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  1. Fuchs

    Lack of Self Discipline

    88 is a powernumber. For runes one can use the multiplication of there number or use a powernumber, HPHC did also one time respond other numbers are also ok. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: "The Runes do not have to be used as multiplies of the "Number in which they are". 10 and 40 are numbers you...
  2. Fuchs

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    The only valid reason to get it, would be if they point a gun at your head or your family (if you can´t defend your self) and say: "Get it or die." You may also want to read this: Thanks FancyMancy for sharing: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2125&start=400
  3. Fuchs

    Something about my friend

    "A few random ideas: Create a family business so you can live this war and be well insured. Join an activist organization for the environment or some other meaningful cause. Create technology or related infrastructure. Become a good and reputable educator. Build companies to have a strong...
  4. Fuchs

    Lack of Self Discipline

    108 only if done consistently for at least 40 days. It´s a incompleate number of 216, ties into saturn.
  5. Fuchs

    Magical Assistance Please

    "Fire Magick, using the element of fire: Fire magick is amplified with invoking and directing the fire element. Fire magick includes: Confidence, fame, success in gambling, pleasure, securing popularity/charisma, increasing health and vitality, healing, protection, success, magickal power...
  6. Fuchs

    Runes or magick for maturity?

    Do you feel good the way you are? If jes, don´t change something. Opinion of NPC < Player opinion.
  7. Fuchs

    Mantras and repetitions?

    I do not know about the mantras, but you could use this rune working: Intelligence and memory working (color visualised runes and aura yellow) MANNAZ+LÖGR+ODHAL+PERTHRO (Madur+ Lögur+Odal+Pero norwegian spelled one breath together) x111 reps "My intelligence and memory are increasing in a...
  8. Fuchs

    Something about my friend

    Pls read this: Physical Action For Future Freedom & Fedposting Again https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=53486
  9. Fuchs

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    "Be careful because if you dig a hole for yourself and try to enforce the Gods to protect you from your own stupidity they will not." HP. Hoodedcobra666 https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=13787&p=56296&hilit=satan+won%C2%B4t+protect#p56296 :idea: As far as I know, you have...
  10. Fuchs

    Doctor with bioweapons expertise calls COVID-19 vaccines “weaponized medicine”

    More info: Dr Francis Boyle did state in an interview at the german "Stiftung Corona Ausschuss" 05.03.2021 5:10:00 - 6:10:00 h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsBmCsuTj0k "He calls the covid shots "Franken-Shots" from Frankenstein, because they contain experimental DNA/mRNA changing...
  11. Fuchs

    The Wisdom Of Saturn

    If I did undestand this right, ones chart is like a flow of water, you can swim faster and longer if you swim with the current, but one can with enouth endurancer and willpower reach the top in any field or avoid any negative live events. For instance if someones chart did indicate poverty, the...
  12. Fuchs

    Skin boil problem

    Is it only one or many different ones (cut the boil sounds like one big one), maybe you have smothing like a ingrown hair which causes the inflammation / skin boil. Then I see no other way then cuting it.
  13. Fuchs

    Doctor with bioweapons expertise calls COVID-19 vaccines “weaponized medicine”

    "While some doctors are encouraging people to get in line for their COVID-19 vaccine, others are bravely speaking out about why rushing to get an untested shot might not be such a good idea. Dr. Lee Merritt, a former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has admitted...
  14. Fuchs

    Jewish children wear blackface for purim

    Instead of beeing angry and offended, be smart and cool. Like invent a jewish face (big nose, brown face painting,..) , black people should post pictures of there kids with a jewish face under the pictures of jewish black face children. Let the jews be angry and offended. Otherwise we give in...
  15. Fuchs

    Question about spiritual warfare

    After dedication (protection from the gods), don´t forget cleaning afterwards.
  16. Fuchs

    Energy cure for chronic diarrhea

    If your intestinal bacteria are damaged from the junk food, you could try eating frankincense (+ healthy diet) it does balance the intestines, how much and how long you have to search online. I also did read that there are intestinal bacteria transfer pills. Wich provides you with healthy new...
  17. Fuchs

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

    What you say about intent is right , but we lack with the other RTRS A COMMON IMAGE/dissolved hebrew (like with the Final RTR and Tetra, a picture we can all concentrate on). If we look for example what is written in the coven section under Satanic Sabbats and Esbats: "Feeling is the most...
  18. Fuchs

    Moon Postion for financial Aid

    SS calendar does state money, while moon is in Taurus or Leo. For more info you can also look here: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Timing.html
  19. Fuchs

    Coca Cola Forces Employees to Complete Online Training Telling Them to 'Try to be Less White'

    Imaging the puplic/media outcry if the training would be called: 'Try To Be Less Jewish'
  20. Fuchs

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

    I have one suggestion and one question: 1. A copy of the current schedule + times explanation added to the evilgoy timer site. (if the forum is down and timer is up, people still know the details) 2. Would it amplify the destruction of the 72,42, blood etc RTRs if we would include like in the...
  21. Fuchs

    Black magic

    In most cases the victim will not know that you curse, it is also not necessary, it´s probably to your advantage (except evil eye) https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Evil.html Remember do not brag about it. If you don´t program the energy the energy will seek the...
  22. Fuchs

    Mantra I found

    Don´t know about the mantra, but if you don´t want to use something 40 days straight better use 88, 111 reps. Or if you want to do the compleate number of 108 do 216.
  23. Fuchs

    About A Slandered Friend Of Mine

    We have a global spiritual movement, all work together everyday, we have clear instructions from the gods (via clergy), we have the RTRs, there were no better times before(after golden age). Your statement is totally wrong: "People have become the worse they ever have been. Back then some...
  24. Fuchs

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

    You mean FINAL + TETRA (I wanted to avoid missunderstandings). It was stated that we should always combine these. The multiplying of reps for the hebrew, I thought would be usefull for the timed attacks. Through this I was able to end near the 1 hour mark to start the Final + Tetra in time (same...
  25. Fuchs

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

    If I remember right it was ok to double or tripple ... etc the reps for the hebrew as long the affirmation amount stays the same. Right? (except Tetra RTR) Wanted to reinsure/ask so people can do more damage. like 42 RTR instead of 6 times the hebrew RAISE YOUR ENERGIES AND VIBRATE THE...
  26. Fuchs

    Mercury Retrograde until February 21, shouldn´t we have a anouncement to do more F-RTRs since it helps to destroy?

