This posting has gotten quite lengthy, but you need to read it
from beginning to end so you can make sense of it all.
Clear results from Spiritual works do not come quickly. If we speak of grandiose achievements, even more so. Under the
Jewish Curses the
Gentile Soul was robbed of its
brightness and its
greatness, although we are now regaining its former glory and its former greatness, and we are succeeding, but note that
even this is not happening as quickly or as fast as we would like, but it is happening.
The Satanic Force in our Souls has been restrained, bound, and many need time to be released and cleansed.
It takes time for you as well. Many have been in your shoes. And it does not even matter the amount of time that has passed since the
Initiation. Years do not mean anything. A person can raise the
Kundalini Snake in 10 years, and may not even open the
Chakras. Even
Deprogramming from Enemy attitudes can take years before one begins to gain
Power. That is,
first a person gets rid of all the constraining,
limiting things in order to ensure further growth of his Soul.
Among other things,
you probably lack systematic work. You are emotionally depressed by the absence of what you have set your Mind to. This is understandable, but it is worth considering that
you must approach this process without building comfortable expectations. You simply must work. But work with
discipline and
understanding of your abilities in Mind. If you have vibrated
three times
Mantras or
Runes or meditated a few times, you should not expect to feel any changes overnight. Of course, on the Astral plane even the smallest actions are reflected accordingly, these changes are there, and it can be noticed, seen, but since your problem lies deep, it is a root
Psychic Block, which should be destroyed, otherwise you will fight with the effect, not with the cause.
Nor should you jump from one thing to another in an attempt to ยซfindยป something in yourself. Work on the Soul is a
very delicate process. It requires a complex approach consisting of many tools for influencing different parts of the Soul:
Astral Centers,
Mental Body,
Body of Light,
Awareness, etc. Meditation programs are written for this purpose. It is important to follow them
without skipping, in a systematic and disciplined way,
without expectations.
One must not detach oneself from reality, taking wishful thinking for reality, to exist in illusions. Perhaps Satan and Demons gave you signs in response to your request for help, but you overlooked them, as often happens in the beginning, because the Gods always respond to appeals and do not leave without answers, you just need to be more vigilant. It is also possible that you have felt some changes, but they are very insignificant for you personally, because they do not correspond to your
requirements. This should not be allowed.
You wrote that you have tried
Meditations and even
Runes. So I would like to point out a rather important point: it often happens that people do meditate, but they do it
incorrectly, not calculating the amount of
Vibrations, if it is work with
Mantras, or their
Forces, if it is work with
Expansion of Consciousness and
Introspection. People lack of
diligence and
patience, they need results, and they are in a hurry or do not go into the details of the processes. If it is work with
Runes, people sometimes forget that this powerful Source of Energy should be used correctly:
correctly vibrate,
correctly programming,
correctly assimilate the Energy from this Source. This is not for Neophytes, by and large, if we are talking about the purposeful application of
Runic Kabbalah to certain circumstances (
in Magic or for Spells on something, for example), and not about relatively initial stages like
Runic AOP. Also people often do not understand
how to feel Energy,
how to control it,
programming and direct it. That is, they do not understand the
three-part nature of Witchcraft. They try to do something, but the Energy dissipates, and it does not even reach the stage of implementation of the Magical program (
including Meditative and Ritual, because it is exactly the same principle). Take a closer look to see if you are making any of the above mistakes.
I'll summarize all of the above by giving you a
few recommendations:
- Take a comprehensive approach: continue to follow the program written by the Priests, affecting the entire Soul. All programs are very effective, they already have everything you need, as in a balanced diet, but only in a Spiritual context. Then you can adjust it as you see fit;
- Hone the pronunciation of Mantras and Runes: you can rehearse in front of a mirror, even this will have an effect, because these are Sacral Words of Power, stimulating certain Energies, and even the usual verbalization of them will give your voice an influence, which will be reflected later on your Meditations;
- Have patience: do not rush, do everything slowly, calculate your strength and do not get hysterical, panic or depressed if something does not work out. If something doesn't work out, it will work out later, you need to work with what is limiting you now to achieve the desired result in the future. It's foolish to think like you've already made it to the top of mountain when you haven't even gotten to the base of it;
- Be efficient, attentive and disciplined: approach the process wisely, do not start practicing if you are not sure of your abilities or have no idea what exactly they are and whether you need them at the moment. Listen to your Soul, to the signals of your Body and your Soul, watch your state, meditate on it, even if you feel the most unremarkable but favorable transformations, you will see the Truth in the essence of these transformations. Do not forget that your Spiritual works must be accompanied by the responsibility for their regular fulfillment. And do not jump from one exercise to another;
- Don't live under illusions: don't build expectations, just work hard. Your Mind must be impartial and your Consciousness must be pure and strong. Keep your focus more precise.
- Do Military Rituals and help the Army of Hell: at the beginning I mentioned the effect of the Jewish Curses, hence you can assume how productive the actions to dispel the effect of these Curses will be and, as a consequence, on your experience of the Meditations. At first, of course, you must build up an Aura of Protection at least to an acceptable level and learn basic Energy Manipulation and have your Chakras open and rotating. You are not disarmed as you wrote, you just need more time, that's normal. Even regardless of your situation, the Military Rituals will definitely help you. Keep that in mind.
- Work on your Astral Sensors: you need to develop Psychic sensitivity to more clearly sense both your Soul and Energies to manipulate them. Of course, this work is also from the category of daily work. But again, first learn how to do it correctly. Take your time.
Among other things,
I also suggest that you read these Sermons, or re-read them
more consciously if you have already read them: