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[URGENT]Are these symptoms dangerous?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Hello everyone.
Today I post on a bit more of a grim occasion. One of my friends woke up in the middle of the night with these symptoms and has been scared to death ever since then, being unable to sleep from fear. Tomorrow she is planning to get this checked out at the hospital.
Below is a list of her symptoms. I would highly appreciate it if someone medically experienced could take a look at these and give me your 2 cents. From my viewpoint this could be anything from a small weird dislocation, to a potentially life-threatening issue. I ask here in hopes that someone can shed some light on the situation and on what exactly is happening here.
Also Centralforce if you read this I would love to hear your opinion in particular as I know you to be very knowledgeable in medical things.

-Started when she wanted to sleep (a little after the VoC began)
-Kundalini energy went up her spine and got stuck at solar chakra
-She moved badly in some way and then it felt like something physically "broke" on the left side of her body
(-Altnerate theory is that perhaps dirt in her solar chakra caused the kundalini energy to "deflect" to a different area in her body and it caused damage there)
-Some kind of cold liquid or even air, got spilled and ran down all the way to her hip area (inside her body)
-It feels like the liquid is in some kind of layer of tissues
-Those spots feel really cold, but sometimes for short periods get really warm
-The cold liquid (or air) moves up and down between the ribs and hip area from time to time, but part of it is stuck near the left hip always
-While walking, there is pain followed by pressure to her right lung, followed by the pain moving up to the right side of her throat
-Near her main artery there is a lot of pressure and pain, around the neck area. She said it feels like something will explode there. Lots of pressure
-It feels like something wants to move up her stomach. She has no desire to eat and her stomach feels full. She feels like she cannot swallow properly.
-Generally she feels pain in her chest and it feels hard to breathe
-Her ribs feel really "uneasy", same with all the space around them. Feels like it got damaged, but there is no sharp pain. Just feels irritated mostly, and swollen.
-She can now feel some air coming up to the back of her mouth randomly, presumably air that has risen out from her stomach.
-She can occasionally hear and feel air "moving" inside of her body making noises
-She feels lots and lots of kundalini energies going around her solar plexus and up her spine, filling all her chakras with huge amounts of energy. Her solar chakra and the (presumably) damaged area are taking in big parts of this energy, more than the other chakras.

Additional info:
-Her left ribcage side never developed properly. In her own words it is "soft as gum" and she can deform it with her finger. Doctors told her it would go away in time but it seems that it hasnt. It appears that these bones got pushed and deformed. They have some shape but it's easy for them to get deformed. She suspects she may have slept in a bad position for the past few weeks which could have caused them to deform more.

If anyone has input on what this could be, and on what measures could be taken (perhaps even by herself) to fix it, I would highly appreciate it. In her country it can take several days to get admitted to surgery, which is why I'm also asking for potential measures she herself could take to ensure the situation stays stable, especially in case it were to get worse tomorrow.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks for reading.
This seems to be a mix of both a medical problem and some kundalini related situation, but this seems to go only as far as stimulation.

She appears to be doing just stupid stuff in meddling with the Serpent but not being really in any understanding of it, as thus, physical issues are confused for serpent issues, and spiritual issues carried over as material issues.

Does she even properly meditate, eat, and the related, or spend a lot of time just pretending stuff and doing brutal meditations without any concern of what may happen, neglecting food, and just being dramatic? This is something to take seriously.

The kundalini energy does not dislocate ribs or anything like that, however. This seems to be an illness she needs to check in with a doctor. Ribs do not dislocate when you turn on the bed unless you are 80 years old or something.

Also, she needs to eat, despite of how she feels, as not eating will increase all sorts of strange symptoms which she may falsely assume are "Spiritual" symptoms. "Muh heart feels like it will stop beating" is uhm, not eating food, and has nothing got to do with kundalini, for example.

She also needs to do Hatha to avoid negative symptoms, and eat properly throughout all of this. And do cleaning and protection daily as a priority over any other meditation for this to go smoothly.

She also has to stop making exaggerations if this is the case, so you or someone else can assess things properly, and this is very important. You cannot dislocate a rib just by turning on your bed, nor you can pull your rib and play around with it as if were some sort of elastoplast.

