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  1. T

    Re: Holohoax to be Part of Australia’s National Curriculum

    These rats are also trying the same thing in New Zealand. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  2. T

    Most Amazing God

    As I was reading your post, I could feel his words flow through me, as though he was talking to me also. I also felt tears come to my eyes. Thank you for this Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  3. T

    Sermon 12/13/12

    I think it is just like the pronunciation shown on the JOS rune meditation page for the letter G. It is stressed like the letter Y in the back of the throat but we don't make a Y sound. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  4. T

    Name Change DamnPlanetSaturn

    Yes that is true. Aldric Strickland is DPS' magickal name. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  5. T

    Complete Chakra Meditation And Workings Questions

    It's up to you what you want to do in regards to chakra empowerment. Some people have plenty of time in their days so they work on all of the chakras. Others are short on time so they just work on one. Do both breathing exercises for the full chakra meditation of the heart chakra. Equal...
  6. T

    Hatha Yoga

    Just take your time to ease into the stretches, going as far as comfortable. Over time your capacities will increase. If there are any poses you absolutely cannot do, then you can always swap the pose for a complimentary/similar one from the internet. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  7. T

    Serious answer please

    We don't discuss illegal substances in accordance to the rules of this forum. However, it is known that marijuana is not a 'spiritual' plant/drug and is as bad to the system as smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. All cause the degeneration of the human body on all levels and all are...
  8. T

    Extremely Important

    It seems that I've also been drawn to doing this meditation before I read your post. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  9. T

    Energy Meditation - concerns

    You can expect amplified emotions and repressed feelings/memories surfacing when one begins to cleanse their soul. Dealing with these hangups is essential for raising the serpent and working towards the godhead. Any excess energy you have can be offered to Satan and the powers of hell...
  10. T

    Freeing your Soul from enemy influences / Psychic Vampires.

    Fantastic meditation. I tried it and the attacks I have been experiencing have slowed down/are disappearing. This should definitely be one for all groups. I would like to add that after this meditation is completed, one should stay still either sitting or lying down and let the energy...
  11. T

    The King & Queen

    A risen serpent is a requirement for the MO to work properly so I assume it is indeed a meditation of those of us who are risen. HAIL SATAN
  12. T

    The Necronomicon & Opening the Watchtowers Meditations

    The instructions say to repeat steps ______ seven times at the end of each 'opening the watchtowers' meditation. Did you mean a total of 7 times for the entire meditation or 8 times? Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  13. T

    Fixing the Energy + Meditation

    How would you go about vibrating that? Would it just be like a short exhale right before the 'ahhhhhh' or more like the runic pronunciation of the letter H? Lucius O HAIL SATAN!
  14. T

    AUM Mani Padme Hum

    Sounds excellent. I shall try this with AUM. Out of curiousity, vibrating the mantra of satanama, is that letter by letter or syllable? Cheers Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  15. T

    AUM Mani Padme Hum

    How did you go about vibrating it? Letter by Letter? Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  16. T

    Energy from a Violent Death

    I've got one of our own to help me in this task now with the same instructions. More mind power should be more beneficial. Just like healing but opposite. Going to stop the spread at it's source before we get something along the lines of your example at my school. Thanks again En Haradren...
  17. T

    Energy from a Violent Death

    Thank you for the suggestion brother. It's a big place, I'll have to figure out the spatial dimensions of this incident ... whether the energy generated from the death is condensed to only that one specific area or if the entire building (which is huge) is now tainted. Regardless, I will...
  18. T

    Energy from a Violent Death

    Extremely recently, someone died a very violent death at the university I go to (falling from a balcony inside the building and landing face down). Whether it was suicide or not is unknown but the point of this post is that it is a very central area in the university and thousands of students...
  19. T

    Being Schizotypal

    If everybody is truly advancing themselves to Godhood, these changes to the psyche should simply be accepted, embraced. Constantly remember and feel the phrase 'let go', for anything that's holding you back. When you internally resist these SATANIC changes, your perception will be altered...
  20. T

    Standing with father satan

    Yoga is best done alone at home. Paying for it is a hoax by the enemy. Your 'guru' is your guardian demon. Try to do Yoga and meditation everyday, as consistency is the key to true advancement. The internet is something the Jews cannot control and is their downfall. The e-group files also give...
  21. T

    Standing with father satan

    Are you fulfilling your role as a Spiritual Satanist? To be advancing your mind, body and soul with power meditations and Yoga, while promoting the cause of the powers of Hell and Satan in any way possible? Are you immersing yourself in Satanic knowledge in order to preserve what is left before...
  22. T

