Theserpentrises1666 said:
I don’t have pain behind the knees or lower back pain. My legs did get sore as well as my arms one day even though I didn’t do nothing. Kinda had a slight Headache yesterday and today idk if that’s related. Other symptoms would be head or neck pain sometimes and my eyelid started twitching like a few days ago it doesn’t last very long.
When I say satanama should I hiss or just pronounce the S regular and how many repetitions is good? Also what if I have trouble visualizing the healing energy in my stomach area?
I am going to see a TCM doc my Appointment in a couple days I’m pretty they are TCM doc because they do acupuncture and other stuff at the place.
I last got high on Friday so I been sober 2 days going on 3 feel kinda like shit. I did take cbd oil yesterday though Not because I was craving just to see if it helped the anxiousness.
Also I started doing 5 Element Qigong the last 2 days I’m gonna see if it helps. Thanks for the advice! I want to better myself physically and spiritually I want to change my life.
Eyelid twitching is due to high cortisol (stress hormone) lowering calcium in the blood. This should correct once your kidneys are healed. Since you mention spasms in the eye and gut as well as soreness, it may be worth looking at your magnesium, which can sometimes be a common deficiency. Magnesium is used for many things, but one notable thing is relaxing the muscles.
Foods for magnesium would be seeds, spinach, legumes, and others (use google). Frozen, chopped spinach cooked on a stove top with seasonings is a good tasting way to eat something that may otherwise not be appealing.
Headaches could mean a few things. It depends on the type of headache and where the pain is. It could be related to either the gut organs or kidneys. I would just take it easy and wait for the TCM appt. Make sure you detail the pain in the head, though.
Link on the different headaches:
For SaTaNaMa, the S is hissed, the T is more like THZ in pronounciation, where you place your tongue behind your front teeth and try to make a TH sound while maintaining the tongue position.
The mudra associated with SaTaNaMa is: Vibrate Sa with thumb and pointer finger together at the tips, then Ta with thumb and middle finger, then Na with thumb and ring finger, then Ma with thumb and pinkie finger together. This is not completely necessary, but might help increase the effects of it.
Do as many reps as you think you can manage daily. Focus more on giving a full breath to either the whole word, or to each sound. This gives you more power, but with less reps. Fully vibrating it 27x like this, plus the affirmation, might take anywhere for 30-40 minutes. You can vibrate more the next day if you can handle more reps, but going the opposite is advised against, so pick a low number for you and try that.
For visualization, doing the third eye chakra opening, as well as the visualization practice in the Hell's army pdf help a lot. The visualization practice is just holding an image in your mind as best as you can, similar to focus meditation. The third eye chakra opening will improve your astral sight and it will feel easier to see the energy. You do not need any prerequisites to do this, so can try it before the healing work.
Something interesting though, is that I think the third eye chakra makes it easier to observe the energy, but this doesn't necessary mean the energy wasn't being applied beforehand, it just means you couldn't see it. This means if you still have good focus, it should still be working, even if it seems hard to visualize, like not super bright energy or something.
What you mention sounds like a TCM place. This is good that you are going, not everyone has the means, whether financially or just their location. My advice would be to write down all the symptoms you have so that you can clearly describe them in their entirety without forgetting anything.
The 5 Element Qigong is a great choice, it will help. It may take a little bit of time, but it will definitely help. Additionally, the hatha yoga helps as well, and you can look at that as well. It is found in the Satan's Library if you search for it.
You may be reading this message at your day 3 of sobriety, so you already passed the hard part. The important question is whether you destroyed all your paraphernalia and weed. That marks the true turning point.
Good luck to you, though. Continue with the TCM stuff. Their treatments will really help. Also, once you get your diagnosis, you can just do the Qigong practice for that element repeatedly to strengthen it, as well as googling other foods or lifestyle practices to strengthen it.