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How to make a woman feel extreme lust?

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
I didn't say you called me a jew. That's your interpretation of what I said.
That's positive that you don't do that. Shutting someone down in a conversation by slinging insults doesn't appear to be above your principles, however.
I’m always open for the conversation. Shutting someone down calling them Jewish just shows you are afraid of them and their ideas. There’s no reason be afraid of me, I don’t bite.

Now you're trying to backtrack to claim it was a joke? That's cowardly. My opinion of you continues to worsen.
There’s no backtracking here. I thought you knew me so well, than you should know I like making shithead remarks like the one that started this , everyone else realizes this and sees it as the (sometimes crude and distasteful) humor that it is. But instead you chose to spazz out and act like some abused woman. What do you have to gain from this? Trying to impress your wife by arguing with someone on the internet? That’s absurd. I have no one here to look good for, I say what I say because I want to say it. You already know I’m not going to back down. Just stop now and look like a loser. Do you know how many people in life and on this forum have tried to tear me down and destroy my reputation? You are not the first and certainly won’t be the last.

TopoftheAbyss said:
It literally is a sacrifice of xian origin, just because you enjoy eating it doesn't mean it isn't a sacrifice. And just because you enjoy eating meat doesn't make animal suffering okay. Like I said, there is little difference between you and a jew. In a sane society you'll be put in a concentration camp.

It is not sacrifice. Get over it. You really want to imprison me for eating a thanksgiving turkey? What a joke. Tell JRVAN that and watch how he runs screaming and crying to his mother that someone was mean to him. I will just tune you out like the barking dog that you are. Both of you belong in the swamp. Now run off and play your race car game little boy. Caillou.
Even Jews are more human than you. You always ignored my argument and kept repeating the same debunked lie again and again, because like a jew "it is real in your mind". But I wasn't even talking about that shitty xian holiday, I was talking about what you did on the Black Sun forum. While talking about Aryan excellence and most of all empathy, you compared animal torture to "not feeding an exotic bird". You bring shame to our race, Jews unironically have more empathy than you.
You are a real subhuman, you live in denial and care about nothing except yourself. You care about our race but with people like you in a leading role we would become like Jews, we would care only about us and jewsus. The planet would be a communist shithole.
Now go off and repeat the same jewish lies and empty threats like the little kike that you are.
NinRick said:
Fuchs said:

I also want to add here, that many diffent people are attracted to many different types.

For example, whenever my friends tell me to look at a girl, who they are attracted to, I am not attracted at all to her.

It is like yes, she looks "good" objectively speaking, but still I do not feel any attraction towards her.

And the other way around, when I am attracted to a girl, most of the times my friends are not, they reactlike : "Eww are you serious? you got a strange taste in women dude".

And speaking about women, many different women are not attracted at all to me and others are. It does not matter if they are objectively beatiful or rather "normal". Attraction works differently, most of it has also to do with astrology (because attraction is probably something on the energetic level?)

My point here is, there are different tastes in all different people. If you are objectively "hot" and have a nice body etc. of course this increases your chances, but not EVERY GIRL will fall for you. On the other hand if you are "normal" there are also MANY people who are attracted to you.

I mean, I think that most Women/girls are kind of cute/beautiful, but I am not attracted to many of them. If you understand what I am trying to tell you?

I mean there are only very few girls I think are "ugly",1% maybe. But of course the thing that is important is attraction, and not whether or not other people think you are hot or not lol.

Oh and magick does work 100% and it is very effective.

Some girls are maybe strong xtians or marxist so love spell on them are not good idea anyway and it does not work.
Fuchs said:
What ever influences/lead to a girl loving you is fine and not rape.

Does somebody really think that JoS ministry is so evil that they put up raping instructions in their page XD
Fuchs said:
I don´t think a little sex magic will get a guy like this a girl:


Most sexiest man in Iisrael

Most sexiest woman in Iisrael
TopoftheAbyss said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
I didn't say you called me a jew. That's your interpretation of what I said.
That's positive that you don't do that. Shutting someone down in a conversation by slinging insults doesn't appear to be above your principles, however.
I’m always open for the conversation. Shutting someone down calling them Jewish just shows you are afraid of them and their ideas. There’s no reason be afraid of me, I don’t bite.

Now you're trying to backtrack to claim it was a joke? That's cowardly. My opinion of you continues to worsen.
There’s no backtracking here. I thought you knew me so well, than you should know I like making shithead remarks like the one that started this , everyone else realizes this and sees it as the (sometimes crude and distasteful) humor that it is. But instead you chose to spazz out and act like some abused woman. What do you have to gain from this? Trying to impress your wife by arguing with someone on the internet? That’s absurd. I have no one here to look good for, I say what I say because I want to say it. You already know I’m not going to back down. Just stop now and look like a loser. Do you know how many people in life and on this forum have tried to tear me down and destroy my reputation? You are not the first and certainly won’t be the last.

TopoftheAbyss said:
It literally is a sacrifice of xian origin, just because you enjoy eating it doesn't mean it isn't a sacrifice. And just because you enjoy eating meat doesn't make animal suffering okay. Like I said, there is little difference between you and a jew. In a sane society you'll be put in a concentration camp.

It is not sacrifice. Get over it. You really want to imprison me for eating a thanksgiving turkey? What a joke. Tell JRVAN that and watch how he runs screaming and crying to his mother that someone was mean to him. I will just tune you out like the barking dog that you are. Both of you belong in the swamp. Now run off and play your race car game little boy. Caillou.
Even Jews are more human than you. You always ignored my argument and kept repeating the same debunked lie again and again, because like a jew "it is real in your mind". But I wasn't even talking about that shitty xian holiday, I was talking about what you did on the Black Sun forum. While talking about Aryan excellence and most of all empathy, you compared animal torture to "not feeding an exotic bird". You bring shame to our race, Jews unironically have more empathy than you.
You are a real subhuman, you live in denial and care about nothing except yourself. You care about our race but with people like you in a leading role we would become like Jews, we would care only about us and jewsus. The planet would be a communist shithole.
Now go off and repeat the same jewish lies and empty threats like the little kike that you are.

We all Spiritual Satanists fighr for one thing, we are like on army. Do not make conflict with other Spiritual Satanists. Do not attack other members. If somebody attack you just ignore it. Tolerate other Spiritual Satanists opinions.

Like everything else you never had an argument but instead your own dumb ideas. No one in their right mind thinks that thanksgiving is about sacrifice, but you have the mind of a little boy so I understand.

And this is the last bone I am throwing you dog, it is aimed towards the swamp. Go jump in and swim around with your gang of cretins.

Meteor said:
I was wondering, what do you mean when you say people belong in a swamp? Is it some kind of metaphor, or literal? Do they need to be submerged or can they just hang out around it? Are you talking about a specific swamp or would any swamp do?
I cannot effectively explain what the swamp is to you. It is something that is understood. You know who is swamp creature and who isn’t. It’s a figurative thing but some people should seriously go for a swim, just hope there aren’t any alligators...

tabby said:
Drop it already and get off our backs, Southern.

The only one “destroying” your beloved “reputation” is yourself.
I’m not. But there is nothing left for either of us to say, so I suppose it is done.
Stormblood said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Stormblood said:
He certainly has some xtard bias such as misogyny, homophobia and hypermasculinity, to name a few. However, I think this will be cleared out as he advances. I do believe he's fairly young, either a minor or, at least, not in his 20s yet. People of his generation are on average quite more susceptible to enemy brainwashing, due to being more shallow and generally immature on average. That is my opinion.
I don’t see how I can be “homophobic” when I live in a house, if you mean homo as in homosexuals than that isn’t true either as I have never made anti gay comments, but still you act like a journalist TV script reader smearing me.
Oh, so you know how to make a joke.

Crystallized Mushroom said:
so does that mean using a love spell or sex magick on someone you like but doesn't like you is rape or spiritual rape if thats the case thats fucked up :eek: :eek:

Making a love or sex magick is not the same as spiritually raping someone. Love magick is about finding the right partner, which does not involve directing your sexual energy at anyone specifically. Sex magick to attract a hook-up is just masturbating and directing the energy for influencing that person to have a hook-up with you, not to actually astral project and have astral sex with that person. Other forms of sex magick do not involve attracting a partner at all but just directing sexual energy toward a specific goal. Sex magick can also be performed after actually having sex with a CONSENSUAL partner, and directing your orgasmic energies toward your specific.

V12-POWER said:
people here should stop acting so gay n shit with that “spiritual rape” thing

You should grow up. Start by not using the world "gay" as if it's derogatory term, when in fact it means "happy, joyous, etc" and more recently "homosexual", none of which are derogatory in nature. Your use of language is very far from efficient and you also misunderstand the context of "spiritual rape", whose difference with love and sex magick I just highlighted.

nope, only you feel it’s derogatory, that’s what a typical snowflake says

I can’t be arsed to read 30 posts about what is “spiritual rape” which is probably a term you invented yourself, and a good way to scare off members

you could use common sense and realize that if something turns into “spiritual rape” then the performer has no real intentions of love/lust, its along the lines of black magic or something that is more of an attack

Then again, if you have the energy, patience and will power to “spiritual rape” someone, chances are you’ll spend your energy on more productive stuff

to be honest with you, spiritual rape is nonsense
Meteor said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Both of you belong in the swamp.
I was wondering, what do you mean when you say people belong in a swamp? Is it some kind of metaphor, or literal?

If you’ve ever seen Sonnenkraft go nutter mode on Aldrick, the “swamp” thing is used as some kind of insult.

When all the “logical argument” cards have been played, this seems to be what they resort to as a last ditch effort to put someone down and gain the high ground - or something like that.
I may be quite late replying here. I skipped most of page 3 and all of page 4...

Mondol said:
You are fully mad, fancymancy. Are you showing your attitude?
Fully, totally and completely. Not a single ounce of sanity whatsoever.

whats wrong with you?
Your mum.

Do you have any social time or work without mentioning me or others?
No. You?

you are such a poor guy from a a poor family, fancymancy.
Yeah, I can't afford any computer devices nor any Internet connections.

I didn't mention you firstly.
I know. I just hacked your private messages and inserted myself into the convo.

I just , in this topic , post my own opinion in this/about this topic.
Nope. You just troll and shitpost, being insulting and pissing about.

just I have commented my own opinion here which everybody do.
It's not your own opinion. After you have been corrected, you go and troll and abuse.

Oppositely you are saying that I am trolling.

Here prove me,

Where and whom with am I trolling? Prove this, fancy.
Look up.

i commented about women and their rights with my own opinion which I feel right. oppositely, you are saying that I am trolling.
Re-read. You were corrected, then you trolled and went into ad hominem attacks.

Your attitude and argument are proving yourself that you are from a poor family and you have no social ethics.
Yes. You know everything about me perfectly.

learn Ethics.
Don't wanna! Waaaaaaaaaah!

jrvan said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, what did I even do to you to deserve such an abusive insult? You don't know me, and you don't know my wife. Get your fucking shit together. Absolutely unacceptable and disgraceful.

This is nothing compared to the dumb things you have said on this post.

Why do you respond to me like a woman “omg you are so abusive and disrespectful”. I can tell this hit very close for you.

