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How to make a woman feel extreme lust?

FancyMancy said:
Mondol said:
Sex is another topic and is not mixed with Satanism
Like... the Kundalini - the very importantly-vitally-supremely-paramount Energy of Satan within us, which we are to empower and raise safely and carefully - is sexual in Nature. There will be brothels in the future, regulated properly and clean, safe and healthy.

[permission of law]
It is no law-person's business if I have sex with someone who wants to have sex with me, nor is it any law-person's business if I have sex with more than 1 person who each want to have sex with me, either.

NishaWillow said:
You have to be able to offer something too.
Or even if you just want to have sex, it's not okay to cast a strong spell on someone and after you get bored, just reject her or something like this... it's not okay to use other people as you please.
That's why the affirmation must be stated very correctly.

NinRick said:
Jack said:
You forget the Good personality ,

No magick boosts your chances by a lot.

Even if you just do a little Aura Magick (or how you call it when you invoke energy of a specific colour, merge it with our aura and program it) does wonders. Do a little sex magick and program her while she sleeps and congratulations, you have successfully become a spiritual rapist xD
I would like to have a topic (but I am not as bothered enough as to actually start one) regarding why it is OK to try and convince a person to strip naked and bend over for you with a meal and drink and sparkly, glittery things, masculine showing-off, like-mindedness, etc., but it is not OK to do the same with Magick...

I am not discussing about Kundalini in this topic.

If both couple want to be together ( Sex+ Marriage), then it is fine. Law supports this couple.
I am trying to say that there are random bad people in the world who will make this world like A sex business world if sex and marriage is not be under control by law and if sex/love be freedom to people.

Law is necessary to stop random sex.

I will never want people's freedom sex . I will always be against who are doing sex without law permission or breaking law rules or without parents permission. I will forever be against freedom sex.

I am not against who love each other.
I am against who did random sex and did fake love.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
How tall are you? What does your face look like? Do all the magic you want but no woman will Lust for you if a physically unattractive/ genetically inferior.

I personally think using magic when it relates to people and relationships is pointless. If someone wants to be with you they will be with you. No mantra can change that and I see it as unethical.

Untrue. Even ugly people can get fucked, I've witnessed it firsthand.

What's the point of sex magick if you're gonna tell people not to use sex magick? The whole point is to get fucked no matter what you look like. In my experience, the only women it hasn't worked on were women who already had a boyfriend, so depending on who you meet, you probably have a 70/30 chance if you're targeting someone specifically. I know ugly men who have gotten fucked anyway. Goes to show you don't have to look like Dolph Lundgren there.
Fuchs said:
I don´t think a little sex magic will get a guy like this a girl:


All it does is to increase your attractiveness.

Nah when you buy flowes you just show that you appreciate her, and in return, she tends to appreciate you, this has even nothing to do with love, or getting her into bed with you. It is just a gesture of appreciation.

Also I do not believe that anyone here looks like this guy in the picture above, Most of us are average or even beautiful.

doing magick makes her actually love you or be atleast being attacted to you, what ever you programm her to do.
Fuchs said:

I also want to add here, that many diffent people are attracted to many different types.

For example, whenever my friends tell me to look at a girl, who they are attracted to, I am not attracted at all to her.

It is like yes, she looks "good" objectively speaking, but still I do not feel any attraction towards her.

And the other way around, when I am attracted to a girl, most of the times my friends are not, they reactlike : "Eww are you serious? you got a strange taste in women dude".

And speaking about women, many different women are not attracted at all to me and others are. It does not matter if they are objectively beatiful or rather "normal". Attraction works differently, most of it has also to do with astrology (because attraction is probably something on the energetic level?)

My point here is, there are different tastes in all different people. If you are objectively "hot" and have a nice body etc. of course this increases your chances, but not EVERY GIRL will fall for you. On the other hand if you are "normal" there are also MANY people who are attracted to you.

I mean, I think that most Women/girls are kind of cute/beautiful, but I am not attracted to many of them. If you understand what I am trying to tell you?

I mean there are only very few girls I think are "ugly",1% maybe. But of course the thing that is important is attraction, and not whether or not other people think you are hot or not lol.

Oh and magick does work 100% and it is very effective.
Jack said:

We can always start a bromance if you want and fight the enemy together! As Brothers!

Now jokes aside ^^

Do you wanted to imply that „love“ is in times of chaos , global distress and war redundant?

Everybody has to decide for themselves, it is always important to find a suitable partner, pass our Genes, create a loving and healthy family and most importantly to raise and teach our children well, into strong, intelligent, powerful and satanic human beings.

We all have to do it anyway, so everybody can choose their own time to find this. If they want to start it now, then let them.

Of course things like this normally take your daily time away, so you in the end you will have less relax time, less working/fighting time and less meditation time, or else anything else will suffer.

We Satanists are pretty busy humans lol
ShadowTheRaven said:
Untrue. Even ugly people can get fucked, I've witnessed it firsthand.

What's the point of sex magick if you're gonna tell people not to use sex magick? The whole point is to get fucked no matter what you look like. In my experience, the only women it hasn't worked on were women who already had a boyfriend, so depending on who you meet, you probably have a 70/30 chance if you're targeting someone specifically. I know ugly men who have gotten fucked anyway. Goes to show you don't have to look like Dolph Lundgren there.

It probably worked even on girls/women who were taken already, they just didn‘t want to cheat. This is what I believe.

Also I share your views 100%
NinRick said:
It probably worked even on girls/women who were taken already, they just didn‘t want to cheat. This is what I believe.

Also I share your views 100%

Also it only goes to show a lot of projection when someone posts a picture of your run-of-the-mill "perfect man", yet doesn't have the balls to tell us his experiences. The last thing I want on this forum are a bunch of incels, they've already ruined Reddit.
NinRick said:
FancyMancy said:
I would like to have a topic (but I am not as bothered enough as to actually start one) regarding why it is OK to try and convince a person to strip naked and bend over for you with a meal and drink and sparkly, glittery things, masculine showing-off, like-mindedness, etc., but it is not OK to do the same with Magick...

Nah I meant it differently

It all works and you are free to use your spiritual knowledge.

But if you really want to go all out, you do Aura magick, sex magick and program her while she sleeps.

After a strong meditation session, at night while your girl is sleeping, you strip naked, go on your bed and first start to imagine her. Then you pull her out of her body and „have sex“ with her light body. This is what I was referring to when I mentioned „spiritual rapist“

I did it on a girl for a time and she also dreamed every night about having sex and she said that she freaking enjoyed it

But basically this is rape, isn’t it?
Perhaps it is. If she enjoyed it, maybe it still is, because it was without her knowledge and permission, but then man-mad-- jew-made "law" doesn't have a "law" against it (as far as I know); but then Natural Law might say otherwise. When we use any Magick to get someone to do something for us, is that a form of (non-sexual) rape? Hmmm... Are we "right" or "wrong" to force the jew to fail so that we can be free? Are we "right" or "wrong" to influence the bookie to give us 100:1 winnings? Are we "right" or "wrong" to have Spiritual sex with someone's Light Body? Should we ask the jew's permission; should we ask the bookie's permission; should we ask the sex-"partner"'s permission first?

Mondol said:
FancyMancy said:
Mondol said:
Sex is another topic and is not mixed with Satanism
Like... the Kundalini - the very importantly-vitally-supremely-paramount Energy of Satan within us, which we are to empower and raise safely and carefully - is sexual in Nature. There will be brothels in the future, regulated properly and clean, safe and healthy.

[permission of law]
It is no law-person's business if I have sex with someone who wants to have sex with me, nor is it any law-person's business if I have sex with more than 1 person who each want to have sex with me, either.

NishaWillow said:
You have to be able to offer something too.
Or even if you just want to have sex, it's not okay to cast a strong spell on someone and after you get bored, just reject her or something like this... it's not okay to use other people as you please.
That's why the affirmation must be stated very correctly.

NinRick said:
No magick boosts your chances by a lot.

Even if you just do a little Aura Magick (or how you call it when you invoke energy of a specific colour, merge it with our aura and program it) does wonders. Do a little sex magick and program her while she sleeps and congratulations, you have successfully become a spiritual rapist xD
I would like to have a topic (but I am not as bothered enough as to actually start one) regarding why it is OK to try and convince a person to strip naked and bend over for you with a meal and drink and sparkly, glittery things, masculine showing-off, like-mindedness, etc., but it is not OK to do the same with Magick...

I am not discussing about Kundalini in this topic.

If both couple want to be together ( Sex+ Marriage), then it is fine. Law supports this couple.
I am trying to say that there are random bad people in the world who will make this world like A sex business world if sex and marriage is not be under control by law and if sex/love be freedom to people.

Law is necessary to stop random sex.

I will never want people's freedom sex . I will always be against who are doing sex without law permission or breaking law rules or without parents permission. I will forever be against freedom sex.

I am not against who love each other.
I am against who did random sex and did fake love.
Sex(ual orgasm) stimulates the Kundalini... As Spiritual Satanists, we keep that in mind (I expect); therefore, for us, there aren't any "law" persons to tell us what to do, as long as each individual can and does consent.

Sex businesses exist already. That... in a sense... is called porn, and in a real (sort-of-business) sense that is called prostitution. In basic terms, if 2 or more persons can and do consent, then it's fine. If any individual contracts STIs, etc., then that would affect others' abilities to consent; I expect most would not accept an STI-ridden person.

You say "random sex" but you don't give any examples. Your argument here is too vague. If you prefer someone else to have control over your life, then you might not want to be here.

Again - you say "fake love". That is also too vague. Sex can be just about sex and the pleasures of it. It doesn't have to be about love. It can be about two people having a pleasurable time. If I can guess as to what you might mean, though - the more persons you sleep with, the more your and their Souls mingle, and from that, each others' Souls mingle more and more with other-other persons, as well. If, perhaps, a group agree to be each others' orgy partner exclusively, then that's up to them - consequences and - what I call - pro-sequences and all. You are fine and OK to have sex with love only, if you wish, of course, but "law" should not be involved.

Should we have "lawmen" or "priests" standing at the bottom of our bed while we consummate our new marriage, like what used to happen with monarchs back in the day, after which they applauded, i.e. a 'bedding ceremony'? I don't think so!

ShadowTheRaven said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
How tall are you? What does your face look like? Do all the magic you want but no woman will Lust for you if a physically unattractive/ genetically inferior.

I personally think using magic when it relates to people and relationships is pointless. If someone wants to be with you they will be with you. No mantra can change that and I see it as unethical.

Untrue. Even ugly people can get fucked, I've witnessed it firsthand.

What's the point of sex magick if you're gonna tell people not to use sex magick? The whole point is to get fucked no matter what you look like. In my experience, the only women it hasn't worked on were women who already had a boyfriend, so depending on who you meet, you probably have a 70/30 chance if you're targeting someone specifically. I know ugly men who have gotten fucked anyway. Goes to show you don't have to look like Dolph Lundgren there.
Question - the Women who had partners already - I think Women tend to be connected more emotionally than Man. Do you think this ties into feminine Energies, feminine side of the Brain, feminine aspects of the Soul? (Perhaps take feminine Males and the feminine Energies, as similar examples, as well.)

