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  1. A

    I Love Him For Always....

    Hey, you're young yet bro. ^ You will get there, just keep working at it! This stuff takes time...
  2. A

    I Love Him For Always....

    Yes. My story is similar to yours, Magus...though without the xianity part. Lol. I had contemplated being a xian, but that idea only lasted for like 5 seconds. Lol. Floated around for a few years, trying different religions...well, studying them, at any rate. I never made a formal commitment...
  3. A

    Being Tested by Lord Satan.

    Exactly! I rather dislike that word actually, 'testing'. jewhova and his ilk test, Satan instructs. And well, sometimes bad shit just happens to us; Father has nothing to do with it. And yes, he is a god, so he already knows how we will react. Really I do not think he has anything to do with...
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    Satanic Poem/song i made

    Simply beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this piece, Brother!
  5. A

    Father is still with me!!!

    Of course you can make jewelery for them, if you really want to. But, what would really help them more is if you fight the enemy, be it online or offline, in some fashion. That would be truly helping our Father out.
  6. A

    Formal greeting to my brothers and sisters

    Welcome Brother! ^
  7. A

    Ritual's End Thanksgiving and some words.

    Well said, Brother! Hail father Satan always! hail Lord Andras! Hail sorath, the one who burns! Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Heil der Waffen-SS!
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    Yes...I would say, do the whole ritual on the physical plane, then burn it outside, when you can. That is what I would do, were it me.
  9. A

    Some ideas for this holiday season to honor Father Satan!

    Awesome message Sister! ^ Great job!
  10. A

    Some question!

    Welcome to the family, Brother! :D
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    on performing the ritual

    You can whisper. You needn't go shouting it; Father understands the difficulties you face in doing it openly. Just do the best you can!
  12. A

    (no subject)

    We will give them ruin and wroth! That is waht we shall do! That's the whole point of reaching godhood, so we can become like the gods. Besides, the enemy are weak, when it comes right down to it. They are cowards! Also, they have become complacent, and are not used to being resisted. I...
  13. A

    What's a "universal consciousness"?

    I don't know, to be honest. The new agers are all idiots of course. But, technically, you could say that the Gods are one with the universe. I mean, how else could they so easily know our thoughts, and see far and beyond as they do? I think, really, there is some truth to it; certainly if...
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    Did he accept me?

    Exactly! Couldn't have said it better myself bro! ^
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    Runes And The Temple Of The Sun

    Oh wow! that is awesome!
  16. A

    worried about my dedication.

    Welcome to the family! :D
  17. A

    Aura of protection for others- possibly saved someone

    Wow! Hella awesome sis! ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  18. A

    Greetings to my new family.

    His enthronement is near. Welcome Brother! You were led here by Father obviously. My story is similar to yours, though I was not raised xian, or indeed anything at all honestly. Lol. I just sort of went floating round from religion to religion, testing the waters, you might say. I did not...
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    rising candle flame during dedication riual

    Very awesome! Welcome to the family! :D
  20. A

    About Satan/ december 23

    Well, in this particular case, 'observe' does not just mean to watch. It means to celebrate, or commemorate the day in some way. As has already been suggested, thanksgiving rituals, or working for Father's cause in some way whether it be online or off, are some ways to honour him on this day.
  21. A

    Runes And The Temple Of The Sun

    Hmm. Is this pyramids documentary on Youtube, by any chance? Sounds most interesting! And, uh, how do you hear sounds from inside the pyramids? maybe those are on youtube too? I'd definitely be interested in hearing those! Bet it sounds weird, but I am interested in that as well. Lol.
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    Australian members at risk of fires

    Yeah, no fucking kidding! Sheesh! Stay safe sis, and everyone else in Australia!
  23. A

    My Anti-tract

    Awesome! thanks...Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  24. A

    Sermon 11/09/13 - Further Exposing Christianity

    Once again, very enlightening! Thanks HPS Maxine! ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
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    a poem

    I like it! :) Very awesome and touching. If you ever write any more poems, please do share them with us here! Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
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    hail satan, greetings all, i am a new member who just joined Jos4Ad

    Yes, it is indeed up to us to affect this massive change...for if we do not do it, who else will, I ask you? Rise up, and help bring about the rightful King's enthronement!
  27. A

    Convenient sequence of events?

    I know, yeah, old post, but still, no one ever answered you. So yeah, definitely sounds like Lord Andromalius helped you out. Just a few too many coincidences. ^ Did you ever dedicate? Either wy, freaking awesome post sis!
  28. A

    My Anti-tract

    Sweet! Thanks bro! I will check out your site later. There definitely need to be more good Satanic sites out there, to counteract all the garbage! I am in the process of making one myself, actually. ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  29. A

    Can someone help please...

    Hey Michael and welcome to the family, Brother! ^ I reccommend the spiritual warfare training program. Great basic beginners starting place. http://fight4satan666.webs.com/Spiritua ... aining.htm
  30. A

    My Anti-tract

    Of course I don't mind! ^ go for it, Brother! What is your site btw? I had it once, but I never saved the URL.
  31. A

    Thank you Volac ♥

    What is your Youtube channel sis? I have one too, though nothing is on it at present. Lol. I definitely plan to put stuff up though: Satanic testimonies...at least my own, if I cannot get other ones. As well as positive poems and such about Father and the other Gods of Hell. My name on there...
  32. A

    Witless' new tactic??

