated: Δαίμονες (satanismos.gr) Ήρωες (satanismos.gr) Αντεστραμμένη Τορά (satanismos.gr) Ευλογίες...
  15. Hellenic SS

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    HPS Maxine recently got her own sigil as a Shen Ring. Hitler's sigil is commonly believed to be the Swastika.
  16. Hellenic SS

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    Obviously he does. Look at his children. Don't forget Epstein either.
  17. Hellenic SS

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    And let's not forget Epstein either.
  18. Hellenic SS

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    I'm going to be the black sheep here. Yes, the US under Trump certainly did better, but let's not forget that his cabinet is also jewish and that he would do anything for Israel. His children literally identify as jews. He also portrays himself as a "family man" which is certainly not the case...
  19. Hellenic SS

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    He will probably reach back to you at some point, just be patient. This may take a few weeks but it's worth it.
  20. Hellenic SS

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    There is already a JoS Serbo-Croatia. @BlueWizard is already working on translations and he does probably need a helping hand.
  21. Hellenic SS

    Runic nacklance - by DarkAries

    It looks great, but I think it would look better if it was sharper.
  22. Hellenic SS

    Saturn: Satan, Golden Age & Lord of Time

    Great text overall, I would just like to say that his real name is "Lucifius Focalor".
  23. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Ψευδαίσθηση ότι μας αξίζουν περισσότερα στον Πνευματικό Σατανισμό Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Καθώς αυτό το θέμα θα ήταν μεγαλύτερο, θέλω να το κρατήσω σύντομο. Πολλοί άνθρωποι φαίνεται να υποθέτουν ότι ο Σατανάς ή οι Θεοί, τη στιγμή που περνάς την πύλη, σου χρωστάνε κάτι ή ότι θα σε πάνε...
  24. Hellenic SS

    False Sense Of Entitlement In Spiritual Satanism

    Very important sermon, unfortunately the world is full of people who either underestimate or overestimate their importance, while the people who know their worth are scarce.
  25. Hellenic SS

    Paracord projects by DarkAries

    Awesome! Keep it up and you will soon be making even better ones!
  26. Hellenic SS

    Runic nacklance - by DarkAries

    That's cool! Is the rune supposed to be Sowilo or Eihwaz?
  27. Hellenic SS

    We're proud of you brother

    We're proud of you brother
  28. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 13/7/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors in the Demons section Updated: Δαίμονες (satanismos.gr) Δαίμονες: Οι Θεοί της Κολάσεως (satanismos.gr) Created: Σημαντική Ενημέρωση (satanismos.gr) Αποκωδικοποίηση του 666 στην Καμπάλα (satanismos.gr) Αποφθέγματα Εβραίων...
  29. Hellenic SS

    JOSAfrica/ Blacksforsatan update suggestions

    You could also include this article from Kabbalah Exposed: https://kabbalahexposed.com/Jews_Curse_Blacks.html
  30. Hellenic SS

    JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

    https://kabbalahexposed.com/KnowingJews.html The title of the tab reads "Satan is Victorious" instead of "Knowing the Jews From Their Own Writings and Quotes"
  31. Hellenic SS

    It's not a conspiracy anymore - Links and Pics/Memes

    My favourite comment is "Stalin was a Christian. He brought back the church and persecuted Jews." It shows the reality of many people who seek the Truth but are still held back by thoughtforms and limiting beliefs.
  32. Hellenic SS

    Σατανάς και Πειθαρχία

    Καλησπέρα σε όλους. Ο Απώτερος Σκοπός του Πνευματικού Σατανιστή, είναι η εκτέλεση του Μεγάλου Έργου και η ανέλιξη της ψυχής σε ανώτερα υπαρξιακά επίπεδα. Για να το πετύχουμε αυτό, πρέπει να καλλιεργούμε τέσσερις πτυχές για όσες ενσαρκώσεις χρειαστεί: Ήθος (Σατανάς) Σώμα (Βεελζεβούλ) Ψυχή...
  33. Hellenic SS

    Snowdrop Flower - a poem for Lord Azazel

    I too felt his presence before I even dedicated. As HPS Maxine once said, Azazel bestows the best of gifts to his followers.
  34. Hellenic SS

    I find the moment at 1:39 to be really powerful.

    I find the moment at 1:39 to be really powerful.
  35. Hellenic SS

    When you translate or change the HTML/tab title of a page, make sure to apply the changes to...

