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Saturn: Satan, Golden Age & Lord of Time

Ok , believe it or not I was deeply focusing upon your sayings Mr Cobra and I have came to the conclusion I shall perceive and take action against my Saturn in another way. Before I used to lets say be disciplined and organized but without any life in me I was doing everything in a lack of life and joy just because it has to but then I started to think that's how life works and is no point in feeling demoralized due to any kind of reason in life because that's how Saturn works and everything that happens is happening for a reason as a quote that I have read somewhere " Everything is already written before the begging of time " and yes we as creatures in this world we are due to pay our karmic debts as you say and mostly in order to live here we have to understand the universal laws and I suddenly came to the conclusion that our mind is everything and there's much more to the trick such as taking action ,believing.

The thing is I meditated afterwards and I thought deeply about this topic and I realized how strong our souls truly are.

I have meditated for a few days in attracting some money but now when I was making the affirmations I could have literally feel it and believe it deeply then I had a good dream of me earning about 59,999$ in some kind of way and then I did that way , I was about to go to sleep but I just could not sleep because I was thinking about that vivid dream I had of me winning that money , I think the dream in itself was a good sing , take it however mostly even psychologically speaking that means I did truly believe what I was saying .

Happy to say I have literally won $1.500 and it could had been more but I regret nothing and I am grateful of how much I made no matter If there could had been more the true story is that there's always more, it's all about us to take action , believe it for real and understand.

Now my plan would be to see what I will do next , save it , plan something to start , some projects , I have many ideas and stuff but I am lazy fucker and I am a true skeptical person that has to do with Saturn within my chart.

I have also came to understand , astrologically speaking why my life it was the way it was and why everything happened and where everything went to be in the present moment. For example a Saturn square Sun is quite brutal, trying to have some optimistic perspective about life with such an astrological aspect is like trying to breath under weather, that's possible but only in dreams, anyway.

Thank you Cobra man, I appreciate your sharing of knowledge and wisdom. I genuinely wish you BEST of LUCK and Success in all of your endeavors for this and not only this topic have woke me up. I am forever grateful to you and I apologies to any inconveniences we might had or believed we might had.

Now.. I would also like to donate some of my winning and make the infinite prosperity circle as a hole, together.

Please send me a private message so we can sort out the donation. Thank you for your time and stay blessed !
Great sermon!
So would you say the Saturn square is more beneficial than it has been thus far described? I have never done it due to apprenhesion because of all the warnings but even when I first joined JoS as a child it was the square which appealed to me most, but Saturn is my chart ruler, Saturn is transiting my first as well as several planets (I have a very lopsided chart) currently, would this be an unwise time to start?
Honestly I have never used an energy I cannot handle thus far including the more powerful vedic mantras but I do have a long list of health issues I had to overcome with satanic healing and a few more still to go and I fear undoing the work I have put in to settle those two of which the doctors told me would be lifelong.

I dont really the feel the need to add more obstacles to my life as I feel I have had and overcome more than enough of them, and many speak as this is how saturn manifests when the square is performed, are there any more tangible benefits than simply being forced to overcome challenges, will it strenghten my base chakra? help raise my serpent at long last?

Sorry for all the questions but I struggle to see spiritual knowledge beyond the surface level even after almost two decades, I tend to take just take what is written on JoS as fact and only recently have I tried to explore deeper concepts and figure the more hidden aspects out.
I've done about 10 Saturn squares, back when it was exalted in Libra. It helped me, removed useless "friends" from my life. At first I thought it was a mistake to have done it, but then I realized it was for my best interests, so I could focus on my Satanic path better.

Don't do it now that its in Pisces, it would be terrible energy. Or when it enters Aries (its fall). It will actually be years before you can do its square, so in the meanwhile, work with Nauthiz rune. JG Blitzkreig has posted workings with Nauthiz, use the search function to find them :)
Let us take advantage of the difficulties and obstacles that Saturn brings in order to reach higher aspects of ourselves
I've done about 10 Saturn squares, back when it was exalted in Libra. It helped me, removed useless "friends" from my life. At first I thought it was a mistake to have done it, but then I realized it was for my best interests, so I could focus on my Satanic path better.

Don't do it now that its in Pisces, it would be terrible energy. Or when it enters Aries (its fall). It will actually be years before you can do its square, so in the meanwhile, work with Nauthiz rune. JG Blitzkreig has posted workings with Nauthiz, use the search function to find them :)
I have done many other squares with success and I've heard that Saturn Square is different for each person. In my case when I was doing it and I haven't finish it neither entirely just about 6 days but the effects for me come very quick I have noticed is more about your power and what you truly believe , you can posses power but lack trust in yourself therefore the result would be accordingly.

When I did the Saturn square I got really sick and I was very weak,depressed , not in the mood and I was losing all of my money,friend,family,people, everyone around me where gone or hating me or I was hating them.

Now I don't say to Do it or Not to do it but It would be best for everyone to experience their own unique experience by trying all of them and seeing what will happen.
Father Satan in the Ancient Pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, was Saturn.

In this Name, the root Sat which is related to the Truth, also has survived intact. SAT-ya, SAT-urn, even in the recent SAT-an. Not only Saturn, but to not overcomplicate this topic, this is for another topic and Satan's New Updated Hieratic Page.

Little is known about Saturn even today, because Saturn's mysteries were actually the top tier mysteries for the Ancient World. Saturn's concepts basically extend to the furthest places where matters of Spirituality are concerned, albeit also Saturn, is mysteriously the planet of the material realm, all at the same time.

Saturn, in contrast to any false statements generated later on by those who have no knowledge of spirituality, was actually considered the Patron of the Golden Age of Humanity. This knowledge is fully verifiable and proven even to this day.

The Golden Age, was an age of the highest level of spirituality, abundance of wealth of human resources, happiness and peace – a solid description of “Heaven on Earth". Further, during the Golden Age, human beings and Gods did live in a connected civilization, where toil, ignorance and lesser behaviors were unknown to Man. That much is well known from a historical and spiritual standpoint.

There were no wars on that time, famines, or any catastrophes and even nature was extremely friendly and beneficial to mankind. All worked in a form of harmony that is almost impossible to comprehend at the current historical interval we have. As such Hesiod has stated, the "Heroes of the Golden Age" are worshiped as "Demons" in the later ages; they guide with much love human beings, in order to again re-attain this state, as Patrons of our species.

We will also, eventually, get there again. There is also a secret here; the return to this state, will be even better than the last time. But that is something I won't derail the topic over...

Now, a lot of misinformation has been written about Saturn, despite of the information that is pretty clear in Ancient Sources, revealing that Saturn was ruling humanity during the most beautiful of all aeons, the Golden Age. There are no actual real negative statements of Saturn by any higher end philosopher or spiritualist. Most of these errant statements about Saturn being malefic, come way later on.

Typically, Saturn is also associated with Cronus. Cronus, in the Ancient Greek meaning, is the concept of Time. Without the concept of Time, there would be no universe and everything would be incoherent. If there is any difference between anything in the universe, and not a "singularity", where everything never was born out of anything, it's because of the concept of Time. This concept of Time is necessary for life, existence and aeons to unfold. Without it there is no creation, no multiplicity, no generation and also, no improvement of anything.

Without the notion of Time, everything is in a state of "stasis", or the lack of time. Creation or development of any sort, requires the formal physics notion of time in order to exist for living beings. This state of where nothing exists, is called nothingness, including also the lack of division, multiplicity and time. Chronos as a concept [Time], is where there is a division of this infinity, into the concept of actual creation.

Humanity, as expected, is easy to be misguided over false pretext. Most of the human beings are lazy, they want to not develop. Everyone likes reaping the fruit, but nobody likes to sow it. Therefore, any notion of Saturn, which is a planet that is focused on development, reaping only after you have sowed, and increasing your power to develop you (even via force) is considered "evil" and "malefic".

That very concept however, is the concept of...Evolution, Growth, Prosperity, Development and Creation in itself. It's the part that everyone has to hate, but simultaneously exactly what any living being has to necessarily follow in order to develop.

The construction of the universe, based on the topic of time, brings with itself another topic: Evolution. Without time, nothing can really evolve. But in the context of a division based on Time, then anything can evolve; evolution moves along the axis of Time.

In the context of all living organisms and beings, Saturn is the power that pushes all beings to become developed, evolve and spiritual themselves. As Saturn enforces a strict notion of Justice, the math here is very simple: Do what is required for evolution and survival = thrive, grow, based on the timeline. Do not do this = receive punishment.

This punishment or this reward, extends all the way from: Totally going back into non existence, all the way into becoming an Immortal God. The choices in regard to where one must strive toward, are related on how a being will decide to use their existence and time. Improvement in any area of life, is also strongly correlated to this very same topic.

Now, humans of course, in the context of their lives, also experience "luck" and other phenomena that are related to Jupiter. These represent bounds of luck and so on. Yet, when these are all fundamentally studied in-depth, these always are rooted to some very intricate process of sowing the proper seeds, once upon a time; that lead you in a way that you might not understand, into the reception of certain benefits.

These laws represent also the case of Ultimate Justice. While anyone or anything might try to play around these laws on the temporary scale, they can never escape them in the long term scale that these laws represent. One can for example steal from a field, or steal the produce from a field, but fundamentally, in the end, unless they know what to do, or how to map where good field will be (Attainmant of Wisdom via Saturn) they will eventually fall victim to these mentalities of trying to escape and malform these laws, and perish.

When this Divine set law is "transgressed", there is essentially the destruction of a living lifeforms, because it has not accepted the laws that come with existence in itself. Traditionally, because the process of growth, is also related to experiencing adversities, many people do not always seem to accept this process that will in the end make them as the Gods, similarly to how most people will not go to the gym in fear of pain - so their body will not see it's Golden Age of ability.

But without this concept embed in creation, there could never be any form of creation. In a not so paradoxical case, these laws are here only to help beings reach higher ends. For these laws to exist however, simultaneously, there has to be an abysmal ladder that if one falls, they can also reach either the highest heights or the lowest lows.

From a symbolic standpoint, Saturn is considered the God that “consumes” his children; the power of Saturn in Astrology and in Cosmogony, is the force that prompts humanity to either spiritually advance, or have to face the consequences of it’s own ignorance.

Time will indeed consume his children; but the other lesser topic about Saturn is that while he "eats his children" (like time is eating us apart), all the children that are "eaten by Saturn", are also alive when they are coming out of Saturn's mouth - the more one understands and implements these laws, one will eventually become an evolved being. First, consumption by Saturn is a given - whomever comes on this world, will be consumed by the mouth of time, whether you like it or not.

As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock. And you are on your way to develop. If you try to shut down the clock and not develop, it is still there, always ticking. The choice is yours. If some people feel a bit hurt that I mention these things, do not blame the messenger; I am merely a disciple of the Gods who is observing life too closely. Better do something with this Tick Tock of Time, rather than spend it all on Tik Tok time...

Now, Saturn also rules a series of other things that many people also dislike, to their own detriment as well as per usual: Boundaries, Discipline, Order, Maturity, Realism and internal spiritual conscience.

Most people, albeit they have to face all these things, instead of trying to understand them, get on board, work with these in order to improve themselves, merely seek to flee away from them, causing a lot of potential catastrophe to themselves and others.

In previous topics I have written on Saturn, I have explained why Saturn is a King Maker. Now, let's pressupose we have a King that does not know boundaries, discipline, order, maturity, realism or does not have an internal spiritual conscience. Where will the Kingdom and the people go? The kingdom is destined to perish.

In order to develop any serious knowledge of the above topics, one must also be in contact with the SAT aspect of Saturn...The Truth. In order to learn boundaries or discipline, order or maturity, or realism, or to develop truly spiritually, one has to start shedding things from themselves in the same way that the Sickle of Saturn must cut off the bad weeds and untruths from one's self.

After this process is done, one is guaranteed to become part of active, boundless and abundant generative process. But of course, the process of maintaining one's self into a standard that is supported by Saturn, has nothing related to the notion of it being "easy". Ease and Truth are two rather distant topics to themselves.

Humanity was given a certain timeline, a lifetime, or another part of life (which also includes their souls through reincarnations) to exist, thrive and develop. This timeline is supposed to be used for development of the species but also to enjoy existence, but also to act in a manner that will extend life itself in the future of the notion of Time.

Saturn divides the human lifespan (whether a human being would live for 100 or 1000 years, it would not matter) in very specific segmentation. That is a topic for another time. That segmentation is a key to actually achieve the Magnum Opus and a satisfactory life.

The concept of SAT-ya in Sanskrit, SAT-an in later history, or SAT-urn in the Roman Pantheon, are all correlated with the primary concept of the Truth. That concept has to be faced in order for a being to eventually get reborn and spiritually evolve itself, the laws around this topic are unavoidable, and everything that comes into existence, has to face these laws and seek how to work with them in order to finally master them.

Saturn was originally considered as the “Hidden Sun”, the “Dark Sun”, or the “Black Sun”. These allegorical statements indicate the hidden, intricate and occult nature of the sun in the heavens. That sun, in contrast to the known sun, is hiding and must be discovered. In Plato's works such as Timeaus, Saturn is literally called "Helios", meaning Sun. This inner Sun is not like the Sun of the heavens, and it's a sun that requires spiritual rectification to be reached. Hesiod and many others have glorified Saturn.

As a last note, Saturn's Era or the Golden Age, is representative of a time where humanity was spiritually elevated, not of the world of today. This is considered as a time of where "Heaven on Earth" as mentioned above. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks, kept two celebrations for Saturn, named Kronia & Saturnalia, with the same common cultural content [around late December, like we glorify Satan today and in Mid Summer - Time of Harvest].

These celebrations were quite symbolic of this Golden Age era, as everything that was a part of the "current world" during these celebrations was banished, such as ignorance, poverty, deprivation, poverty, pettiness, lack of spirituality, slavery, death and many other such terms, were treated as non-existent realities to honor Saturn and remember the Golden Age, where none of this existed.

Humanity would simply band together and remind itself that no matter what is going on at the present, eventually there will be a Golden Age where there will be no notions of spiritual slavery and humanity will eventually become restored, to it's old and beloved Ruler, who is nobody else but Saturn.

For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a very important post explaining the importance of Saturn in everyone's life and the ability to cope with the difficulties it causes, thanks a lot :);) 👍
I've done about 10 Saturn squares, back when it was exalted in Libra. It helped me, removed useless "friends" from my life. At first I thought it was a mistake to have done it, but then I realized it was for my best interests, so I could focus on my Satanic path better.

Don't do it now that its in Pisces, it would be terrible energy. Or when it enters Aries (its fall). It will actually be years before you can do its square, so in the meanwhile, work with Nauthiz rune. JG Blitzkreig has posted workings with Nauthiz, use the search function to find them :)
I've done a Saturn square back in 2019, and it helped me get my attitude straight when it came to finance, but I think it gave me others issues. which I did a sun square in 2022 to upset the influence of Saturn, but I think there's still need for another Sun square.
the madness is global
notice how they related the word "Cronus" to "Chronic Diseases"!
Chronic means ongoing for a long time. This is not related to sickness or anything bad, it is just a description of length of time.

Acute means it suddenly started and happened for a short time.
Chronic means ongoing for a long time. This is not related to sickness or anything bad, it is just a description of length of time.

Acute means it suddenly started and happened for a short time.
i meant whoever chose those terms is choosing it on purpose.
in order to distortion anything about the ancient wisdom!
just like the word "Deamon"
In the context of all living organisms and beings, Saturn is the power that pushes all beings to become developed, evolve and spiritual themselves. As Saturn enforces a strict notion of Justice, the math here is very simple: Do what is required for evolution and survival = thrive, grow, based on the timeline. Do not do this = receive punishment.

This punishment or this reward, extends all the way from: Totally going back into non existence, all the way into becoming an Immortal God. The choices in regard to where one must strive toward, are related on how a being will decide to use their existence and time. Improvement in any area of life, is also strongly correlated to this very same topic.

Now, humans of course, in the context of their lives, also experience "luck" and other phenomena that are related to Jupiter. These represent bounds of luck and so on. Yet, when these are all fundamentally studied in-depth, these always are rooted to some very intricate process of sowing the proper seeds, once upon a time; that lead you in a way that you might not understand, into the reception of certain benefits.

These laws represent also the case of Ultimate Justice. While anyone or anything might try to play around these laws on the temporary scale, they can never escape them in the long term scale that these laws represent. One can for example steal from a field, or steal the produce from a field, but fundamentally, in the end, unless they know what to do, or how to map where good field will be (Attainmant of Wisdom via Saturn) they will eventually fall victim to these mentalities of trying to escape and malform these laws, and perish.

When this Divine set law is "transgressed", there is essentially the destruction of a living lifeforms, because it has not accepted the laws that come with existence in itself. Traditionally, because the process of growth, is also related to experiencing adversities, many people do not always seem to accept this process that will in the end make them as the Gods, similarly to how most people will not go to the gym in fear of pain - so their body will not see it's Golden Age of ability.

