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Health problems; I feel weak.


New member
Jan 13, 2024
Yes. I have had stomach problems for months and today I went to have an abdominal exam; Fortunately everything was fine, except my colon, apparently I have irritated bowel syndrome. I have lost a lot of weight because of this and I can only eat light meals, every day I feel weak.
That's why I remembered the work that HPS Lidia left a while ago, specifically this one:

START: Full moon in Virgo, crescent or full moon in Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo. Start and do it in the planetary hours of the Sun, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter. Never start this during the Void Moon of the Course. The waxing moon is to improve health, the waning moon is to eliminate health problems.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate SURYA to increase health, ANSUZ to eliminate health problems or WUNJO to heal 40 times, 54 times or 216 times.
3. Affirm 9 times:
"In a positive and healthy way for me, I am eternally free from all illness, disease and pain. I am in perfect health, now and always."
"For me, in a positive and healthy way, each and every physical health problem and abnormality is permanently resolved and eliminated. I enjoy perfect health, now and always."

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.
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Exactly on the 25th there is a full moon and it is in Leo.
The problem is that I still don't understand astrology, so I just wanted someone knowledgeable to confirm my doubt: is this a good date to start working? Since I want to cure irritated colon.

So if so, I would have to use the WUNJO rune and the affirmation: "In a positive and healthy way for me, each and every physical health problem and abnormality is resolved and permanently eliminated. I am in perfect health, now and forever". ??

Also, on the calendar the full moon rises at 2:53 p.m., do I start from that time?
In addition to Aquarius's advice, you can actually start the working today, as the Moon is nearly full and in Cancer, which rules the bowels. But Leo Moon is great for overall healing. If you want the Leo Moon, then start the healing working any time after the Void Moon as the Moon is full for many hours. The time given is just the peak of the phase, but the entire day before it is full.

You can also do a mantra with the Moon mantra daily, this will help too.
Да. У меня были проблемы с желудком в течение нескольких месяцев, и сегодня я пошел на обследование брюшной полости; К счастью, все было хорошо, кроме моей толстой кишки, по-видимому, у меня синдром раздраженного кишечника. Из-за этого я сильно похудела и могу есть только легкие блюда, каждый день чувствую слабость.
Вот почему я вспомнил работу, которую HPS Лидия оставила некоторое время назад, в частности, эту:

СТАРТ: Полнолуние в Деве, полумесяц или полнолуние в Стрельце, Водолее, Тельце или Льве. Начинайте и делайте это в планетарных часах Солнца, Меркурия, Венеры или Юпитера. Никогда не начинайте это во время Пустой Луны Курса. Растущая луна предназначена для улучшения здоровья, убывающая луна - для устранения проблем со здоровьем.

1. Поднимите свою энергию: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Вибрируйте SURYA, чтобы улучшить здоровье, ANSUZ, чтобы устранить проблемы со здоровьем, или WUNJO, чтобы лечить 40 раз, 54 раза или 216 раз.
3. Утвердить 9 раз:
"«Для меня позитивным и здоровым образом я вечно свободен от всех болезней, болезней и боли. У меня прекрасное здоровье, сейчас и всегда."
"«Для меня позитивным и здоровым образом все проблемы и нарушения физического здоровья постоянно решаются и устраняются. Я наслаждаюсь идеальным здоровьем, сейчас и всегда."

Делайте это в течение 40 дней, 80 дней или 90 дней.
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Ровно 25-го есть полная луна, и это во Льве.
Проблема в том, что я до сих пор не понимаю астрологию, поэтому я просто хотел, чтобы кто-то знающий подтвердил мое сомнение: это хорошая дата, чтобы начать работать? Так как я хочу вылечить раздраженную толстую кишку.

Поэтому, если это так, мне придется использовать руну WUNJO и утверждение: "В позитивном и здоровом для меня ключе, каждая проблема физического здоровья и аномалии решаются и навсегда устраняются. Я в совершенном здравии, сейчас и навсегда". ??

Кроме того, по календарю полнолуние восходит в 2:53 вечера, я начинаю с этого времени?
Вы можете работать в любое время, хотя результаты могут быть не такими быстрыми и успешными, но со временем они будут, самое главное, что вам нужно сделать это, пока вы не увидите нужные вам результаты.

Как человек, у которого раньше был гастрит, сейчас я в порядке (Я набрал вес и поправился), у меня нет жалоб и проблем с желудком, Рекомендую соблюдать диету по рекомендациям врача, а главное, стараться чаще есть, чтобы с одной стороны не перегружать желудок (переедать), потому что желудок он будет болеть, но, с другой стороны, не допускать перебоев в еде.

Раньше мне рекомендовали есть каждые 2 часа, чтобы не было перерывов в еде. Повторюсь, со мной сейчас все в порядке, поэтому я рекомендую вам следовать этим советам.
Pump yourself with probiotics. Raw milk, homemade kefir, sauerkraut, apple vinegar ecc
In addition to Aquarius's advice, you can actually start the working today, as the Moon is nearly full and in Cancer, which rules the bowels. But Leo Moon is great for overall healing. If you want the Leo Moon, then start the healing working any time after the Void Moon as the Moon is full for many hours. The time given is just the peak of the phase, but the entire day before it is full.

You can also do a mantra with the Moon mantra daily, this will help too.
Ok, I more or less understand it. I'll start tomorrow. Likewise, thank you very much for his advice, today I went to see myself and I lost almost 13 kilos of weight, I was really having a hard time. The only thing I didn't understand was the part of the moon mantra, in any case thank you very much, I mean it. Thank you for taking your time to respond, Aquarius and HPS Lidia.
Ok, I more or less understand it. I'll start tomorrow. Likewise, thank you very much for his advice, today I went to see myself and I lost almost 13 kilos of weight, I was really having a hard time. The only thing I didn't understand was the part of the moon mantra, in any case thank you very much, I mean it. Thank you for taking your time to respond, Aquarius and HPS Lidia.
Hey Everon,

I know that irritable bowel syndrome can also be caused by the processed foods. Gluten can be the cause of this (does not have to be in your case), they add this (add more of it) into the bread, aside from that it is naturally occuring in wheat. If you recently moved country, this could be possibly why.
GMO foods are also not healthy for you.

Clean eating is very important.
I hope this little piece helps a little. If you have some time, do some research of your own into it.

Hope it heals soon.

Yes. I have had stomach problems for months and today I went to have an abdominal exam; Fortunately everything was fine, except my colon, apparently I have irritated bowel syndrome.
Apart everything said on here for healing, that I support, this kind of problems have a root cause.
This may be seen in Natal Chart (Mars rules irritations, also - partially - Neptune), but is often cuased by a hi-level mental or physical stress, and food.

According to my experience, excess of stress or excess of high intensity sport, cause the digestive system and consequently the blood to become too acid. Eating too much food that causes acidity, while the body is stressed and less able to balance with alkaline enzymes, may cause stomach and digestive problems, inflated belly, etc.
You can research on the web which foods are causing acidity (not acid in themselves, as for example lemon juice is acid but causes alkaline reaction - so drinking water+lemon juice help to rebalance) and try to switch to more alkaline foods.
Normally most fruit and vegetables are alkaline so eating them with acid-cause foods is important, try to avoid industrial food in favour of fresh food, refined sugars > honey is better, fruit juice > fresh fruit, canned food > fresh food.
Also gluten may cause acidity. Standard wheat contains up to 7 times more gluten than in the past as wheat has been modified, OGM, etc. Try to eat whole cereals, organic if available, as chemicals and fertilizers may increase acidity. Same for chemical yeast, try to reduce it and prefer healtier forms of yeast.
I tried this on myself and worked for a better digestive system function.

Those are *possible* physical root causes of your problems, reducing the root cause, will reduce the amount of energy needed for healing.

Also, internal conflict between a programmed mind (xianity, childhood teachings, etc.) and Satanism, meditations, etc. are cause of mental stress that can affect the digestive system. It's a sort of internal clash, that will resolve with time.
Also, psychic vampires attached to your lower chakras and/or organs can cause lower energies thus bad organ funtions.
Last, present or past lives traumas, may cause inner stress and lower energies, with those effect.

I suggest to locate and work on the root causes too, to help healing.
Hope this helps!
Yes. I have had stomach problems for months and today I went to have an abdominal exam; Fortunately everything was fine, except my colon, apparently I have irritated bowel syndrome. I have lost a lot of weight because of this and I can only eat light meals, every day I feel weak.
That's why I remembered the work that HPS Lidia left a while ago, specifically this one:

START: Full moon in Virgo, crescent or full moon in Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo. Start and do it in the planetary hours of the Sun, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter. Never start this during the Void Moon of the Course. The waxing moon is to improve health, the waning moon is to eliminate health problems.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate SURYA to increase health, ANSUZ to eliminate health problems or WUNJO to heal 40 times, 54 times or 216 times.
3. Affirm 9 times:
"In a positive and healthy way for me, I am eternally free from all illness, disease and pain. I am in perfect health, now and always."
"For me, in a positive and healthy way, each and every physical health problem and abnormality is permanently resolved and eliminated. I enjoy perfect health, now and always."

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.
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Exactly on the 25th there is a full moon and it is in Leo.
The problem is that I still don't understand astrology, so I just wanted someone knowledgeable to confirm my doubt: is this a good date to start working? Since I want to cure irritated colon.

So if so, I would have to use the WUNJO rune and the affirmation: "In a positive and healthy way for me, each and every physical health problem and abnormality is resolved and permanently eliminated. I am in perfect health, now and forever". ??

Also, on the calendar the full moon rises at 2:53 p.m., do I start from that time?

For problems of general weakness, I would suggest Uruz or Sowilo, rather than Wunjo. Wunjo is harmonizing and joyful and can therefore heal a lot, but I don't know if it is as energizing as the other runes. Unfortunately, the waxing moon has passed, and you should continue any Wunjo working regardless, but I would suggest also the Mars Square/mantra, too.

Also, press the Large Intestine 4 acupuncture point, and/or Stomach 36, as these should help in their own way. LI4 removes intestinal inflammation, whereas the Stomach point increases appetite and stimulates energy generation, countering fatigue.

By the way, I think your affirmation is a bit broad. It will still work, but personally I think it is better to let the energy increase your health either specific to current problems, or efficiently, by letting the energy take the best route, as opposed to trying to fix every single problem at once.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