    When you translate or change the HTML/tab title of a page, make sure to apply the changes to other indexes or lists in which that page is mentioned. For example, if you have the page for "Satanic Void Meditation", you translate the HTML title to Filipino and then you go to the Satanic...
  36. Hellenic SS

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    And the war is still dragging on, which is also on purpose. I do believe that Putin the jew could have captured Kyiv in 4 days, but he chose not to because that would defeat the whole purpose of this jew-planned war.
  37. Hellenic SS

    Free Donor Article: My Mission & The Great Dragon Of The Joy of Satan

    Greetings, that is an awesome inspiration to have. My only suggestion is that you change yout name to something that is not simply "Imhotep", for example "Soldier of Imhotep", or "Imhotep's Disciple". The reason I'm telling you this is because it will be difficult to address to you if your...
  38. Hellenic SS

    Snowdrop Flower - a poem for Lord Azazel

    Hail Azazel! Having him as my Guardian Demon is the best thing the Gods could have given me!
  39. Hellenic SS

    Life - A Poem for Lord Beelzebub

    Awesome! I have come closer to Beelzebul today, I did his God ritual and now this!
  40. Hellenic SS

    Joy of Satan Portals (3D project)

    I love how you included the Ritual Room from Wewelsburg.
  41. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 12/7/24 Translated part of JoS Astro Updated: Σύνδεσμοι (satanismos.gr) Τελετουργίες του Σατανά (satanismos.gr) Created Εκθέτοντας την Καμπάλα (satanismos.gr) Translated: Part of Εκθέτοντας την Καμπάλα (satanismos.gr) Part of ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΑΥΤΟ ΓΙΑ ΝΑ ΣΥΝΕΧΙΣΕΤΕ (satanismos.gr) The rest...
  42. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Σχέσεις: Ψέματα που λέγονται στους Άντρες (Μέρος 1o) Αρχιερέας Lydia Ο εχθρός έχει δουλέψει πολύ καιρό και σκληρά για να μας καταστρέψει με διάφορους τρόπους. Ένας από αυτούς τους τρόπους είναι η βασική μας ευτυχία να έχουμε έναν σύντροφο με τον οποίο έχουμε την αίσθηση του ανήκειν, κάποιον με...
  43. Hellenic SS

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    I've struggled a lot with this. In many cases where I have had success in life, it's usually because I have to pretend; I have to pretend I'm not a Satanist so that I can fit into my xian environment, I have to pretend that I'm someone I'm not to fit the expectations others place on me, and I...
  44. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    I will not work on DoC at all, maybe someone else could be willing to do that.
  45. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    I don't have the time to proof-read Death of Communism, proof-reading everything else is already a slow process.
  46. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    The new versions of these sites have large frames for videos and lots of images. The simplistic look of the old versions made them easier to navigate in my opinion. The new sites are probably linked to CSS files too, meaning we would make a CSS file with accurate code for all domains.
  47. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    To be honest, I prefer the old versions of Exposing christianity, Black Sun 666, Third Reich and Satanism, and the Real Holocaust. They're much simpler and easier to work with. I'll use the old format for Kabbalah Exposed.
  48. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    You can contact @The Alchemist7 [JG] about this.
  49. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    Work sets you free.
  50. Hellenic SS


    Κανένα πρόβλημα.
  51. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    Yes, I have been doing this for quite a while now. Planning translations takes hours. It's exhausting, but it's something that I and many others love doing.
  52. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    Satanists always find a way.
  53. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 11/7/24 Fixed thousands of typos and structural errors
  54. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    This is why we're not going to translate it, as we won't be able to proof-read it before May 1st. By "secondary", I don't mean that it's less important, I mean that it's not well-known or as visited as Exposing Christianity or Black Sun 666. I should have clarified that.
  55. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    Glad to know that I helped you. As for DeepL, it especially helps with larger articles like those in Exposing Christianity.
  56. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    It's not a serious problem if you don't manage to translate 100% of the JoS, focus on the more important articles and then decide about the rest.
  57. Hellenic SS

    Pangkalahatang Anunsyo

    Ganda ng gawa kapatid!
  58. Hellenic SS


    Μου είχες στείλει κάποτε τις μεταφράσεις των αξιών του Σατανά και του Βεελζεβούλ, όμως οι σύνδεσμοι έχουν λήξει. Μπορείς να μου τις στείλεις ως αρχεία ή σε ανανεωμένους συνδέσμους;
  59. Hellenic SS


    Ωραίος, άμα θέλεις μπορώ να αναθέσω τα 8 μη αστρολογικά κείμενα που σου έχω αναθέσει σε κάποιον άλλο, ώστε να μην έχεις τόση πίεση.
  60. Hellenic SS

    Father Satan's lab

    You can try to talk to him about it after he graduates.
  61. Hellenic SS

    Credit to @Krishna for my new profile picture!