    Establishing Control

    You know her face so I think is it a good idea to do a destruction ritual on that Jew bitch. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  23. T

    a great change of preference

    Some things are just not meant to be. Force it to occur and nature will most definitely hit back. Just look at what occurs with race mixing, the gradual disintegration of crucial genes to the godhead, health problems, loss of unique racial heritage and feelings of isolation/anxiety etc. Just...
  24. T

    a great change of preference

    No. Attempting to do so would be going against nature. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  25. T

    Australian Elections

    Just like with any disease, you get rid of the root rather than only treat the symptoms. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  26. T

    snake ritual

    Depending on whether you have the body or not, try to bury it in a place that is very natural like a forest. If you don't have the body, just picture the serpent in your mind. Give a small satanic prayer asking the Gods to give the serpent a safe journey into Duat or elsewhere. Be as creative as...
  27. T

    new to this and looking for my path

    Do as much research into Spiritual Satanism as you can through the RELEVANT websites such as the joyofsatan and related. One must understand first before action is done otherwise they are simply a drone, a worker, the typical deluded fool (christians and the elk). When you are more informed...
  28. T

    Ive been lost my entire life.

    You can start by doing things slowly, by steps. The warfare program is a good guide for fast spiritual empowerment. Take as much time as you need. http://fight4satan666.webs.com/Spiritua ... aining.htm Yoga and personal study are also other very important things to do alongside meditations...
  29. T

    Did i acheive godhead

    Ascending the serpent is a preparation to the Magnum Opus. When you raise your kundalini, it does not mean you have become a god, rather a more advanced human. Keep up the good work! You're making excellent progress :) Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  30. T

    Australian Elections

    When all are puppets controlled by the same puppet-master, does it really matter who rules? Focus on advancing your soul and cause of our lord Satan. You will have everything you need from the powers of hell. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  31. T

    Race and Mixed Races

    What about environmental factors, upbringing in society etc?
  32. T

    Australian Elections

    Many prime ministers of Australia are direct or indirect supporters of Israel and the Jewish cause. That says a lot already. At least John Howard brought surplus to the Australian economy by focusing on the country itself, unlike the last two prime ministers, Rudd and Gillard. Lucius O...
  33. T

    Race and Mixed Races

    The races must be kept distinct and pure. This is because race mixing increases the likelihood of things such as weaker immune systems, inherited genetic risks from both sides, aggression and cultural/social confusion and isolation. Race mixing also destroys the DNA component necessarily...
  34. T


    Ghosts exist. They are the ethereal double aspect of the soul. The one you see most often portrayed in movies such as 'Ghost', and more. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoS4adults/message/2312 as a reference. We don't take the mythologies of the Gods as literal events of the past, instead...
  35. T


    Satanism isn't about darkness, unless you are referring to the subconscious, the 'yin', the female aspect, right brain, shakti of the soul. The serpent is the kundalini serpent, the life-force, shiva. This is what we empower in order to start unlocking our true potential. There is no such...
  36. T

    how to build relationship with Satan??

    Work on your soul through Yoga and power meditations. Show you are serious by promoting his cause, which is the liberation of all gentiles from the kike agenda and reach physical and spiritual perfection (The Magnum Opus). Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  37. T

    Cold Hearted

    In addition to the advice given by Lydia, I suggest having a look at your astrological chart, so to see if the planets also have a role impacting your current state. From there, you can use meditations on the website and e-groups to resolve your issue/s. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  38. T

    An Idea I Have

    When more of us become risen serpents then this may be a good idea. However to protect ourselves presently, silence is golden. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  39. T

    bioelectricity and food

    Natural foods. Not ORGANIC or PROCESSED foods, (both are pushed toward the Jewish agenda). Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  40. T

    Meditation and Chakras

    All Left hand paths lead to the Godhead. Start by opening your soul through power meditations and Yoga then gradually work towards perfection. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  41. T

    Runes and chakras.

    I think a ban is in order to stop this individual from giving such advice on the boards. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  42. T

    HIS Holy Name Meditation

    Why don't you try it out? Meditation at the higher levels is from telepathic contact with the demons and also empowered intuition. Everything becomes very fluid when you start to instinctively mix and do aspects of different meditations together at the same time in order to get more effective...
  43. T

    about his holy name meditation

    I know damnplanetsaturn personally and know him to not be an infiltrator or jew. This has been confirmed by Maxine also. You need to take another look at the meditation because it is definitely Satanic. It does not use holy energy and most have no clue what 'holy' energy is, unless you're...
  44. T

    Tips to Empower your 6th/Ajna chakra and it's extensions.

    If you are focusing on the back of your head, would you not be empowering the sixth chakra back extension? Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  45. T

    The Serpent Opens Your Eyes

    I understand both of your points. DamnPlanetSaturn was simply trying to convey the essence of the quote across despite it being said by a jewish fraud. He is not promoting this individual as we all know Einstein is a plaguristic jew. In order to maintain satanic integrity within the groups...
  46. T


    All stories of our satanic past are allegories for different stages of empowerment and of symbols related. Prometheus gave man the ability to make fire and for this he was punished by Zeus. Satan gave man the gift of kundalini (sacred serpent/fire) and for this the enemy Nordic gods...
  47. T

    Related to Satan?

    These names are definitely related to Satan and the powers of hell. Lord Enlil is the patron god of the all of the oriental people and of eastern culture. Perhaps Quin Shi is Enlil? Could always just empower yourself to the point where you can ask Lord Enlil yourself...
  48. T

    ENEMY LINKS, A symptom i have discovered

    Thank you brother. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  49. T


    Jews would not have given that bird as much compassion/devotion as you had.
  50. T


    You may need to play along with the kike bullshit so you can have a 'legitimate' front while you destroy their system from within by restoring your chosen field to it's pagan roots. I will show you what I mean in my case; I am currently in my second year of university studying for a bachelors...
  51. T

    ENEMY LINKS, A symptom i have discovered

    If we were to sever the link/s of others, must we be in direct proximity to the links or can this be done remotely? Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  52. T

    Pineal Gland

    Distillation is turning the contaminated water into steam then turning it back into liquid again without the contaminants. It's essentially water in it's purest form (well according to present day society). It may have extremely small traces of unwanted pollutants still but that can be dealt...
  53. T

    slender man

    Your references on this please. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  54. T

    Is it bad??

    First learn all you can from the joyofsatan and related websites. Empowering yourself is an essential thing to do. Everything you need is on the site. After you've gained sufficient knowledge, you can go onto the web and spread the truth to others as the Christians, Jews and Muslims are...
  55. T

    Pineal Gland

    What I use is this http://www.puredew.co.nz/ 10L jugs each with a almost a teaspoon of sea salt for remineralisation.
  56. T

    How did I find Satan [And how did you?]

    I have always been spiritually inclined all my life. I did have new-age beliefs a while back but that changed when I woke up in a light trance one day and saw an immensely powerful being come into my room and saturate it with what I can describe as an intense yet calming energy. I tried to get...
  57. T


    Ignore the advice. They were designed to keep YOU under control. Do the exercises only but also use your common sense. The swastika is a very important symbol in Satanism. With the appropriate knowledge (JoyofSatan.org), any power attained can be directed to be extremely beneficial for you.
  58. T

    Spell/mediation to help increase sex drive with my husband.

    Start a yoga program. It will raise your energy to the point where you no longer need anti depressants which should bring your sex drive back to normal. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  59. T

    The Jewel is in the Heart of the Lotus

    Om Mani Padme Hum How would we go about vibrating this sanskrit mantra? How is it actually pronounced? It would be a real bitch to do this kabalistically ... Lucius O HAIL SATAN!
  60. T

    Destroying innocent people, Justice right or wrong?

    Exact justice appropriate to the crime. This is the Satanic way. We must defend ourselves when we are being abused and fight for freedom. Whether the girl and two other guys are gentiles or jews will be a major factor on what sort of justice you are going to use though. Every gentile is...
  61. T

    Where are all of these misconceptions about the kike race coming fro

    I was not sure which info was truth and which was lies, that's why I gave a previous post asking for clarification. I gave references to what info I can find from HP posts in the forums to support any of these claims regardless.
  62. T

    Where are all of these misconceptions about the kike race coming fro

    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/58318 reference for the first and second clarifications that paul has stated.
  63. T

    Where are all of these misconceptions about the kike race coming fro

    What is true and what is false from the list Don?
  64. T

    Chakras above the Head.

    Significant for processes after the ascent of the kundalini serpent perhaps. HAIL SATAN!
  65. T

    kundalini yoga (need an answer today)

    I believe this is only the case for fools who immediately focus on stimulating the kundalini without properly building up a strong foundation with their daily 8fold practice. Closed chakras come from imbalance/s in our systems and yoga balances all, as you know. It is also important to note...
  66. T

    finally feeling the heat

    I have felt heat in my spine especially after either meditations using sunlight or after a kundalini yoga kriya. My head region also heats up when I perform the 'Sat Nam' exercise. HAIL SATAN!
  67. T

    Progeria disease

    I wonder if the end-game would ultimately be bio-warfare between us and them.
  68. T

    Energy Pooling

    It sounds to me like your kundalini serpent has awoken. But just incase this is incorrect energy flow, create or find a yoga routine that is hip/lower body extensive. You may have energy pooling down below the spine which can lead to serious problems if nothing is done about it soon. Better...
  69. T

    im new-ish

    I've been secretly into satanism for about two years...because of Anton LaVey...until recently I discovered this...and I must say that what you've quoted is exactly how I've always wanted to be...I want to be free from all this bull shit about god and how evil satan was...I've never thought that...
  70. T

    runes (names) for destruction spell

    If I use a combination of Uruz, Thurisaz, Gebo, Hagl, Isa, and Tiwaz...would that work against the JoJ who continuously steal from the father? And if so...when would be the best time to use said spell and rune combo?
  71. T

    kundalini!!!!!!! HELP

    Brian I believe this individual is asking the group how to raise/channel the kundalini serpent up the spine. Read the website, follow the satanic eight fold path and you will raise your kundalini eventually.
  72. T

    Ancient Aliens episode - The Greys

    These giants are father and the old gods. HAIL SATAN! Lucius O
  73. T

    Integrated Knowledge

    Although only a few of you, my brothers and sisters, are familiar with who I am, I feel that it is time for me to make another contribution towards the Satanic knowledge-base for the betterment of the gentile races and Satanism in general. Our knowledge on the improving aspects of the human...
  74. T

    Meditation question

    --- In [email protected], "doe.trent" <doe.trent@... wrote: Brian is right with meditating and doing yoga in the morning as it just makes your day go all the better. You'll be able to readjust your time with meditation this way. However, this is individual choice as these are only...
  75. T


    A rubber band pulled too hard will snap and it'll hurt. A rubber band hardly pulled at all will not serve it's purpose. A rubber band pulled just right will. When you've meditated too much, you'll know. HAIL SATAN!
  76. T

    kundalini activates

    The path to true godhead starts with the philosophers stone. HAIL SATAN!
  77. T


    Has anybody ever encountered any non-white demons before? I'm very interested in knowing whether the species that Satan heralds from are all white and the other ethnicities in humans, simply being mutations through evolution or if there are other races within the overall species of 'nordic'.
  78. T

    Hit me up on Facebook!

    Jewbook. HAIL SATAN
  79. T

    four pillars

    It makes sense although to truly prove such a theory will require a greater amount of knowledge and power to understand, experimentally test and see the intricacies/details you theorise. Personally I haven't gone into any depth with this as it was knowledge given to me by other advanced...
  80. T

    four pillars

    This meditation was not something found online. It was given to some of our brothers and sisters by Lord Enlil. Yes it is good to be back around, juggling new aspects of my life and trying to find balance has been challenging to say the least but it is good to know that I am home. HAIL...
  81. T

    four pillars

    The elements. There are four white pillars, around 10 inches long, that are around the head which can be seen with your astral eyes. This is another aspect of the soul. Spin these pillars at the speed of light, breathe in the elements, sun-light, or whatever to empower them. When the four...
  82. T

    Marijuana OK to smoke for meditation?

    It is apart of the kike agenda to strip us of power and keep us as slaves. What do you think? HAIL SATAN
  83. T

    Word of power for inner meditation (HPs please)

    So kabalistically should it be vibrated like this.. ah-ah-ah-ah-oo-oo-oo-oo-mm-mm-mm-mm ? Lucius O HAIL SATAN!
  84. T

    Word of power for inner meditation (HPs please)

    Which vibratory variation would you be referring to Don? a-a-a--u-u-u-m-m-m or oh-oh-oh-m-m-m? Lucius O HAIL SATAN!
  85. T

    Purple energy?

    It just means you're more spiritually inclined than others or you usually have spiritual thoughts and ambitions. Lucius O HAIL SATAN!
  86. T

    Aura programming

  87. T

    Vibrating Training

    I am thinking about trying out whole body vibration training, - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whole_body_vibration as I do not have a lot of time on my hands to go to the gym along with my busy schedule (University, Work, Daily Satanic Routine etc). However I wish to take in the...
  88. T

    My hearing gets lower( prove of Kundalini gets activated )

    It could be Kundalini or an actual problem with your ears. I had the same issue with the hearing a while back but it has since disappeared and I am currently working with my higher mind on my path to the godhood. Just continue with your yoga and meditation program and you should be all right...
  89. T

    Pyrokenisis and other 'powers'

    Clairaudience. It is a sign that your psychic hearing is opening up and beginning to develop. A very good sign indeed! Congratulations sister! We use this faculty to communicate with father and his demons. Lucius O HAIL SATAN!
  90. T

    The Higher Reality & Dreaming (Serpent Wisdom)

    Does this allow for the possibility of obtaining different siddhis if we have sufficient power, simply by adjusting our consciousness to a higher reality and focusing on manifesting these? Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  91. T

    how long does it take to attain Godhood?