No man would respond like this, because you are not a man, your wife is not sexually attracted to you, which is why you let other guys bang her. They are probably black as well. :lol:

If you ask me, you should be confined to the teen board until you grow the fuck up. Leave adults alone.
Rednecks think with their hearts full of lite beer, wearing dresses and drinking out of wine coolers, instead of with their heads.

tabby said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, what did I even do to you to deserve such an abusive insult? You don't know me, and you don't know my wife. Get your fucking shit together. Absolutely unacceptable and disgraceful.

This is nothing compared to the dumb things you have said on this post.

Why do you respond to me like a woman “omg you are so abusive and disrespectful”. I can tell this hit very close for you.

No man would respond like this, because you are not a man, your wife is not sexually attracted to you, which is why you let other guys bang her. They are probably black as well. :lol:
Why do you hate women and men who don’t conform to your bs version of what the sexes mean - to the point of pissing on your own brothers and sisters?
SouthernWhiteGentile and Mondol are wife and wife and have plastic double-ender dildoes which they don't clean after use.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I am trying to promote womanhood and normal relation of the sexes.
Oh, lol - SouthernWhiteGentile, Mondol and Jack are in a woman, woman, woman relationship with uncleaned, re-used double-ender dildoes...or treble-ender dildoes. PMSL.

jrvan said:
Jack said:
Just as the jews take over the world's most powerful countries (essentially the entire world) and the NWO becomes fully operational to usher in the new age of darkness.

I have my priorities straight - debating whether love exists or not.

This is ok. This is exactly what o thought I'd be doing at this time.

Holy shit

You're the one who brought it into the conversation by just randomly declaring that love isn't real. I'm not sure what kind of response you expected, but you only have yourself to blame for any perceived waste of time. I assumed that you found it intellectually stimulating or else you wouldn't have bothered with further responses. *shrug*
I love trolls! xD "Love doesn't exist" because Haddaway asked what love is. Like... lol... or something.

Meteor said:
It seems the topic of this thread went from "how to seduce a married woman in 20 days" to "what is love". At least it's a more interesting topic than the one OP suggested.

It's remarkable how everyone has such a unique (as in, disagreeing with others), yet strong opinion. Maybe it's just different for different people?
Eggs-fucking-zactly! Dur is gnoe "definition" of love! It takes a retard a long time to figure that one out. The jew needs to understand what love is because it is not Human and lacks a proper soul and lacks certain chakras.

Oh, who am I kidding; obviously it's just that everyone knows best.
I have a unique opinion about love too. I think you are all wrong in various ways, because my feelings say so. There, does that help to settle the argument?
Things tend to escalate - or the reverse, reduce - into bullshit after a little while.

Jokes aside, while I do think this discussion is mostly pointless, it is rather fascinating to see how people argumentate

their opinions. The topic is about feelings, and yet all the opinions about it are formulated logically. Logic itself is absolute, and yet each person's logic is relative to their own perspective and reaches a different conclusion. As a result, so much is revealed about the unique ways different people think, as well as their beliefs, and the way they've reached those beliefs. I don't really have much to add since I dislike exposing too much about my own emotions publically, but it's certainly entertaining to watch.
We has a Logic Brayn and we has a non-Logic Brayn. Methinks luff can't be described with lojick, but Spock does, of course.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

Like everything else you never had an argument but instead your own dumb ideas. No one in their right mind thinks that thanksgiving is about sacrifice, but you have the mind of a little boy so I understand.

And this is the last bone I am throwing you dog, it is aimed towards the swamp. Go jump in and swim around with your gang of cretins.

Meteor said:
I was wondering, what do you mean when you say people belong in a swamp? Is it some kind of metaphor, or literal? Do they need to be submerged or can they just hang out around it? Are you talking about a specific swamp or would any swamp do?
I cannot effectively explain what the swamp is to you. It is something that is understood. You know who is swamp creature and who isn’t. It’s a figurative thing but some people should seriously go for a swim, just hope there aren’t any alligators...

tabby said:
Drop it already and get off our backs, Southern.

The only one “destroying” your beloved “reputation” is yourself.
I’m not. But there is nothing left for either of us to say, so I suppose it is done.
Your posts are as empty as your brain, ShlomoWhiteGentile. Like a jew everything you said is false which was proven by me but you choose to ignore. You never even attempted to address my points. Keep acting like a jew, you'll go far on these forums.
You belong on a cross like all your kind.
Kurat said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I’m always open for the conversation. Shutting someone down calling them Jewish just shows you are afraid of them and their ideas. There’s no reason be afraid of me, I don’t bite.

There’s no backtracking here. I thought you knew me so well, than you should know I like making shithead remarks like the one that started this , everyone else realizes this and sees it as the (sometimes crude and distasteful) humor that it is. But instead you chose to spazz out and act like some abused woman. What do you have to gain from this? Trying to impress your wife by arguing with someone on the internet? That’s absurd. I have no one here to look good for, I say what I say because I want to say it. You already know I’m not going to back down. Just stop now and look like a loser. Do you know how many people in life and on this forum have tried to tear me down and destroy my reputation? You are not the first and certainly won’t be the last.

It is not sacrifice. Get over it. You really want to imprison me for eating a thanksgiving turkey? What a joke. Tell JRVAN that and watch how he runs screaming and crying to his mother that someone was mean to him. I will just tune you out like the barking dog that you are. Both of you belong in the swamp. Now run off and play your race car game little boy. Caillou.
Even Jews are more human than you. You always ignored my argument and kept repeating the same debunked lie again and again, because like a jew "it is real in your mind". But I wasn't even talking about that shitty xian holiday, I was talking about what you did on the Black Sun forum. While talking about Aryan excellence and most of all empathy, you compared animal torture to "not feeding an exotic bird". You bring shame to our race, Jews unironically have more empathy than you.
You are a real subhuman, you live in denial and care about nothing except yourself. You care about our race but with people like you in a leading role we would become like Jews, we would care only about us and jewsus. The planet would be a communist shithole.
Now go off and repeat the same jewish lies and empty threats like the little kike that you are.

We all Spiritual Satanists fighr for one thing, we are like on army. Do not make conflict with other Spiritual Satanists. Do not attack other members. If somebody attack you just ignore it. Tolerate other Spiritual Satanists opinions.
I don't have to tollerate idiots. He's acting as a jew and it's right to attack him.
V12-POWER said:
Stormblood said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

V12-POWER said:
people here should stop acting so gay n shit with that “spiritual rape” thing

What about Physical rape? In the future when the World is Spiritual Satanic again, and they can detect and realise when someone is having sex with their Light Body against their will, would it be Spiritual rape then? Does there need to be any laws? Would it be a violation due to the receiver not giving permission to have their own Body (in this case, Spiritual) being used or enjoyed? Do Daemons and Daemonesses need our permission to inhabit our Body, with us as a host, if we are capable of hosting them?
Everytime someone will make such a topic, a whole chaos is going to ensue simply because people can't do two things:

1. Accept that other people may have a different outlook on said matters which are strictly personal, such as relationships.

2. Know that going too far with accusations over disagreeing such as calling each other very heavy words.
FancyMancy said:
V12-POWER said:
Stormblood said:

V12-POWER said:
people here should stop acting so gay n shit with that “spiritual rape” thing

What about Physical rape? In the future when the World is Spiritual Satanic again, and they can detect and realise when someone is having sex with their Light Body against their will, would it be Spiritual rape then? Does there need to be any laws? Would it be a violation due to the receiver not giving permission to have their own Body (in this case, Spiritual) being used or enjoyed? Do Daemons and Daemonesses need our permission to inhabit our Body, with us as a host, if we are capable of hosting them?

There have been cases where psychic attack may have taken place about this, but these cases are rare. And they can be shut out. If one is so theoretically advanced to perceive the oh so heavenly sexual whatever, putting an aura of protection around them is not going to be beneath them.

Other than that, delusional imaginations are nothing new, and to take this to such a level of delusion, this is probably a most stupid thing, and spiritually unfounded. #MeToo and every retard to now be able to claim that they were raped in their imagination, literally, and it be taken actually in a literal fashion, causing penalties to people who never did nothing.

In the same way, Hermann Rosenblatt was actually holocausted, but in his imagination. This cannot be law.

In the case of said "offender" who did these things astrally, it's more than certain people capable to receive that, would be way past the level of being able to react to these things. And given the striking majority of people in these things have weird fetishes that follow all this, one can only imagine how far these crazy fantasies could go.

Only upon extreme evaluation and closely never these things should be taken as actual measures of judgement in the material world. That would be the epitome of injustice. And what then, every man could also go around and be like #MeToo cause muh imagination? That would be a total clown world at work.

The enemy tries to already get us here by giving foundations that lies and just random claims are enough to get people punished without any proof.
V12-POWER said:
Stormblood said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I don’t see how I can be “homophobic” when I live in a house, if you mean homo as in homosexuals than that isn’t true either as I have never made anti gay comments, but still you act like a journalist TV script reader smearing me.
Oh, so you know how to make a joke.

Crystallized Mushroom said:
so does that mean using a love spell or sex magick on someone you like but doesn't like you is rape or spiritual rape if thats the case thats fucked up :eek: :eek:

Making a love or sex magick is not the same as spiritually raping someone. Love magick is about finding the right partner, which does not involve directing your sexual energy at anyone specifically. Sex magick to attract a hook-up is just masturbating and directing the energy for influencing that person to have a hook-up with you, not to actually astral project and have astral sex with that person. Other forms of sex magick do not involve attracting a partner at all but just directing sexual energy toward a specific goal. Sex magick can also be performed after actually having sex with a CONSENSUAL partner, and directing your orgasmic energies toward your specific.

V12-POWER said:
people here should stop acting so gay n shit with that “spiritual rape” thing

You should grow up. Start by not using the world "gay" as if it's derogatory term, when in fact it means "happy, joyous, etc" and more recently "homosexual", none of which are derogatory in nature. Your use of language is very far from efficient and you also misunderstand the context of "spiritual rape", whose difference with love and sex magick I just highlighted.

nope, only you feel it’s derogatory, that’s what a typical snowflake says

I can’t be arsed to read 30 posts about what is “spiritual rape” which is probably a term you invented yourself, and a good way to scare off members

you could use common sense and realize that if something turns into “spiritual rape” then the performer has no real intentions of love/lust, its along the lines of black magic or something that is more of an attack

Then again, if you have the energy, patience and will power to “spiritual rape” someone, chances are you’ll spend your energy on more productive stuff

to be honest with you, spiritual rape is nonsense

Lucky you I only spent two posts on "spiritual rape" and I have no intention of spending more, since I already said what I needed to.

Some critical self-analysis in what you write would help you in the long run. Stormblood out.
Meteor said:
Even as an insult, it just seems bizarre to me. Maybe they picked something so weird because a more direct and serious insult wouldn't be tolerated as much. But if that's the case, what's still bizarre to me is that they wanted to insult another Satanist so severely that they had to use an euphemism in the first place over a minor disagreement. I think there might be something wrong with them.
Like I said the swamp is something you do or don’t get. There’s no secret code or severe insult behind it. I think there might be something wrong you.