So she can relax on that one, unless, there is a physical deformity that needs to be dealt with a doctor, that is.
Shael said:
Additional info:
-Her left ribcage side never developed properly. In her own words it is "soft as gum" and she can deform it with her finger. Doctors told her it would go away in time but it seems that it hasnt. It appears that these bones got pushed and deformed. They have some shape but it's easy for them to get deformed. She suspects she may have slept in a bad position for the past few weeks which could have caused them to deform more.

This part is very important. Any severe issues and deformities, need to be worked on to be healed.

I'm no health expert, so someone else (along with her doctors) will have to answer from that angle, but I will add:

Coral, preferably red. This heals bones, regenerates the bone tissue. By coincidence I was just studying gems yesterday and experimented with some that I have. Tell her to get some, program it, and sleep with it under her pillow or on her, if it's a bracelet or whatever. But it needs to be programmed! And tell her to make sure she is getting enough calcium, vitamins D and C for healing.

Saturn rules the bones, but this is not advised, although there have been some SS who used the Saturn square with no harmful effects. If she tries this though, make sure she cleans aura/chakras thoroughly often, like 3 times a day with Sun mantra.

Sun square can be started on the 28, it does not rule bones but does rule overall healing, tell her to do the long mantra as HRIM is also very healing.

Moon in Capricorn is not advised for surgery on bones, in case she is advised by doctors to have emergency surgery. That's this Monday and Tuesday.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This seems to be a mix of both a medical problem and some kundalini related situation, but this seems to go only as far as stimulation.

She appears to be doing just stupid stuff in meddling with the Serpent but not being really in any understanding of it, as thus, physical issues are confused for serpent issues, and spiritual issues carried over as material issues.

Does she even properly meditate, eat, and the related, or spend a lot of time just pretending stuff and doing brutal meditations without any concern of what may happen, neglecting food, and just being dramatic? This is something to take seriously.

The kundalini energy does not dislocate ribs or anything like that, however. This seems to be an illness she needs to check in with a doctor. Ribs do not dislocate when you turn on the bed unless you are 80 years old or something.

Also, she needs to eat, despite of how she feels, as not eating will increase all sorts of strange symptoms which she may falsely assume are "Spiritual" symptoms. "Muh heart feels like it will stop beating" is uhm, not eating food, and has nothing got to do with kundalini, for example.

She also needs to do Hatha to avoid negative symptoms, and eat properly throughout all of this. And do cleaning and protection daily as a priority over any other meditation for this to go smoothly.

She also has to stop making exaggerations if this is the case, so you or someone else can assess things properly, and this is very important. You cannot dislocate a rib just by turning on your bed, nor you can pull your rib and play around with it as if were some sort of elastoplast.

So she can relax on that one, unless, there is a physical deformity that needs to be dealt with a doctor, that is.
Thank you for the reply.

She has had severe abuse for almost her entire life, by parents, friends, lovers and so so on. She's got Zosma at 9° Venus which is nasty to say the least.
All this abuse and living for 18+ years in what was essentially a society-made torture chamber, has lead her to develop some very nasty blockages. I'm talking about a daily "routine" of going to school with 'friends' who tell her she is a disapointment and should just kill herself already, then getting home with her mother already waiting outside the door, dragging her inside and beating her for hours until she just crying and begging to be killed already. This beating also used to occur randomly at night as her mother has a mental disability of sorts. In the middle of the night she would just bust open the door and start beating the shit out of her for no reason other than "impulse".
Her previous lover also would act arrogant and narcissistic 24/7 and not allow her to be anything but a submissive nobody. She moved schools once during this time and got a bit popular, finding some friends and a little bit of happiness, but her lover started belittling and insulting her because of it, which due to their strong connection caused her to develop more complexes in this area, becoming shy and submissive thinking her own opinion isnt worth shit.

I myself am not sure why exactly, but her Kundalini has been weirdly active for years now trying to raise. We've been working for the last few months in slowly removing her blockages and healing her trauma, but some of it still remains currently.

The theory about Kundalini energies being the "culprit" was mine, not hers. I thought back to how kundalini energy could literally set people on fire with all that "spontaneous combustion" craze, and figured that perhaps highly concentrated kundalini energy could cause damage to organs in some way if it is misdirected.