    Empowering different aspects of your soul using different spiritual disciplines such as Qigong, Yoga, Tai-chi, incorporated into your daily life and following the eight fold path of Astaroth will inevitably speed up the transition into godhead. As more and more of the previously...
  92. T

    heart chakra

    Your mate needs to open and empower his throat chakra, not his heart chakra. The throat chakra is the seat of emotions, not the heart. The heart is simply a neuter. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  93. T


    Hate! Hatred! Anger! He who was imprisoned, is free. He who casts astral fire and rains bloody hell on his enemies, Created us with constitution, a tree. Kali Yuga! Kali Yuga! Kali Yuga! On one foot the bull stands. With a path eight times in one and his knowledge infinite...
  94. T

    Pyrokenisis and other 'powers'

    The vibration for Thoth can only be described like this ... Vibrate thhhhhh like the start of the word "the" while at the same time open your throat as though you were trying to say the word "oh" Keep up the good work with your power meditations, all are good signs! Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  95. T

    illogical fears and paranoia, advice needed please.

    The enemy is fucking with you big time. Continually sever the links as it is easy for them to reattach when one is new. If you can, immediately start a program consisting of the eight-fold path of Astaroth. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... SHTAR.html Do a banishment ritual if...
  96. T

    illogical fears and paranoia, advice needed please.

    The enemy is fucking with you big time. Continually sever the links as it is easy for them to reattach when one is new. If you can, immediately start a program consisting of the eight-fold path of Astaroth. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... SHTAR.html Do a banishment ritual if...
  97. T

    Pyrokenisis and other 'powers'

    The different aspects of our soul are disconnected and separate thanks to the filthy enemy and their cohorts. Our chi is also naturally dirty because of them. (Think Voldemort's soul in Harry Potter) Developing different aspects of your soul through different spiritual paths such as Yoga...
  98. T

    Pyrokenisis and other 'powers'

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYVdhKVb9WE Here's your proof. The guy is a qi-gong master who isn't even a Satanist and with years of daily practice and dedication, he could achieve all these great siddhis. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  99. T

    Priceless look of pastor Paul Begley

    Hilarious! The look on his face really is priceless! Lucius O HAIL SATAN!
  100. T

    At this moment....I am looking in a new direction

    Welcome brother. Start with studying the entire JOS website to gain the all important knowledge that will open your physical and spiritual eyes to all the real lies that plagues our world today. Coupled with that, start a meditation program from the exercises on this page...
  101. T

    Destroying grays

    Astral fire. Lucius O HAIL SATAN
  102. T

    Sermon 1/28/12

  103. T

    Re: My story

    If you're going to continue spouting your idiotic and silly fantasies onto the members of this group, I suggest you leave. The group has no need for infiltrator deluded scum like you. There are no such things as vampires that require blood and is weak to the sun. There are only people who...
  104. T

    fort campbell area

    Are there any ss in the ft Campbell area?
  105. T


    I was wondering if anyone knows about Fudo.
  106. T

    A Personal Request for Advice (small story)

    My advice to you is simply, get physical. . Yoga . External martial arts . Internal martial arts . Sex/orgasm . Gym . Anything else that involves stretching and strengthening yourself Consistent practice of any of the above will empower different aspects of your soul, correct any...
  107. T

    What sign is the moon in?

  108. T

    Magnum Opus Step 3

    When we are told to 'breathe' the arousal back into our second chakra, are we referring to the middle chakra or it's extension on the spine? HAIL SATAN
  109. T

    I need a higher priest or priestess

    She is most likely either going to the 'one' or staying as a ghost.
  110. T

    pyramids bleed

    It is a spiritual allegory referring to the 'royal blood' of the 'gods'. The chakras are pyramid shaped when they are not spinning. The 'royal blood' which is the energy emitted from the chakras, otherwise known as the'gods', that occurs when we meditate on them. This is the meaning of 'pyramids...
  111. T

    can meditation bring out supressed emotions?

    --- In [email protected], "derikgsthreesixs23" <derikgsthreesixs23@... wrote: Yes meditation brings out suppressed emotions so they can be dealt with. It is actually one of the goals of meditation and also of yoga. This is so that the mind can be freed from any restrictions and...
  112. T

    Soul & Spirit

    --- In [email protected], "godrickzepher@..." <godrickzepher@... wrote: The spirit is the etheric double, the projection on the astral of what the entity looked like when they were alive. In other words, a ghost. A soul is the light body of the entity. It can be different colours...
  113. T

    I need a convienant mentor

    There are no mediators in Satanism. The group is here to help but Satanism is 99% DIY. Satan and his demons can also help you when you are spiritually open and powerful enough to perceive them. HAIL SATAN
  114. T

    Yoga Question

    Weak legs maybe mate. If not then there may be some issues with your root or feet chakras. HAIL ENKI
  115. T

    Four Pillars of the soul

    The elements.
  116. T

    Why I dec 23 Fathers most important day of the year?

    Immortality and Power
  117. T

    The Effect of Fluoride on the Pineal Gland

    Get natural toothpaste or use baking soda.
  118. T

    The Healing Name

    Like the runes.
  119. T

    Failed Attempt

    http://www.examiner.com/liberal-in-orla ... ll-florida Xianity will fall.
  120. T

    Breath of Fire

    If you're referring to the agni-prasana with rapid inhaling/exhaling with equal emphasis in time with the pumping of the stomach, then it's fine to just do it slowly to get a feel for it then speed it up when you're more experienced/confident. If you're simply talking about the eagle pose with...
  121. T

    tan tien

    Yes meditation will definitely help with intelligence as you are opening up more energy pathways in the brain. The empowerment of your mind and soul increases your intellect and much more. Kundalini/Hatha Yoga helps a lot as well.
  122. T

    Empowerment through Agni-Prasana

    A couple of things I forgot to mention was that 1.) Applying a light neck lock (tilting your head down like a soldier at attention) will stop any dizziness that may arise from the meditation. 2.) Using prayer mudra along with this meditation very effectively balances ida and pingala. This...
  123. T

    Risen Serpent

    Work on developing all the abilities and skills that come along with a risen serpent. Think being born and having to learn how to walk, talk, etc etc except on a godly level.
  124. T

    tan tien

    The lower tan tien is in the same location as your sacral chakra. May be the same thing.
  125. T

    Why are we casted as dark?

    Because people are fucking ignorant and lack the knowledge of the old civilizations and ways of Satan. Not to mention the filthy programs currently in play (Judaism, Islam, Xianity) which are powerful subliminal tools that deceive and drain the populace. Darkness in Satanism refers to the...
  126. T

    Empowerment through Agni-Prasana

    Nah what I meant is to start visualizing and affirming after 10 seconds of pumping and continue to pump after that mark. The 10 second period of pumping alone is just to get your prana going before you begin the mental work.
  127. T

    Does this happen to you?

    It most likely is the energy running through your body,shouldn't be anything to worry about. HAIL SATAN
  128. T

    Empowerment through Agni-Prasana

    This pranayam I have discovered, bestows a myriad of benefits including the charging and strengthening the aura as well as the many systems in the human body. However, today I am going to give everybody a meditation I have discovered through a rush of knowledge during one of my kundalini yoga...
  129. T

    Five Tibetan Rites

    --- In [email protected], "ipos_anubis666" <ipos_anubis666@... wrote: I've asked this question myself and I have found that spinning clockwise is best for the first rite.
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    Shapeshifting and overwhelming feelings

    Does anyone know a practical method for physical shapeshifting? I know how to astrally shapeshift, and I know that biokinesis is part of it. Also I want to ask if this ever happens to anyone else. Sometimes I have almost seizure like episodes, where my body gets hot, all of my abdominal muscles...
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    Amon Ra Mantra

    --- In [email protected], "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@... wrote: Solar Plexus
  132. T


    --- In [email protected], "Vaibhav" <vaibhav_nager@... wrote: The true color of our aura is present when we are born and changes temporarily according to our moods, feelings and situations. As witchpower is genetic and passed down from generation to generation, you could say that...
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    --- In [email protected], eremoslukos8@... wrote: http://anmolmehta.com/blog/2007/04/19/b ... cise-ch-1/ http://anmolmehta.com/blog/2007/12/11/i ... rful-aura/
  134. T


    --- In [email protected], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote: The Siddhis are our powers. They are the abilities that manifest as we continually meditate and/or do yoga. They are a gift from Satan and should be worked on till they are mastered.
  135. T

    Brainwave tuner

    --- In [email protected], "V" <viagndemon@... wrote: I'd keep well away from them if I were you. You never know whether it's been tempered with by the enemy. Plus you wouldn't want to end up with a dependence on them for your meditations anyway.
  136. T

    Reincarnation and the world population

    Reincarnation exists. However, the world population is also on the increase. Can someone please explain this phenomena for me? We are of the royal bloodline of Satan, it means that our genetic disposition and our souls are unique which means that members of other species cannot reincarnate as...
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    Is Ojas, the essence of sexual fluid, the same thing as the male exiler?
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    Magnum opus

    --- In [email protected], "littletigerclaw" <capnslappn@... wrote: All those that are with Satan and are dedicated to him, his demons and his cause will be fine and your family of whom you care for will be fine. The enemy is getting more and more desperate as the days go by and they...
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    Age of Aquarius

    --- In [email protected], "koreysun" <koreysun@... wrote: Officially starts around the 22nd century. Changes gearing towards that are starting now though.
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    Is the essence of sexual fluid, otherwise known as 'Ojas', the same thing as the male exiler?
  141. T