Whatever it is that causes them to lash out like that, hopefully they can overcome it and become more pleasant people. Maybe they just haven't realised yet that not everyone who disagrees with them is their enemy.
I don’t think people who disagree with me are enemies but if they choose to act like one than so be it.
Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Meteor said:
Jokes aside, while I do think this discussion is mostly pointless, it is rather fascinating to see how people argumentate
All these years I seriously thought "argumentate" was a word because it sounds so similar to an actual word in my native language. The more I know.

Either way, I think "argue" sounds more fitting here anyway for other reasons as well, considering the tone of the conversation.
It's just like "burglarise" and "conversate". They would be burgle and converse, and the reason "burglarise" is used is so the further misspelling of "-ize" is to be used instead of "-ise". For these non-words, the usage of them, the misusage of the actual words, etc., my screen is not big enough for how large the :roll: emoticon (or an equivalent, e.g. the MSN one) should be! Of course, I'm called a "Grammar Nazi" for telling people jewsus doesn't exist and Satan is the actual creator of Humankind!

their opinions. The topic is about feelings, and yet all the opinions about it are formulated logically. Logic itself is absolute, and yet each person's logic is relative to their own perspective and reaches a different conclusion. As a result, so much is revealed about the unique ways different people think, as well as their beliefs, and the way they've reached those beliefs. I don't really have much to add since I dislike exposing too much about my own emotions publically, but it's certainly entertaining to watch.
We has a Logic Brayn and we has a non-Logic Brayn. Methinks luff can't be described with lojick, but Spock does, of course.
I think in theory, logic could exist that explains people's emotions. However, I've noticed that this "logic" is different for different people, and more importantly, it is not something people can invent or control, it simply exists.
No matter how people try to rationalise their emotions, if it doesn't completely match their true, internal logic, then even their own feelings can catch them by surprise. Even at times I thought I had my own feelings all figured out, I was still thrown off by something unexpected months or years later.

While I do think such internal logic probably exists (in the sense that emotions follow certain rules), those rules are about as comprehensible as the weights in a neural network AI. It's easy to find patterns, but fully understanding every aspect of it and all the edge cases is beyond our capabilities. In cases like that, all we can do is see how we feel when it actually happens, and act accordingly.

In the end, what you say is right. While it can be useful to have a basic understanding of your own emotions, trying to classify emotions with logic alone is an exercise in futility, and trying to classify it in a way that is true for everyone even more so.
I think it ties into the Soul and the Chakras. Naturally, the jew doesn't have as many chakras as we have; therefore, it can only emulate and act, rather than actually behave and experience. (((Psychology))) enter, stage left! Spock, Sheldon Cooper, Young Sheldon, etc., enter, stage right!
Meteor said:
As you can see, people feel pretty insulted if you tell them they belong in a swamp. When it comes to one of the guys, I understand why you retaliated since it seems like he suddenly harassed you about a turkey.
This wasn’t a sudden thing. I made a post months ago around thanksgiving and that person came on it and started talking about how it is Christian animal sacrifice after being disproved by everyone on that very post. And yeah he thinks I should be put in a concentration camp over that but apparently I’m so bad and disrespectful for saying go jump in a swamp.

but I was wondering what your intention was when you initially said you believe the other guy is into cuckoldry, which was then denied by the person. It looked to me like you were trying to pick a fight for your amusement; was that the case, or were you personally bothered by something he had said in his discussion with Jack, or was there another reason?
His previous posts on this thread were really annoying me and gave off this very pretentious beta male vibe so I had to say something. Do I seriously think he is into cuckoldry? No. But it sure sounded like it to me. Also the way he responded to after that comment was even more hysterical and unnecessary.

Look a few posts up. User Fancymancy is talking about me and jack dildoing each other or something. I don’t care because that’s his way of humor, I’m not freaking out saying ermegahd this guy is a bigot I’ll have you know that blah blah blah blah.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Meteor said:
As you can see, people feel pretty insulted if you tell them they belong in a swamp. When it comes to one of the guys, I understand why you retaliated since it seems like he suddenly harassed you about a turkey.
This wasn’t a sudden thing. I made a post months ago around thanksgiving and that person came on it and started talking about how it is Christian animal sacrifice after being disproved by everyone on that very post. And yeah he thinks I should be put in a concentration camp over that but apparently I’m so bad and disrespectful for saying go jump in a swamp.

but I was wondering what your intention was when you initially said you believe the other guy is into cuckoldry, which was then denied by the person. It looked to me like you were trying to pick a fight for your amusement; was that the case, or were you personally bothered by something he had said in his discussion with Jack, or was there another reason?
His previous posts on this thread were really annoying me and gave off this very pretentious beta male vibe so I had to say something. Do I seriously think he is into cuckoldry? No. But it sure sounded like it to me. Also the way he responded to after that comment was even more hysterical and unnecessary.

Look a few posts up. User Fancymancy is talking about me and jack dildoing each other or something. I don’t care because that’s his way of humor, I’m not freaking out saying ermegahd this guy is a bigot I’ll have you know that blah blah blah blah.
Except it wasn't disproven, you dumb kike. No matter how much you keep repeating it. It is by definition xian blood sacrifice. You denying it like a jew doesn't change reality. You lie, deny and deceive like a jew and must be put in your place. You claim I don't have arguments, but this isn't true. I argue my points while you deny them without even trying to adress them then claim I'm in the wrong. You accuse me of what you're doing and you should be put on a cross. That's the place for subhumans and hypocrites like you.
Being so dumb like you are I can't but imagine how shitty your parents are. You're giving credit to the stereotype that southerners are inbred idiots.
Meteor said:
but I was wondering what your intention was when you initially said you believe the other guy is into cuckoldry, which was then denied by the person. It looked to me like you were trying to pick a fight for your amusement; was that the case, or were you personally bothered by something he had said in his discussion with Jack, or was there another reason?

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
His previous posts on this thread were really annoying me and gave off this very pretentious beta male vibe so I had to say something. Do I seriously think he is into cuckoldry? No. But it sure sounded like it to me. Also the way he responded to after that comment was even more hysterical and unnecessary.

Look a few posts up. User Fancymancy is talking about me and jack dildoing each other or something. I don’t care because that’s his way of humor, I’m not freaking out saying ermegahd this guy is a bigot I’ll have you know that blah blah blah blah.

So you thought it be wise to sling an insult at someone just because they’re different from your narrow mindset of what a man is, and you found their comments annoying? How juvenile.

The way you use women and femininity as an insult against other men is disgusting.

smh... This is just going in circles now. Accept that people are different from you. If every man was macho-alpha with no variation on the scale of femininity and masculinity, then they’d be clones of the jewish agenda.

Is that something you want?
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Meteor said:
As you can see, people feel pretty insulted if you tell them they belong in a swamp. When it comes to one of the guys, I understand why you retaliated since it seems like he suddenly harassed you about a turkey.
This wasn’t a sudden thing. I made a post months ago around thanksgiving and that person came on it and started talking about how it is Christian animal sacrifice after being disproved by everyone on that very post. And yeah he thinks I should be put in a concentration camp over that but apparently I’m so bad and disrespectful for saying go jump in a swamp.

but I was wondering what your intention was when you initially said you believe the other guy is into cuckoldry, which was then denied by the person. It looked to me like you were trying to pick a fight for your amusement; was that the case, or were you personally bothered by something he had said in his discussion with Jack, or was there another reason?
His previous posts on this thread were really annoying me and gave off this very pretentious beta male vibe so I had to say something. Do I seriously think he is into cuckoldry? No. But it sure sounded like it to me. Also the way he responded to after that comment was even more hysterical and unnecessary.

Look a few posts up. User Fancymancy is talking about me and jack dildoing each other or something. I don’t care because that’s his way of humor, I’m not freaking out saying ermegahd this guy is a bigot I’ll have you know that blah blah blah blah.

It's not your job to police peoples' behavior, and the only reason this has dragged on for so long is because you couldn't handle being called out and confronted on your remarks. Shit got too real for you. That doesn't make me a woman, it makes you a little boy who got put in their place then decided to lash out in rage, crying, full hissy fit mode.
Not everyone is meant to be alpha, and there is nothing wrong with being beta contrary to toxic popular belief. If being beta was such a high crime against nature then there wouldn't be betas. If everyone was alpha then we would have no leadership principle, and there would be no way for society or any group at all to manifest because everyone would refuse to follow anyone.

I enjoy intellectual debate, and that's what I attempted to engage in with Jack. Just because my ideas are too much for you to comprehend doesn't make them wrong, and they have nothing to do with my behavior. If you have nothing to contribute besides NS articles that you didn't write, complaining about modern women that you can't have, and shaming other males for perceived inferiority, then maybe you should just shut up and stop pretending to be alpha. You're meant to be beta right now because alpha is outside your current capacity.

Shaming me is not going to change me because I don't respond to shaming language in that way. I'm going to continue being the way I am, and there's nothing you can do about it. Get used to me, prick.
Mondol said:
FancyMancy said:
Mondol said:
Sex is another topic and is not mixed with Satanism
Like... the Kundalini - the very importantly-vitally-supremely-paramount Energy of Satan within us, which we are to empower and raise safely and carefully - is sexual in Nature. There will be brothels in the future, regulated properly and clean, safe and healthy.

[permission of law]
It is no law-person's business if I have sex with someone who wants to have sex with me, nor is it any law-person's business if I have sex with more than 1 person who each want to have sex with me, either.

NishaWillow said:
You have to be able to offer something too.
Or even if you just want to have sex, it's not okay to cast a strong spell on someone and after you get bored, just reject her or something like this... it's not okay to use other people as you please.
That's why the affirmation must be stated very correctly.

NinRick said:
No magick boosts your chances by a lot.

Even if you just do a little Aura Magick (or how you call it when you invoke energy of a specific colour, merge it with our aura and program it) does wonders. Do a little sex magick and program her while she sleeps and congratulations, you have successfully become a spiritual rapist xD
I would like to have a topic (but I am not as bothered enough as to actually start one) regarding why it is OK to try and convince a person to strip naked and bend over for you with a meal and drink and sparkly, glittery things, masculine showing-off, like-mindedness, etc., but it is not OK to do the same with Magick...

I am not discussing about Kundalini in this topic.

If both couple want to be together ( Sex+ Marriage), then it is fine. Law supports this couple.
I am trying to say that there are random bad people in the world who will make this world like A sex business world if sex and marriage is not be under control by law and if sex/love be freedom to people.

Law is necessary to stop random sex.

I will never want people's freedom sex . I will always be against who are doing sex without law permission or breaking law rules or without parents permission. I will forever be against freedom sex.

I am not against who love each other.
I am against who did random sex and did fake love.

This shit is xian
Meteor said:
Even as an insult, it just seems bizarre to me. Maybe they picked something so weird because a more direct and serious insult wouldn't be tolerated as much. But if that's the case, what's still bizarre to me is that they wanted to insult another Satanist so severely that they had to use an euphemism in the first place over a minor disagreement. I think there might be something wrong with them.

Whatever it is that causes them to lash out like that, hopefully they can overcome it and become more pleasant people. Maybe they just haven't realised yet that not everyone who disagrees with them is their enemy.

I don’t really get the mentality behind it either.

Unless someone here does something against the forum rules or they’re outright kike scum, I don’t see any reason to use these kind of insults against other SS.

And I agree. I hope this can be put in the past now and moved on from. We’ve all got more important things to do than call each other “swamp creatures”, after all.

(*sighs* this thread has gotten so long and way off topic... :| )
Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Meteor said:
Jokes aside, while I do think this discussion is mostly pointless, it is rather fascinating to see how people argumentate
All these years I seriously thought "argumentate" was a word because it sounds so similar to an actual word in my native language. The more I know.
Either way, I think "argue" sounds more fitting here anyway for other reasons as well, considering the tone of the conversation.
their opinions. The topic is about feelings, and yet all the opinions about it are formulated logically. Logic itself is absolute, and yet each person's logic is relative to their own perspective and reaches a different conclusion. As a result, so much is revealed about the unique ways different people think, as well as their beliefs, and the way they've reached those beliefs. I don't really have much to add since I dislike exposing too much about my own emotions publically, but it's certainly entertaining to watch.
We has a Logic Brayn and we has a non-Logic Brayn. Methinks luff can't be described with lojick, but Spock does, of course.
I think in theory, logic could exist that explains people's emotions. However, I've noticed that this "logic" is different for different people, and more importantly, it is not something people can invent or control, it simply exists.
No matter how people try to rationalise their emotions, if it doesn't completely match their true, internal logic, then even their own feelings can catch them by surprise. Even at times I thought I had my own feelings all figured out, I was still thrown off by something unexpected months or years later.

While I do think such internal logic probably exists (in the sense that emotions follow certain rules), those rules are about as comprehensible as the weights in a neural network AI. It's easy to find patterns, but fully understanding every aspect of it and all the edge cases is beyond our capabilities. In cases like that, all we can do is see how we feel when it actually happens, and act accordingly.

In the end, what you say is right. While it can be useful to have a basic understanding of your own emotions, trying to classify emotions with logic alone is an exercise in futility, and trying to classify it in a way that is true for everyone even more so.
Except, its not 'logic'. Logic is bound by the material limitations of human beings. The great mathematician Ramanujan ,did not study mathematics in an advanced level and didn't have an education. But through meditation he could connect with the universal field of knowledge 'jnana' ,through which he got all his formulas.

He didn't know what they were and he spent time reverse decoding them with British Mathematicians, exactly what they were. And every formula has been verified by the decades after his death to be true, a true explanation of reality. It was the same thing with Nikola Tesla and the Russian Chemist Mendeleev. They got the revelation from the Universal field, and then they reverse engineered it.

It's not 'logic' when I say 'Love doesn't exist '. This is not some teenage bullshit where I'm saying this because some girl hurt me in the past and I decided that 'love isn't real.'

Due to the lack of psychic prowess most people can't truly understand what others are saying and that creates a problem because it's hard to convey something through the limitations of language. It is generally better to experience the truth in meditation rather than have someone explain it to you.

Only through shutting off the side of logic (judgement through your human nature) ,and looking at it from the Right Brained soul nature in trance ,can you experience 'truth'. The more open you are in the chakras, the more easier it is to experience it. Its called Jnana Yoga (the knowledge through revelation. )

It's very simple if you just suspend your nature of judgment, temporarily and try to understand what I'm saying. Plato put it very well when he said ,
A wise man can entertain two ideas in his head without rejecting either.

  • 'Love's is a notion that is personal to every other individual.
  • 'Love's is differently present in each other individual. Its composition differs for everyone.
  • This is why there is no definition of 'Love' that is universal.
  • Since it is not present universally in the same way for everyone, it is thus not 'real' as opposed to the physical world.
  • The physical world can be interpreted differently by different people but the real world's composition won't change for different people. People 'interpret it differently.
  • As opposed to this ,the composition of love itself is what changes with every other individual.

By saying love doesn't exist, I don't mean that it isn't present. It is, but what's present in you is not present in me. Its totally different.

I didn't get this through logic. Only after I meditated on this subject and got the revelation could I understand what was going on. Its going to be extremely hard to conduct yourself with maturity and respect others if you don't understand yourself and believe in an idealistic sense of love, which is put in our brains with Music, films etc. Its just not true.

A girl I was talking to day before yesterday put in very nicely when she,
"She might not love you the same way you do, which is okay. It doesn't make either of you wrong. Its just what it is."

Women seem to intuitively understand things that men can't, because they are more inclined to false romanticism. They keep clinging to ideas like hopeless romantics. Its just an attempt to replace their ultimate lack of purpose - they haven't yet dedicated 100% to a higher cause. And this paragraph is from my own understanding. Its not from any revelation.

This understanding is not something I got from using 'logic'. It was because I couldn't figure it out through my human limitations and was unsatisfied was why I said "I don't know anything about this. " And started meditation on it.

If I was using reductionist reasoning, the actual logical argument I would reach is that 'Love' is a cocktail of Chemicals exploding in your brain. Similar to a drug addiction. But I'm not using logic ,not is it my personal interpretation or understanding about this.

The reason why people fall in love ,is because they are made for each other. Like couplings. And these are traits and the accompanying energy that we seek to fill our soul with. This is borne out of astrology and past life karma. And this is differently present for every single individual out there. So using love is more asinine than confusing. Using traits you will eventually reach that feeling of love. It's not something that's a big deal and it's a healthier less idealistic way of looking at things rather than trying to shoot targets with eyes closed.
Meteor said:
I was thinking the way he insults people's character over personal disagreements is a bit similar to you, although his insults always just come down to "you're worse than the enemy", whereas yours are a bit more varied.
I think you're a lot more pleasant to interact with though compared to him. I'd rather be told to jump in a swamp than be told my values are "Judeo-Christian", as he said when I expressed my opinions in a thread about prostitution. I'm a bit hardcore when it comes to love and monogamy, and he felt offended. Everyone else talked about it in a decent, mature manner, while he just went and called me what I hate the most.
Some will say I’m the crazy kook on the forum that you have to look out for, but this intellectual giant is calling me a subhuman Jew for eating a turkey on thanksgiving. You have to wonder what is being put in the water to make someone think this way.

I'm still a bit salty over that; maybe I should try splashing around in a swamp for a bit to wash it off? Although I wouldn't want to run into him there if he decides to go as well, so maybe not.
You shouldn’t do that. The swamp is for generally foul people. I think you are a good man. Those murky waters are all theirs to have. Stay away from these influences.

So he belongs in the swamp because his opinions and attitude really annoyed you. It seems your opinion and attitude also really annoyed him, does that mean you belong in the swamp as well, or do you not? Please elaborate, as I'm curious about your reasoning here; although I think I'm slowly starting to understand it.

No it doesn’t. These people don’t get to decide who goes into the swamp because they are already there! Imagine inmates running the asylum and choosing who gets admitted, it’s asinine.

FancyMancy's humor is rather funny, although she mentioned something about not having balls recently, so I'm not sure about her being a guy. Not like that matters here, though. Or does it? If such a thing were the true, would that affect the way you think of FancyMancy? If so, is that in some way related to the annoying vibe jrvan gave you?
I was under the impression that FM was a he not a she, and if “he” doesn’t have testicles it doesn’t matter because I feel the same either way. They are a veteran SS that is usually insightful, and who is jrvan? Nobody.

Now if you would excuse me good sir there are some rougarous that I have to respond to.

jrvan said:
It's not your job to police peoples' behavior
It is if I want it to be. Somebody has to take out the trash.
and the only reason this has dragged on for so long is because you couldn't handle being called out and confronted on your remarks. Shit got too real for you. That doesn't make me a woman, it makes you a little boy who got put in their place then decided to lash out in rage, crying, full hissy fit mode.
Who is that lashing out and having the hissy fit? I will refer you to the original reply here where you are crying about what a big meanie I am for joking with you.

Not everyone is meant to be alpha, and there is nothing wrong with being beta contrary to toxic popular belief.
There is something wrong with being a beta it means that... you’re a beta. Betas get no respect from anyone which is why I could pick on you in the first place, can’t do that to an alpha.

If being beta was such a high crime against nature then there wouldn't be betas.
We live in a very unnatural society so this point is invalid.

If everyone was alpha then we would have no leadership principle, and there would be no way for society or any group at all to manifest because everyone would refuse to follow anyone.
This is not a zero sum game. If someone is not an alpha it doesn’t automatically mean that they are a beta. There’s lots of room in the middle. But you are very clearly a BETA.

my ideas are too much for you to comprehend doesn't make them wrong, and they have nothing to do with my behavior.
Your ideas are too pathetic and gay for anyone to take seriously. A society cannot be based on jrvan beta philosophy. Now go ahead Aristotle. Spit some more of that wisdom you have.

Shaming me is not going to change me because I don't respond to shaming language in that way. I'm going to continue being the way I am, and there's nothing you can do about it. Get used to me, prick.
I say the same to you HP jrvan. Fight your own battles, which leads me to this final point.

You did the ultimate beta coward move and hid behind your wife when confronted.

This to me is the worst part about all of this. Imagine you and tabby were walking down the street, and then suddenly a man with weapon walked up and threatened you, would you throw her in front of you and make tabby eat the bullet? Because that’s what you just did in this thread.

You made her respond and get involved so that it makes me look bad because everyone knows that you can’t hit a woman, and I didn’t because that’s not who I am.

You are a very sneaky man Jvran. You thought I was stupid and that you were going to get one over on me, when the truth is that I know all of the swamp tactics that you use so I know how to avoid them.

Have you ever seen the classic cartoon “Charlie brown”? You sound the adults in that show every time you respond to me. Womp womp womp womp womp
Meteor said:
(Nooo... FancyMancy is a Boy. I meant that Girls don't have balls because a user who thinks with his heart instead of his head said "all" and kicking us in our "balls", or something, in his post. Me is a Boy and has Balls and a Penis! Ooh, and a Prostate and other Boy thnigs! Heck, I even have nipples, but am still a Boy! The following may be lowering the tone too much, but I'll chance it - I also has (or had, depending on my age) a Pussy - you know, like a Boypussy... but am still a Boy!)

By the way - I am skipping over nearly all of this... erm... shall we say fun stuff in this thread. Just-a let yer'all know.

Jack said:
  • 'Love' is in the air, everywhere I look around
    love is in the air, every sight and every sound
    and I don't know if I'm being foolish
    don't know if I'm being wise
    but is something that I must believe in
    and it's there when--

  • Well, you know the rest.
V12POWER is right. Use the spells when there is a potentiality between you and that person (which is typically very common). "Spiritual rape" is not a factor here. Anyone who tries to "spiritual rape" will get their shit kicked in.

Do you think the average person in say 1920 hesitated to go up to someone they found attractive? No. So why is using a spell bad when both are based on principles of manifestation and a spell will create a more harmonious result, cutting through bullshit?

Yes, there are 12 Signs, 12 Houses and 10 Planets. And someone with Venus in Aries 8th House for example is generally going to find a partner supplying consent forms and a writ every time they have sex to be a contemptible and annoying weakling. There is no one size fits all when it comes to sexual interaction.

Part of the demoralization campaign against Magick has also its roots here in other obvious sources that are standard for a certain generational cohort. Stop taking 'advice' from twitter and idiots like incels.m3 that has nothing to do with anything on the site or anything to do with any other celestial disciplines. Satanists paying attention to the opinions of damaged, powerless and worthless chandala people is insanity. A worm might seem 'grounded' compared to an eagle, but regardless, a worm can only see things from its vantage point and is vulnerable to anything. An eagle that acts like a worm burying itself in the dirt ends up being more worthless and powerless than a worm.

