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New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

Maat is anagram of Atma, is there a correlation with Atman?
Thank you HP Cobra for your amazing work. One day down the road we know there will be a ritual dedicated to you for your Heroic form. Thank you again.
just so that everyone knows that when you follow Maat's Laws you find her love for they show you the way.

Thank you again HP Cobar and everyone else that helps you to be able to focus on the messages from the gods to better help us all.
I have been getting signs from them from all over the place, different unrelated places and days on top of this place too.
In it's own way it's nice because it tells me that they do care. I'm trying to listen since the last thing I need is the wrath.
Thank you again.

Hail Father Satan.
Can you help me with a problem. I don't get notifications when you post a ritual, or a new sermon, if you know how please help me.
Greetings, you can go to and click on the button that says "Watch". Then, go to your profile and go to "Preferences". In the alert list, enable the option to be sent an alert when something is posted in a watched forum. If it's already enabled, leave it as is.
So beautiful... Maat's ritual calmed me down so much. Dagon's as well.

Funny thing... Yesterday night while I was sleeping, I woke up, and I had the feeling that chunks of "anger" were being removed from my aura. I've always had a lot of residual anger in my soul. I felt extremely calm. I feel like this was the working of Maat.

Today, when I did her ritual, it calmed me down so much as well, even more than yesterday. I really want to do it all day long haha.

This is such a wonderful experience.

I also feel like I need a little more time to understand/get in contact with Dagon. Maybe I'm not focused enough, or maybe I need more time.

Truly, thank you for sharing these rituals.
Israeli supreme court just ruled unanimously that the "ultra-orthodox" are now required to be drafted into war. They were previously protected and not allowed to be drafted.

These are the spiritual support of all jewish curses around the world. These are the ones who spend every moment of every day chanting death curses against humanity, and protective blessings to jews. A regular average jew is nothing compared to the level of curses that are performed by this specific group.

And now they are allowed to be forced to go fight in a war, where they might not survive. And whether or not they survive the war, all of their time and energy will be spent on military training and activities, and they will no longer have time to do their curses.

Do you ever wonder if the Gods are the true owners and rulers of Earth? This is one more example for you.


Israeli supreme court just ruled unanimously that the "ultra-orthodox" are now required to be drafted into war. They were previously protected and not allowed to be drafted.

These are the spiritual support of all jewish curses around the world. These are the ones who spend every moment of every day chanting death curses against humanity, and protective blessings to jews. A regular average jew is nothing compared to the level of curses that are performed by this specific group.

And now they are allowed to be forced to go fight in a war, where they might not survive. And whether or not they survive the war, all of their time and energy will be spent on military training and activities, and they will no longer have time to do their curses.

Do you ever wonder if the Gods are the true owners and rulers of Earth? This is one more example for you.


Lool that's funny. I cannot say that this is "staged" anymore.
And now they are allowed to be forced to go fight in a war, where they might not survive. And whether or not they survive the war, all of their time and energy will be spent on military training and activities, and they will no longer have time to do their curses.
Funny how they could spend one day chanting curses and the next be headshotted by a Palestinian teenager. The past 7 months alone have done extreme damage to the jews, and we are a huge part of that.
Can you explain to me, if Mrs. Maxine, she is still with us, and she is divine, she can no longer write to us on this group. Sorry to ask you, these questions, but I'm confused.
It's not that she can't write to us, it's that she has chosen not to. Unless she decides to surprise us one day, who knows.
Can you explain to me, if Mrs. Maxine, she is still with us, and she is divine, she can no longer write to us on this group. Sorry to ask you, these questions, but I'm confused.
Yes she can. It just doesn't make sense for her to do so. Father Satan also can write to us in this group, but he doesn't. There is nothing wrong with that.
Great news that our common enemy is being punished. We should maintain a longer schedule or include some element of rituals permanently. There is one thing I don't understand about Jews. They know perfectly well that they are losing power and the world is deteriorating. If I were them, I would leave a few countries where they could escape, and America, where there are the most of them, is falling before the eyes of the world. Poverty, drug addiction, crime. Similarly, in Europe "Polin" there are also thousands of them here and what? Every day the country is weakened so much and people still believe them and follow their orders. Apparently the world has to fall even further for change to occur. I believe that Our Gods will guide us in these difficult times.
You can tell me with meditations for the opening of the soul, why he has a deadline to do, like if the term is over, I can't do those meditations anymore, because I didn't understand. And with the rituals the same, I saw that it has a deadline, can you explain to me why it has a deadline.
While doing Lord Dagan's ritual, I feel all the energy permeating the body. and it feels like intense water pressure and it's a little hot but it doesn't burn