    Also here are more infos about mercury retrograde: When Mercury is retrograde, workings to acquire knowledge, truth, intellect; to pass exams and everything related to the mind, communication, travel, education, literary, electronics and everything else ruled by Mercury, the odds are greatly...
  27. Fuchs

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    I fully agree it is not safe, all risks and production problems are explained in detail in the video below. The best explanation video (long in detail) I found so far is from Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krüger (in German language, but some pages from the study are in english) She explains...
  28. Fuchs

    Chronic exhaustion, fatigue, procrastination. Etc.

    For me did work out to change my daily aop affirmation to this one: "I´m at all times spiritually, physically and mentaly: safe, secure, motivated, purified, protected, powerfull, strong, and healthy in a positive way for me." x18 reps Don´t start on a void of course moon see SS Calendar->...
  29. Fuchs

    Is it possible to stay in Hell without reincarnation?

    See this topic: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=17866&p=67521&hilit=Rainbow+body#p67521
  30. Fuchs

    Complete SS Calendar for 2021 [Updated 9 Jan]

    I shouldn´t have posted something like this on mercury retrograde. A idear is not advice. The idears are crap, fine. Maybe someday I have a good idear and share it. Better posted then not. Could you explain after mercury is retrogarde again, what you mean with "soul gets affected". Could be a...
  31. Fuchs

    Complete SS Calendar for 2021 [Updated 9 Jan]

    Had two idears to help in this case, the first one is more fantasizing but could work, you don´t have to do anything: 1. Everyone who does wait for thear astrology order, does everytime they wish that they receive it (or once a week), instead of wasting thear thought time, they create a energy...
  32. Fuchs

    The best reps for fehu rune?

    Depends on how much you can do/handle energy. More reps same fokus/vibration = more energy = faster/better results. I normaly take 111 it´s a solar power number (solar chakra rules over money). You could also take 88 also a powernumber. 100 should be also fine. As far as I remember every "10...
  33. Fuchs

    Is there a content limitation? For sharing my article.

    Don´t think so, did post before long stuff around 30 sites in paper. But the longer, the less people read it if it does not contain good pictures or has outstanding info.
  34. Fuchs

    River Meditation

    Did you mean leg?
  35. Fuchs

    Confused about the voices in my head

    How to Find Your Guardian Demon - Guide https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41191&p=217248&hilit=how+to+find+my+gd+guide#p217248
  36. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare Issues

    You could do mental RTRS it´s like the normal, but you only think the vibtrations in your mind, it´s way less effective but better then nothing. (first dedication if you didn´t do allready). Also look here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=27
  37. Fuchs

    Psychic Blockage Removal Help

    Did you try RC 1 and 2 ? -> https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html There is no need for a realy good date to start with it the first time, but don´t do it on a void moon see ss-calendar: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=217632#p217632
  38. Fuchs

    Can we apply the Wiccan rituals?

    Did you see this-> https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50335 ? We have enough to do. (only do the rituals when you are dedicated / are protected) Also this should be considered: "Wiccans have taken selected rites and teachings to suit their whims, from the original religions...
  39. Fuchs

    About me

    Try to add "motivated" to your AOP affirmation.
  40. Fuchs

    War For Our Civilization - Ritual Schedule - 15th January To 30th January [IMPORTANT]

    Do we as usual fokus on Final-RTR + Tetra or should we also do the other ones more then one time a day? If the last one, before you did say one time to do the Final + Tetra at the beginning and at the end of the other RTRs and imagine it , like the first one is a opening in the enemy defenses...
  41. Fuchs


  42. Fuchs


  43. Fuchs

    How to make a woman feel extreme lust?

    It is true it does "programm/influence" the girl, but if she would totally hate him, or be disgusted by him, it wouldn´t work. That´s what I meant with buying flowers or working out, beeing nice etc. It is nothing else, it is just increasing your chances. It´s the same like if you would want to...
  44. Fuchs

    How to make a woman feel extreme lust?

    I would totally watch this. :lol:
  45. Fuchs

    CoronaHoax the Truth about PCR tests

    "A PCR test is amplifying samples through repetitive cycles. The lower the virus concentration in the sample, the more cycles are needed to achieve a positive result. Many US labs work with 35 to 45 cycles, while many European labs work with 30 to 40 cycles." "4. The PCR test can detect...
  46. Fuchs

    How to make a woman feel extreme lust?

    I don´t think a little sex magic will get a guy like this a girl: All it does is to increase your attractiveness. I think it can be compared to like buying a girl flowers or cooking something for her. In the end it is still the girls decision to do something. Rape implies the girl will have...
  47. Fuchs

    Knot in Right side back of head.

    For my own block it helped to do the mudra from kunda joga jos routine the one where you grab both fists tight together. The penultimate exercise. I did only hold it as tight as I could,for some time, it helped. You can hold it infront of your body or at the top like in the excercise.
  48. Fuchs

    Energy block

    For my own block it helped to do the mudra from kunda joga jos routine the one where you grab both fists tight together. The penultimate exercise. I did only hold it as tight as I could, it helped. You can hold it infront of your body or at the top like in the excercise.
  49. Fuchs

    CoronaHoax the Truth about PCR tests

    Depending on the testing cicles if they do only 30 then 40 they have like 50% less positive outcome. Depending on the testing cicles the can turn on and off a so called "pandemic".
  50. Fuchs

    Goddess Anahita

    The name is Astarte , Astaroth is the male blasfemous name. It´s still on jos because most people only know the bad name. No clue about Anahita.
  51. Fuchs

    Really need help about aura and its influence.