TopoftheAbyss said:
It literally is a sacrifice of xian origin, just because you enjoy eating it doesn't mean it isn't a sacrifice. And just because you enjoy eating meat doesn't make animal suffering okay. Like I said, there is little difference between you and a jew. In a sane society you'll be put in a concentration camp.

You have really gone off the deep end here. Thanksgiving is just a celebration of the colonies, it doesn't even have to involve meat. And what do you propose a species with a stomach acid more potent than a dog do? Eat leaves and 'Israeli cow cells' as per rebbe Magestein's advice? Is veganism your latest shortcut in want of doing anything?
Meteor said:
FancyMancy's humor is rather funny, although she mentioned something about not having balls recently, so I'm not sure about her being a guy. Not like that matters here, though. Or does it? If such a thing were the true, would that affect the way you think of FancyMancy? If so, is that in some way related to the annoying vibe jrvan gave you?
Mancy is not a girl. He is a gay man. Whatever he said about not having balls was probably some kind of joke. Maybe a metaphor. He speaks almost entirely by jokes and creative metaphors.
Meteor said:
Jack said:
Except, its not 'logic'. Logic is bound by the material limitations of human beings.
As a mathematician, I disagree. To me, logic is boundless and infinite.
In mathematics, there are axioms: things that are true simply because they are. (For example, the way addition works: if you have one apple and you obtain two more without losing the first, you'll have three in total. There's simply no other way about it.)
From these axioms, everything follows. This follows through logic, and that is what logic truly is. From that which follows, follows more. It is endless; everything that follows from the axioms can be deduced, and as such, everything that follows can be understood with clarity and without a doubt, so long as the axioms as well as the logic are sound.

Throughout history, mathematics have been used to simplify trades, simplify carpentry, predict the ways planets will move in the sky, and even get spaceships to their intended destination. The axioms in mathematics are chosen to mirror the way the real world functions, and help us interact with the real world efficiently and effectively.

I believe it is no coincidence that mathematics work so well. The axioms we've discovered, are no mere inventions; they are mirrors of something that truly exists: the axioms of reality itself. To understand the axioms, one can formulate hyoptheses and attempt to confirm them through experiments. The more consistent the results, the more likely you got it right or at least mostly right.

As you already mentioned in other words, meditation can sometimes allow us to see the axioms directly. But it's not just the axioms that we can see; without any words to slow it down anymore, logic becomes lightning-fast, and in moments we can see not just the axioms, but also everything that follows and how it applies to us and our surroundings. This is the true identity of "intuition".

Logic does not speak, it has no words; it simply is, and words only serve to communicate it. Having sound internal logic and being able to put it into words are two entirely different skills. And to perfect one's logic without relying on words, is to perfect one's intuition; so long as we understand the axioms, that is, which we can verify through experiments.

Why would a person's emotions and personality be any different? If I get to know a person, I can figure out the things that'll make them happy and the things that'll make them upset. Even a person's love is borne from the axioms within an individual's Soul. Even love follows rules; whether it takes a minute or 1000 years to understand those rules, and whether that's the time it takes to understand one person's love or the love of many people, doesn't matter. No matter how nonsensical anything in this world may seem, and no matter if no one understands it, it makes sense. Whether or not to try and understand it is up to the people.

As for the actual content of your opinion, I disagree. You say love is different for every person, but that is not true. Depending on who you compare, there can be so much overlap. No two people are completely the same, but they can be the same in many regards, including aspects of how they think and how they feel. If you aggregate many people's love into a collection of all the aspects, I believe something will become apparent: in different cases, different combinations of aspects will light up; and certain combinations will be very common. So many kinds of love exist for not just an individual, but for millions, if not billions of people. There may be an odd one here and there, but almost all of it falls into categories where a specific combination of conditions is met. (Regarding this, I believe that rather than specific aspects being strictly required, they all work towards a threshold for one or more subtypes of love; if this threshold is met, there is love. By sorting and arranging the aspects in a specific way, the more a certain section lights up, the more that type of love is present.)

This is how I see it: not one, but many kinds of love exist; and these different kinds of love can mix to create combinations that may not be so easily understood as their components.
All the aspects that make up a person's love exist in the real world: within that person, their surroundings, and those they love; and the combinations of those aspects determines which categories they fall into. Just because the details and rules are not easily understood does not make it any less objective. For example, a person doesn't even have to realise they're in love to be in love; it may still be obvious to other people regardless. That means love is real, and something that objectively exists. That there exist forms of love that have hardly anything in common with each other, and that some forms of love can only be experienced by certain types of people, doesn't change that.

While I think to try and fully understand every aspect of your own emotions and those of others is pointless and an exercise in futility when you can just act on them most of the time and still end up with an acceptable result, in this case I had to recognise love as more than just the arbitrary subjective matter people usually make it out for, so that I could adequately explain why I disagree with you. And just in case, I should probably clarify that just because I believe love exists and makes sense, doesn't mean I necessarily have a deeper understanding of it than anyone else. All I'm saying is that it can be understood, whether partially or fully; and while understanding it fully might be too challenging for us still, if we had a thousand years to discover different people's love and think about it in depth, then I think we would be able to reach an adequate understanding even of love in its entirety. To say otherwise is to overly mystify the concept.
In a thousand years love will remain a complex mystifying thing and you will never be able to figure it out, because it's not 'real'. The things I'm telling you won't change in a thousand or two thousand years because they are laws of nature. Laws of nature have nothing to do with interpretation either. They just are and they will continue to be. But when humans shed the imperfect material nature of self in due time through the process of development, the notion of love as is prevalent currently will go away.

I understand where you're coming from but unfortunately its wrong . You're wrong about Logic and mathematics also. Mathethatics is not logic. And yet the application of Mathematics to solve problems is Logic. Logic is most certainly bound by limitations. If that were not so ,we would be currently living in a utopia. Mathematics was used by Astrophysicists to create a host of totally wrong assertions and assumptions (which exist to this day), because they were bound by the limitations of their material selves. And most people still are. Mathematics is used by people in a host of different sciences. And many of these sciences which appeared logical at that time were rejected after they were presented with contradictory evidence. For example it was logical for people to believe at one time that Earth was at the centre of the solar System. A lot of mathematics was used there too. But that logic was revised with new data. 'Logic' is a left brained notion which is born out of intellect ,a facet of Prakriti - Nature. In reality ,there is no such thing as 'Logic' in the Superconciousness reality of the Brahman. Things just are ,which is why its called 'truth'. There is no interpretation or debate about it. They are as they always were. And theres also no such thing as perfect logic because intellect is by its nature borne out of imperfection - through Prakriti.

Love is not an objective feeling nor is it permanent, perfect or universal. It cant be measured, or defined. It has no properties of an objective reality. You can't measure the overlaps. The only thing that you can measure are the individual emotions and that's not love. Those are transient feelings which go away in time. The only way to see love is by looking at the individual feelings associated with it. And that's your personal composition of love ,that too for a particular person. Meaning that person composition will change with regards to different people.

The statement "She doesn't feel love the same way you do" totally refutes all other matters to this issue. This is the true reality because Love itself is bound by the limited experience of our material reality. And material reality being defined as the division of Will and Nature (Shiva and Shakti) means that no one will ever be able to be same as the other person. And overlaps doesn't mean same. The only way to be one is through Tantra ,but that's beyond our material experience of reality and I wouldn't call it love. It can gain access to a perfect state of the higher reality where love doesn't exist.

Love is a concoction of the higher brain in the material realm of this world of an assorted mesh of emotions borne out of various needs. When these needs are met it creates of sense of 'being in love'. Its not universal and universal ,or of much importance.

And this is why I keep repeating this. If you strip the mystifying and confusing idealism out of it, you can start looking for a fine person for 'you'. And most people don't know themselves which is why they are so confused about everything in life. It's not a big deal. It's a normal experience of the material reality. The mastery of emotions and the will is paramount to any success in the path of Tantra. Without having handled the two ,you cannot move on to the more subtler aspects of it which necessitates control.

It might be more harder for people with more analytical minds because they are prone to analyzing and logically engaging themselves, while they try to meditate. You have to let go of logic and look at truth if you want to advance. Leave your previous self and undergo the little deaths that break apart your sense of self. Only after many such little deaths can you call yourself a Yogi who accepts truth for what it is.

I was bound by the limitations of my mind at one point but now with each new segment of information, I say "I don't know anything. " I don't let my ego get hurt if I'm proven wrong. Its just another building block for advancement. The more I discover things in meditation the more my preconceived notions are destroyed and it doesn't affect me as I'm used to it.
Karnonnos said:
V12POWER is right. Use the spells when there is a potentiality between you and that person (which is typically very common). "Spiritual rape" is not a factor here. Anyone who tries to "spiritual rape" will get their shit kicked in.

Do you think the average person in say 1920 hesitated to go up to someone they found attractive? No. So why is using a spell bad when both are based on principles of manifestation and a spell will create a more harmonious result, cutting through bullshit?

Yes, there are 12 Signs, 12 Houses and 10 Planets. And someone with Venus in Aries 8th House for example is generally going to find a partner supplying consent forms and a writ every time they have sex to be a contemptible and annoying weakling. There is no one size fits all when it comes to sexual interaction.

Part of the demoralization campaign against Magick has also its roots here in other obvious sources that are standard for a certain generational cohort. Stop taking 'advice' from twitter and idiots like incels.m3 that has nothing to do with anything on the site or anything to do with any other celestial disciplines. Satanists paying attention to the opinions of damaged, powerless and worthless chandala people is insanity. A worm might seem 'grounded' compared to an eagle, but regardless, a worm can only see things from its vantage point and is vulnerable to anything. An eagle that acts like a worm burying itself in the dirt ends up being more worthless and powerless than a worm.

TopoftheAbyss said:
It literally is a sacrifice of xian origin, just because you enjoy eating it doesn't mean it isn't a sacrifice. And just because you enjoy eating meat doesn't make animal suffering okay. Like I said, there is little difference between you and a jew. In a sane society you'll be put in a concentration camp.

You have really gone off the deep end here. Thanksgiving is just a celebration of the colonies, it doesn't even have to involve meat. And what do you propose a species with a stomach acid more potent than a dog do? Eat leaves and 'Israeli cow cells' as per rebbe Magestein's advice? Is veganism your latest shortcut in want of doing anything?
Find the thread about thanksgiving and read my posts.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Meteor said:
I was thinking the way he insults people's character over personal disagreements is a bit similar to you, although his insults always just come down to "you're worse than the enemy", whereas yours are a bit more varied.
I think you're a lot more pleasant to interact with though compared to him. I'd rather be told to jump in a swamp than be told my values are "Judeo-Christian", as he said when I expressed my opinions in a thread about prostitution. I'm a bit hardcore when it comes to love and monogamy, and he felt offended. Everyone else talked about it in a decent, mature manner, while he just went and called me what I hate the most.
Some will say I’m the crazy kook on the forum that you have to look out for, but this intellectual giant is calling me a subhuman Jew for eating a turkey on thanksgiving. You have to wonder what is being put in the water to make someone think this way.