NinRick said:
Fuchs said:
I don´t think a little sex magic will get a guy like this a girl:


All it does is to increase your attractiveness.

Nah when you buy flowes you just show that you appreciate her, and in return, she tends to appreciate you, this has even nothing to do with love, or getting her into bed with you. It is just a gesture of appreciation.

It probably is better that one does workings for a perfect sex partner, or perfect sex partners, rather than one trying to 'get the girl/boy' who s/he wants, as in the OP's example wish. I can understand how one would want that specific person, but it probably would be better to do a more general working which may or may not get that person who one is after; if not getting them, then others would be the one/ones which one would get. (Sorry for all the 'ones'!)
NinRick said:
Jack said:

We can always start a bromance if you want and fight the enemy together! As Brothers!

Now jokes aside ^^

Do you wanted to imply that „love“ is in times of chaos , global distress and war redundant?

Everybody has to decide for themselves, it is always important to find a suitable partner, pass our Genes, create a loving and healthy family and most importantly to raise and teach our children well, into strong, intelligent, powerful and satanic human beings.

We all have to do it anyway, so everybody can choose their own time to find this. If they want to start it now, then let them.

Of course things like this normally take your daily time away, so you in the end you will have less relax time, less working/fighting time and less meditation time, or else anything else will suffer.

We Satanists are pretty busy humans lol
There's no such thing as Love. It was created by the Higher Brain to trick you into commitment to something, to give you purpose. It's a subjective idea that can mean anything to anyone.

It's a childish fantasy which gets run into the ground after you have some real life experience. It's an abstract concept that like other higher brained concepts, generally exist more inside men. And in this generation of men, it continues to persist even when they are in their 20s.

They don't want women to be robbed of the innocence that society has projected unto them.

Its just a very immature way of looking at the world. I'd rather look for compatibility and sync along with sexual attraction.
Jack said:
NinRick said:
Jack said:

We can always start a bromance if you want and fight the enemy together! As Brothers!

Now jokes aside ^^

Do you wanted to imply that „love“ is in times of chaos , global distress and war redundant?

Everybody has to decide for themselves, it is always important to find a suitable partner, pass our Genes, create a loving and healthy family and most importantly to raise and teach our children well, into strong, intelligent, powerful and satanic human beings.

We all have to do it anyway, so everybody can choose their own time to find this. If they want to start it now, then let them.

Of course things like this normally take your daily time away, so you in the end you will have less relax time, less working/fighting time and less meditation time, or else anything else will suffer.

We Satanists are pretty busy humans lol
There's no such thing as Love. It was created by the Higher Brain to trick you into commitment to something, to give you purpose. It's a subjective idea that can mean anything to anyone.

It's a childish fantasy which gets run into the ground after you have some real life experience. It's an abstract concept that like other higher brained concepts, generally exist more inside men. And in this generation of men, it continues to persist even when they are in their 20s.

They don't want women to be robbed of the innocence that society has projected unto them.

Its just a very immature way of looking at the world. I'd rather look for compatibility and sync along with sexual attraction.

Love is not real?

What has broken you boy? Want a hug? :D

Love is a real thing, well at least for me.

I love my family, I love my cat, I love myself, I love Satan and I love our Gods.
And I will certainly love my children.

I do not confuse sexual attraction with love.
Those are seperate things.

But there ARE some WOMEN OUT THERE, who you will eventually truly love!

If you are attracted to a women, who shares your views, is fun to be around with, is intelligent, is open and honest with you (and you can be 100% open and honest with her as well) and is a SS as well, don't tell me you won't truly love her one day

Try to be a little more positive and open for the idea
I mean yeah we Satanists are lonley af, because we can not really waste much time, and some people will turn away from us, once we "ignore" them. They just think that we are not interested in them, they do not know that we are busy most of the time.

But still we all have to find a good partner for us^^
FancyMancy said:
But basically this is rape, isn’t it?
Perhaps it is. If she enjoyed it, maybe it still is, because it was without her knowledge and permission, but then man-mad-- jew-made "law" doesn't have a "law" against it (as far as I know); but then Natural Law might say otherwise. When we use any Magick to get someone to do something for us, is that a form of (non-sexual) rape? Hmmm... Are we "right" or "wrong" to force the jew to fail so that we can be free? Are we "right" or "wrong" to influence the bookie to give us 100:1 winnings? Are we "right" or "wrong" to have Spiritual sex with someone's Light Body? Should we ask the jew's permission; should we ask the bookie's permission; should we ask the sex-"partner"'s permission first?


This sounds harsch, but the strong rule over the weak. This was always the case and will always be the case, I guess.
On one hand we have, at least, consider morals, on the other hand, this does not harm anyone and if this is what it takes for you to get a partner, go for it.

But pls don't do shady stuff with my light body while I am sleeping, I need to preserve my innocence D:
NinRick said:
It probably worked even on girls/women who were taken already, they just didn‘t want to cheat. This is what I believe.

Also I share your views 100%

Yeah, I did notice that too, as if they were tempted and really wanted to act upon it but couldn't for moral reasons.
Jack said:
NinRick said:
Jack said:

We can always start a bromance if you want and fight the enemy together! As Brothers!

Now jokes aside ^^

Do you wanted to imply that „love“ is in times of chaos , global distress and war redundant?

Everybody has to decide for themselves, it is always important to find a suitable partner, pass our Genes, create a loving and healthy family and most importantly to raise and teach our children well, into strong, intelligent, powerful and satanic human beings.

We all have to do it anyway, so everybody can choose their own time to find this. If they want to start it now, then let them.

Of course things like this normally take your daily time away, so you in the end you will have less relax time, less working/fighting time and less meditation time, or else anything else will suffer.

We Satanists are pretty busy humans lol
There's no such thing as Love. It was created by the Higher Brain to trick you into commitment to something, to give you purpose. It's a subjective idea that can mean anything to anyone.

It's a childish fantasy which gets run into the ground after you have some real life experience. It's an abstract concept that like other higher brained concepts, generally exist more inside men. And in this generation of men, it continues to persist even when they are in their 20s.

They don't want women to be robbed of the innocence that society has projected unto them.

Its just a very immature way of looking at the world. I'd rather look for compatibility and sync along with sexual attraction.
I am sure there is at least one Big Bang Theory... joke"...in there by those who use their brains and logic only, Mr Spock...

Leonard: Right. Lesley, I would like to propose an experiment.
Lesley: Hang on. I’m trying to see how long it takes a 500 kW oxygen iodine LASER to heat up my cup-o’-noodles.
Leonard: Pfff, I’ve done it - about two seconds. 2.6 for minestrone. Anyway, I was thinking more of a bio-social exploration with a neurochemical overlay.
Lesley: Wait, are you asking me out?
Leonard: I was going to characterise it as the modification of our colleague/friendship paradigm, with the addition of a date-like component - but we don’t need to quibble over terminology.
Lesley: What sort of experiment would you propose?
Leonard: There is a generally-accepted pattern in this area - I would pick you up, take you to a restaurant, then we would see a movie, probably a romantic comedy featuring the talents of Hugh Grant or Sandra Bullock.
Lesley: Interesting, and would you agree that the primary way we would evaluate either the success or failure of the date would be based on the biochemical reaction during the goodnight kiss.
Leonard: Heart-rate, pheromones, etc. Yes.
Lesley: Well, why don’t we just stipulate that the date goes well and move to the key variable?
Leonard: You mean kiss you now?
Lesley: Yes.
Leonard: Can you define the parameters of the kiss?
Lesley: Closed mouth but romantic. Mint?
Leonard: Thank you. crunch Shall I count down from three?
Lesley: No, I think it needs to be spontaneous.


Lesley: What do you think.
Leonard: You proposed the experiment, I think you should present your findings first.
Lesley: Fair enough. On the plus side, it was a good kiss, reasonable technique, no extraneous spittle. On the other hand - no arousal.
Leonard: None?
Lesley: None.
Leonard: Ah. Well, thank you for your time.
Lesley: Thank you.


Leonard: None at all?!


Lesley: So I heard your relationship with Penny crashed to the ground like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory.
Leonard: Where did you hear that?
Lesley: Actually, I read it. Wallowitz texted me.
Leonard: "Like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory." Yep.
Lesley: I thought it was a pretty good one. I gave him an L-O-L.
Leonard: Uh.
Lesley: Anyway, it got me thinking - now that you're untouched, maybe we can re-visit our previous attachment.


Leonard: I think tonight was a very good start.
Lesley: Me, too. You're sure your OK postponing intercourse until our relationship is past the initial viability test?
Leonard: No problem. I'm very skilled at postponing intercourse. I guess I'll call you and we'll arrange another evening.
Lesley: Yes. I believe protocal dictates that you wait a minimum of 18 hours before you call so I'm not repulsed by your clawing eagerness.
Leonard: Sure.
Lesley: Again - it's your decision; you're the man.
Call me!


Sheldon: I will graciously overlook the fact that she is an arrogant, sub-par scientist who actually believes loop quantum gravity better unites quantum mechanics with general relativity than does string theory. You kids have fun.
Lesley: Hang on a second. Loop quantum gravity clearly offers more testable predictions than string theory.
Sheldon: I'm listening. Amuse me.
Lesley: OK, well, for one thing we expect quantii space-time to manifest itself as minute differences in the speed of light for different colours.
Sheldon: Balderdash. Matter clearly consists of tiny strings.
Lesley: [TO LEONARD] Are you gunna let him talk to be like that?!
Leonard: OK, well, there is a lot of merit to both theories.
Lesley: No, there isn't! Only loop quantum gravity calculates the entropy of black holes.
Sheldon: snigger
Leonard: Sheldon, don't make that noise. It's disrespectful.
Sheldon: I should hope so; it was a snort of derision.
Lesley: [TO LEONARD] You agree with me, right? Loop quantum gravity is the future of physics.
Leonard: Sorry, Lesley. I guess I prefer my space stringy not loopy.
Lesley: Oh, I'm glad I found out the truth about you before this went any further!
Leonard: "Truth"? What truth? We're talking about untested hypotheses. Look - it's no big deal.
Lesley: Oh, it isn't? Really? Tell me, Leonard - how would we raise the Children?!
Sheldon: ?!
Leonard: I... I guess we wait until they're old-enough and let them choose their own theory.
Lesley: You can't let them choose, Leonard; they're Children!
Leonard: Wait. Where are you going?!
Lesley: I'm sorry. I could have accepted our Kids being genetically-unable to eat ice cream or ever get a good view of a parade; but this? This is a deal-breaker.


Sheldon: ...but then some poor woman is going to pin her hopes on my sperm, what if she winds up with a Toddler that doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve for the area under a curve?
Leonard: I'm sure she'll still love him.
Sheldon: I wouldn't.