    1. I think you overthink this, it´s not like you flick your finger and everybody does what you want. You love her and she loves you all fine. We are influenced from the stars, beings, other peoples auras, places etc. This is normal, just because you know it and most other don´t doesn´t mean it...
  52. Fuchs

    Any Spell or Demon My Future

    From this list: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HELP.html ASTRAL PROJECTION/TRAVEL [Assists with] About Astral Projection Asmodeus Sargatanas Baal [Beelzebub] Balam Bathin [aka Nephthys] [Takes you where you want to go] Gaap
  53. Fuchs

    My Guardian or just a past bond ?

    Could be both. Try this: How to Find Your Guardian Demon - Guide https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41191&p=217248&hilit=how+to+find+my+gd+guide#p217248
  54. Fuchs

    Different Alien Species?

    I only did read one articel about one ufo guy who hacked into area 51, he got like 10 jears for it, even officaly he couldn´t find any info about other life.
  55. Fuchs

    Different Alien Species?

    How would they know about any live outside there in the universe? Some of us can talk with the gods but I doubt, some ufo guys did develop there senses to this point.
  56. Fuchs

    KY meditation minutes and days

    The more selfempowerment/mantras/joga/et you do in the right and safe way, the better (if not overdone)/stronger it gets, if your chakras are allready clean. All the exaggerations are unnecessary and are also depending on the individual. The only so called feeling I had, was after finishing my...
  57. Fuchs

    Why do I feel Emotional pain?

    Do you target a singel women ? A1. We should use our anger/emotional pain if possibel while doing the F-RTR. But during a love working I suggest you shouldn´t feel pain. I think it is posssibel to project your emotions like you miss someone badly on someone else, but what happens if both people...
  58. Fuchs

    Some quick questions

    A1 Always imagine goldwhite light when absorbing energy (unless you want to work with different energy). It was said to be cautious around graves and similar places because they contain death/grey energy. But I doubt this is the case at your restaurant. But follow your gut feeling if it says...
  59. Fuchs

    How does Satanic Blessing Work?

    look here: https://web.archive.org/web/20190319061023/https://www.satanisgod.org/ProsperityRitual.html 3 laws of witchcraft: Energy raising Energy programming Energy directing It does not change. You can do a working to bless someone, but would rather fokus on my advancement.
  60. Fuchs


    did forget use 216 reps for the isa rune. it´s better then 108 108 is only good if used consistent 40 days straight.
  61. Fuchs


    In a positive and healthy way for me, now, continuosly and forever, [Name] is bound; he/she is unable to speak against me. [Name] is bound; he/she is unable to act against me. [Name] is bound; he/she is unable to harm me in any way. x 18 reps. from...
  62. Fuchs

    Astral travel, can it be a weapon?

    What about calling the police?, normaly pedos don´t have a fun time in jail. It´s possibel, if you master the fire element, you can ignite fire far away. Pls start slow and before training igniting, train extinguish flames...
  63. Fuchs

    Can someone explain...?

    Astarte not Astaroth(enemy abusive male name), the name is still linked on jos because it´s sadly the name most people recognize. They help the people who do something and are in need.
  64. Fuchs


    Even the producer of the vaccines don´t want to take it. The risk of getting ill from this vaccine is higher then the possible benefit, the risk of covid is a joke 0,5% mortality rate. You could´t tell them, if they wanted to kill you, they should have abborted you and not force to take a...
  65. Fuchs

    sixth chakra

    It´s not a one shot deal. If you feel a change in you, then you are on the right path->continue. https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/OpeningChakras.html Pink Chakra? You mean crown ?
  66. Fuchs

    Natural Spiritual Talent, or something anyone can do?

    I think the main reason it is stated as advanced, is because you have to see it with open psychic senses and it requires maintanance and can be corrupted etc. I once did read from the former HP Carlson, that when we have sex with a person, we create kind of thoughtforms representing the...
  67. Fuchs

    Erase only Hebrew when doing RTR?

    Only Hebrew
  68. Fuchs

    How was the world and how were humans created?

  69. Fuchs

    Could poor physical health imbalancing the psychic mind?

    Is it not the other way around, our soul does reflect our body. A healthy mind would not want to get the body in a poor state. Did once read, overweight people have usually weak lower chakras. It was stated the lower chakras deal with motivation/grounding.
  70. Fuchs

    Questions about Love spells/Love

    I want to undestand things, I know that a love spell will work. The negative feelings example was rather curiosity. In theory it should funktion you project your sadness on the person you miss the person also misses you. But don´t know if this in the end will last long. If both are together...
  71. Fuchs

    Questions about Love spells/Love

    If someone (target love spell) is still attached to a other person through sadness, like someone can´t get over a break up, would the connection (grief) to the former partner hinder the success of the love spell?1 Would it be better to first cut the ties to the other person, or is this...
  72. Fuchs

    A hypothetical of being on another planet.

    It´s all messured by distance from the Earth but don´t know how, I once did also see a picture with the planets and sun did also have 666 distance. Saturn is the most far away smalest number, moon ist the nearest highest number, no clue how these numbers are given/measured.
  73. Fuchs

    Dr. William Pierce on the Difference between National Socialism and Fascism

    I thougth you just wanted to tell me this way you did update your signature. You could also link this topic in your signature. So people can read more about it. I recently did read the signature of Hps.mlimlal666 "The meaning of life is to better yourself, and the universe" - Satan combined...
  74. Fuchs

    Dr. William Pierce on the Difference between National Socialism and Fascism

    Fascism = State first without considering the race National socialism = Race first, preserving the race is more important then the state. Work to preserve all races. Jewish states = survives by killing/ enslaving other races = Arch enemys to national socialsm states. For your signature ...
  75. Fuchs

    New Year Address: World Change And Spiritual Illiteracy Solving

    Could this be the scenario which you did described above: The citizen is offered to cancel all personal loans under the so-called "Word Dept Reset Program" (global debt reset program). The state receives the necessary financial resources from the IMF (International Monetary Fund). In order...
  76. Fuchs

