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  1. C

    Sinus problem, Need help.

    Do you have digestive problems as well?
  2. C

    Sinus problem, Need help.

    Do you have digestive problems as well?
  3. C

    A Helpful Tip

    Thanks for that.. This would be useful if you had no other option but there's two things to consider before doing so: A) the sterility of the cloth you're using. If you're using paper towel that's stored in the kitchen and is often used to clean dirty hands or surfaces, there's a high chance...
  4. C

    Is there any reason why people have physical deficiencies?

    Those are good results. Phlegm is hard to shift and it may take weeks to move it. Keep an eye on your sleep and if you start to find you are sweating at night or struggling to stay asleep after falling asleep it may be time to stop that formula.
  5. C

    About conversations and consults

    I've had several 'off' patients, including aggressive and just plain out of sorts mentally. It's like managing children, as the treating professional you need to bring them back to the task at hand and the subject matter. Sometimes people do this because they want a reaction of a certain type...
  6. C

    Heavy Hand and Feet sweating need help

    This is qi Deficiency. Do you have any of the following symptoms? Shortness of breath Tiredness Loose stools Poor appetite Chronic persistent low grade cough Symptoms worse for exertion (movement) or worse between 0700 - 1100 (morning)
  7. C

    Heavy Hand and Feet sweating need help

    Does the sweating happen all the time without provocation ie when you are not doing anything? Or is it only when you're engaged in exercise and movement.
  8. C

    blood and yin deficiency

    Hi Orpheus, yes you can email me directly if you wish to.
  9. C

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

    If your symptoms suggest spleen qi/Yang Deficiency then yes a spleen Qi herbal tonic will be suitable for you.
  10. C

    Skin help

    Emu oil is a great topical lotion for the skin.. It's expensive but worth it. To support healthy skin, you also need to look after your lungs.. Quit smoking, reduce the amount of pungent foods you eat (chilli, pepper etc) but still have enough to vent the lung and get regular aurobic excercise.
  11. C

    Is there any reason why people have physical deficiencies?

    A swollen tongue indicates excessive body water and in the absence of a thick tongue coating more than likely phlegm over dampness. This needs to be addressed before more tonics are taken. Tonics for yin and blood and qi to a lesser extent will increase the phlegm which will make this more...
  12. C

    blood and yin deficiency

    I tend to agree, you do seem to have your head around it quite well. Heart fire blazing was my first impression of Serpemtwalker666' s issue, and all fire syndromes will have concurrent yin Deficiency either starting or in the very near future. Full fire rarely lasts more than a few weeks due...
  13. C

    About conversations and consults

    There is a considerable difference between showing empathy, active listening and being sympathetic. Sympathy is the part where you feel their sorrow with them and share yours. This is actually somewhat destructive to the patient/doctor relationship as it doesn't facilitate moving past these...
  14. C

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

    That depends on whether or not you fall into the Spleen Qi/Yang Deficiency pattern of consistent diarrhoea, poor appetite, fatigue, shortness of breath as the predominant symptoms...
  15. C

    Is there any reason why people have physical deficiencies?

    What colour is your tongue? Can you describe the body of the tongue, its shape and width and colour? How about the tongue coating (if present)?
  16. C

    blood and yin deficiency

    This can also occur due to heart fire, which is an excess condition. Blood tonics may increase the fire. What are your symptoms?
  17. C

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

    Irritable bowel syndrome that shows alternative constipation and diarrhoea is almost always due to Liver Qi Stagnation. When the qi is building up, the bowel slows down and this causes constipation. When the qi reaches a point where it can no longer be contained, it explodes like a pressure...
  18. C

    Is there any reason why people have physical deficiencies?

    These symptoms have a small overlap with Kidney Yin but seem to be predominantly phlegm fire symptoms. Do you get a sensation of heaviness in the arms and legs or a feeling of a foggy head? Do you experience headaches particularly in the frontal and temporal areas or one sided headaches...
  19. C

    Is there any reason why people have physical deficiencies?

    Everyone is born with a pre-natal essence. Roughly equivalent to DNA, this pre natal essence or Jing is given to you at conception and nourished by your mother's state of health either for good or bad during gestation. Following birth and the activation of the spleen and stomach, they provide...
  20. C

    Nasal and sinus congestion

    Quite the opposite actually. These medicinal are cold and damage yang and qi in excess and strain them in others. Loose stools and fatigue are signs of qi and yang Deficiency and the watery nature of those stools show that yin is not being transformed properly by the yang. As yang is...
  21. C

    Nasal and sinus congestion

    The water element is cooling but also has a filling nature. As this inflammation is a full syndrome, it requires draining and clearing over filling. Reducing the hot and warm nature of foods that you ingest, eating smaller portions and light to moderate exercise with focus on reducing the heat...
  22. C

    Nasal and sinus congestion

    FYI this medicinal should not be used by anyone who has loose stools, diarrhoea or chronic fatigue type symptoms or is generally weak in constitution or energy.
  23. C

    Nasal and sinus congestion

    This is due to fire in the stomach and liver arising to harass the upper.
  24. C

    Feeling anxious

    Iron Deficiency anaemia can be assisted with Vitamin B complexes, and herbs such as white peony root and angelica. Taking these boiled in water will assist in blood building to avoid the mental emotional symptoms of this illness (such as anxiety).
  25. C

    Bad stomach ache's

    Do you get frontal headaches (forehead), nausea or phlegm congestion in the nose frequently? Does this pain coincide with mental emotional upset?
  26. C

    Feeling anxious

    Anxiousness that has no basis in actual events or persists beyond a reasonable amount of time is usually based on organic dysfunction of the kidney and heart systems, particularly kidney and heart yin Deficiency and heart blood Deficiency. Palpitations, low back pain and night sweats are...
  27. C