While doing Lady Maat's ritual, I again felt an energy penetrating my body, but it was a little more like an air pressure that was dense but did not hurt.

My common feeling in the rituals of both Lady Maat and Lord Dagan was an effect on the back extension of the 6th chakra at the back of my head.

Still, I loved both rituals. I especially liked Lady Maat's ritual. I was praying to Our Allmighty Father Lucifer Satanas for justice on Saturday and came across Lady Maat's ritual on Sunday morning. and I said "I really need to do this all the way." Just in time indeed. I think Joy of Satan puts things in front of me that I need, and I love that.

Thank you, High Priest Hooded Cobra.
Hail Lady Maat!
Hail Lord Dagan!
You can tell me with meditations for the opening of the soul, why he has a deadline to do, like if the term is over, I can't do those meditations anymore, because I didn't understand. And with the rituals the same, I saw that it has a deadline, can you explain to me why it has a deadline.
Ritual schedules are supposed to be a period when all of us come together to do specific rituals, in order to create the intended energy in a large amount. After that, they can be done whenever we feel like it.
just checking is Dagan pronounced Dah-Gahn or Day-Gahn and is the Z in Zagan vibrated kabbalisticaly so like a hissing S or is it vibrated with a vibrated Z.
It's usually very unlikely for words to be vibrated like English in kabbalistic speech as English is very different from ancient languages in pronunciation. I would say it's the furthest, which is one of the main reasons why most people who are born in English-speaking countries struggle with learning foreign languages.

My money is on Dah-Gahn.

I've also never heard of 'Z' being vibrated like S. The 2 instances there are on JoS are ZZZZZZ and TS.
Programele rituale ar trebui să fie o perioadă în care toți ne adunăm pentru a face ritualuri specifice, pentru a crea energia dorită într-o cantitate mare. După aceea, se pot face ori de câte ori avem chef

Ritual schedules are supposed to be a period when all of us come together to do specific rituals, in order to create the intended energy in a large amount. After that, they can be done whenever we feel like it.
Thank you very much for the answer, can you tell me, why we have to vibrate in rituals and meditations, that is, what it helps us with, and the vibrations you can do out loud or I can also do it in my mind.
Thank you very much for the answer, can you tell me, why we have to vibrate in rituals and meditations, that is, what it helps us with, and the vibrations you can do out loud or I can also do it in my mind.
You can do the vibrations both out loud and in your mind. In both cases, they must be said clearly and not vaguely. Many beginners think that simply "saying" or pronunciating a word works, but its effect is minimal. I would suggest saying them out loud, as this puts more energy into the intended goal. It also helps with the enunciation of other mantras.
The love of and for the Gods that one is to undoubtedly experience can get truly intense...and it's absolutely amazing to say the very least. I have felt it while performing the works set forth for us. It got to a point where I began to add my own little something to these workings of Godly praises and blessings.

I always, upon concluding the ritual, visualize intense sun-light on the sigil of the God/Goddess and state; "All corrupted notions, lies and slander have completely and permanently departed from you and your image Lord/Queen/God/Goddess (then the name of the God/Goddess for who the working is dedicated to)". I do this 8 times as 8 is symbolic of infinity.