But without this concept embed in creation, there could never be any form of creation. In a not so paradoxical case, these laws are here only to help beings reach higher ends. For these laws to exist however, simultaneously, there has to be an abysmal ladder that if one falls, they can also reach either the highest heights or the lowest lows.

From a symbolic standpoint, Saturn is considered the God that “consumes” his children; the power of Saturn in Astrology and in Cosmogony, is the force that prompts humanity to either spiritually advance, or have to face the consequences of it’s own ignorance.

Time will indeed consume his children; but the other lesser topic about Saturn is that while he "eats his children" (like time is eating us apart), all the children that are "eaten by Saturn", are also alive when they are coming out of Saturn's mouth - the more one understands and implements these laws, one will eventually become an evolved being. First, consumption by Saturn is a given - whomever comes on this world, will be consumed by the mouth of time, whether you like it or not.

As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock. And you are on your way to develop. If you try to shut down the clock and not develop, it is still there, always ticking. The choice is yours. If some people feel a bit hurt that I mention these things, do not blame the messenger; I am merely a disciple of the Gods who is observing life too closely. Better do something with this Tick Tock of Time, rather than spend it all on Tik Tok time...

Now, Saturn also rules a series of other things that many people also dislike, to their own detriment as well as per usual: Boundaries, Discipline, Order, Maturity, Realism and internal spiritual conscience.

Most people, albeit they have to face all these things, instead of trying to understand them, get on board, work with these in order to improve themselves, merely seek to flee away from them, causing a lot of potential catastrophe to themselves and others.

In previous topics I have written on Saturn, I have explained why Saturn is a King Maker. Now, let's pressupose we have a King that does not know boundaries, discipline, order, maturity, realism or does not have an internal spiritual conscience. Where will the Kingdom and the people go? The kingdom is destined to perish.

In order to develop any serious knowledge of the above topics, one must also be in contact with the SAT aspect of Saturn...The Truth. In order to learn boundaries or discipline, order or maturity, or realism, or to develop truly spiritually, one has to start shedding things from themselves in the same way that the Sickle of Saturn must cut off the bad weeds and untruths from one's self.


For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Actually answered a question I was having ... Thank you :)
I've done about 10 Saturn squares, back when it was exalted in Libra. It helped me, removed useless "friends" from my life. At first I thought it was a mistake to have done it, but then I realized it was for my best interests, so I could focus on my Satanic path better.

Don't do it now that its in Pisces, it would be terrible energy. Or when it enters Aries (its fall). It will actually be years before you can do its square, so in the meanwhile, work with Nauthiz rune. JG Blitzkreig has posted workings with Nauthiz, use the search function to find them :)

I had tried some in Pisces and it felt like the lessons were definitely about subconscious themes, as well as developing a bit of realism towards compassion, like public programs.

However, I believe Saturn Squares have some sort of Hagalaz-like element to them, whereas Nauthiz gives the positive resistance without as much of the "hail storm". This is just my theory, but we can see how Hagl is the 9th rune, then the 10th rune of Nauthiz proceeds it, so it seems true based on correlation.

From the runesecrets website, they described Hagl as the hail which strikes, then melts into water to germinate new growth. So that is how Saturn's harsh lessons help us grow, but if we use Nauthiz we can develop a sense of realism over time without needing to be seemingly forced to react to negativity.
I would personally advise against doing Saturn squares, just do Sun one or whatever other planets , Saturn understanding can be absorbed by many other things then just energy itself , it can be trough knowledge, wisdom ... now of course experience beats talent and is the best teacher but then again there's other methods of obtaining and dealing some things which you want in your life. Like people say here , understand this the only reason that some of you are not doing anything or trying more it's because you have not yet got fucked enough , trust me I know what Saturn truly means and how it works it did fucked me up but of course we are SS and we understand that we are beyond those energies and we are our own responsible for our own lives and how they are in the present.

My point is , instead of doing Saturn square knowing that you will do get fucked then think about how you could like all of the sudden got fucked out of nowhere as in let's say some sickness appears or some 'unlucky' circumstances starting popping up , then of course , you will strive to survive as many of us did but if we are in our comfort zone and we don't take action and we looking upon time and we say "oh it's just monday.." or "oh... 1 more hour.." it's sad to live upon time even if we are at the moment trapped in it this can be understandable.

You don't want to fuck with Saturn , avoid this , just think how worse everything could get all of the sudden use this thought to motivate you without actually applying bad events in your lives. This is just my opinion and experience with the Saturn square's I am not saying it might be good or bad for others I am just saying my wisdom.
You don't want to fuck with Saturn , avoid this , just think how worse everything could get all of the sudden use this thought to motivate you without actually applying bad events in your lives. This is just my opinion and experience with the Saturn square's I am not saying it might be good or bad for others I am just saying my wisdom.
The fact that the Saturn square is only 9 days is quite appealing, unlike Mercury (64) and Moon (81) which span through entire months. Perhaps this is one of the reasons a lot of people feel more inclined to do a Saturn square.
I would personally advise against doing Saturn squares, just do Sun one or whatever other planets , Saturn understanding can be absorbed by many other things then just energy itself , it can be trough knowledge, wisdom ... now of course experience beats talent and is the best teacher but then again there's other methods of obtaining and dealing some things which you want in your life. Like people say here , understand this the only reason that some of you are not doing anything or trying more it's because you have not yet got fucked enough , trust me I know what Saturn truly means and how it works it did fucked me up but of course we are SS and we understand that we are beyond those energies and we are our own responsible for our own lives and how they are in the present.

My point is , instead of doing Saturn square knowing that you will do get fucked then think about how you could like all of the sudden got fucked out of nowhere as in let's say some sickness appears or some 'unlucky' circumstances starting popping up , then of course , you will strive to survive as many of us did but if we are in our comfort zone and we don't take action and we looking upon time and we say "oh it's just monday.." or "oh... 1 more hour.." it's sad to live upon time even if we are at the moment trapped in it this can be understandable.