She does properly meditate. The reason that she feels like she "cannot" eat is because something is internally pushing against her stomach. It's narrowing the entrance area of her stomach which means that it huts to eat. I believe this is a bodily reaction more than anything else.

She is not exaggerating much. There is some fear at play for sure, but I doubt these are just minor symptoms (though I would be really happy if they were).
She was a premature brith. I believe this is what caused her ribs on the left side to never harden properly.
Lydia said:
This part is very important. Any severe issues and deformities, need to be worked on to be healed.

I'm no health expert, so someone else (along with her doctors) will have to answer from that angle, but I will add:

Coral, preferably red. This heals bones, regenerates the bone tissue. By coincidence I was just studying gems yesterday and experimented with some that I have. Tell her to get some, program it, and sleep with it under her pillow or on her, if it's a bracelet or whatever. But it needs to be programmed! And tell her to make sure she is getting enough calcium, vitamins D and C for healing.

Saturn rules the bones, but this is not advised, although there have been some SS who used the Saturn square with no harmful effects. If she tries this though, make sure she cleans aura/chakras thoroughly often, like 3 times a day with Sun mantra.

Sun square can be started on the 28, it does not rule bones but does rule overall healing, tell her to do the long mantra as HRIM is also very healing.

Moon in Capricorn is not advised for surgery on bones, in case she is advised by doctors to have emergency surgery. That's this Monday and Tuesday.
Thank you for the reply, Lydia.

I will get her some of those stones.

Currently I'm waiting for her to (hopefully) wake up again. Before falling asleep she told me she feels warm and feels like "losing herself". She is afraid she may die, and so am I. I hope this feeling was merely due to the sleep deprivation she had, as this can sometimes have a similar effect.
I really don't know what I would do if she died. I just barely managed to get ~5h of sleep tonight after spending another 3h worrying and shivering, checking my phone constantly. Hopefully the Gods will keep her safe.

She is stabilized as of right now. HP Cobra was completely correct in saying that her issues were mostly due to the kundalini. Apparently it was so intense that it could be felt in the same way as physical injury. It was part of a natural cleaning process through the kundalini energies, which due to lack of preparation and protection ended up like this.
I will still get her ass into the hospital so that everything is checked, just to be safe. She will be working daily on fixing her ribcage from now on, utilizing that red coral gem that Lydia recommended.

Big thanks to everyone for your help.
Shael said:
then getting home with her mother already waiting outside the door, dragging her inside and beating her for hours until she just crying and begging to be killed already. This beating also used to occur randomly at night as her mother has a mental disability of sorts. In the middle of the night she would just bust open the door and start beating the shit out of her for no reason other than "impulse".

I would advice to learn self defense technikes and apply these to prevent futher abuse. Most abuser stop when they get hit back.

For the kundalini energy couldn´t she not just shut her chakras to give her some break? (please wait for a skilled person to approve this advice)

Wishes good reformation.
Shael said:
....Thank you for the reply.

She has had severe abuse for almost her entire life, by parents, friends, lovers and so so on. She's got Zosma at 9° Venus which is nasty to say the least.
All this abuse and living for 18+ years in what was essentially a society-made torture chamber, has lead her to develop some very nasty blockages. I'm talking about a daily "routine" of going to school with 'friends' who tell her she is a disapointment and should just kill herself already, then getting home with her mother already waiting outside the door, dragging her inside and beating her for hours until she just crying and begging to be killed already. This beating also used to occur randomly at night as her mother has a mental disability of sorts. In the middle of the night she would just bust open the door and start beating the shit out of her for no reason other than "impulse".
Her previous lover also would act arrogant and narcissistic 24/7 and not allow her to be anything but a submissive nobody. She moved schools once during this time and got a bit popular, finding some friends and a little bit of happiness, but her lover started belittling and insulting her because of it, which due to their strong connection caused her to develop more complexes in this area, becoming shy and submissive thinking her own opinion isnt worth shit.

I myself am not sure why exactly, but her Kundalini has been weirdly active for years now trying to raise. We've been working for the last few months in slowly removing her blockages and healing her trauma, but some of it still remains currently.

The theory about Kundalini energies being the "culprit" was mine, not hers. I thought back to how kundalini energy could literally set people on fire with all that "spontaneous combustion" craze, and figured that perhaps highly concentrated kundalini energy could cause damage to organs in some way if it is misdirected.