They actually and literally appreciate this..."to an extent that I do not know/understand", as they themselves put it. I was even told to share this here by Queen Maat Herself.

Let's continue to perform the workings of the Gods without failure.

Hail The Almighty Father Satan... Now, Forever, And For All Eternity!
Do the Jews also have a ranking and a system of their reptilian gods like we do ?

Of course they do, they stole this from the Ancient Egyptians. Yes, there is such system. Most of it is stolen and perverted to no ends.

It's usually very unlikely for words to be vibrated like English in kabbalistic speech as English is very different from ancient languages in pronunciation. I would say it's the furthest, which is one of the main reasons why most people who are born in English-speaking countries struggle with learning foreign languages.

My money is on Dah-Gahn.

I've also never heard of 'Z' being vibrated like S. The 2 instances there are on JoS are ZZZZZZ and TS.

It is DA-GAN. Exactly as written. No exhales or "H".

In the new JoS Rituals, there was an extra AUM present in the Ma'at Ritual. This was my mistake, and has been fixed.

The AUM was located after the passage: "For the Gods have always said of you: "Greatest is the Power of Maat, the Destroyer of Izfet! Crashed are Izfet & Garagah, now and forever!"

If you still see an AUM there, refresh your page.
How advanced do you have to be able to talk to the gods? There's something if you like a God, I know it sounds strange but I don't know if that's normal. That is, is there love between a God and a man?
If by love you mean care, then yes, there is much of it. If you mean sexual love, it's mostly the lower orders of Demons/Gods who interact with humans in this way. The fact that they are in the lower orders doesn't mean they are of lower "value", for the lack of a better term, as no human can be compared to a Demon/God. The Gods and Goddesses who do have sexual relationships with humans, choose advanced SS who have Demonic potential and who work every single day for themselves, society, and the Gods. I do not have personal experience yet, but I assume it is a much better physical, mental, and spiritual experience than with human beings. This takes time and effort across all sectors of life, though I don't see it as the main goal, but rather as a benefit or a gift.
Dacă prin iubire înțelegi grijă, atunci da, există mult. Dacă te referi la dragoste sexuală, este vorba în principal de ordinele inferioare de Demoni/Zei care interacționează cu oamenii în acest fel. Faptul că sunt în ordinele inferioare nu înseamnă că sunt de „valoare” mai mică, din lipsa unui termen mai bun, întrucât niciun om nu poate fi comparat cu un Demon/Dumnezeu. Zeii și Zeițele care au relații sexuale cu oamenii, aleg SS avansate care au potențial demonic și care lucrează în fiecare zi pentru ei înșiși, societate și zei. Încă nu am experiență personală, dar presupun că este o experiență fizică, mentală și spirituală mult mai bună decât cu ființele umane. Acest lucru necesită timp și efort în toate sectoarele vieții, deși nu îl văd ca obiectiv principal, ci mai degrabă ca un beneficiu sau un cadou.
Mulțumiri Thanks for the answer, it's complicated anyway, can you talk to the gods? Or you haven't advanced yet, if you can tell me how long it took to talk to them.
Can you tell me how to delete messages, please, that I made a mistake and I can't delete, tell me the solution.
You can't delete your own posts. You can make a new post explaining the correction, or you can click Report and ask for it to be deleted.
Of course they do, they stole this from the Ancient Egyptians. Yes, there is such system. Most of it is stolen and perverted to no ends.

It is DA-GAN. Exactly as written. No exhales or "H".
Yeah, no H. It was just to illustrate to the English not to pronounce it like Ay. Thanks for replying too. Most European languages would write the pronunciation without the H too.

Italian, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Romanian. Most likely Dutch and any languages written in the Cyrillic alphabet. I don't know about Scandinavian languages.

In the new JoS Rituals, there was an extra AUM present in the Ma'at Ritual. This was my mistake, and has been fixed.