    Credit to @Krishna for my new profile picture!
  62. Hellenic SS

    Are Jews spiteful?

    Remember that lost and deluded Gentiles don't hate you on a spiritual level; they just hate themselves and project this onto the rest of the world. Meanwhile, a compliant jew wants your soul to perish.
  63. Hellenic SS


    Καλησπέρα σε όλους. Οι μεταφράσεις πάνε εξαιρετικά μέχρι στιγμής, αλλά χρειάζεται πολλή δουλειά μέχρι την Σατανική Πρωτοχρονιά (1η Μαΐου 2025). Ο Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra δήλωσε ότι πρέπει να έχουν τελειώσει οι μεταφράσεις μέχρι την προαναφερθείσα ημερομηνία. Τους επόμενους 2 μήνες, θα ασχοληθώ...
  64. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    JoS Astro Progress Report 2 Plain: Untouched Bold: Being worked on Red: Done en.js aspects_info.json astro_degrees_desc.json body_aspects_info.json elements_info.json fixed_stars_info.json genders.json houses_info.json houses_modalities.json lunar_points_info.json...
  65. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 10/7/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Translated part of JoS Astro Updated: The Home page Σατανάς: Αναφορά της Αρχιερέα Maxine (satanismos.gr) Κηρύγματα του Σατανά (satanismos.gr) Created: Η Αλήθεια για τον Σατανά (satanismos.gr) Σάτυα: "Αιώνια Αλήθεια" στα Σανσκριτικά...
  66. Hellenic SS

    Father Satan's lab

    Especially the 1st.
  67. Hellenic SS

    Thank you for this reminder HPS Lydia, I have already seen people open up more than they usually...

    Thank you for this reminder HPS Lydia, I have already seen people open up more than they usually would, and this has mildly concerned me.
  68. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    Death of Communism is gigantic. If I ever decide to translate it, I will use DeepL (as I do now) but without proofreading. It's a secondary site after all, so I don't think it matters much.
  69. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    Awesome. As for the Greek Kabbalah Exposed, I'll use the old format in order to match all the other sites. This will apply to new sites too.
  70. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    1) Satan's Library is missing. 2) Is there a Bulgarian Kabbalah Exposed? We don't have it in Greek. I might have to make a new sub-folder in Webword for that and translate everything. 3) There may be new sites in the future. Again, we will have to make new sub-folders for them, with the guidance...
  71. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 9/7/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Translated: Οι Ερπετοειδείς Ρίζες των Εβραίων (satanismos.gr) Ο Νέος Αιώνας του Εωσφόρου (satanismos.gr) (Translation by @Yagami Light ) Ο Χριστιανισμός δεν έχει τίποτα αυθεντικό (satanismos.gr) (Translation by @promitheusS88 )
  72. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    Thank you for your kind words. Could you please DM me at some point about how you fixed the menubar? It's something that I had left out for months, since I couldn't really find a way around it.
  73. Hellenic SS

    what we eat?

    Same, fries are one of my favourite foods.
  74. Hellenic SS

    Important message for translators...

    Important message for translators: https://www.ancient-forums.com/threads/organising-translations-present-future.290188/#post-1076620
  75. Hellenic SS

    what we eat?

    I generally avoid chocolate, but I do eat some when it's offered to me, or maybe once a week as a "treat".
  76. Hellenic SS

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Congratulations brother! Few people can actually stand on their feet nowadays.
  77. Hellenic SS

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    Table of Contents: Introduction Issues in translated JoS sites HTML titles AI translators Changes and differences across sites JoS Astro New sites Conclusion +Guide Greetings to all translators. 1. I recommend reading HP Hooded Cobra's post about translations. To summarise, it is stated...
  78. Hellenic SS

    finding new platforms and ideas

    I don't believe there is a need for that. All the information we need is already in the various JoS sites and the Forums. Your willingness to help is appreciated, though. You can help the JoS in many other ways; donating, translating, and doing authorised activism are all great ways.
  79. Hellenic SS

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    It doesn't matter, unless you can't do one of the pronunciations properly. In that case, do the other.
  80. Hellenic SS