    Gut reset please share opinions

    If this is a one-off it sounds great. I wouldn't do keto for more than a week and the same with fasting. They are good for a result but not good for the body long-term.
  28. C

    Weird stomacaches

    I don't think a single instance or even several times a year reflects an underlying organic condition.. This seems like a transient sensitivity at best as previously mentioned.
  29. C

    Nasal and sinus congestion

    Sinus concerns are related to digestion and major organ dysfunction resulting in pathological fire, phlegm and wind rising to the head and obstructing the channels. The pathological condition in the head needs to be cleared and the organ pathology needs to be resolved to prevent recurrence...
  30. C

    Advice on panic attacks

    Are the things which are happening to you now causing you to feel excited or joyful often? These emotions in excess can disturb your heart spirit and it is in this time you need to focus on quietening your heart and stilling your mind. Void meditation is great for this as is any other...
  31. C

    Very irregular menstruation, helps.

    Do you also have fatigue, short term memory loss, dizziness or heart palpitations?
  32. C

    Urinary tract infection

    The whole dandelion plant can be used.. From the tip to the root. Do you have any problems with irritability or frustration?
  33. C

    beet helps to fight anemia?

    Absolutely, moreso than spinach, kale, tofu or any other vegetable you've been told is full of iron (but has enough tannins to block absorption of iron for a week). It's main constitutes are polysaccharides which: - support bacterial growth in the intestine and some of these bacteria produce...
  34. C


    Pork is a neutral temperature meat which nourishes the flesh and supports the spleen (Pancreas). It is a good meat to eat to support the body's energy and substance. Be sure to cook it well as it can be a home for parasites.
  35. C

    Urinary tract infection

    Do you have any of the following symptoms? Fatigue, lower back pain, hip or knee pain? Pain that is worse with cold, feelings of cold particularly in the arms and legs to feet and hands?
  36. C

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar is sour by nature and sour foods astringe the blood and hold the liver Yin. Too much sour foods damage and injure the liver however so this should be taken in moderation for those who have spontaneous sweating, diarrhoea and fatigue due to Deficiency. It can help to hold...
  37. C

    Weird stomacaches

    Has this only happened once or twice?
  38. C

    A sharp pain right above the ear

    Have you had a recent history of irritability, anger or increased consumption of heavy, fatty foods? Are you experiencing any other symptoms anywhere else in the body? Is your vision affected in any way?
  39. C

    Antidepressant/Antipsychotic induced sexual dysfunction

    This will take some time to heal. Start and continue a consistent meditation schedule. Do not let up, even if you feel like progress is slow or non existent. Only your consistency in meditation with bring about the healing that you desire.
  40. C

    hepatitus B help

    Hepatitis can also come from contaminated food or water, not just needles and sex. Xiao Chai Hu Tang is the pre-eminent liver disease treating herbal formula and is indicated for irritability when there is periods of chills and then periods of fever alternating over hours or days and a bitter...
  41. C

    Improving Lung Health

    The lung controls the skin as the pores are a function of opening so in short, yes absolutely.
  42. C

    Improving Lung Health

    For those of you who wish to know how you can protect your lungs and bolster them given the current world events, here are some simple pointers to overall improve lung health (I won't be including obvious things like not smoking and exercise as these are fairly simple and obvious): - know the...
  43. C

    Need help with a health issue

    Do you have difficulty staying asleep? Do you sweat when you sleep?
  44. C

    Advice for itchy feeling, potential neuropathy?

    Do you get dizziness, anxiety or dry eyes?
  45. C

    Advice for itchy feeling, potential neuropathy?

    Pungent foods can aggravate the itchiness if the wind is related to Deficiency as they open the pores and cause the out flowing of sweat which depletes fluid further. In the case of excess, they would relieve it.
  46. C

    Advice for itchy feeling, potential neuropathy?

    Itchiness relates to heat and wind and any symptom which comes and goes and moves around the body also relates to wind. Do you correspond to any of the below symptom groups (noting you only need one or two symptoms not all of them in any given group) : Liver Yin Deficiency - sweat when you...
  47. C

    Relative has C.O.P.D - weak chest.

    If you go to my profile there should be an option to contact me privately or via email. Start there.
  48. C

    Questions about woman's health and menopause.

    Menopause is overall a sharp decline of kidney yin. Liver Yin and kidney yin are closely related and the muscle spams indicate the presence of internal wind which implies liver involvement. There is a kidney yin tonic herbal formula which has a variation for when the liver is involved and it...
  49. C

    Relative has C.O.P.D - weak chest.

    I've just updated my email address to the correct one so if you use the board function to contact me I can respond from there.
  50. C

    Tooth filling came out.

    Healing a tooth is likely to take a number of years. The teeth depend on the kidney energy which is slow moving. Depending on your age and sex, there are kidney maturity cycles upon which you could rely to resolve the issue, occurring every 8 years for men and 7 years for women, starting at...
  51. C

    Relative has C.O.P.D - weak chest.

    OK. The phenotype determines the treatment. Do they struggle to sleep and often feel hot?
  52. C

    Menstruation and Hormones

    Maca is most suited to polycystic ovarian syndrome as it is a yang tonic and PCOS is a definitive lack of yang leading to phlegm formation. Vitex is more useful for issues with blood and yin.
  53. C

    Eye floaters

    Eye floaters are a sign of liver disharmony. As the liver houses the ethereal soul, a dysfunction can lead to some psychological disturbances. Do you experience low energy, dizziness, poor sleep and poor memory?
  54. C

    Relative has C.O.P.D - weak chest.