    Learn the Risk founder Brandy Vaughan prominent anti poison injection activist found dead

    I only watched the video I linked. The best sentence from it in in my opinion: "What we breath, eat, drink or inject into our vains makes us ill, do not believe their lies about heredity."
  77. Fuchs

    Great Reset / IMF International Monetary Found milestones plan

    Green allready done 1. introducing the second lockdown. Secondary lockdowns must be introduced in a creeping manner from the cities to the surrounding countryside. Schedule: By the end of november 2020 2. Establishment of isolation centers in all countries and municipalities. Timetable...
  78. Fuchs

    Stress when meditating

    They always attack your weakest spot, relax, do what you have to do, it will get easier with time. You could do a short break with breathing exercises until you calm down.
  79. Fuchs

    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    Did forget to mention the 1. Prayer Mudra can help: "This Mudra balances the ida-pigala currents and can be used to tap energy into the Shushumna. In very simple terms it balances the Soul out, and can help one maintain balance. This is of course stolen by xians who in their play-pretend...
  80. Fuchs

    Sharing experience

    Seeing and meeting (astral/they are on a other planet) will probably require some great spiritual effort on your side, I only once heard him say my name after I did fokus 30 min on his sigil. I was surprised, did loose the connection.
  81. Fuchs


    " SleepingWolf wrote: slyscorpion wrote: ZmajEriksson wrote: It's truly incredible the tools we have. Kalki's coming early for sure. Without the RTRs we'd have to wait another 426,000 years for the Kali Yuga to end. But we're stopping the tiger in its tracks...
  82. Fuchs

    I made this meme

    I would include a link to jos on the picture, if you want to attract some people. You also could add the link to the video about the rabbi admitting it if it is still up from this post: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=42945&p=182497&hilit=rabbi+says+jews+are+alien#p182497...
  83. Fuchs

    A hypothetical of being on another planet.

    I think you are right, distance is important: "Saturn is among the 7 chakra planets is the furthest away, there is also numerology that explains this based on the distance from the Earth. Moon 3080 Mercury 2080 Venus 1225 Sun 666 (this in particular also refers to the fact that Earth is the...
  84. Fuchs

    YouTube deleted my account. Need some input for alternative social media sites.

    Here what I found: But I think bitchute is the best alternative, also there is cencorship (keep in mind) I did see channels with strong NS videos taken down. 1. Vimeo 2. DTube 3. Internet Archives Video Section 4. Metacafe 5. 9GAG TV 6. Dailymotion 7. Vevo 8...
  85. Fuchs


    If you are allready dedicated, protected, if not --> (https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html) Do returning curses after Final RTR if the pain get´s less, it was a curse if not it´s your imagination. If we think visualise we can curse our self. It´s a...
  86. Fuchs

    Problem with chanting AUM

    If you are the head of the famaly you should be in a position to show them thear place. You can go in a room alone, lock the door, listen to music and chant it with less noise. A fokus on hearth 4 chakra, U fokus on sun 3 chakra , M fokus on 6 chakra.
  87. Fuchs

    Establishment of a Relationship

    Read here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15534 You can connect with Satan/Lucifer/Enki/.../(different names but same God) by fokusing on his sigil, be open, he can hear you, even if you can´t hear him. Also read the site about him: Satan...
  88. Fuchs

    Should men have a say in abortion rights?

    Men shouldn´t, but in a ideal world a men shouldn´t have to pay for the child if he didn´t want to have one. But in this case he should also loose all rights regarding the child. The state should pay for the child and only if the father did pay back the money + clear background, he should be...
  89. Fuchs

    Returning Curses affirmation improvement suggestion

    Sometimes we get attacked not directly from the enemy. They use people who are close to us, like a proxy server. So I did add one word to the affirmation: "The light is cleaning and removing any and all negative energy, thoughtforms, bindings, ill will, and curses on or connected to my soul...
  90. Fuchs

    Learn the Risk founder Brandy Vaughan prominent anti poison injection activist found dead

    "Learn The Risk’ Founder Brandy Vaughan Found Dead : Brandy Vaughan Cause of Death Remains Unknown. We regret to report that Ex MERC employee, prominent anti poison injection activists, and ‘Learn The Risk’ Founder Brandy Vaughan was found dead, according to to the following reports posted on...
  91. Fuchs

    Guardian Demon

    If you live in a muslim country where you can be beheaded for worshipping the gods, then don´t put some sigils on your wall. Sigils won´t save you from sound. Buy your self some earplugs.
  92. Fuchs

    About Greys

    Whenever one of these greys is attacking/connecting to you or a "hostage" this connection can also be used to send them blue satanic flames. Roast them and enjoy your life. Because of the "hostage" reasons I slightliy changed the RC (Returning curses) affirmation to: "The light is cleaning and...
  93. Fuchs

    Healing with runes

    You may find something to improve your healing (would go with 111 Solar power number instead of 112 sum up number): https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=23952&p=105837&hilit=healing+mantra+rune#p105837
  94. Fuchs

    The Crown Chakra

    It´s opening, but better fokus on cleaning, a clean chakra is more powerfull then a dirty empowered one. If it is fully open, you should feel a great amount of bliss.
  95. Fuchs

    About Greys

    When ever they connect to someone, be it a hostage or you, they have to establish a connection which you can use to send them blue satanic flames. It´s like when you punch you have a opening. Roast them, enjoy your life. Because of this I did sligthly change the affirmation for the RC...
  96. Fuchs


    Better do: I am at all times spiritually physically mentally safe secure happy motivated protected powerful strong and healthy in a positive way for me. I heared it is better to not use more then 4 runes for one working (Feel free to do as you like but wanted to mention it). In my signature...
  97. Fuchs


    Kundalini energy?
  98. Fuchs

    Love spells & Timing...