    Two questions

    Just a slight deviation from the questions being asked and answered in this thread but I just wanted to know where did other ethnicities come about (Black, Arab, Asian etc) when the gods of Satanism are all white. Are there gods of other ethnicities living with Father and his demons on Duat?
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    The Five Tibetan Rites

    --- In [email protected], "Timothy" <lucius.oria@... wrote: The file on this set of yoga in the files section of the group says counter-clockwise whereas other websites and sources say clockwise. Which one is correct ... does it even matter?
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    The Five Tibetan Rites

    There is conflicting instructions given for the direction of spinning for the first Tibetan rite. Do we spin clockwise or counter-clockwise?
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    A look at the new Libya (pathetic)

    --- In [email protected], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote: The jews wanted Gadafi dead because he went against their schemes and now they have their wish. Now Libya is going to be taken over by the jews with a jew puppet put as leader of that country. They are not free.
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    --- In [email protected], "CO6" <x_666alone_x@... wrote: Yes you can. Is it a good idea? Probably not. Depends on how powerful you are.
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    --- In [email protected], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote: Yes....if you programme the energy you raise to heal.
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    --- In [email protected], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote: Yes you can, I'm using that mantra to heal spiritual and emotional wounds that I currently have. HAIL SATAN
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    Serpent Meditation

    --- In [email protected], "laerwolf" <laerwolf@... wrote: When you are able to have sexual/kundalini energy flow through your entire body, through all your chakras.
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    --- In [email protected], "Celina" <lovingbelial@... wrote: Once a day, 108 times, for 40 days I believe.
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    The Ten Tibetan Breaths

    I am referring to the entire set. I want to know how many times we can safely do all ten breaths, as per instructions, within a day. For example, doing the ten breaths in the morning when I wake and before I go to sleep at night.
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    The Ten Tibetan Breaths

    How many times a day could we perform the 'Ten Tibetan Breaths'? HAIL SATAN
  152. T

    The Ten Tibetan Breaths

    For anybody familiar with the ten breaths, I need clarification on how to perform the sixth breath (otherwise known as vibrational breath). I am confused about how to perform the "swing your arms in a complete circle, three times" instruction. Any feedback is much appreciated. HAIL SATAN!
  153. T

    Meeting other Satanist

    I have been deployed to Afghanistan, and im coming home soon, i am going to take a road trip, on leave. I would like to meet other Satanist along the way, so if anyone would like to hangout or learn from each other, please let me know. I am looking forward to meeting others like me. Hail Satan
  154. T

    Places to go on leave?

    Hi everyone, iv been deployed in afghanistan, and im coming back soon. i am going to take a road trip, but i dont know where all im going to go. i would like to meet other spiritual satanist along the way. if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to let me know. thanks everyone HAIL...
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    Eternal flame

    When i was on guard yesterday, the weather was really bad, and it was freezing, but i closed my eyes i saw a female that looked like she was on fire. she was beautiful, and we talked a little bit, and she kissed me and told me that the eternal flame is inside of me, i instantly felt warmer, she...
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    I'm confused

    Satan's blessings to all in the group. I need to clarify something in preparation for constructing my ritual circle. In High Priest Vovim Baghie's 'Satanic Ritual' he has the celebrant invoke the Four Ruling God Powers of Duat: Father Satan - East Enlil Sama - North Astaroth Sama - West...
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    When i feel energy

    When i feel energy flowing through me, the most sensitive area is my genitalia, i was wondering why that is. Any thought or oppinions are appreciated thank you. HAIL SATAN AND THE LEFT HAND PATH
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    Looking for my soulmate

    --- In [email protected], "Timothy" <spiritualsatanist92@... wrote: By the way im 18 about to be 19,im an infantryman in the army, and im in afghanistan right now.
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    Looking for my soulmate

    Are the any woman looking to date or find a boyfriend. If you are interested just send me a message and ill give you my Bio. HAIL SATAN
  160. T

    Finding a local coven

    Hail Satan! Hail to my brohters and sisters! I need advice on how to find and join a coven. I live in Eastbourne on the south coast of England and if there are any covens they are so secretive that you only get invited to join if you known someone. I feel so isolated not knowing any fellow...
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    which language would be most beneficial?