She does properly meditate. The reason that she feels like she "cannot" eat is because something is internally pushing against her stomach. It's narrowing the entrance area of her stomach which means that it huts to eat. I believe this is a bodily reaction more than anything else.

She is not exaggerating much. There is some fear at play for sure, but I doubt these are just minor symptoms (though I would be really happy if they were).
She was a premature brith. I believe this is what caused her ribs on the left side to never harden properly.

Shael.. it seems like she has been through some stuff and you're quite affected by listening to those stories (who wouldn't be).. but as your sister in Satan, I am telling you this. You do need to get space between you and her regarding those issues.
I know that you are concerned, but when such severe things are part of what connects you to her, you're going down with it.

I am not saying to stop talking to her, Im saying that you need to guard yourself (at least a bit) regarding these matters.

Has she done the detaching to the ex narcissitic person? One thing, I don't think they only connect on the chakras. I think that there are other parts of the soul that it can connect to. Those need to be disconnected too and cleaned.
The subconcious problems of not being allowed to voice your opinion can still remain but it should be easier to get over those problems with the connections gone.
Shael said:

She is stabilized as of right now. HP Cobra was completely correct in saying that her issues were mostly due to the kundalini. Apparently it was so intense that it could be felt in the same way as physical injury. It was part of a natural cleaning process through the kundalini energies, which due to lack of preparation and protection ended up like this.
I will still get her ass into the hospital so that everything is checked, just to be safe. She will be working daily on fixing her ribcage from now on, utilizing that red coral gem that Lydia recommended.

Big thanks to everyone for your help.

I didn't say it was mostly Kundalini, I said that these can be conflated. It's if anything the opposite. You said you are giving your own energy. Maybe you are used as an idiot to help her 'Advance and heal' while all you are doing is sitting down in a hole and getting all your energy expedited?

The whole Kundalini craze needs to just calm down a bit. It is not dangerous or anything unless people are rushing or lack and background. Kundalini-like symptoms of moving energies can happen if people are energetically overstimulated, but this doesn't make them ascended nor it means that it's legitimate serpentine awakening.

You need to get the rib looked after medically, and also eat, sleep and related properly. This can be coupled with a working. Then advance and clean.

Over-stimulation and going bonkers is not a sign of advancement. It can be quite the opposite.

As for the situation of explaining her hardship, a lot of teen girls go through the same, and it's perceived badly. This is not the case of alarm or thinking one is the most unlucky person in the world. It happens all the time. One can recover and move away from this by advancement.

Good luck to your friend and you Shael.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shael said:
....Thank you for the reply.

Shael.. it seems like she has been through some stuff and you're quite affected by listening to those stories (who wouldn't be).. but as your sister in Satan, I am telling you this. You do need to get space between you and her regarding those issues.
I know that you are concerned, but when such severe things are part of what connects you to her, you're going down with it.

I am not saying to stop talking to her, Im saying that you need to guard yourself (at least a bit) regarding these matters.

Has she done the detaching to the ex narcissitic person? One thing, I don't think they only connect on the chakras. I think that there are other parts of the soul that it can connect to. Those need to be disconnected too and cleaned.
The subconcious problems of not being allowed to voice your opinion can still remain but it should be easier to get over those problems with the connections gone.

Does this remind you of something I related in the e-mail Shael? Our Sister here knows what she is talking about as a mature woman herself and you need to listen to this.

Also, energy expenditure to the point of parasitism is not a good thing. You said you were using YOUR energy, in essence turning yourself out of mercy or friendship into a servitor. You going and ruining yourself in worry isn't going to help shit. If anything the other person is not lifting their ass and they are dragging you down for this. And this is not healthy or a sign of a good friendship.

The issues here are not issues of universal problems or heavenly suffering, just some teenager common issues that are quite the case for most people and that people can move away from rather than whine to you to rip yourself open to "help" with. Threats of suicide and pretending one is about to die is part of this attention whoring.

Everyone has problems. Every person here who was a teenager went through some cyclical phases of hardship, it's nothing new under the sun.