Yeah, you can stipulate love that way, with logic-only, Mr Spock... :roll: That's how robots "date". That is artificial intelligence and taking the piss out of Human interaction. One would think that the intermingling of Souls, not to mention the swapping of actual DNA/proteins which goes into each others' Body and Brain, as well as the Physical pleasures and the Mental/Psychological impacts... are all a joining and linking together... Love may be Left-Brained or it may be Right-Brained or it may be both. It sounds like Jack wants to have a Victorian, stiff-upper-lip, old-English non-affection "love" because it is "not right" for an Englishman to show his feelings and his love. It also sounds as if Jack employs conditional "love" only, as well.
Jack said:
I'm thinking of writing a movie script about True Love based in Civil war America.

Here's how the first 5 minutes would look -

Our hero is on his knees proposing to the girl he likes, while there are in the middle of the street ,in a warzone.
The girl looks something like this,

The area is like the Children of Men in the streets, only worse.

Its daytime and explosions are going out left and right. The Trump Tower is decimated to debris by a bomb. Black hawk helicopters are roaming the state, The Purge sirens are going off. People are running for their lives.

In the metro areas, Antifa Terrorists are shooting people and throwing molotov cocktails ,they are being led by a tranny with a chainsaw who is extremely buffed up and wearing a little girls dress with a pink tiara.

In another part if the Town Tanks are rolling with UN peacekeepers fighting Patriots in the streets.

The Song Apocalypse is playing in the background till now.

Our Young Hero opens his mouth ," Will you please marry me. I love you. "His eyes are glistening with hope and the girl is smiling.

But she suddenly drops the smile and the music stops. She says " No Will. You're a nerd and I only date black guys."

The guys like "wait what ...?".

And BOOM! The Chinese drop a nuke in the background.

The camera cuts to the war in the Pacific with US and Chinese Warships going at it and a Chinese military soldier giving the thumbs up and smiling out in the military helicopter firing at the warships.

The camera then cuts to a Suburban household where the guys crying because he got rejected by that girl. His mother's shouting in the background with static "WILL STOP BEING A PUSSY. THERE'S AN INVASION GOING ON."

Yup, this script is going to be awesome. Our Hero is going to eventually man up and lead the resistance to the Chinese Occupation and free the country after going through a lot of changes and having Nationalism born in his heart. I may make billions as a movie producer after this war.

I would totally watch this. :lol:
NinRick said:
Fuchs said:
I don´t think a little sex magic will get a guy like this a girl:


All it does is to increase your attractiveness.

Nah when you buy flowes you just show that you appreciate her, and in return, she tends to appreciate you, this has even nothing to do with love, or getting her into bed with you. It is just a gesture of appreciation.

Also I do not believe that anyone here looks like this guy in the picture above, Most of us are average or even beautiful.

doing magick makes her actually love you or be atleast being attacted to you, what ever you programm her to do.

It is true it does "programm/influence" the girl, but if she would totally hate him, or be disgusted by him, it wouldn´t work. That´s what I meant with buying flowers or working out, beeing nice etc. It is nothing else, it is just increasing your chances. It´s the same like if you would want to get 1 dollar or in the example of the girl hate the guy getting 1 million dollars through magic.

There might be some people with realy strong auras out there, who could do this, but I think they have better stuff to do.

There is

"Social rank, spiritual rank, financial rank, legal rank, knowledge rank. " HP HC ²

What ever influences/lead to a girl loving you is fine and not rape.

NinRick said:
FancyMancy said:
But basically this is rape, isn’t it?
Perhaps it is. If she enjoyed it, maybe it still is, because it was without her knowledge and permission, but then man-mad-- jew-made "law" doesn't have a "law" against it (as far as I know); but then Natural Law might say otherwise. When we use any Magick to get someone to do something for us, is that a form of (non-sexual) rape? Hmmm... Are we "right" or "wrong" to force the jew to fail so that we can be free? Are we "right" or "wrong" to influence the bookie to give us 100:1 winnings? Are we "right" or "wrong" to have Spiritual sex with someone's Light Body? Should we ask the jew's permission; should we ask the bookie's permission; should we ask the sex-"partner"'s permission first?

This sounds harsch, but the strong rule over the weak. This was always the case and will always be the case, I guess.
On one hand we have, at least, consider morals, on the other hand, this does not harm anyone and if this is what it takes for you to get a partner, go for it.

But pls don't do shady stuff with my light body while I am sleeping, I need to preserve my innocence D:
Lol. That's where you protect yourself! (Please learn to use quote tags! :cry: :p)
Jack said:
NinRick said:
Jack said:

We can always start a bromance if you want and fight the enemy together! As Brothers!

Now jokes aside ^^

Do you wanted to imply that „love“ is in times of chaos , global distress and war redundant?

Everybody has to decide for themselves, it is always important to find a suitable partner, pass our Genes, create a loving and healthy family and most importantly to raise and teach our children well, into strong, intelligent, powerful and satanic human beings.

We all have to do it anyway, so everybody can choose their own time to find this. If they want to start it now, then let them.

Of course things like this normally take your daily time away, so you in the end you will have less relax time, less working/fighting time and less meditation time, or else anything else will suffer.

We Satanists are pretty busy humans lol
There's no such thing as Love. It was created by the Higher Brain to trick you into commitment to something, to give you purpose. It's a subjective idea that can mean anything to anyone.

It's a childish fantasy which gets run into the ground after you have some real life experience. It's an abstract concept that like other higher brained concepts, generally exist more inside men. And in this generation of men, it continues to persist even when they are in their 20s.

They don't want women to be robbed of the innocence that society has projected unto them.

Its just a very immature way of looking at the world. I'd rather look for compatibility and sync along with sexual attraction.
We understand that you like to project this image of a highly cultured and wisdomatic man with super duper control of his emotions and whatever. But claiming love doesn't exist is just bullshit, nobody can take you seriously after such a claim.
Jack said:
There's no such thing as Love. It was created by the Higher Brain to trick you into commitment to something, to give you purpose. It's a subjective idea that can mean anything to anyone.

Yeah I agree here when people are looking for a partner love is usually what they are looking for but everyone knows that feeling doesn’t last which is many couples get divorced, they never learned how to be with each other and just wanted to “love”. When that feeling went away they didn’t know what to do. The first thing I want from a woman is compatibility and friendship/loyalty. That is way more important than any idea of “love”.

NinRick said:
Love is a real thing, well at least for me.

I love my family, I love my cat, I love myself, I love Satan and I love our Gods.
And I will certainly love my children.

I do not confuse sexual attraction with love.
Those are seperate things.

You said it right at the end. They are different things. I wouldn’t call what you may feel for your cat or family “love”. But like he said love means different things to everyone which is why it’s hard to talk about it.
Aquarius said:
Jack said:
NinRick said:
We can always start a bromance if you want and fight the enemy together! As Brothers!

Now jokes aside ^^

Do you wanted to imply that „love“ is in times of chaos , global distress and war redundant?

Everybody has to decide for themselves, it is always important to find a suitable partner, pass our Genes, create a loving and healthy family and most importantly to raise and teach our children well, into strong, intelligent, powerful and satanic human beings.

We all have to do it anyway, so everybody can choose their own time to find this. If they want to start it now, then let them.

Of course things like this normally take your daily time away, so you in the end you will have less relax time, less working/fighting time and less meditation time, or else anything else will suffer.

We Satanists are pretty busy humans lol
There's no such thing as Love. It was created by the Higher Brain to trick you into commitment to something, to give you purpose. It's a subjective idea that can mean anything to anyone.

It's a childish fantasy which gets run into the ground after you have some real life experience. It's an abstract concept that like other higher brained concepts, generally exist more inside men. And in this generation of men, it continues to persist even when they are in their 20s.

They don't want women to be robbed of the innocence that society has projected unto them.

Its just a very immature way of looking at the world. I'd rather look for compatibility and sync along with sexual attraction.
We understand that you like to project this image of a highly cultured and wisdomatic man with super duper control of his emotions and whatever. But claiming love doesn't exist is just bullshit, nobody can take you seriously after such a claim.
Its going to persist until you hold on to delusions of the mind. Truth and the ability to see clearly are within everyone's hands. You just have to not lie to yourself and not create philosophical interpretations about physical phenomena happening in real life.

Once you start to become more mature after learning from real life experience, 7th grade notions like love begin to fade away and you become more inclined to look at observable traits of bonding that create strong relationships.
ShadowTheRaven said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
How tall are you? What does your face look like? Do all the magic you want but no woman will Lust for you if a physically unattractive/ genetically inferior.

I personally think using magic when it relates to people and relationships is pointless. If someone wants to be with you they will be with you. No mantra can change that and I see it as unethical.

Untrue. Even ugly people can get fucked, I've witnessed it firsthand.

What's the point of sex magick if you're gonna tell people not to use sex magick? The whole point is to get fucked no matter what you look like. In my experience, the only women it hasn't worked on were women who already had a boyfriend, so depending on who you meet, you probably have a 70/30 chance if you're targeting someone specifically. I know ugly men who have gotten fucked anyway. Goes to show you don't have to look like Dolph Lundgren there.

Whomever tells you that dating has to do with how you look or how many weights you lift, turn away, they have no expertise with girls nor understand them fundamentally.

This can only help you to an extent, or, with generally, some women. It is never fully the case. Nor relationships are reliant to that.

You'll frequently observe many 'not that beautiful' men constantly have very beautiful women. This is because women are attracted to other qualities than visual beauty. Inversely, men tend to be attracted commonly to visuals on women, especially on first impressions.
FancyMancy said:
I am sure there is at least one Big Bang Theory... joke"...in there by those who use their brains and logic only, Mr Spock...

Yeah, you can stipulate love that way, with logic-only, Mr Spock... :roll: That's how robots "date".

Are you trying to make a Star Trek joke and a Big Bang Theory joke at the same time, Captain Picard?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is because women are attracted to other qualities than visual beauty.

Other qualities such as

1. A large bank account. Fancy car/house.

2. Status/popularity. (Being star sports player, actor, etc).

3. Power.(political or other).

This only applies to young women. Once people get older they get start to care about what is actually important such as stability and partnership. This goes for both genders.

Remember back in the old days thousands of years ago the best men would literally have harems and the inferior would not reproduce which is why groups of people such as nordics are on average very tall and attractive. Monogamy was’t a normal and enforced thing until Abrahamism. If many young guys knew how it really was they would give up and commit suicide which is why a lid is kept on these matters.

It’s the same reason people can’t accept the fact that there is a New (Jew) world order that is actively working to kill everyone on earth. Due to decades of Judeo-Bolshevik demoralization and propaganda people have weak minds. They cannot cope with these truths so they pretend that it’s not real and doesn’t exist.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I personally think using magic when it relates to people and relationships is pointless. If someone wants to be with you they will be with you. No mantra can change that and I see it as unethical.
It’s not unethical. First you have to understand magic and how a love spell works. As you said, you can’t force anyone to love you. A love spell isn’t designed to do that. Compatibility is still important. What a love spell does is no different than normal courtship. It’s just creating a situation wherein another person sees you in a desired light. From that point you still have to do work on the physical side as well.