    Just on this, is your relative a blue boater or a red puffer? Ie are they typically very large and barrel chested with a faint blue complexion or thin with a small chest and a red complexion?
  55. C

    I may have brain damage? help pls

    Your issue is Liver qi stagnation. The lack of movement in your life, or repetitious movement you engage in or have engaged in coupled with emotional 'stiffness' however that manifests has caused your vital energy to become jammed. Gentle exercise working up to something more strenuous is...
  56. C

    I may have brain damage? help pls

    Do you have loose stools? Do you feel short of breath often?
  57. C

    Trouble having an orgasm. (Female)

    This is very normal. Before you read my post it is intended for someone over the legal age of sexual consent. If you are not of that age, please do not read my post. I have found many female lovers to be in the same position. I have overcome it with them by either: - getting them to the...
  58. C

    I may have brain damage? help pls

    Thanks. How often do you exercise? What is your diet like?
  59. C

    I may have brain damage? help pls

    Can you describe your headaches? Are they achey and all over? Mainly at the base of the skull? Top of the head? In the temporal lobes etc?
  60. C

    I may have brain damage? help pls

    Do you get headaches? How is your appetite? Strong, weak etc. Do you bloat or feel digestive discomfort after eating? Do you ever get the feeling of something being stuck under your ribs?
  61. C

    Holistic practices

    My health study started informally through martial arts books etc and proceeded in a very disjointed fashion for many years. I have studied TCM in a formal education setting for over six years and I still have more to go. One thing I found useful which aided my knowledge development above...
  62. C

    I may have brain damage? help pls

    Do you get any burning sensation anywhere in your body? Or abnormal body temperature extremes?
  63. C

    I may have brain damage? help pls

    Do you experience any involuntary muscle movement including twitching or jerking or anything of that nature?
  64. C

    Vaccines for Newborn

    Vaccination is basically mandatory in Australia. Kids can be excluded from child care centres and now social welfare is not paid to people whose children are not vaccinated. I have three daughters all of whom have been vaccinated. They are perfectly healthy.
  65. C

    I may have brain damage? help pls

    Do you sweat when you sleep? Are you feeling extremely irritable?
  66. C

    Tourette Syndrome and breathing exercises

    Tourettes is a condition of Liver Wind and is usually caused by the following condition: Kidney Yin Deificiency leading to Liver Yin Deficiency with empty heat harassing the heart. The appropriate formula is: Ming Mu Di Huang Wan which moistens the liver, reduces wind and nourishes the...
  67. C

    Cure/ treatment for celiac and Herpes???

    I'd also be interested to know: -your build (slim, heavy etc.) -do you experience problems such as sinus congestion, excessive phlegm discharge, nausea, acne, oily skin and/or frequent diarrhoea which leaves you feeling afterwards as though there is more to come (also known as tenesmus).
  68. C

    Why INDIA?

    Shiva is Satan. There's an abundance of information in that statement alone and if you look through the main Joy Of Satan forum you'll find plenty of additional information.
  69. C

    Is mouthwash necessary?

    There is a device called an air glossier which fires compressed air between the teeth to avoid the need for plastics. It is also gentle in comparison. I have used one for two years and my mouth health has improved ten fold as a result.
  70. C

    Sleeping hours

    If you must split your sleep, always ensure you are asleep before 1030 pm and don't wake until after 5 am as an absolute minimum. That doesn't mean the above recommendation is strictly good for you, but it does minimise harm. Then, if you sleep during the day, again try to rest at around 1130...
  71. C

    About Antivirals

    This is not a 'miracle'. It is an antiviral. Typically the medical profession has resisted prescribing anti virals except in life threatening situations because the risk of viral resistance is equal to the risk and reality of bacterial resistance to overuse of antibiotics. All antiviral and...
  72. C

    China 2020

    It's already in Australia due to the high transfer of Chinese nationals with us.
  73. C

    Bone disease

    Does she sweat horribly when she sleeps? To the point where she has to wash her bed linen often?
  74. C

    Satanic healing for my lower back

    Is it worse before the flow starts and relieved once the flow begins? Or worse during the flow and better after?
  75. C

    Satanic healing for my lower back

    Does your lower back ache? Or do you get stabbing, burning, pulling pains?
  76. C

    WTF?! - Australia

    FYI I've discovered this morning that a lot of the fire maps of Australia are exaggerated massively. There's a particular one claiming to be from NASA that shows a 3D modelled Australia with fire all over it... Much of the area shown there is NOT on fire and wasn't at any stage, particularly...
  77. C

    WTF?! - Australia

    Typically Australia has been exposed to severe bushfires every 15-20 years at a catastrophic level. The last fires this bad were in 1983, Ash Wednesday. Prior to that there are three other recorded similar events, in 1967, 1936 and 1926. The difference being this time that we now have a...
  78. C

    I need help

    This is the beginning of reversal. You had results and this means it was working. Meditation and magic are not silver bullets. They do not have 100% immediate reversal effect no questions asked. They require consistent application to have the effects you seek, and then more application...
  79. C


    Protein synthesis algorithms aren't much use in the case of tendons. Tendons tend to be very limited in vasularity and thus do not receive the same blood supply or nutrients as muscles. This means that the required building blocks for healing have to diffuse through tissues to get to the...
  80. C

    Dry eyes

    This is actually from overuse of the eyes. The eyes consume blood in order to function and overuse such as staring at a screen all day will consume more blood than usual leading to poorer eye lubrication. Note the supplements listed are all heavy, oily substances - things which directly...
  81. C

    About Antivirals

    Just a word of warning about astragalus.. Whilst it is a fantastic immune tonic during periods of health, it cannot be taken when one is ill with a viral or bacterial infection as the compounds within the plant will also nourish the virus/bacterium and help them flourish.
  82. C

    Period Problems

    Hi.. Do you exercise regularly?
  83. C

    Dry eyes

    I take it the problem comes and goes as mentioned and is not continuous and accompanied by poor sleep, forgetfulness and dizziness?
  84. C

    is smoking herbs with a pipe safe and/or healthy?