I'm still a bit salty over that; maybe I should try splashing around in a swamp for a bit to wash it off? Although I wouldn't want to run into him there if he decides to go as well, so maybe not.
You shouldn’t do that. The swamp is for generally foul people. I think you are a good man. Those murky waters are all theirs to have. Stay away from these influences.

So he belongs in the swamp because his opinions and attitude really annoyed you. It seems your opinion and attitude also really annoyed him, does that mean you belong in the swamp as well, or do you not? Please elaborate, as I'm curious about your reasoning here; although I think I'm slowly starting to understand it.

No it doesn’t. These people don’t get to decide who goes into the swamp because they are already there! Imagine inmates running the asylum and choosing who gets admitted, it’s asinine.

FancyMancy's humor is rather funny, although she mentioned something about not having balls recently, so I'm not sure about her being a guy. Not like that matters here, though. Or does it? If such a thing were the true, would that affect the way you think of FancyMancy? If so, is that in some way related to the annoying vibe jrvan gave you?
I was under the impression that FM was a he not a she, and if “he” doesn’t have testicles it doesn’t matter because I feel the same either way. They are a veteran SS that is usually insightful, and who is jrvan? Nobody.

Now if you would excuse me good sir there are some rougarous that I have to respond to.

jrvan said:
It's not your job to police peoples' behavior
It is if I want it to be. Somebody has to take out the trash.
and the only reason this has dragged on for so long is because you couldn't handle being called out and confronted on your remarks. Shit got too real for you. That doesn't make me a woman, it makes you a little boy who got put in their place then decided to lash out in rage, crying, full hissy fit mode.
Who is that lashing out and having the hissy fit? I will refer you to the original reply here where you are crying about what a big meanie I am for joking with you.

Not everyone is meant to be alpha, and there is nothing wrong with being beta contrary to toxic popular belief.
There is something wrong with being a beta it means that... you’re a beta. Betas get no respect from anyone which is why I could pick on you in the first place, can’t do that to an alpha.

If being beta was such a high crime against nature then there wouldn't be betas.
We live in a very unnatural society so this point is invalid.

If everyone was alpha then we would have no leadership principle, and there would be no way for society or any group at all to manifest because everyone would refuse to follow anyone.
This is not a zero sum game. If someone is not an alpha it doesn’t automatically mean that they are a beta. There’s lots of room in the middle. But you are very clearly a BETA.

my ideas are too much for you to comprehend doesn't make them wrong, and they have nothing to do with my behavior.
Your ideas are too pathetic and gay for anyone to take seriously. A society cannot be based on jrvan beta philosophy. Now go ahead Aristotle. Spit some more of that wisdom you have.

Shaming me is not going to change me because I don't respond to shaming language in that way. I'm going to continue being the way I am, and there's nothing you can do about it. Get used to me, prick.
I say the same to you HP jrvan. Fight your own battles, which leads me to this final point.

You did the ultimate beta coward move and hid behind your wife when confronted.

This to me is the worst part about all of this. Imagine you and tabby were walking down the street, and then suddenly a man with weapon walked up and threatened you, would you throw her in front of you and make tabby eat the bullet? Because that’s what you just did in this thread.

You made her respond and get involved so that it makes me look bad because everyone knows that you can’t hit a woman, and I didn’t because that’s not who I am.

You are a very sneaky man Jvran. You thought I was stupid and that you were going to get one over on me, when the truth is that I know all of the swamp tactics that you use so I know how to avoid them.

Have you ever seen the classic cartoon “Charlie brown”? You sound the adults in that show every time you respond to me. Womp womp womp womp womp
Congrats this reply to me isn't deceiving and lying like the others. But you're still a subhuman and Jews are more capable of truth than you.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
The swamp is for generally foul people.
Now if you would excuse me good sir there are some rougarous that I have to respond to.

jrvan said:
It's not your job to police peoples' behavior
It is if I want it to be. Somebody has to take out the trash.
jrvan said:
Not everyone is meant to be alpha, and there is nothing wrong with being beta contrary to toxic popular belief.
There is something wrong with being a beta it means that... you’re a beta. Betas get no respect from anyone which is why I could pick on you in the first place, can’t do that to an alpha.
But you are very clearly a BETA.
Your ideas are too pathetic and gay for anyone to take seriously. A society cannot be based on jrvan beta philosophy. Now go ahead Aristotle. Spit some more of that wisdom you have.

jrvan said:
Shaming me is not going to change me because I don't respond to shaming language in that way. I'm going to continue being the way I am, and there's nothing you can do about it. Get used to me, prick.
I say the same to you HP jrvan. Fight your own battles, which leads me to this final point.

You did the ultimate beta coward move and hid behind your wife when confronted.

This to me is the worst part about all of this. Imagine you and tabby were walking down the street, and then suddenly a man with weapon walked up and threatened you, would you throw her in front of you and make tabby eat the bullet? Because that’s what you just did in this thread.

You made her respond and get involved so that it makes me look bad because everyone knows that you can’t hit a woman, and I didn’t because that’s not who I am.

You are a very sneaky man Jvran. You thought I was stupid and that you were going to get one over on me, when the truth is that I know all of the swamp tactics that you use so I know how to avoid them.
Care to explain what the fuck a rougarous is? What’s next on the list of things you want to insult us with?

Are you seriously claiming that an SS is forcing another SS to make a response to you?

I’ve seen this before in people brainwashed by enemy filth. When they are faced with meeting a healthy couple, they are always without hesitation blatantly sexist to the woman AND the man.

It goes along the lines of something like this: ”the woman is being controlled by the man because it’s impossible for a woman to stand up and defend herself and her partner when either one or both is being insulted. That’s a man’s job so the man must be a coward.”

Basically suppressing both of the sexes, and this horrible logic forced on people is like punching a brick wall sometimes. It’s the kind of thing that makes someone like me want to rip my hair out from the absurdity of it.

(I’ve no experience on how such people react to same-sex couples so I won’t touch on that).

jrvan and I as partners have each others backs. A concept the enemy works to destroy because it shows a kind of unity between a male and female working together to help advance and protect one another.

You, SouthernWhiteGentile, still have christian teachings clouding your judgement whether you are aware of it or not.

I know this better now thanks to a sermon my Guardian Demon showed me just yesterday after responding to you.


We managed to escape xianity in the Middle Ages, but as for it's mental leftovers, we are only on the beginning steps.

The irony of the situation is that when something like this is taking place, one may be evolving since they are meditating, but essentially, the mind is not getting more free, or more original. One is increasing power but is revolving back into mindsets that are essentially toxic to the person, and then, one also fortifies these with meditation, creating their own perception faulty perception of things. This then is exported as a general wrong relation with reality itself, and the power developed from meditation traps these people in these beliefs.

Imagine if you have a vessel and you 'supposedly' dedicate it to Satan, but it has dirty water from the jews in it. Increasing the water in said vessel is only increasing and spreading the jewish taints within the vessel. For this reason, if one says they respect their decision and they have honesty in their mind, they need to clean this vessel. Cleaning this means to advance one's self. This is what will make someone more of a Satanist.

This is evident in many people, who do always try to blend things out with enemy dogma or things that stem from it. I've seen attempts by some Satanists here to reconcile ideas which are disgusting and alien to one another, even enemy dogma into our own. This creates a permanent block in the mind, which disallows one from advancing in Satanism, or in Satan's trust. Satan and the Gods can see it clearly but people tend to try to fool themselves for the wrong reasons.
~ HP. Hoodedcobra666

(I suggest reading the full sermon).

I’ll say this once.
Nobody makes me respond to another person or tells me how I have to do it. No one makes me do anything that I don’t agree with or choose to do myself. I am no one’s man-slave, and your idiocy of how we should be in our own relationship will not make us crush our serpents just to please you.

I have no reason to feel angry at your sexism anymore, Southern, because despite being here for much longer than I have, you still have the mentality of a christian.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Meteor said:
I was thinking the way he insults people's character over personal disagreements is a bit similar to you, although his insults always just come down to "you're worse than the enemy", whereas yours are a bit more varied.
I think you're a lot more pleasant to interact with though compared to him. I'd rather be told to jump in a swamp than be told my values are "Judeo-Christian", as he said when I expressed my opinions in a thread about prostitution. I'm a bit hardcore when it comes to love and monogamy, and he felt offended. Everyone else talked about it in a decent, mature manner, while he just went and called me what I hate the most.
Some will say I’m the crazy kook on the forum that you have to look out for, but this intellectual giant is calling me a subhuman Jew for eating a turkey on thanksgiving. You have to wonder what is being put in the water to make someone think this way.

I'm still a bit salty over that; maybe I should try splashing around in a swamp for a bit to wash it off? Although I wouldn't want to run into him there if he decides to go as well, so maybe not.
You shouldn’t do that. The swamp is for generally foul people. I think you are a good man. Those murky waters are all theirs to have. Stay away from these influences.

So he belongs in the swamp because his opinions and attitude really annoyed you. It seems your opinion and attitude also really annoyed him, does that mean you belong in the swamp as well, or do you not? Please elaborate, as I'm curious about your reasoning here; although I think I'm slowly starting to understand it.

No it doesn’t. These people don’t get to decide who goes into the swamp because they are already there! Imagine inmates running the asylum and choosing who gets admitted, it’s asinine.

FancyMancy's humor is rather funny, although she mentioned something about not having balls recently, so I'm not sure about her being a guy. Not like that matters here, though. Or does it? If such a thing were the true, would that affect the way you think of FancyMancy? If so, is that in some way related to the annoying vibe jrvan gave you?
I was under the impression that FM was a he not a she, and if “he” doesn’t have testicles it doesn’t matter because I feel the same either way. They are a veteran SS that is usually insightful, and who is jrvan? Nobody.

Now if you would excuse me good sir there are some rougarous that I have to respond to.

jrvan said:
It's not your job to police peoples' behavior
It is if I want it to be. Somebody has to take out the trash.
and the only reason this has dragged on for so long is because you couldn't handle being called out and confronted on your remarks. Shit got too real for you. That doesn't make me a woman, it makes you a little boy who got put in their place then decided to lash out in rage, crying, full hissy fit mode.
Who is that lashing out and having the hissy fit? I will refer you to the original reply here where you are crying about what a big meanie I am for joking with you.

Not everyone is meant to be alpha, and there is nothing wrong with being beta contrary to toxic popular belief.
There is something wrong with being a beta it means that... you’re a beta. Betas get no respect from anyone which is why I could pick on you in the first place, can’t do that to an alpha.

If being beta was such a high crime against nature then there wouldn't be betas.
We live in a very unnatural society so this point is invalid.

If everyone was alpha then we would have no leadership principle, and there would be no way for society or any group at all to manifest because everyone would refuse to follow anyone.
This is not a zero sum game. If someone is not an alpha it doesn’t automatically mean that they are a beta. There’s lots of room in the middle. But you are very clearly a BETA.

my ideas are too much for you to comprehend doesn't make them wrong, and they have nothing to do with my behavior.
Your ideas are too pathetic and gay for anyone to take seriously. A society cannot be based on jrvan beta philosophy. Now go ahead Aristotle. Spit some more of that wisdom you have.