    I was wondering which language would be most beneficial in spiritual satanism, for example latin, ect..?
  162. T

    Im in Afghanistan

    --- In [email protected], "PamelaL" <evilalien@... wrote:
  163. T

    I need to find a local group

    Infernal greetings, I live in the Eastbourne/Brighton area in the UK. I was initiated into the Craft many years ago but have become disenchanted with the way modern Wicca seems almost to crave respectability. I feel it has abandoned its dark traditions and I have found its nature-based...
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    Im in Afghanistan

    Thank you to everybody
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    Im in Afghanistan

    Im in Afghanistan right now and i live in pretty bad conditions, for example now running water, i havent had a shower in like 6 or 7 weeks. but if anyone wants to send me a letter or anything it would big a big morale boost. this is the address: PV2 Sharp Dog Co. 2-506 IN FOB Tillman or...
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    Are there any meditations or anyhting that will help with weightlifting, or weightloss, because i do not want to take supplements or steroids. thank you for all the help HAIL LORD ENKI!
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    --- In [email protected], "scott.mark06@..."<scott.mark06@... wrote: Which martial art is the most spiritual for us?
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    I leave for afghanistan on sunday, and i was wondering if everybody could send positive energy to me and the american troops on the warfront. im going to a hostile area where there is daily contact with the enemy. the place is called Cop Munoz, and i will be traveling between there and Fob...
  169. T

    Military Satanists/ Protective Entities

    --- In [email protected], "deetzkid" <deetzkid@... wrote: Hi im in the army as an infantryman, and i leave for afghanistan on monday, and ther is a page on JOS that has a demon help page, there are demons that help us. by the way whats your info, like unit, branch, mos, ect...
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    how does being the military help Lord Satan?

    Im in the army and i was wondering how it could contribute to Father. HAIL SATAN
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    Strange feelings and reactions(really dont know what to call it)

    For some time now, every so often i have these episodes where i feel animalistic i guess i would call it, and my muscles randomly tense up, especially my abdominals, to the point where it kind of hurts and i sit all the way up. plus i get alot of tingling in my groin area and hands, sometimes my...
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    Is there anyone at or around Ft. Campbell?

    i am stationed at ft. campbell, and am looking for fellow satanist in the area
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    I was wondering if anyone elses guardian is Osiris, and if they new more info about him? All info is welcomed, and thank you HAIL SATAN
  174. T

    Sex with Demons and Demoness

    Roger that, thanks for the info HAIL SATAN
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    the military

    I know what your talking about it sucks, but i signed up for 6 years, its not the best enviroment, but it has its good points. i was thinking about the navy when my term is up but not sure. where r u stationed? HAIL SATAN HAIL OSIRIS
  176. T

    the military

    im in the army and was wondering what everybodies opinions were. All is welcomed good or bad, and thank you HAIL LORD SATAN
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    Sex with Demons and Demoness

    I was wondering if you could impregnate a demoness? And also if eventually have physical sex, like humans thank you HAIL LORD SATAN
  178. T


    --- In [email protected], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote: Same here Father Satan told me who my guardian is, and i feel lucky that i was told, and it wasnt long after my dedication.
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    i did feel really drained, afterwords, thanks for the help and do you have any pointers for me
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    i used a key on a on 550 cord, and finally moved it a little, i could even see and feel my aura but i stopped for maybe 10min, and now i cant move it and i have a headache. any ideas on what happened, all info is welcome. thank you HAIL SATAN
  181. T

    Are there any spiritual satanists in tenn?Or am i the only one?

    ---i am at fort campbell if that counts
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    guidance for military

    --- In [email protected], G M <darkflowereternal@... wrote:
  183. T

    Anyone at or around Fort Campbell?

    i just got stationed here and im about to be deployed in august to afganistan, just trying to connect
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    guidance for military

    im getting deployed to afganistan in august, and im a infantryman, so just trying to get some guidance on protection and morale
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    is anyone in the army?

    is anyone here in the army or military? im a 11 bravo looking for others in the army.
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    Satanists in KY

    --- In [email protected], "damieninsko" <damieninsko@... wrote: I live in western kentucky.
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    I am having trouble finding good info on necromancy, and was wanting to know if anybody new of any book or site, that teaches how to do necromancy. All help is apprietiated.
  188. T


    Im looking for information or techniques on how to physically shapeshift. I now how to mentally shift, but not physically. All help is appreciated.
  189. T

    Kundalini Yoga

    I bought the dvd on amazon that is posted on the JoS site. When it happened the chakras came out in individual colors but then morphed into one ball and went back in. In my normal vision i see what look kind of like white/silver pixels and little streaks of light, but when i meditate i can can...
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    Kundalini Yoga

    --- In [email protected], "High Priest Jake" <hammerofthegods_666@... wrote: Thank you I just wasn't sure what it meant, but that makes sense, and I didnt expect it to happen so fast.
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    Kundalini Yoga

    I just started to practice kundalini yoga, and after getting so far into, in my minds eye, I saw all of my chakras come foward in front of me and join together to make one big ball of white or silver, then come back in.I was just wandering if anyone would know what it meant. All thoughts are...
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    Is there anyway to get personal lessons, like a mentor? I think if it could ever happen it would be amazing if there was a school for satanism, where everyone could get help from like a teacher on a personal level, but im only a dreamer, so maybe one day. Any help is appreciated.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