    Why not just do a love spell on the girl?
  99. Fuchs

    No contact

    Did you do the 40 days programm? Also did you read this thread? Ask All Questions Here! New members https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15534
  100. Fuchs

    Guardian Demon

    Better post next time into the "Joy Of Satan 666" forum so more people can see it. If you want to communicate with your GD (guardien demon) better go over satan, focusing on his sigil: Then politely ask him to send your GD to you/or deliver a message. If you know who is your GD use his/her...
  101. Fuchs

    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    Have a few suggestions: 1. When ever I hold my breath I can void better/fokus on the empty silence. (Don´t overdo restraining your breath will cause nerve damage)* 1.2 When we hold the breath the next vibration/ chant will be empowered this should also apply to the affirmation part. 2. Could...
  102. Fuchs

    [Advanced] Warrior's meditation

    The reason is the name is known by most people, imagine someone would give you a bad name and people would forget your real name and only will communicate with you throught the bad name, but you care about them, so you answer. It´s the same with Mammon also not the real name: "MAMMON [ZEUS]...
  103. Fuchs

    [Advanced] Warrior's meditation

    "Alternate Nostril [Sun/Moon] Breathing [Anuloma Viloma] 1. Place your thumb over your right nostril, closing your right nostril, and inhale through your left nostril for a count of four and hold your breath for a count of six 2. Switch your thumb to your left nostril, closing your left...
  104. Fuchs

    JoS Fully Censored - Online Middle Ages Starting... A War Against Humanity

    Can´t we just code the material, like using sanskrit language. The offical service can then say, they didn´t know anything (which is true). Like programming something like the Enigma machine, which is used to decipher the message from the offical service (or use the sanskrit dictionary)...
  105. Fuchs

    [Advanced] Warrior's meditation

    Thanks for the Meditation SigTyr. I would add to it, doing it while in thunderbolt yoga position and also doing at the same time the Pran Mudra with both hands: 3. The Pran Mudra A very strong mudra for increasing one's bioelectricity. One can do this on both hands for maximum...
  106. Fuchs

    Criminals, murderers = Jews?

    Off topic but important: Her name ist Astarte , Astaroth (signature) is a male enemy blashemy word.
  107. Fuchs

    About temperature guns

    Didn´t look into the claims why it should be dangerous, but I assume not, it works by a infared sensor, they want to scan the head because it´s the areal were the temperature is the most steady and probably hystorical was measured by inserting one thermometers into the mouth. Also the...
  108. Fuchs

    How old are you?

    It´s better to not reveal your personal info here. But I can say the first time, I approched Satan must have been with 10-13 jears old. I hated the nazarene, related things, well never realy liked it to begin with.
  109. Fuchs

    Criminals, murderers = Jews?

    No he is still incarcerated at Garsten Abbey, would have been a young soldier : Josef Fritzl was born on 9 April 1935, in Amstetten, Austria. His father fought and died in WW2: His father had deserted the family when Fritzl was four, and never again came into contact with him. Fritzl Sr. later...
  110. Fuchs

    About HoodedCobra's astrological orders!

    I had one idear: Would it not better if you would write the people, then people writing you? (reqieres a mail adress that can block any mails which adresses are not permitted [heared of no reply email adresses]) I suggest to open an astrology bounty thread, where the people who want to get a...
  111. Fuchs

    Important question, or at least for me.

    Np, everybody did start and had questions: Right your blood is through your DNA a connection to you, it´s the better fingerprint. It´s all explained on the questions about dedications part: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html You don´t have to pooke...
  112. Fuchs

    Kundalini stretches inquiries

    You could divide your order process into 3 parts, with 3 different protonmail adresses: 1. No reply mail, just for the people to send the needed info for birthchart etc. (make the description for ordering/needed info as easy and accurate ass possibel which will reduce questions) 2. overal...
  113. Fuchs

    How to use a rosary?

    I use it like this: Left hand grab the beeds like you would grab a rope (not 2 ropes only one beed rope). Put your thumb on the first beed left side, like a fist, but with the thumb on top not in front of the other fingers. Take your right hand thumb, idex finger and middle finger put them...
  114. Fuchs

    More 2/3 Of Americans oppose mandatory Covid vaccinations

    Would be better if 2/3 of Americans would oppose any vaccination. Did read from a study which did show, that during lockdown they couldn´t vaccinate little children (or way less), the sudden death child rate did drop by 50%, what a coincidence...
  115. Fuchs

    Runic byproduct?

    Think it depends on your fokus, willpower and how good your affirmation is. The more stringent we programm energy the better and the less side effects one have, you can also use colors with runes, for this purpose see my signature.
  116. Fuchs

    my corona test is positive

    A positive pcr test does not say that you are contagious (could also be false positve). It´s also highly inaccurate since most of them are not scientifically standardized and recognized. Before you have no symptoms I wouldn´t start any long magic workings. You could fokus on cleaning your aura...
  117. Fuchs

    number of registered users

    How about include captcha/similar anti bot software for every post done? ( of for accs under a certain done amount of posts) Or limit the post numbers from new users to 1 a day. Until they have reached a set amount of posts. On the page for registering a new acc this problem should be...
  118. Fuchs


    You inhale/direct energy through your 3rd eye into the pineal gland, then fokus on it, on the jos site is a picture for the location of it. It´s adds power if you hold your breath before vibrating (too much is bad for your nerve system, never overstrain your breath), I have made the...
  119. Fuchs


    Did you work with "Gaum" (mantra) on the pineal gland also ? (one of the 9 main chakras,) read everything here: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Chakras_Diagram.html the info is outdated the 8 above is the 9 . These meditation help: Single Serpent Meditation...
  120. Fuchs

    Important question, or at least for me.