Be careful.
GG Allin said:
Shael said:
then getting home with her mother already waiting outside the door, dragging her inside and beating her for hours until she just crying and begging to be killed already. This beating also used to occur randomly at night as her mother has a mental disability of sorts. In the middle of the night she would just bust open the door and start beating the shit out of her for no reason other than "impulse".

I would advice to learn self defense technikes and apply these to prevent futher abuse. Most abuser stop when they get hit back.

For the kundalini energy couldn´t she not just shut her chakras to give her some break? (please wait for a skilled person to approve this advice)

Wishes good reformation.
Thank you. As of right now she is grown up enough to prevent any further physical abuse. The highest priority now is to heal the damage that has been done.

No idea if the chakra closing would work, but I will tell her to give it a try. From what I know her kundalini just pushes upwards relentlessly no matter what, and if a chakra is closed or dirty, it causes pain and there's friction.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shael.. it seems like she has been through some stuff and you're quite affected by listening to those stories (who wouldn't be).. but as your sister in Satan, I am telling you this. You do need to get space between you and her regarding those issues.
I know that you are concerned, but when such severe things are part of what connects you to her, you're going down with it.

I am not saying to stop talking to her, Im saying that you need to guard yourself (at least a bit) regarding these matters.

Has she done the detaching to the ex narcissitic person? One thing, I don't think they only connect on the chakras. I think that there are other parts of the soul that it can connect to. Those need to be disconnected too and cleaned.
The subconcious problems of not being allowed to voice your opinion can still remain but it should be easier to get over those problems with the connections gone.
I completely agree, Sister.
I am a very intense person and can easily get overly attached to bad situations. Cobra has given me similar advice. I will learn to detach myself more in situations like these, so that I can think clearly.

Yes, from what I know she has detached the vast majority of connections to him by now. What remains is only the wounds and trauma that he caused her.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I didn't say it was mostly Kundalini, I said that these can be conflated. It's if anything the opposite. You said you are giving your own energy. Maybe you are used as an idiot to help her 'Advance and heal' while all you are doing is sitting down in a hole and getting all your energy expedited?
Apologies for the misunderstanding.
No worries. I have given her energy sometimes, but she has done the same for me. If we were to "scale measure" this, she has helped me even more than I helped her. I have had mountains of social issues and issues about expressing myself, which she healed most of within just the first few days of us meeting. I never before had someone to really bond and talk with on a deep level.
Any energy I "give" her, I use on both of us simultaneously, such as with vibrations and the like. I would never just do a working or anything "for" someone else. I always make sure that I advance myself with it, too. Of course I also try my best to make sure I do not "babysit" her by solving issues that she herself should solve. I mostly just aid her in seeing the Truth better, so that she can identify and fix her issues. As far as I'm concerned, the only real "helpful" way for SS to receive assistance from someone else, is through the providing of knowledge and Truth.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The whole Kundalini craze needs to just calm down a bit. It is not dangerous or anything unless people are rushing or lack and background. Kundalini-like symptoms of moving energies can happen if people are energetically overstimulated, but this doesn't make them ascended nor it means that it's legitimate serpentine awakening.

You need to get the rib looked after medically, and also eat, sleep and related properly. This can be coupled with a working. Then advance and clean.
Indeed. She will check in at the hospital shortly and get herself checked out. She will also start a working using the Red Coral stone that Lydia recommended, to aid in healing her ribs. Eating and sleeping was only compromised due to the anxiety and pain. She is doing fine now.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Over-stimulation and going bonkers is not a sign of advancement. It can be quite the opposite.
I agree. In my eyes it is a sign that there is still lots and lots of things that she needs to fix before anything substantial can happen in terms of kundalini.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As for the situation of explaining her hardship, a lot of teen girls go through the same, and it's perceived badly. This is not the case of alarm or thinking one is the most unlucky person in the world. It happens all the time. One can recover and move away from this by advancement.