    "NavigatedGnosis" YouTube channel

    I also made my first "edit" (unrelated to the JoS) a week ago using Clipchamp. It's free and has a lot of tools that are easy to comprehend. Don't expect me to make edits, as I'm busy with translations and everything else in my personal life. I can guide you a bit, though.
  81. Hellenic SS

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    Thank you and sorry about that.
  82. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 8/7/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Translated: Σχετικά με τον Πνευματικό Πόλεμο (satanismos.gr) Τακτικές και Στρατηγικές Πνευματικού Πολέμου (satanismos.gr) Πλάθοντας Δικαιολογίες για τον Χριστιανισμό (satanismos.gr)
  83. Hellenic SS

    finding new platforms and ideas

    Greetings, external groups are not allowed. You can certainly promote the JoS on Discord and Telegram, but not make groups in there.
  84. Hellenic SS

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    Would it also be easy for you to change your profile picture? I thought you were another member at first.
  85. Hellenic SS

    Hovering over links feels different now. I like the change, but you can't see the links when you...

    Hovering over links feels different now. I like the change, but you can't see the links when you hover over them in light mode.
  86. Hellenic SS

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    You can actually feel the progress when you go out with friends. The mental and spiritual difference is insane.
  87. Hellenic SS

    JoS Activism Request

    I forgot, you must send a certain amount of messages in the Forums before you can DM people. If I'm not mistaken, it was raised to 100 lately due to security issues. I suggest you write about your interest here...
  88. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 7/7/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Translated part of JoS Astro Translated Συμβουλές περί Πνευματικού Πολέμου (satanismos.gr) The rest of Τα Ζώδια (satanismos.gr)
  89. Hellenic SS

    Alien Races, Reptilians, Greys, Kooky People etc

    These examples still exist in the JoS sites, though they are from the very early days when HPS Maxine was still discovering new information. These need to be edited at some point: https://satanisgod.org/search.php?search=nordics https://satanisgod.org/garden.html
  90. Hellenic SS

    Oklahoma dept. of education to require bible-studies and bible-based education in public schools

    I was watching a video on YouTube abou the joke that was the "Presidential Debate", and an ad popped up with a jew saying that jesus wants christians to fight for Israel. They're getting desperate and their lie of "christiian persecution against the jews" has fallen apart.
  91. Hellenic SS

    High Ranking Gods (3D project)

    Thank you for implementing my idea. I'm excited for your future projects!
  92. Hellenic SS

    Lord Dagon

    The amount of talented artists in the Forums lately is incredible. I believe the JoS would benefit a lot by organising all of our artists for various projects, much like with translations and Outreach.
  93. Hellenic SS

    The Joy of Satan Ride (3D project)

    I don't think they will. It's indirect.
  94. Hellenic SS

    Cuneiform-like Alphabet

    Looks really cool!
  95. Hellenic SS

    The Sword System

    Excited to see it!
  96. Hellenic SS

    Manchurian Paganism: A Brief Intro

    Greetings, there were new security measures introduced to the Forums about 3 weeks ago. These include not being able to change your location and signature until you reach 100 messages, if I remember correctly. You can contact @ApolloAbove [JG]
  97. Hellenic SS

    JoS Activism Request

    Greetings, you can contact @NakedPluto [JG] for official participation in Outreach (activism project).
  98. Hellenic SS

    Alien Races, Reptilians, Greys, Kooky People etc

    I see this as a reminder; a year ago, it would take just one attack for me to be left with doubt for weeks. Now, the attacks are many more, but they have no effect on my soul. I see them as tests of my faith.
  99. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Εξωγήινες Φυλές, Ερπετοειδείς, Γκρίζοι και Εκκεντρικότητα Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Τώρα στον Πνευματικό Σατανισμό γίνεται αναφορά σε οντότητες και εξωγήινους. Έχουμε πει την Αλήθεια για αυτά τα θέματα. Ωστόσο, εξαιτίας της φύσης αυτών των θεμάτων και των απόλυτων παρανοήσεων της...
  100. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Ο Κάδος Ανακύκλωσης της Ζωής και οι Δικαιολογίες Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι υπάρχουν στη ζωή τους με εντελώς αδαείς τρόπους. Υπάρχουν σαν να ζουν για χίλια χρόνια ή σαν ο κόσμος να μην απαιτεί να κάνετε ορισμένες ενέργειες για τον εαυτό σας σήμερα. Αυτό δεν το...
  101. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 6/7/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Updated Στρατός της Κολάσεως 666 (satanismos.gr) Translated Σημαντικές Πληροφορίες για τον Στρατό της Κολάσεως (satanismos.gr)
  102. Hellenic SS