    Blah. I hate hate those fuckers! One of them came round here a few days ago, as a matter of fact. The stupid, vapid little bitch woke me up too! *growls* I didn't even let her finish her little spiel and hand me the damned tract; I just said, "Don't want it" in a very sullen, acerbic tone...
  33. A

    great news

    Ha! So very awesome! Welcome to the family my Brother! you could have performed the ritual in the cathedral if you had truly wanted to. No place on Earth is forbidden to our Lord Satan! He is barred from nowhere! http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Power.html
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    My Anti-tract

    I just now came up with this anti-tract. It is very simple, with no pictures; I am blind, and so do not know how to insert photos into text. But, if you know how and wish to do so, feel free to add them if you wish, when you distribute this. But really, I don'th think it needs pictures. It...
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    New In Town

    Ah, okay, I getcha. Neat! Personally, I thought it was pretty awesome when I read on the site that all of our Gods are basically Egyptian, that they go that far back. I was like wow! Whilst I wouldn't say I was fascinated by ancient Egyptian culture before I became a Satanist, I was...
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    The Trends of This Group

    Agree with Cam here.
  37. A

    To the children of hell

    Hail Satan, the Lord of Aeons for ever and always! For ever in the service of the almighty and ineffable Satan, my King...
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    New In Town

    I know, old post but still...welcome to the family Brother! Um, do forgive me for being dense, but when you guys say 'ancient paganism', do you mean wicca, or is this something different? Lol. Well it must be, 'cause wicca sure ain't ancient! Heh.
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    Welcome Brother! ^ Hope your dedication went all right.
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    Greetings and Salutations

    Yay! Wecome to the family! And mark, that is very awesome! He is so beautiful, wise, kind and powerful...so amazing! the best Lord and Father ever! He has no equal. I am so very, very grateful to have him in my life. I do not know what I would do without him, to be honest.
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    *sigh* No, it bloody well isn't dumb! Like I say, use of fucking common sense. Besides, the fucking block button is all you need to press, if you think the person you are speaking with is untrustworthy. And then they are gone, out of your life for ever. Lucifer wept!
  42. A


    Yes, congrats on your 3rd year anniversary, Lydia! ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
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    You need to trust your instincts and intuition. Just be discerning, and use common sense, and you should be fine. And you can always ask Father Satan whether or not a member is trustworthy. He will let you know, one way or another. just be open! If anyone wishes to add me, my Skype name is...
  44. A

    som insight would be helpful...

    Well, whatever it was, honestly I wouldn't worry about it overmuch. It's done and over with, and it happened a long time ago. Just meditate and make yourself stronger spiritually, so you can talk with Father and the other Gods.
  45. A

    Experiences with dedication ritual

    I don't know anything about this 'lam' thing, but if Crowley had anyting to do with it, personally I would stay clear. Because yes, the greys are Father's and our enemies. As are the angels, and Crowley had lots of angel magick mixed up with other kike mumbo jumbo that has nothing to do with...
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    Thank you Father Satan!

    I just wanted to say a public thank you to our beloved, great Father Satan! My mother recently got into a car accident, and although the car itself was pretty much totaled, she was not hurt. Except for a very minor injury to her wrist, not even quite a sprain. But other than that, she was...
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    Handful of Questions

    Yes, I am eternally grateful I was spared that morass of ignorance and forced slavery. My parents left me alone to explore as I wished, religion-wise.
  48. A

    Greetings and Salutations

    You renounced xianity, which is good...but did you actually dedicate? Not pressing, just curious. ^ In any event, welcome mark, and feel free to ask whatever questions you wish here.
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    Father Satan

    Yeah, what Magus said. ^ Seriously dude, don't worry about it! Everyone makes mistakes; it's part of being bloody human! Lol. And Father understands that. As long as you are sincere in not doing whatever it is again, that is if it is really so bad, and then learn from said mistake, you will...
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    som insight would be helpful...

    First may I say, welcome to the family! ^ Always so good to see more new people coming to Father Satan! As to your question, in all honesty I have no solid, straight answer for you. Perhaps this priest was in contact with some enemy entities...angels or greys. Because ordinarily obviously...
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    Handful of Questions

    Yes...it is time that this bloody farce was ended! The mask must come off, and the parasite be disposed of utterly. Rise, O ye children of the one true God Satan! Together, we shall take back his kingdom for him and for ourselves! He shall be enthroned once again, taking his rightful place...
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    astral combat without astral projection?