Traditional courtship is manipulation. You’re using words and actions to manipulate someone into liking you. Manipulation isn’t bad. Love spells do the same. There’s no ethical boundary crossed. No one is forced against their will. A love spell is another ends to a means. Another way of doing something. If you do a love spell, but then are an asshole. Maybe it won’t work. As with all magic, you still have to do your part on the material plane as well. Magic in most cases is a boost, not the sole vehicle to get you to where you want to be. This is what you need to understand.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Whomever tells you that dating has to do with how you look or how many weights you lift, turn away, they have no expertise with girls nor understand them fundamentally.

This can only help you to an extent, or, with generally, some women. It is never fully the case. Nor relationships are reliant to that.

You'll frequently observe many 'not that beautiful' men constantly have very beautiful women. This is because women are attracted to other qualities than visual beauty. Inversely, men tend to be attracted commonly to visuals on women, especially on first impressions.

Take the logic that all women prefer tall men. Yeah, some superficial types prefer tall men that's true, but I'm literally 6'2" (1 meter, 87 cm) and I'm not a fat fucking lard, so by that logic I should be swimming in pussy, right?
FancyMancy said:
Jack said:
NinRick said:
We can always start a bromance if you want and fight the enemy together! As Brothers!

Now jokes aside ^^

Do you wanted to imply that „love“ is in times of chaos , global distress and war redundant?

Everybody has to decide for themselves, it is always important to find a suitable partner, pass our Genes, create a loving and healthy family and most importantly to raise and teach our children well, into strong, intelligent, powerful and satanic human beings.

We all have to do it anyway, so everybody can choose their own time to find this. If they want to start it now, then let them.

Of course things like this normally take your daily time away, so you in the end you will have less relax time, less working/fighting time and less meditation time, or else anything else will suffer.

We Satanists are pretty busy humans lol
There's no such thing as Love. It was created by the Higher Brain to trick you into commitment to something, to give you purpose. It's a subjective idea that can mean anything to anyone.

It's a childish fantasy which gets run into the ground after you have some real life experience. It's an abstract concept that like other higher brained concepts, generally exist more inside men. And in this generation of men, it continues to persist even when they are in their 20s.

They don't want women to be robbed of the innocence that society has projected unto them.

Its just a very immature way of looking at the world. I'd rather look for compatibility and sync along with sexual attraction.
I am sure there is at least one Big Bang Theory... joke"...in there by those who use their brains and logic only, Mr Spock...

Leonard: Right. Lesley, I would like to propose an experiment.
Lesley: Hang on. I’m trying to see how long it takes a 500 kW oxygen iodine LASER to heat up my cup-o’-noodles.
Leonard: Pfff, I’ve done it - about two seconds. 2.6 for minestrone. Anyway, I was thinking more of a bio-social exploration with a neurochemical overlay.
Lesley: Wait, are you asking me out?
Leonard: I was going to characterise it as the modification of our colleague/friendship paradigm, with the addition of a date-like component - but we don’t need to quibble over terminology.
Lesley: What sort of experiment would you propose?
Leonard: There is a generally-accepted pattern in this area - I would pick you up, take you to a restaurant, then we would see a movie, probably a romantic comedy featuring the talents of Hugh Grant or Sandra Bullock.
Lesley: Interesting, and would you agree that the primary way we would evaluate either the success or failure of the date would be based on the biochemical reaction during the goodnight kiss.
Leonard: Heart-rate, pheromones, etc. Yes.
Lesley: Well, why don’t we just stipulate that the date goes well and move to the key variable?
Leonard: You mean kiss you now?
Lesley: Yes.
Leonard: Can you define the parameters of the kiss?
Lesley: Closed mouth but romantic. Mint?
Leonard: Thank you. crunch Shall I count down from three?
Lesley: No, I think it needs to be spontaneous.


Lesley: What do you think.
Leonard: You proposed the experiment, I think you should present your findings first.
Lesley: Fair enough. On the plus side, it was a good kiss, reasonable technique, no extraneous spittle. On the other hand - no arousal.
Leonard: None?
Lesley: None.
Leonard: Ah. Well, thank you for your time.
Lesley: Thank you.


Leonard: None at all?!


Lesley: So I heard your relationship with Penny crashed to the ground like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory.
Leonard: Where did you hear that?
Lesley: Actually, I read it. Wallowitz texted me.
Leonard: "Like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory." Yep.
Lesley: I thought it was a pretty good one. I gave him an L-O-L.
Leonard: Uh.
Lesley: Anyway, it got me thinking - now that you're untouched, maybe we can re-visit our previous attachment.


Leonard: I think tonight was a very good start.
Lesley: Me, too. You're sure your OK postponing intercourse until our relationship is past the initial viability test?
Leonard: No problem. I'm very skilled at postponing intercourse. I guess I'll call you and we'll arrange another evening.
Lesley: Yes. I believe protocal dictates that you wait a minimum of 18 hours before you call so I'm not repulsed by your clawing eagerness.
Leonard: Sure.
Lesley: Again - it's your decision; you're the man.
Call me!


Sheldon: I will graciously overlook the fact that she is an arrogant, sub-par scientist who actually believes loop quantum gravity better unites quantum mechanics with general relativity than does string theory. You kids have fun.
Lesley: Hang on a second. Loop quantum gravity clearly offers more testable predictions than string theory.
Sheldon: I'm listening. Amuse me.
Lesley: OK, well, for one thing we expect quantii space-time to manifest itself as minute differences in the speed of light for different colours.
Sheldon: Balderdash. Matter clearly consists of tiny strings.
Lesley: [TO LEONARD] Are you gunna let him talk to be like that?!
Leonard: OK, well, there is a lot of merit to both theories.
Lesley: No, there isn't! Only loop quantum gravity calculates the entropy of black holes.
Sheldon: snigger
Leonard: Sheldon, don't make that noise. It's disrespectful.
Sheldon: I should hope so; it was a snort of derision.
Lesley: [TO LEONARD] You agree with me, right? Loop quantum gravity is the future of physics.
Leonard: Sorry, Lesley. I guess I prefer my space stringy not loopy.
Lesley: Oh, I'm glad I found out the truth about you before this went any further!
Leonard: "Truth"? What truth? We're talking about untested hypotheses. Look - it's no big deal.
Lesley: Oh, it isn't? Really? Tell me, Leonard - how would we raise the Children?!
Sheldon: ?!
Leonard: I... I guess we wait until they're old-enough and let them choose their own theory.
Lesley: You can't let them choose, Leonard; they're Children!
Leonard: Wait. Where are you going?!
Lesley: I'm sorry. I could have accepted our Kids being genetically-unable to eat ice cream or ever get a good view of a parade; but this? This is a deal-breaker.


Sheldon: ...but then some poor woman is going to pin her hopes on my sperm, what if she winds up with a Toddler that doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve for the area under a curve?
Leonard: I'm sure she'll still love him.
Sheldon: I wouldn't.

Yeah, you can stipulate love that way, with logic-only, Mr Spock... :roll: That's how robots "date". That is artificial intelligence and taking the piss out of Human interaction. One would think that the intermingling of Souls, not to mention the swapping of actual DNA/proteins which goes into each others' Body and Brain, as well as the Physical pleasures and the Mental/Psychological impacts... are all a joining and linking together... Love may be Left-Brained or it may be Right-Brained or it may be both. It sounds like Jack wants to have a Victorian, stiff-upper-lip, old-English non-affection "love" because it is "not right" for an Englishman to show his feelings and his love. It also sounds as if Jack employs conditional "love" only, as well.
What I'm trying to say is that "Love" is an idealistic interpretation created by the higher brain which creates such interpretations. Generally in life, all such interpretations turn out to be wrong.

There are better physical phenomena that serve as indicators to replace this magical notion of "love".

For Example,

Compliance I.e is the woman doing what you tell her to do.

Compatibility I.e you can vibe with her very well and you agree much more that you disagree. Astrological Compatibility is key.

Sexual Attraction I.e does she want to have your p in her v ,does she want to be the mother of your children (probably most important.)

Trust I.e you trust each other totally.

I mean instead of something I can't explain or understand, which the brain is purposely trying to cause to create a sense of Idealism (due to the lack of true purpose ). I'd look at observable reality not magical notions.

There are a lot of women who will have sex with you but are insufferable to be around for an extended period of time. And there are a lot of women who don't feel attraction for you. There are a lot who feel your a pussy, or they don't like you, your personality or character. There's no compatibility.

These are all very real and observable things.

When I think of Love however, my mind goes to that song "What is Love." ?
Jack said:
Aquarius said:
Jack said:
There's no such thing as Love. It was created by the Higher Brain to trick you into commitment to something, to give you purpose. It's a subjective idea that can mean anything to anyone.

It's a childish fantasy which gets run into the ground after you have some real life experience. It's an abstract concept that like other higher brained concepts, generally exist more inside men. And in this generation of men, it continues to persist even when they are in their 20s.

They don't want women to be robbed of the innocence that society has projected unto them.

Its just a very immature way of looking at the world. I'd rather look for compatibility and sync along with sexual attraction.
We understand that you like to project this image of a highly cultured and wisdomatic man with super duper control of his emotions and whatever. But claiming love doesn't exist is just bullshit, nobody can take you seriously after such a claim.
Its going to persist until you hold on to delusions of the mind. Truth and the ability to see clearly are within everyone's hands. You just have to not lie to yourself and not create philosophical interpretations about physical phenomena happening in real life.

Once you start to become more mature after learning from real life experience, 7th grade notions like love begin to fade away and you become more inclined to look at observable traits of bonding that create strong relationships.
That's bullcrap, are you sure you're not emotionally hurt by something? Normally people tend to say love doesn't exist when they suffered emotional traumas.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
How tall are you? What does your face look like? Do all the magic you want but no woman will Lust for you if a physically unattractive/ genetically inferior.

I personally think using magic when it relates to people and relationships is pointless. If someone wants to be with you they will be with you. No mantra can change that and I see it as unethical.

Untrue. Even ugly people can get fucked, I've witnessed it firsthand.

What's the point of sex magick if you're gonna tell people not to use sex magick? The whole point is to get fucked no matter what you look like. In my experience, the only women it hasn't worked on were women who already had a boyfriend, so depending on who you meet, you probably have a 70/30 chance if you're targeting someone specifically. I know ugly men who have gotten fucked anyway. Goes to show you don't have to look like Dolph Lundgren there.

Whomever tells you that dating has to do with how you look or how many weights you lift, turn away, they have no expertise with girls nor understand them fundamentally.

This can only help you to an extent, or, with generally, some women. It is never fully the case. Nor relationships are reliant to that.

You'll frequently observe many 'not that beautiful' men constantly have very beautiful women. This is because women are attracted to other qualities than visual beauty. Inversely, men tend to be attracted commonly to visuals on women, especially on first impressions.