Good luck to your friend and you Shael.
She is working on healing this all. I hope she will improve and heal fully over time.
Thank you for the well wishes and advice, brother Cobra.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Does this remind you of something I related in the e-mail Shael? Our Sister here knows what she is talking about as a mature woman herself and you need to listen to this.
It does. I am working on detaching myself more from bad situations. Thank you and sister Lunar Dance for the advice.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Also, energy expenditure to the point of parasitism is not a good thing. You said you were using YOUR energy, in essence turning yourself out of mercy or friendship into a servitor. You going and ruining yourself in worry isn't going to help shit. If anything the other person is not lifting their ass and they are dragging you down for this. And this is not healthy or a sign of a good friendship.
I already addressed this in my other reply to you, but yes, I completely agree. I never used any "substantial" amounts of energy on her. It wasnt to any point of parasitism or anything that would have exhausted me.
Like I said in my other reply, the only applications of my energy on her, are for the sake of knowledge and truth, as well as giving her a feeling of closeness through connecting with each other, though this is more an exchange of energy, it doesnt "use up" any of my energies (and I desire this feeling of closeness too, naturally).

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The issues here are not issues of universal problems or heavenly suffering, just some teenager common issues that are quite the case for most people and that people can move away from rather than whine to you to rip yourself open to "help" with. Threats of suicide and pretending one is about to die is part of this attention whoring.
I understand your worries. I do however have a feeling that you are trying a bit too hard to enforce this "stereotype" of attention-whoring women onto my friend in particular. I don't deny whatsoever that there is lots of attention-whores out there, but my friend has no reason to do any of this. When she wants my attention, she openly asks for it. Like "Hey Shael, I want your attention". I always talk with her during these times and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. She has no reason to lie or play pretend to get my attention, because I am willing to give her attention either way if she asks for it.
I would never even think of being friends with someone who is a liar, and I am rather good at detecting these things.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone has problems. Every person here who was a teenager went through some cyclical phases of hardship, it's nothing new under the sun.

Be careful.
Personally I still believe she had it worse than most, since it was not "cyclical" but rather went on every single day for over 18 years, starting from 3 years old as a little baby, being called retarded by her mother and being beaten daily even then.
But regardless, I agree everyone has their issues and we all must work on fixing them.
I am glad, but also remember, when you like report "OH SHIT THE WHOLE WORLD IS BURNING" and people like take this a bit as you say, to remember that you said it.

You sounded overly exhausted and consumed by what you wrote, so it was only sensible to consider this. That aside, I told you, you're fine and there is no problem, because I didn't take you literally.

Anyway, stay safe for both of you guys, and be careful. I am glad both of you are fine.
Shael said:
GG Allin said:
Shael said:
then getting home with her mother already waiting outside the door, dragging her inside and beating her for hours until she just crying and begging to be killed already. This beating also used to occur randomly at night as her mother has a mental disability of sorts. In the middle of the night she would just bust open the door and start beating the shit out of her for no reason other than "impulse".

I would advice to learn self defense technikes and apply these to prevent futher abuse. Most abuser stop when they get hit back.

For the kundalini energy couldn´t she not just shut her chakras to give her some break? (please wait for a skilled person to approve this advice)

Wishes good reformation.
Thank you. As of right now she is grown up enough to prevent any further physical abuse. The highest priority now is to heal the damage that has been done.

No idea if the chakra closing would work, but I will tell her to give it a try. From what I know her kundalini just pushes upwards relentlessly no matter what, and if a chakra is closed or dirty, it causes pain and there's friction.

Hatha Yoga, but first she has to check her rib and make sure she can do this. No need to do pressing things. Just do back stretches and what poses do not cause problems.

Eating, sleeping and related things are also essential.

If there are problems of blockages involved, and you energetically push and push rather than loosen up, this will have backlashes, keep that in mind. And this may also turn physical.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am glad, but also remember, when you like report "OH SHIT THE WHOLE WORLD IS BURNING" and people like take this a bit as you say, to remember that you said it.

You sounded overly exhausted and consumed by what you wrote, so it was only sensible to consider this. That aside, I told you, you're fine and there is no problem, because I didn't take you literally.

Anyway, stay safe for both of you guys, and be careful. I am glad both of you are fine.
Of course. I'm aware in retrospect now that I probably caused a good bit of here with my topic. It's like you said in your e-mail. I only even considered making this topic because I was too scared that my friend may die. I was merely trying all I could to increase the odds of her survival, in the case that it would have been actual physical issues.
I was indeed very exhausted and mentally taxed at the time of writing. I just care a lot about my friends and want them to be well, which led me to attach myself overly much to the situation.