Shaming me is not going to change me because I don't respond to shaming language in that way. I'm going to continue being the way I am, and there's nothing you can do about it. Get used to me, prick.
I say the same to you HP jrvan. Fight your own battles, which leads me to this final point.

You did the ultimate beta coward move and hid behind your wife when confronted.

This to me is the worst part about all of this. Imagine you and tabby were walking down the street, and then suddenly a man with weapon walked up and threatened you, would you throw her in front of you and make tabby eat the bullet? Because that’s what you just did in this thread.

You made her respond and get involved so that it makes me look bad because everyone knows that you can’t hit a woman, and I didn’t because that’s not who I am.

You are a very sneaky man Jvran. You thought I was stupid and that you were going to get one over on me, when the truth is that I know all of the swamp tactics that you use so I know how to avoid them.

Have you ever seen the classic cartoon “Charlie brown”? You sound the adults in that show every time you respond to me. Womp womp womp womp womp

You're unraveling so hard that it's funny. If I'm nobody then why are you spending so much time and effort to try to take me down?

I'm not even going to bother arguing with you over what the meaning of the word "beta" is because you're subscribed to the silly mgtow concept of the word, and attempting to change your mind about it is a waste of time. You can keep using the word like that if you want, but I personally find it has no weight.
Yes, we live in an unnatural society that you can't imagine anything beyond. You're fucking addicted to it. When we're moving onto NS, you're going to be crying while clinging to your crumbling church because you can't cope with non-xian ideas. Being healthy is too much for you.
Speaking of health, I saw your comment on another post about your dad. You're afraid of turning into a narcissist, but you already have. So much so that you can't even see it (like how your comment was disrespectful to Blackdragon666). I'll tell you why too. It's because you're trying not to become your dad. You won't ever be different from him by focusing on not becoming him because that's not how it works. I would know because my mom was a narcissistic alcoholic, and in order to rise above my trauma and be different from her instead of hurting people, I had to stop focusing on not being her, and instead focus on becoming myself. Maybe you will understand some day.

I don't control my wife. She does as she pleases, and I never impose my will on her. She's a part of this spiritual family bonded by blood just as I am, and she has the right to participate on these forums.
Sometimes she asks me what I think of what she's written, and if I think it's a good idea to post it or leave it be, or to help her edit some typos. Other than that, I am completely hands off because she is her own person. I've also been encouraging her to not seek my approval, but she's shy so I help sometimes.
We have been through a lot together including dangerous situations, and I always protected her when I needed to. You don't know what you're talking about, and at this point neither do I because you just sound crazy at this point.
As for hitting women, that's your own limitation - not mine. I would hit a woman if I had to in the right circumstances like to protect someone, or if it was combat sports. I'd beat the crap out of Nancy Pelosi if I had the chance, and I'm sure a lot of other guys would too. And this is all ridiculous anyway because this is an argument on the internet. You're so sexist that you won't argue with a woman? I guess that also proves that none of it was a joke because a joke isn't something that you'd be worried about harming a woman over.

You just keep doubling down because you lack the noble courage to admit that you're wrong. If Hitler saw you now, I suspect he would be disappointed in you. Making an ass of yourself, losing everyones' respect, fighting your own brothers and sisters then lying about it all being a joke when you get confronted. It's all very shameful.

If you throw all of us SS into the swamp then we're not going to let you come join us when you inevitably get lonely. We'll all be partying in the swamp without you :p
Karnonnos said:
Do you think the average person in say 1920 hesitated to go up to someone they found attractive? No. So why is using a spell bad when both are based on principles of manifestation and a spell will create a more harmonious result, cutting through bullshit?
Exactly. We are "allowed" to wine and dine and buy roses and chocolate to get somewhere with someone...so why not Spirituality? It's like the jew saying "you can't use magic to make someone fall in love with you" and "you can't bring someone you love back from the dead". Quite BS, really. At least with Magick, the results would be much better, as long as one uses the correct phrases, such as "in a safe and positive way" and "best BF/GF/Partner [or plural] for me", etc.

Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Meteor said:
(Nooo... FancyMancy is a Boy. I meant that Girls don't have balls because a user who thinks with his heart instead of his head said "all" and kicking us in our "balls", or something, in his post. Me is a Boy and has Balls and a Penis! Ooh, and a Prostate and other Boy thnigs! Heck, I even have nipples, but am still a Boy! The following may be lowering the tone too much, but I'll chance it - I also has (or had, depending on my age) a Pussy - you know, like a Boypussy... but am still a Boy!)

By the way - I am skipping over nearly all of this... erm... shall we say fun stuff in this thread. Just-a let yer'all know.
Ah, I was a bit unsure about it (since you also recently mentioned going to an event for guys only), but I thought it might provoke a response from Southern to help me understand how he thinks, and a response from you as well to help clear up my misunderstanding if I was wrong. Both of those things happened, so I feel intellectually satisfied now.
Lol. :)

I apologise for getting you involved in such a weird way, though.
No. No apology needed.

Anyway, I know the topic is boring. You can run along now and do... boy things.
Join me? You might like them. (I dunno if you are a Boy or a Girl, but regardless... lol)
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Your ideas are too pathetic and gay for anyone to take seriously.
SWG in the pen with the pigs. Now I know where all of that squealing came from.

If this was a Physical room in which this topic was being enjoyed, I'd interrupt it by putting on some obnoxious music, just for teh l0lz.
Meteor said:
I have a couple more questions if you don't mind: when did you form your opinion about beta males, and what were the events leading up to you forming the opinion? For example, what was it like the first time someone like that annoyed you?

Although I think I now understand your behaviour and that of my classmate back then, I still wonder where exactly it comes from. I can speculate, but simply hearing it directly from you could be a lot more insightful.

I’m not here for an interview. I’m not an animal at the zoo for you to gawk at. Figure it out yourself.

tabby said:
Care to explain what the fuck a rougarous is? What’s next on the list of things you want to insult us with?
I will make it clear
In the Cajun legends, the creature is said to prowl the swamps
As for the rest of your comment I’ve already said I’m not here to fight with you. No I’m not a xtain obviously..

jrvan said:
You're unraveling so hard that it's funny. If I'm nobody then why are you spending so much time and effort to try to take me down?
I’ve already taken you down. But I’m not going to be the first one to stop responding.

I'm not even going to bother arguing with you over what the meaning of the word "beta" is because you're subscribed to the silly mgtow concept of the word, and attempting to change your mind about it is a waste of time. You can keep using the word like that if you want, but I personally find it has no weight.
I’m not a mgtow. But I guess “beta” is like “love” it has a different meaning to everyone.

Yes, we live in an unnatural society that you can't imagine anything beyond. You're fucking addicted to it. When we're moving onto NS, you're going to be crying while clinging to your crumbling church because you can't cope with non-xian ideas. Being healthy is too much for you.
Swg is xtain. We have to literally crucify him. Blah blah blah. Hold on now, wouldn’t that make you the xtain?

Speaking of health, I saw your comment on another post about your dad. You're afraid of turning into a narcissist, but you already have. So much so that you can't even see it (like how your comment was disrespectful to Blackdragon666). I'll tell you why too. It's because you're trying not to become your dad. You won't ever be different from him by focusing on not becoming him because that's not how it works. I would know because my mom was a narcissistic alcoholic, and in order to rise above my trauma and be different from her instead of hurting people, I had to stop focusing on not being her, and instead focus on becoming myself. Maybe you will understand some day.
Apparently everything is disrespectful to you l, no one else nor blackdragon seems to think that but OK.

And thanks for the advice on familial matters Aristotle, I’ll be sure to use it.

I don't control my wife. She does as she pleases, and I never impose my will on her. She's a part of this spiritual family bonded by blood just as I am, and she has the right to participate on these forums.
I never said she didn’t and wasn’t. But there is obviously collusion going on. Maybe the eff bee eye should open an investigation.

As for hitting women, that's your own limitation - not mine. I would hit a woman if I had to in the right circumstances like to protect someone, or if it was combat sports. I'd beat the crap out of Nancy Pelosi if I had the chance, and I'm sure a lot of other guys would too. And this is all ridiculous anyway because this is an argument on the internet. You're so sexist that you won't argue with a woman?
You would beat up a demented old lady. Cool. Swg the monstrous sexist that refuses to harm women. :lol:

I guess that also proves that none of it was a joke because a joke isn't something that you'd be worried about harming a woman over.
It WAS a joke, until it was brought to this level, not by me BTW. I’m not going to spit venom at a lady who doesn’t deserve it.

You just keep doubling down because you lack the noble courage to admit that you're wrong. If Hitler saw you now, I suspect he would be disappointed in you. Making an ass of yourself, losing everyones' respect, fighting your own brothers and sisters then lying about it all being a joke when you get confronted. It's all very shameful.
Remember I have already apologized to you, but you said it was “disingenuous”, that’s your problem. It could have ended right there, but you kept poking the bear.

If you throw all of us SS into the swamp then we're not going to let you come join us when you inevitably get lonely. We'll all be partying in the swamp without you :p
That’s fine. I have adapted to being alone. Last time I had real friends they formed a Warsaw Pact against me making me an alienated third wheel.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Both of you are clowns. When you both realize that, maybe you will get along better. I think that both of you have good intentions, but are wrong about some things.
There is nothing wrong about me. You again prove to be the typical idiot who enters conversations he doesn't understand.
Meteor said:
You can't say anything about loving logic to Jack, because "love doesn't exist" so sayeth Jack.

Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Meteor said:
Ah, I was a bit unsure about it (since you also recently mentioned going to an event for guys only), but I thought it might provoke a response from Southern to help me understand how he thinks, and a response from you as well to help clear up my misunderstanding if I was wrong. Both of those things happened, so I feel intellectually satisfied now.
Lol. :)

I apologise for getting you involved in such a weird way, though.
No. No apology needed.
You said no twice. Do you dislike apologies over minor things? In that case, I'll spare you my apology for apologising.
Anyway, I'm glad it was no problem.

Anyway, I know the topic is boring. You can run along now and do... boy things.
Join me? You might like them. (I dunno if you are a Boy or a Girl, but regardless... lol)
What exactly even are "boy things" anymore these days?
No idea. The jew has tried making everything androgynous/unisex. The jew doesn't want identity and individuality, yet at the same time still promotes "the battle of the sexes".

Playing video games used to be a boy thing when I was growing up, but now a lot of girls do it too. I thought maybe playing around in a swamp might be a boyish thing to do, but SWG said that's only where the bad boys go. Although my brother did meditate under the Moonlight while floating on his back in a lake once to feel closer to his "anima", which was pretty cool, but I'm not sure if that counts as a boy thing.
Were the fishies dancing on a rainbow and singing songs backwards, as well?

He does go weightlifting often as well, maybe that's a boy thing? What do you think? What are your favorite boy things, FancyMancy?

To me, it has always been a slightly confusing topic. I just do what I want, and I can't see to what extent my sex affects that. If I can't fit in to begin with, then what meaning do stereotypes have anymore?
Meh, again.

I still wonder sometimes, is everyone who has the right parts for it allowed in the "boy" box? Is everyone who has the right parts for it allowed in the "girl" box? If that's the case, then why are people so mean when a boy likes "girl things", or when a girl likes "boy things"? If a boy likes it, then doesn't that mean it's also a boy thing, and if a girl likes it, then doesn't that mean it's also a girl thing?
Naturally, we have Masculine and Feminine Energies, 2 sides of the Brain, Masculine/Feminine aspects of the Soul. While Humans have been reduced to not understand and live these Natural things, the jew has had to "give permission" and "allow" the use of "masculine things" and "feminine things", as a material (also materialistic) distraction away from actual Nature - Spirituality.

I'm sure I'm just overthinking it or something. But for me, it's always been a difficult topic. So I hide behind my screen so I don't have to worry that people will think I'm weird, because they'll just assume whatever makes the most sense to them.

Even so, thank you for inviting me to do some boy things. It feels nice to be welcome.
Maybe we can be different and go and paint-- crayon the town beige. That sounds like fun.
Meteor said:
Jack said:
Meteor said:
In a thousand years love will remain a complex mystifying thing and you will never be able to figure it out, because it's not 'real'. The things I'm telling you won't change in a thousand or two thousand years because they are laws of nature. Laws of nature have nothing to do with interpretation either. They just are and they will continue to be. But when humans shed the imperfect material nature of self in due time through the process of development, the notion of love as is prevalent currently will go away.
I feel similarly, but not about love and about logic instead.
When I say "logic", what I really mean is "understanding causality": to know how one thing follows from another. To me, that is what logic really is. Not something that exists only in the left side of the brain, and not something that needs to be written in words either.

In time when people understand that better, even spiritual concepts can be simplified. And that's already happening: consider for example the planetary squares. Specific amounts of repetitions in a specific order for a specific amount of days, just like a formula. And if you properly follow the formula, you know you'll get results. Cause and effect.
To understand the cause and effect of everything, is what logic is to me when perfected.

I know I don't think completely like a normal person. I care so much about about the "why" and the process that I become detached sometimes and stop caring about the actual contents of a situation or discussion, at least until it gets so serious and personal that my emotions drag me back down to reality. But it's good that they do, since as long as I don't fully understand my feelings, ignoring them completely is the worst thing I can do if I want to be happy.
But even if I'm weird, it doesn't matter to me anymore. "Normal people" aren't the ones who always got perfect scores on their math tests and know almost right away how to solve almost any complex practical issue. Normal people just complain that things don't go the way they wanted, not taking into consideration that maybe it's their own fault holding on to their misunderstandings about the way reality works, which led to them not doing any of the things required for the outcome they wanted.
I understand where you're coming from but unfortunately its wrong . You're wrong about Logic and mathematics also. Mathethatics is not logic. And yet the application of Mathematics to solve problems is Logic. Logic is most certainly bound by limitations. If that were not so ,we would be currently living in a utopia. Mathematics was used by Astrophysicists to create a host of totally wrong assertions and assumptions (which exist to this day), because they were bound by the limitations of their material selves. And most people still are. Mathematics is used by people in a host of different sciences. And many of these sciences which appeared logical at that time were rejected after they were presented with contradictory evidence. For example it was logical for people to believe at one time that Earth was at the centre of the solar System. A lot of mathematics was used there too. But that logic was revised with new data. 'Logic' is a left brained notion which is born out of intellect ,a facet of Prakriti - Nature. In reality ,there is no such thing as 'Logic' in the Superconciousness reality of the Brahman. Things just are ,which is why its called 'truth'. There is no interpretation or debate about it. They are as they always were. And theres also no such thing as perfect logic because intellect is by its nature borne out of imperfection - through Prakriti.
Technically, all the formulas to model the movements of the stars and planets can be written from the Earth's perspective too. It just happens to make them a lot more complicated than they need to be. Although that's besides the point here.

The formulas created by someone who doesn't know reality will rarely make accurate predictions when it matters. That's why knowledge is also important. Knoweldge can be acquired simply by looking, by listening, through experiments, or through meditation. It really isn't a surprise that when people were suppressed and indoctrinated by the church and their spiritual abilities were inhibited, their mathematics suffered for it as well.
Creating formulas is very different from using them. It is a delicate creative process that involves inspiration as well as intuition. The right side of the brain is for understanding the logic, and the left side is for applying it, at least in my experience when creating new formulas.

While I believe that there is absolute logic which simply is from which everything follows, I do not believe other things "simply" are. For example, the trees in the forest are there because that's where the seeds landed. I'm here because I was born at the right time. It rains because the clouds are getting cold up there, and the Sun shines because it's hot.
However, I do agree that knowledge can be acquired directly through meditation without understanding why. For example, using a specific technique that I don't fully understand the workings of yet, I can gain direct information about the location of an object I'm looking for, or what number will appear if I press the button on a random number generator at a specific time. The objects are there not because they simply are, but because someone put them there. The number was not chosen at random, but determined based on the internal state of the generator. But neither of those are things I know the specifics of; and yet I can still see them correctly if I try. Admittedly, that is to see knowledge directly seemingly without involving logic.
But looking at it more closely, how is that really any different from just using our eyes and ears? The only difference here is that it's not the present I'm looking at.

Observing things helps us to see them as they are. But that doesn't mean they simply are, or that they always have been. I believe that everything happens for reasons, even if we don't fully understand the reasons yet. Even love is borne out of specific combinations of circumstances.
Love is not an objective feeling nor is it permanent, perfect or universal. It cant be measured, or defined. It has no properties of an objective reality. You can't measure the overlaps. The only thing that you can measure are the individual emotions and that's not love. Those are transient feelings which go away in time. The only way to see love is by looking at the individual feelings associated with it. And that's your personal composition of love ,that too for a particular person. Meaning that person composition will change with regards to different people.
Your first sentence I can agree with, although to me love is "permanent until contradicted", but I know what you mean and I'd rather not get into my personal feelings about love.
As for the second sentence though, I think many forms of love can be defined; even if writing a definition that covers all the edge cases properly would be a bit time-consuming and require a lot of extra information. As for measuring it, that can be done too. In fact, people can do it just by looking. If it was something that can't be measured, why can it be so blatantly obvious sometimes when someone is in love? Although saying a person's love is immeasurable does sound rather romantic, but I think that's besides the point here.
It might be more harder for people with more analytical minds because they are prone to analyzing and logically engaging themselves, while they try to meditate. You have to let go of logic and look at truth if you want to advance. Leave your previous self and undergo the little deaths that break apart your sense of self. Only after many such little deaths can you call yourself a Yogi who accepts truth for what it is.

I was bound by the limitations of my mind at one point but now with each new segment of information, I say "I don't know anything. " I don't let my ego get hurt if I'm proven wrong. Its just another building block for advancement. The more I discover things in meditation the more my preconceived notions are destroyed and it doesn't affect me as I'm used to it.
To love logic is not the same as to reject reality. If something doesn't happen according to my logic, then that doesn't mean reality is wrong, but my logic is. Above anything, that's an opportunity for me to learn and improve my logic even further.
Why would I, seeking to perfect my logic, ever want to live in denial of the truth? If I cannot see the truth unbiasedly, how could my logic be unbiased either? Letting go of all those biases and seeing only that which remains is obviously the way to go; but my logic is no bias, it is merely the understanding acquired in the process.

A while ago, a Satanist with a good reputation told me something similar, that I should let go of my logic and preconceptions and just look in his mind without bias so I would understand the "Truth" that he saw. I believed him. You know what happened? He turned out to be an infiltrator with jewish genes, and as I looked at the images he showed me in my mind, I went insane. I lost my will, my ability to think critically, my personality, and even my name. If that's what it means to die and break, then I don't want it.

I am not accusing you of such a thing, and I know it's largely thanks to the Gods and the other good people around me that I was able to recover and become myself again. But even if I were to see the same things as you do regarding love, I simply can't afford to be so trusting anymore and think something is true simply because it initially seems that way. Things can be confusing and deceptive, and if something doesn't make sense, then I probably shouldn't trust it unless there's clear, actual evidence of it in the real world.
For me, logic is not something I can ever live without again, because it's what protects me the most from ever losing myself again. If back then I had simply listened to my logic, I would not have believed any of the things I saw. None of it made sense, and yet I had convinced myself that I was just being close-minded and that it was my logic that was wrong, not the information, simply because he said he had received the information from the Gods.

Nowadays, I change my beliefs if they don't appear to lead to accurate predictions, and take the things people say into consideration. But I will never again change my beliefs just because someone tells me to. In meditation as well, I take the things I see into consideration rather than believing them at face value. I suspend my personal understanding of logic temporarily during the meditation so I can see things properly and without bias, but once I'm done, I make sure to scrutinise and analyse everything I saw, just to make sure no potential misunderstandings slipped through.

If during meditation you got the idea that you should jump from a high place because you can fly, would you do it? No, right? Because it doesn't make sense. While there are other ways to improve accuracy as well, if your logic is sound, then it can be an extremely valuable filter when it comes to discerning truth from falsehood. And it's a filter that I will continue to refine and never let go of ever again, because it's there for a reason. If it ever holds me back for some reason, that just means I have to improve it even further.
Okay now I understand what's really going on here. You think you can 'understand' the Brahman which is why your using the word 'logic ' and even the more ridiculous 'perfect logic' idea. Your coming at all this in a totally wrong understanding of what is happening and what's supposed to happen. And your afraid to trust what I'm saying because you're stupid enough to get scammed by a jew which means your astral senses are weak or your gullible and can't pick up on the enemy or defend yourself from it.

Unfortunately in this case the only way for you to understand anything that's happening in life is to ask a God ,because I can guarantee you that everything you believe to be true is false coming from the negative lower ego. Including the way you look at the objective reality of this world (what you see ,smell and hear.)

I chuckled a little bit when I heard someone say they're going to 'understand ' the Brahman. It feels like a sick joke from the being itself. I just had a basic realization about why this is all hard to understand for a lot of people. But its probably meant to be this way otherwise it wouldn't be called the universal delusion if I could just snap my fingers and get you out. You'll probably understand someday, but I doubt it'll happen soon because you don't have a basic root understanding of this world and your role in it. It took me 4 years of diligent, consistent sadhana along with consulting the Gods in each step of the way. It was a short period of time because I'm descended from a family of spiritual practitioners and also because I've been mediating for countless lifetimes. Its said if you
meditate that once you reincarnate you will be forced (almost against your will) to quickly resume from where you left off in the Sadhana. You don't have to understand the philosophy again, because you innately understand it at a soul level after multiple lifetimes. And so when you skim through it ,you quickly interpret it as it was meant to be interpreted and then get down to brass tacks. I've seen this with multiple SS where they innately understand the reality of this world even without reading any literature and they get to the practical aspects very quickly. But I've also seen multiple SS (you're one) where they get stuck in their heads and don't understand the basics and so they are unable to experience Meditation like it's meant to be experienced. The more you meditate the more you're capable of understanding the basics and the more you understand the basics the more you're capable of correctly experiencing meditation. But the time duration is different for different people. For some, its days, weeks or years depending on where they were in the previous births. But once the initial hurdle of the basics is sorted ,then everything flows naturally.

And I won't explicitly tell you what to look at otherwise your negative ego might reject that ,in an attempt to protect itself. The sadhana is a road of personal discovery and realization. But the universe is the same for everyone so you'll reach the same conclusions as every other sadhak who actually meditates in time. But the little deaths are unavoidable.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
