Cyn666 said:
About 10 years ago, when I dedicated, I would experience migraines near constantly, without ever having an issue with them prior to my dedication.
For a while there I fell out of my routine and the migraines stopped.
I've gotten back into a regular meditation routine within the last year and not always, but occasionally I get these crippling migraines. Usually after I finish the final RTR, sometimes while I'm currently doing it.
I get enough sleep and stay well hydrated and active, so I'm wondering if perhaps this is just a psychic attack?
Meditation brings energy to our chakras and if these chakras are blocked or severely atrophied, it's gonna hurt and in the case of our upper chakras this manifests in the form of headaches or migraines that can last for days, weeks or months depending on varying factors. The most common issue people have when it comes to getting headaches or migraines after meditating is in regards to their third eye, crown, 6th chakra or pineal gland.
My advice to you is to clean and
spin your chakras twice daily. I'd also advise against drinking tap-water if your city fluoridates it which is very likely the case and get into the habit of purchasing bottled water that has no fluoride in it. Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland in a white crusty substance that mitigates it's health both physically and spiritually as the pineal gland is directly correlated with the 6th chakra which is connected and linked to our third eye (the extension of the 6th chakra) and holds the pathway to the crown chakra.
To clean each individual chakra, visualize them, colour, shape and all, and then visualize the chakra being engulfed in powerful white-gold light and hold it for a minute or 2. Do this with each individual chakra from your base all the way up to your crown one at a time. Do this regularly every day as this cleans any spiritual filth from your chakras and makes them stronger and better able to deflect dirty or negative energy.
Keep this consistent with your regular meditations. Before I can provide any further assistance though I need to know where this pain is felt in regards to your migraine. Is it more towards your forehead, to the top of your head or just the whole general skull as a whole?