    Smoking anything is inherently unhealthy due to the drying nature of the smoke. Taking and keeping the smoke in the mouth is even more unhealthy then taking it into the lungs as it causes significant local damage to the blood vessels in the mouth due to high concentration. The smoke of some...
  85. C

    What can it be?

    Involuntary movement of the body always pertains to wind, which is a dysfunction of the nerves. This is related to liver syndromes of fire, deficiency and stagnation. Do you have any other physical sensations in your body or problems (even minor) that you can mention to narrow this down?
  86. C

    Throat Chakra - Thyroid cancer

    This means the yang energy of your body is low and therefore the body has trouble transforming fluids. The lack of transformation of fluids can lead to fluid substantiating in the body to cause obstruction and sometimes solid lumps. You can tell if the tumor is based on phlegm if there is no...
  87. C

    Muscle Protein Synthesis

    The problem with high protein diets is that protein metabolism in the body always produces urea. Urea is ammonia made safe by the body as ammonia is produced by protein molecule metabolism and is highly toxic. The kidneys primary filtrate is urea, and urea gives urine (urine : urea) it's...
  88. C

    Throat Chakra - Thyroid cancer

    Have you ever been diagnosed with Polycystic ovarian syndrome? Do you experience poor energy, cold, shortness of breath, low back pain and frequent or poorly controlled urination? Or any combination of the above?
  89. C

    Post Nasal Drip

    These type of seasonal 'hay-fever' illnesses are due to the changes in climate overcoming the body's defenses. It is best to follow a clothing protocol in the transitional seasons to prevent the climate from causing an attack on your body of thermal changes and wind. I'm autumn, do not put on...
  90. C

    Deadly Coffee/Caffeine: Facts It Figures

    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12603-013-0404-1 https://www.garfieldmedicalcenter.com/GMC-Blog/2016/October/Different-Types-of-Tea-and-Caffeine-Content.aspx etc.
  91. C

    Deadly Coffee/Caffeine: Facts It Figures

    There are some fairly extreme views being presented here and many of them are either exaggerated or plainly not true, whether due to ignorance or misconception. I am going to set some of them straight because many people lack the understanding of some finer points which leads to all kinds of...
  92. C

    Dry eyes

    Dry eyes are a symptom of liver blood deficiency. If you are a woman, and these coincide with short menstrual flow (or minimal flow) then you may need to consider some blood building herbs such as Dang Gui (angelica sinensis) and Shu Di Huang (cooked Rhemmania). If the problem is intermittent...
  93. C

    Damaged Kidneys

    This sounds like kidney stones. See a doctor. True kidney damage which reduces their function will be much much worse than pain.. Usually there are no symptoms until your kidneys are at a point where you'd be in hospital from the various problems failing kidneys would cause.
  94. C


    A good place to start is The Foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia. With regard to the thyroid cancer.. is it symptomatic? If so, what symptoms do you have? There must be an underlying qi deficiency which needs to be resolved first so 'detox' should be the final...
  95. C

    Psyllium for loose stools?

    This is likely a very mild spleen qi deficiency. Try to eat smaller meals more often and opt for lighter foods such as rice lightly spiced meat with less dairy. Consume an increased number of yellow vegetables, ensuring all meals are well cooked and the loose stools should resolve.
  96. C

    Psyllium for loose stools?

    Other than loose stools, do you experience bloating, poor appetite, tiredness or shortness of breath? Do you get discomfort when you eat or before eating? Do you get any pain? What colour are your stools and do they have an offensive smell?
  97. C

    Tachycardia, chronic insomnia.

    Yes. Dan Shen nourishes the blood and so will help you sleep better and use oxygen and nutrients more effectively 'over time'. It won't happen overnight (except that it will, but many consecutive nights) but it will happen.
  98. C

    Possible Rosacea or similar sensitive skin problem

    True roseacea stems from stomach fire, and cooling the stomach is the way to remove the heat from the stomach channel which traverses the face. Does this person have excessive appetite, feelings of heat and thirst? Or do they sweat at night, have limited appetite and restlessness, insomnia...
  99. C

    Tachycardia, chronic insomnia.

    Let us know how you get on.
  100. C

    Aloe for internal bleeding? Yes or no?

    Aloe is only suitable for illnesses which are of extreme heat or 'fire' subtype as aloe is extremely bitter and cold. If the internal bleeding is accompanied by prolonged high fever, red complexion, restlessness and vexation with anger or pounding headaches then aloe would be suitable. If...
  101. C

    Tachycardia, chronic insomnia.

    Chronic, genetic heart problems will lead to heart spirit dysfunction, insomnia, unsettled and manic spirit, disturbed speech and tongue problems. Herbal therapy can assist in calming the heart spirit, Dan Shen or Red Sage, Salvia Miltiorrhiza is a safe herb which encourages blood circulation...
  102. C

    [URGENT]Are these symptoms dangerous?

    With regards to the oyshical symptoms described, these are symptoms of severe qi stagnation which is consistent with stuck energy. If anything this overall suggests that the solar chakra is very blocked, as this chakra rules the liver, the organ most affected by qi stagnation. Exercise is a...
  103. C

    CWD(Chronic Wasting Disease)

    I'm sorry, but reading those articles does not convince me that this rare animal illness is becoming 'wide-spread'. If anything there is just more awareness of what has always been a very rare condition. I don't think this means the zombie apocalypse is coming.
  104. C

    I don't like my hairline.