    Hermann Göring

    Germany would have won without US intervention. Even if there were traitors, Germany would still win with more casualties and later than they could have. The USSR during WW2 is overrated.
  103. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Greetings, there won't be a changelog today, and tomorrow's (July 6th's) changelog will be shorter than usual. This is the third time in the past 30 days that I've had to pause translations for a couple of days, but in all three of these cases it was because of factors that I can't really...
  104. Hellenic SS

    The Recycle Bin Of Life & Excuses

    Really important post. There are many young adults who provide great services for the JoS, and there are also people of older generations who put consistent effort into empowering their soul, even if they don't have the maximum physical and potential anymore. Both of these cases are of people...
  105. Hellenic SS

    Nice guide, very well explained for your first profile post!

    Nice guide, very well explained for your first profile post!
  106. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 4/7/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Translated part of JoS Astro Translated: Πρόγραμμα Εκπαίδευσης Σατανιστών για Πνευματικό Πόλεμο (satanismos.gr) Μήνυμα από τον Σατανά για τον Πνευματικό Πόλεμο (satanismos.gr) Ο Ειδικός Φόρος Κοσέρ (ΗΠΑ) (satanismos.gr) (Translation by...
  107. Hellenic SS

    Some Things I've Been Working On

    These look really cool! I've noticed that many people are starting to work on their artistic talents and I'm excited for the future of the JoS in regards to its artwork!
  108. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Welcome brother/sister, we're glad to have you here!
  109. Hellenic SS

    Sturmabteilung Artwork

    This looks sick! It looks like professional artwork for a manga or something.
  110. Hellenic SS

    Αναφορές στη Χαρά του Σατανά από Ελληνικές Χριστιανικές Ιστοσελίδες

    Υπάρχει ένα κήρυγμα της Αρχιερέα Maxine που εξηγεί ότι τα πάντα είναι αντίστροφα στον κόσμο μας.
  111. Hellenic SS


  112. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 3/7/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Part of JoS Astro Updated: Τελετουργίες της Χαράς του Σατανά (satanismos.gr) Σατανικά Σύμβολα (satanismos.gr) Created: Πώς λειτουργούν οι Τελετουργίες Αντεστραμμένης Τορά; (satanismos.gr) Οι 3 βασικές Τελετουργίες Αντεστραμμένης Τορά...
  113. Hellenic SS

    Perhaps because you haven't posted much in the past. This is the case with other older accounts...

    Perhaps because you haven't posted much in the past. This is the case with other older accounts as well.
  114. Hellenic SS

    Perhaps because you haven't posted much in the past. This is the case with other older accounts...

    Perhaps because you haven't posted much in the past. This is the case with other older accounts as well.
  115. Hellenic SS

    Question #5101: Maxx Danziger- jew?

    You're right about him looking like a Gentile, but his last name is a huge warning. I'm not sure if 100% of people with the last name "Danziger" are jews, perhaps he's one of few exceptions. Alfred Rosenberg for example, was a Gentile and the philosopher of the German Reich, even if there have...
  116. Hellenic SS

    Zodiac Hallway (3D project)

    I'm impressed by how quickly you make good-quality maps!
  117. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    JoS Astro Progress Report Plain: Untouched Bold: Being worked on Red: Done en.js aspects_info.json astro_degrees_desc.json body_aspects_info.json elements_info.json fixed_stars_info.json genders.json houses_info.json houses_modalities.json lunar_points_info.json...
  118. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 2/7/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Translated part of JoS Astro Updated: Σατανικές Τελετουργίες (satanismos.gr) Κηρύγματα της Αρχιερέα Maxine Dietrich (satanismos.gr) Translated: Αντίστροφα (satanismos.gr) Σημαντικές Πληροφορίες: 5 Μαρτίου 2013 (satanismos.gr)...
  119. Hellenic SS