Not all men are attracted to looks alone either though. You could have the most beautiful woman in the world and if she has shitty energy i wouldnt personally be able to go for it. I like a deeper spiritual connection of some sort probably the same with a lot of guys on here. I really disdain many of the men who go on about how they would "fuck" this or that woman instantly just cause of looks. How superficial is that. A lot of women that dont by societies standards look beautiful have guys. On the upside if a girl is really beautiful or cute and has great energy i would totally go for that personally. But if a woman doesnt look that great and has a beautiful energy and personality i would totally go for that too.

I know i have a girl but i am just saying men that are spiritually more open dont go for looks alone most the time.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Jack said:
There's no such thing as Love. It was created by the Higher Brain to trick you into commitment to something, to give you purpose. It's a subjective idea that can mean anything to anyone.

Yeah I agree here when people are looking for a partner love is usually what they are looking for but everyone knows that feeling doesn’t last which is many couples get divorced, they never learned how to be with each other and just wanted to “love”. When that feeling went away they didn’t know what to do. The first thing I want from a woman is compatibility and friendship/loyalty. That is way more important than any idea of “love”.

NinRick said:
Love is a real thing, well at least for me.

I love my family, I love my cat, I love myself, I love Satan and I love our Gods.
And I will certainly love my children.

I do not confuse sexual attraction with love.
Those are seperate things.

You said it right at the end. They are different things. I wouldn’t call what you may feel for your cat or family “love”. But like he said love means different things to everyone which is why it’s hard to talk about it.

The reason the feeling of love seems to go away is because you're used to it. Just like when you feel the energy of someone with a more powerful aura, it feels intense, powerful, electrifying, but after a while of being in their presence you feel adapted to it so you don't feel the same sensations consciously. As proof that the feeling of love is still there even when you don't consciously experience it, when you breakup with someone, that feeling of love gets ripped away. It was still there the whole time even when you didn't "feel" it, and the hurt can hardly be described. (As a side note in reply to Jack, if women don't experience love like men do, then why do they cry for months eating ice cream after a break up? I guess that's just girls tripping then).

It's not only love either. I know from experience that with feelings like depression, after long enough of being in a depressed state, it's no longer really registered that one is depressed. You just get so used to having certain feelings for long enough that you don't consciously experience them at full intensity like you used to. That doesn't mean the depression has gone away, and it doesn't mean you no longer love someone if you don't consciously feel it every second of the day. It's like... another example is dirt in a house. If you were used to having a clean environment then the dirt will be immediately apparent to you. However, if you spend a week in the house without cleaning the dirt, your mind will stop noticing it.
Mondol said:
Sundara said:
Mondol said:
Don't do lust spell until she is your wife and both are married.

Women is not slavish tool.
We all should respect women.
We don't have rights to rape women.
We don't have rights to do lust spell without own wife

Women is a light of family. Women is always obeyed by his husband. A real woman never do lust with another guy illegally without her husband.

(1) If you are married and are a husband of her's life, then know that she is already in lust with you.


(2) If you are not married and are not prepared to get married or are not prepared to run to her's life, then know that she is your sister and nothing else. She is your sister, our sister.


(3)If your parents agree and if you are prepared to get married or prepared to run to her's life, then gradually go to her family/parents house to give marriage proposed along with your parents.
If she and her parents assents, that marry her and then go to honeymoon.
If she and her parents don't assents or don't be aggreded, then forget her forever and call her "Sister" forever. If you harm her because of her and her parents marriage rejection, then know that we Satanist curse that rubbish guy who torture women and force women.

In the end, these were the rules of ancient old years years ago of paganism which are now corrupted by many false religions.

And I am 100% sure and believe that Satan only give permission to sex with own wife, not others wife. If Satan give permission to fuck another women, I will first *******(L)********.

By the way, Hail Satan.

This isn’t Christianity or Islam and these were not the ancient ways, we’re also not living in ancient times or the dark ages. Nobody needs permission to have sex and nobody needs to be married to have sex. No one needs their parents permission either. These are islamic or devout christian/flds ways of thinking and are extreme. Most Christians don’t even abide by this.

Yeah consent and respect is important but magic works a little differently and this is not rape. Lol.

Random freedom sex without having permission of parents or society will destroy the discipline of society and will make a muck of something, will make society darty.

We need permission to have sex to a certain person. We need permission to get married to a certain person.
We need permission and need support of law or society to have sex to a certain person. We need permission and need support of law or society to get married to a certain person.

If Nobody needs permission to have sex and if nobody needs to be married to have sex and if no one needs their parents permission either,and if don't need permission to have sex, then would you mind, can I have a night with your love partner and can I have a night with Hp cobra's life partner? No, right. :evil:

Listen to me . Spiritual Satanism/ Human mankind's life means to empowers one's self

Sex is another topic and is not mixed with Satanism

Having sex with a certain person or certain person's require permission of law and society and of course parents.

Having sex require discipline and need aggree of society and law.

If we want to you have sex with married women, we need to talk with her and need support or permission and need a date time of discussion about sex or marriage. But, we don't have permission to betray the women's husband without any reason.

By the way, Hail Satan.

get your communist shit outta here! Permission my ass. Ohw, wait.... Yes ofcourse, we need to ask president elect joe biden first before we can have sex! Hahahaha. Because in the new america you cannot have sex with the person you want goy! We will choose for you. Just be obedient and compliant goy! Dont be horny goy!

Whats the purpose of all these love and lust spells in the jos main website if we are not going to use them? Just because you use lust spells doesnt mean we are evil. What? You cant have sex if youre not married? Another Xtian and pisslam bullshit! Why cant you have sex when not married? Oh... Right... BECAUSE THE JEW IN THE CLOUDS WILL BURN YOU IN HE..AAHHEEMM!!!! ..LL 😂😂😂
And you also said sex is separate somewhat from satanism, right! That gives me an Idea of what you think satanism is. Satan doesnt give a fuck about who you decide to have sex with! He is not someone who will spy on you 24/7 so that he can make sure you have sex only when married. You are projecting jewsus chrishit on Lord Satan. Because jewsus crishit watches you goy, dont be horny goy, dont even masturbate goy! g-d is watching you goy. Im glad you found your way here, or maybe Lord satan found you and gave you a chance. but if you stay here longer, you will be able to deprogram yourself from all those xtianity shit. Just keep reading the sermons from our hp's daily and try to bring those teachings to your heart. I was once like you. Deprograming oneself can be hard. But the more you remove those jewish filth from yourself the better you will feel.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
How tall are you? What does your face look like? Do all the magic you want but no woman will Lust for you if a physically unattractive/ genetically inferior.

Untrue. Even ugly people can get fucked, I've witnessed it firsthand.
You'll frequently observe many 'not that beautiful' men constantly have very beautiful women. This is because women are attracted to other qualities than visual beauty. Inversely, men tend to be attracted commonly to visuals on women, especially on first impressions.

The worst a man can be is not ugly, but socially awkward. The movie stereotype of an unattractive man is a nerd who is very intelligent and very good at science and math but has problem talking to girls.

The good news is social awkwardness can be fixed, while ugliness can't.

But even ugly women can find a long-term partner if they have a beautiful personality, and very beautiful women who have a nasty, immature, crazy or materialistic personality or are feminist man-haters are only used for sex because they have nothing more to offer than that.
ShadowTheRaven said:
FancyMancy said:
I am sure there is at least one Big Bang Theory... joke"...in there by those who use their brains and logic only, Mr Spock...

Yeah, you can stipulate love that way, with logic-only, Mr Spock... :roll: That's how robots "date".

Are you trying to make a Star Trek joke and a Big Bang Theory joke at the same time, Captain Picard?
Not quite a joke, but the two have gone together. Maybe "love doesn't exist" is a Borg sentiment who try to find and achieve perfection while they don't know what they're looking for...

Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
Jack said:
There's no such thing as Love. It was created by the Higher Brain to trick you into commitment to something, to give you purpose. It's a subjective idea that can mean anything to anyone.

It's a childish fantasy which gets run into the ground after you have some real life experience. It's an abstract concept that like other higher brained concepts, generally exist more inside men. And in this generation of men, it continues to persist even when they are in their 20s.

They don't want women to be robbed of the innocence that society has projected unto them.

Its just a very immature way of looking at the world. I'd rather look for compatibility and sync along with sexual attraction.
I am sure there is at least one Big Bang Theory... joke"...in there by those who use their brains and logic only, Mr Spock...

Leonard: Right. Lesley, I would like to propose an experiment.
Lesley: Hang on. I’m trying to see how long it takes a 500 kW oxygen iodine LASER to heat up my cup-o’-noodles.
Leonard: Pfff, I’ve done it - about two seconds. 2.6 for minestrone. Anyway, I was thinking more of a bio-social exploration with a neurochemical overlay.
Lesley: Wait, are you asking me out?
Leonard: I was going to characterise it as the modification of our colleague/friendship paradigm, with the addition of a date-like component - but we don’t need to quibble over terminology.
Lesley: What sort of experiment would you propose?
Leonard: There is a generally-accepted pattern in this area - I would pick you up, take you to a restaurant, then we would see a movie, probably a romantic comedy featuring the talents of Hugh Grant or Sandra Bullock.
Lesley: Interesting, and would you agree that the primary way we would evaluate either the success or failure of the date would be based on the biochemical reaction during the goodnight kiss.
Leonard: Heart-rate, pheromones, etc. Yes.
Lesley: Well, why don’t we just stipulate that the date goes well and move to the key variable?
Leonard: You mean kiss you now?
Lesley: Yes.
Leonard: Can you define the parameters of the kiss?
Lesley: Closed mouth but romantic. Mint?
Leonard: Thank you. crunch Shall I count down from three?
Lesley: No, I think it needs to be spontaneous.


Lesley: What do you think.
Leonard: You proposed the experiment, I think you should present your findings first.
Lesley: Fair enough. On the plus side, it was a good kiss, reasonable technique, no extraneous spittle. On the other hand - no arousal.
Leonard: None?
Lesley: None.
Leonard: Ah. Well, thank you for your time.
Lesley: Thank you.


Leonard: None at all?!


Lesley: So I heard your relationship with Penny crashed to the ground like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory.
Leonard: Where did you hear that?
Lesley: Actually, I read it. Wallowitz texted me.
Leonard: "Like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory." Yep.
Lesley: I thought it was a pretty good one. I gave him an L-O-L.
Leonard: Uh.
Lesley: Anyway, it got me thinking - now that you're untouched, maybe we can re-visit our previous attachment.


Leonard: I think tonight was a very good start.
Lesley: Me, too. You're sure your OK postponing intercourse until our relationship is past the initial viability test?
Leonard: No problem. I'm very skilled at postponing intercourse. I guess I'll call you and we'll arrange another evening.
Lesley: Yes. I believe protocal dictates that you wait a minimum of 18 hours before you call so I'm not repulsed by your clawing eagerness.
Leonard: Sure.
Lesley: Again - it's your decision; you're the man.
Call me!


