Fuil said:
A week ago I insulted Jews when I said it to them felt a pain in my stomach and a thought came to me that it was a curse. Since then the pain has grown. sorry if that sounds crazy but how can I know if it's a curse or just my imagination?
If you are allready dedicated, protected, if not --> (https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html)
Do returning curses after Final RTR if the pain get´s less, it was a curse if not it´s your imagination.
If we think visualise we can curse our self.
It´s a psycholigical trick they say you are cursed but, you only curse your self, by thinking you are cursed. Or it´s a combination of both a short curse and the above trick. Allways remember this:
""I am always totally safe and protected in every way." Never doubt this!" https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Protection.html
Final RTR
Returning Curses Part 1
Returning Curses Part 2
A good daily aura of protection (aop) would also be good. --> https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Protection.html