    Ah, okay. Cool! thanks. I figured solar energy would be helpful in raising it. Ave Satanas!
  53. A

    Greetings and Salutations

    Welcome Jayne! Have you actually done the dedication ritual yet? Or are you still in research mode, as it were? ^ Either way, welcome! Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  54. A

    Handful of Questions

    Oh, and funnily enough, when I actually did wwatch the odd movie about Satan, (the 9th gate in particular), or daemons (various ones), I really was not scared. I would think, hey, these demons are kinda cool. And Satan is interesting. And as a young child and teen, i had always been...
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    Handful of Questions

    Once again, I thank Satan that I was not raised xian! I obviously got some xian programming, some is sadly unavoidable in this day and age when their filthy images and symbols are fucking everywhere; but, basically, I came to Father with no preconceived notions of him. I had no doubts, even...
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    Magnum Opus

    Oh sure, go ahead man! ^ I don't mind a bit. As an aspiring writer for Father Satan myself, always happy to advise people if they need it.
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    Handful of Questions

    Hello. First off, the word demon (real spelling 'daemon') really does not have a bad meaning at all. It just means helper or intermediary, attendant. I always spell it 'daemon' now, to differentiate. Have you actually read: www.joyofsatan.com Really, most of your questions can be...
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    Do what you think is best, I say. And yes, I think Lord valefor will help you, because it says on the site that he cures all illnesses. I wish you the best of success, my Brother! Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  59. A

    Magnum Opus

    Yes, I know about them, I just forgot about the 21 statements or whatever. Lol. though to tell the truth, I don't like that sinistar website. Somewhere on there it actually says that the Gods do not have emotions. Feh! They obviously do not really know our beloved gods, then. Else they would...
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    Magnum Opus

    Oh yeah, those. Heh. Forgot about the ONA.
  61. A

    I am VERY lost!!!!

    Hey, it's okay! ^ I am glad to be here too, in our Father's tender embrace and among his loyal brethren. Yes it will be hard to overcome your present obstacles, but as long as you persevere, you shall overcome them! It just takes persistence, and trust in both yourself and Father and the...
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    Seeking help and advise

    Oh, I totally agree, Brother! its fun killing their faith! Lol. And rather easy, too. I fucking hate those damned televangelist and Youtube prechers! Hate hate hate! but it's most fun tearing their feeble arguments to shreds. On 10/25/13, richardlesterhailsatan11@...
  63. A

    Thank You Satan!

    That's awesome sis! ^ And once again, we see that Satan takes care of his own! Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  64. A

    What do satanists think about the creator

    The bible (and the qu'ran) is fucking bullshit! Not worth the paper it is written upon! There is no one creator, in the sense that no one, supposedly omnipresent entity created all things. Indeed, that very idea is quite ridiculous, if one truly thinks about it logically. Use your inate...
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    I am VERY lost!!!!

    Be patient! Patience is essential in SS. And hang in there, BlackChaosDragon! ^
  66. A

    (no subject)

    Dude, don't worry about it. Relax! Welcome to the family! You are just not psychically open enough to sense his presence very well yet. Meditate! Start opening your chakras...in short, become stronger! And no, you needn't do the ritual again. Once was quite enough. he accepted you, trust me! ^
  67. A

    What happens when someone leaves Satanism?

    We all make mistakes, man. As long as you are sincere in your desire to truly stayw with him this time, you (or your friend) or whomever should not have a problem. Start, and stick with, a power meditation program. I recommend the spiritual warfare training program. Then, you will get...
  68. A

    Magnum Opus

    Um, what exactly do you mean by the 21 aspects of Satanism? I don't quite get what you mean by that...
  69. A

    Seeking help and advise

    Yes, just do as Blackrose suggests. ^ You may say with your mouth that you are a filthy xian, but in your heart, you know what and who you truly are, and Father Satan knows too! Welcome to the family!
  70. A

    Parasitic entities?

    Well, leastways as I understand it, the angels are actually the same race as our beloved Gods. They just want different things. The angels want us to be enslaved, whereas our Gods wish us to be like them, immortal.
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    uprising by muse

    Yeah. And what is really sad is, most of the xian songs actually describe our Father...I mean, the way he really is, but instead they're putting those attributes onto jebus 'cause they don't know any better. They are praising the wrong Father and Lord! To my mind, Satan/Enki is the real...
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    Very awesome! Welcome to the family!
  73. A


    Hi Peter! You really ought to read: www.joyofsatan.com Read it, study it thoroughly, if you've not done so already! You should not dedicate your soul to Father Satan unless you are sure. this is not a game, and once you do so, you cannot undo it. Satan/Enki is the true Father of...
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    Experiences with dedication ritual

    Yeah, those grey bastards only wanted to scare you, as like as not. Or deter you. But obviously, they did not. Lol. As for my dedication, I didn't really feel very much when I did at all. But that is because I was never a Satanist in a past life. At least I highly doubt I was. If I had...
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    astral combat without astral projection?

    Um, question? Is there an alternate way to raise the serpent without having to feed it sexual energy? I remember reading I think it was on HP Vovim's site about how you were supposed to feed the serpent sexual energy. If that is the only way then I guess I'm stuck with it, but I dunno. This...
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    Total Slaves

    Stupid bloody jews...their day of reckoning is at hand! Our time is now, Lord Satan's time! The age of the serpent...
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    astral combat without astral projection?