You don't want to fuck with Saturn , avoid this , just think how worse everything could get all of the sudden use this thought to motivate you without actually applying bad events in your lives. This is just my opinion and experience with the Saturn square's I am not saying it might be good or bad for others I am just saying my wisdom.
Before working with Saturn it is very important to have removed all the associated negative karma, if you do a Saturn square without having removed the negative karma you will activate it and make it manifest.
It also depends a lot on the position of Saturn in your natal chart.
In many cases it takes years to remove all the Saturn karma and sublimate it.
Before working with Saturn it is very important to have removed all the associated negative karma, if you do a Saturn square without having removed the negative karma you will activate it and make it manifest.
It also depends a lot on the position of Saturn in your natal chart.
In many cases it takes years to remove all the Saturn karma and sublimate it.
I want to add for everyone that removing negative karma, especially Saturn, is not simply a spiritual question. You do the spiritual work and that takes care of that side of things, but you still need to unlearn all the harmful behaviours that caused that karma, and build the beneficial behaviours that will replace them and prevent you from falling into harm's way again.

It takes conscious mental and physical action as well in order to achieve a beneficial outcome. Partaking in the same harmful behaviour will completely undo the spiritual work you're doing. Even more so when it comes to Saturn's manifestations in life.
Father Satan is Saturn ?Are you people effing kidding ?Why are you people even glorifying planet Saturn when Maxine herself has clearly written that it is only corrupt right hand path astrologers who soft soap Saturn .Whatever Cobra has written such a big essays look exactly the way Bible thumpers glorify sufferings .

Why does this Forum look more like a Christian or a new age forum rather than Satanic forum ?Day by Day this is exactly how this forum looks to me .So called JGs are changing many things in the main website like exposing Christianity when Maxine has already finished the main work .Yet without her knowledge so many changes in the main website.

All of a sudden Maxine the main priestess disappeared since 2020 even without informing the public that she is leaving the forum due to her own personal works .And everyday to commensate her vacancy our beloved priests is writing so much and is so desperately trying to match for her loss that despite the current HP writing almost everyday ,none of them makes absolute sense .How biblical and new age doctrines are being shoved into our throat day by day facaded as Satanism ..

While the current HP and HPS are trying so damn hard to make up for Maxine's losss .Most of their writings make really not that much sense
Another 4 month old account who is here only to be subversive and try to turn everybody away from the truth and away from the gods.

I hope you are at least being paid to do your jewing. Some people are paid to be subversive jews. If you are doing it for free, then you're really a dumbass.
Father Satan is Saturn ?Are you people effing kidding ?Why are you people even glorifying planet Saturn when Maxine herself has clearly written that it is only corrupt right hand path astrologers who soft soap Saturn .Whatever Cobra has written such a big essays look exactly the way Bible thumpers glorify sufferings .

Why does this Forum look more like a Christian or a new age forum rather than Satanic forum ?Day by Day this is exactly how this forum looks to me .So called JGs are changing many things in the main website like exposing Christianity when Maxine has already finished the main work .Yet without her knowledge so many changes in the main website.

All of a sudden Maxine the main priestess disappeared since 2020 even without informing the public that she is leaving the forum due to her own personal works .And everyday to commensate her vacancy our beloved priests is writing so much and is so desperately trying to match for her loss that despite the current HP writing almost everyday ,none of them makes absolute sense .How biblical and new age doctrines are being shoved into our throat day by day facaded as Satanism ..

While the current HP and HPS are trying so damn hard to make up for Maxine's losss .Most of their writings make really not that much sense

It is really crazy to me to see a person of 3 months experience thinking they know better than others with decades. It is clear you are just distressed because what is written here doesn't match want YOU want it to say, so you instead attack it, rather than try to understand. Instead of trying to learn, you would rather pretend the entire forum is corrupted by the same people who are the closest allies of HPS Maxine.

Saturn is associated with freedom from suffering through discipline. You are only looking at it from its most negative manifestations. Many Gods besides Satan are also associated with Saturn or the Capricorn sign, too. All of this was written by HPS Maxine.

Further, HPS Maxine gives proper credit to Saturn in her astrology article, just as HPHC is doing here:


Based on your own fears, you had ignored this and instead jumped to the most vicious attacks, the same ones that are used by our enemies, yet you think this is supposed to help Satanism or something. People here were nice enough to continue to help you despite of this, but you instead slap everyone's face by doing this. If you continue this, it will only lead to being banned.
Most of their writings make really not that much sense
This is only self admitting that you are not smart enough and not spiritually advanced enough to understand any of what is said.

You are exactly the example that High Priest Hooded Cobra was describing when he said if a NASA scientist took all of the charts related to the functioning of the rocket ships, and showed these to a 5 year old child. The only thing the child would understand is "You have some paper? I want to draw a smile face picture."
Father Satan is Saturn ?Are you people effing kidding ?Why are you people even glorifying planet Saturn when Maxine herself has clearly written that it is only corrupt right hand path astrologers who soft soap Saturn .Whatever Cobra has written such a big essays look exactly the way Bible thumpers glorify sufferings .

Why does this Forum look more like a Christian or a new age forum rather than Satanic forum ?Day by Day this is exactly how this forum looks to me .So called JGs are changing many things in the main website like exposing Christianity when Maxine has already finished the main work .Yet without her knowledge so many changes in the main website.

All of a sudden Maxine the main priestess disappeared since 2020 even without informing the public that she is leaving the forum due to her own personal works .And everyday to commensate her vacancy our beloved priests is writing so much and is so desperately trying to match for her loss that despite the current HP writing almost everyday ,none of them makes absolute sense .How biblical and new age doctrines are being shoved into our throat day by day facaded as Satanism ..