Thank you very much for all the help and advice. I really appreciate it.
wow, these symptoms are nearly or should i say exactly identical to the ones i had, be it the case with her rib was a bit extreme.
But to add i did have an intense pain in my heart chakra as if someone is impaling it and twisting it, i felt sharp shocks and sensations of being pierced by needles which went in very deep.
i also experienced the feeling in the throat, and for the longest time i had a slight cough because of it, and there was no real reason why, the stifling/chocking feeling also affected the way i would speak as well.
as for the rib i did feel a lot of pain there as well, as if someone gave me a really hard punch there.

All of these were the results of malefic entities being latched onto me and parasitized of me, as you probably already know if you've seen my older posts is that i had experience with such entities before.
The reason why they were able to latch onto me and affect me to such a extent to where i could've felt these physically was due to having a weak aura with a lot of holes in it.

There's another case of an individual i saw on this forum who had dealings with enemy entities unfortunately he went so deep in it he became a lost cause.
This guy goes by the name of wulfen stag and he was fucking some alien midget from a video game so it's pretty obvious he was contact with enemy or malefic entities, coincidentally he also had a problem with his rib and claimed that a daemon(pretty obvious this guy was not in contact with a daemon but just another entity further manipulating him possibly for sympathy) pointed out that it was misplaced, the post i am referring to is here:

Usually when i deduce cases like this i ask for background info like, if the person is physically healthy, did they have prior experience with any sort of spirituality like new-age stuff or if there parents had, but i think you've already provided a enough info on her for me to make an accurate deduction of the problem here.
And it is like i said before this is a case where she has a weak aura with a lot of holes in and is mostly likely in contact with enemy entities, most likely posing as a daemon/friend/lover, you should inquire with her if she's in contact with any astral entities.

You can read about holes in aura here:
i will also provide some quotes from the link for convenience.

You mentioned that she had a rough childhood, this would also indicate that she had gotten holes in her aura and would open way for her to be deceived and manipulated and most likely harmed, entities such as these attempt to befriend you so you can spend time with them and even depend or sympathize on them opening you up even more, while they unknowingly harm you and try to isolate you so that you can dwell on them even more.
[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Holes_in_Aura.html said:
ABOUT HOLES IN THE AURA[/url]"]Many problems are due to holes and leaks in the energy field of the aura. These can be brought upon by childhood trauma either physical or emotional, where one was victimized in some way, or even as an adult; from surgery or accidents. Holes in the aura can open the door to unwanted entities, illnesses, and health problems.
The hieroglyphics and carvings in many of the Egyptian temples and pyramids are there to tell us something. The classic pose with the arms crossed over the chest is for a reason- to protect the heart chakra. This warns of being sympathetic to the wrong things, or helping those who are undeserving of any help. Having sympathy for an enemy or enemies and their programs in the case of spiritual warfare will only result in one’s downfall and this has extended to entire peoples and nations over the millennia.
Human beings thrive on love and acceptance. An infant deprived of love, often will not thrive and if they do, most will be impaired for life, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Love is an essential part of our makeup. Entities who wish to destroy us, know this. The deluded New Age movement's focus on "unconditional love" [there is no such thing in reality, regardless of how they rationalize and lie to themselves], is VERY dangerous and opens those who take this advice, making them ready victims for all kinds of entities. This is the scheme of the Nazarene parasite that is nearly always depicted with open arms, exposing the heart chakra, encouraging victimization.

Psychic vampirism in most cases feeds off emotions. Sometimes there are certain family members who are abusive and others who we know are bad for us, yet we allow them to abuse us or manipulate us because of an uncontrollable emotional vulnerability we have towards them.

One is open and vulnerable and allows them in. They attach, connect, and control. We have opened our emotions to them in some way. The Nazarene and other unwanted entities gain entry the same way. A small child taken to church and Sunday school is continually coerced into "Loving Jesus." We are told, "God is Love." The same lies apply to the Nazarene. This opens up one of the most vulnerable areas of a human being so that he/she can be controlled by these unwanted and harmful entities. The love energy is exploited and used by these entities as a parasite uses its host to its demise and sucks it dry. As you all can see, these entities gain control of and work through many of the new age people.

In addition, love can play upon one’s judgment and reasoning. Enemy aliens and their chosen humans know this and exploit it.