    Um, please don't take offense; I am just trying to understand. You said before that your kundalini has risen, or at least awakened. But yet you cannot achieve trance state? How is that possible? I am not doubting you sister, I just do not understand how that can be so.
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    uprising by muse

    I was going to ask that myself. Lol. They certainly don't seem xian to me. But in any case, I love that band! Their vocalist is fucking awesome!
  79. A

    Australian members at risk of fires

    Glad to hear it, sis! ^ Our Lord always protects his own. Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  80. A

    Australian members at risk of fires

    You stay safe yourself too, Sister! I'm in the U.S., not Australia, but nonetheless...keep safe and protected. Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  81. A

    A method to give energy to Satan and the Powers of Hell

    Thanks for sharingthis, Brother! ^ I think I shall do this, when I do my next ritual next week. Hail Father satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  82. A

    Magnum Opus (Prologue)

    Ah, so that was the significance. Cool...keep it up!
  83. A

    Magnum Opus (Prologue)

    I liked it! I like how the raven gave him the message. Magnum opus isn't a bad title, but you could maybe call it "Freedom's Song". I'm curious to see how the story will unfold. Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras!
  84. A

    Beleth <3

    Yes they are, actually. Trying to fuck us up. Won't fucking work, in the end! I am going to also start doing the munka. My man did it, and it really helped him; the angels still try and mess with him, but it doesn't have any effect. So I am going to do that, and it should help too. Father...
  85. A

    Magnum Opus Story

    I'm sorry your computer crashed. That is never good, but when you're working on stuff it's the worst. Make sure and back up your story somehow, so if it happens again it won't all be lost! I, for one, am definitely interested in reading it as it goes along. I always love reading stories...
  86. A

    a warning from Father....

    Wishing you the best of success Sister! ^ Just be careful; proceed with caution. I am sure you are right, the serpent's awakening is probably nothing compared to making and using the stone. But I am sure your gd and Father will help you, so in the end you'll make it! Keep us posted! I am...
  87. A

    Beleth <3

    Thank you, Brandon. I really appreciate your words, Brother, I truly do! My apologies to Yc28 for my harsh words, but this is indeed very frustrating! As I say, both my man and I are trying, using our own resources and power, but it's very, very hard being apart. And I have been under enemy...
  88. A

    Beleth <3

    What the fuck do you think we have been doing? We are both doing workings to and get the desired result, with no results. We bloody need help! So I will ask for it, and if she won't give it that's fine, but I must try something.
  89. A

    Beleth <3

    I hope she can help me, too! *sigh* I am at my wit's end, here...I am trying to be patient, but it's very hard! But we shall figure something out! And perhaps Lady Byleth can indeed aid us...
  90. A

    somebody witha testimony help me

    Though I did not officially summon him, I have three times now been visiteed by the Daemon, Lord Sorath. Why he hcose me, I honestly have no idea; I guess he likes me? I dunno. But i any case, to say I feel honoured is a major understatement! To be quite truthful, I am not rather fascinated...
  91. A

    Who Lucius Dragonwolf

    I miss Hp Lucius! *sigh* He was always really nice! ^ WE corresponded off-list very briefly when he was here.
  92. A


    Awesome! :D
  93. A

    Just so thankful

    speak it, Sista! ^ Father Satan is just...he is beyond words. I adore him so!
  94. A

    The New Joy of Satan Forum

    I think the Daleks from Dr. Who said it best: Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate. Lol. We shall prevail, and all they have built shall fall to ruin and dust. Hail Father Satan always!
  95. A

    HAIL SATAN i dedicated to the lord satan

    Welcome Brother! ^ And yes it was valid/legit, as long as you meant in your heart to be true to our Lord, and you did so out of love for him, or a desire to join and fight for his cause. He looks for honesty and sincerity above all else. On 10/10/13, frank.bornonthe13th@...
  96. A

    Nazi Ideology

    And, of course, that youtube video is no longer available. Gee, big surprise...Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns! Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Heil der Waffen-SS!
  97. A

    Want to thank father Satan and my guardian demon

    @Edward, okay, look dude, bad things happen. It matters not whether you are a SS or without; bad things will happen to you, of varying degrees of course. But you oughtn't to go distrusting our Father. Firstly, though he is a God, but he cannot be everywhere at once. That's the xians' shtick...
  98. A

    Can't reply anymore

    Yeah, that's what I do. what i've always done, actually. I have it set to forward messages to my regular inbox and just reply that way. Main reason I do it this way though for me is, I'm blind, and if you can't see, Yahoo is a bitch to use any way you look at it. Heh. I'd tell you what I...
  99. A

    Just an experience

    He has...as he does for all of his children. Welcome to the family, Sister! ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  100. A

    We are privileged

    We will all make it...we will achieve gnosis, and stand by our Lord's side. We shall rejoice in our victory! This world shall be ours once again!
  101. A

    Rid myself of Jahova

    Sure! Here ya go! Enjoy! ^ http://gblt.webs.com/Exorcism_of_Jehova.htm
  102. A

    So, it's out there now

    Yes...weak, desperate, and terrified. Ha! Pathetic little rats...
  103. A

    Re: Blood Sacrifice, An Xtian video about the coming of the Aryan An

    Well, I for one am interested. After all, know thine enemy, yes? If we know their minds, we know them. Their thought processes etc. give us insight as how to best defeat them. basic precept, I would think. But we as individuals all fight the battle after our own fashion, so...*shrug* One...
  104. A

    Xian 'God' talking to my mother.

    One word, my friend...angels. It's the same with our gods; if the enemy really wants to get through to someone, they can, regardless of astral openness/awareness. With Father and our Gods it's the same; if they really want to get through to one of us, they can...and it isn't always through...
  105. A

    Don't let them stop you!

    Very well said, Firebird! We shall be victorious! Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  106. A

    Hell Hounds

    Andras, my Gd, actually trains these hounds, I believe. Don't know that for certain. But I've had, well, a succession of them. At least two were killed by enemies attacking me, both human and angelic. Mother Kali/Lilith has sent me at least one herself, but I honestly do not know if I now...
  107. A

    Nagging thoughts with a burden

    Good! Keep us posted, Sister! Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  108. A

    Coming out of the Jehovahs Witness cult and coming into Truth

    Good idea that, Dennis! Wow! I didn't know those stupid meetings lasted that long. Sheesh! what a waste of time! My mom and I actually went to one of their stupid buy bull studies one time; well, we only went 'cause one of my mom's friends at the time was a witless, and she invited us. They...
  109. A

    Coming out of the Jehovahs Witness cult and coming into Truth

    You can dedicate on the astral. Which isn't nearly as complicated as it sounds. Just memorize the steps in the ritual and do it in your head, imagining yourself doing the actions and reciting the words in your mind. Or, wait until you have an assured couple hours where your family or others...
  110. A

    Nagging thoughts with a burden

    Hey, we are here to help; that's what this group is for, after all. ^ I'd say, use runes! Hagl, thurisaz, perhaps nauthiz-if you aren't vibrating destructive runes on him already, that is. This guy needs to go! He sounds like bad fucking news. If he had actually threatened you, you could get...
  111. A


    Yes...she is our goddess, Lilith. The Dark mother, who births destruction and creation.
  112. A

    Prayer to our Father

    No, doing a whole standard ritual is not at all necessary, if you do not want to, or simply do not have the time or needed space. Really. all prayer is is just talking to Father Satan, you don't even have to be in a trance to do it if you don't want to. Just talk to him like he was sitting...
  113. A


    Jos was founded in 2001, actually, just fyi. At least I believe that is the correct year.
  114. A

    Parakeet died

    Awww. I am sorry about your animals. But they are with Father now, at least. He likes all animals, and will definitely keep your beloved pets safe. Ask him to watch over your remaining live ones, so they do not get stricken down. I am sure that this is of the enemy, since it happened all of...
  115. A


    No, they do not openly bash JoS, but they did steal and plagiarize directly from us. Look at the site! But, whether or not it is run by jews is immatierial and irrelevant. The site is damaging, because it spreads doubt about HP Maxine et al. For what my opinion is worth, I actually think it...
  116. A

    Debunking Jesus's Message (article on my site)

    jebus is a grasping, uncaring egotist...plenty of evidence throughout the whole stinking buy bull. Blech! Hate that fucking book! Hate hate hate! He is not at all kind; he is merely a usurper of the one true Lord and king of this world, Satan/Mero/Enki! hail Father Satan for ever!
  117. A

    Friday 13ths Ritual - Important

    You tell 'em, sis! And I hope your puppies get better soon! ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  118. A

    Re: False enitiy

    Tell whatever it is to get the fuck out of there in the almighty Lord Satan's name! Heh. Hail Father Satan always! Hail lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  119. A

    i would like to meet ss in california

    Seriously, Lucifer wept! I fucking swear! If I had never decided to make friends with my dedicated SS fiancee online first and then start talking to him over the telephone, we never would have met. I am actually at his house as I type this, funnily enough. ^ So, this particular Satanist has...
  120. A

    Starting over...?

    Thank you, Firestarter! That was most helpful to me. ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  121. A


    I beg of you, do not do this! For one one thing, it is not the Satanic way and is, in my opinion, just stupid and cowardly. For another, if you kill yourself, you will just be reincarnated right back into a similar or identical situation and perhaps just end up doing the same thing all over...
  122. A

    Friday 13th Ritual Experience

    Hey, we were all new once, Brother! No problem! ^ Thou hast my sword, Father Satan, for ever and always!!!! Hail Satan, almighty King!
  123. A

    JoS E-Groups 9/2/13

    Will definitely do it. this is fucking lame! Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  124. A


    Fucking well said, Clayton! hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  125. A

    Sharing dedication experience

    Lol. Welcome to the family! Hail Father Satan always! Hail lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  126. A


    I would tell that bastard straight out, "Satan did nothing. It was mere happenstance. besides that, Satan/Enki is the true Creator God of humanity". I mean, seriously, what is the worst that the asshole can do? Beat you up? Ha! Big fucking deal...probably too cowardly to do anything...
  127. A

    public recognition to satan and the demon gods

    And also, help spread the word of truth about Spiritual Satanism in any way you can, be it online or otherwise. Make tracts, whatever, but do something! The word needs to be spread, else people will not know of us and that we are valid, and indeed humanity's true religion.
  128. A

