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Question #4652: I think I have been attacked


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Okay this is going to be a long thread.
Just 4 days ago I was doing fine. Cleaning up my office and going threw old junk. And I was up until 5:00 in the morning. Trying to organize things the best I can. And I didn't care how late it was I just wanted to get things done.
I'm not the kind of person who leaves in the middle of a mess. I am somebody that sticks to the job until I get it done. And mind you! I got home from work around 9:30 that night. And did my chakra opening exercises and my breathing exercises. And went into a meditation and everything before I even got started on my task. Yes it may have been 5:00 in the morning when I got finished cleaning my office and I even allowed myself to settle down for a while and take a nap. I felt fine all day and I was happy with what I accomplished. But later on that following night I begin to feel really tired and really drained. I don't know if it was from being up the night before cleaning my office? Or if I did something wrong with my breathing exercises opening the chakras and everything. Yes I'm still doing the 40-day challenge and this is my third month and doing it. After completing it the first time I didn't feel like I was getting much out of it. About the second time I started doing it I begin to feel something. Only I wasn't doing enough yoga/ Kundalini. And this time I have been doing everything as much as I can and trying to do it right. And even though I waited clear until night time to do the exercise? I know that it was wrong for me to put it off until late that night. And on top of that cleaning on office. I have been doing this for quite a while and I've never felt like this before? But for almost 4 days now I felt really down and depressed. I have had the worst migraine headache. Right where my crown shock right is it feels like a tight knot. And right in the back of my head I feel like I've been shot. My heart feels feels really heavy and I feel a heavy pain in my chest and my heart is beating rapidly. All the way up and down my spine I feel pain and my whole chakra Spectrum feels like it's in pain. I don't even know what I have done wrong? I do know that when I sleep I have erratic breathing patterns and I catch my breath and sometimes I wake up trying to Breathe Again. Dealing with some strange energy around me. I don't know what I have done? I do know that when I went to sleep these last couple of nights the dreams that I had were warning dreams and I dreamed that I was arguing with somebody and the person wasn't listening and was arguing back. I felt a sharp pain in my neck and woke up with stiff shoulders like I have been in a fight. When I do my rtr's I feel fine. But I literally have to push myself throughout the day to keep going. I feel like a zombie. And when I sleep I feel like I'm going into it deeper and deeper and I feel like I'm having a hard time breathing. And my breathing pattern is off and I feel really really tired and drained. I don't even know what I've done? Or if I have been attacked? Could somebody explain to me what is going on? And what I need to do? This is really weird and I feel sick to my stomach and queasy? And I need some advice! Is there anything I can do?

you did chakra opening and did physical cleaning the whole night afterwards? (Several hours for an office lets me assume that was a very dirty one, and not just a quick vacuum-cleaning)

Due to the fact that you started with the 40-day program congratulations the chakra opening worked.

But always close your chakras before you do physical cleaning, when your chakras are opened they tend to absorb the dirt-energy so to speak which manifests in feeling like sh**.
Did the same mistake in the past with a really dirty basement chamber, but your delay about a day is a bit strange. Maybe this has to do with the starting process. I hope someone else has a hint on that.

So what you do now is chakra and aura cleaning. If you can take a long bath and do that cleaning exercises there, if not go swimming/sauna. According to the level of pollution as you describe it do it several times.
And to answer the title question:

There are some things floating around which like this dirt-energies and attach to it.
If it is the case and you catched one , clean yourself up this things are low-vibrational they can stand clean/high vibes and will disappear.
Mergethor thank you. You! Are absolutely right. My mistake was that I forgot to take a bath after all of that cleaning and it was an absolute mess! Instead of going in and cleansing myself after the task I just went straight to bed and took a nap and didn't even think of closing my chakras or anything. So it left me exposed to all kinds of strange and dirty attachments and it's no wonder I felt like crap the last 4 days and that dark energy is still hovering around. I do have some fresh Sage that I can burn. And usually I'm a pretty clean person and pretty fussy about my showers and such. I did eventually take a shower the following day and I felt much better. But when I come home from work I had this really heavy feeling of bread hovering around the house. And every time I lay down to go to sleep I feel like I'm smothering and have a hard time waking up. So I feel that I should get some sage and do a full house cleansing. And open up a window and air out the house for a couple of hours. I think you hit on to something and I think you're right. Thank you! For the advice!🔥🙏♥️
Okay this is going to be a long thread.
Do not neglect your sleep. Your body needs to rest in the hours of the night, and sleeping in the hours of the day instead of night isn't a good replacement at all, our bodies are adapted to the energies of the night to be able to relax and unwind, daytime is for work.

take care of your health, because if you don't, symptoms especially will worsen the higher your chi levels rise through meditation and yoga.
I don't think you were attacked.
Most likely, you need to get enough sleep and pay attention to your health, as nausea and vomiting can signal serious problems with the digestive system.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