While the current HP and HPS are trying so damn hard to make up for Maxine's losss .Most of their writings make really not that much sense

All you do whilst you are around here is the following, clearly to divide, slander and attack.

1. Accuse everyone of being a Christian. First division. People are not Christians here.

2. Display the poorest level of understanding of my posts, with a need to slander me and others, for no real reason. For example, the original topic is very clear. It does not say that you won't suffer, it explains the karmic background and laws of the universe around this. If you do not like them, change universe I guess.

Maybe after 10 years in meditation, you will understand these statements. Before attacking, it would be best to sit down and think it over. Yes, Satan's powers extend to these of Saturn (and many others), which are universal and basic concepts without which the soul will NOT evolve.

I am supposed to explain these things in-depth, and not just tell you things like "Goyim that Saturn is bad, run from it". There is indepth knowledge one needs to figure the universe out. If it is not for you, refer to it later in 10 or 20 years as you advance.

Any "suffering" resulting from these, is to be combated, defeated and overcome, for the soul to grow. Christians preach the opposite, to invite it, to not do anything and to perish by it. You know this, but you want to slander.

3. I have also some things I will disclose further on the future, about HPS Maxine [higher ups know] and when you will see them [maybe never if you keep extorting me via slander, attacks, demeaning etc], you will revile in shame for your slander and understand me better. Further slandering me and always assuming the worst in contrary to all my works, or everything, just shows there is an element of personal jealousy involved or a paranoia not related to me at all. This creates a rift in which you need to fill in via attacking. But it's all not justified or founded upon facts.

I have no problem with slander etc, since it only makes you look like fools in front of the Gods, which damns you and not me.
my question is what even was the need to modify exposingchristianity.org and doing so many other modifications like changing fonts in the main websites .It is only in 2024 january all the modifications in the main websites have happened .Till 2002-2024 ,the main website joyofsatan.org and all the other domain websites related to this was the very same and things were so easy to understand The websites was unscathed since the last 22 years .what was the need to modify the main websites and OVER complicating stuffs .I am sure for even doing anything in the main website u people need to ask maxine's permission without which you cannot touch it but should maxine have given the permission ,then it is obvious she would have atleast a little time enough to come to the forums and write something .But no, nothing of that sort has happened .Truth will come out very soon .And I am also cent percent sure if maxine were even active ,she would not have given you guys the slightest permission to modify anything in the main website . It is very obvious whatever u are doing in the main website like changing the fonts ,changes in exposing christianity etc, U people did not ask maxine's permission and without her knowledge you people are tampering the main websites .Truth will come out very soon .
You are also assuming here that HPS Maxine, wherever she is, is somehow totally powerless against someone hijacking the forums from her, or that she had no foresight when installing HPHC to run things on her behalf, and so on. Similarly, there was no word from HPS Maxine asking for help, like over email, again suggesting she left on her own decision and terms.

In the same way, you also assume the Gods are powerless to do anything here. That is why this whole claim is so silly.

Look at the Apotheosis Ritual to HPS Maxine, then ask yourself what you think happened to her, among other posts written by HPHC on the matter.
my question is what even was the need to modify exposingchristianity.org and doing so many other modifications like changing fonts in the main websites .It is only in 2024 january all the modifications in the main websites have happened .Till 2002-2024 ,the main website joyofsatan.org and all the other domain websites related to this was the very same and things were so easy to understand The websites was unscathed since the last 22 years .what was the need to modify the main websites and OVER complicating stuffs .I am sure for even doing anything in the main website u people need to ask maxine's permission without which you cannot touch it but should maxine have given the permission ,then it is obvious she would have atleast a little time enough to come to the forums and write something .But no, nothing of that sort has happened .Truth will come out very soon .And I am also cent percent sure if maxine were even active ,she would not have given you guys the slightest permission to modify anything in the main website . It is very obvious whatever u are doing in the main website like changing the fonts ,changes in exposing christianity etc, U people did not ask maxine's permission and without her knowledge you people are tampering the main websites .Truth will come out very soon .
Do you realize that High Priestess Maxine is High Priest Hooded Cobra's mentor, and she has worked with him directly for decades? And it has been the two of them together who have created all of what we now have?

She has given him the full permission, full ability, and full control to direct the websites in whatever way he chooses. Because she knows his intentions are perfectly pure and perfectly good, and he lives every day of his life working the maximum amount to help all of us. Plus both of them, for the lifetime of work they both have given to Humanity, they both are directed and advised by the Gods and they do what the Gods have directed them to do.

All of humanity owes the greatest appreciation and thankfulness to both High Preistess Maxine and High Priest Hooded Cobra, as they both have given their lives to helping us and have done more to benefit and bless Humanity than almost anybody in the last hundreds of years.

The work in editing the websites has been done with good intentions and with the intention of making real improvements. And most of the changes have been improvements. The only thing I agree with you is that the Power Meditations page on Joy of Satan now appears very badly, at least on mobile devices. All links are still there, but it looks like a mess and we have to scroll down very far to view everything, when everything used to be visible before. This is the only change on Joy of Satan which made it worse, and at the same time there have been many other changes that made it better. Whatever problems like this that there are, they all will be fixed in time. The work is still ongoing.
HP Cobra shouldn't be praised just because of his endless work, he is the reason the JoS still exists. If it wasn't for him, we would be nowhere now. People don't understand certain things, I won't pretend I understand everything, but I feel like some people have no idea how blessed they are to have such an advanced and strong leader who is so dedicated and consistent. Instead, they take it for granted and they complain for nonsense reasons.
The Joyofsatan was not unscathed there were several times it got taken down and crashed by enemies of the jos there had to be modifications to it to keep it safe and functioning

That is a very accurate occult picture from the standpoint of Saturn ruling time, this is why he holds these objects on each hand. Thank you.