    Any candle color will do if you can´t get a black one. What´s more import is your intention. You realy have to want it 100%. Better do it asap (as soon as possible) only after dedication you have protection. Bad entitys try to discourage people who start to advance/meditate that´s probably what...
  121. Fuchs

    doubts about entities (Pomba Gira)

    1-2 no clue. 3. What ever you do, only use the sigils (fokus on them, ask your question be open) of the goethia demons from the jos site to contact demons, not some pictures or some strange sigils. The sigils (demons) postet on jos are safe. Don´t do/start it on a void moon. See SS Calendar...
  122. Fuchs

    penis enlargement

    Most of the time, it is much more important to satisfy the emotional feelings of a girl. If you want to make a girl happy, you have to show her these things and mean it: "I love you. You're the special one. You're important. You are the only one in my life and I love you."...
  123. Fuchs

    penis enlargement

    did not try by my self but I think it makes sense from Mantak Chia - Sexual Reflexology : Penis Power Stretching Site 135 The former online link is broken. "Penis Power Stretching To achieve optimal results by stretching your penis, you must understand how the penis works. The penis is...
  124. Fuchs

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    Did you try RC 1/2 with the prayer in comparison to AUM SURYAYE and ALGIZ? Do you use the same affirmation like in RC 1/2 with it?
  125. Fuchs

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    I think it would be good, if you would write at the end of everyday from the Schedule Returning Curses 1 & 2 (RC1&2) just as a reminder for all. Some people neglect this and suffer, this is not necessary and only helps the enemy. It´s best done with the prayer. HP. Hoodedcobra666 thanks for...
  126. Fuchs

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    The raising energy links on https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Raising_Energies.htm are all broken. MP3 broken MP3 broken
  127. Fuchs

    Shouldn't the returning curses parts be combined?

    I do it like this: 1. Raising my energy with VU (solar chakra),VA (hearth chakra),VO (6 Chakra) each x6 reps. 2. Reciting the prayer 3. Breating out energy to build a goldwhite rotating ball above me over 9 Chakra (has also color goldwhite) for 88 sec (if you run out of breath, when...
  128. Fuchs

    Everyday Magick question

    It´s not like everybody drops dead, according to there negative energy towards you + a littel bit higher (amplified) back that´s what they get. I wouldn´t think about who get´s what, this will only decrease your concentration while doing RC 1&2. You are safe after, end of story (If done daily...
  129. Fuchs

    does it make me bad?

    What is a lab baby ? Does this mean she has no father or mother?
  130. Fuchs

    My black magic

    I would not play around with grey energy, especially not, if not dedicated (without protection from Satan/Demons). Better do a binding on the person who does hurt you (isa rune 40 day working). If you insist on the death of this person, better ask a demon (offer F-RTRs 300-500?) Do them then...
  131. Fuchs

    Everyday Magick question

    I do not remember which god did state this but it was like: Justice must be served, or chaos will emerge. For your everyday magic, Returning Curses 1&2 if proper done does send all negative energy back to the senders. No matter how many, or how much (better ask with the prayer for a demon to...
  132. Fuchs

    I don't feel at home in this world

    Do you do Returning Curses 1 & 2 after F-RTR? https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html You could work with Fire-Element to balance your water...
  133. Fuchs

    Immortal body rune working

    Not for new people Hagl and Thurisas rune have strong energys . The idear behind it was to increase ones lifetime and strengthen the body in every way, on the same time. Color visualisation runes, aura: main Light-Green , gold and red can also be mixed in in smaler amounts...
  134. Fuchs

    I may be going homeless...

    "usally the costs for rents are cheaper as places like Silicon Valley"
  135. Fuchs

    creativity spell

    You could use this rune working + color yellow (see ss calendar for a good date, avoid void moon): "2. Intelligence and memory working (color visualised runes and aura yellow) MANNAZ+LÖGR+ODHAL+PERTHRO (Madur+ Lögur+Odal+Pero norwegian spelled one breath together) x111 reps "My intelligence...
  136. Fuchs

    Question about Saturn and Metal

    I know lead is associated with saturn, but I don´t know if it can help.
  137. Fuchs

    I may be going homeless...

    India is probably the cheapest country. But if you want to stay in your country try to look for places with high unemployment rates, usally the costs for rents are cheaper then places like Silicon Valley. Because most people try to get away from these places. But with your truck you can work a...
  138. Fuchs

    List of Jewish Last names

    This was bad wording se my reply to GISM.
  139. Fuchs

    List of Jewish Last names

    Right wasting my time writing a list, instead of doing F-RTR does realy help anyone.
  140. Fuchs

    List of Jewish Last names

    He is off them, but I don´t know if this is his real name or if it is a fake name like with "George Schwartz [Soros]". Mageson666 https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=41556&p=169060&hilit=soros+name#p169060
  141. Fuchs

    Meditation to Protect Against Viruses

    The meditation does miss the raising energy part, without it, it is way less effective. 10 /20 reps affirmation are not the best number/s. Aside from spiritual protection one has also to follow the full holistic path*, this means also eat healthy, do daily sport/joga, GISM ;). Much info on the...
  142. Fuchs

    How should I invest my money?

    Gold price always stays the same, it is just the other currencys who drop in value. If you are abel buy a flat for your self. There are apartment container who are realy cheap. Money on the bank isn´t safe from the coming inflation when they implement there global crypto currency.
  143. Fuchs


    I don´t think this is a cohen to begin with, probably just a little higher antifa leader, you know the one who has the duty to order pizza, when everybody else is out of there mind on LSD. Maybe a Stein or a Berg guy. Some poor looser with enouth time to troll while his race is getting killed...
  144. Fuchs

    Relentless pillage of Germany

    I said it and I will say it again: Germany will pay in the currency refugees: Money will be delivered by plane and parachutes. Like helicopter money. Finaly one good cenario for this song, might be played while paying the bil: "It's Raining Men! Hallelujah! - It's Raining Men! Amen! I'm gonna...
  145. Fuchs

    List of Jewish Last names

    You could tell me the names of black jews, I didn´t find/know much about them.
  146. Fuchs

    List of Jewish Last names

    Some people read and apply knowledge, others have to ask. I probably spend more time meditating a day, around 4hours including rune workings, aop, joga/hatha kunda, rtrs, rc 1&2, then you eating cookies. Disappear Cookie Monster: For the hole cookie story read...
  147. Fuchs

    List of Jewish Last names

    Are you also GISM ? OR why do you post on most of the same posts he does?
  148. Fuchs