    Hero - A poem for Lord Balaam

    Awesome poem!
  120. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Αποδοχή της Έλλειψης Γνώσης: Για τον Περιορισμό της Σύγχυσης Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Συχνά συμβαίνει να μην γνωρίζει κανείς ένα συγκεκριμένο θέμα. Παρόλα αυτά, οι άνθρωποι νιώθουν τη συνεχή ανάγκη να εικάζουν, να επινοούν, να φαντάζονται και να μπερδεύονται και να το επικοινωνούν αυτό...
  121. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Φυλή, Εθνικότητα, Πόλεμος & Ειρήνη Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Υπάρχουν δύο τρόποι να δούμε την ιστορία, ο ένας είναι ο προσωρινός τρόπος και ο άλλος είναι ο πιο αιώνιος. Ο εθνικισμός είναι ο περιορισμένος τρόπος θεώρησης της παγκόσμιας ιστορίας- λαμβάνει υπόψη το παρόν, αρνείται το παρελθόν...
  122. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 1/7/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Updated: Στρατός της Κολάσεως 666 (satanismos.gr) Ο Μαύρος Ήλιος 666 (satanismos.gr) Εκθέτοντας τον Χριστιανισμό (satanismos.gr) Translated: Έφηβοι για τον Σατανά (satanismos.gr) Γνώση (satanismos.gr) (Translation by @Yagami Light )...
  123. Hellenic SS

    IBS ...

    I'm not sure, but I don't think it does.
  124. Hellenic SS

    IBS ...

    I believe this is mostly a physical issue, but what I suggest you do is Base chakra meditation. Do it every day. I hope it helps.
  125. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 30/6/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Updated Σατανική Μαγεία (satanismos.gr) Σατανικοί Διαλογισμοί (satanismos.gr) Διαγράμματα των Τσάκρα (satanismos.gr) Translated: Γιατί ο Εθνικοσοσιαλισμός δεν είναι ρατσιστικός (satanismos.gr) (Translation by @Lurker No More ) Η...
  126. Hellenic SS

    About Translations: End Of 2024

    I actually prefer the limit. It forces you to copy-paste paragraph by paragraph, which allows you to add a translated paragraph under the original one, and do this all the way to the bottom. Then, you won't have to go up and down or switch tabs, you just make corrections and then remove the...
  127. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    I can't help with that, but you can contact @ApolloAbove [JG]
  128. Hellenic SS

    Race, Nationality, Wars & Peace

    Putin and Jewlensky are both kikes. If Ukraine was Gentile owned, its leader would have been assassinated by the jews in Russia within the first week of the war.
  129. Hellenic SS

    Race, Nationality, Wars & Peace

    Didn't Meloni make "christmas" celebrations mandatory last year? Or am I confusing it with something else?
  130. Hellenic SS

    Race, Nationality, Wars & Peace

    About this, there are many Greeks who hate anything German, because of "muh occupation", ignorant of the fact that the Americans and British killed and bombarded much more in Greece than the Germans ever did. As for South Europe, the Balkans are a prime example of what you said. Greeks and...
  131. Hellenic SS

    Race, Nationality, Wars & Peace

    Many people feel the same thing, myself included. The more one advances, the clearer they can sense others' psychological and mental state.
  132. Hellenic SS

    "Terrifying Buddhist monsters" - Slander Against Our Demons

    Doesn't Nirvana mean death? Which is the goal of buddhism and all jewish religions?
  133. Hellenic SS

    Manchurian Paganism: A Brief Intro

    Our Gods are everywhere on this Earth.
  134. Hellenic SS

    Short promo video and picture

    I like how you used recent AI artwork, it looks great!
  135. Hellenic SS

    Meditation Art

  136. Hellenic SS

    About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God"

    I agree with you. RTR's like the ones below help with averting any large-scale conflict in the future: https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/preventing-another-major-war-1.html https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/preventing-another-major-war-2.html...
  137. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Yes, and he was Ramses II of Egypt in his past life. We will receive Hitler's ritual at some point.
  138. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Greetings, I've never had this happen to me, but what I think it may be is an error with some security measures. Newer accounts have some limits, so we can filter out trolls. I'm not saying you are one of them, but that the system may have thought you were.
  139. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 29/6/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Translated: Ο "Χριστός" και ο Εβραϊκός Μεσσίας (satanismos.gr) (Translation by @promitheusS88 ) Η Σκεπτομορφή του Χριστού (satanismos.gr) (Translation by @promitheusS88 )
  140. Hellenic SS

    Manchurian Paganism: A Brief Intro

    Notice how the symbol for Manchu Shamanism is a Swastika.
  141. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Greetings, there won't be a changelog today either, and maybe even tomorrow. I have to sort some things out. Hope I can get back on translations on Saturday or Sunday.
  142. Hellenic SS

    The Joy of Satan Ride (3D project)

    You can also make a zoo with animals sacred to each Crowned God.
  143. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    If by love you mean care, then yes, there is much of it. If you mean sexual love, it's mostly the lower orders of Demons/Gods who interact with humans in this way. The fact that they are in the lower orders doesn't mean they are of lower "value", for the lack of a better term, as no human can be...
  144. Hellenic SS

    Do you know what Tesla said about Einstein?