The Joyofsatan was not unscathed there were several times it got taken down and crashed by enemies of the jos there had to be modifications to it to keep it safe and functioning

The moral goyim should have left it down and listened to the Rabbi above, not having raised it to where it's x100 times better now and still all fundamentally the same or improved. That is not-goy enough of them to have done it. Trust the jew above goy.

The only thing I agree with you is that the Power Meditations page on Joy of Satan now appears very badly, at least on mobile devices. All links are still there, but it looks like a mess and we have to scroll down very far to view everything, when everything used to be visible before. This is the only change on Joy of Satan which made it worse, and at the same time there have been many other changes that made it better. Whatever problems like this that there are, they all will be fixed in time. The work is still ongoing.

That will be fixed of course, no worries. We have improved and adapted everything and it's normal a few things have escaped notice, we are talking about 1000's of pages having been done. A few will have to be fixed as well, no worries here.

my question is what even was the need to modify exposingchristianity.org and doing so many other modifications like changing fonts in the main websites .It is only in 2024 january all the modifications in the main websites have happened .Till 2002-2024 ,the main website joyofsatan.org and all the other domain websites related to this was the very same and things were so easy to understand The websites was unscathed since the last 22 years .what was the need to modify the main websites and OVER complicating stuffs .I am sure for even doing anything in the main website u people need to ask maxine's permission without which you cannot touch it but should maxine have given the permission ,then it is obvious she would have atleast a little time enough to come to the forums and write something .But no, nothing of that sort has happened .Truth will come out very soon .And I am also cent percent sure if maxine were even active ,she would not have given you guys the slightest permission to modify anything in the main website . It is very obvious whatever u are doing in the main website like changing the fonts ,changes in exposing christianity etc, U people did not ask maxine's permission and without her knowledge you people are tampering the main websites .Truth will come out very soon .

I am sorry to break your little feelings, which are proven earlier, are only borne of either jealousy or misplaced information, but yes, I am fully authorized for everything I am doing, the JoS is under me because of her will.

I am just waiting on you all to exhume your slander and your nonsense until I finally break all of you via the truth around these topics, so you know how things are.

I do not only have full permissions, but ultimate faith and I am where I am because of her accepting it all. The same goes for domains and everything else.

It's just that you people, who never even knew HPS Maxine, think you are entitled to a poisonous opinion. That reflects your inner world. It does not however reflect actual bonds of loyalty or those of the JoS, or the one I have with HPS Maxine, after 10+ years with her.

Unfortunately for you, all of that is totally consistent with her will. Nothing has fundamentally changed in the wrong way, only rapidly improved. Of course, some of you remain ungreatful, and only try to put words in HPS mouth, while you have no clue or on zero information.

That makes you all appear like fools. For years, I am just waiting here very patiently so you all expose yourselves, but also enjoy the pain you express at the exponential growth of the JoS, or my sole leading role in that process.

"The fonts have changed, the website doesn't look like 2002".

Anything else before you all appear in front of everyone as ungreatful animals, who are only acting as impediments to the JoS's growth, slanderers against me, and in general you pretend that you knew HPS Maxine in anyway, while I did on the daily for more than a decade?

I am waiting, make up more nonsense while you can. Giving you 48 hours to exhume all your final nonsense, so it can all go down the drain instantly. Just do not apologize to me later. Enjoy.
my question is what even was the need to modify exposingchristianity.org and doing so many other modifications like changing fonts in the main websites .It is only in 2024 january all the modifications in the main websites have happened .Till 2002-2024 ,the main website joyofsatan.org and all the other domain websites related to this was the very same and things were so easy to understand The websites was unscathed since the last 22 years .what was the need to modify the main websites and OVER complicating stuffs .I am sure for even doing anything in the main website u people need to ask maxine's permission without which you cannot touch it but should maxine have given the permission ,then it is obvious she would have atleast a little time enough to come to the forums and write something .But no, nothing of that sort has happened .Truth will come out very soon .And I am also cent percent sure if maxine were even active ,she would not have given you guys the slightest permission to modify anything in the main website . It is very obvious whatever u are doing in the main website like changing the fonts ,changes in exposing christianity etc, U people did not ask maxine's permission and without her knowledge you people are tampering the main websites .Truth will come out very soon .
I think I figured out why your attacking hphc and trying to create discord here your possibly another infiltrator (wouldn't surprise me if you were a jew) that is just upset due to the Joyofsatan is now harder to crash and take down due to the modifications done to it, your not upset because changes were made to it making it better, your upset cause it's stronger than it ever was before and not as easy to take down, and it's so blatantly obvious what your intentions are, so go ahead keep up the tantrums your not fooling anyone all of this nonsense your spewing is pointless and is going to go nowhere, your probably one of the most obvious inflitrators I've ever seen on here,


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Great sermon!
So would you say the Saturn square is more beneficial than it has been thus far described? I have never done it due to apprenhesion because of all the warnings but even when I first joined JoS as a child it was the square which appealed to me most.

Honestly I have never used an energy I cannot handle thus far including the more powerful vedic mantras but I do have a long list of health issues I had to overcome with satanic healing and a few more still to go and I fear undoing the work I have put in to settle those two of which the doctors told me would be lifelong.

I dont really the feel the need to add more obstacles to my life as I feel I have had and overcome more than enough of them, and many speak as this is how saturn manifests when the square is performed, are there any more tangible benefits than simply being forced to overcome challenges, will it strenghten my base chakra? help raise my serpent at long last?

Sorry for all the questions but I struggle to see spiritual knowledge beyond the surface level even after almost two decades, I tend to take just take what is written on JoS as fact and only recently have I tried to explore deeper concepts and figure the more hidden aspects out.