Sheldon: I will graciously overlook the fact that she is an arrogant, sub-par scientist who actually believes loop quantum gravity better unites quantum mechanics with general relativity than does string theory. You kids have fun.
Lesley: Hang on a second. Loop quantum gravity clearly offers more testable predictions than string theory.
Sheldon: I'm listening. Amuse me.
Lesley: OK, well, for one thing we expect quantii space-time to manifest itself as minute differences in the speed of light for different colours.
Sheldon: Balderdash. Matter clearly consists of tiny strings.
Lesley: [TO LEONARD] Are you gunna let him talk to be like that?!
Leonard: OK, well, there is a lot of merit to both theories.
Lesley: No, there isn't! Only loop quantum gravity calculates the entropy of black holes.
Sheldon: snigger
Leonard: Sheldon, don't make that noise. It's disrespectful.
Sheldon: I should hope so; it was a snort of derision.
Lesley: [TO LEONARD] You agree with me, right? Loop quantum gravity is the future of physics.
Leonard: Sorry, Lesley. I guess I prefer my space stringy not loopy.
Lesley: Oh, I'm glad I found out the truth about you before this went any further!
Leonard: "Truth"? What truth? We're talking about untested hypotheses. Look - it's no big deal.
Lesley: Oh, it isn't? Really? Tell me, Leonard - how would we raise the Children?!
Sheldon: ?!
Leonard: I... I guess we wait until they're old-enough and let them choose their own theory.
Lesley: You can't let them choose, Leonard; they're Children!
Leonard: Wait. Where are you going?!
Lesley: I'm sorry. I could have accepted our Kids being genetically-unable to eat ice cream or ever get a good view of a parade; but this? This is a deal-breaker.


Sheldon: ...but then some poor woman is going to pin her hopes on my sperm, what if she winds up with a Toddler that doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve for the area under a curve?
Leonard: I'm sure she'll still love him.
Sheldon: I wouldn't.

Yeah, you can stipulate love that way, with logic-only, Mr Spock... :roll: That's how robots "date". That is artificial intelligence and taking the piss out of Human interaction. One would think that the intermingling of Souls, not to mention the swapping of actual DNA/proteins which goes into each others' Body and Brain, as well as the Physical pleasures and the Mental/Psychological impacts... are all a joining and linking together... Love may be Left-Brained or it may be Right-Brained or it may be both. It sounds like Jack wants to have a Victorian, stiff-upper-lip, old-English non-affection "love" because it is "not right" for an Englishman to show his feelings and his love. It also sounds as if Jack employs conditional "love" only, as well.
What I'm trying to say is that "Love" is an idealistic interpretation created by the higher brain which creates such interpretations. Generally in life, all such interpretations turn out to be wrong.

There are better physical phenomena that serve as indicators to replace this magical notion of "love".

For Example,

Compliance I.e is the woman doing what you tell her to do.

Compatibility I.e you can vibe with her very well and you agree much more that you disagree. Astrological Compatibility is key.

Sexual Attraction I.e does she want to have your p in her v ,does she want to be the mother of your children (probably most important.)

Trust I.e you trust each other totally.

I mean instead of something I can't explain or understand, which the brain is purposely trying to cause to create a sense of Idealism (due to the lack of true purpose ). I'd look at observable reality not magical notions.

There are a lot of women who will have sex with you but are insufferable to be around for an extended period of time. And there are a lot of women who don't feel attraction for you. There are a lot who feel your a pussy, or they don't like you, your personality or character. There's no compatibility.

These are all very real and observable things.
So you want a Woman to be your subject? You might enjoy the jewbuybull "defenition" of love -

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a ringing gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have absolute faith so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and exult in the surrender of my body, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient; love is kind; it does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud; it is not rude; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily-angered; love keeps no record of wrongs; love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails; but where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be restrained; where there is knowledge, it will be dismissed. For we know in part and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial passes away. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I set aside childish ways. Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully-known, and now these three remain - faith, hope and love; but the greatest of these is love.

Perhaps you prefer other "definitions" of love -

Philia - mental/friendly love;
Eros - sexual/romantic love;
Agape - unconditional/altruistic love;
Storge - familial/empathetic love;
Philautia - self-love

By the way - you might say that love doesn't exist, but not everyone shares your Elements. Some are more emotional and sentimental and their love is as it is for them.

When I think of Love however, my mind goes to that song "What is Love." ?
There is no "definition" or "correct way" of love and loving and to do and have and be love/loved/loving. The reason "we" "have to" ask what love is, is because the jew doesn't know what being a Human is, and all the jew can do, has done, and continues to do, is appropriate/steal, twist, pervert and corrupt what Human is. Part of love is companionship and fellowship, to not be lonely but to have like-mindedness, etc. For some, sex, in whichever form/s, is love, etc. There is no dic(ta)tionary correct way or meaning or understanding. That's why we have this Magickal thing called Magick, so we can find those whom, while we cannot "define" it, share our own illogical nonsense of what being with someone, or some ones, male and/or female, is and means, in various ways.

So again - you want a Woman to be your subject? You can only 'vibe' with her if she obeys you, like a muslim or christian wife? If she wants to bare your Children, then I would hope you would trust her, which should be a form of love; it is not as if you would have nothing to do with her and hate her because she's a dirty, skanky bitch, so that you can get her pregnant. Towards your Children, would you be like Beverly Hofstadter in TBBT against Leonard? People have emotions and need Emotional support, as well as Physical contact and support. These are regarding the Brain and Soul and the Chakras which the jew does not have; therefore, cannot possibly express. All the jew can do is pretend and act.

Consider it in a National Socialism and Spiritual Satanism context. NS is the "definitions" of things and comportments and behaviours which are enforced and obligatory. SS is our own individuality in which we do, have and be our own selves. Poetry, stories, films, programmes, plays, songs, art, etc., etc, etc. have existed for a long time to either try to "define" and "explain" love, or to express love, and what love is and what it is and means to love and be loved. Check art threads on here, including my own and astralartsofthegods, and notice the difference between Human creativity and expression, and j00 piss-taking shit and vomit. Robots - either the jew and its roboticness, or robots - will not love. Imitation is supposed to be the highest form of flattery, so the jew must absolutely fucking 'love' Humans, but the jew and robots are artificial and transparent; love is not logical nor sensible.

Not to make light of it, but let me ask you a question -

Where is love?
Does it fall from skies above?
Is it underneath the willow tree
that I've been dreaming of?

Where is she
whom I close my eyes to see?
Will I ever know the sweet "Hello"
that's meant for only me?

Who can say where she may hide?
Must I travel far and wide
'til I am beside the someone who
I can mean something to?

Where, where is love?

Ev'ry night I kneel and pray
"Let tomorrow be the day
when I see the face of someone who
I can mean something to

Where, where is love?

I really don't think logic will tell you. We have non-logic Brains. Maybe we should use them.
ShadowTheRaven said:
so by that logic I should be swimming in pussy, right?

You don’t need to be „swimming in pussy“, you just need one partner.
Jack said:
Aquarius said:
Jack said:
There's no such thing as Love. It was created by the Higher Brain to trick you into commitment to something, to give you purpose. It's a subjective idea that can mean anything to anyone.

It's a childish fantasy which gets run into the ground after you have some real life experience. It's an abstract concept that like other higher brained concepts, generally exist more inside men. And in this generation of men, it continues to persist even when they are in their 20s.

They don't want women to be robbed of the innocence that society has projected unto them.

Its just a very immature way of looking at the world. I'd rather look for compatibility and sync along with sexual attraction.
We understand that you like to project this image of a highly cultured and wisdomatic man with super duper control of his emotions and whatever. But claiming love doesn't exist is just bullshit, nobody can take you seriously after such a claim.
Its going to persist until you hold on to delusions of the mind. Truth and the ability to see clearly are within everyone's hands. You just have to not lie to yourself and not create philosophical interpretations about physical phenomena happening in real life.

Once you start to become more mature after learning from real life experience, 7th grade notions like love begin to fade away and you become more inclined to look at observable traits of bonding that create strong relationships.

I think you forget that every physical phenomenon has an astral basis. To claim that physical phenomena are the only phenomena that constitute "real life" is just madness. Even after all of your spiritual experiences, you still think like this? Denouncing love because you can't measure it with simple tools. If love wasn't real then there would be no love, no one would experience it, no one would talk about it, we wouldn't have any conception of the feeling that we experience and identify as love because it doesn't exist, because it's not real.

You also seem to think this supposed "higher mind" is inherently malevolent or manipulative/out to fool you, and you as the highly evolved thinking man have a DUTY to outsmart it so you can be free of its conniving trickery to make you feel good, or whatever. You could just stop being edgy, let go, and let yourself feel the full range of your natural freaking emotions and experience all of life, and stop spreading your poison, but you just can't help it, can you? You're determined to analyze (and redefine) life to death until it no longer has any positive meaning at all, and you're utterly free of it. Your body/higher mind/soul/etc. isn't trying to manipulate you, dude. These are natural emotions available to all life forms.
Aquarius said:
Jack said:
Aquarius said:
We understand that you like to project this image of a highly cultured and wisdomatic man with super duper control of his emotions and whatever. But claiming love doesn't exist is just bullshit, nobody can take you seriously after such a claim.
Its going to persist until you hold on to delusions of the mind. Truth and the ability to see clearly are within everyone's hands. You just have to not lie to yourself and not create philosophical interpretations about physical phenomena happening in real life.

Once you start to become more mature after learning from real life experience, 7th grade notions like love begin to fade away and you become more inclined to look at observable traits of bonding that create strong relationships.
That's bullcrap, are you sure you're not emotionally hurt by something? Normally people tend to say love doesn't exist when they suffered emotional traumas.
I'm not saying love does not exist ,I'm saying it doesn't exist in the way most people think it exists.

A host of feelings, emotions behaviors that already exist has been together labeled as 'love' and given an idealistic purpose to give it a magical sense of the word.

What I'm trying to say is, it is easier to look at each individual piece of the puzzle without thinking its something very special.

Because I don't think our forefathers gave this much importance to 'finding love' as this generation of men do.

Generally it's a very normal phase of experience for people and as most things in life are, not very special.
ShadowTheRaven said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Whomever tells you that dating has to do with how you look or how many weights you lift, turn away, they have no expertise with girls nor understand them fundamentally.

This can only help you to an extent, or, with generally, some women. It is never fully the case. Nor relationships are reliant to that.

You'll frequently observe many 'not that beautiful' men constantly have very beautiful women. This is because women are attracted to other qualities than visual beauty. Inversely, men tend to be attracted commonly to visuals on women, especially on first impressions.

Take the logic that all women prefer tall men. Yeah, some superficial types prefer tall men that's true, but I'm literally 6'2" (1 meter, 87 cm) and I'm not a fat fucking lard, so by that logic I should be swimming in pussy, right?

Conversation of these matters is a pain in general.

Because all men know it all in these subjects (they met 3 to 4 women in their life after all and so forth).
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Aquarius said:
We understand that you like to project this image of a highly cultured and wisdomatic man with super duper control of his emotions and whatever. But claiming love doesn't exist is just bullshit, nobody can take you seriously after such a claim.
Its going to persist until you hold on to delusions of the mind. Truth and the ability to see clearly are within everyone's hands. You just have to not lie to yourself and not create philosophical interpretations about physical phenomena happening in real life.