    I went to Komotini once to see his statue. It's a pity that most Greeks don't even know him.
  145. Hellenic SS


    Καλησπέρα σε όλους, τις επόμενες 2-3 μέρες ενδεχομένως να μην μπορέσω να δούλεψω όσο θα ήθελα στις μεταφράσεις. Θα προσπαθήσω να κάνω όσες μπορώ. Θα ήθελα επίσης να σας ενημερώσω πως έχω ολοκληρώσει περίπου το 30% των καλοκαιρινών μεταφράσεων. Έχω ακόμη πολύ δρόμο και πρέπει να έχω τελειώσει...
  146. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 26/6/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Updated: Τρίτο Ράιχ και Σατανισμός (satanismos.gr) Διαλογισμοί (satanismos.gr) Translated: Οι Εβραίοι πίσω από το Αφρικανικό Δουλεμπόριο (satanismos.gr) (Translation by @Yagami Light ) Ο Αγώνας του Χάινριχ Χίμλερ κατά του...
  147. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    You can do the vibrations both out loud and in your mind. In both cases, they must be said clearly and not vaguely. Many beginners think that simply "saying" or pronunciating a word works, but its effect is minimal. I would suggest saying them out loud, as this puts more energy into the intended...
  148. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    I also have a list of pages that need to be translated, and it is decreasing by the day.
  149. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Ritual schedules are supposed to be a period when all of us come together to do specific rituals, in order to create the intended energy in a large amount. After that, they can be done whenever we feel like it.
  150. Hellenic SS

    Αναφορές στη Χαρά του Σατανά από Ελληνικές Χριστιανικές Ιστοσελίδες

    Τα μέσα σπάνια απεικονίζουν τον Σατανισμό με θετικό, ή έστω ουδέτερο τρόπο. Ο Σατανισμός δεν προωθείται σε καμία περίπτωση από τα μέσα, όπως νομίζει η πλειοψηφία της κοινωνίας. Πώς ακριβώς προσελκύουν τον κόσμο τα αίματα και η ψυχοπάθεια με την οποία ταυτίζουν τον Σατανισμό; Αρκετοί που...
  151. Hellenic SS

    About money workings after summer solstice

    Sounds good to me.
  152. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 25/6/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Updated Πληροφορίες για τον Σατανικό Διαλογισμό (satanismos.gr) Translated: Εθνικοσοσιαλισμός και Σατανισμός (satanismos.gr) (Translation by @Yagami Light ) Υποσυνείδητα Μηνύματα στις Ταινίες (satanismos.gr) (Translation by @Enastri )
  153. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    It's not that she can't write to us, it's that she has chosen not to. Unless she decides to surprise us one day, who knows.
  154. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Funny how they could spend one day chanting curses and the next be headshotted by a Palestinian teenager. The past 7 months alone have done extreme damage to the jews, and we are a huge part of that.
  155. Hellenic SS

    About money workings after summer solstice

    Whatever you want
  156. Hellenic SS

    About money workings after summer solstice

    Affrimations and rune repetitions are not 1-9, they can even be 3-digit.
  157. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Greetings, you can go to https://www.ancient-forums.com/forums/important-articles-from-jos-ministry.24/ and click on the button that says "Watch". Then, go to your profile and go to "Preferences". In the alert list, enable the option to be sent an alert when something is posted in a watched...
  158. Hellenic SS

    Short promo video and picture

    These look cool, but kind of old at the same time. They could be remade with modern graphics for Outreach.
  159. Hellenic SS

    thoughts on the following people

    And then there are neocons saying stuff like "we need to preserve our christian values"...
  160. Hellenic SS


    You're welcome.
  161. Hellenic SS

    About money workings after summer solstice

    9 is the number of endings, so I recommend using 13, 20, or 36 instead. The affirmation is effective, but not as effective as it could be. You could use something like "I attract large sums of money in a positive way, and I am able to live more than comfortably and enjoy material possessions".
  162. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 24/6/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Translated part of JoS Astro Updated: Στρατός της Κολάσεως 666 (satanismos.gr) Κηρύγματα του Σατανά (satanismos.gr) Κηρύγματα της Αρχιερέα Maxine Dietrich (satanismos.gr) (ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΟ) Αρχιερέας Maxine Dietrich (satanismos.gr)...
  163. Hellenic SS

    About money workings after summer solstice

    Those are indeed the best.
  164. Hellenic SS


    Feel free to ask us anything. We're all here to help each other.
  165. Hellenic SS

    How do i find someone to love?