    List of Jewish Last names

    This was bad wording nothing else. read my last reply to GISM.
  149. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    Close discussion on a puplic forum? Right. it is normal for an addict to deny the problem. Try a month without candy/sugar. I will just post again if you did miss the first time: Why did I pick this personal flaw of GISM? Because it shows how he acts when he wants something compulsively. He...
  150. Fuchs

    List of Jewish Last names

    I did say the same in my first post, I think it was enouth that one guy had this last name so it was added to the list, on the original site you could, click on the name and see the "jewish origin" (we know the did steal even there names) , they did explain parts of the names with old hebrew...
  151. Fuchs

    About covid

    Did read they bribe the doctors to write more covid deads.
  152. Fuchs

    Joe Biden is sick Dot Com

    I don´t think you can take the life force with adrenochrome, it´s probably that you inherit the state of the fear of the victim, if we are under adrenalin permanent, this will probably also induce a fresher look. But when the effect is over, you will look worse. As it is with adrenochrome. I...
  153. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    I would be higly dissapointed, if not all jews get punished for there crimes.
  154. Fuchs

    About covid

    I did read this line: "A number of highly respected scientists worldwide assume that there has never been a corona pandemic but only a PCR test pandemic …" This implies there could have never been a virus, so I did answer accordingly. Everything you did state is true. Also PROF. DR...
  155. Fuchs

    List of Jewish Last names

    Good catch today, keep in mind adoption, some gentiles have also the same names. This is not to worry other SS it is for a overwiew. STRG + F works for searching a specific word. But scrolling is more safe, until they implement the chinese i-net restrictions, which tracks your mood while...
  156. Fuchs

    Joe Biden is sick Dot Com

    Probably caused from eating people: "There is a cannibal disease, called Kuru Kuru = Translated shaked death. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Cannibalism leads to death after decades Eating human meat has been banned in Papua New Guinea for over 50 years. Nevertheless, 2700 people died of Kuru...
  157. Fuchs

    About covid

    The virus is real: "Even if a virus killed half the Gentiles of Earth but left jews intact, the jews would never stop Nations from production and so forth, because of course, profits. But this time around a virus shows up that somehow threatens Israel even remotely [and much of it's rabbinical...
  158. Fuchs

    How to get rid of past memories

    "How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura .... 1. Affirm: "I am now removing any and all ties from [name of person] to my soul, totally, permanently, and completely."" https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Detaching.html changed for your purpose to...
  159. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    Good, that you did change your plans, to kill every SS and instead try to break free from your drone mind state.
  160. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    The reason was: I was angry about you, for spreading dissinfo. I thought you did choose to spread it on purpose, just to talk bad my post / knowledge for everyone. Good thing you didn´t. Also good to know that only with intution, one can never be allknowing. I still suggest rune working 2 for...
  161. Fuchs

    The meaning of Medusa

    It´s not a little girl, it´s the anime god character TED from No Game No Live. TED is a god of games. In the anime he did trick the other gods who where fighting for keys with violance, the god who get all will rule over the planet. He did got the final key through his intelligence. After he got...
  162. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - October 8 / October 13

    "Merging Astral Consciousness .... -Students can use this to merge with their teachers to find what questions will be posted on an important exam." https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Merging_Astral_Consciousness.html
  163. Fuchs

    Racial Clarity Working

    If you think every SS should be extinct from this planet, no wonder you try to discredit me for providing knowledge. As long as I´m here, this won´t happen Henu, go back to your rabbi. Did you allreadey get your oral tora ? :lol:
  164. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    Why don´t you answer my question first and then I will answer yours: How can you not know about numerology, if you are supposatly abel to get every "knowledge" from the astral with your intution?
  165. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    To mention a possibility is not admitting! It´s called thorough reflection, it´s not my fault, if you are unabel to distinguesh between the two. How can you not know about numerology, if you are supposatly abel to get every "knowledge" from the astral with your intution? Why should I have...
  166. Fuchs

    Racial Clarity Working

    Did I say people pls do the same ? No I stated it as examples. I started each working one month or even more apart. On favorabel planetary dates. Master/Master Darkness.... does nearly the same intelligence rune working and look at his posts how much he did improve. The sun rune working feels...
  167. Fuchs

    Germany to give $662 million in aid to Holocaust survivors

    The germans will pay in the currency refugees, money will be delivered by plane and parachutes. Like helicopter money. Finaly one good cenario for this song, might be played while paying the bil: "It's Raining Men! Hallelujah! - It's Raining Men! Amen! I'm gonna go out to run and let myself get...
  168. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    Do you think the advice given here is incomplete, in relation to correlating to the chakras/planets/zodiacs/numerology. As far as I see it the chakras atleast are also mentioned and about numerology 111 is a powernumber and should be fine.---> "The Magickal Properties of Color Black Black...
  169. Fuchs

    !Conspiracy theory Covid-Test = RNA Vaccination!

    Also there is a 3rd option, the gods may guide people to post to groups were I´m in, so I can post it here. So the language barrier can be overcome. Probably me posting it here, got it deleted. But the info is now puplic. But I don´t like to pretent I´m guided by the gods, so I didn´t consider...
  170. Fuchs

    Programming The Aura To Permanently Banish Degenerates

    "Satan Is The King Of The Vedic Gods Satan is the full Sanskrit spelling of the title Sat its also spelled Satan in Sanskrit which is why in Sikhism which was created by a Hindu Guru. Satanama is the highest name of God. As its the highest name of God in Hinduism. Note Indra is called Shiva and...
  171. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    Thanks for clearing the dissinfo, I only want to add 108 should be done for 40 days straight because it is a incomplete number only half of 216. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18092&p=70066&hilit=108+only+40#p70066...
  172. Fuchs

    Video of lucifer

    My overall impression of you is this one:
  173. Fuchs

    Programming The Aura To Permanently Banish Degenerates

    I would not trust this site, I searched for Eternal Truth = Satanama(sanskrit) , found nothing. Also Satan nothing/pizAca which should be wrong .
  174. Fuchs

    Help in magick

    Aside from learning for the test, with enouth sleep daylie, you could train this abbility : "Merging Astral Consciousness .... - Students can use this to merge with their teachers to find what questions will be posted on an important exam"...
  175. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    Why is 111 not the best number? (108 is a bad number if used under 40 days straight. It tyes into saturn.see-> search forum) It is a solar power number. The only numbers better would be 216 or 666. But this would take some time. With runes you can take power numbers or a multiple of there...
  176. Fuchs

    !Conspiracy theory Covid-Test = RNA Vaccination!