Once you start to become more mature after learning from real life experience, 7th grade notions like love begin to fade away and you become more inclined to look at observable traits of bonding that create strong relationships.

I think you forget that every physical phenomenon has an astral basis. To claim that physical phenomena are the only phenomena that constitute "real life" is just madness. Even after all of your spiritual experiences, you still think like this? Denouncing love because you can't measure it with simple tools. If love wasn't real then there would be no love, no one would experience it, no one would talk about it, we wouldn't have any conception of the feeling that we experience and identify as love because it doesn't exist, because it's not real.

You also seem to think this supposed "higher mind" is inherently malevolent or manipulative/out to fool you, and you as the highly evolved thinking man have a DUTY to outsmart it so you can be free of its conniving trickery to make you feel good, or whatever. You could just stop being edgy, let go, and let yourself feel the full range of your natural freaking emotions and experience all of life, and stop spreading your poison, but you just can't help it, can you? You're determined to analyze (and redefine) life to death until it no longer has any positive meaning at all, and you're utterly free of it. Your body/higher mind/soul/etc. isn't trying to manipulate you, dude. These are natural emotions available to all life forms.
The Higher Mind is not the soul or the Body, it's the part of the brain that exists to create interpretations of physical phenomena happening in real life.

People created Philosophy by using the Higher Mind. People who believe in Q Anon used the Higher Mind to convince themselves about Trump being the Messiah.

The Purpose of the Higher Mind is to create probabilistic assessments to determine the environment and your place in it. But because of the lack of spiritual knowledge, the higher mind creates totally wrong or impractical assertions when it creates assumptions in relation to the current cultural climate or society.

For example, someone may use the higher mind to convince himself that he is a loser without any actual experience or time in life. Others may similarly convince themselves that they are awesome without any experience or reason. Basically the Higher Mind makes up things which are not true based on its inferences.

The interpretations and emotions are part of you, but you are not part of them. They are the material pre existing side of the Brahman over which you do not have Dominion over. Meaning all of it is automatic.

The only thing that is in control of you is your ego or will (ichasakti).

I've trained my mind in void meditation to the point I have choice to act upon or not act upon my emotions or interpretations. I can also see myself in third person and determine whether or not what I believe to be true is logical or based on delusion.

Essentially the purpose of channeling truth is bound because the higher mind is cut off from the Brahman. In its material state its bound within it's own material nature and breeds ignorance and delusions. So everything borne out of conditional and imperfect knowledge is wrong. As your interpretations of physical phenomena are.

In order to see truth you'll have to work to open and clear your third eye as well as do intense void meditation to the point that you have choice and control where to direct your will. Nothing in life makes sense until you have choice.

A lot of people believe in a lot of things which they falsely believe to be true. They believe in Liberalism, Tolerance, Marxism. Others like the Hippies believe in True (Unconditional) love I.e they love everything and everyone. The Buddhists don't believe in anything.

Essentially the belief in all such immaterial things is the same as the belief substituting a Higher Purpose in life. And since they don't understand that their higher purpose is Yoga ,they invest their energy in useful idiot concepts like these.

They are just things borne out of imperfection that people latch on to because they want to feel safe , safe from the unknown. If you acknowledge actually I don't know anything about anything and all I have is imperfect assertions that's a very startling revelation in life. Only a few people in the entire world can go on to actually experience that jnana (revelation in meditation) and then go on to use that revelation for the Higher Purpose of Yoga.

When stripped of all the assumptions, a person usually breaks down totally and loses all sense of the self because they identified with their ideas as the basis for their ego, and were unable to attain selfhood in absence of it.
NinRick said:
You don’t need to be „swimming in pussy“, you just need one partner.

What if one is polygamous?
FancyMancy said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
FancyMancy said:
I am sure there is at least one Big Bang Theory... joke"...in there by those who use their brains and logic only, Mr Spock...

Yeah, you can stipulate love that way, with logic-only, Mr Spock... :roll: That's how robots "date".

Are you trying to make a Star Trek joke and a Big Bang Theory joke at the same time, Captain Picard?
Not quite a joke, but the two have gone together. Maybe "love doesn't exist" is a Borg sentiment who try to find and achieve perfection while they don't know what they're looking for...

Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
I am sure there is at least one Big Bang Theory... joke"...in there by those who use their brains and logic only, Mr Spock...

Leonard: Right. Lesley, I would like to propose an experiment.
Lesley: Hang on. I’m trying to see how long it takes a 500 kW oxygen iodine LASER to heat up my cup-o’-noodles.
Leonard: Pfff, I’ve done it - about two seconds. 2.6 for minestrone. Anyway, I was thinking more of a bio-social exploration with a neurochemical overlay.
Lesley: Wait, are you asking me out?
Leonard: I was going to characterise it as the modification of our colleague/friendship paradigm, with the addition of a date-like component - but we don’t need to quibble over terminology.
Lesley: What sort of experiment would you propose?
Leonard: There is a generally-accepted pattern in this area - I would pick you up, take you to a restaurant, then we would see a movie, probably a romantic comedy featuring the talents of Hugh Grant or Sandra Bullock.
Lesley: Interesting, and would you agree that the primary way we would evaluate either the success or failure of the date would be based on the biochemical reaction during the goodnight kiss.
Leonard: Heart-rate, pheromones, etc. Yes.
Lesley: Well, why don’t we just stipulate that the date goes well and move to the key variable?
Leonard: You mean kiss you now?
Lesley: Yes.
Leonard: Can you define the parameters of the kiss?
Lesley: Closed mouth but romantic. Mint?
Leonard: Thank you. crunch Shall I count down from three?
Lesley: No, I think it needs to be spontaneous.


Lesley: What do you think.
Leonard: You proposed the experiment, I think you should present your findings first.
Lesley: Fair enough. On the plus side, it was a good kiss, reasonable technique, no extraneous spittle. On the other hand - no arousal.
Leonard: None?
Lesley: None.
Leonard: Ah. Well, thank you for your time.
Lesley: Thank you.


Leonard: None at all?!


Lesley: So I heard your relationship with Penny crashed to the ground like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory.
Leonard: Where did you hear that?
Lesley: Actually, I read it. Wallowitz texted me.
Leonard: "Like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory." Yep.
Lesley: I thought it was a pretty good one. I gave him an L-O-L.
Leonard: Uh.
Lesley: Anyway, it got me thinking - now that you're untouched, maybe we can re-visit our previous attachment.


Leonard: I think tonight was a very good start.
Lesley: Me, too. You're sure your OK postponing intercourse until our relationship is past the initial viability test?
Leonard: No problem. I'm very skilled at postponing intercourse. I guess I'll call you and we'll arrange another evening.
Lesley: Yes. I believe protocal dictates that you wait a minimum of 18 hours before you call so I'm not repulsed by your clawing eagerness.
Leonard: Sure.
Lesley: Again - it's your decision; you're the man.
Call me!


Sheldon: I will graciously overlook the fact that she is an arrogant, sub-par scientist who actually believes loop quantum gravity better unites quantum mechanics with general relativity than does string theory. You kids have fun.
Lesley: Hang on a second. Loop quantum gravity clearly offers more testable predictions than string theory.
Sheldon: I'm listening. Amuse me.
Lesley: OK, well, for one thing we expect quantii space-time to manifest itself as minute differences in the speed of light for different colours.
Sheldon: Balderdash. Matter clearly consists of tiny strings.
Lesley: [TO LEONARD] Are you gunna let him talk to be like that?!
Leonard: OK, well, there is a lot of merit to both theories.
Lesley: No, there isn't! Only loop quantum gravity calculates the entropy of black holes.
Sheldon: snigger
Leonard: Sheldon, don't make that noise. It's disrespectful.
Sheldon: I should hope so; it was a snort of derision.
Lesley: [TO LEONARD] You agree with me, right? Loop quantum gravity is the future of physics.
Leonard: Sorry, Lesley. I guess I prefer my space stringy not loopy.
Lesley: Oh, I'm glad I found out the truth about you before this went any further!
Leonard: "Truth"? What truth? We're talking about untested hypotheses. Look - it's no big deal.
Lesley: Oh, it isn't? Really? Tell me, Leonard - how would we raise the Children?!
Sheldon: ?!
Leonard: I... I guess we wait until they're old-enough and let them choose their own theory.
Lesley: You can't let them choose, Leonard; they're Children!
Leonard: Wait. Where are you going?!
Lesley: I'm sorry. I could have accepted our Kids being genetically-unable to eat ice cream or ever get a good view of a parade; but this? This is a deal-breaker.


Sheldon: ...but then some poor woman is going to pin her hopes on my sperm, what if she winds up with a Toddler that doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve for the area under a curve?
Leonard: I'm sure she'll still love him.
Sheldon: I wouldn't.

Yeah, you can stipulate love that way, with logic-only, Mr Spock... :roll: That's how robots "date". That is artificial intelligence and taking the piss out of Human interaction. One would think that the intermingling of Souls, not to mention the swapping of actual DNA/proteins which goes into each others' Body and Brain, as well as the Physical pleasures and the Mental/Psychological impacts... are all a joining and linking together... Love may be Left-Brained or it may be Right-Brained or it may be both. It sounds like Jack wants to have a Victorian, stiff-upper-lip, old-English non-affection "love" because it is "not right" for an Englishman to show his feelings and his love. It also sounds as if Jack employs conditional "love" only, as well.
What I'm trying to say is that "Love" is an idealistic interpretation created by the higher brain which creates such interpretations. Generally in life, all such interpretations turn out to be wrong.

There are better physical phenomena that serve as indicators to replace this magical notion of "love".

For Example,

Compliance I.e is the woman doing what you tell her to do.

Compatibility I.e you can vibe with her very well and you agree much more that you disagree. Astrological Compatibility is key.

Sexual Attraction I.e does she want to have your p in her v ,does she want to be the mother of your children (probably most important.)

Trust I.e you trust each other totally.

I mean instead of something I can't explain or understand, which the brain is purposely trying to cause to create a sense of Idealism (due to the lack of true purpose ). I'd look at observable reality not magical notions.

There are a lot of women who will have sex with you but are insufferable to be around for an extended period of time. And there are a lot of women who don't feel attraction for you. There are a lot who feel your a pussy, or they don't like you, your personality or character. There's no compatibility.

These are all very real and observable things.
So you want a Woman to be your subject? You might enjoy the jewbuybull "defenition" of love -

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a ringing gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have absolute faith so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and exult in the surrender of my body, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient; love is kind; it does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud; it is not rude; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily-angered; love keeps no record of wrongs; love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails; but where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be restrained; where there is knowledge, it will be dismissed. For we know in part and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial passes away. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I set aside childish ways. Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully-known, and now these three remain - faith, hope and love; but the greatest of these is love.

Perhaps you prefer other "definitions" of love -

Philia - mental/friendly love;
Eros - sexual/romantic love;
Agape - unconditional/altruistic love;
Storge - familial/empathetic love;
Philautia - self-love

By the way - you might say that love doesn't exist, but not everyone shares your Elements. Some are more emotional and sentimental and their love is as it is for them.