    So much negatives I just don't want to live anymore

    Great to hear! There are no coincidences in Spiritual Satanism, I have found. ^ Hang in there, Sister!
  129. A

    Hello everyone

    Awww. Everyone needs friends; no man is an island, as the saying goes. Give it time, Brother. i'm sure you will find a good person to be friends with; why not program your aura to attract such a person? Also, it's okay to talk to Satan when you feel lonely, or upset. Gods know, I do it all...
  130. A

    tested or tortured

    Oh yes, definitely an attack by angels. Ignore it and move on! Don't fucking give up, as that is exactly what the enemy wants! Be strong!
  131. A

    Show no fear

    Now kiddies, play nice...:D Seriously, CY, lay the fuck off of her! She can dos tuff you can't; now get the hells over it! Sheesh! Grow the fuck up!
  132. A

    I believe i just screwed up things badly...

    Satan already loves you, my Brother. He loves all of his dedicated ones. And you are right; it matters not how spiritually or psychically open you are, if Satan really wishes to reach out towards you, he will do so, and you will definitely know it! Trust me, I speak from personal experience...
  133. A

    unaccepted dedication

    Um, it's not her problem, it's her friend's problem, dude. And, well, not to be a jerk or anything, but just because you don't use the dedication from the Jos does not mean you are not dedicated! what if you just wrote out a dedication yourself, from your heart and soul, in your own words...
  134. A

    Poem for Satan

    Love it! Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras!
  135. A

    Hitler's Escape?

    I actually kinda like good ol' Ancient Aliens. But whatever. He is dead, I believe. And his soul now resides in Hell with the Gods.
  136. A

    Ouija Boards

    Also, read this: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Ouija.html
  137. A

    Ouija Boards

    The material of the board does not matter in the slightest. Use what you wish.
  138. A


    Of course it is okay to celebrate it. Check out this link, dude! http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... IDAYS.html
  139. A

    I need some clarification please

    Good for you, Brother! I don't know if you know this already, but nonetheless...according to the statutes of rabinical kike law, if the mother is a jew, that automatically makes her child a jew. So, the father's lineage is irrelevant in all cases. Not that you would really care obviously...
  140. A

    vibrating Isis

    Good. Thank you for this! I don't really care about my third eye at this point, though I of course will strengthen it anyways. But what I really want to work on right now is my clairaudience chakras. I assume that vibrating Isis will empower them just as well?
  141. A

    New to spiritual satanism, have some questiong

    Lady Gaga, Kanae West...none of the people you name are Spiritual Satanists, my friend. I believe they make use of our Father's symbols, without truly knowing what they represent or signify. They are all idiots! Yes they do worship themselves, but I doubt if they are even LaVeyan, truth be...
  142. A

    I REALLY want to dedicate BUT...

    Um, bekk, can't you, like get away somewheres? I mean, to do the ritual? You can do it out of doors, away from all of your xian family. surely there is some place in your town where you can be somewhat alone, at least for a while and not have your family walk in on you.
  143. A

    {Performing the Dedication Ritual to Father Satan}

    Yes, but did you actually perform the dedication blood ritual? As in, sign your name in blood, recite the prayer, let the candles burn down etc.?
  144. A

    About the commitment ritual to Father Satan

    I do hate that word, pact...I'm bloody fucking sick of all these idiots who think they can just go round using Father for whatever they want. Well, they'll find out their mistake soon enough. Oh, and welcome to the family, Brother/Sister! ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail...
  145. A


    Of course you can do it in your astral temple, bro! I myself do not have a printer either, though I just go down to the local library to print out the sigils. That works just fine...but whatever is most convenient and you are most comfortable with. Doing it in the astral works just as well...
  146. A

    Experience With Satan

    His presence is hard to describe, honestly. The best way I can put it into words is, it feels like my soul is being suffused with light, like it's a giant, earthen vessel that is being filled up with love, light and warmth. I shall tell you what happened when he came to me the last time...
  147. A

    Holohoax vid that should be shared/distributed.

    Hahahahahaha! I fucking knew it! I knew the jews didn't have it near as bad in there as they keep trying to jam down our throats! I do wish the vid was in English, though, as I am blind and so cannot read the subtitles. *sigh* Oh well. I'll still post it though, because obviously, sighted...
  148. A

    Hymn for father Satan

    Very awesome! ^ Thanks for sharing this. Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras!
  149. A

    Lord Valefor.

    Hope all goes well, though since he is helping you, it probably will. ^ Keep us posted. Hail Lord Valefor! Hail Father Satan always!
  150. A

    I've finished the Awakening working

    Yes. Well said Brothers!
  151. A


    I couldn't agree more, Brother! We have to stop being afraid of each other and learn to trust and open up a little. Again, I reiterate, use common sense, but seriously...one must take risks in life if one is to get anywhere.
  152. A

    Possible Skype group?

    Where the fuck is your balls people? I mena, come the fuck on! It's like Dolf said, aslong as you bloody use common sense it is fine to meet others in person. Sheesh! Besides, with the Skype, it's a piece of cake to block them. Only tkes one itty bitty click, and you dothve to deal with any...
  153. A

    Hail Lady Marchosias!

    Very awesome! Thanks very much for sharing your experiences. I do love reading posts like this, showing us how the Gods have helped people. Lady Marchosias sounds like a wonderful Daemoness! Very patient, it sounds like. Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who...
  154. A

    Attacking Spiritually

    And don't forget the fucking filthy angels! Fuckers...death to all of our Lord Satan's enemies!
  155. A

    Remove me from this group

    Don't give up on the human angle just yet, bro! I am sure there's a perfectly nice satanic girl out there who would be with you. You just have to find her. But don't look too hard; I mean, she will come to you when the moment is right. Of course, if you really do desire a Daemonic lover...
  156. A

    Remove me from this group

    Ha! I am not afraid! I shall not skulk in the shadows, dost thou hear me? Besides, my patron is the mighty Lord Andras, and Sorath, the Lord who Burns, is my friend. What have I to fear from pitiful, pathetic mortals? Not much, I warrant.
  157. A


    Anything you end up doing, be it online, offline or otherwise, will be of help, Sister. Strength to the true and loyal warriors of Satan! Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  158. A

    Remove me from this group

    Well said, Tiago! What is your Facebook name, Brother? I have facebook too; my name on there is Ceridwyn Bloodfang, if you wish to add me. Feel free! I have several SS friends on there.
  159. A

    In tribute to Father Satan

    So beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this, Brother! I needed to read something uplifting. ^
  160. A


    The answer to both your questions is yes. Lol. You are supposed to recite the affirmation 108 times for Surya. And yes, when using runes, you must do the affirmations for as many times as you vibrate the rune in question.
  161. A

    How do i get a succubus???

    Oh, I know what you mean, believe me! Makes me mad too! people think they can just out and out use Father and then throw him aside! He, who is the Lord of Aeons...it's sickening! But those who are meant to find Satanism will find it, and that is what these e-groups are for.
  162. A

    Questions about meditations...

    Yes, that is what they are saying. ^ Look, this stuff is hard! I had to wait 4 bloody years before I finally found out who my Guardian Daemon was! Not complaining, just saying that this was how it was for me. But everyone is different. But, whatever our individual skills/abilities are from...
  163. A

    Fighting against cancer

    Also, you can use the energy of Sowilo to heal. Just draw in a bunch of solar energy, and then use the Sowilo rune to direct the raised energy and amplify it. That is what my fiancee does and it works fine for him. He has actually cured cancer that friends have had; he has done so twice...
  164. A

    Dead Gods

    @Billy: with this stuff, you kind of have to read between the lines, as it were. Is it confusing? Yes, it sure is! One has to wade through all sorts of stuff, and then try and figure out what it truly means. To be honest, most all of the legends of the Gods are allegories; those events did...
  165. A

    An image further confiming what's been said about the Temple of the

    Hey, spiffy! Go alchemical symbols! ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  166. A

    Information and some notes on things.

    Well said, Cobra! Death to the the angels and jews! hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord andras!
  167. A

    New member

    Very awesome! Welcome Brother! Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  168. A

    music and spiritual satanism

    This piece here is fucking awesome...sweeping and epic! Doubtless, many will recognize the first part of it from various horror movies. and also, according to Maxine's research on the Jos, was inspired by our Father. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEllLECo4OM
  169. A

    Apologies for being away

    Welcome back sis! Wondered where you'd gotten to. ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  170. A

    A Serious Question

    Well, yes, Radclyfe is a jew, but J. k. Rowling, the authour of the actual books isn't. she's scottish. So don't go hating the books too, and they came first anyways. The movies all kinda sucked, and I never really liked them.
  171. A


    Yes, welcome back Sister! This time stay here! it's where you belong. ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  172. A

    recognition of invasion

    Well, and I will say this: angels just love to influence your thoughts, plant ideas in your head that are most certainly not your own. I speak from personal experience. But they are powerless, really. They can shove as many thoughts and feelings into your head as they want, but they can...
  173. A

    A Serious Question

    Well Bro, I shall just put it this way: Lord Voldemort was right. Lol. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, the books especially. But nonetheless, I do think that particular statement of his to be the truth. The Dark lord may be a bastard in many ways, but the man has his valid points. Heh. Put...
  174. A

    Clarifications, Please

    As soon as you dedicated, you became his son. Quick as that...^
  175. A

    Still no Succubus

    Have you ever asked the presence to identify itself in the name of Satan? Maybe you ought to, if you feel it again. the answer might just surprise you. ^ Again, just total speculation on my part, but nonetheless...one never knows.
  176. A

    Still no Succubus

    Actually that might just could be yor incubus, Magus. They are very friendly, and maybe he was just, you know saying hi?
  177. A


    Yes it does, perfectly. it is sad. I do wish they would go somewhere else and bother some other people with their stupid little delusions. Like maybe blizzard with warcraft, or something. I gotta say though, that elf warriors comment did make me laugh aloud, HPS Zildar. I couldn't help it...
  178. A

    biokinesis issue

    Well, your post went through just fine. Afraid I can't answer your question, though. sorry.
  179. A

    Wiccan stuff at home...