    The kidneys of men mature in 8 year cycles. Therefore by 16 your kidneys have gone two cycles and the natural formation of the body will start to take shape. If the kidneys were under nourished throughout the first two cycles then some deficiency will start to show by the third cycle. Do your...
  105. C

    CWD(Chronic Wasting Disease)

    Prion diseases - whilst extremely detrimental to an organism and with highly unpleasant symptoms - are extremely rare. Getting worked up about them is as much of a waste of energy as getting worked up about a plane falling on your head Terrible and fatal but extremely rare.
  106. C

    Cure for Aphantasia?

    Working by feeling (rather than visualisation) is a work around for those who struggle to see things in their minds eye. Feel the white gold energy, feel the presence of a thoughtform nearby etc rather than trying to 'see' it.
  107. C

    Temporary spine problem

    Numbness and discomfort comes from damp obstruction therefore increasing your water intake is not recommended. Are you fairly well portioned ie excess body fat? Do you get sinus or nose obstruction from phlegm regularly or suffer from chronic and persistent diarrhea/soft stools?
  108. C

    Quitting caffeine and healing from caffeine overuse

    Caffeine is actually a vasoconstrictor - it makes blood vessels narrower. When you skip it or stop taking it, the blood vessels in your head engorge and swell up which is why you get headaches. Ventricles in the brain depend on fluid and more fluid would be available during blood vessel...
  109. C

    Back problems

    A balanced yoga program which focuses more or less on stretches of the sides of the body will have a benefit. Dont neglect those poses which don't seem to directly target the lower back and hip but instead do them and incorporate spinal stretches and flank stretching poses. I'm not going to...
  110. C


    Chakras are located at major concentration points of the medical channels of the body. The truth of the matter is that the meridians or nadis are one and the same however certain areas on the surface of the body are delineated for ease of reference for function. All of the meridians come...
  111. C

    Tinnitus Cure?

    Disorders of the ear pertain to the kidneys however the kidneys have a role in building the physical body at the deepest level and therefore significant trauma can cause close to irreparable damage. When I say irreparable I don't mean completely but certainly any reparative effort will take a...
  112. C


    Since this thread is about cancer specifically I will gear my answer towards it. The treatment of phlegm and dampness when there is underlying deficiency depends on which syndrome is the more prevalent. However something I forgot to mention in my previous post which is very important and...
  113. C

    Back problems

    Your apparent stress is what is causing your hip imbalance. The Chinese say that the liver (the organ most commonly implicate in chronic stress) reflects its tension in the hips. Your tight flanks and back are indicative of a higher than average sympathetic nervous system tone which basically...
  114. C


    Cancer is a very poorly understood illness and there are many theories and scientific ideas which one may read about that are confusing and/or downright made up. I am going to elucidate on some of the TCM concepts which explain and demystify cancer in the hope that this may assist the group's...
  115. C

    Do I have heart problems?

    Do you find at any time that you laugh at things that aren't funny? Or laugh as a method of punctuating your speech? Do you experience disordered speech, slurred speech or tongue problems? If yes to any of the above then you may have heart problems. If not, then it is possible that your...
  116. C

    Water fasting?

    I wouldn't recommend fasting for more than 1-2 days.. After this your body starts to go through changes that are adaptations for starvation which can permanently damage the metabolism or at least produce long term changes to it. Aestheticism in food, sex and desire is a path to a deep sense...
  117. C

    Transparent tooth

    Are you saying that this occurred after one time brushing your teeth?
  118. C

    Guidance / Advices / Possible Help.

    Reiki practitioners are taught how to do Reiki but not necessarily how to look after themselves. Angel magic aside, they often give more to others than to themselves and wind up taking on the illnesses of others and draining their own energy during the healing process where they send energy...
  119. C

    Proper hydration

    Hydration is an interesting topic because there is so much contradictory information out there it makes it hard to decipher what is correct and what is not. This is also because everyone has such wide and varied needs for hydration that there is no one solution fits all. Drinking when you are...
  120. C

    Getting Healthy with PCOS, Psuedotumor Cerebri, and Thyroid Problems?

    What this proves, if anything is that very minute amounts of these things are not truly life threatening. Many studies and exposure reports to these things are done with doses that far exceed what is in salt. Pool chlorine is fatal if enough parts per million are even breathed in, let alone...
  121. C


    These drugs need to be weaned off.. You can't go from 20 mg to 0 overnight.. It's best to drop 5 mg or so, for a period of 4-6 weeks, before dropping another 5mg or so. When you get down around 5 mg total dose, it's best to start reducing the amount by 1-2 mg every 4 - 6 weeks. Therefore...
  122. C

    Alternitive Cancer Treatment

    Cancer is a multifactorial disease with many participating and complicating factors. As such, there is nothing that is 'instantly' going to cure it. Even powerful Chinese herbs will take time to gain a resolution over such a disease, along with significant lifestyle changes to remove the...
  123. C

    Problems with swallowing and a few other things.

    Have you ever suffered from acid reflux from the stomach as a result of your chronic marijuana use? Marijuana can relax the lower esophageal sphincter causing reflux. Chronic reflux can damage the esophagus causing it to scar which can result in difficulty swallowing. This type of condition...
  124. C

    Healing scars?

    Superficial filiform needling across, through, around the edges of and under scars helps to push qi through them and can reduce their presence on your skin permanently. This process does need to be repeated multiple times however and will need to be performed by someone who is proficient with...
  125. C

    Testicle cancer

    Lumpy testicles can be caused by one of two things, obviously cancerous growths but also varicose veins. Varicose veins are veins which are swollen and accumulate fatty deposits around them. They will feel long and tubular, somewhat irregular but not painful to touch. Cancerous growths can be...
  126. C

    I have headaches that painkillers can't cure.