When I think of Love however, my mind goes to that song "What is Love." ?
There is no "definition" or "correct way" of love and loving and to do and have and be love/loved/loving. The reason "we" "have to" ask what love is, is because the jew doesn't know what being a Human is, and all the jew can do, has done, and continues to do, is appropriate/steal, twist, pervert and corrupt what Human is. Part of love is companionship and fellowship, to not be lonely but to have like-mindedness, etc. For some, sex, in whichever form/s, is love, etc. There is no dic(ta)tionary correct way or meaning or understanding. That's why we have this Magickal thing called Magick, so we can find those whom, while we cannot "define" it, share our own illogical nonsense of what being with someone, or some ones, male and/or female, is and means, in various ways.

So again - you want a Woman to be your subject? You can only 'vibe' with her if she obeys you, like a muslim or christian wife? If she wants to bare your Children, then I would hope you would trust her, which should be a form of love; it is not as if you would have nothing to do with her and hate her because she's a dirty, skanky bitch, so that you can get her pregnant. Towards your Children, would you be like Beverly Hofstadter in TBBT against Leonard? People have emotions and need Emotional support, as well as Physical contact and support. These are regarding the Brain and Soul and the Chakras which the jew does not have; therefore, cannot possibly express. All the jew can do is pretend and act.

Consider it in a National Socialism and Spiritual Satanism context. NS is the "definitions" of things and comportments and behaviours which are enforced and obligatory. SS is our own individuality in which we do, have and be our own selves. Poetry, stories, films, programmes, plays, songs, art, etc., etc, etc. have existed for a long time to either try to "define" and "explain" love, or to express love, and what love is and what it is and means to love and be loved. Check art threads on here, including my own and astralartsofthegods, and notice the difference between Human creativity and expression, and j00 piss-taking shit and vomit. Robots - either the jew and its roboticness, or robots - will not love. Imitation is supposed to be the highest form of flattery, so the jew must absolutely fucking 'love' Humans, but the jew and robots are artificial and transparent; love is not logical nor sensible.

Not to make light of it, but let me ask you a question -

Where is love?
Does it fall from skies above?
Is it underneath the willow tree
that I've been dreaming of?

Where is she
whom I close my eyes to see?
Will I ever know the sweet "Hello"
that's meant for only me?

Who can say where she may hide?
Must I travel far and wide
'til I am beside the someone who
I can mean something to?

Where, where is love?

Ev'ry night I kneel and pray
"Let tomorrow be the day
when I see the face of someone who
I can mean something to

Where, where is love?

I really don't think logic will tell you. We have non-logic Brains. Maybe we should use them.
I dedicated my life to Yoga and performing sadhana and so I adopted the Philosophy of the yoga of action. I believe in the employment of will in the pursuit of Dharma (Duty) to be the end goal of all material life.

This is why I frequently reject imperfect assumptions borne out of an imperfect nature of existence that we exist in currently, to be my driver of life. I will use them only in the case it will help me exert my will otherwise I have no need for these assumptions.

I put my faith in obtaining perfect knowledge through the Superconciousness state of Samadhi and that is where truth is revealed.

I don't put my faith in imperfect notions borne out of an imperfect nature of being.

I believe in sex, dominance and submission ,liking ,connection and trust,energy, all of which can be measured but not in immeasurable notions like love.
NinRick said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
so by that logic I should be swimming in pussy, right?

You don’t need to be „swimming in pussy“, you just need one partner.
I would disagree (about anyone needing one partner only; it depends on the individual), but then again I disliked that jewish sex-repression known as christianity more than a lot of people.

jrvan said:
Jack said:
Aquarius said:
We understand that you like to project this image of a highly cultured and wisdomatic man with super duper control of his emotions and whatever. But claiming love doesn't exist is just bullshit, nobody can take you seriously after such a claim.
Its going to persist until you hold on to delusions of the mind. Truth and the ability to see clearly are within everyone's hands. You just have to not lie to yourself and not create philosophical interpretations about physical phenomena happening in real life.

Once you start to become more mature after learning from real life experience, 7th grade notions like love begin to fade away and you become more inclined to look at observable traits of bonding that create strong relationships.

I think you forget that every physical phenomenon has an astral basis. To claim that physical phenomena are the only phenomena that constitute "real life" is just madness. Even after all of your spiritual experiences, you still think like this? Denouncing love because you can't measure it with simple tools. If love wasn't real then there would be no love, no one would experience it, no one would talk about it, we wouldn't have any conception of the feeling that we experience and identify as love because it doesn't exist, because it's not real.

You also seem to think this supposed "higher mind" is inherently malevolent or manipulative/out to fool you, and you as the highly evolved thinking man have a DUTY to outsmart it so you can be free of its conniving trickery to make you feel good, or whatever. You could just stop being edgy, let go, and let yourself feel the full range of your natural freaking emotions and experience all of life, and stop spreading your poison, but you just can't help it, can you? You're determined to analyze (and redefine) life to death until it no longer has any positive meaning at all, and you're utterly free of it. Your body/higher mind/soul/etc. isn't trying to manipulate you, dude. These are natural emotions available to all life forms.
I want to ask this to Jack - Jim Parsons, AKA Sheldon Cooper - is that you?!

Jack said:
Aquarius said:
Jack said:
Its going to persist until you hold on to delusions of the mind. Truth and the ability to see clearly are within everyone's hands. You just have to not lie to yourself and not create philosophical interpretations about physical phenomena happening in real life.

Once you start to become more mature after learning from real life experience, 7th grade notions like love begin to fade away and you become more inclined to look at observable traits of bonding that create strong relationships.
That's bullcrap, are you sure you're not emotionally hurt by something? Normally people tend to say love doesn't exist when they suffered emotional traumas.
I'm not saying love does not exist ,I'm saying it doesn't exist in the way most people think it exists.

A host of feelings, emotions behaviors that already exist has been together labeled as 'love' and given an idealistic purpose to give it a magical sense of the word.

What I'm trying to say is, it is easier to look at each individual piece of the puzzle without thinking its something very special.

Because I don't think our forefathers gave this much importance to 'finding love' as this generation of men do.

Generally it's a very normal phase of experience for people and as most things in life are, not very special.
The Forefathers were still christianised, consciously or unconsciously, and lived in and among christianised things - as I said, it being "improper" for an Englishman to show his love and emotions. The more the jew and its christianity has been losing over the decades, the more people have started to be themselves, in expression, etc. The Sexual Chakra is also the expression/artistic Chakra, is it not? That's just a coincidence, though, isn't it?!

Jack said:
People who believe in Q Anon used the Higher Mind to convince themselves about Trump being the Messiah.
Are you sure that's the higher Mind and not the primitive, base, jewified "mind"?!
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Its going to persist until you hold on to delusions of the mind. Truth and the ability to see clearly are within everyone's hands. You just have to not lie to yourself and not create philosophical interpretations about physical phenomena happening in real life.

Once you start to become more mature after learning from real life experience, 7th grade notions like love begin to fade away and you become more inclined to look at observable traits of bonding that create strong relationships.

I think you forget that every physical phenomenon has an astral basis. To claim that physical phenomena are the only phenomena that constitute "real life" is just madness. Even after all of your spiritual experiences, you still think like this? Denouncing love because you can't measure it with simple tools. If love wasn't real then there would be no love, no one would experience it, no one would talk about it, we wouldn't have any conception of the feeling that we experience and identify as love because it doesn't exist, because it's not real.

You also seem to think this supposed "higher mind" is inherently malevolent or manipulative/out to fool you, and you as the highly evolved thinking man have a DUTY to outsmart it so you can be free of its conniving trickery to make you feel good, or whatever. You could just stop being edgy, let go, and let yourself feel the full range of your natural freaking emotions and experience all of life, and stop spreading your poison, but you just can't help it, can you? You're determined to analyze (and redefine) life to death until it no longer has any positive meaning at all, and you're utterly free of it. Your body/higher mind/soul/etc. isn't trying to manipulate you, dude. These are natural emotions available to all life forms.
The Higher Mind is not the soul or the Body, it's the part of the brain that exists to create interpretations of physical phenomena happening in real life.

People created Philosophy by using the Higher Mind. People who believe in Q Anon used the Higher Mind to convince themselves about Trump being the Messiah.

The Purpose of the Higher Mind is to create probabilistic assessments to determine the environment and your place in it. But because of the lack of spiritual knowledge, the higher mind creates totally wrong or impractical assertions when it creates assumptions in relation to the current cultural climate or society.

For example, someone may use the higher mind to convince himself that he is a loser without any actual experience or time in life. Others may similarly convince themselves that they are awesome without any experience or reason. Basically the Higher Mind makes up things which are not true based on its inferences.

The interpretations and emotions are part of you, but you are not part of them. They are the material pre existing side of the Brahman over which you do not have Dominion over. Meaning all of it is automatic.

The only thing that is in control of you is your ego or will (ichasakti).

I've trained my mind in void meditation to the point I have choice to act upon or not act upon my emotions or interpretations. I can also see myself in third person and determine whether or not what I believe to be true is logical or based on delusion.

Essentially the purpose of channeling truth is bound because the higher mind is cut off from the Brahman. In its material state its bound within it's own material nature and breeds ignorance and delusions. So everything borne out of conditional and imperfect knowledge is wrong. As your interpretations of physical phenomena are.

In order to see truth you'll have to work to open and clear your third eye as well as do intense void meditation to the point that you have choice and control where to direct your will. Nothing in life makes sense until you have choice.

A lot of people believe in a lot of things which they falsely believe to be true. They believe in Liberalism, Tolerance, Marxism. Others like the Hippies believe in True (Unconditional) love I.e they love everything and everyone. The Buddhists don't believe in anything.

Essentially the belief in all such immaterial things is the same as the belief substituting a Higher Purpose in life. And since they don't understand that their higher purpose is Yoga ,they invest their energy in useful idiot concepts like these.

They are just things borne out of imperfection that people latch on to because they want to feel safe , safe from the unknown. If you acknowledge actually I don't know anything about anything and all I have is imperfect assertions that's a very startling revelation in life. Only a few people in the entire world can go on to actually experience that jnana (revelation in meditation) and then go on to use that revelation for the Higher Purpose of Yoga.

When stripped of all the assumptions, a person usually breaks down totally and loses all sense of the self because they identified with their ideas as the basis for their ego, and were unable to attain selfhood in absence of it.

My third eye is working just fine, and I'm not about to take advice from someone who so consistently demeans women, and suggests to his brothers and sisters such asinine things like isolating women from their families. Yes, you're such a wise guru, Jack. So erudite. You've made so many generalizations about the sexes, and given so much bad advice in general that I'm surprised you can sit here and lecture about self-realization, awareness, truth, etc., when you have none in regards to yourself. I only hope that not many of your brothers and sisters followed much of your foolish advice to damage themselves. If you really have that much self control as you say then you have a LOT of explaining to do.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