    No, it is nothing like that. None of those things have any power whatsoever, though obviously their deluded acolytes think it does. Lol. Just keep meditating! This stuff does not happen overnight, Brother! ^ Hail Father Satan always! hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  180. A

    Channelling the Gods: Some Questions.

    I wish I could give you helpful advice, but I cannot. However, I think it really just goes back to what you said...discernment. You know your gd; was she acting in a normal manner for her, or was she saying stuff that was abnormal? If so, maybe an impostor. But, I mean, it could have been...
  181. A

    Group Awakening Ritual/Working Reminder

    Thanks for the reminder sis! :D Gonna start it tomorrow. Hail Father Satan always! hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!
  182. A


    Yeah, fucking right, little kike bitch! Go away. And leave lord Baal and lord Azazel the fuck out of your little fantasies. If you don't, they will take care of you and see you cannot make up any more such drivel ever again. The Crowned Prince of Hell, Lord Azazel doesn't have any half-human...
  183. A


    Well, I would rather have the Lord Mero tell me that himself, thank you very much. Besides, I want to help fucking kill them! Slimy lizard fucks...not to mention, forewarned is forearmed. And know thy enemy!
  184. A

    The Satanic Bible -- by Anton LaVey

    When I am at the level of being able to do so, I want to, like, channel father and ask him to give me words to write. Like straight from his lips. His wisdom...about who he really is. And who we really are, by extension.
  185. A

    i feel creeped?

    Yeah...or, you could just try and kill the spying little fucktard yourself. Heh. Just get yourself nice and mad, and then direct all that mad out towards the enemy; visualize knives, swords etc., or even just a sheet of fire that encases them. I did this latter technique once, and I killed...
  186. A

    Caroline Bright on Love Enki Blogspot recently started saying that S

    Hahahahahaha! So gonna do that! Lolz! And FYI: that teeth rotting thing is totally false. even I, who have o official medical training, know it is bullshit. I mean, come the fuck on! Basic common sense here...Hail Enki!
  187. A

    This is amazing!!!

    Use this ritual: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... iving.html And, in the midst of it, just talk to him, like as if he were sitting beside you in your room. that is how I do it, and every time i do a thanksgiving or a standard ritual, his energy grows inside of me, just like...
  188. A

    Infiltration Methods (Educate Yourself NOW)

    Yeah, like Brian Gibbons...was always the loudest one in here going on about how we needed to destroy the kikes. Well, come to find out, he's perhaps half-kike himself; my friend found a pic of him with a filthy star of david round his neck, and his wife, raven, I think is half-jew. Go figure...
  189. A


    Just a slight correction: reptilians are NOT greys! As a matter of fact, I believe the reptilians themselves created the greys, but this statement Is one I read somewhere on these forums, and cannot back up with any solid proof. Incidentally, any advice on killing reptilians? Just in case I...
  190. A

    Re: Σχετ: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Jupiter Square Reminder!

    Yay! thank you bunches for this, Sister! Oh, and @Tiago, don't forget the cute little fluffy puppies and kittens, running around in the flowers, amidst all of the rainbows and sunshine. :D Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras!
  191. A

    what blessings have you received since becoming a spiritual satanist

    A brilliant and loving fiancee who also walks with our beloved Father Satan, confidence with being shy, and just renewed hope and peace when I think that all is lost. For all of this and much, much more, I thank you, my dear Father Satan. You for ever have my sword, my sovereign liege, my...
  192. A

    Beginning of Time?

    Yes. Satan/Mero/Enki is the Lord of Aeons. And also the true alpha and omega, at least as regards humanity's creation.
  193. A

    how muich of this is real?

    You must draw your own conclusions, Sister. It is good to study other branches of Satanism, because then you shall come to know what is true and what is not through the passage of time. Study and keep an open mind...but not too open, if you take my meaning. Lol. And trust Father Satan and...
  194. A

    Infernal Army

    Hells yah! Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras!
  195. A

    Caroline Bright on Love Enki Blogspot recently started saying that S

    All of these idiotic blogs and websites shall fall, because they speak not the truth. They will all die...
  196. A


    Nice to meet you, janet! Welcome to the family, my Sister!
  197. A


    I shall say this only: KNOW THY ENEMY!
  198. A

    Aweakening all the Gentile people 21 June 2013 [Ritual / 40 day work

    Awesome ritual! Thanks Cobra. All glory, loyalty and adoration to my Lord, King and Father, Satan! May his victory be swift in coming!
  199. A

    saying sorry to FATHER

    Yes, do not worry about it! It's all good. Our dear Father understands that we all make mistakes. It's called being human. Lol. Start meditating again, and don't give this another thought, Brother.
  200. A

    Short Story

    Hey, could you just paste the text of the story into a separate message? I can't read this stupid GoogleDocs thing with my screenreader. *sigh*

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