A weak aura with holes leaves one vulnerable to all kinds of things. Remember, negative entities feed on FEAR and other human emotions. This is another reason for the Christian doctrines maximize the emotion of fear by indoctrinating their followers with threats of eternal "hellfire" and “damnation.” This makes it much easier for these parasites to attach unknowingly to these people's auras and use their energy. All of this becomes a vicious cycle. To seal holes in the aura, one must first have a strong energy field. Most often, after becoming competent with power meditation, one can sense where the holes are located. By repeatedly directing the energy to the holes and expanding the aura in and around the areas of the holes, in time they will seal.
If you inquire to her and find out that she is indeed in contact with any astral entities i'm sure you've seen my other posts about this, she needs to start tuning off/ignoring them completely, as any sympathy or emotional feelings towards them will simply make things worse.

Another thing i want to say, is that someone suggested you detach from her, i will tell you this, people like her usually have no support in life and are isolated, isolation makes things much worse, and i know for a fact that the enemy tends to go a very far extent to isolate SS, this makes them more desperate and accepting of any entities that come there way, as i quote before everyone needs love in their life and wants some sort of support, so do not leave her entirely but try to spend time with her, if you think she is affecting you negatively then clean your aura and take the necessary steps to make sure you're not being negatively affected.

HP.Hcobra also said you gave her energy? this actually makes the problem worse as she would become dependent on you, she needs to become competent on handling things like this on her own if she is to grow, by doing things for her and giving her energy you make things worse.

Either way do relay the info to her, and all the best to you both.
I’m sure if some one was truly awakened or ascended...

They wouldn’t be boasting about it in a public forum.

A lot of stuff about the kundalini out there...

A lot of bull shit (delusions) too, in my opinion.

This is why one must be careful In this path,

Delusions can make one fall hard.

I’d be careful who you’re chatting with

If I were you.

Of course I don’t know this individual

and most important of all, I’m no physician.

I only trust the Clergy on this kundalini matter.
I hope things are OK now and that everything is resolved. Please do stay safe also.
Rook said:

Another thing i want to say, is that someone suggested you detach from her, i will tell you this, people like her usually have no support in life and are isolated, isolation makes things much worse, and i know for a fact that the enemy tends to go a very far extent to isolate SS, this makes them more desperate and accepting of any entities that come there way, as i quote before everyone needs love in their life and wants some sort of support, so do not leave her entirely but try to spend time with her, if you think she is affecting you negatively then clean your aura and take the necessary steps to make sure you're not being negatively affected.
Indeed, I am well aware of this and I agree with you. I think "detaching" here is to be viewed as nothing too extreme. Just if she is in trouble and there is nothing I can do to help, except for some emotional support, then I will try to not needlessly spend my time worrying anymore. I would never just push her away or leave her. I'm doing my best to be there for her and support her atleast emotionally if nothing else.

Rook said:
HP.Hcobra also said you gave her energy? this actually makes the problem worse as she would become dependent on you, she needs to become competent on handling things like this on her own if she is to grow, by doing things for her and giving her energy you make things worse.
No worries. Like I said in my other reply, the energy I give her is solely for the purpose of making her see the Truth more. I'm not intending to babysit her and solve her problems for her. I merely wish to provide her with the ability to see the truth, as this will aid her greatly in identifying her issues and fixing them.

Rook said:
Either way do relay the info to her, and all the best to you both.
I will, thank you very much for your reply. :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I hope things are OK now and that everything is resolved. Please do stay safe also.
So far things are okay as of current. Thank you very much for everything, brother Cobra. :)
With regards to the oyshical symptoms described, these are symptoms of severe qi stagnation which is consistent with stuck energy.

If anything this overall suggests that the solar chakra is very blocked, as this chakra rules the liver, the organ most affected by qi stagnation.

Exercise is a good way to relieve qi stagnation and motivating oneself to exercise regularly strengthens the solar chakra.
Centralforce666 said:
With regards to the oyshical symptoms described, these are symptoms of severe qi stagnation which is consistent with stuck energy.

If anything this overall suggests that the solar chakra is very blocked, as this chakra rules the liver, the organ most affected by qi stagnation.

Exercise is a good way to relieve qi stagnation and motivating oneself to exercise regularly strengthens the solar chakra.
Thank you for the advice, Centralforce.
I will pass it on to her :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