    What type of pain killers were you taking? NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as paracetamol, aspirin or iboprofen/indomethacin rely on non selective blocking of liver enzymes Cox 1 and 2 which produces less inflammatory markers and reduces pain associated with inflammation...
  127. C

    Getting rid of cockroaches

    Remove food sources. Food which is in paper or soft plastic needs to be put in hard plastic containers. Keep the floors clean, all good particles removed and frequently mopped. Get a cat.. They'll sort the roaches which survive the harsher environment. Try to keep the house warm. This...
  128. C

    jewish truth from the pen of a jew

    I didn't have to pay...
  129. C

    jewish truth from the pen of a jew

    https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-soldiers-have-to-shoot-at-palestinians-it-s-israel-s-way-to-keep-them-in-check-1.7173443 This is the manner in which jews are and will continue to undo themselves.. By manner of their unending arrogance to say the truth about their intentions as a...
  130. C

    Protecting yourself from 5G

    Your replies have raised a few good, valid points... Firstly, it demonstrates the length to which some people are concerned about things like WiFi, 5G and other radio wave transmitters that are poorly understood. The point that I am trying to communicate is that these things have been around...
  131. C

    Protecting yourself from 5G

    This is essentially what these devices claim to do. Not to shield you from the radio waves but to provide a more gentle field of electromagnetism that the body just naturally at tunes to. Because, according to their science, the body naturally attunes to the least harmful resonance in the...
  132. C

    Spiritual Healing from lingering effects of Past Drug Abuse

    Continue meditating. This in and of itself will help to sublimated Neptune's influence as Neptune rules meditation. Eventually, your life force will. Increase to a point where your mind and spirit will start to heal and your emotions will return with depth. Invoke the sun and work on your...
  133. C

    Protecting yourself from 5G

    If millimeter waves are used in non-lethal weapons, this is a good thing. That means these waves are not deadly, as its being made out that they are. Your microwave oven produces worse radiation than a phone tower. The sun produces worse radiation than a phone tower. The earth produces...
  134. C

    Hip/Pelvis Aching

    Aching of the hips that comes and goes, associated with premenstrual aches and irritability is related to liver qi stagnation. The reason contact with the Gods can cause this is because the additonal energy stagnates in the channels which are not used to the level of energy. The answer is...
  135. C

    How to get rid of Emotional attachment

    Do you have a heavy scorpio influence in your natal chart?
  136. C

    Sun in the 6th house.

    Chronic long term stagnation can take some time to dissipate, especially if there is a fluid stagnation that has built up from long term energy stagnation ie phlegm. Energy stagnation can also stem from the mind and emotions.
  137. C

    Too much earwax production

    This is likely a phlegm/dampness pattern, in the head channels of the Gall Bladder, San Jiao and Yang Ming (Large intestine and Stomach). Does your diet contain alot of fatty, sugary and/or raw foods?
  138. C

    Quitting caffeine and healing from caffeine overuse

    The enzyme is CYP1A2 and I made an error - slow metabolisers feel worse for caffeine and have a greater risk of ill effects. Fast metabolisers have a reduced risk and take some benefit from caffein consumption. If you search fast and slow metabolisers of caffeine CYP1A2 you will find a...
  139. C

    Too much earwax production

    What colour and consistency are your ear secretions? Do you have similar issues elsewhere in the body?
  140. C

    Quitting caffeine and healing from caffeine overuse

    Caffeine in moderation is not the worst thing in the world.. It is closely related to the polyphenols in cocoa which produce the feel-good effect thereof and stimulates many body functions. The amount you are talking about is far too much. One coffee a day is about the maximum that anyone...
  141. C

    Hyper Thyroidism.

    Hyperthyroidism is akin to yin deficiency. Does she have any of the following? Heart palpitations, Low back, knee or hip pain, Irritability, Excessive hunger or stomach burning/reflux/pain, Chronic persistent dry cough?
  142. C


    Is your libido diminished? Do you get fatigue or depression symptoms? Pain or cramps on the inner side of the leg?
  143. C

    Too much earwax production

    When you say chronic ear infection, what are the symptoms? Does it come and go or has in been infected for a long time? Is it one ear or both? Is there any concurrent respiratory infection?
  144. C

    Too much earwax production

    That depends what you have heard? I have used them successfully on several people with serious single ear blockages. You need several to unblock an ear completely done in quick succession. You require another person to do it for you, to ensure that the candle does not burn down too far to...
  145. C

    Too much earwax production

    Regular exercise can help with this, as can self scalp, head and neck massaging. Ear candles are good for removing blockages in the ear due to wax.
  146. C

    Too much earwax production

    Any sort of exudate including thick ear wax buildup is a sign of phlegm either as a result of poor circulation of qi, excessive fatty, greasy or raw and cold foods affecting digestion, or a sign of excess water due to many reasons. If it is both ears then this is a systemic issue. One ear...
  147. C

    Should I buy an espresso machine

    I am not remotely concerned about the plastic in my machine but I do use a caféteri pot for my morning coffee which is entirely stainless steel.
  148. C

    Weaknesses of Whites and Asians?

    I find this to be highly unfounded. Asians have developed a number of their own cultural, spiritual systems which continue to this day. Also... Asian electronics companies... Sony, Toshiba, Huawei, Samsung, just to name a few. Toyota, Hyundai, Honda, Nissan (car companies with advanced...
  149. C

    Building muscle

    My views are already stated in my original post. There is nothing further to add.
  150. C

    Building muscle

    I don't think ignoring individual differentiation is entirely well thought out. This flies against everything that astrology teaches us.. I do believe however that the three body types are insufficient to explain all human constitutions and they are a simplification of elemental body types...
  151. C

    Carpel Tunnel Cure?