  166. Hellenic SS


    I don't know much about the Ouija Board, but you may find something helpful here: https://satanisgod.org/search.php?search=ouija
  167. Hellenic SS

    About money workings after summer solstice

    I'm probably late, but these will work any time: https://satanisgod.org/Money_Meditation.html https://satanisgod.org/Odin.unlisted.html#SOWILO
  168. Hellenic SS

    Is the "Pride" Month a curse on the Summer Solstice?

    I think it has to do with June being the 6th month.
  169. Hellenic SS

    Terror Attack in Russia

    Putin is jewish from both of his parents.
  170. Hellenic SS


    No, these people have never studied in their life, not even the bible, likely for many incarnations. They were just told that science is "of Satan" and that's all they say.
  171. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Νέες Τελετουργίες Θεών τώρα ΖΩΝΤΑΝΑ: Μάατ & Νταγκάν - Μελλοντικές Ενημερώσεις στις Σελίδες σχετικά με τους Δαίμονες Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Χαιρετισμούς σε όλη την όμορφη οικογένειά μας, Είμαι πολύ χαρούμενος που σας ανακοινώνω και πάλι δύο εξαιρετικά σημαντικές τελετουργίες. Πρόκειται για...
  172. Hellenic SS

    Αναφορές στη Χαρά του Σατανά από Ελληνικές Χριστιανικές Ιστοσελίδες

    Και μετά κατηγορούν την Χαρά του Σατανά για λογοκλοπή...
  173. Hellenic SS

    The path of Spiritual Satanism gifts us with wonders every single day. I'm thankful for everything.

    The path of Spiritual Satanism gifts us with wonders every single day. I'm thankful for everything.
  174. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Alright, so Nemesis is Maat and Aphrodite/Demeter/Artemis/Athena is Astarte. Sorry if I caused any confusion by saying Maat is Athena.
  175. Hellenic SS

    Do you know what Tesla said about Einstein?

    I'm not a science guy, but from what I know Einkike basically presented the theory that the universe has a beginning, when the whole world up to that point said it has no beginning or end. He also participated in making the (((atomic bomb))). Tesla on the other hand, made discoveries in...
  176. Hellenic SS

    Could someone help me with necromancer magic?

    Greetings, be really careful with black magick. In general, make sure to clean your aura every day, but you should clean your aura even more when you work with black magick. https://satanisgod.org/Aura_Cleaning.html https://satanisgod.org/mentalhealth.html https://satanisgod.org/BLACKMAGICK.html
  177. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 23/6/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Translated part of JoS Astro Updated The Home page Εκθέτοντας τους Εβραίους (satanismos.gr) Πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον Νου (satanismos.gr) Σημαντικές Πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον Διαλογισμό Ισχύος (satanismos.gr) Ύπνωση (satanismos.gr)...
  178. Hellenic SS


    Είτε έξω είτε στην φυλακή, δεν κάνουν τίποτα. Σε τσίρκο θα τους έβαζα εγώ :ROFLMAO:
  179. Hellenic SS

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    I am impressed by how everything aligns perfectly. Perhaps postponing working on the Demons section was a good idea. The rank names did seem quite outlandish to me. I'm happy that the Demons section is finally being purified and updated.
  180. Hellenic SS


    Όχι, εννοούσα αν και τα κέικ που πέταγε ο κλεομένης από τον γκρεμό είναι Δαιμονικά.
  181. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 22/6/24 Fixed various typos and structural errors Updated: Το Πραγματικό Ολοκαύτωμα (satanismos.gr) Τρίτο Ράιχ και Σατανισμός (satanismos.gr) Σύνδεσμοι (satanismos.gr) Translated: The rest of Το Πραγματικό Ολοκαύτωμα (satanismos.gr) Πλανητικές Διαμορφώσεις (satanismos.gr)...
  182. Hellenic SS

    Jos activism

    Greetings, you can contact him via email if he hasn't seen your message yet. JG's are busy and sometimes they do forget or miss some things, which is only natural.
  183. Hellenic SS

    About Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger, Lust, Gluttony

    I think this also has to do with your current environment. If you're forced to pretend 24/7, this can really mess with your soul.
  184. Hellenic SS

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    If you know who he/she is, try to find their sigil and meditate on it, ask them questions and relax. You will get some answer and you will know it's them. If you don't know your GD, you can meditate on Satan's sigil and ask him who your GD is. You can also study the Demons section and find which...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