Try Nauthiz instead first, as I believe Saturn has an association with Hagl and this is where some of this harshness of teaching lessons can occur from. Nauthiz appears to give the benefits of discipline and realism without first creating obstacles or other contractions in your life.
Thank you, Hp. Hoodedcobra666, very much for this very valuable contribution. Saturn is one of the most misunderstood planets and gods. He is known by many names such as Enki/Ea, Ptah, Osiris, Assur, Helios, El, Baal, Oannes, Zeus Zabazios. The Jews have tried to equate him with their fictitious god Yahweh, but this is misleading and gives him only bad, negative attributes. He is the "Ancient of Days". Morris Jastrow, Jr. identified him as Helios in his article "sun and saturn". Saturn was "the original, the true sun", which in its polar configuration united the sun and the crescent moon. This is why Saturn apparently holds a sickle in his hand as the "reaper, the grim reaper". He was also called Kewan or chiun, Papsukkal, i.e. the "black sun", which is why the National Socialists in Wevelsburg depicted him on the floor in this way in reference to the swastika as it is depicted cosmically by the dance of the "Big Dipper, the Chariot" around the polar axis. He was worshipped as Mithras, as Franz Cumont correctly pointed out, who is responsible for our Christmas, since at that time, on December 25th, his birth took place in a cave and not that of the fictitious "Jesus of Nazareth" in a stable. Old newspapers in the 19th century still report on this. Saturn is also Aion-Abraxas, the Lord of Time, around whom the serpent coils and who rules over the zodiac. He is Amun Re, the "hidden sun", which is where our "Amen" comes from. I myself have belonged to a Saturnian order for almost a decade and have written an internal 1500-page work about him. He is as multifaceted as Osiris or the many-named Isis, Ishtar or Astarte. He unites the Martian and Venusian aspects. He knows a lower and a higher octave and as the "Guardian of the Threshold", as Hermes-Thoth, he grants all true knowledge and the most profound wisdom. He is the "serpent on the cross" as the ancients called him and looks into the deepest abysses of every human being. He is the Phoenician Tammuz, the Sumerian Dumuzi. Ages ago, when he founded the "golden age", according to which every kingdom was aligned at the beginning and from which every true ruler claimed his right, because Saturn was the true king, he was at the same time "the sun of the night", i.e. he shone with immense power stronger than the sun we know during the day. According to Velikosvsky, a primordial cosmic catastrophe then occurred, after which Saturn, which carried Venus in its heart and had Mars as a satellite, was displaced by Jupiter, its "son" according to legend. Mars then spiraled out of Saturn, which is why the resurrected Osiris is depicted in Horus with a curl (as Harpocrates). Saturn himself was cast into the most distant region of space, i.e. as the "deceased Osiris" he became the ruler of the underworld. Today's Saturn, which exists at the boundary of the universe, has nothing in common with the "Ancient of Days", but it bears the "hexagram" on its north pole, the fusion of the feminine and masculine aspect or the feminine-masculine chakras. The Jews have made this sign their own and called it the "Star of David - Magen David" (see: Dr. O. J. Graham, The six-pointed Star). Saturn today bears the "third eye" on its south pole. The hexagram also contains the cube that the Muslims symbolize in their Kaaba, where today old sacks sit in a secret chamber and siphon the energy from the pilgrims. Originally, however, Saturn in the form of Hobal (Hubal, Ha Baal) ruled a little away from this place, where a well can still be found today. The stone statue of Hobal was also found in this well. In ancient times, pilgrims walked around this Hobal-Saturn 7 times, because exactly 360 gods had been placed around Saturn-Hobal. Mohammed also knew this because his grandfather still worshipped this ancient cult. Incidentally, the cross is created by unfolding the cube and is an original symbol of Saturn in the form of the ancient Ninib-Ningirsu depicted in cuneiform script. Mohammed, however, had everything that pointed to this Saturn cult destroyed, just as the Christians with Emperor Constantine and Theodosius also had everything that pointed to the original Saturn cult destroyed. Even original church fathers such as Origen were vilified and persecuted if they did not renounce the cult of Saturn. Saturn is also the creator of everything through the number 3, because only three points create the first form, from which all other forms inevitably emerge. These three points were then adopted by the Jewish Freemasons. Saturn is indeed the "hidden one", which is also expressed by the letters STR, satar. He is also equated with the misinterpreted Seth of the ancient Egyptians, who is older than Osiris and was only later degraded to an "evil god", the false "Satan" and the Apophis serpent. Seth was executed at the Furka, a forked cross, as the "red one" as can be seen in an old papyrus (Jumilac). Saturn is also anchored in the Muladhadra chakra, the root chakra, where the Kundalini serpent is coiled and connected to the deep "U-tone" as it also resides in the crown chakra and the "I-tone". In one case, it represents the lower octave, the "hell", "Egypt" and in the other case, the "heaven", the promised "land flowing with milk and honey" (glandula pituaria, pituitary gland and glandula pinelalis, pineal gland). The spiritual human being passes from "hell" to "heaven" by crossing the "Jordan", i.e. the "seed of Saturn", the "serpent", ascends through the spinal fluid of the spinal column and is "crucified", i.e. "elevated". Saturn's sigil can easily be read from his magical square, his camea.

Summarized in one sentence: The Saturn of the "golden age", which ancient cultures worship in their hymns and texts, but not today's Saturn, is the "true creator" and therefore the "true Satan".

Hail Abraxas!

Hail Lucifuge Rofocal!

Hail Asmodeus!

Hail Lord Satan!
Great text overall, I would just like to say that his real name is "Lucifius Focalor".
Thank you for this hint. I enjoyed reading the treatise on Lucifius Focalor by HPHC666 and changed the name. I also performed the ritual on Focalor. He did not appear to me, but when I said his name I felt a lot of strength. Thank you once again.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