    The acupuncture point Pericardium-6 on the inside of the wrist, 2 thumb widths towards the elbow crook from the wrist crease and between the tendons of Palmaris Longus and Flexor Carpi Radialis is a direct path to the median nerve when pressed firmly. Pressing this point can temporarily relieve...
  152. C

    Sun in the 6th house.

    Saturn is a planet of stagnation when it comes to health, and chronically stagnated qi in the chest could be the cause of your issues. Do you ever get feelings of chest oppression and difficulty breathing, other than when you are sick or having an asthma attack?
  153. C

    chronic fatigue, other stuff

    An Shen Bu Xin Wan is not a blood tonic.. It is purely used for calming anxiety from an agitated heart spirit. Liver blood deficiency requires blood tonic herbs.. Liver blood deficiency will definitely cause chronic fatigue which seems to be intractable.. I also suggest that you find...
  154. C

    Magnum Opus

    By the cycle of the kidneys which go at 8 year intervals for males... At 8 the first changes begin towards puberty which are complete by 16. Following this the brain matures between 16 and 24. From 24 to 32 the body matures completely and finalises the growth and experience of youth. The...
  155. C

    Drawing Energy

    Being close to and meditating on a tree for any amount of time will help with this. Meditation on the tree is just a soft mental focus on the tree at hand for any length of time will have positive effects in this regard.
  156. C

    chronic fatigue, other stuff

    What was the treatment that you revived for the above?
  157. C

    Endometriosis & recent allergies.

    Is this person generally fatigued, even pale?
  158. C


    What are the primary and secondary symptoms associated with the wart? Does it burn when you urinate? Is there any buildup of gunk around the head of the penis or itchiness in the region?
  159. C

    About parasites

    In developed countries, digestive parasites tend to come from either: - contaminated rainwater tanks (isolated to that one tank), - poorly cooked pork (pork often contains worms but proper cooking destroys them), - ingesting human feces or ground soil (whether intentionally or accidentally...
  160. C

    K*ke-a Cola, DON'T DRINK IT

    After reading this on the propaganda website, and despite agreeing with some of their assertions ie low quality ingredients, poor nutrient absorption and high sugar intake, some of their claims are circularly referenced to their own articles and lack any supporting evidence.. Fetus remains...
  161. C

    Drawing Energy

    Trees are well known in the Eastern mystic traditions to remove stagnation.. This is not to say that they necessarily 'clean' or make positive your negative energy but instead they remove the stagnation from it so that energy flows freely. This is not liberal, it is just the way they work...
  162. C

    Endometriosis & recent allergies.

    You'll need to find out the nature of the pain, when during the period the pain comes and the degree of flow.. What I mean by nature is.. Does it ache, stab or burn? Is it before during or after the flow?
  163. C

    Absorbing vitamins

    The cause of your issues is Liver Qi Stagnation.. This is very common in western people... 6 out of 10 people have some degree of it. Study is a contributing factor due to the static position one often finds them self in for hours whilst doing so. The cure, other than herbs which move qi...
  164. C

    Proper diet

    There are some fundamental problems with these 'proofs' Firstly, to state that because judaism, xianity and islam are all backwards, therefore all scientific understanding of health is also backwards is a non-sequitur. A non-sequitur means, in Latin: does not follow after. There is no link...
  165. C

    Absorbing vitamins

    When your tummy was hurting, was this pain aching, stabbing, burning or otherwise? Do you often alternate between diarrhea and harder, less easy to pass stools? Do you experience any of the following: Frustration/irritability insomnia pain in the epigastrium (between the two sides of the rib...
  166. C

    Time management or just laziness

    Time management is about getting more things done in the amount of time that one has. Prioritising is deciding what is important when the amount of things one has to do exceeds the amount of time one has. So... Is it prioritising? If not, then it may be laziness.
  167. C

    Proper diet

    Do you mean trans fats? Because polyunsaturated fats are the healthiest type of fat for the body.. In almost every way. Also... Iron is an essential part of blood. The human body is designed to absorb it and use it. Without iron, your body cannot use and bind oxygen. Along with this, you...
  168. C

    Sun in the 6th house.

    Do you have any lifelong or chronic symptoms as a result of your planetary deficiency? Anything that is not part of normal human function that you have noticed which might aid in providing some more personalised advice?
  169. C

    Absorbing vitamins

    There is obviously a fundamental assumption that vitamins = healthy immune system. There are many other factors at play. For starters, in which season do you have the most problems? Is it winter? Do you dress appropriately IE Scarves, enough layers, not sleeping with a window open in the...
  170. C

    My chromosomes.

    The risk of passing on genetic illness, disease and deformity is vastly increased with poor health of the mother and father who conceive the child. Mothers in poor health (and fathers) will almost always pass on some physical restriction to their child albeit sometimes mild (such as childhood...
  171. C

    Potential diabetes cure?

    Licorice root only raises blood pressure with chronic single use administration. It is far less likely to do so when used in conjunction with other herbs and tends to act as a moderator to protect the stomach from the harsh nature of more brutal herbs. This video is a sales pitch for a product...
  172. C

    Why the Media

    I am not denying the sophistication and power of such tools, however I believe the sophistication and power comes from the spiritual force put into said machines. This in turn demonstrates what spiritual energy can do with something so simple and how the jews have successfully harnessed this...
  173. C

    Ban Porn?

    I've never had any real problems with porn, watching it or having others tell me about their habits with it. This was until I stumbled across an article which mentioned a porn star's name who I quite well known and whose videos frequently show up in the search results. The basic premise of...
  174. C

    Why the Media

    It occurred to me the other day that the reason why the jewish population have chosen the media as their main sphere of influence is more than just the superficiality of its influence. Media - whether written, graphic or video - is one thing which can be made to look and appear to be different...
  175. C

    Permanent Hair Removal Topic

    What is the reason for hair removal? Hair is a growing part of the body... The only way to permanently remove it is to kill the roots.. Lazer or poison..
  176. C

    Bipolar or personal choices

    Reading this thread over again, and being able to relate to an earlier time in my life... The supplements and the exercise may be helpful but sometimes one has to pull their head out of their ass and realise that they are driving the car, and despite the hold that things have and the loss of...
  177. C

    Urgent (!)

    On another note, if you are feeling a sensation of needles in your heart and it isn't going away... You need to go to the ER to have a heart attack ruled out. This is common sense.
  178. C

    Migraine After Meditation

    What is your resting blood pressure?
  179. C

    retention enemas

    I don't think urine enemas are cleaning anything.. Urea is a waste product, not a cleaning product. Ammonia is a cleaning product but, urea is no longer ammonia so the point it moot.
  180. C


    Does this illness cause any symptoms other than cosmetic appearance?
  181. C

    Balding and Hair Loss

    Void meditation is a yin practice as is stimulation of the pineal gland and 6th chakra in general.
  182. C

    My partner is in a lot pain during her periods

    Dull ache indicates a dysfunction of qi and irritability inicates involvement of the liver. Thus the problem is liver qi stagnation, worsened during menstruation. The representative herbal formula to relieve this (and which can be taken in the lead up to menstruation) is Chai Hu Shu Gan Wan...
  183. C

    Movement is Life!

    In this case, you need to be actively tonifying the body and doing very small, gentle amounts of exercise, nothing overly strenuous. You should not be working up a strong sweat if you are yin/blood deficient. Tonification comes from gentle, short actions and the intake of food...
  184. C

    My partner is in a lot pain during her periods

    Does she have any issues with emotional discord? Namely irritability and frustration during the period when the pain is the worst?
  185. C

    My partner is in a lot pain during her periods

    There is a fair amount of information required to make a suitable recommendation.. How long are her cycles (in days)? Are her cycles regular or irregular? What is the nature of the pain? Is it bloating, aching, stabbing pain, something else? Does anything make the pain better (hot showers...
  186. C

    Ways to safely get rid of huge amounts of stress??

    Physical exercise.. Namely cardio.. I have a similar problem.. An overactive nervous system leading to huge amounts of stress and frustrated energy (thanks uranus!). My relief is cycling, and not the old stroll along the beach but up mountains and whatnot.. 2-3 times per week, around 2 hours...
  187. C

    Help with severe depression and anxiety

    Psychology is not in and of itself BS but when you meet an irresponsible psychologist who decides to prescribe drugs etc, then you have trouble. Psychiatry on the other hand.. They are a load of BS through and through. A counsellor may be of use as they don't have the power to prescribe drugs...
  188. C

    moles/ melanosis cure??

    How long has this spot been present? Is it new? Has it undergone any significant changes recently? How big is it?
  189. C

    Psoriasis Cures?

    Steroid cream is reducing your symptoms but actually makes the condition worse. Permanent changes in the skin occur after just three days of application of steroid cream due to permanent binding of steroid hormone molecules in the cell wall changing dna expression. This has been shown in...
  190. C

    Sleep Patterns & Health

    This is more than likely a problem of yin deficiency. This must be corrected by a diet which nourishes yin as well as attempts to move and do things throughout the day so that you are tired by night fall.
  191. C

    Sleep Patterns & Health

    People who work long term night shift, or sleep in patterns Inconsistent with day and night develop problems of yin and blood. These issues can take years to manifest as they develop slowly and their onset is insidious. Once these have set in however, they take a significant amount of time to...
  192. C

    Sleep Patterns & Health

    You are correct in saying that the sleep pattern matches our planet's conditions. Our bodies resonate with the ebbs and flows of the solar system's energies because we live here in this place. If one wants to deny those natural rhythms, and attempt to live out of sync with them, on purpose...
  193. C

    The one minute cure

    Your stomach lining builds up gunk which leads to pancreatic cancer.. This is the part I find difficult to understand?
  194. C

    The one minute cure

    I'm not entirely sure that physiological description is completely correct...
  195. C

    Balding and Hair Loss

    This problem is related to the depletion of blood. This is similar to anemia but not always related to iron. Yoga may help but you also need to supplement your body with blood building foods such as eggs, meat and lentils. Dark meats are best and the colour black in food helps to build...
  196. C

    Picky eater aka my son

    That conversation will pay off in the long term. Particularly if you are quick to point out the relationship between poor eating and negative physical condition. Ie if your son is having a bad day me tall and physcially (feeling tired, grumpy etc.) and you can or have observed poor eating the...
  197. C

    Picky eater aka my son

    After having quite a few kids grow up under my care (6) I can honestly say that this is a stage of their development which is fairly normal, even in children who, at 2 years old would eat anything and everything. That doesn't mean that you just let them go however and sometimes providing no...
  198. C

    Suppressing appetite?

    Excessive gnawing hunger can be related to phlegm. A tendency for this to become exacerbated at night is related to yin deficiency. Eating cooling foods such as greens, and some (not too many) bitter foods may help to ease the severity however phlegm almost always requires serious herbal...
  199. C

    Urgent please help

    Kidney failure, sepsis is touch and go. The key is increased blood pressure. Use elemental fire (if you are skilled with it) to raise the blood pressure which will drive the kidneys back to life. Good luck.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