The AUM was located after the passage: "For the Gods have always said of you: "Greatest is the Power of Maat, the Destroyer of Izfet! Crashed are Izfet & Garagah, now and forever!"

If you still see an AUM there, refresh your page.

Can someone explain what Izfet and Garagah means?
Yeah, no H. It was just to illustrate to the English not to pronounce it like Ay. Thanks for replying too. Most European languages would write the pronunciation without the H too.

Italian, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Romanian. Most likely Dutch and any languages written in the Cyrillic alphabet. I don't know about Scandinavian languages.
This would include northern EU languages as well.
Greetings to all of our beautiful family,

I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.

In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.

As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as she is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.

Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.

As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent.

Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism. Further, MARAX is one of other blasphemous Names attributed to her, also related to death.

This is unacceptable for Gentiles to have to speak these words and blaspheme their own Holy Gods due to disinformation. As a result, all of this will be blotted out.

Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. These will not be too many. Minor Demons will also get their Rituals. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.

As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.

All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.

This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.

Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.

Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.

May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:
Priceless. Every of the God Ritual then sermons have been tailored so we keep the benefits of the rituals. Passion is pilling, I want to show appreciate, I'm patient putting them together.
Now for the fun part, click the like if you found out you've been sarcastic, or you've been throwing humor at many things that ppl would like to take negatively serious. Cos I have. I think the way valefor, Thoth and Dagan give intelligence are of different approach.

Ma'at , beautiful energy, it was like a rearrangement went on in me to the level of my muscles, was later I saw what Lady Lydia wrote about her realigning the energies. I really felt and knew her power was working on me, purifying me and taking away transgressions cos they're many.

So much to the Rituals.
HPS MAXINE'S Rituals were splendid I kinda understood the kind of blessings packed there
I can only say thank you and make efforts to show appreciation.
Greetings to all of our beautiful family,

I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.

In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.

As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as she is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.

Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.

As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent.

Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism. Further, MARAX is one of other blasphemous Names attributed to her, also related to death.

This is unacceptable for Gentiles to have to speak these words and blaspheme their own Holy Gods due to disinformation. As a result, all of this will be blotted out.

Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. These will not be too many. Minor Demons will also get their Rituals. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.

As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.

All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.

This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.

Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.

Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.

May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:
Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

These are the words of a True Lider, and I am more than ready to follow.
Thank you Master Cobra, for your tireless work!!!
Greetings to all of our beautiful family,

I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.

In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.

As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as she is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.

Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.

As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent.

Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism. Further, MARAX is one of other blasphemous Names attributed to her, also related to death.

This is unacceptable for Gentiles to have to speak these words and blaspheme their own Holy Gods due to disinformation. As a result, all of this will be blotted out.

Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. These will not be too many. Minor Demons will also get their Rituals. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.

As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.

All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.

This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.

Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.

Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.

May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:
I remembered during the week of the previous rituals, I was at work and I thought to myself that it was possible for one to access the subconscious mind very quickly, I asked myself how I could. I think Dagon, his ritual is the answer. I remembered this and I felt I should share.
Greetings to all of our beautiful family,

I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.

In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.

As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as she is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.

Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.

As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent.

Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism. Further, MARAX is one of other blasphemous Names attributed to her, also related to death.

This is unacceptable for Gentiles to have to speak these words and blaspheme their own Holy Gods due to disinformation. As a result, all of this will be blotted out.

Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. These will not be too many. Minor Demons will also get their Rituals. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.

As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.

All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.

This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.

Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.

Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.

May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:
A magnificent schedule of rituals (y), which I successfully completed strictly according to the schedule :)
Of course they do, they stole this from the Ancient Egyptians. Yes, there is such system. Most of it is stolen and perverted to no ends.

It is DA-GAN. Exactly as written. No exhales or "H".
Yes, I know that the Jews stole many things from Egyptians, but I meant real reptilian supernatural beings that reside in other dimensions. Do the Jews do rituals on these beings ?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