    Also: If they would vaccine with this, they could change the dna and leave a weak spot for a new corona virus. Which would be more deadly so they could achieve there population decrease from around 80%. They would be save from this. They could also use different weak spots/vaccines with time...
  177. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    Thanks for bumping
  178. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    Thanks for bumping
  179. Fuchs

    !Conspiracy theory Covid-Test = RNA Vaccination!

    I´m in many different groups against corona, I also said online things which were not wise to say identity wise. Either I´m in the right groups, or the enemy does give me content which they want here posted (because they know I will share if I see something important). The only one who...
  180. Fuchs

    !Conspiracy theory Covid-Test = RNA Vaccination!

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QhWN0rdrbA&feature There are english subtitels, for animals are vaccinations though the mucous membrane long in use. With a corona test they penetrate this one far back throught the nose. If they add the vaccine on the test sticks they could easily vaccine...
  181. Fuchs

    Astarte, Care For The Earth, And Global Environmental Policy

    In Dresden Germany they have a machine which can seperate all garbage thrown into it (house trash), it does work with a centrifuge seperating the materials according to there density, also they use magnets and other technical processes. If I rember right it did cost around 5.000.000 Euro...
  182. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    It is stated it can be used for healing( green color) [Page 7. Example one Point 1-4.in Runic kabbalah pdf] I´m sure you have this pdf. "Green Money, fertility, abundance, material gain, wealth, healing, communication with nature spirits, anti-inflammatory. Venus rules green- Love, making...
  183. Fuchs

    Beyond hurt

    did forget to include positive in the affirmation.
  184. Fuchs

    Beyond hurt

    I tryed this for a while: "I´m at all times, someone attacks me spiritualy, sending blue satanic flames, leeching there energys, purified by the blue satanic flames, in a healthy and beneficial way for me." x18 (keep in mind someone said this is bullshit the blue flames can´t purify energy, I...
  185. Fuchs

    How To Deprogram From Islam (Guide)

    I did also not advice people to cut back on the RTRs. Considering the sadness this could bring, I rather safed done RTRs. "Again people, AoP should be done daily and always clean your aura. Just scan yourself from head to toe sweeping with the light, visualizing dark dirt (you will see...
  186. Fuchs

    Beyond hurt

    I allways immagine the enemys burning with blue satanic flames, they realy don´t like this. Keep in mind, if someone is attacking you, this also means he/she/it has build a connection to you, so you can use this connection to send your blue flames and roast them. It´s similar, if someone...
  187. Fuchs

    I have a friend who is christian. What should I do?

    AOP, RC 1&2 , F-RTR all daylie. Aura Of Protection https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Protection.html Returning Curses Part 1 https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html
  188. Fuchs

    Racial Clarity Working

    Got this so far, I´m happy and will continue doing: Runes/workings combinded with colors. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=44018
  189. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I did see the posts first, I thought is this for real?, then I did notice the different name and got a clue, searched for Maxine Dietrich, then I did see many replys and did know this will cause trouble for the forum so I did respond to all of them. I mean if you see a way to help your allys...
  190. Fuchs

    Inquiries about the Void Course of Moon.

    Thanks for pointing this out GITM.
  191. Fuchs

    How To Deprogram From Islam (Guide)

    For a RTR you have to raise your energy, so you intake/absorb energy around you. Afterwards you should do RC 1&2 there is also the energy raising part. Allways remember: 3 Steps of witchcraft: 1. Raising Energy 2. Programming it 3. Directing/sending it
  192. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hy, I just searched the posts for: "Maxine Dietrich", so I got all of them.
  193. Fuchs

    Racial Clarity Working (For Mixed Race SS)

    But it is not excluded and if done for ∞ you can get allknowing (every aspect of intelligence is considered). You are right with your racial working and intelligence working you might get faster results, but you can´t build up on them like with the ritual I did provide. If you have a...
  194. Fuchs

    WHAT are we going to do about our women?

    Well remember: Every day your name is not villified by the enemy, means you didn´t do something important yesterday. Hitler sayed this, couln´t find the post were someone postet it.
  195. Fuchs

    How To Deprogram From Islam (Guide)

    You can also point out that Muhammed was a jew, if they say no way, you can say: He saved his race by writing the Dschizya in the Koran: The Dschizya in the Koran and its ancient Arabic background The collection of this tax from the subjugated non-Muslim population, insofar as they are...
  196. Fuchs

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    Colors have thear own attributes, which can be used to fokus specific energys or used to boost specific parts of a affirmation more [decreasing other parts on the same time], one want to use from a rune/working like for example green: "Green Money, fertility, abundance, material gain, wealth...
  197. Fuchs

    How To Deprogram From Islam (Guide)

    It was adviced from High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, to not do powermeditations while there are littel children or pets in the same room because if you get advanced you could during raising energy by accident collect thear energy (applys also to full grown humans if you are realy powerfull)...
  198. Fuchs

    Racial Clarity Working (For Mixed Race SS)

    What about this? (you also increase your wisdom) Mannaz Lögr Odhal Perthro x 111 reps. 40 days in a row + more if wanted. "My intelligence and memory are increasing in a healthy and beneficial way for me. I am acquiring knowledge about myself, the runes and the universe now, continuously and...
  199. Fuchs

    Racial Clarity Working

    What about this? (you also increase your wisdom) Mannaz Lögr Odhal Perthro x 111 reps. 40 days in a row + more if wanted. "My intelligence and memory are increasing in a healthy and beneficial way for me. I am acquiring knowledge about myself, the runes and the universe now, continuously and...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
